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Paragon Insights

National Poll on Middle East Peace Process:

May 2014
Topline Results
This poll was conducted from May 2-4, 2014, among a national sample of 1595 likely 2014 voters. The
interviews were conducted online by Survey Sampling International, Inc. The data were weighted to
approximate a target sample of likely voters based on age, race/ethnicity, gender, educational attain-
ment, region, annual household income, home ownership status and marital status. Results from the full
survey have a margin of error of plus or minus two percentage points.
1: Now, generally speaking, would you say that things in the country are going in the right direction, or have they pretty
seriously gotten o on the wrong track?
Right Direction Wrong Track N
Likely Voters 32 68 1595
Male 36 64 744
Female 28 72 851
Age: 18-29 34 66 269
Age: 30-44 33 67 383
Age: 45-64 32 68 602
Age: 65+ 27 73 341
Ethnicity - White 25 75 1195
Ethnicity - Hispanic 41 59 142
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 60 40 195
Ethnicity - Other 48 52 63
Urban 31 69 400
Suburban 35 65 808
Rural 24 76 387
Democrats (no lean) 56 44 590
Independents (no lean) 25 75 478
Republicans (no lean) 10 90 526
Democrats (lean) 54 46 733
Independents (lean) 23 77 194
Republicans (lean) 10 90 667
Liberal (1-3) 51 49 453
Moderate (4) 41 59 432
Conservative (5-7) 11 89 641
Tea Party - Supporter 17 83 486
Tea Party - Not Supporter 38 62 1108
Religiosity: Monthly+ 29 71 648
Religiosity: LT Monthly 33 67 947
Income: Under 50k 33 67 692
Income: 50k-100k 29 71 524
Income: 100k+ 32 68 379
Educ: < College 30 70 1048
Educ: Bachelors degree 32 68 354
Educ: Post-grad 41 59 192
White Collar 31 69 756
Blue Collar 34 66 643
Cell Only/Mostly 32 68 724
Dual Use 32 68 535
LL Only/Mostly 29 71 324
2: And, do you approve or disapprove of the job Barack Obama is doing as President?
Know /
Likely Voters 14 27 17 39 3 1595
Male 14 29 15 41 1 744
Female 15 26 18 37 4 851
Age: 18-29 10 39 22 24 5 269
Age: 30-44 19 29 21 28 3 383
Age: 45-64 14 25 15 44 3 602
Age: 65+ 13 21 10 55 0 341
Ethnicity - White 9 24 17 48 2 1195
Ethnicity - Hispanic 25 35 19 17 3 142
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 38 42 10 7 3 195
Ethnicity - Other 12 32 20 27 9 63
Urban 16 36 16 30 2 400
Suburban 15 26 19 37 3 808
Rural 10 22 13 52 3 387
Democrats (no lean) 30 47 13 8 3 590
Independents (no lean) 5 28 26 38 4 478
Republicans (no lean) 5 6 13 75 1 526
Democrats (lean) 27 48 16 7 2 733
Independents (lean) 2 22 26 41 9 194
Republicans (lean) 4 6 15 74 1 667
Liberal (1-3) 29 47 15 6 2 453
Moderate (4) 16 31 23 28 3 432
Conservative (5-7) 3 11 13 70 3 641
Tea Party - Supporter 11 12 7 69 1 486
Tea Party - Not Supporter 16 34 21 26 3 1108
Religiosity: Monthly+ 16 23 14 45 2 648
Religiosity: LT Monthly 13 30 18 35 3 947
Income: Under 50k 18 28 15 37 2 692
Income: 50k-100k 14 25 18 40 2 524
Income: 100k+ 9 29 18 40 4 379
Educ: < College 15 26 17 40 3 1048
Educ: Bachelors degree 11 28 18 40 2 354
Educ: Post-grad 17 33 14 32 4 192
White Collar 12 28 18 39 3 756
Blue Collar 17 26 15 40 2 643
Cell Only/Mostly 15 25 22 35 3 724
Dual Use 14 28 12 42 3 535
LL Only/Mostly 12 31 12 43 1 324
3: And, do you approve or disapprove of the job Barack Obama is doing as President? (NET)
Obama: Dont
Likely Voters 42 56 3 1595
Male 43 56 1 744
Female 41 55 4 851
Age: 18-29 49 46 5 269
Age: 30-44 48 49 3 383
Age: 45-64 39 59 3 602
Age: 65+ 34 65 0 341
Ethnicity - White 33 65 2 1195
Ethnicity - Hispanic 60 36 3 142
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 80 17 3 195
Ethnicity - Other 45 47 9 63
Urban 52 46 2 400
Suburban 41 56 3 808
Rural 32 65 3 387
Democrats (no lean) 77 21 3 590
Independents (no lean) 33 63 4 478
Republicans (no lean) 11 88 1 526
Democrats (lean) 75 23 2 733
Independents (lean) 24 66 9 194
Republicans (lean) 11 88 1 667
Liberal (1-3) 77 21 2 453
Moderate (4) 47 50 3 432
Conservative (5-7) 14 83 3 641
Tea Party - Supporter 23 76 1 486
Tea Party - Not Supporter 50 47 3 1108
Religiosity: Monthly+ 39 59 2 648
Religiosity: LT Monthly 44 53 3 947
Income: Under 50k 46 52 2 692
Income: 50k-100k 39 58 2 524
Income: 100k+ 38 58 4 379
Educ: < College 41 57 3 1048
Educ: Bachelors degree 40 58 2 354
Educ: Post-grad 50 46 4 192
White Collar 40 57 3 756
Blue Collar 42 55 2 643
Cell Only/Mostly 40 57 3 724
Dual Use 42 55 3 535
LL Only/Mostly 44 55 1 324
4: Thinking about the same list of issues, how high of a priority do you think each one should be for the federal government
over the next six months before the 2014 Congressional election? Should it be...
The top
One of the
top priorities
A mid-level
Not a
Likely Voters 53 41 6 0 1595
Male 53 40 6 0 744
Female 53 41 5 0 851
Age: 18-29 54 36 9 1 269
Age: 30-44 52 42 5 0 383
Age: 45-64 53 42 5 0 602
Age: 65+ 54 41 4 0 341
Ethnicity - White 52 42 6 0 1195
Ethnicity - Hispanic 53 44 3 0 142
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 61 33 6 0 195
Ethnicity - Other 57 41 1 1 63
Urban 60 33 7 0 400
Suburban 50 44 6 0 808
Rural 54 42 4 0 387
Democrats (no lean) 57 36 7 0 590
Independents (no lean) 47 47 6 0 478
Republicans (no lean) 55 41 4 0 526
Democrats (lean) 54 39 6 0 733
Independents (lean) 45 48 8 0 194
Republicans (lean) 55 40 4 0 667
Liberal (1-3) 49 44 7 0 453
Moderate (4) 54 41 5 0 432
Conservative (5-7) 56 38 6 0 641
Tea Party - Supporter 58 33 9 1 486
Tea Party - Not Supporter 51 45 4 0 1108
Religiosity: Monthly+ 54 40 7 0 648
Religiosity: LT Monthly 53 42 5 0 947
Income: Under 50k 58 38 4 0 692
Income: 50k-100k 50 42 8 0 524
Income: 100k+ 49 44 6 0 379
Educ: < College 56 39 5 0 1048
Educ: Bachelors degree 50 43 7 0 354
Educ: Post-grad 44 46 9 0 192
White Collar 50 43 6 0 756
Blue Collar 56 38 6 0 643
Cell Only/Mostly 53 41 5 0 724
Dual Use 53 40 6 0 535
LL Only/Mostly 54 40 5 0 324
5: Thinking about the same list of issues, how high of a priority do you think each one should be for the federal government
over the next six months before the 2014 Congressional election? Should it be...
Top / One of the Top
Mid-level / Not a
Likely Voters 94 6 1595
Male 94 6 744
Female 94 6 851
Age: 18-29 90 10 269
Age: 30-44 95 5 383
Age: 45-64 95 5 602
Age: 65+ 95 5 341
Ethnicity - White 94 6 1195
Ethnicity - Hispanic 97 3 142
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 94 6 195
Ethnicity - Other 98 2 63
Urban 93 7 400
Suburban 94 6 808
Rural 96 4 387
Democrats (no lean) 93 7 590
Independents (no lean) 93 7 478
Republicans (no lean) 96 4 526
Democrats (lean) 93 7 733
Independents (lean) 92 8 194
Republicans (lean) 95 5 667
Liberal (1-3) 93 7 453
Moderate (4) 95 5 432
Conservative (5-7) 94 6 641
Tea Party - Supporter 90 10 486
Tea Party - Not Supporter 96 4 1108
Religiosity: Monthly+ 93 7 648
Religiosity: LT Monthly 95 5 947
Income: Under 50k 96 4 692
Income: 50k-100k 92 8 524
Income: 100k+ 94 6 379
Educ: < College 95 5 1048
Educ: Bachelors degree 93 7 354
Educ: Post-grad 91 9 192
White Collar 94 6 756
Blue Collar 94 6 643
Cell Only/Mostly 94 6 724
Dual Use 94 6 535
LL Only/Mostly 94 6 324
6: Thinking about the same list of issues, how high of a priority do you think each one should be for the federal government
over the next six months before the 2014 Congressional election? Should it be...
Jobs / Unemployment
The top
One of the
top priorities
A mid-level
Not a
Likely Voters 45 44 10 1 1595
Male 41 46 11 2 744
Female 47 43 9 1 851
Age: 18-29 37 50 12 1 269
Age: 30-44 48 42 9 1 383
Age: 45-64 47 42 9 2 602
Age: 65+ 43 47 9 0 341
Ethnicity - White 41 47 10 1 1195
Ethnicity - Hispanic 60 33 5 2 142
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 51 39 8 2 195
Ethnicity - Other 56 34 10 0 63
Urban 44 46 9 1 400
Suburban 46 41 11 1 808
Rural 43 48 8 1 387
Democrats (no lean) 49 44 6 1 590
Independents (no lean) 41 44 14 2 478
Republicans (no lean) 43 45 10 2 526
Democrats (lean) 47 44 9 0 733
Independents (lean) 44 44 12 1 194
Republicans (lean) 42 45 10 3 667
Liberal (1-3) 46 43 10 1 453
Moderate (4) 49 44 8 0 432
Conservative (5-7) 41 45 12 2 641
Tea Party - Supporter 46 39 12 3 486
Tea Party - Not Supporter 44 46 9 1 1108
Religiosity: Monthly+ 43 43 11 2 648
Religiosity: LT Monthly 45 45 9 1 947
Income: Under 50k 50 42 8 0 692
Income: 50k-100k 43 43 12 2 524
Income: 100k+ 38 49 10 3 379
Educ: < College 47 44 8 1 1048
Educ: Bachelors degree 39 47 13 1 354
Educ: Post-grad 42 43 12 3 192
White Collar 41 45 12 2 756
Blue Collar 46 45 8 1 643
Cell Only/Mostly 48 42 10 1 724
Dual Use 43 43 12 2 535
LL Only/Mostly 40 52 6 2 324
7: Thinking about the same list of issues, how high of a priority do you think each one should be for the federal government
over the next six months before the 2014 Congressional election? Should it be...
Jobs / Unemployment
Top / One of the Top
Mid-level / Not a
Likely Voters 89 11 1595
Male 87 13 744
Female 90 10 851
Age: 18-29 87 13 269
Age: 30-44 89 11 383
Age: 45-64 89 11 602
Age: 65+ 90 10 341
Ethnicity - White 88 12 1195
Ethnicity - Hispanic 92 8 142
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 90 10 195
Ethnicity - Other 90 10 63
Urban 90 10 400
Suburban 87 13 808
Rural 91 9 387
Democrats (no lean) 93 7 590
Independents (no lean) 85 15 478
Republicans (no lean) 88 12 526
Democrats (lean) 91 9 733
Independents (lean) 87 13 194
Republicans (lean) 87 13 667
Liberal (1-3) 89 11 453
Moderate (4) 92 8 432
Conservative (5-7) 86 14 641
Tea Party - Supporter 86 14 486
Tea Party - Not Supporter 90 10 1108
Religiosity: Monthly+ 86 14 648
Religiosity: LT Monthly 91 9 947
Income: Under 50k 92 8 692
Income: 50k-100k 87 13 524
Income: 100k+ 87 13 379
Educ: < College 91 9 1048
Educ: Bachelors degree 86 14 354
Educ: Post-grad 84 16 192
White Collar 87 13 756
Blue Collar 91 9 643
Cell Only/Mostly 89 11 724
Dual Use 87 13 535
LL Only/Mostly 92 8 324
8: Thinking about the same list of issues, how high of a priority do you think each one should be for the federal government
over the next six months before the 2014 Congressional election? Should it be...
Federal Budget Decit and Debt
The top
One of the
top priorities
A mid-level
Not a
Likely Voters 44 41 14 2 1595
Male 46 39 12 3 744
Female 41 42 15 2 851
Age: 18-29 36 50 14 0 269
Age: 30-44 35 45 17 3 383
Age: 45-64 46 38 13 3 602
Age: 65+ 55 33 11 1 341
Ethnicity - White 44 41 13 2 1195
Ethnicity - Hispanic 40 47 10 2 142
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 45 32 19 5 195
Ethnicity - Other 39 45 15 1 63
Urban 43 39 14 3 400
Suburban 39 45 14 2 808
Rural 54 33 11 1 387
Democrats (no lean) 34 43 20 4 590
Independents (no lean) 43 40 15 2 478
Republicans (no lean) 55 39 6 0 526
Democrats (lean) 32 45 20 3 733
Independents (lean) 47 35 15 4 194
Republicans (lean) 55 38 7 0 667
Liberal (1-3) 26 48 22 4 453
Moderate (4) 42 42 14 3 432
Conservative (5-7) 57 34 8 1 641
Tea Party - Supporter 55 36 7 2 486
Tea Party - Not Supporter 39 43 17 2 1108
Religiosity: Monthly+ 49 38 12 1 648
Religiosity: LT Monthly 40 42 15 3 947
Income: Under 50k 47 40 12 2 692
Income: 50k-100k 40 41 15 4 524
Income: 100k+ 43 41 15 1 379
Educ: < College 45 41 12 2 1048
Educ: Bachelors degree 43 39 16 2 354
Educ: Post-grad 34 43 19 4 192
White Collar 41 42 14 2 756
Blue Collar 47 37 13 3 643
Cell Only/Mostly 41 43 15 1 724
Dual Use 47 36 14 4 535
LL Only/Mostly 44 43 11 2 324
9: Thinking about the same list of issues, how high of a priority do you think each one should be for the federal government
over the next six months before the 2014 Congressional election? Should it be...
Federal Budget Decit and Debt
Top / One of the Top
Mid-level / Not a
Likely Voters 84 16 1595
Male 85 15 744
Female 83 17 851
Age: 18-29 86 14 269
Age: 30-44 80 20 383
Age: 45-64 84 16 602
Age: 65+ 88 12 341
Ethnicity - White 85 15 1195
Ethnicity - Hispanic 88 12 142
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 76 24 195
Ethnicity - Other 84 16 63
Urban 82 18 400
Suburban 83 17 808
Rural 87 13 387
Democrats (no lean) 76 24 590
Independents (no lean) 83 17 478
Republicans (no lean) 94 6 526
Democrats (lean) 77 23 733
Independents (lean) 81 19 194
Republicans (lean) 93 7 667
Liberal (1-3) 74 26 453
Moderate (4) 83 17 432
Conservative (5-7) 91 9 641
Tea Party - Supporter 91 9 486
Tea Party - Not Supporter 81 19 1108
Religiosity: Monthly+ 87 13 648
Religiosity: LT Monthly 82 18 947
Income: Under 50k 87 13 692
Income: 50k-100k 81 19 524
Income: 100k+ 84 16 379
Educ: < College 86 14 1048
Educ: Bachelors degree 82 18 354
Educ: Post-grad 77 23 192
White Collar 84 16 756
Blue Collar 84 16 643
Cell Only/Mostly 84 16 724
Dual Use 83 17 535
LL Only/Mostly 88 12 324
10: Thinking about the same list of issues, how high of a priority do you think each one should be for the federal government
over the next six months before the 2014 Congressional election? Should it be...
Health Care
The top
One of the
top priorities
A mid-level
Not a
Likely Voters 30 45 17 8 1595
Male 29 44 16 12 744
Female 31 45 19 4 851
Age: 18-29 31 46 13 10 269
Age: 30-44 26 47 22 5 383
Age: 45-64 28 43 18 11 602
Age: 65+ 37 44 14 4 341
Ethnicity - White 28 45 18 9 1195
Ethnicity - Hispanic 26 40 30 5 142
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 40 48 7 5 195
Ethnicity - Other 45 37 15 4 63
Urban 31 45 13 11 400
Suburban 29 47 19 6 808
Rural 31 40 19 9 387
Democrats (no lean) 36 51 10 3 590
Independents (no lean) 25 46 19 10 478
Republicans (no lean) 28 37 24 11 526
Democrats (lean) 35 50 12 3 733
Independents (lean) 25 50 16 9 194
Republicans (lean) 26 37 24 12 667
Liberal (1-3) 31 50 14 4 453
Moderate (4) 36 42 15 7 432
Conservative (5-7) 23 44 22 11 641
Tea Party - Supporter 31 34 21 14 486
Tea Party - Not Supporter 30 49 16 5 1108
Religiosity: Monthly+ 30 41 19 10 648
Religiosity: LT Monthly 30 47 16 6 947
Income: Under 50k 34 44 16 6 692
Income: 50k-100k 29 48 16 8 524
Income: 100k+ 24 43 22 11 379
Educ: < College 31 45 15 8 1048
Educ: Bachelors degree 26 44 24 6 354
Educ: Post-grad 31 44 17 9 192
White Collar 26 47 20 8 756
Blue Collar 34 43 15 9 643
Cell Only/Mostly 31 40 20 9 724
Dual Use 30 43 19 8 535
LL Only/Mostly 29 56 10 5 324
11: Thinking about the same list of issues, how high of a priority do you think each one should be for the federal government
over the next six months before the 2014 Congressional election? Should it be...
Health Care
Top / One of the Top
Mid-level / Not a
Likely Voters 75 25 1595
Male 73 27 744
Female 77 23 851
Age: 18-29 77 23 269
Age: 30-44 73 27 383
Age: 45-64 71 29 602
Age: 65+ 82 18 341
Ethnicity - White 73 27 1195
Ethnicity - Hispanic 66 34 142
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 88 12 195
Ethnicity - Other 81 19 63
Urban 76 24 400
Suburban 76 24 808
Rural 71 29 387
Democrats (no lean) 87 13 590
Independents (no lean) 71 29 478
Republicans (no lean) 65 35 526
Democrats (lean) 85 15 733
Independents (lean) 75 25 194
Republicans (lean) 64 36 667
Liberal (1-3) 81 19 453
Moderate (4) 78 22 432
Conservative (5-7) 67 33 641
Tea Party - Supporter 65 35 486
Tea Party - Not Supporter 79 21 1108
Religiosity: Monthly+ 71 29 648
Religiosity: LT Monthly 77 23 947
Income: Under 50k 78 22 692
Income: 50k-100k 76 24 524
Income: 100k+ 67 33 379
Educ: < College 77 23 1048
Educ: Bachelors degree 70 30 354
Educ: Post-grad 75 25 192
White Collar 73 27 756
Blue Collar 76 24 643
Cell Only/Mostly 71 29 724
Dual Use 73 27 535
LL Only/Mostly 85 15 324
12: Thinking about the same list of issues, how high of a priority do you think each one should be for the federal government
over the next six months before the 2014 Congressional election? Should it be...
