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Full Summary:

Serena Manen never wanted Prince Charming, but Darien Shields, a self-proclaimed Prince
Charming, didnt care! "e wanted her, and with the help of their friends, convinced her to marry
him! #t fell apart as she e$pected! %he marriage was a failure - he was unfaithful and she was
Deciding to rid herself of the baggage that was her husband, she redid everything! She restarted
her life beginning from the time before she had even met Darien! #t was easy really! & new 'ob, a
new man, a new life, she was optimistic everything would turn out right! &fter all, she couldnt
remember the pain of heartbrea(! &nd Darien) *ho was he anyway)
Story +otes:
# wanted to write a clich, which wouldnt turn out so clich,d! %his was inspired by all the
-Cheating Darien- stories out there, and the forever recurring -amnesia- plot device! .oth,
though slightly nauseating with their redundancy, are old favourites of mine! # also wanted to
ma(e a story that could be fle$ible enough to give Serena different personalities, because its
really fun writing different (inds of dialogue! "opefully, while scratching my itch, # get to satisfy
yours too!
%he title is from Tonight I Can Write the Saddest Lines by Pablo +eruda, a +obel Pri/e winning
poet! # have two stories which, # thin(, inspired me to write more than all the others! %hey
are Bury Your Dead by *inter-*hite-&ngel and Forget to Remember by SilverSerenity0 both
can be found here under the Sailor Moon archives!
# thin( #ve said all # can about this story, so this would be it!
Disclaimer: Creative rights to the magical world of Sailormoon belong to +ao(o %a(euchi! +o
infringement is intended with the use of her characters! +o money has been made with the
writing of this story!
Part #: %o 1now - Chapter 2: %he Meeting
Mina was going to (ill her! Serena was so late! +o matter how legitimate her e$cuse was Mina
would no doubt throw a diva fit, but really, the situation couldnt be helped! %he dry cleaning
people almost ruined the embroidery around the nec(line of the dress she was giving Mina! She
had to chec( every little detail and repair the damage, however miniscule it was! %his was going
to be the first time Mina would be appearing in a big event wearing a Serena Manen creation!
3verything had to be perfect!
-Sometimes, the glory isnt really worth the stress of being a celebrity stylist,- Serena sighed,
-%hen again, when a famous actress is going to be wearing your dress to a 4anity Fair party isnt
one of those times!-
Serena was an aspiring designer studying at the 5C6& School of Fashion! She was 'ust a
sophomore and not yet in her twenties, but she was talented enough to catch the eye of Mina
6ovelane, "ollywoods newest sweetheart! #t was funny how her employment happened! Mina
was sic( of her red carpet gowns getting a -%7&S"8- review every single time that she began to
seriously scour the city for the most promising new stylists! .ut, not being 'ust anyone, Mina
insisted on getting a total un(nown who would dress her and only her! %hat was how she ended
up in one of 5C6&s student fashion shows! She saw Serenas wor( and was impressed0 however,
what set Serena apart was her own way of dressing herself! *hile the other student designers
dressed to be noticed, Serena opted to blend in the bac(ground! She still of course loo(ed chic,
but at the same time she wasnt someone who would have stood out in a room full of fabulously
clothed models! #t was how Mina (new she was the right one! &fter all, only an idiot would want
a stylist who loo(ed 'ust as good as her egotistic spotlight-hoarding clients!
Serena (new she was luc(y to have Mina as her first boss! She was sweet if not slightly dit/y and
superficial0 with her being a movie star, she certainly couldnt be blamed for that though! She
was used to getting what she wanted no matter how ridiculous it was! &t first Serena thought it
was a glaring self-entitlement which made Mina act that way, then eventually she reali/ed that
Mina did deserve the treatment she received! She was almost always tired from filming and the
appearances she had to (eep up were draining! %here was the constant trail of papara//i behind
her too! 9etting what she wanted was 'ust a small favour she as(ed from her life! 8et, no matter
how busy she was, Mina was the (ind of person who made it a mission to meddle in other
peoples lives! She was happy and she wanted the world to be happy with her! #t was endearing if
not honestly irritating as well! She would be the first person with a bowl of chic(en soup at your
doorstep once you had become ill, and she would also be the first person to help you with your
relationship problems regardless of how messy they were! #t was the reason she was fast
becoming one of Serenas best friends! #t was only too easy to li(e her!
