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PHYSICAL REVIEW B 82, 094306 共2010兲

Acoustic transmission line metamaterial with negative/zero/positive refractive index

Frédéric Bongard,* Hervé Lissek,† and Juan R. Mosig

Laboratory of Electromagnetics and Acoustics (LEMA), Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL),
CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
共Received 30 November 2009; revised manuscript received 20 August 2010; published 16 September 2010兲
A one-dimensional acoustic negative refractive index metamaterial based on the transmission line approach
is presented. This structure implements the dual transmission line concept extensively investigated in micro-
wave engineering. It consists of an acoustic waveguide periodically loaded with membranes realizing the
function of series “capacitances” and transversally connected open channels realizing shunt “inductances.”
Transmission line based metamaterials can exhibit a negative refractive index without relying on resonance
phenomena, which results in a bandwidth of operation much broader than that observed in resonant devices. In
the present case, the negative refractive index band extends over almost one octave, from 0.6 to 1 kHz. The
developed structure also exhibits a seamless transition between the negative and positive refractive index bands
with a zero index at the transition frequency of 1 kHz. At this frequency, the unit cell is only one tenth of the
wavelength. Simple acoustic circuit models are introduced, which allow efficient designs both in terms of
dispersion and impedance, while accurately describing all the physical phenomena. Using this approach, a
good matching at the structure terminations is achieved. Full-wave simulations, made for a 10-cell-long
structure, confirm the good performances in terms of dispersion diagram, Bloch impedance, and reflection and
transmission coefficients.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.82.094306 PACS number共s兲: 43.20.⫹g, 43.35.⫹d

I. INTRODUCTION should exhibit monopolar and/or dipolar resonances in order

to give rise to a negative bulk modulus and/or a negative
Metamaterials are broadly defined as artificial composite mass density, respectively, in a small band above the reso-
materials specifically engineered to produce desired unusual nance frequency.12,13
properties not readily available in nature. This research area Various structures have been proposed to achieve negative
has been first extensively developed for electromagnetic parameters for acoustic and elastic metamaterials. For in-
waves, resulting, for instance, in structures with simulta- stance, an elastic metamaterial with negative effective-mass
neous negative permittivity and permeability, thereby en- density was achieved with an array of hard spheres coated
abling new intriguing phenomena such as negative with a soft cladding embedded in a stiff host medium.13–15
Similar effects have been observed for coated cylinders in a
refraction.1,2 Recently, the analogs of such structures for
fluid medium 共acoustic metamaterial兲.16 A negative bulk
acoustic and elastic waves have received considerable inter-
modulus was achieved for an elastic metamaterial with an
est. The resulting acoustic 共respectively, elastic兲 metamateri- array of bubble-contained-water spheres,13 and for acoustic
als are composite structures obtained by loading a host fluid metamaterials with an array of subwavelength Helmholtz
medium 共respectively, elastic solid兲 with subwavelength resonators,17–19 as well as with Helmholtz-type resonators
elastic and/or fluid inclusions, for which effective parameters with slits20 or side holes in a host waveguide.21 Similar struc-
such as the mass density and the bulk modulus can be de- tures had also been previously investigated in a different
fined and possibly take negative values. When these two pa- context, such as in Ref. 22 where the purpose was to achieve
rameters are simultaneously negative, negative acoustic re- spectral gaps.
fraction and subwavelength focusing can be achieved,3 as However, only a few double negative acoustic and elastic
reported in electromagnetics for the perfect lens proposed by media have been reported to date. A crystal consisting of soft
Pendry.4 rubber spheres in water was reported as a double negative
It is worth noticing that negative acoustic refraction can acoustic medium,12 for which both the monopolar and dipo-
also be achieved with phononic crystals from band-folding lar resonances required for negative parameters were ob-
effects due to Bragg scattering5–9 but some distinctions are tained from the same particle. This approach has been criti-
usually drawn. On one side, phononic crystals are operated cized in Ref. 13, where the use of two distinct resonance
in a frequency range where the lattice constant is on the mechanisms 共bubble-contained-water spheres and rubber-
order of half a wavelength or more, which prevents an coated-gold spheres兲 has rather been proposed to achieve
effective-medium description. On the other hand, metamate- double negativity, in this specific case for an elastic metama-
rials comprise subwavelength unit cells and can be thus as- terial.
cribed effective-medium parameters.3,10,11 In the realm of electromagnetics, there is a common dis-
Most of the acoustic metamaterials with negative param- tinction between two types of metamaterials: arrays of reso-
eters reported to date are based on localized resonances in nant inclusions, such as the split-ring resonator and wire
the unit cell, hence the name “locally resonant sonic mate- medium,23 and transmission line 共TL兲 based
rial” 共or “locally resonant phononic crystal”兲.10 From a gen- metamaterials.2,24–26 While the materials of the first kind are
eral perspective, the particles forming the composite material inherently narrow band and lossy due to their resonant na-