Foreign Policy
The top
One of the
top priorities
A mid-level
Not a
Likely Voters 18 40 35 7 1595
Male 20 43 29 7 744
Female 16 38 40 7 851
Age: 18-29 24 32 36 9 269
Age: 30-44 12 39 41 8 383
Age: 45-64 15 42 35 7 602
Age: 65+ 24 45 27 5 341
Ethnicity - White 17 42 34 7 1195
Ethnicity - Hispanic 17 28 46 9 142
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 26 33 34 7 195
Ethnicity - Other 12 51 31 6 63
Urban 21 38 35 6 400
Suburban 19 41 33 7 808
Rural 12 40 39 9 387
Democrats (no lean) 20 38 35 7 590
Independents (no lean) 18 36 36 11 478
Republicans (no lean) 15 46 34 4 526
Democrats (lean) 21 36 35 7 733
Independents (lean) 12 37 38 13 194
Republicans (lean) 16 45 34 5 667
Liberal (1-3) 21 36 36 7 453
Moderate (4) 20 37 36 7 432
Conservative (5-7) 15 46 32 7 641
Tea Party - Supporter 21 44 30 5 486
Tea Party - Not Supporter 16 38 37 8 1108
Religiosity: Monthly+ 19 42 34 5 648
Religiosity: LT Monthly 17 39 35 9 947
Income: Under 50k 17 38 36 9 692
Income: 50k-100k 17 39 37 8 524
Income: 100k+ 21 45 30 3 379
Educ: < College 19 37 36 8 1048
Educ: Bachelors degree 15 46 33 6 354
Educ: Post-grad 19 45 31 5 192
White Collar 21 44 31 5 756
Blue Collar 16 37 38 8 643
Cell Only/Mostly 14 40 38 8 724
Dual Use 19 37 37 7 535
LL Only/Mostly 23 46 25 6 324
13: Thinking about the same list of issues, how high of a priority do you think each one should be for the federal government
over the next six months before the 2014 Congressional election? Should it be...
Foreign Policy
Top / One of the Top
Mid-level / Not a
Likely Voters 58 42 1595
Male 63 37 744
Female 53 47 851
Age: 18-29 56 44 269
Age: 30-44 51 49 383
Age: 45-64 58 42 602
Age: 65+ 68 32 341
Ethnicity - White 59 41 1195
Ethnicity - Hispanic 45 55 142
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 59 41 195
Ethnicity - Other 63 37 63
Urban 59 41 400
Suburban 60 40 808
Rural 52 48 387
Democrats (no lean) 58 42 590
Independents (no lean) 53 47 478
Republicans (no lean) 62 38 526
Democrats (lean) 57 43 733
Independents (lean) 49 51 194
Republicans (lean) 61 39 667
Liberal (1-3) 57 43 453
Moderate (4) 57 43 432
Conservative (5-7) 62 38 641
Tea Party - Supporter 65 35 486
Tea Party - Not Supporter 55 45 1108
Religiosity: Monthly+ 61 39 648
Religiosity: LT Monthly 56 44 947
Income: Under 50k 55 45 692
Income: 50k-100k 55 45 524
Income: 100k+ 67 33 379
Educ: < College 56 44 1048
Educ: Bachelors degree 61 39 354
Educ: Post-grad 64 36 192
White Collar 64 36 756
Blue Collar 54 46 643
Cell Only/Mostly 55 45 724
Dual Use 56 44 535
LL Only/Mostly 69 31 324
14: Thinking about the same list of issues, how high of a priority do you think each one should be for the federal government
over the next six months before the 2014 Congressional election? Should it be...
Immigration Reform
The top
One of the
top priorities
A mid-level
Not a
Likely Voters 14 37 38 11 1595
Male 17 34 37 12 744
Female 11 40 39 10 851
Age: 18-29 18 34 37 11 269
Age: 30-44 13 35 41 11 383
Age: 45-64 15 34 38 14 602
Age: 65+ 12 46 35 7 341
Ethnicity - White 13 37 38 12 1195
Ethnicity - Hispanic 20 20 46 13 142
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 17 45 32 6 195
Ethnicity - Other 14 36 38 12 63
Urban 18 32 41 8 400
Suburban 13 38 35 14 808
Rural 12 40 39 9 387
Democrats (no lean) 13 40 40 6 590
Independents (no lean) 14 31 40 15 478
Republicans (no lean) 16 38 33 13 526
Democrats (lean) 13 40 40 7 733
Independents (lean) 14 24 46 16 194
Republicans (lean) 15 37 33 15 667
Liberal (1-3) 16 36 39 9 453
Moderate (4) 14 38 39 9 432
Conservative (5-7) 13 38 37 13 641
Tea Party - Supporter 20 35 32 14 486
Tea Party - Not Supporter 12 38 40 10 1108
Religiosity: Monthly+ 16 38 34 11 648
Religiosity: LT Monthly 13 36 40 11 947
Income: Under 50k 14 42 34 10 692
Income: 50k-100k 15 35 38 12 524
Income: 100k+ 13 30 45 12 379
Educ: < College 14 39 36 11 1048
Educ: Bachelors degree 14 32 40 13 354
Educ: Post-grad 17 31 41 11 192
White Collar 13 37 40 11 756
Blue Collar 16 37 38 9 643
Cell Only/Mostly 14 40 35 11 724
Dual Use 15 33 39 13 535
LL Only/Mostly 13 36 41 10 324
15: Thinking about the same list of issues, how high of a priority do you think each one should be for the federal government
over the next six months before the 2014 Congressional election? Should it be...
Immigration Reform
Top / One of the Top
Mid-level / Not a
Likely Voters 51 49 1595
Male 51 49 744
Female 51 49 851
Age: 18-29 52 48 269
Age: 30-44 48 52 383
Age: 45-64 48 52 602
Age: 65+ 58 42 341
Ethnicity - White 51 49 1195
Ethnicity - Hispanic 41 59 142
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 62 38 195
Ethnicity - Other 50 50 63
Urban 51 49 400
Suburban 51 49 808
Rural 52 48 387
Democrats (no lean) 54 46 590
Independents (no lean) 45 55 478
Republicans (no lean) 53 47 526
Democrats (lean) 53 47 733
Independents (lean) 39 61 194
Republicans (lean) 53 47 667
Liberal (1-3) 52 48 453
Moderate (4) 52 48 432
Conservative (5-7) 50 50 641
Tea Party - Supporter 54 46 486
Tea Party - Not Supporter 50 50 1108
Religiosity: Monthly+ 54 46 648
Religiosity: LT Monthly 49 51 947
Income: Under 50k 56 44 692
Income: 50k-100k 50 50 524
Income: 100k+ 43 57 379
Educ: < College 53 47 1048
Educ: Bachelors degree 47 53 354
Educ: Post-grad 48 52 192
White Collar 50 50 756
Blue Collar 53 47 643
Cell Only/Mostly 54 46 724
Dual Use 48 52 535
LL Only/Mostly 50 50 324
16: Thinking about the same list of issues, how high of a priority do you think each one should be for the federal government
over the next six months before the 2014 Congressional election? Should it be...
Medicare and Social Security
The top
One of the
top priorities
A mid-level
Not a
Likely Voters 31 49 17 3 1595
Male 29 49 17 5 744
Female 34 49 16 1 851
Age: 18-29 23 53 15 9 269
Age: 30-44 25 51 23 2 383
Age: 45-64 32 48 18 2 602
Age: 65+ 44 46 9 1 341
Ethnicity - White 29 51 17 3 1195
Ethnicity - Hispanic 32 43 23 2 142
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 45 46 6 3 195
Ethnicity - Other 32 35 32 1 63
Urban 33 46 14 6 400
Suburban 27 52 19 2 808
Rural 39 46 13 2 387
Democrats (no lean) 37 49 12 2 590
Independents (no lean) 29 48 21 2 478
Republicans (no lean) 26 50 18 5 526
Democrats (lean) 34 50 14 2 733
Independents (lean) 35 45 17 3 194
Republicans (lean) 27 49 20 4 667
Liberal (1-3) 34 47 16 2 453
Moderate (4) 39 44 16 1 432
Conservative (5-7) 22 54 18 6 641
Tea Party - Supporter 34 41 19 6 486
Tea Party - Not Supporter 30 52 16 2 1108
Religiosity: Monthly+ 34 46 16 5 648
Religiosity: LT Monthly 30 51 17 2 947
Income: Under 50k 41 46 12 2 692
Income: 50k-100k 26 53 18 3 524
Income: 100k+ 21 49 24 6 379
Educ: < College 37 49 10 3 1048
Educ: Bachelors degree 20 50 27 2 354
Educ: Post-grad 20 45 30 5 192
White Collar 22 51 22 4 756
Blue Collar 37 48 13 2 643
Cell Only/Mostly 28 49 18 5 724
Dual Use 32 49 17 2 535
LL Only/Mostly 36 49 13 2 324
17: Thinking about the same list of issues, how high of a priority do you think each one should be for the federal government
over the next six months before the 2014 Congressional election? Should it be...
Medicare and Social Security
Top / One of the Top
Mid-level / Not a
Likely Voters 80 20 1595
Male 77 23 744
Female 83 17 851
Age: 18-29 75 25 269
Age: 30-44 75 25 383
Age: 45-64 80 20 602
Age: 65+ 89 11 341
Ethnicity - White 80 20 1195
Ethnicity - Hispanic 75 25 142
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 91 9 195
Ethnicity - Other 67 33 63
Urban 80 20 400
Suburban 78 22 808
Rural 85 15 387
Democrats (no lean) 86 14 590
Independents (no lean) 77 23 478
Republicans (no lean) 77 23 526
Democrats (lean) 85 15 733
Independents (lean) 80 20 194
Republicans (lean) 76 24 667
Liberal (1-3) 82 18 453
Moderate (4) 83 17 432
Conservative (5-7) 76 24 641
Tea Party - Supporter 75 25 486
Tea Party - Not Supporter 82 18 1108
Religiosity: Monthly+ 79 21 648
Religiosity: LT Monthly 81 19 947
Income: Under 50k 87 13 692
Income: 50k-100k 79 21 524
Income: 100k+ 70 30 379
Educ: < College 86 14 1048
Educ: Bachelors degree 71 29 354
Educ: Post-grad 64 36 192
White Collar 74 26 756
Blue Collar 85 15 643
Cell Only/Mostly 77 23 724
Dual Use 81 19 535
LL Only/Mostly 86 14 324
18: Thinking about the same list of issues, how high of a priority do you think each one should be for the federal government
over the next six months before the 2014 Congressional election? Should it be...
Energy Policy
The top
One of the
top priorities
A mid-level
Not a
Likely Voters 15 43 36 6 1595
Male 18 45 31 6 744
Female 12 41 41 7 851
Age: 18-29 16 37 40 6 269
Age: 30-44 17 40 40 4 383
Age: 45-64 15 41 37 8 602
Age: 65+ 11 55 28 6 341
Ethnicity - White 13 43 38 7 1195
Ethnicity - Hispanic 24 48 22 6 142
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 16 40 39 5 195
Ethnicity - Other 23 44 29 3 63
Urban 19 43 32 6 400
Suburban 13 44 37 6 808
Rural 13 39 39 8 387
Democrats (no lean) 18 45 34 3 590
Independents (no lean) 13 42 37 8 478
Republicans (no lean) 12 41 37 9 526
Democrats (lean) 17 45 35 3 733
Independents (lean) 9 39 42 10 194
Republicans (lean) 13 42 36 9 667
Liberal (1-3) 20 46 31 3 453
Moderate (4) 16 44 36 4 432
Conservative (5-7) 11 39 40 10 641
Tea Party - Supporter 19 39 32 10 486
Tea Party - Not Supporter 13 45 38 5 1108
Religiosity: Monthly+ 18 42 35 5 648
Religiosity: LT Monthly 12 43 37 7 947
Income: Under 50k 17 41 36 6 692
Income: 50k-100k 11 45 36 8 524
Income: 100k+ 14 43 37 5 379
Educ: < College 14 42 37 7 1048
Educ: Bachelors degree 14 44 35 7 354
Educ: Post-grad 16 43 36 4 192
White Collar 15 44 35 7 756
Blue Collar 15 41 37 7 643
Cell Only/Mostly 16 42 36 6 724
Dual Use 15 37 40 8 535
LL Only/Mostly 11 54 30 5 324
19: Thinking about the same list of issues, how high of a priority do you think each one should be for the federal government
over the next six months before the 2014 Congressional election? Should it be...
Energy Policy
Top / One of the Top
Mid-level / Not a
Likely Voters 57 43 1595
Male 63 37 744
Female 53 47 851
Age: 18-29 54 46 269
Age: 30-44 56 44 383
Age: 45-64 55 45 602
Age: 65+ 65 35 341
Ethnicity - White 55 45 1195
Ethnicity - Hispanic 72 28 142
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 57 43 195
Ethnicity - Other 68 32 63
Urban 62 38 400
Suburban 57 43 808
Rural 52 48 387
Democrats (no lean) 63 37 590
Independents (no lean) 55 45 478
Republicans (no lean) 53 47 526
Democrats (lean) 62 38 733
Independents (lean) 48 52 194
Republicans (lean) 55 45 667
Liberal (1-3) 66 34 453
Moderate (4) 60 40 432
Conservative (5-7) 50 50 641
Tea Party - Supporter 58 42 486
Tea Party - Not Supporter 57 43 1108
Religiosity: Monthly+ 60 40 648
Religiosity: LT Monthly 55 45 947
Income: Under 50k 58 42 692
Income: 50k-100k 56 44 524
Income: 100k+ 58 42 379
Educ: < College 57 43 1048
Educ: Bachelors degree 58 42 354
Educ: Post-grad 60 40 192
White Collar 58 42 756
Blue Collar 56 44 643
Cell Only/Mostly 58 42 724
Dual Use 51 49 535
LL Only/Mostly 65 35 324
20: Thinking about the same list of issues, how high of a priority do you think each one should be for the federal government
over the next six months before the 2014 Congressional election? Should it be...
The top
One of the
top priorities
A mid-level
Not a
Likely Voters 24 45 25 6 1595
Male 22 44 27 7 744
Female 25 47 24 5 851
Age: 18-29 31 43 24 2 269
Age: 30-44 24 50 22 3 383
Age: 45-64 21 45 27 8 602
Age: 65+ 22 43 28 7 341
Ethnicity - White 20 45 28 7 1195
Ethnicity - Hispanic 28 48 23 2 142
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 42 41 17 1 195
Ethnicity - Other 30 56 12 2 63
Urban 29 44 23 4 400
Suburban 21 47 27 5 808
Rural 23 44 24 9 387
Democrats (no lean) 32 51 15 2 590
Independents (no lean) 23 45 26 6 478
Republicans (no lean) 15 39 37 9 526
Democrats (lean) 32 50 16 2 733
Independents (lean) 21 43 29 6 194
Republicans (lean) 15 41 35 10 667
Liberal (1-3) 32 48 18 2 453
Moderate (4) 30 47 21 2 432
Conservative (5-7) 13 41 36 11 641
Tea Party - Supporter 18 36 34 11 486
Tea Party - Not Supporter 26 49 22 3 1108
Religiosity: Monthly+ 24 41 30 5 648
Religiosity: LT Monthly 23 48 23 6 947
Income: Under 50k 30 43 23 4 692
Income: 50k-100k 20 48 24 7 524
Income: 100k+ 16 45 32 7 379
Educ: < College 27 44 24 5 1048
Educ: Bachelors degree 17 47 28 7 354
Educ: Post-grad 18 47 27 8 192
White Collar 19 47 27 7 756
Blue Collar 26 44 25 5 643
Cell Only/Mostly 29 45 21 4 724
Dual Use 22 42 30 6 535
LL Only/Mostly 14 51 27 7 324
21: Thinking about the same list of issues, how high of a priority do you think each one should be for the federal government
over the next six months before the 2014 Congressional election? Should it be...
Top / One of the Top
Mid-level / Not a
Likely Voters 69 31 1595
Male 66 34 744
Female 71 29 851
Age: 18-29 74 26 269
Age: 30-44 74 26 383
Age: 45-64 66 34 602
Age: 65+ 65 35 341
Ethnicity - White 65 35 1195
Ethnicity - Hispanic 75 25 142
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 83 17 195
Ethnicity - Other 86 14 63
Urban 73 27 400
Suburban 68 32 808
Rural 67 33 387
Democrats (no lean) 83 17 590
Independents (no lean) 68 32 478
Republicans (no lean) 54 46 526
Democrats (lean) 82 18 733
Independents (lean) 65 35 194
Republicans (lean) 56 44 667
Liberal (1-3) 80 20 453
Moderate (4) 77 23 432
Conservative (5-7) 54 46 641
Tea Party - Supporter 54 46 486
Tea Party - Not Supporter 75 25 1108
Religiosity: Monthly+ 65 35 648
Religiosity: LT Monthly 71 29 947
Income: Under 50k 74 26 692
Income: 50k-100k 68 32 524
Income: 100k+ 61 39 379
Educ: < College 71 29 1048
Educ: Bachelors degree 64 36 354
Educ: Post-grad 65 35 192
White Collar 66 34 756
Blue Collar 70 30 643
Cell Only/Mostly 74 26 724
Dual Use 64 36 535
LL Only/Mostly 66 34 324
22: Now, changing topics for a moment...Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in
politics and world aairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very
Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but
do not have an opinion, please mark Heard Of, No Opinion. If you have not heard of the person or organization, please
mark Never Heard Of.
Very Fa-
Very Un-
Of, No
Heard Of
Likely Voters 22 27 16 11 21 2 1595
Male 30 27 15 14 13 1 744
Female 16 26 17 9 28 4 851
Age: 18-29 25 17 17 20 18 3 269
Age: 30-44 13 28 22 14 21 2 383
Age: 45-64 24 26 15 9 24 2 602
Age: 65+ 29 34 12 4 18 3 340
Ethnicity - White 25 27 15 11 20 3 1194
Ethnicity - Hispanic 21 30 18 15 14 2 142
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 13 20 18 11 35 2 195
Ethnicity - Other 15 34 24 13 13 2 63
Urban 22 23 17 13 21 4 400
Suburban 22 29 17 11 20 1 808
Rural 25 24 14 10 24 3 387
Democrats (no lean) 14 24 18 14 26 4 590
Independents (no lean) 20 27 18 12 22 2 478
Republicans (no lean) 35 29 12 8 15 1 526
Democrats (lean) 13 25 20 15 24 3 733
Independents (lean) 12 24 17 12 32 3 194
Republicans (lean) 36 29 12 7 14 1 667
Liberal (1-3) 17 27 22 16 17 1 453
Moderate (4) 12 20 19 14 32 3 432
Conservative (5-7) 35 32 11 6 14 1 641
Tea Party - Supporter 40 27 14 7 12 2 486
Tea Party - Not Supporter 15 27 18 13 25 3 1108
Religiosity: Monthly+ 28 27 13 9 20 4 648
Religiosity: LT Monthly 18 27 19 13 22 2 947
Income: Under 50k 20 25 16 12 23 3 692
Income: 50k-100k 21 29 14 14 20 2 524
Income: 100k+ 29 26 20 6 18 1 379
Educ: < College 22 23 13 13 25 4 1048
Educ: Bachelors degree 23 32 22 9 13 1 354
Educ: Post-grad 23 35 22 7 12 0 192
White Collar 26 28 20 11 14 2 756
Blue Collar 21 24 14 12 27 3 643
Cell Only/Mostly 21 23 17 16 21 2 724
Dual Use 22 30 16 6 23 3 535
LL Only/Mostly 27 29 13 9 19 3 324
23: Now, changing topics for a moment...Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in
politics and world aairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very
Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but
do not have an opinion, please mark Heard Of, No Opinion. If you have not heard of the person or organization, please
mark Never Heard Of.