She was impatient and whiny too though! +o doubt that would be the Mina whom Serena would
be encountering this afternoon! &s she entered Minas trailer, Serena found herself wondering
how best to dissuade Mina from firing her! Mina threatened to fire her at least once a day! *ell,
every day e$cept Sunday, which was after all a rest day!
#n her distraction, she failed to notice the -Do +ot Disturb- sign posted on the trailer door!
%o Serenas surprise, there was no angry Mina waiting for her at the sitting area! #t was even
stranger that the whole place was :uiet! -Maybe she fell asleep and didnt notice the time,-
Serena hoped in her head! She strode towards the bedroom, and briefly weighed whether it was
better to wa(e Mina up or 'ust leave the dress with a note in the sitting room! Ma(ing up her
mind, Serena opened the door!
-;h! My! 9od!-
%he sight, and sounds, that confronted her were the stuff of porn films, albeit well-made and
incredibly realistic porn films! She was completely stunned to catatonia that she didnt even
register the two occupants of the room stilling their activities to stare at her!
-5m, Serena dear)- Minas voice was barely a whisper in Serenas head!
%here was no reaction!
Still none!
Serena blin(ed to see the glistening na(ed bodies of Mina and a handsome man on top of her!
-;h! My! 9od!-
-For gods sa(e, can you 'ust leave<- e$claimed the clearly irate stranger!
Serena, for the first time, ac(nowledged his state! She reddened at his too obvious arousal! #t
was big, and from where she was standing, clearly painful with soreness! She turned her bac( on
the couple, and mumbled a hasty -sorry- while shutting the door! She immediately ran away
from the trailer and the scene she had 'ust intruded upon! She was unaware of where she was
heading, but she was certain of where she wasnt going bac(!
Suddenly, a hand grabbed her arm and swung her around!
-"ey< .e careful, you almost ran over some props,- said a male voice!
She didnt say anything, but her movements were wild and her eyes were wide with distress! -#s
someone chasing you) *hat happened)-
-# was so stupid<- Serena wailed, -#t was the most embarrassing thing ever! &nd # actually stared
at it< ;h god<-
-8oure not ma(ing any sense, you (now,- the concerned man replied!
Serena pointed towards Minas trailer for her answer and he patted her arm in understanding!
-Minas going to be so mad< #f only # wasnt late!!! #f only # paid attention!!! #f only # wasnt so
stupid!!! #m never ever going to live that moment down!-
-#ts not that bad! 1nowing my sister, #m sure shell 'ust laugh it off,- he gave a reassuring
chuc(le to emphasi/e his point!
-.ut the guy was so=-
-Dont worry about Darien! "es an e$hibitionist0 he li(es people staring at him!- "e paused for
an instant seemingly in thought, -+o, actually theyre both e$hibitionists!- %his time he did
laugh outright! Serena wanted to shrug it off li(e he did, but she was so scared of the mans gruff
tone when he shouted at her to leave!
-#m &ndrew, by the way, if you were wondering!-
Serena loo(ed up for the first time during their whole e$change! She met friendly blue eyes and
a happy smile that made her feel a bit better! %hen she recogni/ed his face!
-8oure &ndrew Foreman<- Serena e$claimed, sha(ing him, -# used to love #n Sync 1ids on the
.ac(street, and you were my absolute favourite< # swear # almost didnt get to go to college,
because # spent all my savings paying for concert tic(ets!-
&ndrew laughed at Serenas whirlwind change in mood, -%han(s, # havent met a fan in :uite a
-5gh!!! #m such an idiot! 8ou must get that a lot! 8ou probably thin( #m such a loser! #m so
sorry! Mina told me famous people hated it when fans did that, but # couldnt help it! # mean,
youre %"3 &ndrew Foreman<-
-8up, last time # chec(ed, that was my name,- he stated with a grin! -.ut usually people (now
me from my recent solo wor( and not my embarrassing boy band days, so that part is a fresh
-"ey< # was a big fan, so # dont appreciate you moc(ing #S1ot.,- Serena defended while po(ing
him in the chest, -%he only embarrassing part about that boy band was your name! %hat was
horrible! .ut you were a great musical group< &nd anyone who says otherwise, former member
or no, answers to me<-
-&lright alright, the boy band was a great leap forward towards musical progress! # give up,- he
said while raising his hands in surrender!