1098-0121/2010/82共9兲/094306共11兲 094306-1 ©2010 The American Physical Society


ture, the latter can exhibit the desired metaproperties, such as

negative refraction, over a much larger bandwidth and with
lower losses since they do not explicitly rely on resonance
phenomena. It appears that most of the acoustic metamateri-
als reported to date belong to the category of resonant inclu-
sions, whereas very few works on the acoustic counterparts
of TL-based metamaterials have been reported. In this work,
we fill in this gap by proposing a negative refractive index
acoustic metamaterial based on the dual TL concept. This
requires the realization of acoustic or mechanical elements
which implement shunt “inductances” 共i.e., acoustic masses兲 FIG. 1. Incremental circuit for 共a兲 a conventional medium and
and series “capacitances” 共i.e., acoustic compliances兲. Pre- 共b兲 a dual medium exhibiting a negative refractive index.
liminary works have shown how to achieve shunt acoustic
masses with short tubes connected to a host waveguide, re-
modulus of the medium, respectively. The physical equations
sulting in a metamaterial with negative bulk modulus,21 but
corresponding to the adopted TL representation are
clear guidelines on how to realize a series compliance in
such a system are still missing. dp ␳ dq S
This paper presents a possible realization of acoustic dual = − j␻ q and = − j␻ p. 共1兲
dz S dz K
TL in which the series compliances are realized with mem-
branes and the shunt masses with short open channels. To The characteristic impedance of the TL whose incremen-
introduce and develop these concepts we make an extensive tal section is the one of Fig. 1共a兲 is given by Zac = Zc / S
use of circuit modeling, which is shown to be a powerful tool 关in 共⍀a ⬅ Pa s / m3兲兴, where Zc = 冑␳K is the characteristic
for both understanding and design purposes. acoustic impedance of the considered medium. The corre-
Recent publications, found during the review process, re- sponding wave velocity is c = 冑K / ␳ and the wave vector is
port the use of thin membranes to achieve a medium with defined as k = ␻ / c. In this work, the considered medium
negative effective density,27 as well as the combination of is air with the parameters ␳ = 1.188 kg/ m3, K = 137.4 kPa,
membranes and side holes to achieve a negative index Zc = 404 Pa s / m, and c = 340 m / s.31
medium.28 The experimental demonstrations reported in
these references support the theoretical model and the nu-
merical results presented in this paper. Thanks to our com- B. Dual topology
prehensive approach, we are able to propose an improved Figure 1共b兲 shows the dual topology of the conventional
design which exhibits not only a negative index band, but TL, which is often referred to as the dual TL. Such a struc-
also a zero index frequency with nonzero group velocity and ture is known to exhibit a negative refractive index over an
a good impedance matching. A time dependence in exp共 infinite bandwidth.2,25 However, the dual TL cannot be
+j␻t兲 is assumed in all the paper. implemented in practice in a fully distributed manner but
must be realized by periodically loading a host medium with
discrete shunt acoustic masses and series acoustic compli-
ances. Considering the natural contribution of the nonvanish-
ing connections between these elements, the resulting peri-
TLs are circuit-based concepts that can be used to de- odic structure unit cell is the one shown in Fig. 2. At low
scribe the propagation of waves in different systems. This frequency, the response is dominated by map and Cas, result-
section describes the adopted conventions associated with ing in a left-handed 共LH兲 behavior 共⬅negative refractive in-
this formalism when used for acoustic waves in a fluid and dex兲, whereas mas and Cap are predominant at higher fre-
introduces the concept of TL-based metamaterial. In the quency, which then results in a right-handed 共RH兲 behavior
acoustic circuit modeling used in this work, the voltage cor- 共⬅positive refractive index兲. In microwave engineering, in-
responds to the acoustic pressure p and the current to the teresting applications exist where both of these bands are
volume velocity q flowing through a surface S. This repre- used, which is why this structure has been named the com-
sentation is often used for waveguide related problems, posite right/left-handed transmission line 共CRLH TL兲.24,25
where S is naturally the waveguide cross-sectional area,29,30
but it can also be applied to plane waves in an unbounded
medium, in which case S can be chosen arbitrarily.

A. Conventional materials
With the adopted convention, an incremental section dz of
a conventional fluid can be described by the model of
Fig. 1共a兲, where ma = 共␳ / S兲dz is an acoustic mass, or iner-
tance 关in 共kg/ m4兲兴, and Ca = 共S / K兲dz is an acoustic compli- FIG. 2. Unit cell of the CRLH TL, a particular type of TL-based
ance 关in 共m3 / Pa兲兴, and ␳ and K are the density and bulk metamaterial. The lattice constant is referred to as d.


FIG. 4. Elastic circular membrane clamped to an acoustic wave-

guide. 共a兲 Cut view. 共b兲 Equivalent acoustic circuit.

in the main waveguide structure, as shown in Fig. 3. A de-

tailed analysis of the two elements introduced above is pro-
FIG. 3. The proposed CRLH TL combining membranes vided in Secs. III A and III B, respectively.
共in dark兲 and radial open channels. The main pipe has been cut in
the yz plane for visibility. Due to the perfect symmetry of revolu-
tion, all the relevant field quantities only depend on the longitudinal A. Realization of series compliances with membranes
and transverse coordinates z and r, respectively.
1. Description