Favorable Unfavorable NHO/No Op. N
Likely Voters 49 27 23 1595
Male 57 29 15 744
Female 43 26 31 851
Age: 18-29 42 37 21 269
Age: 30-44 40 36 23 383
Age: 45-64 50 24 26 602
Age: 65+ 63 16 21 340
Ethnicity - White 51 26 23 1194
Ethnicity - Hispanic 51 33 15 142
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 34 29 37 195
Ethnicity - Other 48 37 15 63
Urban 45 30 25 400
Suburban 51 28 21 808
Rural 49 24 27 387
Democrats (no lean) 38 32 30 590
Independents (no lean) 46 30 24 478
Republicans (no lean) 64 20 16 526
Democrats (lean) 38 34 27 733
Independents (lean) 36 29 35 194
Republicans (lean) 65 19 16 667
Liberal (1-3) 44 38 18 453
Moderate (4) 32 33 35 432
Conservative (5-7) 67 18 15 641
Tea Party - Supporter 67 20 13 486
Tea Party - Not Supporter 41 31 28 1108
Religiosity: Monthly+ 55 22 23 648
Religiosity: LT Monthly 45 31 24 947
Income: Under 50k 46 28 27 692
Income: 50k-100k 50 28 22 524
Income: 100k+ 54 26 19 379
Educ: < College 45 26 29 1048
Educ: Bachelors degree 55 31 14 354
Educ: Post-grad 58 29 13 192
White Collar 53 31 16 756
Blue Collar 45 25 30 643
Cell Only/Mostly 44 33 23 724
Dual Use 52 22 26 535
LL Only/Mostly 56 22 22 324
24: Now, changing topics for a moment...Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in
politics and world aairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very
Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below.If you have heard of the person or organization, but
do not have an opinion, please mark Heard Of, No Opinion. If you have not heard of the person or organization, please
mark Never Heard Of.
Very Fa-
Very Un-
Of, No
Heard Of
Likely Voters 2 3 12 44 22 17 1590
Male 1 4 13 57 14 11 744
Female 3 2 12 33 28 23 847
Age: 18-29 1 5 15 39 18 21 266
Age: 30-44 4 6 15 34 23 18 383
Age: 45-64 1 1 11 50 20 17 600
Age: 65+ 1 1 8 51 25 14 340
Ethnicity - White 1 2 11 49 20 17 1190
Ethnicity - Hispanic 11 9 19 36 16 9 142
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 0 4 17 25 32 22 195
Ethnicity - Other 4 9 13 36 20 17 63
Urban 1 5 13 40 20 20 400
Suburban 2 3 12 48 21 14 806
Rural 0 1 12 42 25 20 384
Democrats (no lean) 1 4 14 39 22 19 590
Independents (no lean) 0 2 16 43 23 16 478
Republicans (no lean) 4 2 7 52 19 16 522
Democrats (lean) 1 4 16 39 22 18 733
Independents (lean) 0 0 18 38 31 13 194
Republicans (lean) 3 3 6 52 19 17 663
Liberal (1-3) 4 5 18 39 20 13 450
Moderate (4) 1 3 13 39 26 19 432
Conservative (5-7) 1 2 8 55 17 17 640
Tea Party - Supporter 5 7 10 50 17 12 481
Tea Party - Not Supporter 0 1 13 42 24 19 1108
Religiosity: Monthly+ 4 5 13 42 19 18 646
Religiosity: LT Monthly 0 2 12 46 23 17 944
Income: Under 50k 3 3 14 33 24 24 687
Income: 50k-100k 1 3 13 49 20 15 524
Income: 100k+ 1 3 10 60 19 7 379
Educ: < College 2 2 11 39 25 21 1044
Educ: Bachelors degree 1 5 16 52 16 10 354
Educ: Post-grad 2 5 15 58 13 7 192
White Collar 1 2 15 52 17 13 756
Blue Collar 1 5 9 40 26 19 638
Cell Only/Mostly 2 3 13 42 23 17 721
Dual Use 1 1 12 47 21 18 533
LL Only/Mostly 2 6 11 47 18 16 324
25: Now, changing topics for a moment...Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in
politics and world aairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very
Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below.If you have heard of the person or organization, but
do not have an opinion, please mark Heard Of, No Opinion. If you have not heard of the person or organization, please
mark Never Heard Of.
Favorable Unfavorable NHO/No Op. N
Likely Voters 5 57 39 1590
Male 5 71 25 744
Female 4 45 51 847
Age: 18-29 6 55 39 266
Age: 30-44 10 49 41 383
Age: 45-64 2 61 37 600
Age: 65+ 2 60 39 340
Ethnicity - White 2 60 38 1190
Ethnicity - Hispanic 20 55 25 142
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 4 42 55 195
Ethnicity - Other 13 49 38 63
Urban 7 53 40 400
Suburban 5 60 35 806
Rural 2 54 45 384
Democrats (no lean) 6 54 41 590
Independents (no lean) 2 59 39 478
Republicans (no lean) 6 59 36 522
Democrats (lean) 5 55 40 733
Independents (lean) 0 56 44 194
Republicans (lean) 6 59 36 663
Liberal (1-3) 9 58 33 450
Moderate (4) 3 52 45 432
Conservative (5-7) 2 63 35 640
Tea Party - Supporter 12 60 29 481
Tea Party - Not Supporter 2 55 43 1108
Religiosity: Monthly+ 8 55 37 646
Religiosity: LT Monthly 2 58 40 944
Income: Under 50k 5 47 48 687
Income: 50k-100k 4 61 35 524
Income: 100k+ 4 69 27 379
Educ: < College 4 50 46 1044
Educ: Bachelors degree 6 68 26 354
Educ: Post-grad 7 73 20 192
White Collar 3 67 30 756
Blue Collar 6 50 45 638
Cell Only/Mostly 5 55 40 721
Dual Use 2 59 39 533
LL Only/Mostly 8 58 35 324
26: Now, changing topics for a moment...Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in
politics and world aairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very
Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below.If you have heard of the person or organization, but
do not have an opinion, please mark Heard Of, No Opinion. If you have not heard of the person or organization, please
mark Never Heard Of.
The Palestinian Authority
Very Fa-
Very Un-
Of, No
Heard Of
Likely Voters 2 8 19 35 25 12 1595
Male 2 9 20 45 17 5 744
Female 1 6 18 26 31 17 851
Age: 18-29 3 12 19 33 15 19 269
Age: 30-44 2 15 20 24 28 12 383
Age: 45-64 2 3 17 41 26 11 602
Age: 65+ 1 5 21 40 27 7 341
Ethnicity - White 1 6 18 40 25 11 1195
Ethnicity - Hispanic 7 25 16 29 21 3 142
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 4 5 26 13 29 23 195
Ethnicity - Other 7 15 24 31 16 7 63
Urban 2 9 21 29 22 18 400
Suburban 2 9 19 38 23 8 808
Rural 1 4 16 35 31 13 387
Democrats (no lean) 3 9 22 25 28 14 590
Independents (no lean) 0 9 18 33 28 11 478
Republicans (no lean) 2 6 16 48 18 10 526
Democrats (lean) 3 10 23 24 26 14 733
Independents (lean) 0 4 15 29 40 13 194
Republicans (lean) 1 7 15 49 19 9 667
Liberal (1-3) 4 16 24 23 20 12 453
Moderate (4) 1 7 18 30 33 10 432
Conservative (5-7) 1 3 16 48 20 11 641
Tea Party - Supporter 2 11 15 49 14 9 486
Tea Party - Not Supporter 2 6 20 29 29 13 1108
Religiosity: Monthly+ 2 12 13 37 24 11 648
Religiosity: LT Monthly 1 5 23 33 25 12 947
Income: Under 50k 2 8 20 26 28 15 692
Income: 50k-100k 2 8 19 36 23 12 524
Income: 100k+ 1 7 16 49 22 6 379
Educ: < College 2 7 17 32 28 15 1048
Educ: Bachelors degree 2 8 20 41 21 7 354
Educ: Post-grad 1 12 26 39 17 4 192
White Collar 1 10 23 39 19 9 756
Blue Collar 2 4 17 34 29 13 643
Cell Only/Mostly 2 9 18 36 23 12 724
Dual Use 1 5 20 34 26 14 535
LL Only/Mostly 2 9 20 34 26 9 324
27: Now, changing topics for a moment...Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in
politics and world aairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very
Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below.If you have heard of the person or organization, but
do not have an opinion, please mark Heard Of, No Opinion. If you have not heard of the person or organization, please
mark Never Heard Of.
The Palestinian Authority
Favorable Unfavorable NHO/No Op. N
Likely Voters 9 54 37 1595
Male 12 65 23 744
Female 7 44 49 851
Age: 18-29 15 51 34 269
Age: 30-44 16 44 40 383
Age: 45-64 5 58 37 602
Age: 65+ 6 60 34 341
Ethnicity - White 6 57 36 1195
Ethnicity - Hispanic 31 45 24 142
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 8 39 52 195
Ethnicity - Other 22 55 23 63
Urban 10 49 40 400
Suburban 11 57 31 808
Rural 5 51 44 387
Democrats (no lean) 12 47 42 590
Independents (no lean) 9 52 39 478
Republicans (no lean) 8 64 28 526
Democrats (lean) 12 48 40 733
Independents (lean) 4 44 53 194
Republicans (lean) 8 64 28 667
Liberal (1-3) 20 48 33 453
Moderate (4) 8 48 44 432
Conservative (5-7) 4 65 31 641
Tea Party - Supporter 13 64 23 486
Tea Party - Not Supporter 8 49 43 1108
Religiosity: Monthly+ 14 51 35 648
Religiosity: LT Monthly 6 56 38 947
Income: Under 50k 10 46 43 692
Income: 50k-100k 10 56 34 524
Income: 100k+ 7 65 28 379
Educ: < College 8 49 42 1048
Educ: Bachelors degree 10 61 28 354
Educ: Post-grad 13 66 21 192
White Collar 11 62 27 756
Blue Collar 7 51 42 643
Cell Only/Mostly 11 54 35 724
Dual Use 6 54 40 535
LL Only/Mostly 11 54 35 324
28: Now, changing topics for a moment...Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in
politics and world aairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very
Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below.If you have heard of the person or organization, but
do not have an opinion, please mark Heard Of, No Opinion. If you have not heard of the person or organization, please
mark Never Heard Of.
Very Fa-
Very Un-
Of, No
Heard Of
Likely Voters 2 4 21 47 24 2 1590
Male 1 4 21 58 15 1 741
Female 3 4 22 37 32 2 849
Age: 18-29 0 13 21 42 20 3 269
Age: 30-44 5 4 28 42 20 1 383
Age: 45-64 1 2 19 49 27 2 600
Age: 65+ 1 1 17 52 27 1 338
Ethnicity - White 1 3 20 52 23 2 1190
Ethnicity - Hispanic 14 4 21 38 22 2 142
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 1 12 27 24 37 0 195
Ethnicity - Other 0 9 21 54 14 2 63
Urban 2 8 21 45 22 2 400
Suburban 2 2 22 50 22 1 803
Rural 1 4 19 44 29 3 387
Democrats (no lean) 2 4 23 41 29 1 588
Independents (no lean) 1 5 24 44 23 2 476
Republicans (no lean) 3 3 17 56 19 2 526
Democrats (lean) 2 6 24 41 26 1 731
Independents (lean) 2 3 20 37 34 3 194
Republicans (lean) 2 3 18 56 19 2 665
Liberal (1-3) 5 7 25 42 21 1 451
Moderate (4) 1 4 19 45 29 2 432
Conservative (5-7) 1 3 20 55 20 1 639
Tea Party - Supporter 5 9 22 49 14 1 486
Tea Party - Not Supporter 1 2 21 46 28 2 1103
Religiosity: Monthly+ 4 7 22 39 26 1 648
Religiosity: LT Monthly 1 2 20 52 22 2 942
Income: Under 50k 3 6 20 39 29 2 689
Income: 50k-100k 1 3 24 47 22 2 522
Income: 100k+ 1 3 18 61 17 1 379
Educ: < College 2 4 19 43 29 2 1043
Educ: Bachelors degree 2 4 26 51 16 1 354
Educ: Post-grad 1 6 21 62 10 1 192
White Collar 2 3 25 54 15 2 754
Blue Collar 1 5 20 43 30 1 640
Cell Only/Mostly 2 5 25 45 22 2 724
Dual Use 1 3 18 52 26 1 533
LL Only/Mostly 3 6 18 46 25 2 321
29: Now, changing topics for a moment...Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in
politics and world aairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very
Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below.If you have heard of the person or organization, but
do not have an opinion, please mark Heard Of, No Opinion. If you have not heard of the person or organization, please
mark Never Heard Of.
Favorable Unfavorable NHO/No Op. N
Likely Voters 6 68 26 1590
Male 5 79 16 741
Female 7 59 34 849
Age: 18-29 14 63 23 269
Age: 30-44 10 70 20 383
Age: 45-64 3 69 29 600
Age: 65+ 3 69 28 338
Ethnicity - White 4 72 24 1190
Ethnicity - Hispanic 18 59 23 142
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 12 51 37 195
Ethnicity - Other 9 75 16 63
Urban 10 67 23 400
Suburban 5 72 24 803
Rural 5 63 32 387
Democrats (no lean) 6 64 30 588
Independents (no lean) 6 68 25 476
Republicans (no lean) 6 73 21 526
Democrats (lean) 7 65 27 731
Independents (lean) 5 57 38 194
Republicans (lean) 5 75 20 665
Liberal (1-3) 11 67 22 451
Moderate (4) 5 65 30 432
Conservative (5-7) 3 75 22 639
Tea Party - Supporter 14 70 16 486
Tea Party - Not Supporter 3 67 30 1103
Religiosity: Monthly+ 10 62 28 648
Religiosity: LT Monthly 3 73 24 942
Income: Under 50k 9 60 31 689
Income: 50k-100k 4 72 24 522
Income: 100k+ 4 79 17 379
Educ: < College 6 63 31 1043
Educ: Bachelors degree 6 77 17 354
Educ: Post-grad 7 83 10 192
White Collar 5 79 16 754
Blue Collar 6 63 31 640
Cell Only/Mostly 7 69 24 724
Dual Use 4 69 27 533
LL Only/Mostly 9 64 27 321
30: Now, changing topics for a moment...Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in
politics and world aairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very
Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below.If you have heard of the person or organization, but
do not have an opinion, please mark Heard Of, No Opinion. If you have not heard of the person or organization, please
mark Never Heard Of.
Very Fa-
Very Un-
Of, No
Heard Of
Likely Voters 3 13 26 21 34 3 1594
Male 4 14 29 26 25 2 744
Female 2 12 23 17 42 5 851
Age: 18-29 6 16 19 18 36 5 269
Age: 30-44 3 18 26 16 32 4 383
Age: 45-64 2 8 27 26 33 3 601
Age: 65+ 1 12 29 20 36 2 341
Ethnicity - White 3 10 28 23 33 4 1194
Ethnicity - Hispanic 6 22 23 22 23 4 142
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 3 19 16 12 49 2 195
Ethnicity - Other 1 24 22 19 30 3 63
Urban 3 17 22 21 33 5 400
Suburban 3 12 29 20 33 2 807
Rural 2 10 23 23 38 6 387
Democrats (no lean) 3 13 24 16 39 5 590
Independents (no lean) 4 11 29 18 34 3 478
Republicans (no lean) 1 13 25 30 28 3 526
Democrats (lean) 5 13 26 14 37 4 733
Independents (lean) 2 9 26 19 39 5 194
Republicans (lean) 1 13 26 29 29 2 667
Liberal (1-3) 6 16 28 13 36 1 453
Moderate (4) 2 9 24 23 37 6 432
Conservative (5-7) 2 12 29 28 27 2 641
Tea Party - Supporter 3 18 25 30 22 2 486
Tea Party - Not Supporter 3 10 26 17 39 4 1108
Religiosity: Monthly+ 6 15 24 20 32 3 648
Religiosity: LT Monthly 1 11 27 22 36 3 947
Income: Under 50k 2 13 21 20 39 5 692
Income: 50k-100k 5 12 28 24 29 3 524
Income: 100k+ 2 13 32 20 32 1 378
Educ: < College 3 10 21 23 38 4 1048
Educ: Bachelors degree 2 15 33 19 29 2 354
Educ: Post-grad 2 21 40 15 22 0 192
White Collar 4 14 31 21 28 3 756
Blue Collar 2 11 22 23 39 3 643
Cell Only/Mostly 4 14 24 22 33 3 724
Dual Use 2 10 32 20 31 5 535
LL Only/Mostly 2 15 22 20 40 2 324
31: Now, changing topics for a moment...Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in
politics and world aairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very
Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below.If you have heard of the person or organization, but
do not have an opinion, please mark Heard Of, No Opinion. If you have not heard of the person or organization, please
mark Never Heard Of.
Favorable Unfavorable NHO/No Op. N
Likely Voters 16 47 37 1594
Male 18 55 26 744
Female 13 40 47 851
Age: 18-29 22 37 40 269
Age: 30-44 21 42 36 383
Age: 45-64 10 53 36 601
Age: 65+ 12 49 38 341
Ethnicity - White 13 51 37 1194
Ethnicity - Hispanic 28 45 27 142
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 21 28 51 195
Ethnicity - Other 26 41 34 63
Urban 20 43 37 400
Suburban 16 50 35 807
Rural 11 46 43 387
Democrats (no lean) 17 40 43 590
Independents (no lean) 15 48 37 478
Republicans (no lean) 14 55 31 526
Democrats (lean) 18 41 41 733
Independents (lean) 11 45 44 194
Republicans (lean) 14 55 31 667
Liberal (1-3) 22 40 37 453
Moderate (4) 11 46 43 432
Conservative (5-7) 14 56 30 641
Tea Party - Supporter 21 54 25 486
Tea Party - Not Supporter 13 44 43 1108
Religiosity: Monthly+ 21 44 35 648
Religiosity: LT Monthly 12 49 39 947
Income: Under 50k 15 41 44 692
Income: 50k-100k 17 51 32 524
Income: 100k+ 15 52 33 378
Educ: < College 14 44 42 1048
Educ: Bachelors degree 17 52 31 354
Educ: Post-grad 23 55 22 192
White Collar 17 52 31 756
Blue Collar 13 45 42 643
Cell Only/Mostly 18 46 36 724
Dual Use 12 52 36 535
LL Only/Mostly 16 42 42 324
32: Now, changing topics for a moment...Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in
politics and world aairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very
Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below.If you have heard of the person or organization, but
do not have an opinion, please mark Heard Of, No Opinion. If you have not heard of the person or organization, please
mark Never Heard Of.
Very Fa-
Very Un-
Of, No
Heard Of
Likely Voters 5 18 24 14 33 6 1594
Male 5 24 27 18 23 3 743
Female 5 12 22 10 42 9 851
Age: 18-29 4 16 26 16 29 9 269
Age: 30-44 9 14 25 13 32 7 383
Age: 45-64 4 20 23 14 34 5 601
Age: 65+ 2 21 23 13 37 4 341
Ethnicity - White 3 18 26 14 34 5 1195
Ethnicity - Hispanic 14 19 22 15 27 3 142
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 8 9 20 8 40 15 195
Ethnicity - Other 4 35 18 17 23 2 62
Urban 6 15 24 16 28 9 400
Suburban 5 22 26 11 34 3 807
Rural 3 12 21 17 38 8 387
Democrats (no lean) 6 14 26 10 37 8 590
Independents (no lean) 2 24 22 12 35 5 478
Republicans (no lean) 5 18 25 20 28 5 526
Democrats (lean) 6 17 25 9 35 7 733
Independents (lean) 1 15 18 18 41 6 194
Republicans (lean) 5 20 25 18 29 4 667
Liberal (1-3) 9 19 30 6 31 4 453
Moderate (4) 4 14 21 15 41 6 432
Conservative (5-7) 3 21 24 18 28 6 641
Tea Party - Supporter 9 19 24 21 23 5 486
Tea Party - Not Supporter 3 18 25 11 38 6 1108
Religiosity: Monthly+ 6 21 22 15 31 5 648
Religiosity: LT Monthly 4 16 26 13 35 6 946
Income: Under 50k 6 14 21 12 38 9 692
Income: 50k-100k 4 21 23 15 32 5 524
Income: 100k+ 3 22 33 14 27 2 379
Educ: < College 5 13 23 15 36 8 1048
Educ: Bachelors degree 4 25 28 13 28 2 354
Educ: Post-grad 5 31 26 10 27 1 192
White Collar 4 23 29 14 26 3 756
Blue Collar 5 13 23 15 39 5 643
Cell Only/Mostly 5 16 25 15 33 6 724
Dual Use 4 22 22 11 34 6 535
LL Only/Mostly 6 17 26 14 34 4 324
33: Now, changing topics for a moment...Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in
politics and world aairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very
Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below.If you have heard of the person or organization, but
do not have an opinion, please mark Heard Of, No Opinion. If you have not heard of the person or organization, please
mark Never Heard Of.
