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Week Plan Educ 4310 Interdisciplinary Unit American Revolutionary War

Week 1 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Social Studies S: 5.1.6, 5.1.8
IO. TSW describe
early colonial
resistance to British
AO. TTW evaluate
descriptions of early
colonial resistance to
British rule.
LO. TTW teach about
the early colonial
resistance to British
rule and the event
that led for the British
king to tax the
colonies. The
teacher will mention
the French and
Indian War and how it
drained Britain!s
resources. TSW
develop a timeline of
the events that took
place that led up to
the colonies declaring
S: 5.1.8, 5.1.9
IO. TSW identify the
early founders of
colonial settlements
and describe early
colonial resistance to
British rule.
AO. TTW evaluate
identication of the
early founders of
colonial settlements
and describe early
colonial resistance to
British rule.
LO. TTW teach about
the events leading to
the American
Revolution. TTW
teach about events,
such as the Stamp
Act, Boston
Massacre, Boston
Tea Party, and the
Intolerable Acts.
TSW complete an
online Webquest on
the Boston Massacre
and decide what
exactly happened.
S: 5.1.9
IO. TSW analyze the
causes of the
American Revolution
as outlined in the
Declaration of
AO. TTW evaluate
analyzations on the
causes of the
American Revolution
as outlined in the
Declaration of
LO. TTW show
students a music
video about the
Declaration of
Independence. TTW
teach about the
Second Continental
Congress. TSW
complete a Five-
Finger Retell over the
S: 5.1.9, 5.1.10
IO. TSW analyze the
causes of the
American Revolution
as outlined in the
Declaration of
AO. TTW evaluate
analyzations on the
causes of the
American Revolution
as outlined in the
Declaration of
LO. TTW review with
students what they
learned on the day
before and go over
the Five-Finger
Retells. Students will
complete a Concept
Map on the
Declaration of
Independence, and
then will complete a
S: 5.1.12
IO. TSW identify
contributions of
women and
minorities during the
American Revolution.
AO. TTW evaluate
identications of the
contributions of
women and
minorities during the
American Revolution.
LO. TTW teach about
women and
minorities during the
beginning of the
American Revolution.
TSW work in partners
research one
minority hero who
got involved in the
Revolutionary War.
TSW draw their
minority hero from a
Week 1 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Language Arts
S: 5.RF.4, 5.RI.2
IO. TSW determine two
or more main ideas of a
text and explain how
they are supported by
key details; summarize
the text.
AO. TTW evaluate
summarizations of the
text and explanations of
how two or more main
ideas of a text are
supported by key
LO. TTW read Patrick
Henry!s famous speech
Give Me Liberty or
Give Me Death. TTW
teach a mini-lesson
using the speech about
main ideas of a text and
how they are supported
by key details. The
class will discuss the
meaning behind the
speech, locate the
details that support the
main idea, and
summarize the speech
in their own words.
(Literature circles,
journal entries, and
vocabulary will be done
S: 5.RF.4, 5.RI.4
IO. TSW determine
the meaning of
general academic
and domain-specic
words and phrases in
a text relevant to a
grade 5 topic or
subject area.
AO. TTW evaluate
student!s vocabulary
LO. TTW make a
word web with the
class to access prior
knowledge and
administer a
(Literature circles,
journal entries, and
vocabulary will be
done daily.)
S: 5.RF.4, 5.RL.2, 5.W.4
IO. TSW determine a
theme of a poem from
details in the text,
including how the
speaker in a poem
reects upon a topic;
summarize the text.
AO. TTW evaluate
summarizations of the
text and theme of a
poem from details in the
LO. TTW teach a mini-
lesson over theme and
how a narrator!s point of
view inuences how
events are described in
literature. TTW read
the 1776 Hand
Jive (put to music) by
Jim Marshall. TSW will
then read along. TSW
will then write their own
poem over the
Declaration of
Independence or one of
the events leading up to
(Literature circles,
journal entries, and
vocabulary will be done
S: 5.RF.4, 5.W.4
IO. TSW write
narratives to develop
real or imagined
experiences or
events using effective
technique, descriptive
details, and clear
event sequences.
AO. TTW evaluate
student!s narrative
LO. TTW teach a
reviewing the
components and
correct format of a
letter. TTW read a
sample break up
letter from the
patriots to the British
king. TSW write
break up letters as if
they were patriots
writing to the king.
(Literature circles,
journal entries, and
vocabulary will be
done daily.)
S: 5.RF.4, 5.W.7
IO. TSW conduct short
research projects that
use several sources to
build knowledge
through investigation of
different aspects of a
AO. TTW evaluate
student!s short research
LO. TTW will teach a
mini-lesson over
paraphrasing (taking
notes) and
necessary and
information in a citation.