An interesting particularity of this structure is that a seamless The considered element is a circular membrane clamped
transition 共i.e., without band gap兲 between the LH and RH at its perimeter to a host waveguide, as illustrated in Fig.
bands can be achieved under the so-called balanced 4共a兲. It is characterized by its Young’s modulus E, Poisson’s
condition.25 The goal of this work is precisely to synthesize a ratio ␯, mass density ␳m, thickness h, and radius a, which is
structure that implements the circuit of Fig. 2 for acoustic also the radius of the waveguide. The surface of the mem-
waves. brane is S = ␲a2. No tension is applied to the membrane.
It should be stressed here that the other types of acoustic
metamaterials reported in Sec. I can also be described by 2. Theoretical modeling
circuit and TL concepts. However, the main characteristic of
The membrane is modeled as a thin plate described by the
TL-based metamaterials such as those based on the dual TL
transverse displacement ␰共r兲, which satisfies the flexural
concept 共or more generally the CRLH TL兲 is that they ex-
waves equation29,33,34
hibit the desired metaproperties without explicitly relying on
resonance phenomena.
Finally, it must be pointed out that the circuits in Figs. 1
and 2 are lossless and hence correspond to ideal structures
ⵜ4␰ − k4m␰ =
with k2m = ␻ 冑 D


made up with lossless materials. In practice, losses could be ⬙ = ␳mh is the surface mass density of the plate
and where ␳m
represented by small equivalent resistances in the equivalent and D designates its flexural rigidity, which is given by34
circuit. However, since as already mentioned, losses can be
very small in TL-based metamaterials, their equivalent cir- Eh3
D= . 共3兲
cuits can be assumed lossless in a first analysis. 12共1 − ␯2兲
In Eq. 共2兲, ⌬p represents the source term, which corresponds
III. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED STRUCTURE to the net pressure on the plate. It can be written as
⌬p = p1 − p2, where p1 and p2 are the acoustic pressure on the
The CRLH metamaterial implementation proposed in this two faces, as suggested in Fig. 4共a兲. The general solution of
work is shown in Fig. 3. The host “medium” is an acoustic Eq. 共2兲 in polar coordinates is derived in Ref. 34; only the
waveguide with circular cross section and perfectly rigid result is recalled here. Assuming a uniform pressure distribu-
walls operated in its dominant mode region 共plane waves兲. tion over the plate, which is verified in case of plane-wave
The realization of series compliances using only acoustic el- incidence and small displacements, and considering only axi-
ements is not obvious. Here, we propose to use mechanical ally symmetrical modes, the following general solution for
elements consisting of membranes, for which the restoring ␰共r兲 is obtained,
force provides the required series compliance. It can be men-
tioned that membranes have already been proposed in a ⌬p
metamaterial context as a mean to achieve negative dynamic ␰共r兲 = − + AJ0共kmr兲 + BI0共kmr兲, 共4兲
mass by operating them between two eigenmodes.32 Here,
the membranes are rather operated below and around their where Jn and In are the regular and modified Bessel’s func-
first resonance. tions of the first kind of order n, respectively. The application
Shunt acoustic masses can be simply achieved with trans- of the boundary conditions corresponding to a clamped
versally connected open channels.30 Based on this concept, membrane 关␰共r = a兲 = 0, ddr␰ 兩r=a = 0兴 to Eq. 共4兲 yields the two
the solution adopted here consists of radial channels operated constants,


⌬p I1共kma兲 Theory − exact impedance

Membrane acoustic impedance, Z am (MΩa)

A= · ,
kmD J0共kma兲I1共kma兲 + J1共kma兲I0共kma兲
5 * Theory − mC circuit approx.
Simul. − extracted impedance
Simul. − mC circuit approx.
⌬p J1共kma兲
B= · . 共5兲
k4mD J0共kma兲I1共kma兲 + J1共kma兲I0共kma兲 0
The dynamic response of the plate to the resulting force can
be represented by the mechanical impedance Zm, defined as a
ratio force over velocity as follows:34 −5

冕冕 S
Zm = , 共6兲

where ¯␰ = 共1 / S兲兰兰S␰共r兲dS is the mean transverse displace- −15

0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5
ment over the plate surface. Assuming a uniform pressure Frequency (kHz)
distribution over the plate and using Eqs. 共4兲 and 共5兲, the
mechanical impedance Zm becomes34 FIG. 5. Acoustic impedance 共imaginary part兲 of the considered
membrane. The “Theory—exact impedance” curve corresponds to
I1共kma兲J0共kma兲 + J1共kma兲I0共kma兲 Eq. 共9兲 关using Eq. 共7兲兴, the “Simul.—extracted impedance” curve is
Zm = − j ␻m · , 共7兲
I1共kma兲J2共kma兲 − J1共kma兲I2共kma兲 the impedance directly extracted from simulation results, and the
two “mC circuit approx.” curves correspond to the circuit of Fig.
where m = ␳m ⬙ S = ␳mSh is the mass of the plate. 4共b兲 with the parameters given in Table I.
Inside the acoustic waveguide, the elastic membrane can
be actuated by an incident acoustic field. The fluid pressure
comprising an acoustic mass mam and a compliance Cam, as
represents a load on the membrane and the membrane in turn
shown in Fig. 4共b兲. The values of these two elements are
provides an acceleration to the surrounding fluid. In such
calculated such that the resulting impedance fits the original
acoustic-structure interactions, at any point on the membrane
impedance and its frequency derivative at the first resonance
the normal component of the acoustic velocity at both sides
f r, leading to the following expressions:
is continuous across the membrane and is equal to the trans-
verse velocity of the membrane v␰ = j␻␰. The volume veloc- ␳ mh ␲a6
ity q generated by the pressure difference between the two mam = 1.8830 and Cam = . 共11兲
␲a2 196.51D
sides of the membrane is given by

q= 冕冕 S
¯ S.
v␰共r兲dS = v̄␰S = j ␻␰ 共8兲
In order to validate the presented theoretical modeling, we
3. Validation