Favorable Unfavorable NHO/No Op. N
Likely Voters 23 38 39 1594
Male 29 45 26 743
Female 17 32 51 851
Age: 18-29 20 42 38 269
Age: 30-44 23 38 39 383
Age: 45-64 24 37 39 601
Age: 65+ 23 36 41 341
Ethnicity - White 22 40 38 1195
Ethnicity - Hispanic 33 37 30 142
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 18 28 54 195
Ethnicity - Other 39 35 26 62
Urban 21 41 38 400
Suburban 27 36 36 807
Rural 15 38 46 387
Democrats (no lean) 20 36 44 590
Independents (no lean) 26 34 40 478
Republicans (no lean) 23 44 33 526
Democrats (lean) 23 34 42 733
Independents (lean) 17 36 47 194
Republicans (lean) 24 42 33 667
Liberal (1-3) 28 37 35 453
Moderate (4) 18 36 47 432
Conservative (5-7) 24 42 34 641
Tea Party - Supporter 28 44 28 486
Tea Party - Not Supporter 21 35 44 1108
Religiosity: Monthly+ 27 37 36 648
Religiosity: LT Monthly 20 39 41 946
Income: Under 50k 20 33 47 692
Income: 50k-100k 25 38 37 524
Income: 100k+ 24 47 29 379
Educ: < College 18 37 44 1048
Educ: Bachelors degree 29 41 30 354
Educ: Post-grad 36 36 28 192
White Collar 27 43 29 756
Blue Collar 18 38 44 643
Cell Only/Mostly 20 41 39 724
Dual Use 26 33 40 535
LL Only/Mostly 23 40 37 324
34: Now, changing topics for a moment...Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in
politics and world aairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very
Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below.If you have heard of the person or organization, but
do not have an opinion, please mark Heard Of, No Opinion. If you have not heard of the person or organization, please
mark Never Heard Of.
Very Fa-
Very Un-
Of, No
Heard Of
Likely Voters 4 15 32 20 26 3 1593
Male 5 16 39 22 18 1 742
Female 3 14 26 19 33 4 851
Age: 18-29 9 16 28 25 20 2 269
Age: 30-44 6 15 30 18 29 2 382
Age: 45-64 3 12 34 20 28 3 601
Age: 65+ 1 19 36 20 22 3 341
Ethnicity - White 2 14 34 22 25 3 1193
Ethnicity - Hispanic 14 12 25 23 24 1 142
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 6 24 22 13 34 2 195
Ethnicity - Other 6 21 37 18 15 2 63
Urban 3 16 28 22 27 3 400
Suburban 5 15 35 21 22 1 807
Rural 2 15 30 17 31 5 386
Democrats (no lean) 3 16 32 17 28 4 590
Independents (no lean) 5 16 32 18 28 2 478
Republicans (no lean) 5 13 33 26 22 1 525
Democrats (lean) 5 17 32 16 26 4 733
Independents (lean) 0 13 28 19 36 3 194
Republicans (lean) 4 13 34 26 22 1 666
Liberal (1-3) 9 17 37 16 21 1 453
Moderate (4) 2 17 28 19 29 4 431
Conservative (5-7) 1 14 34 25 25 1 640
Tea Party - Supporter 6 18 31 26 18 2 485
Tea Party - Not Supporter 3 14 33 18 29 3 1107
Religiosity: Monthly+ 7 16 29 19 24 4 647
Religiosity: LT Monthly 2 14 34 21 27 2 946
Income: Under 50k 5 18 28 17 28 4 690
Income: 50k-100k 4 15 32 21 27 2 524
Income: 100k+ 1 10 41 27 19 2 379
Educ: < College 5 14 26 20 31 4 1047
Educ: Bachelors degree 2 17 40 23 18 0 354
Educ: Post-grad 1 17 50 20 13 0 192
White Collar 4 13 39 25 18 1 756
Blue Collar 4 17 26 18 32 3 641
Cell Only/Mostly 6 16 29 22 25 2 723
Dual Use 1 15 34 19 27 4 535
LL Only/Mostly 3 12 36 20 26 3 323
35: Now, changing topics for a moment...Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in
politics and world aairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very
Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below.If you have heard of the person or organization, but
do not have an opinion, please mark Heard Of, No Opinion. If you have not heard of the person or organization, please
mark Never Heard Of.
Favorable Unfavorable NHO/No Op. N
Likely Voters 19 53 28 1593
Male 20 61 19 742
Female 18 45 37 851
Age: 18-29 25 52 23 269
Age: 30-44 20 48 31 382
Age: 45-64 15 54 31 601
Age: 65+ 20 56 25 341
Ethnicity - White 16 56 28 1193
Ethnicity - Hispanic 26 48 26 142
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 30 35 36 195
Ethnicity - Other 27 56 18 63
Urban 19 51 31 400
Suburban 20 57 23 807
Rural 17 46 37 386
Democrats (no lean) 19 49 32 590
Independents (no lean) 20 50 30 478
Republicans (no lean) 18 59 23 525
Democrats (lean) 22 48 30 733
Independents (lean) 13 47 40 194
Republicans (lean) 17 59 24 666
Liberal (1-3) 26 52 22 453
Moderate (4) 19 48 33 431
Conservative (5-7) 15 59 26 640
Tea Party - Supporter 24 57 19 485
Tea Party - Not Supporter 17 51 33 1107
Religiosity: Monthly+ 23 49 28 647
Religiosity: LT Monthly 16 55 29 946
Income: Under 50k 23 45 33 690
Income: 50k-100k 19 52 28 524
Income: 100k+ 11 68 21 379
Educ: < College 19 46 35 1047
Educ: Bachelors degree 19 63 18 354
Educ: Post-grad 17 70 13 192
White Collar 17 64 19 756
Blue Collar 21 44 35 641
Cell Only/Mostly 22 51 27 723
Dual Use 16 53 31 535
LL Only/Mostly 15 56 29 323
36: Now, changing topics for a moment...Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in
politics and world aairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very
Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below.If you have heard of the person or organization, but
do not have an opinion, please mark Heard Of, No Opinion. If you have not heard of the person or organization, please
mark Never Heard Of.
Saudi Arabia
Very Fa-
Very Un-
Of, No
Heard Of
Likely Voters 3 16 30 24 24 2 1591
Male 3 22 36 23 15 1 743
Female 4 11 25 25 32 3 848
Age: 18-29 2 24 20 26 25 2 269
Age: 30-44 7 15 35 23 18 2 383
Age: 45-64 2 14 31 25 27 2 599
Age: 65+ 1 17 32 23 26 0 339
Ethnicity - White 2 17 31 26 22 2 1190
Ethnicity - Hispanic 16 10 31 20 23 1 142
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 4 17 23 15 41 0 195
Ethnicity - Other 2 22 38 19 17 2 63
Urban 4 17 25 27 24 3 398
Suburban 3 17 34 21 24 1 807
Rural 3 15 27 28 26 1 385
Democrats (no lean) 3 17 30 21 27 2 589
Independents (no lean) 2 17 28 25 26 2 477
Republicans (no lean) 5 15 33 27 20 1 525
Democrats (lean) 3 19 30 22 24 2 732
Independents (lean) 2 10 21 26 38 3 193
Republicans (lean) 4 15 33 26 20 1 666
Liberal (1-3) 6 21 31 21 20 1 452
Moderate (4) 2 13 32 22 29 2 432
Conservative (5-7) 2 16 30 29 22 1 639
Tea Party - Supporter 7 17 33 28 14 1 485
Tea Party - Not Supporter 2 16 29 22 29 2 1105
Religiosity: Monthly+ 6 15 30 23 25 2 646
Religiosity: LT Monthly 1 17 31 25 24 2 945
Income: Under 50k 5 13 25 24 30 2 689
Income: 50k-100k 2 19 31 25 22 1 524
Income: 100k+ 1 19 39 22 16 1 378
Educ: < College 3 16 24 26 29 2 1046
Educ: Bachelors degree 4 16 40 22 17 1 353
Educ: Post-grad 2 22 45 19 11 0 192
White Collar 2 18 39 24 15 1 755
Blue Collar 2 16 23 27 30 2 641
Cell Only/Mostly 4 14 33 24 24 1 724
Dual Use 2 16 29 25 27 2 534
LL Only/Mostly 4 22 28 23 21 2 321
37: Now, changing topics for a moment...Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in
politics and world aairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very
Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below.If you have heard of the person or organization, but
do not have an opinion, please mark Heard Of, No Opinion. If you have not heard of the person or organization, please
mark Never Heard Of.
Saudi Arabia
Favorable Unfavorable NHO/No Op. N
Likely Voters 20 54 26 1591
Male 25 59 16 743
Female 15 50 35 848
Age: 18-29 27 46 27 269
Age: 30-44 21 58 21 383
Age: 45-64 16 55 29 599
Age: 65+ 18 56 26 339
Ethnicity - White 18 57 24 1190
Ethnicity - Hispanic 25 51 24 142
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 21 38 41 195
Ethnicity - Other 24 56 20 63
Urban 21 52 27 398
Suburban 20 56 25 807
Rural 18 54 28 385
Democrats (no lean) 20 50 29 589
Independents (no lean) 19 54 28 477
Republicans (no lean) 20 60 21 525
Democrats (lean) 22 51 27 732
Independents (lean) 12 47 41 193
Republicans (lean) 19 60 21 666
Liberal (1-3) 28 51 21 452
Moderate (4) 15 54 31 432
Conservative (5-7) 18 59 23 639
Tea Party - Supporter 24 61 15 485
Tea Party - Not Supporter 18 51 31 1105
Religiosity: Monthly+ 21 53 26 646
Religiosity: LT Monthly 19 55 26 945
Income: Under 50k 18 49 32 689
Income: 50k-100k 21 56 23 524
Income: 100k+ 21 61 18 378
Educ: < College 19 50 31 1046
Educ: Bachelors degree 20 62 18 353
Educ: Post-grad 24 64 12 192
White Collar 20 63 17 755
Blue Collar 18 50 31 641
Cell Only/Mostly 18 57 25 724
Dual Use 18 53 29 534
LL Only/Mostly 26 51 23 321
38: Now, changing topics for a moment...Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in
politics and world aairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very
Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but
do not have an opinion, please mark Heard Of, No Opinion. If you have not heard of the person or organization, please
mark Never Heard Of.
Very Fa-
Very Un-
Of, No
Heard Of
Likely Voters 2 8 27 43 17 2 1594
Male 3 10 33 41 12 1 744
Female 2 6 21 46 22 3 850
Age: 18-29 5 14 23 39 16 3 269
Age: 30-44 2 11 30 40 16 2 383
Age: 45-64 3 5 27 46 18 2 601
Age: 65+ 0 5 25 47 20 3 341
Ethnicity - White 1 7 28 46 16 2 1194
Ethnicity - Hispanic 7 18 20 40 14 2 142
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 6 7 22 30 33 2 195
Ethnicity - Other 2 8 38 39 9 2 63
Urban 5 6 28 42 17 3 400
Suburban 1 10 27 44 17 1 807
Rural 3 5 25 44 19 4 387
Democrats (no lean) 5 6 28 37 22 3 590
Independents (no lean) 0 9 28 42 17 2 478
Republicans (no lean) 2 8 24 52 12 2 526
Democrats (lean) 4 8 29 37 20 3 733
Independents (lean) 0 7 23 41 26 3 194
Republicans (lean) 1 8 25 51 12 2 667
Liberal (1-3) 4 12 33 33 17 1 453
Moderate (4) 2 6 21 49 19 2 431
Conservative (5-7) 1 7 28 49 14 1 641
Tea Party - Supporter 5 11 26 45 11 1 485
Tea Party - Not Supporter 1 6 27 43 20 3 1108
Religiosity: Monthly+ 4 12 23 39 18 4 648
Religiosity: LT Monthly 1 5 29 47 17 1 946
Income: Under 50k 3 10 22 42 21 3 692
Income: 50k-100k 2 7 27 44 18 2 524
Income: 100k+ 1 6 36 45 11 1 378
Educ: < College 3 8 23 42 21 3 1048
Educ: Bachelors degree 2 7 30 47 13 1 353
Educ: Post-grad 3 7 39 43 7 0 192
White Collar 2 8 32 46 11 2 755
Blue Collar 3 5 23 42 24 2 643
Cell Only/Mostly 2 9 25 43 18 2 724
Dual Use 2 6 26 48 16 2 534
LL Only/Mostly 4 7 30 36 19 4 324
39: Now, changing topics for a moment...Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in
politics and world aairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very
Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but
do not have an opinion, please mark Heard Of, No Opinion. If you have not heard of the person or organization, please
mark Never Heard Of.
Favorable Unfavorable NHO/No Op. N
Likely Voters 10 70 20 1594
Male 13 74 13 744
Female 8 66 25 850
Age: 18-29 19 63 18 269
Age: 30-44 13 70 17 383
Age: 45-64 7 73 20 601
Age: 65+ 5 72 23 341
Ethnicity - White 8 74 18 1194
Ethnicity - Hispanic 25 60 15 142
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 14 52 35 195
Ethnicity - Other 11 78 11 63
Urban 10 70 20 400
Suburban 11 71 18 807
Rural 8 69 23 387
Democrats (no lean) 11 64 25 590
Independents (no lean) 10 70 20 478
Republicans (no lean) 10 77 13 526
Democrats (lean) 12 66 22 733
Independents (lean) 7 63 29 194
Republicans (lean) 9 76 14 667
Liberal (1-3) 16 65 19 453
Moderate (4) 9 70 21 431
Conservative (5-7) 8 77 15 641
Tea Party - Supporter 16 71 13 485
Tea Party - Not Supporter 8 70 23 1108
Religiosity: Monthly+ 16 62 22 648
Religiosity: LT Monthly 6 76 18 946
Income: Under 50k 13 63 24 692
Income: 50k-100k 9 71 20 524
Income: 100k+ 7 81 12 378
Educ: < College 11 66 24 1048
Educ: Bachelors degree 9 77 14 353
Educ: Post-grad 11 82 8 192
White Collar 10 78 12 755
Blue Collar 8 66 26 643
Cell Only/Mostly 12 69 20 724
Dual Use 8 74 18 534
LL Only/Mostly 11 66 22 324
40: Now, changing topics for a moment...Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in
politics and world aairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very
Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below.If you have heard of the person or organization, but
do not have an opinion, please mark Heard Of, No Opinion. If you have not heard of the person or organization, please
mark Never Heard Of.
Very Fa-
Very Un-
Of, No
Heard Of
Likely Voters 2 5 17 56 18 2 1595
Male 2 5 17 64 12 0 744
Female 3 5 17 50 23 3 851
Age: 18-29 2 11 15 51 18 4 269
Age: 30-44 6 8 23 44 16 2 383
Age: 45-64 1 2 13 63 19 2 602
Age: 65+ 1 2 18 62 17 0 341
Ethnicity - White 1 3 15 62 17 2 1195
Ethnicity - Hispanic 14 12 14 41 18 1 142
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 1 7 27 38 27 0 195
Ethnicity - Other 2 10 29 50 7 2 63
Urban 3 7 19 50 17 3 400
Suburban 3 5 17 58 16 1 808
Rural 1 2 14 58 22 3 387
Democrats (no lean) 2 5 22 47 21 2 590
Independents (no lean) 1 6 18 56 17 3 478
Republicans (no lean) 3 3 11 67 14 1 526
Democrats (lean) 2 6 23 47 19 2 733
Independents (lean) 1 3 16 47 29 5 194
Republicans (lean) 3 3 10 69 14 1 667
Liberal (1-3) 5 8 23 47 15 2 453
Moderate (4) 1 3 20 55 18 2 432
Conservative (5-7) 1 4 11 66 17 1 641
Tea Party - Supporter 6 7 12 63 10 1 486
Tea Party - Not Supporter 1 4 19 53 21 2 1108
Religiosity: Monthly+ 4 7 15 54 18 2 648
Religiosity: LT Monthly 1 3 18 58 18 2 947
Income: Under 50k 4 4 17 52 21 2 692
Income: 50k-100k 2 7 17 56 17 2 524
Income: 100k+ 1 4 17 65 12 1 379
Educ: < College 2 4 14 55 22 3 1048
Educ: Bachelors degree 2 5 22 59 11 0 354
Educ: Post-grad 2 6 25 60 6 0 192
White Collar 2 5 21 60 11 1 756
Blue Collar 2 4 14 56 22 2 643
Cell Only/Mostly 3 6 21 52 17 1 724
Dual Use 1 3 14 61 18 2 535
LL Only/Mostly 3 6 11 59 19 1 324
41: Now, changing topics for a moment...Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in
politics and world aairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very
Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below.If you have heard of the person or organization, but
do not have an opinion, please mark Heard Of, No Opinion. If you have not heard of the person or organization, please
mark Never Heard Of.
Favorable Unfavorable NHO/No Op. N
Likely Voters 7 73 20 1595
Male 7 81 12 744
Female 8 66 26 851
Age: 18-29 12 66 22 269
Age: 30-44 14 68 18 383
Age: 45-64 3 76 21 602
Age: 65+ 3 80 17 341
Ethnicity - White 5 77 19 1195
Ethnicity - Hispanic 26 55 19 142
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 8 65 27 195
Ethnicity - Other 12 78 9 63
Urban 10 69 20 400
Suburban 8 76 17 808
Rural 3 72 25 387
Democrats (no lean) 8 69 23 590
Independents (no lean) 7 73 20 478
Republicans (no lean) 7 78 16 526
Democrats (lean) 9 71 21 733
Independents (lean) 4 63 33 194
Republicans (lean) 6 79 14 667
Liberal (1-3) 13 70 17 453
Moderate (4) 4 76 20 432
Conservative (5-7) 5 77 18 641
Tea Party - Supporter 13 75 12 486
Tea Party - Not Supporter 5 72 23 1108
Religiosity: Monthly+ 11 69 20 648
Religiosity: LT Monthly 4 76 20 947
Income: Under 50k 7 69 24 692
Income: 50k-100k 9 72 19 524
Income: 100k+ 4 82 13 379
Educ: < College 7 68 25 1048
Educ: Bachelors degree 8 81 12 354
Educ: Post-grad 8 86 6 192
White Collar 7 81 13 756
Blue Collar 6 70 24 643
Cell Only/Mostly 8 73 19 724
Dual Use 4 75 20 535
LL Only/Mostly 10 70 20 324
42: Now, changing topics for a moment...Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in
politics and world aairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very
Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below.If you have heard of the person or organization, but
do not have an opinion, please mark Heard Of, No Opinion. If you have not heard of the person or organization, please
mark Never Heard Of.
