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Ho Chi Minh

Kiera Peterson
Honors American History
Period 5
Primary Sources:
Word Press. "Celebrate the Life of Comrade Ho Chi Minh." The MarxistLeninist. 2010.
Accessed April 26, 2014.
ho-chi-minh/. This website will be used for its photo of Ho Chi Minh. When this
photo is used, it will be placed on the home page so that it can show people who
Ho Chi Minh is. This site will also be used for its quote from General Vo Nguyen
which describes who Ho Chi Minh is from his own point of view.

Minh, Ho Chi. "Today's Document from the National Archives." National Archives and
Records Administration. Accessed May 01, 2014. primary
source is Ho Chi Minh's telegraph to Harry Truman. The source was sent to Mr.
Truman warning him to back out of Vietnamese affairs and to understand that
they want to have independence. This document portrays how Ho Chi Minh felt at
the time while was freighting for the independence of his own country.

Minh, Ho Chi. "Letter from Nguyen Ai Quac [Ho Chi Minh] to Secretary of State Robert
Lansing (with Enclosure), 06/18/1919." Letter from Nguyen Ai Quac [Ho Chi
Minh] to Secretary of State Robert Lansing (with Enclosure), 06/18/1919.
Accessed May 02, 2014.
site has a letter from Nguyen Ai Quac also known as Ho Chi Minh to Secretary of
State Robert Lansing. This article congratulates the allies on their victory and asks
them for support when they need it in the future.

"U.S. and Frances Withdraw from Vietnam." National Archives and Records
Administration. Accessed May 02, 2014.
3.pdf.This source is the document that declares the United State's and France's
withdraw from war. The primary source officially confirms that France and the
U.S. will withdraw from war that will help Vietnam gain independence.

"NEGOTIATIONS 1965 - 1967." National Archives and Records Administration.
Accessed May 2, 2014.
negotiations document entails information regarding negotiations between
Vietnam, the United States and Germany. The document contains several dates
when Vietnam has met with the U.S. and France to end the conflict in Vietnam.

Central Intelligence Agency. "ORE 92-49, The Crisis in Indochina, 02/10/50." ORE 92-
49, The Crisis in Indochina, 02/10/50. Accessed May 02, 2014. crisis in Indochina was a
major problem while Ho Chi Minh was trying to fight for independence for
Vietnam. This document will help to explain other events going on during the
Vietnam war and give viewers of the website a better idea of what was all going
on at the time.

"Aid for France in Indochina." National Archives and Records Administration. Accessed
May 2, 2014.
Part-IV-A-2.pdf. This website contains information about how Vietnam helped
France during the Indochina crisis. Not only will this document will help to be
informed on the Indochina crisis but it will also help show how Ho Chi Minh felt
on the topic.

Director of Central Intelligence. "SNIE 14.3-63, 26 Jun 63, The Impact of the Sino-
Soviet Dispute on North Vietnam and Its Policies." SNIE 14.3-63, 26 Jun 63, The
Impact of the Sino-Soviet Dispute on North Vietnam and Its Policies. Accessed
May 02, 2014. document
provides information on the Sino-Soviet dispute on North Vietnam and its
policies. Not only does this document provide information but it also provides a
source that can be put onto a website as a picture.

"Primary Sources." Michigan State University Libraries. Accessed May 02, 2014. photo is a
poster for an anti-war training day. This source will be used for a website so that
people who view the site will get a feel for what was like during the era.

"Vietnam Declaration of Independence." Create a Free Travel Blog on
Accessed May 03, 2014.
On this website there is a photo of the Vietnamese Declaration of Independence.
This photo will be used on a website to display the official document that was
signed verifying the independence.

"The Path Which Led Me To Leninism." The Path Which Led Me To Leninism.
Accessed May 10, 2014.
minh/works/1960/04/x01.htm.This site contains a primary source document
written by Ho Chi Minh about Leninism and how he admired Lenin's ways and
viewpoints. Minh describes how after reading Lenin's book he knows how he will
gain independence for Vietnam. The source will provide information regarding
views on socialism and communism.

