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Acknowledgement of

Seven Principal laws of Nature

Maxims in law
1. The Law of Mentalism !mmuta"le#$ The first of the seven Universal
Laws tells us that "The All is Mind - The Universe is Mental". That everything
we see and experience in our physical world has its origin in the invisible,
ental real. !t tells us that there is a single Universal "onsciousness - the
%niversal Mind - fro which all things anifest. All energy and atter at all
levels is created by and is subordinate to the #nipresent Universal Mind. $our
ind is part of the Universal Mind - the sae in %ind with the only difference
being one of degree. $our reality is a anifestation of your ind. This is
true Mind Power.
&. The Law of 'orrespondence !mmuta"le#$ The second of the seven
Universal Laws tells us "As above, so below& as below, so above". This eans
that there is "harony, agreeent and correspondence" between the physical,
ental and spiritual reals. There is no separation since everything in the
Universe, including you, originates fro the #ne 'ource. The sae pattern is
expressed on all planes of existence fro the sallest electron to the largest star
and vice versa. All is #ne. The Ancient (ree% Teple of Apollo at )elphi was
referring to this great Law of "orrespondence in the inscription "*now thyself
and thou shalt %now all the ysteries of the gods and the Universe".
(. The Law of )i"ration !mmuta"le#$ The third of the seven Universal
Laws tells us that "+othing rests& everything oves& everything vibrates". The
third and last of the iutable Universal Laws, tells us that "the whole universe
is but a vibration". 'cience has confired that everything in the Universe,
including you, is pure energy vibrating at different fre,uencies.
The axio that "li%e energy attracts li%e energy", upon which the Law of
Attraction is based, has its foundation in this Law. -verything that we
experience with our five physical senses is conveyed through vibrations. The
sae applies to the ental real. $our thoughts are vibrations. All your
eotions are vibrations where "unconditional love" .in the sense of love for
another/ is the highest and ost subtle of the eotional vibrations and "hate" is
the densest and ost base. $ou can learn to control your ental vibrations at
will. This is true thought power.
*. The Law of Polarit+ Muta"le#$ The fourth of the seven Universal Laws
tells us that "-verything is dual, everything has poles& everything has its pair of
opposites& opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree". !t is also
the first of the utable or transcendable Universal Laws. !t eans that there are
two sides to everything. Things that appear as opposites are in fact only two
extrees of the sae thing. 0or instance, heat and cold ay appear to be
opposites at first glance, but in truth they are siply varying degrees of the
sae thing. The sae applies to love and hate, peace and war, positive and
negative, good and evil, yes and no, light and dar%ness, energy and atter. $ou
can transfor your thoughts fro hate to love, fro fear to courage by
consciously raising your vibrations. This is what in the ancient 1eretic
Teachings is called the Art of 2olari3ation.
,. The Law of -h+thm Muta"le#$ The fifth of the seven Universal Laws
tells us that "-verything flows, out and in& everything has its tides& all things rise
and fall& the pendulu-swing anifests in everything& the easure of the swing
to the right is the easure of the swing to the left& rhyth copensates." !t is
the second of the utable or transcendable Universal Laws and eans that the
pendulu swings in everything. This principle can be seen in operation in the
waves of the ocean, in the rise and fall of the greatest epires, in business
cycles, in the swaying of your thoughts fro being positive to negative and in
your personal successes and failures. !n accordance with this Law, when
anything reaches a point of culination then the bac%ward swing begins alost
unnoticeably until such tie that any forward oveent has been totally
reversed, then the forward oveent begins again and the process is repeated.
.. The Law of 'ause and /ffect Muta"le#$ The sixth of the seven
Universal Laws tells us that "-very cause has its effect& every effect has its
cause." !n accordance with this Law, every effect you see in your outside or
physical world has a very specific cause which has its origin in your inner or
ental world. This is the essence of thought power. -very one of your
thoughts, words or actions sets a specific effect in otion which will coe to
ateriali3e over tie. To becoe the aster of your destiny, you ust aster
your ind for everything in your reality is a ental creation. *now that there is
nothing li%e chance or luc%. They are siply ters used by huanity in
ignorance of this Law.
0. The Law of 1ender$ The last of the seven Universal Laws tells us that
"(ender is in everything& everything has its asculine and feinine principles".
This utable Universal Law is evident throughout creation in the so-called
opposite sexes found not only in huan beings but also in plants, inerals,
electrons and agnetic poles to nae but a few. -verything and everyone