Very Fa-
Very Un-
Of, No
Heard Of
Likely Voters 5 20 27 12 33 3 1594
Male 6 25 32 14 21 2 743
Female 3 16 22 11 44 4 851
Age: 18-29 8 14 35 15 26 3 269
Age: 30-44 7 23 22 10 35 4 383
Age: 45-64 4 21 25 11 35 4 602
Age: 65+ 1 23 28 13 32 2 340
Ethnicity - White 3 20 29 13 31 3 1194
Ethnicity - Hispanic 17 20 18 10 31 3 142
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 4 15 20 11 47 2 195
Ethnicity - Other 4 37 27 8 22 2 63
Urban 5 23 26 10 32 5 400
Suburban 5 21 28 12 31 3 807
Rural 2 16 26 15 38 3 387
Democrats (no lean) 4 18 25 11 36 4 590
Independents (no lean) 6 22 26 9 35 2 478
Republicans (no lean) 4 22 28 15 28 3 526
Democrats (lean) 6 19 28 10 34 4 733
Independents (lean) 2 20 16 14 44 4 194
Republicans (lean) 4 22 29 14 29 3 667
Liberal (1-3) 11 20 29 9 29 2 453
Moderate (4) 2 21 23 12 37 5 432
Conservative (5-7) 2 22 28 14 31 3 641
Tea Party - Supporter 7 23 31 16 21 3 486
Tea Party - Not Supporter 4 19 25 11 38 4 1108
Religiosity: Monthly+ 8 20 25 14 31 3 648
Religiosity: LT Monthly 2 21 28 11 34 4 946
Income: Under 50k 5 16 23 12 39 5 691
Income: 50k-100k 5 22 23 15 32 3 524
Income: 100k+ 3 26 38 9 24 1 379
Educ: < College 5 15 24 13 38 4 1048
Educ: Bachelors degree 4 28 30 12 24 2 354
Educ: Post-grad 4 34 34 7 21 0 192
White Collar 5 25 32 10 25 3 756
Blue Collar 3 17 22 16 39 3 642
Cell Only/Mostly 7 19 25 14 33 3 724
Dual Use 2 22 26 11 34 5 535
LL Only/Mostly 3 21 31 11 32 2 324
43: Now, changing topics for a moment...Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in
politics and world aairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very
Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below.If you have heard of the person or organization, but
do not have an opinion, please mark Heard Of, No Opinion. If you have not heard of the person or organization, please
mark Never Heard Of.
Favorable Unfavorable NHO/No Op. N
Likely Voters 25 39 36 1594
Male 31 46 23 743
Female 19 33 48 851
Age: 18-29 22 49 28 269
Age: 30-44 29 32 39 383
Age: 45-64 24 36 39 602
Age: 65+ 24 42 35 340
Ethnicity - White 24 41 35 1194
Ethnicity - Hispanic 37 28 35 142
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 19 31 49 195
Ethnicity - Other 41 35 24 63
Urban 28 36 36 400
Suburban 27 39 34 807
Rural 18 40 41 387
Democrats (no lean) 22 37 41 590
Independents (no lean) 28 36 37 478
Republicans (no lean) 26 43 31 526
Democrats (lean) 25 37 37 733
Independents (lean) 21 30 48 194
Republicans (lean) 26 42 32 667
Liberal (1-3) 31 38 31 453
Moderate (4) 23 35 42 432
Conservative (5-7) 24 42 34 641
Tea Party - Supporter 30 46 23 486
Tea Party - Not Supporter 23 35 42 1108
Religiosity: Monthly+ 28 38 34 648
Religiosity: LT Monthly 23 39 38 946
Income: Under 50k 22 35 43 691
Income: 50k-100k 27 38 35 524
Income: 100k+ 28 47 25 379
Educ: < College 20 37 43 1048
Educ: Bachelors degree 32 42 26 354
Educ: Post-grad 38 40 21 192
White Collar 30 43 28 756
Blue Collar 20 38 42 642
Cell Only/Mostly 26 39 36 724
Dual Use 24 37 39 535
LL Only/Mostly 25 41 34 324
44: Now, changing topics for a moment...Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in
politics and world aairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very
Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below.If you have heard of the person or organization, but
do not have an opinion, please mark Heard Of, No Opinion. If you have not heard of the person or organization, please
mark Never Heard Of.
John Kerry (Sample A)
Very Fa-
Very Un-
Of, No
Heard Of
Likely Voters 11 25 19 20 19 5 804
Male 8 29 19 27 13 3 377
Female 14 22 19 14 24 7 426
Age: 18-29 4 34 17 13 16 17 124
Age: 30-44 17 26 19 17 18 2 198
Age: 45-64 11 23 20 23 18 4 302
Age: 65+ 10 22 18 25 23 2 180
Ethnicity - White 10 26 20 26 16 3 576
Ethnicity - Hispanic 24 32 22 12 10 0 68
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 12 20 16 3 32 17 124
Ethnicity - Other 10 27 14 13 30 6 36
Urban 12 30 20 15 16 7 205
Suburban 13 26 18 23 17 3 401
Rural 7 20 20 21 25 6 198
Democrats (no lean) 23 30 14 6 20 7 325
Independents (no lean) 5 31 17 18 23 6 262
Republicans (no lean) 2 11 28 46 12 1 216
Democrats (lean) 20 34 14 5 20 7 418
Independents (lean) 2 22 19 18 34 5 95
Republicans (lean) 2 14 26 44 12 2 291
Liberal (1-3) 26 36 14 6 12 6 237
Moderate (4) 9 33 19 8 27 4 238
Conservative (5-7) 3 12 24 47 12 2 280
Tea Party - Supporter 5 13 27 40 13 2 222
Tea Party - Not Supporter 14 30 16 13 21 6 581
Religiosity: Monthly+ 9 20 21 24 20 6 327
Religiosity: LT Monthly 13 29 18 18 18 4 476
Income: Under 50k 12 23 16 18 26 6 360
Income: 50k-100k 11 29 20 20 14 6 271
Income: 100k+ 11 25 24 26 12 1 173
Educ: < College 11 24 17 20 22 6 533
Educ: Bachelors degree 12 26 23 23 14 2 175
Educ: Post-grad 13 32 24 20 8 2 96
White Collar 14 28 21 24 10 3 363
Blue Collar 10 21 19 20 24 6 330
Cell Only/Mostly 9 29 17 17 22 6 385
Dual Use 14 23 21 22 16 4 250
LL Only/Mostly 13 21 19 26 17 4 163
45: Now, changing topics for a moment...Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in
politics and world aairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very
Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below.If you have heard of the person or organization, but
do not have an opinion, please mark Heard Of, No Opinion. If you have not heard of the person or organization, please
mark Never Heard Of.
John Kerry (Sample A)
Favorable Unfavorable NHO/No Op. N
Likely Voters 37 40 24 804
Male 38 46 16 377
Female 36 34 30 426
Age: 18-29 38 30 32 124
Age: 30-44 44 37 20 198
Age: 45-64 35 43 22 302
Age: 65+ 32 43 25 180
Ethnicity - White 36 45 19 576
Ethnicity - Hispanic 56 34 10 68
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 32 19 49 124
Ethnicity - Other 37 26 37 36
Urban 42 35 23 205
Suburban 39 41 20 401
Rural 27 41 32 198
Democrats (no lean) 53 20 27 325
Independents (no lean) 36 35 29 262
Republicans (no lean) 14 74 13 216
Democrats (lean) 54 19 27 418
Independents (lean) 24 37 39 95
Republicans (lean) 16 70 14 291
Liberal (1-3) 62 20 18 237
Moderate (4) 42 27 30 238
Conservative (5-7) 15 71 15 280
Tea Party - Supporter 18 67 15 222
Tea Party - Not Supporter 44 29 27 581
Religiosity: Monthly+ 29 45 26 327
Religiosity: LT Monthly 42 36 22 476
Income: Under 50k 34 34 31 360
Income: 50k-100k 41 39 20 271
Income: 100k+ 36 51 13 173
Educ: < College 35 37 28 533
Educ: Bachelors degree 38 46 16 175
Educ: Post-grad 45 44 11 96
White Collar 43 44 13 363
Blue Collar 31 39 30 330
Cell Only/Mostly 39 34 27 385
Dual Use 37 43 20 250
LL Only/Mostly 34 45 21 163
46: Now, changing topics for a moment...Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in
politics and world aairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very
Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below.If you have heard of the person or organization, but
do not have an opinion, please mark Heard Of, No Opinion. If you have not heard of the person or organization, please
mark Never Heard Of.
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry (Sample B)
Very Fa-
Very Un-
Of, No
Heard Of
Likely Voters 11 30 20 21 17 1 791
Male 14 30 21 24 10 1 366
Female 8 30 19 18 24 1 425
Age: 18-29 6 34 24 19 17 0 146
Age: 30-44 8 41 12 15 22 2 185
Age: 45-64 12 22 17 26 21 2 300
Age: 65+ 14 29 32 19 6 0 161
Ethnicity - White 8 28 23 22 18 1 619
Ethnicity - Hispanic 14 36 9 18 19 3 74
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 27 36 11 15 11 0 71
Ethnicity - Other 15 30 11 20 22 1 27
Urban 14 34 20 14 16 1 196
Suburban 10 32 16 21 19 1 407
Rural 8 21 28 27 15 1 189
Democrats (no lean) 21 43 9 9 17 0 265
Independents (no lean) 7 30 17 21 24 2 216
Republicans (no lean) 4 19 32 31 13 2 310
Democrats (lean) 21 45 9 8 17 0 315
Independents (lean) 3 24 19 17 34 4 100
Republicans (lean) 4 19 30 33 13 1 377
Liberal (1-3) 24 48 10 4 13 1 216
Moderate (4) 10 34 15 17 24 0 194
Conservative (5-7) 3 17 29 34 15 1 361
Tea Party - Supporter 4 17 30 36 11 2 264
Tea Party - Not Supporter 14 36 15 13 21 1 528
Religiosity: Monthly+ 9 29 26 21 12 2 321
Religiosity: LT Monthly 12 30 16 21 21 1 470
Income: Under 50k 11 28 20 19 22 1 332
Income: 50k-100k 11 31 23 21 11 3 254
Income: 100k+ 10 32 16 23 19 0 206
Educ: < College 8 28 23 20 20 1 515
Educ: Bachelors degree 12 33 17 21 15 1 179
Educ: Post-grad 23 34 11 24 8 0 97
White Collar 11 34 20 20 14 1 394
Blue Collar 11 24 23 19 22 1 313
Cell Only/Mostly 9 29 21 20 20 1 339
Dual Use 9 27 18 24 19 2 285
LL Only/Mostly 16 36 22 17 10 0 161
47: Now, changing topics for a moment...Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in
politics and world aairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very
Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below.If you have heard of the person or organization, but
do not have an opinion, please mark Heard Of, No Opinion. If you have not heard of the person or organization, please
mark Never Heard Of.
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry (Sample B)
Favorable Unfavorable NHO/No Op. N
Likely Voters 40 41 19 791
Male 43 46 11 366
Female 38 37 25 425
Age: 18-29 40 43 17 146
Age: 30-44 49 27 23 185
Age: 45-64 34 43 23 300
Age: 65+ 43 51 6 161
Ethnicity - White 36 45 19 619
Ethnicity - Hispanic 51 27 23 74
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 63 26 11 71
Ethnicity - Other 46 32 23 27
Urban 48 34 18 196
Suburban 42 37 20 407
Rural 28 56 16 189
Democrats (no lean) 64 18 18 265
Independents (no lean) 37 38 25 216
Republicans (no lean) 23 63 15 310
Democrats (lean) 66 17 17 315
Independents (lean) 26 36 38 100
Republicans (lean) 23 63 14 377
Liberal (1-3) 72 14 14 216
Moderate (4) 44 32 24 194
Conservative (5-7) 21 63 16 361
Tea Party - Supporter 21 66 12 264
Tea Party - Not Supporter 50 28 22 528
Religiosity: Monthly+ 38 48 14 321
Religiosity: LT Monthly 42 36 22 470
Income: Under 50k 38 39 23 332
Income: 50k-100k 42 45 13 254
Income: 100k+ 42 39 19 206
Educ: < College 36 43 21 515
Educ: Bachelors degree 45 38 17 179
Educ: Post-grad 56 35 8 97
White Collar 45 40 15 394
Blue Collar 35 43 23 313
Cell Only/Mostly 38 41 21 339
Dual Use 36 43 21 285
LL Only/Mostly 51 39 10 161
48: Now, changing topics for a moment...Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in
politics and world aairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very
Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below.If you have heard of the person or organization, but
do not have an opinion, please mark Heard Of, No Opinion. If you have not heard of the person or organization, please
mark Never Heard Of.
Benjamin Netanyahu (Sample A)
Very Fa-
Very Un-
Of, No
Heard Of
Likely Voters 10 16 14 9 25 26 804
Male 14 22 15 10 25 14 377
Female 7 11 13 8 24 37 426
Age: 18-29 3 4 14 9 27 42 124
Age: 30-44 5 19 18 10 23 26 198
Age: 45-64 13 19 9 8 26 24 302
Age: 65+ 17 15 17 9 23 19 180
Ethnicity - White 13 18 14 9 23 24 576
Ethnicity - Hispanic 6 16 24 14 22 17 68
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 2 7 11 4 37 40 124
Ethnicity - Other 11 18 8 18 13 33 36
Urban 6 13 13 9 24 35 205
Suburban 14 18 14 7 27 19 401
Rural 8 14 16 10 21 31 198
Democrats (no lean) 3 15 18 12 24 28 325
Independents (no lean) 8 18 13 8 29 24 262
Republicans (no lean) 25 15 9 5 21 25 216
Democrats (lean) 3 14 19 11 24 29 418
Independents (lean) 7 14 8 12 36 23 95
Republicans (lean) 22 19 9 4 23 24 291
Liberal (1-3) 4 15 26 10 22 23 237
Moderate (4) 4 14 13 8 35 27 238
Conservative (5-7) 23 21 6 7 19 23 280
Tea Party - Supporter 24 20 14 6 17 19 222
Tea Party - Not Supporter 5 14 14 10 28 29 581
Religiosity: Monthly+ 13 18 11 7 27 23 327
Religiosity: LT Monthly 8 14 16 10 23 28 476
Income: Under 50k 9 13 13 10 25 29 360
Income: 50k-100k 8 17 13 9 24 29 271
Income: 100k+ 17 20 16 5 26 15 173
Educ: < College 8 12 14 9 26 32 533
Educ: Bachelors degree 17 22 13 7 22 18 175
Educ: Post-grad 14 29 18 9 22 9 96
White Collar 14 19 17 7 22 20 363
Blue Collar 7 17 12 9 25 30 330
Cell Only/Mostly 7 11 13 8 28 33 385
Dual Use 13 20 12 9 24 22 250
LL Only/Mostly 16 20 18 10 19 17 163
49: Now, changing topics for a moment...Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in
politics and world aairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very
Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below.If you have heard of the person or organization, but
do not have an opinion, please mark Heard Of, No Opinion. If you have not heard of the person or organization, please
mark Never Heard Of.
Benjamin Netanyahu (Sample A)
Favorable Unfavorable NHO/No Op. N
Likely Voters 26 23 51 804
Male 36 25 39 377
Female 18 21 61 426
Age: 18-29 7 23 69 124
Age: 30-44 23 28 48 198
Age: 45-64 33 17 50 302
Age: 65+ 33 26 42 180
Ethnicity - White 30 22 47 576
Ethnicity - Hispanic 23 38 39 68
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 9 14 77 124
Ethnicity - Other 29 26 45 36
Urban 19 22 59 205
Suburban 32 21 47 401
Rural 22 26 52 198
Democrats (no lean) 18 31 52 325
Independents (no lean) 26 21 53 262
Republicans (no lean) 40 13 47 216
Democrats (lean) 17 30 53 418
Independents (lean) 22 19 59 95
Republicans (lean) 41 13 46 291
Liberal (1-3) 19 36 45 237
Moderate (4) 17 21 61 238
Conservative (5-7) 44 13 43 280
Tea Party - Supporter 44 20 36 222
Tea Party - Not Supporter 20 24 57 581
Religiosity: Monthly+ 31 18 50 327
Religiosity: LT Monthly 23 26 51 476
Income: Under 50k 22 24 54 360
Income: 50k-100k 25 22 53 271
Income: 100k+ 38 21 42 173
Educ: < College 19 22 58 533
Educ: Bachelors degree 39 21 40 175
Educ: Post-grad 42 27 30 96
White Collar 33 25 42 363
Blue Collar 24 21 55 330
Cell Only/Mostly 18 21 61 385
Dual Use 33 21 46 250
LL Only/Mostly 36 28 35 163
50: Now, changing topics for a moment...Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in
politics and world aairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very
Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below.If you have heard of the person or organization, but
do not have an opinion, please mark Heard Of, No Opinion. If you have not heard of the person or organization, please
mark Never Heard Of.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (Sample B)
Very Fa-
Very Un-
Of, No
Heard Of
Likely Voters 16 26 14 11 23 10 791
Male 20 35 16 11 13 6 366
Female 14 19 12 10 31 14 425
Age: 18-29 6 39 6 10 20 19 146
Age: 30-44 17 19 19 14 22 11 185
Age: 45-64 18 22 16 10 26 8 300
Age: 65+ 21 32 12 9 20 5 161
Ethnicity - White 15 29 12 10 24 10 619
Ethnicity - Hispanic 27 23 15 8 21 6 74
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 15 12 19 20 15 18 71
Ethnicity - Other 15 8 30 9 28 10 27
Urban 6 38 14 13 16 14 196
Suburban 20 23 15 9 25 8 407
Rural 20 22 11 11 24 10 189
Democrats (no lean) 8 23 17 17 24 11 265
Independents (no lean) 13 24 17 10 27 8 216
Republicans (no lean) 25 31 9 6 19 10 310
Democrats (lean) 7 23 20 15 23 12 315
Independents (lean) 6 18 16 12 39 9 100
Republicans (lean) 27 31 8 6 18 9 377
Liberal (1-3) 13 26 19 15 18 9 215
Moderate (4) 7 18 19 16 29 12 194
Conservative (5-7) 24 32 8 5 22 9 361
Tea Party - Supporter 31 31 7 8 16 6 264
Tea Party - Not Supporter 9 24 17 12 26 12 527
Religiosity: Monthly+ 24 31 7 10 15 12 321
Religiosity: LT Monthly 11 23 18 11 28 9 470
Income: Under 50k 15 24 14 9 26 13 332
Income: 50k-100k 22 19 14 14 23 9 253
Income: 100k+ 13 38 14 9 18 8 206
Educ: < College 16 24 10 10 28 13 515
Educ: Bachelors degree 19 29 19 13 14 6 179
Educ: Post-grad 13 36 25 9 13 4 97
White Collar 15 34 18 13 16 5 393
Blue Collar 16 21 11 10 30 12 313
Cell Only/Mostly 20 25 13 10 21 11 339
Dual Use 15 26 14 11 24 10 285
LL Only/Mostly 11 30 14 11 25 8 161
51: Now, changing topics for a moment...Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in
politics and world aairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very
Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below.If you have heard of the person or organization, but
do not have an opinion, please mark Heard Of, No Opinion. If you have not heard of the person or organization, please
mark Never Heard Of.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (Sample B)
Favorable Unfavorable NHO/No Op. N
Likely Voters 43 24 33 791
Male 54 27 19 366
Female 33 22 45 425
Age: 18-29 45 16 39 146
Age: 30-44 35 32 33 185
Age: 45-64 40 26 34 300
Age: 65+ 53 21 26 161
Ethnicity - White 44 22 33 619
Ethnicity - Hispanic 50 22 27 74
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 28 39 33 71
Ethnicity - Other 23 39 38 27
Urban 43 27 30 196
Suburban 42 24 33 407
Rural 43 23 35 189
Democrats (no lean) 31 34 35 265
Independents (no lean) 37 27 35 216
Republicans (no lean) 57 14 29 310
Democrats (lean) 31 35 34 315
Independents (lean) 23 28 49 100
Republicans (lean) 58 15 27 377
Liberal (1-3) 39 34 27 215
Moderate (4) 25 35 40 194
Conservative (5-7) 56 13 31 361
Tea Party - Supporter 62 16 23 264
Tea Party - Not Supporter 33 29 38 527
Religiosity: Monthly+ 55 17 27 321
Religiosity: LT Monthly 34 29 37 470
Income: Under 50k 39 23 38 332
Income: 50k-100k 41 27 31 253
Income: 100k+ 51 23 26 206
Educ: < College 40 20 40 515
Educ: Bachelors degree 48 32 20 179
Educ: Post-grad 49 34 17 97
White Collar 48 31 21 393
Blue Collar 37 21 42 313
Cell Only/Mostly 45 23 32 339
Dual Use 41 24 34 285
LL Only/Mostly 41 25 33 161
52: Now, changing topics for a moment...Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in
politics and world aairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very
Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below.If you have heard of the person or organization, but
do not have an opinion, please mark Heard Of, No Opinion. If you have not heard of the person or organization, please
mark Never Heard Of.