consider a membrane made of DuPont™ Kapton® FPC

Assuming a uniform pressure field on the membrane, the
共E = 2.758 GPa, ␯ = 0.34, and ␳m = 1420 kg/ m3兲 of thickness
effect of the latter on the acoustic field can be represented by
h = 125 ␮m and radius a = 9.06 mm兲. This membrane-loaded
the acoustic impedance Zam defined as29,34
waveguide has been simulated with COMSOL MULTIPHYSICS
⌬p Zm and characterized in terms of reflection and transmission co-
Zam = = 2, 共9兲 efficients under plane-wave incidence, from which the series
q S
impedance Zam of Fig. 4共b兲 could be extracted.35 Figure 5
with Zm defined in Eq. 共6兲 and expressed in Eq. 共7兲. As a shows the acoustic impedance of this membrane obtained
result, the equivalent acoustic circuit of a membrane in an from theory and full-wave simulation, and Table I reports the
acoustic waveguide is a series impedance Zam loading the TL corresponding values for the elements of the approximate
representing the waveguide, as shown in Fig. 4共b兲. Indeed, series resonant circuit of Fig. 4共b兲, for both theory and simu-
the membrane introduces a discontinuity in the acoustic pres- lation. An excellent agreement is observed between theory
sure field, but the normal component of the acoustic velocity,
and thus the volume velocity q, is continuous across the TABLE I. Acoustic mass and compliance for the considered
membrane. membrane, calculated so that the approximate circuit of Fig. 4共b兲
At low frequency up to the first resonance of this dynamic fits the original impedance at the first resonance f r.
system, which is given by33
f r = 1.6259 2
冑 D

= 0.4694 2
冑 E
␳m共1 − ␯2兲
, 共10兲
共kg/ m4兲
共10−12 m3 / Pa兲

Theory, Eqs. 共10兲 and 共11兲 1296 17.42 1059

the impedance given by Eqs. 共7兲 and 共9兲 can be approxi- Full-wave simulation 1312 17.43 1052
mated with very good accuracy by a series resonant circuit


Zat = jZac共a兲tn关ka,k共a + L兲兴, 共12兲

where tn共x , y兲 is the small radial tangent function given by
J0共x兲N0共y兲 − N0共x兲J0共y兲
tn共x,y兲 = , 共13兲
J1共x兲N0共y兲 − N1共x兲J0共y兲
Nn being the Bessel’s function of the second kind of order n
and Zac共r兲 the acoustic characteristic impedance of the radial
TL at a given radial distance r, given by
Zac共r兲 = . 共14兲
It can be mentioned that the small radial tangent function
FIG. 6. Shorted radial stub connected to an acoustic circular “tn” is defined such that the expression for the input imped-
waveguide. 共a兲 Cut view. 共b兲 Equivalent acoustic circuit. ance is similar to that of a uniform TL, which is of the form
Zat = jZac tan共kL兲.
and simulation, as well as between the original impedance The impedance in Eq. 共12兲 exhibits a complex frequency
and its “mass-compliance” circuit approximation. Figure 5 dependence, but it can be approximated at low frequency by
also confirms that the membrane impedance is dominated by an acoustic mass, after
a compliance below the resonance frequency f r.

B. Realization of shunt acoustic masses with open channels

Zat ⬇ j␻mat0, with mat0 =

冉 冊
ln 1 +
. 共15兲

1. Description When the frequency increases the impedance quickly devi-

ates from this simple model, which is thus accurate only for
Shunt acoustic masses can be realized with short open very small stubs compared to the wavelength. At higher fre-
tubes transversally connected to the main host waveguide.30 quency, the model can be improved by adding an acoustic
Such structures are often referred to as “stubs” in microwave compliance in shunt with the acoustic mass, as shown in Fig.
engineering. This principle has been used in Ref. 21 to obtain 6共b兲. For a maximal accuracy of the model at a given fre-
an acoustic metamaterial with negative bulk modulus with- quency, it is useful to determine the mat and Cat to fit the
out using resonant elements such as Helmholtz resonators.17 impedance, Eq. 共12兲, and its frequency derivative at that fre-
We consider here a modified version of this structure that quency.
exhibits a perfect symmetry of revolution. It consists of a
short radial waveguide of length L and width b connected to 3. Termination effects
a main acoustic circular waveguide of radius a, as shown in
Fig. 6共a兲. The considered stub is physically open at its ter- In practice, the stub termination is physically open and
mination, which approximately corresponds to a condition thus radiates into the surrounding medium. As a result, the
p = 0.29 As a result, the stub is approximately short circuited impedance connected at the end of the stub is not exactly a
according to the chosen TL modeling, hence the name short circuit but it exhibits a real part which accounts for
“shorted stub” that will be used thereafter. radiation and an imaginary part representing the termination
effects. For the narrow stubs considered in this work, the real
2. Theoretical modeling part can be neglected and the remaining imaginary part is
commonly ascribed to an increase in the stub length ⌬L.29
It can already be anticipated that such a stub represents an Full-wave simulations are used to assist in the determination
admittance Y at in parallel loading the TL representing the of the physical stub length L corresponding to the desired
host waveguide, as shown in Fig. 6共b兲, since a certain effective length Le = L + ⌬L.
amount of volume velocity is deviated into the stub, while
the pressure does not experience any significant discontinu-
4. Validation
ity. The admittance Y at corresponds to the input admittance
of a short-circuited radial waveguide supporting only its axi- In order to validate the presented theoretical modeling, we
ally symmetrical fundamental mode. Radial TL equations are consider a radial stub with b = 1 mm and L = 48.95 mm con-
similar to uniform TL equations with the particularity that nected to an acoustic circular waveguide of radius
propagation constant and characteristic impedance depend a = 9.06 mm. Figure 7 shows the input acoustic impedance
on the radial distance r, and therefore the solutions are ex- of this stub and Table II reports the corresponding values for
pressed in terms of Bessel functions instead of exponential the elements of the approximate parallel resonant circuit of
functions of the type exp共⫾jkz兲. A detailed formulation of Fig. 6共b兲. The stub-loaded waveguide has been simulated
the radial TL theory developed in electromagnetics can be with COMSOL MULTIPHYSICS and characterized in terms of
found in Ref. 36, which also applies to acoustic waves. Us- reflection and transmission coefficients under plane-wave in-
ing this theory, the input acoustic impedance of a shorted cidence, from which the shunt impedance Zat共=1 / Y at兲 of Fig.
radial stub, referred to here as Zat共=1 / Y at兲, is given by 6共b兲 could be extracted.35 To compensate for the increase in