-9ood,- Serena nodded her head in approval, with &ndrew hiding his laughing smile from her!
-So, what were you doing in Minas trailer)-
-;h, #m so sorry, how rude of me! #m Serena Manen, Minas stylist,- she said while offering
him her hand! #nstead of sha(ing it though, he une$pectedly (issed it! -Pleased to meet you Miss
Manen,- &ndrew said in a moc( formal voice!
-Please, do call me Serena,- she replied in her best Scarlett ;"ara accent! She let out a giggle
which became a full out laugh, while &ndrew followed right beside her!
*hen they both calmed down, Serena smiled at the picture they made, -*e loo( li(e idiots!-
-&h, the price you pay to be this good-loo(ing,- &ndrew stated tragically, but giving her his most
#m-a-hotshot-movie-actor pose!
-"mm,- Serena frowned and loo(ed at his face intently!
-*hats wrong)- #nstead of replying, she placed her hands on his shoulders to push him down to
her level! %hen she grabbed his face and moved it from side to side! -*ow, you sure do loo( a lot
li(e Mina,- Serena said critically!
&ndrew laughed aloud with Serena loo(ing at him strangely! -*hat) %hats it) # thought there
was something on my face< # told you, #m her brother!-
-8ou did) # dont remember reading anything about you having a sister in the #S1ot.
newsletters! &nd why dont you have the same last name)-
-8eah, # mentioned it while you were waiting for the floor to swallow you up,- Serena blushed at
the forgotten memory! -&s for the newsletter, my parents didnt want people hounding Mina
when we were young so they told everyone # was an only child! &nd Mina has a different last
name, because she didnt want her career to be associated with mine! 6ovelanes supposed to
remind people of her romantic comedies, a smart mar(eting move! >uite uncharacteristic of her,
-"ey< Dont badmouth my boss<-
-*hat) #m her older brother! #m entitled to ma(e fun of her!- &ndrew raised his eyebrow at
-# 'ust thin( youre bitter over your boy bands really stupid name,- Serena teased!
-# thought wed left that part of my life to the past,- he whined, -where it rightly belongs might #
-&ndrew, if were going to be hanging out more often, then you have no choice but to re(indle
the love you had for #S1ot.,- Serena placed her right palm on her left breast and ga/ed toward
the hori/on, -For as long as # have a single breath of life in my body, # solemnly swear to uphold
the values, principles, and memory of #n Sync 1ids on the .ac(street<- Serena finished with a
grand salute!
-7eally)- &ndrew teased, -&s far as #m concerned youve disgraced the memory,
principles, and the values of #S1ot.!-
Serena crossed her arms defensively, -*hat are you tal(ing about, Foreman)- she nearly
-*ell, you (now #S1ot. was a very wholesome band! #m not sure we li(e voyeurs very much,-
he smir(ed!
-*hoa Serena< &rent we a tad defensive for someone who supposedly isnt a voyeur)- said a
voice from behind her! She whipped around and saw the ob'ects of her humiliation! +ow
&ndrew, Mina, and the stranger were all laughing at her!
Serenas chee(s immediately coloured to a deep maroon and her hands rushed to cover her face!
"er legs were sha(ing and after a few seconds gave into her weight, ma(ing her a huddled figure
covered by blonde hair on the floor!
-;h god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god!!!-
-*hen do you thin( we should stop her)- Mina as(ed!
%he stranger touched Serenas shoulder, and Serena 'ust shoo( her head violently in response!
-8ou (now its not a big deal, right)- he said! Serena worsened! "er whole body was turning a
glaring shade of red to match her face, while her chanting 'ust became louder to drown out his
-8ou guys arent helping,- &ndrew said trying to (eep a straight face, -Darien, you go ahead!
Shes mostly embarrassed about seeing you!-
-5h sure, #ll see you Mina, Drew, you too, Serena,- her whole body fro/e at his last words, -or
maybe not,- Darien retracted and :uic(ly left the hysterical girl!
-Mina,- &ndrew said in a low voice, -# want you to throw a random tantrum over Serena!-
&ndrew held up a finger to :uiet Minas protest, -# (now it sounds harsh, but its the only way #
could thin( of right now that would ma(e her actually snap out of shoc(!-
Mina wasnt happy at all 'udging from the grim line her mouth had become, nonetheless she
conceded, -Fine, but you have to do damage control for my fragile reputation afterwards!-
-+o problem,- &ndrew smiled easily! "e gave Mina a minute to prepare her act!