Mahmoud Abbas (Sample A)
Very Fa-
Very Un-
Of, No
Heard Of
Likely Voters 3 4 11 17 21 44 802
Male 2 4 15 21 22 36 375
Female 4 3 7 14 20 51 426
Age: 18-29 2 6 12 12 17 50 124
Age: 30-44 8 5 16 15 22 34 198
Age: 45-64 1 3 9 19 18 51 302
Age: 65+ 0 2 9 22 27 41 178
Ethnicity - White 1 3 10 19 21 46 574
Ethnicity - Hispanic 7 8 11 24 23 27 68
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 10 3 9 6 23 50 124
Ethnicity - Other 0 17 26 13 16 29 36
Urban 6 7 11 11 20 44 205
Suburban 2 3 12 20 22 40 401
Rural 1 2 8 19 18 53 196
Democrats (no lean) 6 5 10 15 24 41 325
Independents (no lean) 1 2 14 15 20 49 261
Republicans (no lean) 0 4 9 25 18 43 216
Democrats (lean) 5 4 11 13 22 45 416
Independents (lean) 0 2 10 17 23 48 95
Republicans (lean) 0 4 11 25 19 42 291
Liberal (1-3) 4 6 13 14 16 47 237
Moderate (4) 1 3 9 14 30 42 236
Conservative (5-7) 4 3 10 25 16 43 280
Tea Party - Supporter 4 8 11 27 15 36 222
Tea Party - Not Supporter 2 2 11 14 23 47 579
Religiosity: Monthly+ 3 6 11 17 23 40 326
Religiosity: LT Monthly 3 2 11 18 19 47 475
Income: Under 50k 1 4 9 19 22 46 358
Income: 50k-100k 5 3 13 16 18 45 271
Income: 100k+ 3 5 13 16 23 40 173
Educ: < College 3 2 9 18 21 48 531
Educ: Bachelors degree 1 9 11 15 25 39 175
Educ: Post-grad 7 6 23 18 13 34 96
White Collar 2 5 14 18 21 41 363
Blue Collar 5 3 10 18 18 46 330
Cell Only/Mostly 3 3 12 14 21 47 385
Dual Use 1 3 8 18 25 45 249
LL Only/Mostly 4 7 11 26 14 37 162
53: Now, changing topics for a moment...Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in
politics and world aairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very
Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below.If you have heard of the person or organization, but
do not have an opinion, please mark Heard Of, No Opinion. If you have not heard of the person or organization, please
mark Never Heard Of.
Mahmoud Abbas (Sample A)
Favorable Unfavorable NHO/No Op. N
Likely Voters 7 28 65 802
Male 6 36 58 375
Female 7 22 71 426
Age: 18-29 9 23 68 124
Age: 30-44 14 30 56 198
Age: 45-64 4 27 69 302
Age: 65+ 2 31 67 178
Ethnicity - White 4 30 66 574
Ethnicity - Hispanic 15 35 50 68
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 12 15 73 124
Ethnicity - Other 17 38 45 36
Urban 13 22 65 205
Suburban 5 33 62 401
Rural 3 26 71 196
Democrats (no lean) 11 25 64 325
Independents (no lean) 3 28 69 261
Republicans (no lean) 5 34 62 216
Democrats (lean) 10 24 67 416
Independents (lean) 2 27 72 95
Republicans (lean) 4 35 60 291
Liberal (1-3) 10 27 63 237
Moderate (4) 4 23 73 236
Conservative (5-7) 7 35 58 280
Tea Party - Supporter 11 38 51 222
Tea Party - Not Supporter 5 25 71 579
Religiosity: Monthly+ 9 28 63 326
Religiosity: LT Monthly 5 29 66 475
Income: Under 50k 5 28 68 358
Income: 50k-100k 8 29 63 271
Income: 100k+ 8 29 63 173
Educ: < College 4 27 69 531
Educ: Bachelors degree 10 26 64 175
Educ: Post-grad 13 41 46 96
White Collar 7 32 61 363
Blue Collar 7 28 65 330
Cell Only/Mostly 6 26 68 385
Dual Use 5 25 70 249
LL Only/Mostly 10 38 52 162
54: Now, changing topics for a moment...Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in
politics and world aairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very
Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below.If you have heard of the person or organization, but
do not have an opinion, please mark Heard Of, No Opinion. If you have not heard of the person or organization, please
mark Never Heard Of.
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas (Sample B)
Very Fa-
Very Un-
Of, No
Heard Of
Likely Voters 1 10 18 35 20 17 790
Male 2 12 19 45 14 9 366
Female 0 8 17 26 26 24 424
Age: 18-29 2 9 13 37 19 21 146
Age: 30-44 0 15 16 30 16 22 185
Age: 45-64 1 7 19 35 23 15 300
Age: 65+ 1 8 21 36 23 11 160
Ethnicity - White 0 7 18 36 22 17 618
Ethnicity - Hispanic 1 26 15 33 12 12 74
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 4 16 19 24 14 23 71
Ethnicity - Other 1 17 16 26 23 16 27
Urban 2 8 17 38 17 18 194
Suburban 1 11 20 32 19 17 407
Rural 0 10 13 36 26 15 189
Democrats (no lean) 1 13 19 29 21 18 264
Independents (no lean) 0 7 18 35 22 18 216
Republicans (no lean) 1 9 16 39 19 15 310
Democrats (lean) 1 12 21 26 21 19 314
Independents (lean) 0 9 13 31 30 16 100
Republicans (lean) 1 8 16 43 18 15 377
Liberal (1-3) 2 20 22 22 20 15 216
Moderate (4) 1 9 15 30 24 21 194
Conservative (5-7) 0 4 17 45 18 14 361
Tea Party - Supporter 2 13 16 47 14 9 264
Tea Party - Not Supporter 0 8 18 28 24 21 526
Religiosity: Monthly+ 0 14 18 38 14 17 321
Religiosity: LT Monthly 1 7 17 32 25 17 469
Income: Under 50k 1 10 18 29 21 22 331
Income: 50k-100k 0 7 18 38 21 15 254
Income: 100k+ 1 13 17 40 18 11 206
Educ: < College 1 8 15 35 22 19 514
Educ: Bachelors degree 0 12 18 36 20 14 179
Educ: Post-grad 2 17 28 29 13 11 97
White Collar 1 10 23 36 18 12 394
Blue Collar 1 7 14 36 22 20 312
Cell Only/Mostly 1 12 16 35 16 20 339
Dual Use 1 8 21 32 24 14 285
LL Only/Mostly 1 9 15 37 23 15 160
55: Now, changing topics for a moment...Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in
politics and world aairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very
Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below.If you have heard of the person or organization, but
do not have an opinion, please mark Heard Of, No Opinion. If you have not heard of the person or organization, please
mark Never Heard Of.
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas (Sample B)
Favorable Unfavorable NHO/No Op. N
Likely Voters 11 52 37 790
Male 14 63 23 366
Female 8 42 50 424
Age: 18-29 11 50 39 146
Age: 30-44 16 46 39 185
Age: 45-64 8 54 37 300
Age: 65+ 9 57 34 160
Ethnicity - White 7 54 39 618
Ethnicity - Hispanic 27 49 24 74
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 20 43 37 71
Ethnicity - Other 18 43 39 27
Urban 10 55 35 194
Suburban 11 52 37 407
Rural 10 49 41 189
Democrats (no lean) 14 47 39 264
Independents (no lean) 7 53 40 216
Republicans (no lean) 10 55 34 310
Democrats (lean) 13 47 40 314
Independents (lean) 9 44 46 100
Republicans (lean) 9 59 32 377
Liberal (1-3) 22 44 35 216
Moderate (4) 10 45 45 194
Conservative (5-7) 5 63 32 361
Tea Party - Supporter 14 63 23 264
Tea Party - Not Supporter 9 47 45 526
Religiosity: Monthly+ 14 56 30 321
Religiosity: LT Monthly 8 49 42 469
Income: Under 50k 11 46 43 331
Income: 50k-100k 8 56 37 254
Income: 100k+ 14 57 30 206
Educ: < College 8 51 41 514
Educ: Bachelors degree 12 54 34 179
Educ: Post-grad 19 57 24 97
White Collar 11 58 31 394
Blue Collar 8 50 42 312
Cell Only/Mostly 13 52 36 339
Dual Use 9 53 38 285
LL Only/Mostly 10 52 38 160
56: Now, changing topics for a moment...Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in
politics and world aairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very
Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below.If you have heard of the person or organization, but
do not have an opinion, please mark Heard Of, No Opinion. If you have not heard of the person or organization, please
mark Never Heard Of.
Ismail Haniyeh (Sample A)
Very Fa-
Very Un-
Of, No
Heard Of
Likely Voters 2 1 7 10 17 62 803
Male 1 1 7 14 18 59 377
Female 3 2 7 6 17 64 426
Age: 18-29 5 1 8 15 14 57 124
Age: 30-44 3 5 11 10 20 52 198
Age: 45-64 1 0 5 10 15 68 302
Age: 65+ 1 0 7 6 21 65 179
Ethnicity - White 1 1 7 8 16 67 575
Ethnicity - Hispanic 13 4 16 22 18 27 68
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 2 1 6 11 26 55 124
Ethnicity - Other 0 9 10 8 15 58 36
Urban 3 2 7 13 19 55 205
Suburban 1 2 7 10 18 62 400
Rural 2 0 9 7 14 67 198
Democrats (no lean) 4 2 7 11 18 58 325
Independents (no lean) 0 1 6 11 18 64 262
Republicans (no lean) 2 1 10 6 16 65 216
Democrats (lean) 3 2 7 12 17 59 418
Independents (lean) 0 0 3 10 19 67 94
Republicans (lean) 1 2 9 7 18 64 290
Liberal (1-3) 4 2 8 10 15 61 237
Moderate (4) 1 0 10 13 24 53 238
Conservative (5-7) 2 2 6 8 13 69 280
Tea Party - Supporter 7 3 7 14 12 56 222
Tea Party - Not Supporter 0 1 7 8 20 64 580
Religiosity: Monthly+ 5 3 7 10 21 54 327
Religiosity: LT Monthly 0 1 8 10 15 67 476
Income: Under 50k 4 1 9 10 22 54 360
Income: 50k-100k 1 3 5 9 14 68 270
Income: 100k+ 1 2 7 9 13 68 173
Educ: < College 2 1 8 11 19 60 533
Educ: Bachelors degree 3 3 6 6 17 66 174
Educ: Post-grad 3 1 9 12 11 64 96
White Collar 2 1 9 7 13 67 362
Blue Collar 2 2 6 12 19 59 329
Cell Only/Mostly 2 2 9 12 20 55 384
Dual Use 1 0 4 3 15 76 250
LL Only/Mostly 4 3 6 15 16 56 163
57: Now, changing topics for a moment...Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in
politics and world aairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very
Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below.If you have heard of the person or organization, but
do not have an opinion, please mark Heard Of, No Opinion. If you have not heard of the person or organization, please
mark Never Heard Of.
Ismail Haniyeh (Sample A)
Favorable Unfavorable NHO/No Op. N
Likely Voters 4 17 79 803
Male 2 21 77 377
Female 5 14 81 426
Age: 18-29 6 23 71 124
Age: 30-44 7 21 72 198
Age: 45-64 2 15 83 302
Age: 65+ 1 13 86 179
Ethnicity - White 2 15 83 575
Ethnicity - Hispanic 17 38 46 68
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 3 16 81 124
Ethnicity - Other 9 18 73 36
Urban 6 20 75 205
Suburban 3 17 80 400
Rural 2 16 81 198
Democrats (no lean) 6 18 76 325
Independents (no lean) 1 17 82 262
Republicans (no lean) 3 16 81 216
Democrats (lean) 5 19 76 418
Independents (lean) 0 14 86 94
Republicans (lean) 3 15 81 290
Liberal (1-3) 6 18 76 237
Moderate (4) 1 22 77 238
Conservative (5-7) 4 14 82 280
Tea Party - Supporter 10 22 68 222
Tea Party - Not Supporter 1 16 83 580
Religiosity: Monthly+ 8 17 75 327
Religiosity: LT Monthly 1 17 82 476
Income: Under 50k 5 20 76 360
Income: 50k-100k 3 14 82 270
Income: 100k+ 2 17 81 173
Educ: < College 3 18 79 533
Educ: Bachelors degree 6 12 83 174
Educ: Post-grad 4 21 75 96
White Collar 4 16 80 362
Blue Collar 4 18 78 329
Cell Only/Mostly 3 22 75 384
Dual Use 1 7 91 250
LL Only/Mostly 7 21 72 163
58: Now, changing topics for a moment...Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in
politics and world aairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very
Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below.If you have heard of the person or organization, but
do not have an opinion, please mark Heard Of, No Opinion. If you have not heard of the person or organization, please
mark Never Heard Of.
Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh (Sample B)
Very Fa-
Very Un-
Of, No
Heard Of
Likely Voters 3 3 11 36 23 24 790
Male 3 4 13 50 13 17 366
Female 3 2 8 23 32 31 424
Age: 18-29 1 4 13 42 20 19 146
Age: 30-44 10 5 10 20 17 38 185
Age: 45-64 1 2 9 41 25 22 299
Age: 65+ 0 2 13 39 30 16 161
Ethnicity - White 2 2 10 37 25 24 618
Ethnicity - Hispanic 17 9 8 28 12 26 74
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 0 1 22 34 18 25 71
Ethnicity - Other 7 4 5 29 34 22 27
Urban 2 5 16 37 18 22 196
Suburban 5 2 8 35 23 27 407
Rural 0 3 11 35 30 20 188
Democrats (no lean) 2 2 14 32 27 23 265
Independents (no lean) 1 3 8 33 22 33 216
Republicans (no lean) 5 4 10 41 21 20 309
Democrats (lean) 2 2 14 30 26 26 315
Independents (lean) 0 5 7 24 29 36 100
Republicans (lean) 4 3 9 44 20 20 375
Liberal (1-3) 6 3 16 31 23 21 216
Moderate (4) 3 3 9 26 30 29 194
Conservative (5-7) 1 3 9 45 19 23 360
Tea Party - Supporter 8 6 11 44 15 16 263
Tea Party - Not Supporter 1 1 10 32 27 28 528
Religiosity: Monthly+ 6 5 11 37 17 24 321
Religiosity: LT Monthly 1 2 10 35 28 24 469
Income: Under 50k 4 4 10 28 27 27 332
Income: 50k-100k 3 2 12 35 23 24 254
Income: 100k+ 0 3 9 49 19 19 205
Educ: < College 4 2 8 35 26 25 514
Educ: Bachelors degree 1 6 14 35 19 25 179
Educ: Post-grad 1 6 17 39 18 19 97
White Collar 1 3 13 41 21 22 394
Blue Collar 3 3 9 33 26 27 312
Cell Only/Mostly 6 2 9 36 19 28 339
Dual Use 0 4 13 35 27 21 285
LL Only/Mostly 1 4 10 37 26 21 160
59: Now, changing topics for a moment...Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in
politics and world aairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very
Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below.If you have heard of the person or organization, but
do not have an opinion, please mark Heard Of, No Opinion. If you have not heard of the person or organization, please
mark Never Heard Of.
Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh (Sample B)
Favorable Unfavorable NHO/No Op. N
Likely Voters 6 46 48 790
Male 7 63 30 366
Female 6 32 63 424
Age: 18-29 5 55 39 146
Age: 30-44 14 30 56 185
Age: 45-64 3 49 47 299
Age: 65+ 2 52 46 161
Ethnicity - White 4 47 49 618
Ethnicity - Hispanic 26 36 38 74
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 1 55 43 71
Ethnicity - Other 11 33 56 27
Urban 8 52 40 196
Suburban 7 43 50 407
Rural 3 47 51 188
Democrats (no lean) 5 46 49 265
Independents (no lean) 4 41 55 216
Republicans (no lean) 9 50 41 309
Democrats (lean) 4 44 52 315
Independents (lean) 5 31 64 100
Republicans (lean) 8 53 40 375
Liberal (1-3) 10 47 43 216
Moderate (4) 6 35 59 194
Conservative (5-7) 4 54 42 360
Tea Party - Supporter 14 54 31 263
Tea Party - Not Supporter 2 42 56 528
Religiosity: Monthly+ 11 48 41 321
Religiosity: LT Monthly 3 45 52 469
Income: Under 50k 8 38 54 332
Income: 50k-100k 6 47 47 254
Income: 100k+ 3 58 38 205
Educ: < College 5 44 51 514
Educ: Bachelors degree 7 49 44 179
Educ: Post-grad 7 56 37 97
White Collar 4 54 42 394
Blue Collar 6 41 53 312
Cell Only/Mostly 8 45 47 339
Dual Use 4 48 48 285
LL Only/Mostly 6 47 47 160
60: Now, thinking about the ongoing conict between Israel and the Palestinians in the Middle East, please tell me whether,
in general, you think America should be
A strong
of Israel
of Israel
of the
A strong
of the
No opinion N
Likely Voters 27 24 7 2 40 1594
Male 33 26 9 3 30 743
Female 22 21 6 2 48 851
Age: 18-29 24 20 13 4 39 269
Age: 30-44 22 17 9 5 48 383
Age: 45-64 28 27 5 1 40 602
Age: 65+ 35 29 5 0 31 341
Ethnicity - White 29 24 6 1 39 1194
Ethnicity - Hispanic 26 22 14 4 35 142
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 21 22 8 7 42 195
Ethnicity - Other 17 19 7 0 58 63
Urban 28 21 11 3 37 400
Suburban 26 27 6 1 39 808
Rural 28 19 5 4 44 387
Democrats (no lean) 17 22 11 3 48 590
Independents (no lean) 24 23 7 1 45 478
Republicans (no lean) 42 26 3 2 26 526
Democrats (lean) 16 23 12 3 46 733
Independents (lean) 18 16 5 1 60 194
Republicans (lean) 42 26 3 2 27 667
Liberal (1-3) 19 24 18 6 33 453
Moderate (4) 13 22 3 1 60 432
Conservative (5-7) 44 25 3 0 28 641
Tea Party - Supporter 50 22 4 3 21 486
Tea Party - Not Supporter 17 24 9 2 48 1108
Religiosity: Monthly+ 36 23 8 3 30 648
Religiosity: LT Monthly 21 24 7 2 47 946
Income: Under 50k 26 24 6 2 43 691
Income: 50k-100k 26 23 9 3 39 524
Income: 100k+ 32 24 8 1 34 379
Educ: < College 28 21 6 1 43 1048
Educ: Bachelors degree 27 26 8 4 36 354
Educ: Post-grad 25 31 11 3 29 192
White Collar 29 28 10 3 31 756
Blue Collar 27 19 6 2 47 642
Cell Only/Mostly 25 21 7 3 44 723
Dual Use 29 24 7 2 38 535
LL Only/Mostly 29 28 9 1 32 324
61: Now, thinking about the ongoing conict between Israel and the Palestinians in the Middle East, please tell me whether,
in general, you think America should be
A strong
suppoter /
supporter of
A strong
supporter /
support of the
No opinion N
Likely Voters 51 9 40 1594
Male 59 11 30 743
Female 44 8 48 851
Age: 18-29 44 17 39 269
Age: 30-44 38 14 48 383
Age: 45-64 55 5 40 602
Age: 65+ 64 5 31 341
Ethnicity - White 53 8 39 1194
Ethnicity - Hispanic 48 18 35 142
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 43 15 42 195
Ethnicity - Other 36 7 58 63
Urban 49 14 37 400
Suburban 54 8 39 808
Rural 47 8 44 387
Democrats (no lean) 39 14 48 590
Independents (no lean) 47 8 45 478
Republicans (no lean) 69 5 26 526
Democrats (lean) 39 15 46 733
Independents (lean) 34 6 60 194
Republicans (lean) 68 5 27 667
Liberal (1-3) 43 24 33 453
Moderate (4) 36 5 60 432
Conservative (5-7) 69 3 28 641
Tea Party - Supporter 72 7 21 486
Tea Party - Not Supporter 42 10 48 1108
Religiosity: Monthly+ 59 11 30 648
Religiosity: LT Monthly 45 8 47 946
Income: Under 50k 49 8 43 691
Income: 50k-100k 49 12 39 524
Income: 100k+ 57 10 34 379
Educ: < College 49 8 43 1048
Educ: Bachelors degree 53 12 36 354
Educ: Post-grad 57 14 29 192
White Collar 57 12 31 756
Blue Collar 45 8 47 642
Cell Only/Mostly 47 9 44 723
Dual Use 53 9 38 535
LL Only/Mostly 58 10 32 324
62: As you may have heard, the Palestinian Authority and Hamas have announced that they will form a unity government.