Theory − exact impedance (shortcut)
Radial stub input impedance, Z at (MΩa)

Theory − mC circuit approx.

3.5 *
Simul. − extracted impedance (open end)
Simul. − mC circuit approx.

FIG. 8. Equivalent acoustic circuit for the symmetrical ⌸-type
unit cell of the considered acoustic CRLH TL.

1 Poiseuille assumption of laminar viscous fluid, the Rat for a

short radial stub can be approximated at low frequency
0.5 by29,34

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5
Frequency (kHz)
Rat0 =
冉 冊
ln 1 +
, 共16兲

where ␩ is the dynamic viscosity 共␩ = 18.6 ␮Pa s for air兲.

FIG. 7. Input acoustic impedance 共imaginary part兲 of the con- With this model of viscous fluid, the effective acoustic mass
sidered radial stub. The Theory—exact impedance curve corre- ⬘ is slightly higher than the original value mat0 in Eq. 共15兲,
sponds to Eq. 共12兲 共ideal shortcut with L = 48.95 mm兲, the Simul.—
⬘ = 1.2mat0.29 We further introduce the quality fac-
that is, mat0
extracted impedance curve is the impedance directly extracted from
simulation results 共open end with L = 42.67 mm兲, and the two mC
circuit approx. curves correspond to the circuit of Fig. 6共b兲 with the ⬘
␻mat0 ␻␳b2
parameters given in Table II. Q= = . 共17兲
Rat0 10␩

the effective length due to the open termination effects, the For the considered stub 共b = 1 mm兲 we have Q = 40 at 1 kHz,
physical length of the stub has been decreased to approxi- therefore the resistance Rat0 is 40 times smaller than the as-
mately obtain the same acoustic mass as the perfectly short- sociated reactance ␻mat0 ⬘ . This value has been considered
circuited stub. The resulting actual stub length is sufficiently large for neglecting, in a first approximation, the
L = 42.67 mm. The simulated performances of this stub are effect of viscous losses.
also shown in Fig. 7 and Table II. If viscous losses become a limiting factor for some spe-
A good agreement is observed between theory and full- cific applications, alternative stub topologies such as cylin-
wave simulation, as well as between the original impedance drical tubes 共one or several in parallel兲 shall be considered.
and its mass-compliance circuit approximation. It can be Indeed, for the same targeted acoustic mass value, the re-
noted that the approximate expression 共15兲 for the acoustic quired tubes diameter is less critical regarding this issue than
mass provides the value mat0 = 351.1 kg/ m4, hence a differ- the required width for radial stubs. For the concept validation
ence inferior to 1% with the values given in Table II. Figure presented here, whose goal is to demonstrate the capability
7 also confirms that the impedance is dominated by an of a stub to realize a shunt acoustic mass, the radial topology
acoustic mass, as is the case for small stubs, although the was chosen mostly for its symmetry of revolution since this
shunt capacitance Cat should be taken into account for pre- property greatly simplifies the numerical modeling. Viscous
cise modeling. losses are thus not a fundamental limitation, and we have
provided here a simple way of addressing this issue in order
5. Effect of viscous losses to keep the associated effects below a prescribed level.
Narrow acoustic channels may be subject to viscous IV. CRLH TL MODELING AND DESIGN
losses, a phenomenon which is assessed here for the consid-
ered stub. Viscous losses can be taken into account in the A. Modeling
model of Fig. 6共b兲 by adding an acoustic resistance Rat in Using the developments of Sec. III, the unit cell of the
series with the acoustic mass mat. Based on the Hagen- considered TL-based metamaterial introduced in Fig. 3 can

TABLE II. Acoustic mass and compliance for the considered radial stub, calculated so that the approxi-
mate circuit of Fig. 6共b兲 fits the original impedance at 1 kHz.

mat Cat
共kg/ m4兲 共10−12 m3 / Pa兲

Theory 共perfect shortcut, L = 48.95 mm兲 348.3 9.138

Full-wave simulation 共open end, L = 42.67 mm兲 350.1 6.897


TABLE III. Values of the lumped elements associated with the

proposed CRLH TL design 关see Fig. 9 and Eq. 共18兲兴.