TSW continue
researching their
minority hero. They
will write a summary of
their hero and will
create a bibliography of
the resources they
(Literature circles,
journal entries, and
vocabulary will be done
Week 1 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Related Arts No related arts
activities today
S: M.5.9.1, M.5.9.5
IO. TSW investigate
and perform music
associated with
historical periods,
events, and movements
in the United States
such as songs of the
American Revolution.
AO. TTW evaluate
student!s music
associated with
historical periods,
events, and movements
in the United States
such as songs of the
American Revolution.
LO. TTW play songs:
Ballad of the Green
Mountaineer, Johnny
Has Gone For a
Soldier, and Yankee
Doodle. TTW show
students a video of
patriots singing in the
movie Johnny Tremain.
TTW give a minilesson
on the meaning and
symbolism behind
Revolutionary War
songs. TSW analyze
lyrics of Yankee
Doodle. TSW write
their own Revolutionary
War songs.
S: VA.5.7.4
IO. TSW identify,
control, and use a
balance of two-
dimensional and three-
dimensional media,
techniques, and
process to effectively
communicate ideas,
themes, experiences,
and stories.
AO. TTW will evaluate
student!s artwork, that
balances two-
dimensional and three-
dimensional media,
techniques, and
process to effectively
communicate ideas,
themes, experiences,
and stories.
LO. TTW teach about
the American
Revolution and how it
was a time before
photographs. If a
person wanted a
likeness, they would
either have to get a
painting done or create
a silhouette. TSW trace
and cutout their own
silhouette portraits.
No related arts
activities today
No related arts
activities today
Week 1 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Technology TTW use the
Smartboard and iPad
to project Patrick
Henry!s famous
TSW use computers
to complete the
Boston Massacre
TTW use the
SmartBoard and iPad
to play the American
Revolution songs and
project the music
video clip from
Johnny Tremain.
TTW will use the iPad
and computer to
project the
Declaration of
Independence music
TTW will use the
Smartboard to
display and play the
1776 Hand Jive.
TSW use computers
to research their
Minority Hero. They
will also create a
citation for the
resources used.
Week 2 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Social Studies S: 5.1.7, 5.1.10
IO. TSW identify
major British and
American leaders
and describe their
roles in key events of
the war for
AO. TTW evaluate
identication of major
British and American
leaders and describe
their roles in key
events of the war for
LO. TTW teach about
the major British and
American leaders.
TTW briey list and
describe some of the
major leaders. TSW
research and create
fake Facebook
proles for one of the
major American
leaders of the
S: 5.1.10
IO. TSW identify
major British and
American leaders
and describe their
roles in key events of
the war for
AO. TTW evaluate
identication of major
British and American
leaders and describe
their roles in key
events of the war for
LO. TTW teach about
the major battles of
and the perspectives
of leaders of the
American Revolution.
TTW show students
propaganda. TSW
create a poster telling
people to enlist in the
army under George
S: 5.1.10
IO. TSW identify
major British and
American leaders
and describe their
roles in key events of
the war for
AO. TTW evaluate
identication of major
British and American
leaders and describe
their roles in key
events of the war for
LO. Before this
lesson, TSW have
written out questions
that they would like to
ask a speaker (a
patriot in the war).
The speaker will be
an actor dressed in
colonial clothing and
who will be in
character as a
patriot in the
American Revolution.
S: 5.1.10, 5.1.11
IO. TSW describe
foreign aid to the
colonies during the
American Revolution.
AO. TTW evaluate
student!s descriptions
over foreign aid to the
colonies during the
American Revolution.
LO. TTW will teach
about foreign aid to
the colonies, as well
as other countries
who helped the
British troops. TTW
describe how
assistance from
France looked like.
TTW will also (very
briey) describe who
Hessians were.
TSW create a
postcard from one of
the colonies foreign
assistants. They will
write it as if they are
sending aid to the
S: 5.1.10
IO. TSW identify
major British and
American leaders
and describe their
roles in key events of
the war for
AO. TTW evaluate
identication of major
British and American
leaders and describe
their roles in key
events of the war for
LO. TTW teach about
key events of the war
for independence and
the people involved.
TSW create a
character who lived
during the American
Revolution and
experience realistic
events. They will
write about events
and add their own
viewpoint based on
their characterization.
Week 2 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Language Arts
S: 5.RF.4, 5.RL.3
IO. TSW compare and
contrast two or more
characters in a story,
drawing on specic
details in the text.
AO. TTW evaluate
student!s comparisons
of two or more
characters in a story.
LO. TTW teach a mini-
lesson over drawing
specic detail in a text
to compare/contrast two
or more characters.