contains both asculine and feinine eleents. Aong the outward
expressions of feinine ,ualities are love, patience, intuition and gentleness
and of asculine ,ualities are energy, self-reliance, logic and intellect. *now
that within every woan lie all the latent ,ualities of a an, and within every
an those of a woan. 4hen you %now this you will %now what it eans to be
The Law of Attraction as Part of the /2uation$ $ou will notice that
the Law of Attraction is not specifically entioned as one of the seven
Universal Laws. This is not to diinish its iportance but rather to highlight it
because the Law of Attraction is the basic Law of the Universe which runs
through all the seven Universal Laws discussed here. !t holds everything
together. !t is through the %nowledge of the Law of Attraction that one can rise
above the utable Laws of 2olarity and 5hyth and gain a better
understanding of each of the seven Universal Laws.
'redit to The Science of 3eing and The 4+"alion$ This article draws
largely on two sources of incoparable wisdo on the seven Universal Laws.
0irst, on the 6aron -ugene 0ersen7s 89:; asterpiece, The Science of 3eing,
which is one of ost coprehensive boo%s ever written on the innate power of
huanity, the sub<ect of etaphysics and self-astery& and second, on the 89=>
seinal wor% on the Universal 2rinciples, naely The 4+"alion, which is a
study of The 1eretic 2hilosophy of Ancient -gypt and (reece, itself based on
the ystical teachings of 1eres Trisegistus and written by the so-called
Three !nitiates.
"The Principles of the Truth are Seven; he who knows these, understandingly,
possesses the Magic Key before whose touch all the Doors of the Teple fly
open" ! The Kybalion
Maxis in Law
Maxims In Law
Maxims are as much a part of the laws of human relations
(commerce) as a foundation is a part of a building. They are
fundamental and immutable, having their basis in Gods aws. !o
one of sound mind argues against them. They are the bedroc" of
logic, of reason, of common sense, of truth. They are fundamental
principles upon which all that is right, #ust and true is founded.
They are the standards to measure the correctness of any course or
The word maxim is defined as an expression of an
absolute truth or principle. Maxims are so powerful and
unequivocal that they are the foundation of all human
relationships. They have the power to cut to the heart of a
matter in a heartbeat with reason, loic, and authority. They
cover every topic imainable and every aspect of our lives.
They are not easily misunderstood, misapplied, or
subverted! they are universally accepted for what they are"
self#evident T$%T&'.
Maxims might be considered the redundant bac"up system when
all else fails.
$nyone who is not schooled in the logic of maxims is easily
confused for the want of such understanding. The legal profession
has a vested interest in "eeping the %eople ignorant of these
principles& protecting the need for their 'priest craft.( %riest craft is
'the craft of specialists who wor" to create the illusion their craft is
too complex to be understood by anyone else.(
)t doesnt ta"e a law degree to understand maxims.
The light of truth in maxims cannot be extinguished through the
evil wor"s and craftiness of men. They may be forgotten by many,
intentionally concealed by some, but they still exist, no matter
what, and they wont go away*
(elow are maxims that surround the rihtfulness and lawfulness of
the )ommercial *ffidavit +rocess. This by no means is an exhaustive
$eardin ,ustice . . .
$ll are e+ual under the aw.
$ matter must be expressed to be resolved.
,laims made without accountability are void.
Might does not ma"e right.
-orce, per#ury or subornation of per#ury, voids all.
-raud vitiates the most solemn promise.
.hile the battle continues, he who first leaves the field or refuses to contend loses by
/ou are free to ma"e any decision you wish, but you are never free to escape the
conse+uences of your decisions.
$ laborer is worthy of his hire.
Thou shalt not steal.
!otice to the agent is notice to the principal and notice to the principal is notice to the
0o unto others, as you would have others do unto you.
1egarding Truth . . .
Truth stands supreme.
Truth affects but cannot be affected.
Truth is expressed in the form of an affidavit.
Truth will out.
$n unrebutted affidavit stands as the truth.
$n affidavit must be rebutted point2for2point.
Thou shall not bear false witness.
)gnorance is no respecter, it affects all without regard to position or title.
)t is in the nature of things that he who denies a fact is not bound to give proof.
1egarding 3overeignty . . .
)t is self2evident that all Men are endowed by their ,reator with e+ual and
4nalienable 1ights.
The created cannot be greater than its creator.
$ man can give to another no more than he himself has.
$ man may not with impunity infringe upon another mans rights.
The %eople are 3overeign.
)n $merica the government is the servant of the 3overeign %eople.
1egarding %ower and $uthority . . .
.e cannot give to anyone or anything any power or authority we do not have.

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