ma Ca
共kg/ m4兲 共10−12 m3 / Pa兲

Membrane mam = 1296 Cam = 17.42

Radial stub mat = 348.3 Cat = 9.138
Host TL sections maTL = 156.1 CaTL = 63.60
FIG. 9. Lumped element model for the symmetrical ⌸-type unit Series elements mas = 1452 Cas = 17.42
cell of the considered acoustic CRLH TL 共symmetrical version of Shunt elements map = 348.3 Cap = 72.73
the unit cell shown in Fig. 2兲.

be modeled by the circuit of Fig. 8. Zam is the impedance of matrix兲 of the unit cell, which links the voltage and current at
the membrane and Y at is the admittance of the radial stub, as one side of the cell to those at the other side. In the case of
described in Secs. III A and III B, respectively. The connec- reciprocal and symmetrical unit cells, we obtain the relations
tions between these elements are modeled by TL sections of ␥B = arcosh共Acell兲 / d and ZB = 冑Bcell / Ccell, where d is the
characteristic impedance Zac = Zc / S and phase constant k. The length of the unit cell.37–39 Application of this technique to
unit-cell boundaries are placed across the stubs positions in the unit cell shown in Fig. 9 can be found in Ref. 25 or in
order to obtain a ⌸-type network symmetrical unit cell. This Section 4.3 of Ref. 40, with all the corresponding expres-
is the reason why there is one half of Y at at each side of the sions for ␥B and ZB in function of the circuit elements. The
cell. The circuit of Fig. 8 can be further simplified as fol- refractive index n can be simply deduced from the Bloch
lows: 共1兲 Zam and Y at are approximated by their mass- propagation constant using the relation n = ␥B / 共jk兲.
compliance circuits of Figs. 4共b兲 and 6共b兲, respectively. 共2兲
The effect of the TL sections is represented as shown in Fig.
1共a兲 by a series acoustic mass and a shunt acoustic compli- C. Design
ance, denoted here maTL and CaTL. For both TL sections con- For the considered validation example, the following con-
sidered together, we have maTL = 共␳ / S兲共d − h兲 and CaTL straints have been imposed for the design: 共1兲 The CRLH TL
= 共S / K兲共d − h兲. This approximate representation is accurate is balanced 共closure of the stop band between the LH and RH
provided that the unit cell is small compared to the wave- bands25兲 with a transition frequency between the two bands
length. 共3兲 All the series and shunt elements are grouped f 0 = 1 kHz. 共2兲 The lattice constant d should be small com-
together. pared to the wavelength ␭ in the host waveguide. In the
With these simplifications, we obtain the lumped element present case, we have imposed d / ␭ = 0.1 at f 0. 共3兲 The Bloch
model of Fig. 9 with the parameters given by

再 冎 再 冎
impedance ZB at f 0 should not be too far from the character-
mas = mam + maTL map = mat istic impedance of the host waveguide 共Zac兲, in order to allow
and 共18兲 for a good matching to an external waveguide of comparable
Cap = Cat + CaTL Cas = Cam . diameter.
The design has been performed using the lumped element
model of Fig. 9 with the corresponding analytical expres-
B. Characterization
sions for the circuit elements 共not detailed here兲. The result-
The periodic metamaterials considered in this work are ing structure is the one shown in Fig. 3, with a lattice con-
characterized using the Bloch theory, whose basis are briefly stant d = 34 mm, a host waveguide radius a = 9.06 mm, and
recalled thereafter.37,38 Periodic structures support the propa- the membranes and radial stubs are the one already described
gation of eigenwaves often called Bloch waves. Looking at in Secs. III A 3 and III B 4, respectively. The associated val-
discrete locations corresponding to the boundaries of the ues of the lumped elements involved in the model are re-
cells 共z = nd , n 苸 Z兲, these waves exhibit a spatial depen- ported in Table III. It can be observed that the balanced con-
dence of the form exp共⫾␥Bz兲. The quantity ␥B is referred to dition, which writes masCas = mapCap,25 is verified. It should
here as the Bloch propagation constant 共i.e., the dispersion be noticed here that perfect balance is difficult to achieve in
diagram兲. A characteristic impedance associated with the pe- practice since this property is very sensitive to any parameter
riodic structure can also be defined: it corresponds to the fluctuation. Thus, although the structure is perfectly balanced
ratio between voltage and current at the boundaries of the according to the simplified model of Fig. 9, fine tuning of
cells for a purely traveling Bloch wave. This quantity is re- some parameters is often required to maintain the balanced
ferred to here as the Bloch impedance ZB. Therefore, a peri- condition for the real implemented structure. In the present
odic structure is fully characterized by its Bloch parameters case, this is the stub length L that has been tuned for this
␥B and ZB, which are the periodic structure counterparts of purpose.
the propagation constant and characteristic impedance de- Using the detailed model of Fig. 8 with expressions 共7兲
fined for continuous TLs or waveguides. and 共9兲 for Zam and Eq. 共12兲 for Y at, we found that L had to
The Bloch parameters ␥B and ZB are related to the eigen- be tuned from 48.95 to 46.80 mm 共considering a perfect
values and eigenvectors of the transmission matrix 共or ABCD shortcut兲 in order to maintain the balanced condition. Further


f f f0 f f fcL f1 f0 f2 fcR
cL 1 2 cR
3 βd = π
Lumped model
Detailed model 14
2 Lumped model
Dispersion diagram, βB d (rad)