TSW take characters
from either George
Washington!s Socks or
My America: The Winter
of Red Snow... to
compare and contrast
two or more characters.
For example, students
may compare Benedict
Arnold to the group of
kids in George
Washington!s Socks.
TSW describe how the
characters are both
similar and different.
(Literature circles,
journal entries, and
vocabulary will be done
S: 5.RF.4, 5.W.4
IO. TSW produce clear
and coherent writing in
which the development
and organization are
appropriate to task,
purpose, and audience.
AO. TTW evaluate
student!s writing, in
which the development
and organization are
appropriate to task,
purpose, and audience.
LO. TTW will review
appropriate sentence
structure and ways to
make writing ow better.
TSW read through a
collection of letters from
leaders from both sides
of the war. They will
then write a RAFT from
the perspective of
leaders of the war.
(Literature circles,
journal entries, and
vocabulary will be done
S: 5.RF.4, 5.RL.3,
IO. TSW compare
and contrast two or
more characters in a
story, drawing on
specic details in the
AO. TTW evaluate
comparisons of two
or more characters in
a story.
LO. TTW will review
with students what
the speaker said and
what their
perspective was on
the war. TSW
compare/contrast the
speaker with
characters in the
books that they are
reading. They will
complete a Venn
(Literature circles,
journal entries, and
vocabulary will be
done daily.)
S: 5.RF.4, 5.RL.3, 5.W.2
IO. TSW write
texts to examine a topic
and convey ideas and
information clearly.
AO. TTW evaluate
student!s informative/
explanatory writings.
LO. TTW teach a
lesson over informative/
explanatory texts. TSW
write an informative/
explanatory text over
the battles of the
Revolutionary War.
Students can use the
internet, but will need to
cite their sources.
Students will choose
between the following
formats: order and
sequence, compare and
contrast, cause and
effect, or problem and
(Literature circles,
journal entries, and
vocabulary will be done
S: 5.RF.4, 5.RL.3,
IO. TSW write
explanatory texts to
examine a topic and
convey ideas and
information clearly.
AO. TTW evaluate
student!s informative/
explanatory writings.
LO. TTW teach about
explanatory texts.
TSW write a
newspaper column,
telling of the outcome
of a battle.
(Literature circles,
journal entries, and
vocabulary will be
done daily.)
Week 2 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Related Arts No related arts
activities today
No related arts
activities today
No related arts
activities today
S: TH.5.1.3, TH.5.6.2
IO. TSW investigate
and create characters
and plots from a
variety of resources.
AO. TTW evaluate
students! plays.
LO. TTW teach
continue the social
studies lesson with a
mini-lesson in theatre
arts. In groups, TSW
create characters and
plots based on the
American Revolution.
They will write a play
to perform.
S: TH.5.1.3, TH.5.6.2
IO. TSW investigate
and create characters
and plots from a
variety of resources.
AO. TTW evaluate
students! plays.
LO. TTW teach
students techniques
in performing a play.
TTW teach about the
value of theatre as a
means of integrating
history and culture.
TSW continue
writing/practicing their
plays. They will
perform their plays.
Technology TSW use computers
to research major
leaders for their
Facebook proles.
TTW use the
Smartboard and iPad
to project American
propaganda posters.
TSW use computers
to research battles of
the Revolutionary for
their informational
Week 3 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Social Studies S: 5.1.12, 5.1.18
IO. TSW identify
contributions of
women and
minorities during the
American Revolution.
AO. TTW evaluate
identication of
contributions of
women and
minorities during the
American Revolution.
LO. TTW teach about
women and
minorities during the
end of the Revolution
and how the victory
of the war effected
them. TSW write a
journal entry as a
woman/minority after
the war.
S: 5.1.13, 5.1.18
IO. TSW explain
consequences of the
American Revolution
including the Articles
of Confederation,
changes in trade
relationships, and the
achievement of
independence by the
United States.
AO. TTW evaluate
explanations of
consequences of the
American Revolution.
LO. TTW will show a
Youtube video on the
American Revolution.
TTW teach about the
end of the
Revolutionary War
and the formation of
the Articles of
Confederation. TSW
write speeches over
the consequences of
the war. They will
craft arguments in
favor of either a weak
national government
or a strong one.
S: 5.1.10, 5.1.13,
IO. TSW explain
consequences of the
American Revolution
including the Articles
of Confederation,
changes in trade
relationships, and the
achievement of
independence by the
United States.
AO. TTW evaluate
explanations of
consequences of the
American Revolution.
LO. TTW teach
about the
consequences of the
Articles of
Confederation and
having a weak central
government. TSW
complete a graphic
organizer with the
teacher similar to the
Five-Finger Retell.