Please indicate which side you agree with more, even if neither is entirely right
Israel says that
it cannot be
expected to
negotiate with a
government or
party that does
not recognize its
right to exist
and seeks to
destroy it.
Palestinians say
that a unity
government of
all Palestinians
is the rst step
to lasting peace.
Dont Know/No
Likely Voters 46 18 35 1593
Male 53 21 26 742
Female 40 17 44 851
Age: 18-29 35 32 33 269
Age: 30-44 41 20 40 382
Age: 45-64 48 15 37 601
Age: 65+ 57 12 31 341
Ethnicity - White 49 17 34 1193
Ethnicity - Hispanic 40 30 30 142
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 34 20 47 195
Ethnicity - Other 37 23 40 62
Urban 36 25 38 400
Suburban 51 15 34 806
Rural 45 19 36 387
Democrats (no lean) 37 23 39 589
Independents (no lean) 41 19 40 478
Republicans (no lean) 60 13 27 526
Democrats (lean) 35 26 39 732
Independents (lean) 35 12 53 194
Republicans (lean) 62 12 27 667
Liberal (1-3) 38 31 31 453
Moderate (4) 33 16 51 432
Conservative (5-7) 64 13 23 640
Tea Party - Supporter 63 16 20 485
Tea Party - Not Supporter 39 19 42 1108
Religiosity: Monthly+ 52 21 27 647
Religiosity: LT Monthly 42 17 41 946
Income: Under 50k 44 17 40 692
Income: 50k-100k 45 22 33 523
Income: 100k+ 53 17 30 378
Educ: < College 43 17 40 1048
Educ: Bachelors degree 50 23 27 353
Educ: Post-grad 53 20 26 192
White Collar 50 20 30 754
Blue Collar 43 17 39 643
Cell Only/Mostly 42 21 37 722
Dual Use 49 15 37 535
LL Only/Mostly 52 20 29 324
63: As you may have heard, the Palestinian Authority and Hamas have announced that they will form a unity government.
Please indicate which side you agree with more, even if neither is entirely right
Israel says that it
cannot be expected
to negotiate with a
government or party
that does not
recognize its right to
exist and seeks to
destroy it.
The Palestinians say
that a unity
government of all
Palestinians is the
rst step to lasting
Likely Voters 66 34 1589
Male 69 31 739
Female 64 36 850
Age: 18-29 53 47 269
Age: 30-44 65 35 379
Age: 45-64 68 32 601
Age: 65+ 74 26 339
Ethnicity - White 69 31 1192
Ethnicity - Hispanic 56 44 139
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 58 42 195
Ethnicity - Other 61 39 62
Urban 55 45 396
Suburban 72 28 806
Rural 66 34 387
Democrats (no lean) 59 41 588
Independents (no lean) 63 37 475
Republicans (no lean) 77 23 526
Democrats (lean) 56 44 727
Independents (lean) 64 36 194
Republicans (lean) 78 22 667
Liberal (1-3) 54 46 453
Moderate (4) 61 39 429
Conservative (5-7) 77 23 640
Tea Party - Supporter 75 25 485
Tea Party - Not Supporter 62 38 1103
Religiosity: Monthly+ 67 33 647
Religiosity: LT Monthly 65 35 942
Income: Under 50k 65 35 691
Income: 50k-100k 65 35 523
Income: 100k+ 69 31 375
Educ: < College 65 35 1047
Educ: Bachelors degree 68 32 350
Educ: Post-grad 70 30 192
White Collar 68 32 751
Blue Collar 64 36 642
Cell Only/Mostly 63 37 719
Dual Use 68 32 535
LL Only/Mostly 69 31 323
64: Following the announcement of the Palestinian unity government, peace talks between the Israelis and the Palestinians
came to a halt. Each side has blamed the other for the negotiations stopping, please indicate which side you agree with more,
even if neither is entirely right...
Dont Know /
No Opinion
Likely Voters 48 20 32 1594
Male 56 21 23 743
Female 42 19 39 851
Age: 18-29 40 32 28 269
Age: 30-44 42 24 34 383
Age: 45-64 50 17 33 602
Age: 65+ 58 11 30 341
Ethnicity - White 53 17 30 1194
Ethnicity - Hispanic 36 32 32 142
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 29 31 40 195
Ethnicity - Other 36 22 42 63
Urban 36 32 31 400
Suburban 54 15 31 808
Rural 49 18 34 387
Democrats (no lean) 39 26 35 590
Independents (no lean) 42 19 39 478
Republicans (no lean) 65 14 21 526
Democrats (lean) 38 28 34 733
Independents (lean) 32 11 58 194
Republicans (lean) 64 14 22 667
Liberal (1-3) 41 33 27 453
Moderate (4) 34 20 46 432
Conservative (5-7) 66 12 21 641
Tea Party - Supporter 63 19 18 486
Tea Party - Not Supporter 42 20 38 1108
Religiosity: Monthly+ 52 20 28 648
Religiosity: LT Monthly 45 21 34 946
Income: Under 50k 44 21 35 691
Income: 50k-100k 51 20 30 524
Income: 100k+ 52 20 28 379
Educ: < College 45 20 35 1048
Educ: Bachelors degree 54 19 27 354
Educ: Post-grad 55 23 22 192
White Collar 52 20 28 756
Blue Collar 49 21 30 642
Cell Only/Mostly 47 24 29 723
Dual Use 50 16 35 535
LL Only/Mostly 50 18 32 324
65: Following the announcement of the Palestinian unity government, peace talks between the Israelis and the Palestinians
came to a halt. Each side has blamed the other for the negotiations stopping, please indicate which side you agree with more,
even if neither is entirely right...
Israeli Statement Palestinian Authority
Likely Voters 67 33 1591
Male 70 30 739
Female 65 35 851
Age: 18-29 56 44 269
Age: 30-44 60 40 380
Age: 45-64 70 30 602
Age: 65+ 79 21 340
Ethnicity - White 71 29 1193
Ethnicity - Hispanic 54 46 139
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 56 44 195
Ethnicity - Other 65 35 63
Urban 52 48 397
Suburban 75 25 808
Rural 66 34 386
Democrats (no lean) 58 42 590
Independents (no lean) 64 36 475
Republicans (no lean) 80 20 526
Democrats (lean) 57 43 730
Independents (lean) 65 35 194
Republicans (lean) 80 20 667
Liberal (1-3) 55 45 453
Moderate (4) 63 37 429
Conservative (5-7) 81 19 641
Tea Party - Supporter 75 25 486
Tea Party - Not Supporter 64 36 1104
Religiosity: Monthly+ 72 28 648
Religiosity: LT Monthly 64 36 942
Income: Under 50k 63 37 691
Income: 50k-100k 69 31 524
Income: 100k+ 72 28 376
Educ: < College 65 35 1048
Educ: Bachelors degree 72 28 351
Educ: Post-grad 69 31 192
White Collar 68 32 753
Blue Collar 68 32 642
Cell Only/Mostly 65 35 720
Dual Use 72 28 535
LL Only/Mostly 65 35 323
66: What is your age?
Age: 18-29 Age: 30-44 Age: 45-64 Age: 65+ N
Likely Voters 17 24 38 21 1595
Male 19 23 39 19 744
Female 15 25 36 23 851
Age: 18-29 100 0 0 0 269
Age: 30-44 0 100 0 0 383
Age: 45-64 0 0 100 0 602
Age: 65+ 0 0 0 100 341
Ethnicity - White 15 19 40 25 1195
Ethnicity - Hispanic 17 49 29 4 142
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 28 27 32 14 195
Ethnicity - Other 19 45 27 9 63
Urban 28 29 28 15 400
Suburban 12 25 41 21 808
Rural 15 17 40 28 387
Democrats (no lean) 18 28 37 17 590
Independents (no lean) 19 25 39 17 478
Republicans (no lean) 14 19 37 30 526
Democrats (lean) 20 27 36 17 733
Independents (lean) 22 25 38 15 194
Republicans (lean) 12 20 40 28 667
Liberal (1-3) 27 26 33 14 453
Moderate (4) 12 29 39 20 432
Conservative (5-7) 12 19 41 28 641
Tea Party - Supporter 18 27 35 19 486
Tea Party - Not Supporter 16 23 39 22 1108
Religiosity: Monthly+ 19 22 34 25 648
Religiosity: LT Monthly 15 26 40 19 947
Income: Under 50k 21 21 33 25 692
Income: 50k-100k 13 28 38 21 524
Income: 100k+ 16 23 47 14 379
Educ: < College 19 20 37 23 1048
Educ: Bachelors degree 14 33 38 14 354
Educ: Post-grad 7 28 40 25 192
White Collar 16 26 36 22 756
Blue Collar 16 22 40 22 643
Cell Only/Mostly 25 33 31 11 724
Dual Use 9 19 50 22 535
LL Only/Mostly 13 9 33 44 324
67: What is your gender?
Male Female N
Likely Voters 47 53 1595
Male 100 0 744
Female 0 100 851
Age: 18-29 53 47 269
Age: 30-44 44 56 383
Age: 45-64 49 51 602
Age: 65+ 41 59 341
Ethnicity - White 46 54 1195
Ethnicity - Hispanic 50 50 142
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 42 58 195
Ethnicity - Other 65 35 63
Urban 51 49 400
Suburban 49 51 808
Rural 37 63 387
Democrats (no lean) 42 58 590
Independents (no lean) 55 45 478
Republicans (no lean) 45 55 526
Democrats (lean) 45 55 733
Independents (lean) 49 51 194
Republicans (lean) 48 52 667
Liberal (1-3) 47 53 453
Moderate (4) 46 54 432
Conservative (5-7) 48 52 641
Tea Party - Supporter 53 47 486
Tea Party - Not Supporter 44 56 1108
Religiosity: Monthly+ 44 56 648
Religiosity: LT Monthly 48 52 947
Income: Under 50k 39 61 692
Income: 50k-100k 47 53 524
Income: 100k+ 61 39 379
Educ: < College 42 58 1048
Educ: Bachelors degree 51 49 354
Educ: Post-grad 65 35 192
White Collar 51 49 756
Blue Collar 45 55 643
Cell Only/Mostly 46 54 724
Dual Use 49 51 535
LL Only/Mostly 43 57 324
68: What is the last grade or class you completed in school?
Likely Voters 1 6 27 4 19 8 22 3 9 1595
Male 3 6 18 3 20 9 24 3 13 744
Female 0 6 35 5 18 8 20 3 5 851
Age: 18-29 6 12 30 2 21 5 19 2 3 269
Age: 30-44 0 3 17 4 21 11 30 4 10 383
Age: 45-64 0 3 31 4 17 9 23 3 9 602
Age: 65+ 1 10 30 5 19 7 15 3 11 341
Ethnicity - White 2 5 28 4 19 8 22 3 9 1195
Ethnicity - Hispanic 0 11 16 6 22 9 27 6 4 142
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 0 8 37 1 20 13 14 1 6 195
Ethnicity - Other 0 0 5 3 12 8 43 9 20 63
Urban 4 5 26 2 20 7 24 4 9 400
Suburban 0 6 23 3 19 9 25 4 10 808
Rural 0 7 37 7 17 9 14 2 7 387
Democrats (no lean) 3 6 28 3 22 8 18 4 10 590
Independents (no lean) 1 4 28 5 16 9 26 4 7 478
Republicans (no lean) 0 8 26 4 18 9 24 2 9 526
Democrats (lean) 2 6 27 3 20 8 18 4 10 733
Independents (lean) 0 0 38 6 16 6 25 3 6 194
Republicans (lean) 0 7 24 4 18 10 26 2 9 667
Liberal (1-3) 4 7 20 3 21 7 22 4 12 453
Moderate (4) 0 7 30 3 21 10 20 3 6 432
Conservative (5-7) 0 5 27 4 17 9 25 2 9 641
Tea Party - Supporter 0 9 27 4 19 8 22 2 9 486
Tea Party - Not Supporter 2 5 27 4 19 9 22 4 9 1108
Religiosity: Monthly+ 0 12 28 3 18 7 21 3 8 648
Religiosity: LT Monthly 2 2 27 4 20 9 23 4 9 947
Income: Under 50k 0 10 39 4 22 9 12 1 2 692
Income: 50k-100k 0 2 24 4 22 10 26 3 8 524
Income: 100k+ 5 4 11 2 9 6 35 6 22 379
Educ: < College 2 9 41 6 29 13 0 0 0 1048
Educ: Bachelors degree 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 354
Educ: Post-grad 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 27 73 192
White Collar 2 5 14 2 16 7 33 5 16 756
Blue Collar 0 5 42 6 21 10 12 1 2 643
Cell Only/Mostly 0 10 27 3 19 8 23 3 7 724
Dual Use 0 2 29 4 18 9 24 4 10 535
LL Only/Mostly 6 4 26 6 20 9 16 3 10 324
69: Generally speaking, do you think of yourself as..
Republican Democrat Independent Something
Likely Voters 33 37 25 5 1595
Male 32 33 28 7 744
Female 34 41 23 3 851
Age: 18-29 27 39 21 13 269
Age: 30-44 26 43 27 4 383
Age: 45-64 33 37 27 3 602
Age: 65+ 46 30 22 2 341
Ethnicity - White 39 30 26 5 1195
Ethnicity - Hispanic 23 37 36 4 142
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 4 77 16 4 195
Ethnicity - Other 27 43 19 11 63
Urban 23 52 21 4 400
Suburban 34 33 28 5 808
Rural 42 30 23 5 387
Democrats (no lean) 0 100 0 0 590
Independents (no lean) 0 0 84 16 478
Republicans (no lean) 100 0 0 0 526
Democrats (lean) 0 81 16 3 733
Independents (lean) 0 0 84 16 194
Republicans (lean) 79 0 18 3 667
Liberal (1-3) 9 68 18 5 453
Moderate (4) 21 41 33 5 432
Conservative (5-7) 61 13 23 3 641
Tea Party - Supporter 55 17 24 4 486
Tea Party - Not Supporter 23 46 26 5 1108
Religiosity: Monthly+ 44 32 19 5 648
Religiosity: LT Monthly 26 40 29 5 947
Income: Under 50k 30 41 26 4 692
Income: 50k-100k 32 37 25 7 524
Income: 100k+ 41 31 24 3 379
Educ: < College 33 39 23 5 1048
Educ: Bachelors degree 36 29 31 4 354
Educ: Post-grad 30 42 23 4 192
White Collar 37 35 23 5 756
Blue Collar 30 39 27 4 643
Cell Only/Mostly 33 36 24 7 724
Dual Use 34 35 27 4 535
LL Only/Mostly 32 43 24 1 324
70: Do you consider yourself to be a supporter of the Tea Party Movement, or are you not a supporter of the Tea Party
Supporter Not a supporter N
Likely Voters 30 70 1594
Male 35 65 743
Female 27 73 851
Age: 18-29 33 67 269
Age: 30-44 34 66 383
Age: 45-64 28 72 602
Age: 65+ 28 72 340
Ethnicity - White 32 68 1194
Ethnicity - Hispanic 41 59 142
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 19 81 195
Ethnicity - Other 22 78 63
Urban 30 70 400
Suburban 28 72 807
Rural 37 63 387
Democrats (no lean) 14 86 590
Independents (no lean) 28 72 478
Republicans (no lean) 51 49 526
Democrats (lean) 13 87 732
Independents (lean) 21 79 194
Republicans (lean) 52 48 667
Liberal (1-3) 19 81 452
Moderate (4) 18 82 432
Conservative (5-7) 48 52 641
Tea Party - Supporter 100 0 486
Tea Party - Not Supporter 0 100 1108
Religiosity: Monthly+ 46 54 648
Religiosity: LT Monthly 20 80 947
Income: Under 50k 31 69 692
Income: 50k-100k 31 69 524
Income: 100k+ 29 71 379
Educ: < College 31 69 1048
Educ: Bachelors degree 30 70 354
Educ: Post-grad 27 73 192
White Collar 30 70 756
Blue Collar 33 67 643
Cell Only/Mostly 30 70 724
Dual Use 29 71 535
LL Only/Mostly 34 66 323
71: Thinking about politics these days, how would you describe your political viewpoint?
Liberal Slightly
Moderate Slightly
Conservative Very
Likely Voters 5 13 10 27 11 16 14 4 1595
Male 5 13 11 27 10 18 13 3 744
Female 6 13 9 27 11 14 14 5 851
Age: 18-29 7 21 18 19 9 8 13 5 269
Age: 30-44 6 16 9 33 11 11 9 5 383
Age: 45-64 5 10 9 28 10 18 16 4 602
Age: 65+ 4 9 6 26 13 24 16 3 341
Ethnicity - White 5 11 9 23 12 19 16 4 1195
Ethnicity - Hispanic 3 21 10 39 9 10 6 3 142
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 9 20 10 37 6 5 7 6 195
Ethnicity - Other 5 17 17 38 6 11 3 3 63
Urban 10 19 11 26 11 7 13 4 400
Suburban 4 12 9 29 11 19 11 4 808
Rural 3 9 11 25 9 19 19 6 387
Democrats (no lean) 13 27 13 30 7 4 4 4 590
Independents (no lean) 1 6 15 34 13 12 10 8 478
Republicans (no lean) 1 5 2 17 12 33 28 2 526
Democrats (lean) 11 24 18 31 7 3 3 4 733
Independents (lean) 2 3 6 45 13 10 10 11 194
Republicans (lean) 1 4 2 18 14 32 26 3 667
Liberal (1-3) 19 46 35 0 0 0 0 0 453
Moderate (4) 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 432
Conservative (5-7) 0 0 0 0 26 40 34 0 641
Tea Party - Supporter 4 9 5 16 7 24 32 3 486
Tea Party - Not Supporter 6 15 12 32 12 12 6 5 1108
Religiosity: Monthly+ 3 12 9 24 11 18 21 3 648
Religiosity: LT Monthly 7 14 11 29 11 14 9 5 947
Income: Under 50k 5 12 10 30 10 14 13 6 692
Income: 50k-100k 8 14 10 24 12 17 12 3 524
Income: 100k+ 4 13 10 26 10 18 18 2 379
Educ: < College 5 13 9 29 10 14 15 6 1048
Educ: Bachelors degree 7 12 9 25 12 23 11 2 354
Educ: Post-grad 7 17 15 20 11 16 12 2 192
White Collar 6 15 12 25 10 17 14 2 756
Blue Collar 5 12 8 27 10 16 15 6 643
Cell Only/Mostly 5 13 13 30 11 10 14 5 724
Dual Use 6 10 8 27 11 21 15 3 535
LL Only/Mostly 6 19 6 21 10 21 12 5 324
72: Thinking about politics these days, how would you describe your political viewpoint?