Bloch impedance, ZB (MΩa)

Full−wave sim.
12 Detailed model
Full−wave sim.
Light lines
0 8

−3 βd = −π
0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7
Frequency (kHz) Frequency (kHz)

FIG. 10. Bloch parameters extracted from full-wave simulation results 共COMSOL MULTIPHYSICS兲 and circuit models for the implemented
CRLH TL. f cL and f cR are the LH and RH cut-off frequencies, respectively, f 0 is the transition frequency between the LH and RH bands, and
f 1 and f 2 are the limits of the fast-wave band 共see Sec. V D兲. The “light lines” correspond to the dispersion in air 共k = ⫾ ␻ / c兲, by analogy
with the terminology used in photonic crystals. The real part of ␥Bd and the imaginary part of ZB in the stopbands are not shown.

tuning based on full-wave simulations with the real open impedance around the transition frequency f 0 is smoothly
stub termination led to the physical stub length varying with frequency, which is favorable for wideband
L = 43.50 mm for perfect balance. matching.

B. Equivalent medium parameters
A. Bloch parameters
The Bloch parameters ␥B = ␣B + j␤B and ZB have been cal- Although the periodic structure is completely character-
culated from the model of Fig. 8, referred to here as the ized by its Bloch parameters ␥B and ZB, equivalent medium
“detailed model,” from the model of Fig. 9, referred to here parameters can also be derived by analogy with a plane wave
as the “lumped model,” and from full-wave simulation with propagating in an equivalent fluid. This formal analogy con-
COMSOL MULTIPHYSICS 共see CAD model of Fig. 3兲. In the sists in mapping the impedance of the series branch of the
latter case, a single asymmetrical unit cell has been charac- unit-cell circuit with the impedance associated with an
terized in terms of reflection and transmission coefficients equivalent mass density ␳eq and the admittance of the shunt
under plane-wave incidence, from which the Bloch param- branch with the one associated with an equivalent bulk
eters associated with the corresponding symmetrical ⌸-type modulus Keq. For a CRLH TL, a simple comparison of the
unit cell have been deduced.41 The results are shown in Fig. circuits of Figs. 1共a兲 and 2 yields
It can be observed on the dispersion diagram of Fig. 10共a兲
that the structure exhibits a negative refractive index band 3
共opposite phase and group velocities兲 over a 50% relative
bandwidth, from the LH cutoff f cL = 0.61 kHz to the transi- 2
Equivalent medium parameters (−)

tion frequency f 0 = 1 kHz, and a positive refractive index

band from f 0 = 1 kHz to the RH cutoff f cR = 1.64 kHz. There
is no band gap between these two bands 共balanced condi- 0
tion兲, which results in a frequency with zero phase constant
共and thus zero refractive index兲 and nonzero group velocity. −1
An excellent agreement is observed between the full-wave
results and the detailed circuit model 共the curves are almost −2
superimposed兲. The lumped element model also provides
−3 ρr,eq
good results and can thus be efficiently used for preliminary
designs. −4
The Bloch impedance at f 0 is ZB0 = 4.192 M⍀a 共horizon- 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1 1.05
Frequency (kHz)
1.1 1.15 1.2
tal line in the ZB plot兲. The structure can thus be matched at
that frequency to an acoustic circular waveguide of charac- FIG. 11. Equivalent mass density and bulk modulus 共relative
teristic acoustic impedance Zace = ZB0, which corresponds to a values兲 for the considered CRLH TL around the transition fre-
radius ae = 5.54 mm 关Zace = Zc / 共␲a2e 兲兴. Moreover, the Bloch quency, calculated from the lumped element model of Fig. 9.


f f f f f
cL 1 0 2 cR

Amplitude (dB)
−10 ρ



0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7
Frequency (kHz) Lumped model
Detailed model
180 Full−wave sim.


phase of τ (deg)
FIG. 12. Modified half-width stub at the periodic structure ter-
mination 共idem at the other side兲.

冦 冧 冦 冧
Zas S 1
␳eq = · Zas = j␻mas + −90
j␻ d j␻Cas
Y ap 1 1 −180
Keq = · Y ap = j␻Cap + . 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7
j␻ Sd j␻map Frequency (kHz)

