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Page Publishing, Inc.

1 Penn Plaza Suite 6289

New York, NY 10119
John C. Paynes new book Stage Four will take readers on an exciting journey where they will discover
that huans are not very di!!erent !ro their "ets.
#ew book Stage Four !ro Page Publishing author John C. Payne is about a onuental tie in history
when a bi$arre a""roach to terinal cancer treatent is at hand. %he cure is "roising great results& but with
a very deadly catch' the "atients (#) is altered& aking the into onsters who will not hesitate to kill.
John C. Payne& a retired veteran and entre"reneur& has co"leted his new book Stage Four' a
so"histicated blend o! science !iction& "recise character develo"ent& and aster!ul "lot construction.
)bout his creative new title Payne says' %his work is a ixture o! !antasy and science !iction that borders
on the "aranoral. * !eel that it "uts a uni+ue s"in on "et ownershi" in a very intriguing way.
Published by #ew ,ork City-based Page Publishing& John C. Paynes ind-bending tale is a co"lex
!abrication o! genius that su""lies the reader with innovative characters and an adventure that is one o! a
.at .urbell& a San Francisco lawyer owns a "ygy "eregrine !alcon. Slade /lick& a wealthy woani$er
!ro Chicago owns an )!rican rock "ython. Pierre (uvair& a gay an !ro Paris owns a French bulldog.
0ach was diagnosed with a stage *1 elanoa cancer on di!!erent "arts o! their bodies. %he three "ets !ound
a uni+ue a way to kee" their asters alive during an acute e"isode that ha""ened in the terinal "hase o!
their illness. 0ach was cured o! their disease a!ter undergoing an ex"eriental treatent adinistered by
biocheist 2obby 2iel& a elanoa survivor hisel!.
) !ew weeks later& a!ter returning hoe& it all begins. 3hen certain environental conditions occur a!ter
idnight& they trans!or into beasts resebling their "ets. %ogether with their "ets that "rey on the weak&
they go out and kill "eo"le. %hey wake u" in the orning& not aware o! the heinous cries they coitted.
Soon& the "ets get tired o! their asters killing huans and they try to "revent !urther killings.
4eaders who wish to ex"erience this innovative work can "urchase Stage Four at bookstores everywhere&
or online at the )""le i%unes store& )a$on& /oogle Play or 2arnes and #oble.
For additional in!oration& review co"ies or edia in+uiries& contact Page Publishing at 566-789-:;<5.
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Page Publishing is a traditional #ew ,ork based !ull-service "ublishing house that handles all o! the
intricacies involved in "ublishing its authors books& including distribution in the worlds largest retail
outlets and royalty generation. Page Publishing knows that authors need to be !ree to create - not bogged
down with co"licated business issues like e2ook conversion& establishing wholesale accounts& insurance&
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