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ctor, Defense Services, Higher study options in abroad via GRE and GMAT and PG Career

pportunities through GATE!

After the successfu" passing of GATE you can choose Ca#pus p"ace#ents, PS$
p"ace#ents, Senior Pro%ect Associate , Teaching assign#ents , Senior and &unior Research
'e""o(, Research Associates, Scientists, Research and Deve"op#ent )ing etc!
*est courses and career options for
the Commerce strea# students
+ou can %oin for CA, it is a , year course after passing the CPT -Co##on Proficiency
Test.! During the study period itse"f you can try for various govern#ent %obs or you can (or/ and
earn if you are choosing a correspondent option!
Chartered accountancy -CA. fro# 0nstitute of Chartered Accountants
Costs and )or/s accountant fro# 0nstitute of Cost and )or/s Accountancy -0C)A.
**A -*ache"or of *usiness Ad#inistration.
Master of Business Administration(MBA)
Manage#ent or M*A offers you good opportunities in finance, sa"es1#ar/eting, personne"
#anage#ent and internationa" business! &ust pass the CAT23AT2MAT2'MS200'T2S4AP e5a#s
and drea# big!
Chartered financia" ana"yst-C'A.
Company secretary (CS)
The course is e5tre#e"y good and it (i"" be easy for the co##erce students! ffered by the
reputed various 0CS0 institutes across 0ndia!
*!Co# -*ache"or of Co##erce.
five years integrated M*A course
ban/ing courses
Certified 'inancia" P"anner -C'P.
bache"or of business #anage#ent -**M.
'ashion Techno"ogy fro# the 4ationa" 0nstitute of 'ashion Techno"ogy
Hote" Manage#ent
House/eeping courses
*est courses and career options for the Arts strea#
Mar/et ana"yst
Socia" )or/er
Hu#an Resources
Persona" E5ecutive
6ega" &ourna"ist7
6ega" Adviser
Govern#ent 6a(yer7
Docu#ent Drafting 6a(yer
Civi" 6itigation 6a(yer
6ega" Ana"yst
Media Personne"
Schoo" Teacher
Co""ege Professor2university Professor
0nterested in Mathe#atics8
A degree in #athe#atics is a"(ays a strong point of you! +ou have a "ots of %ob and career
opportunities across the (or"d! The nest ones are a"(ays invited in seg#ents "i/e research,
accounting, statistics, ana"ysis of various accounts etc! 0f you are interested in teaching be a good
#aths teacher or go for further PG! Se"ect the best one fro# be"o(!
Scientific research, design and deve"op#ent
Manage#ent services and co#puting
'inancia" (or/
Ta5 0nspectorate!
Actuaria" (or/
chartered accountants
opportunities in ban/ing
Statistica" (or/
Postgraduate study
0nterested in "a(8
0f you are interested to bui"d up a strong career in the fie"d of "a( you have an option of , years
course after the co#p"etion of 9:th on(ard! The 66* course is contro""ed and regu"ated by the
*ar Counci" of 0ndia! *efore getting ad#ission thin/ you have the capabi"ities to go up and ensure
financia" aid for study via scho"arships and funds! +ou can choose any of the be"o( ro"e of a
"a(yer based on your interest during study!
Cri#ina" 6a(yer
6ega" &ourna"ist7
6ega" Adviser
Govern#ent 6a(yer7
Docu#ent Drafting 6a(yer
Civi" 6itigation 6a(yer
6ega" Ana"yst
0nterested in #anage#ent fie"d8
There is a (ide opportunity for those study #anage#ent courses! The %obs and p"ace#ent
options inc"udes Party p"anning, Supp"y chain #anaging %obs, ;ua"ity assurance %obs, "ogistics
seg#ent (or/s, Disaster #anage#ent progra#s, *rand #anage#ent (or/s, Money and
operations #anage#ent offers, Sa"e, Mar/eting and #ar/et research, Purchasing and
construction %obs, 0ndustria" and rea" estate (or/s, Consu"tancy and internationa" business, HR
and rura" #anage#ent %obs and Event2#ateria"2retai" #anage#ent (or/s!
0nterested in *an/ing and finance
&oin for a suitab"e course and get high"y paying sa"ary in one of the %ob positions!
Ta5ation and invest#ent ban/ing %obs
'orensic accounting and financia" ana"ysis
Mutua" funds and insurance sector %obs
CA2cost and (or/ accountancy %obs
Co#pany secretary and capita" #ar/et (or/s
Career opportunities after vocationa" higher
secondary education
There are t(o category of students inc"uded in the higher secondary education in <era"a! They
are students fro# depart#ent of vocationa" higher secondary education and regu"ar higher
secondary education! Most of the# have doubt regarding the career options and best courses for
the students fro# =ocationa" higher secondary education! =ocationa" higher secondary education
designed to prepare s/i""ed (or/ force in the #idd"e "eve" in occupation after 9>?: education!
The certificates obtained after course co#p"eting in vocationa" higher secondary education are
e@uiva"ent to Pre1Degree of the $niversities of <era"a, Ca"icut, <annur and Mahat#a Gandhi! The
<era"a Agricu"tura" $niversity and #any other $niversities outside <era"a a"so recogniAed these
courses as e@uiva"ent to ?: certificates! These students are a"so e"igib"e for ad#ission to
#edica", Engineering and agricu"tura" courses as per the prospects pub"ished by the Co##ission
for the Entrance E5a#inations!
6ist of i#portant e5a#s and options for a"" strea#
$PSC -$nion Pub"ic Service Co##ission. e5a#s
Staff Se"ection *oard
Rai"(ay boards
the *an/ing Se"ection *oards
4ationa" Defense Acade#y
0nsurance e5a#s

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