共19兲 FIG. 13. Reflection ␳ and transmission ␶ coefficients for a 10-

cell-long CRLH TL. The phase of ␳ is not shown for clarity.
Therefore, this is as if the same host waveguide was filled
with an homogeneous medium characterized by ␳eq and Keq.
For convenience, we define the corresponding relative quan- The resulting scattering parameters obtained from full-
tities ␳r,eq = ␳eq / ␳ and Kr,eq
−1 −1
= Keq / K−1, which are plotted in wave simulations and circuit models are shown in Fig. 13.
Fig. 11 for the considered CRLH TL. It can be observed that As imposed in the design, the CRLH TL is well matched
they exhibit a nonresonant behavior with negative values over a large part of its passband 共兩␳兩 ⬍ −10 dB from about
over a relatively large bandwidth below the transition fre- 0.7 to 1.45 kHz兲 and the transmission phase is 0 around 1
quency f 0. It confirms that a series compliance is needed to kHz. Globally, a good agreement is observed between full-
make the mass density become negative, as the shunt mass wave and circuit model results, the detailed model being
does for the bulk modulus. This motivates the developments slightly more accurate with respect to the full-wave model
and use of circuit models as an efficient tool to achieve nega- than the lumped model, as expected. However, it can be ob-
tive parameters. served that the simulated reflection coefficient ␳ is not as low
This analogy only makes sense provided that the lattice as determined using the detailed model around the transition
constant d is small compared to the wavelength in the frequency f 0. This is attributed to radiation, as explained in
equivalent medium, thus around the transition frequency, Sec. V D, a phenomenon which cannot be accounted for in
where this wavelength approaches infinity. Outside this band, the considered circuit models since they only involve loss-
periodicity effects such as the occurrence of the stopbands less elements.
below f cL and above f cR begin to play an important role,
which prevents a meaningful effective-medium description. D. Radiation losses
As all the materials in the proposed CRLH TL have been
C. Scattering parameters for a 10-cell-long structure considered as lossless in the full-wave simulations, the
losses, if any, can only be due to radiation from the stubs
The performances of the proposed CRLH TL are further apertures. To assess the importance of this phenomenon, the
validated by considering a 10-cell-long structure character- “efficiency” defined as ␩ = 兩␳兩2 + 兩␶兩2 has been calculated from
ized in terms of reflection and transmission coefficients ␳ and the full-wave simulation results of the 10-cell structure and is
␶, respectively 共or scattering parameters兲, under plane-wave plotted in Fig. 14. If no losses are present, we should have
incidence from an external waveguide of radius ␩ = 1. It can be observed that radiation losses mostly occur
ae = 5.54 mm 共see Sec. V A兲. As the unit cell is symmetrical between f 1 and f 2, where about 25% of the power is lost by
of the ⌸ type 共see Fig. 8 or 9兲, the structure should be ter- radiation. This frequency range coincides with the so-called
minated at both sides with an admittance Y at / 2, or equiva- fast-wave band observed in the dispersion diagram of Fig.
lently an acoustic mass 2mat and an acoustic compliance 10共a兲, in which the phase velocity in the periodic structure is
Cat / 2. This is approximately achieved using a stub of half faster than the velocity of acoustic waves in the surrounding
width b / 2, as shown in Fig. 12. medium 共air兲 共light lines兲. This effect is analogous to Cher-


f f f f f to implement the required series compliances, whereas the

cL 1 0 2 cR
shunt acoustic masses have been achieved with transversally
Efficiency, η = |ρ|2 + |τ|2 (−)

0.95 connected open channels. This structure presents interesting

0.9 properties in, at least, two regards. First, it exhibits a nega-
tive refractive index over almost one octave 共0.6–1 kHz兲,
which is considerably larger than what can be achieved with
0.8 locally resonant acoustic metamaterials. Second, the struc-
ture exhibits a balanced CRLH response, i.e., no band gap
exists between the positive and negative index frequency
0.7 bands which touch at a particular frequency with zero refrac-
0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7
Frequency (kHz) tive index and nonzero group velocity. Moreover, the lattice
constant is ten times smaller than the wavelength, which
FIG. 14. Efficiency for the 10-cell CRLH TL calculated from
largely justifies an effective-medium description. The afore-
full-wave simulation.
mentioned performances have been confirmed by full-wave
simulations in terms of dispersion diagram, Bloch imped-
enkov radiation of a charged particle which exceeds the ance, and reflection and transmission coefficients.
speed of light in a medium. This peculiar feature for this type The radiation properties of this periodic structure have
of metamaterials has been extensively exploited in micro- also been investigated. They point out to interesting applica-
wave antenna engineering for the development of a different tions, in which the structure could be used as a directive
type of leaky-wave antennas with full-space scanning capa- acoustic sensor or source with enhanced beaming character-
bilities, from backfire 共at f 1兲 to endfire 共at f 2兲, including istics, by analogy with the metamaterial leaky-wave antennas
broadside 共at f 0兲.2,24,25 The proposed structure thus represents developed in microwave engineering.2,24,25
the analog for acoustic waves of these antennas, thereby The developed structure might also find applications in
opening the door for the investigation of directive acoustic subwavelength resonant cavities based on phase compensa-
sensors or sources based on this principle. Such structures tion between negative and positive index media.42 Further
can also be seen as arrays of weakly radiating apertures fed work should aim at the investigation of two-dimensional
with the required phase shift by the periodic structure itself. structures based on the same principle. Here, targeted appli-
It can be finally mentioned that, although the considered cations are wideband and well-matched negative index
circuit models cannot directly account for radiation losses acoustic lenses for acoustic imaging applications. The spe-
due to their lossless nature, they can predict at which fre- cific zero refractive index frequency may also find very in-
quency radiation will take place thanks to an accurate esti- teresting applications43 and similar structures can also be
mation of the dispersion diagram. Indeed, the latter is not adapted to cloaking.44,45 Indeed, although cloaking does not
significantly affected by losses, provided that the amount of explicitly require negative refractive index media, the pro-
losses per cell remains small. posed structures based on membranes and/or stubs can also
be operated in the band where they exhibit a positive but less
VI. CONCLUSION than one refractive index. In summary it is hoped that the
methods developed in this paper will pave the way for ex-
Circuit-theory concepts have been efficiently used to con- perimental validation of these exciting properties on real pro-
ceptualize and design an acoustic nonresonant TL-based totypes, that should be obtained through a one-pass, pitfall-
metamaterial. The particularity resides in using membranes devoid design process.

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