S: 5.1.10, 5.1.18
IO. TSW identify
major American
leaders and describe
their roles in key
events of the war for
AO. TTW evaluate
identications of
American leaders
and describe their
roles in key events of
the war for
LO. TTW teach about
the end of the
Revolutionary War
and how the major
leaders formed the
Second Continental
Congress and how
they strove to create
the government we
know today. TSW
will write a short
personal response as
if they were the
Constitution. They
should include both
emotional and
physical feelings.
S: 5.1.18
IO. TSW give examples
of how conicts among
and between groups of
people at different
stages in the formation
of the Unites States
were resolved and
analyze the accuracy of
the stories! historical
details and sequence of
AO. TTW will evaluate
student!s examples of
how conicts among
and between groups of
people at different
stages in the formation
of the Unites States
were resolved and
analyze the accuracy of
the stories! historical
details and sequence of
LO. TTW review the
Revolutionary War with
students and how we
have the government
we know today. TSW
write a short reection
on how the colonies
started their journey to
independence and to
where they were now.
Week 3 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Language Arts
S: 5.RF.4, 5.W.4
IO. TSW produce clear
and coherent writing in
which the development
and organization are
appropriate to task,
purpose, and audience.
AO. TTW evaluate
student!s writing, in
which the development
and organization are
appropriate to task,
purpose, and audience.
LO. TSW write
reection journals over
the books that have
been reading. TTW will
separate students into
two groups, based on
their books, and will
have students share
their reections. TSW
conference about the
(Literature circles,
journal entries, and
vocabulary will be done
S: 5.RF.4, 5.RI.9
IO. TSW integrate
information from several
texts on the same topic
in order to write or
speak about the subject
AO. TTW evaluate
student!s integrations of
information from several
texts on the same topic.
LO. TTW briey review
with students about
integrating texts. TSW
use the books that they
have been reading to
write about how life was
like during the
Revolutionary War.
Students will use
quotes and information
from their texts and
from the historical
documents we have
looked at in class over
the course of the unit to
be able to write about
the subject knowingly.
(Literature circles,
journal entries, and
vocabulary will be done
S: 5.RF.4, 5.RI.2, 5.W.7
IO. TSW determine two
or more main ideas of a
text and explain how
they are supported by
key details; summarize
the text.
AO. TTW evaluate
summarizations of the
text and explanations of
how two or more main
ideas of a text are
supported by key
LO. TTW will review
about the citation and
techniques to make the
student!s writing ow
and sound clear/
coherent. TTW instruct
students to research a
particular battle of the
Revolution. TSW will
begin to research their
battle and take notes to
create a Powerpoint
presentation and give a
short speech. Students
will link their research to
the books that they read
over the unit.
(Literature circles,
journal entries, and
vocabulary will be done
S: 5.RF.4, 5.W.7, 5.SL.5
O. TSW conduct short
research projects that
use several sources to
build knowledge
through investigation of
different aspects of a
AO. TTW evaluate
student!s short research
LO. TTW teach briey
about how to make a
presentation as a visual
aid to a speech. TTW
stress on bullet points
and not putting too
much information on a
slide. TSW work on
their research projects
over the battles of the
Revolution. They will
look to describe who
the major leaders of the
battle were, the
outcome, and the effect
it had on the war.
Students will use
visuals to create a
(Literature circles,
journal entries, and
vocabulary will be done
S: 5.SL.5
IO. TSW include
components and/or
visual displays in
presentations when
appropriate to
development of main
ideas or themes.
AO. TTW evaluate
presentations and
whether or not they
included multimedia
components and/or
visual displays.
LO. TSW present
their Powerpoint
slides along with their
speech about a battle
of the Revolutionary
(Literature circles,
journal entries, and
vocabulary will be
done daily.)
Week 3 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Related Arts No related arts
activities today
No related arts
activities today
IO. TSW identify
themes and symbols
used in works of art
and artifacts
throughout history
that portray shared
human experiences.
AO. TTW evaluate
identications and
war paintings.
LO. TTW teach about
how works of art
throughout history
portrays shared
human experiences.
TSW look through
different works of art
of the American
Revolution. TTW
note how most of the
paintings seen are
depictions of battles
won. Students will
create portraits of
major events (battles,
signing, etc.) of the
No related arts
activities today
No related arts
activities today
Week 3 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Technology TTW use the
Smartboard and iPad
to project the Youtube
video over the
American Revolution.
TSW use the
computers to
research their battles
and create a
Powerpoint slide.
TSW use the
computers to
research their battles
and create a
Powerpoint slide.
TSW use the
Smartboard to
present their visual
aid slides to assist
their oral

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