Mina was breathing heavily trying to loo( li(e she was suffering from suppressed anger! .eads
of sweat were forming at her brow and her heavy panting could be heard throughout the
cavernous studio! #t was a form of acting she had perfected and which was relatively easy! She
'ust had to do the physical part of an emotional reaction, and .&M, her brain would suddenly
oo/e hormones and bring her to the right mental state!
-%imes up!-
Serenas body shot ramrod straight and she loo(ed frightened out of her wits, -8e- ye- ye- yes,
-*here the hell is my dress) # only have five fuc(ing hours to prepare< *hat the fuc( are you
standing there for< *here is it) &nd dont thin( # didnt notice how late you were< # was
supposed to get that dress THREE FUCKING HOURS AGO<-
-Mina, #m so sorry< Please, please, please dont fire me< %he dry cleaners almost ruined it, so=-
-*hat am # going to wear then, Serena) # gave you this shot at responsibility and you so totally
blew it< # cant believe # trusted a 2?-year old to dress me<-
Serena was terrified with worry, -# fi- fi- fi$ed everything! Mina, please, #m so sorry!-
Mina loo(ed unforgiving though, -#m so disappointed in you! # really e$pected more!-
Serena was stung! She was torn between begging for mercy and showing her righteous
indignation! Sure the 'ob was that rare opportunity that she shouldnt waste, but Mina was
acting li(e she had been neglecting her wor(! Serena had made this 'ob her biggest priority, and
the fact that Mina didnt even seem to ac(nowledge that hurt her! & huge part of her did it for
selfish reasons, but a big part also 'ust really wanted Mina to loo( her best! She could have
presented Mina a less than perfect dress which people would have said was pretty enough, but
she didnt! She cared for Mina, and she wouldnt have allowed her to wear anything short of
ama/ing! She had integrity, and if Mina couldnt appreciate that, it was her loss!
She tried to strengthen her resolve and forced herself to stop sha(ing, -Mina, the dress is
perfect! #t would loo( wonderful on you! # (now # let you down, but # would be letting you down
even more if # let you wal( away with a frayed nec(line, or a last-minute dress from another
designer who couldnt care less about how you loo(ed! #m your stylist and your friend, as both, #
care about your loo(, your reputation, and your future,- at this Mina raised her eyebrow in
apparent scepticism, -%his dress tells everyone everything that you are! # (now #m late, but its
not something #m going to apologi/e for any more than # have to, because in my opinion, # had
the right reasons!- Serena e$haled a breath of nervousness! She really didnt feel as strong as she
had sounded!
Mina gave Serena a toothy grin, -&lright dear, no hard feelings then) 6ets go to my trailer and
ma(e me loo( gorgeous<-
Serena was stupefied, -Mina, you have the weirdest mood swings! # swear sometimes # really
honestly thin( youre going insane!- Mina 'ust laughed it off and s(ipped ahead, but not before
win(ing at &ndrew! Crisis averted!
-8oure one to tal(, Serena,- &ndrew inter'ected, -8ou can go from embarrassed to giddy to
defensive to self-righteous all in the span of three minutes<-
-#s it too much if # blame everything on PMS)- Serena 'o(ed!
-#f it were anything else, #d personally drive you to a mental institute!- Serena giggled and
&ndrew 'oined her laughter! %hey both wal(ed to Minas trailer forgetting it was the scene of the
*ith the help of ten people and Serena, Mina did not only loo( gorgeous but was also declared
the nights best dressed! 3veryone wanted to (now who she was wearing and where they could
get a dress li(e hers! %he event was the start to a great month for Serena! She received the
recognition that she had wanted! She wasnt allowed to be another celebritys stylist, but she
didnt care for that part of her 'ob much anyway0 one Mina was enough! She was happy with 'ust
her name being out there! +ow, she could apply for an internship to famous designers and
actually get noticed! She wasnt going to simply learn about the bac(stage happenings of fashion
shows! She was going to live it!
*ith all the new people she was meeting, @une became a happy but busy month for her, so she
was eager for the end of it to arrive! "er best friends, &my and 7ei, were going bac( for summer
vacation! #t was going to be a time for fun and rela$ation! Plus, she had a birthday to celebrate!

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