"Ho Chi Minh- Hero or Villain." Ho Chi Minh- Hero or Villain. Accessed May 13, 2014. This website contains several
pictures of Ho Chi Minh. All of these pictures of Minh will be used in a website
about his life.

Minh, Ho Chi. Accessed May 12, 2014.
This primary source is a letter written by Ho Chi Minh for Lyndon B. Johnson.
There are several words in this document that will be used as quotes from Ho Chi
Minh for a website that is being created.

Secondary Sources:

BBC. "Ho Chi Minh." BBC News. BBC, 2014. Web. 15 Apr. 2014.
<>. This source
provides information about Ho Chi Minh and how he led the Vietnamese
nationalist movement. This website provides a variety of dates that refer to what
happened during the movement.

"Na." Glossary of Events:. Accessed April 15, 2014. website provides
information about the National Liberation Movement which was a movement
created specifically during the time of the Vietnam War. It explains how Ho Chi
Minh was a member of the French communist party and what he did during the
Second World War as well as in Vietnam.

Trueman, Chris. "Ho Chi Minh." Ho Chi Minh. 2013. Accessed April 15, 2014. website provides
information about Ho Chi Minh before he was in Vietnam. It describes Minh's
input to the Treaty of Versailles and how he led a communist party. The site then
begins to describe how Minh gained power in Vietnam.

Cold War Museum. "The Cold War Museum." Ho Chi Minh. Accessed April 15, 2014. website gives
background information about Ho Chi Minh. It talks about where he is from, and
what his childhood was like. This information can help to draw conclusions as to
why Minh was so violent.

Columbia. "Ho Chi Minh." 2013. Accessed April 15, 2014.
timeline.pdf.This source is a timeline of what Ho Chi Minh has done starting from
his birth until his death. This is an excellent source because it provides
information about what Ho Chi Minh has done and displays these events in
chronological order.

PBS. "Battlefeild:Vietnam." PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 16 Apr. 2014.
<>.This website
contains a timeline of the Vietnam war and the events that occurred during this
time. The site contains specific dates and names of the people involved in the war.
Most importantly, it provides information about Ho Chi Minh.

CWHIP, NEH, and Wilson Center. "Cold War International History Project's Cold War
Files." Cold War International History Project's Cold War Files. N.p., 2005. Web.
16 Apr. 2014. <
26756.html>.This website about the cold war describes Ho Chi Minh's reign as
president of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. The article provides several
details about the club and what it stands by.

American Social History Productions. "Declaration of Independence of the Democratic
Republic of Vietnam." Declaration of Independence of the Democratic Republic
of Vietnam. American Social History Productions, 2012. Web. 16 Apr. 2014.
<>.This site provides information about the
Declaration of Independence of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. This site
will help to gain more knowledge about the Republic and what its rules are.

"The Wars for Viet Nam." Democratic Republic of Vietnam Peace Proposal, June 26,
1971. Vassar College, n.d. Web. 16 Apr. 2014.
<>.This site fully describes the
treaty proposal at the end of the war. This treaty consists of nine points written by
the Democratic Republic of Vietnam.

"The Legacy of Ho Chi Minh." Smithsonian Folkways. Smithsonian Folkways, n.d. Web.
16 Apr. 2014. <
website provided describes the legacy of Ho Chi Minh. This site contains
information, such as when he died, and information about the speeches he
preformed. This will help to gather a better idea of who he was as a person.

"The American Involvement in Vietnam." The American Involvement in Vietnam.
Accessed May 06, 2014. site
provides information about Ho Chi Minh's ideas and points prior to the war. The
document helps to understand the war from the perspective of Minh. The website
provides information regarding Ho Chi Minh's bravery during combat.

"Ho Chi Minh." Accessed May 07, 2014. website was
created about Ho Chi Minh and it help game me ideas for how my website can be
designed. The site is also providing me with various facts about Ho Chi Minh and
how he came into power.

PCF. "Dclaration Commune - Fdration Du Finistre Du Parti Socialiste." Dclaration
Commune - Fdration Du Finistre Du Parti Socialiste. Accessed May 13, 2014. this website there are several pictures of
the French Communist Party Flag along with the French Socialist Party. Both of
these pictures will be used in a website.

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