Liberal (1-3) Moderate (4) Conservative
Likely Voters 30 28 42 1527
Male 30 28 43 721
Female 30 29 41 806
Age: 18-29 48 20 31 255
Age: 30-44 32 35 33 364
Age: 45-64 26 29 46 577
Age: 65+ 20 26 54 331
Ethnicity - White 27 24 49 1143
Ethnicity - Hispanic 35 40 26 138
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 41 40 19 184
Ethnicity - Other 40 40 20 61
Urban 41 27 32 385
Suburban 27 30 43 777
Rural 24 26 50 365
Democrats (no lean) 54 31 15 569
Independents (no lean) 24 37 39 439
Republicans (no lean) 8 17 75 518
Democrats (lean) 54 32 14 704
Independents (lean) 13 50 37 173
Republicans (lean) 8 18 74 650
Liberal (1-3) 100 0 0 453
Moderate (4) 0 100 0 432
Conservative (5-7) 0 0 100 641
Tea Party - Supporter 19 16 65 470
Tea Party - Not Supporter 35 34 32 1056
Religiosity: Monthly+ 24 25 51 628
Religiosity: LT Monthly 33 31 36 898
Income: Under 50k 29 32 39 650
Income: 50k-100k 32 25 43 507
Income: 100k+ 27 26 47 370
Educ: < College 28 31 41 990
Educ: Bachelors degree 28 25 47 348
Educ: Post-grad 40 21 40 189
White Collar 32 26 42 745
Blue Collar 27 29 44 603
Cell Only/Mostly 32 31 37 686
Dual Use 25 28 47 521
LL Only/Mostly 33 22 45 309
73: Thinking about politics these days, how would you describe your political viewpoint?
Liberal (1-2) Moderate (3-5) Conservative
Likely Voters 19 50 31 1527
Male 19 49 32 721
Female 20 50 30 806
Age: 18-29 30 48 22 255
Age: 30-44 23 55 22 364
Age: 45-64 16 49 35 577
Age: 65+ 13 46 41 331
Ethnicity - White 17 47 37 1143
Ethnicity - Hispanic 24 59 17 138
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 30 57 13 184
Ethnicity - Other 23 64 14 61
Urban 30 49 21 385
Suburban 17 51 32 777
Rural 12 47 40 365
Democrats (no lean) 41 51 8 569
Independents (no lean) 8 68 24 439
Republicans (no lean) 6 32 62 518
Democrats (lean) 36 57 7 704
Independents (lean) 6 71 23 173
Republicans (lean) 5 35 60 650
Liberal (1-3) 65 35 0 453
Moderate (4) 0 100 0 432
Conservative (5-7) 0 26 74 641
Tea Party - Supporter 13 29 58 470
Tea Party - Not Supporter 22 59 19 1056
Religiosity: Monthly+ 15 44 40 628
Religiosity: LT Monthly 22 53 25 898
Income: Under 50k 18 53 28 650
Income: 50k-100k 22 47 30 507
Income: 100k+ 17 46 37 370
Educ: < College 18 51 30 990
Educ: Bachelors degree 19 46 35 348
Educ: Post-grad 24 48 28 189
White Collar 21 48 31 745
Blue Collar 18 48 34 603
Cell Only/Mostly 18 56 25 686
Dual Use 17 47 36 521
LL Only/Mostly 26 39 35 309
74: Are you, yourself, of Hispanic origin or descent, such as Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, or some other Spanish back-
Yes No N
Likely Voters 9 91 1595
Male 10 90 744
Female 8 92 851
Age: 18-29 9 91 269
Age: 30-44 18 82 383
Age: 45-64 7 93 602
Age: 65+ 2 98 341
Ethnicity - White 0 100 1195
Ethnicity - Hispanic 100 0 142
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 0 100 195
Ethnicity - Other 0 100 63
Urban 10 90 400
Suburban 11 89 808
Rural 4 96 387
Democrats (no lean) 9 91 590
Independents (no lean) 12 88 478
Republicans (no lean) 6 94 526
Democrats (lean) 10 90 733
Independents (lean) 8 92 194
Republicans (lean) 8 92 667
Liberal (1-3) 11 89 453
Moderate (4) 13 87 432
Conservative (5-7) 6 94 641
Tea Party - Supporter 12 88 486
Tea Party - Not Supporter 8 92 1108
Religiosity: Monthly+ 11 89 648
Religiosity: LT Monthly 8 92 947
Income: Under 50k 11 89 692
Income: 50k-100k 8 92 524
Income: 100k+ 6 94 379
Educ: < College 9 91 1048
Educ: Bachelors degree 11 89 354
Educ: Post-grad 7 93 192
White Collar 10 90 756
Blue Collar 6 94 643
Cell Only/Mostly 9 91 724
Dual Use 9 91 535
LL Only/Mostly 9 91 324
75: Which term below best describes your race or background?
Black White Other N
Likely Voters 1 3 13 81 2 1595
Male 1 5 12 80 2 744
Female 1 2 14 83 1 851
Age: 18-29 2 3 20 72 3 269
Age: 30-44 1 7 15 75 2 383
Age: 45-64 1 2 11 84 1 602
Age: 65+ 0 1 8 90 0 341
Ethnicity - White 0 0 0 100 0 1195
Ethnicity - Hispanic 3 3 7 73 14 142
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 0 0 100 0 0 195
Ethnicity - Other 15 76 0 0 9 63
Urban 2 4 20 73 2 400
Suburban 1 4 12 82 2 808
Rural 0 1 9 90 1 387
Democrats (no lean) 1 4 26 67 2 590
Independents (no lean) 1 3 9 85 3 478
Republicans (no lean) 1 3 2 94 1 526
Democrats (lean) 1 4 24 70 2 733
Independents (lean) 1 5 10 82 2 194
Republicans (lean) 1 2 1 94 1 667
Liberal (1-3) 1 5 18 75 2 453
Moderate (4) 1 4 18 73 3 432
Conservative (5-7) 0 2 5 92 0 641
Tea Party - Supporter 1 3 9 86 1 486
Tea Party - Not Supporter 1 4 15 79 2 1108
Religiosity: Monthly+ 1 3 17 79 2 648
Religiosity: LT Monthly 1 4 10 83 2 947
Income: Under 50k 1 2 17 78 2 692
Income: 50k-100k 0 3 14 81 2 524
Income: 100k+ 1 6 4 89 1 379
Educ: < College 1 1 15 81 2 1048
Educ: Bachelors degree 1 6 9 83 1 354
Educ: Post-grad 1 9 9 79 1 192
White Collar 1 5 7 86 1 756
Blue Collar 1 1 18 78 2 643
Cell Only/Mostly 1 4 17 77 2 724
Dual Use 1 3 11 83 2 535
LL Only/Mostly 1 3 7 89 1 324
76: Are you a member of a labor union?
Public Sector
Private Sector
Not in Labor
Likely Voters 6 3 91 1594
Male 7 4 89 743
Female 4 3 93 851
Age: 18-29 9 3 88 269
Age: 30-44 4 4 92 383
Age: 45-64 6 4 90 601
Age: 65+ 4 2 94 341
Ethnicity - White 6 3 90 1195
Ethnicity - Hispanic 6 5 89 142
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 3 4 94 195
Ethnicity - Other 1 2 96 62
Urban 10 4 86 400
Suburban 3 3 94 808
Rural 7 3 90 386
Democrats (no lean) 8 3 89 590
Independents (no lean) 5 4 91 478
Republicans (no lean) 4 4 92 526
Democrats (lean) 8 3 89 733
Independents (lean) 4 1 94 194
Republicans (lean) 4 4 92 667
Liberal (1-3) 11 3 86 453
Moderate (4) 3 5 92 432
Conservative (5-7) 3 3 93 641
Tea Party - Supporter 5 6 88 485
Tea Party - Not Supporter 6 2 92 1108
Religiosity: Monthly+ 5 6 90 647
Religiosity: LT Monthly 6 2 92 947
Income: Under 50k 3 4 93 691
Income: 50k-100k 6 3 91 524
Income: 100k+ 9 4 87 379
Educ: < College 6 4 91 1048
Educ: Bachelors degree 5 3 92 354
Educ: Post-grad 7 1 91 192
White Collar 7 3 91 756
Blue Collar 6 4 90 642
Cell Only/Mostly 5 5 90 724
Dual Use 4 1 95 534
LL Only/Mostly 10 4 86 324
77: What is your current marital status?
Married Separated Divorced Widowed Living
with a
Likely Voters 19 58 2 11 7 4 1595
Male 26 57 1 8 3 5 744
Female 13 58 2 13 10 4 851
Age: 18-29 63 29 0 3 0 5 269
Age: 30-44 17 60 1 14 1 8 383
Age: 45-64 9 70 2 12 4 3 602
Age: 65+ 2 56 5 11 24 1 341
Ethnicity - White 16 62 1 9 8 4 1195
Ethnicity - Hispanic 16 60 1 15 1 6 142
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 35 31 8 16 5 5 195
Ethnicity - Other 27 52 3 11 3 5 63
Urban 27 47 2 13 3 8 400
Suburban 18 61 3 10 5 3 808
Rural 13 63 0 10 13 2 387
Democrats (no lean) 20 53 3 12 5 7 590
Independents (no lean) 24 55 1 11 4 5 478
Republicans (no lean) 13 65 1 10 10 1 526
Democrats (lean) 23 52 3 12 4 6 733
Independents (lean) 24 55 0 9 5 6 194
Republicans (lean) 13 65 2 10 9 1 667
Liberal (1-3) 26 54 1 11 4 5 453
Moderate (4) 16 55 5 10 7 8 432
Conservative (5-7) 15 65 1 10 8 1 641
Tea Party - Supporter 19 61 1 11 4 4 486
Tea Party - Not Supporter 19 56 2 11 8 4 1108
Religiosity: Monthly+ 19 60 3 9 7 2 648
Religiosity: LT Monthly 19 56 1 12 6 6 947
Income: Under 50k 26 40 3 16 10 5 692
Income: 50k-100k 16 66 0 9 5 4 524
Income: 100k+ 11 79 1 3 1 4 379
Educ: < College 20 53 2 12 8 4 1048
Educ: Bachelors degree 18 64 1 9 3 5 354
Educ: Post-grad 12 69 2 10 4 3 192
White Collar 16 65 1 9 5 4 756
Blue Collar 19 55 3 12 7 5 643
Cell Only/Mostly 25 51 3 13 3 5 724
Dual Use 14 68 1 8 4 5 535
LL Only/Mostly 12 57 0 10 20 1 324
78: Thinking about your religion, are you ..
Protestant Roman
Ath./Agn./None Something
Likely Voters 30 24 22 24 1595
Male 27 23 24 25 743
Female 32 24 20 24 851
Age: 18-29 15 12 36 36 269
Age: 30-44 26 26 25 23 383
Age: 45-64 30 26 18 25 602
Age: 65+ 44 27 15 15 341
Ethnicity - White 33 24 23 20 1194
Ethnicity - Hispanic 18 45 19 18 142
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 18 7 21 55 195
Ethnicity - Other 24 20 26 31 63
Urban 22 20 29 30 400
Suburban 29 29 21 22 808
Rural 40 18 18 24 387
Democrats (no lean) 20 23 25 32 590
Independents (no lean) 26 20 30 24 478
Republicans (no lean) 44 28 12 16 526
Democrats (lean) 19 23 28 30 733
Independents (lean) 27 14 34 26 194
Republicans (lean) 42 28 12 18 667
Liberal (1-3) 18 22 33 27 453
Moderate (4) 23 25 26 25 432
Conservative (5-7) 44 25 12 19 641
Tea Party - Supporter 37 24 14 25 486
Tea Party - Not Supporter 26 24 26 24 1108
Religiosity: Monthly+ 36 30 6 28 648
Religiosity: LT Monthly 26 20 33 22 946
Income: Under 50k 30 22 21 28 692
Income: 50k-100k 28 26 25 20 524
Income: 100k+ 32 24 21 24 379
Educ: < College 28 24 21 27 1048
Educ: Bachelors degree 35 24 25 16 354
Educ: Post-grad 29 22 26 23 192
White Collar 31 24 23 21 756
Blue Collar 30 22 21 26 642
Cell Only/Mostly 27 22 25 26 724
Dual Use 34 22 24 21 535
LL Only/Mostly 30 32 13 26 324
79: Would you describe yourself as a born-again or evangelical Christian, or not? (Among Protestants)
Yes No N
Likely Voters 53 47 473
Male 51 49 201
Female 54 46 272
Age: 18-29 65 35 42
Age: 30-44 52 48 99
Age: 45-64 57 43 182
Age: 65+ 44 56 150
Ethnicity - White 50 50 398
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 84 16 35
Urban 50 50 86
Suburban 46 54 232
Rural 65 35 155
Democrats (no lean) 49 51 117
Independents (no lean) 54 46 125
Republicans (no lean) 54 46 231
Democrats (lean) 47 53 140
Independents (lean) 46 54 52
Republicans (lean) 57 43 281
Liberal (1-3) 34 66 83
Moderate (4) 53 47 101
Conservative (5-7) 59 41 282
Tea Party - Supporter 68 32 180
Tea Party - Not Supporter 43 57 292
Religiosity: Monthly+ 73 27 231
Religiosity: LT Monthly 34 66 242
Income: Under 50k 56 44 205
Income: 50k-100k 56 44 147
Income: 100k+ 43 57 120
Educ: < College 57 43 295
Educ: Bachelors degree 43 57 123
Educ: Post-grad 52 48 56
White Collar 41 59 237
Blue Collar 62 38 192
Cell Only/Mostly 59 41 195
Dual Use 52 48 181
LL Only/Mostly 41 59 95
80: Aside from weddings and funerals, how often do you attend religious servicesmore than once a week, once a week, once
or twice a month, a few times a year, seldom, or never?
once a
Once a
Once or
twice a
A few
times a
Seldom Never N
Likely Voters 10 21 10 13 25 21 1595
Male 7 22 10 15 25 21 744
Female 12 20 11 12 25 21 851
Age: 18-29 8 25 14 15 15 23 269
Age: 30-44 8 18 11 17 25 21 383
Age: 45-64 11 19 7 13 30 20 602
Age: 65+ 12 24 11 8 25 19 341
Ethnicity - White 9 21 9 14 24 24 1195
Ethnicity - Hispanic 13 29 8 11 25 15 142
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 18 13 21 8 31 8 195
Ethnicity - Other 2 18 7 23 29 20 63
Urban 8 13 15 17 24 24 400
Suburban 8 22 10 13 29 18 808
Rural 16 25 7 11 18 23 387
Democrats (no lean) 6 16 14 17 23 25 590
Independents (no lean) 8 20 5 12 32 23 478
Republicans (no lean) 17 27 11 10 22 14 526
Democrats (lean) 5 17 12 16 25 25 733
Independents (lean) 8 12 2 13 34 31 194
Republicans (lean) 15 27 11 10 23 14 667
Liberal (1-3) 8 15 11 17 23 26 453
Moderate (4) 7 20 8 10 27 26 432
Conservative (5-7) 14 25 12 12 25 14 641
Tea Party - Supporter 17 30 14 11 17 11 486
Tea Party - Not Supporter 7 17 9 14 29 25 1108
Religiosity: Monthly+ 24 51 25 0 0 0 648
Religiosity: LT Monthly 0 0 0 22 43 35 947
Income: Under 50k 13 21 10 10 25 21 692
Income: 50k-100k 7 23 10 13 26 21 524
Income: 100k+ 8 17 11 19 24 21 379
Educ: < College 11 19 12 12 26 20 1048
Educ: Bachelors degree 8 24 6 15 25 22 354
Educ: Post-grad 7 23 7 19 20 25 192
White Collar 8 21 10 15 26 21 756
Blue Collar 11 20 11 11 24 22 643
Cell Only/Mostly 10 18 13 13 24 21 724
Dual Use 11 21 7 13 28 21 535
LL Only/Mostly 8 27 8 14 22 21 324
81: Are you the parent or guardian of any children under 18 now living in your household?
Yes No N
Likely Voters 27 73 1595
Male 24 76 744
Female 31 69 851
Age: 18-29 30 70 269
Age: 30-44 61 39 383
Age: 45-64 19 81 602
Age: 65+ 3 97 341
Ethnicity - White 22 78 1195
Ethnicity - Hispanic 55 45 142
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 39 61 195
Ethnicity - Other 39 61 63
Urban 30 70 400
Suburban 27 73 808
Rural 25 75 387
Democrats (no lean) 28 72 590
Independents (no lean) 28 72 478
Republicans (no lean) 26 74 526
Democrats (lean) 28 72 733
Independents (lean) 33 67 194
Republicans (lean) 25 75 667
Liberal (1-3) 29 71 453
Moderate (4) 32 68 432
Conservative (5-7) 23 77 641
Tea Party - Supporter 37 63 486
Tea Party - Not Supporter 23 77 1108
Religiosity: Monthly+ 33 67 648
Religiosity: LT Monthly 24 76 947
Income: Under 50k 26 74 692
Income: 50k-100k 30 70 524
Income: 100k+ 26 74 379
Educ: < College 28 72 1048
Educ: Bachelors degree 25 75 354
Educ: Post-grad 27 73 192
White Collar 25 75 756
Blue Collar 29 71 643
Cell Only/Mostly 34 66 724
Dual Use 26 74 535
LL Only/Mostly 15 85 324
82: Would you consider where you live
an urban area a suburban area a rural area N
Likely Voters 25 51 24 1595
Male 27 53 19 744
Female 23 48 28 851
Age: 18-29 42 37 21 269
Age: 30-44 31 53 17 383
Age: 45-64 19 56 26 602
Age: 65+ 17 51 32 341
Ethnicity - White 22 50 28 1195
Ethnicity - Hispanic 28 62 11 142
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 40 44 17 195
Ethnicity - Other 33 60 6 63
Urban 100 0 0 400
Suburban 0 100 0 808
Rural 0 0 100 387
Democrats (no lean) 35 45 20 590
Independents (no lean) 21 57 23 478
Republicans (no lean) 18 52 30 526
Democrats (lean) 34 47 19 733
Independents (lean) 19 55 26 194
Republicans (lean) 18 53 29 667
Liberal (1-3) 35 46 19 453
Moderate (4) 24 54 22 432
Conservative (5-7) 19 52 28 641
Tea Party - Supporter 25 46 29 486
Tea Party - Not Supporter 25 53 22 1108
Religiosity: Monthly+ 22 49 28 648
Religiosity: LT Monthly 27 52 21 947
Income: Under 50k 25 42 33 692
Income: 50k-100k 23 56 21 524
Income: 100k+ 27 60 13 379
Educ: < College 25 47 28 1048
Educ: Bachelors degree 27 58 15 354
Educ: Post-grad 25 56 19 192
White Collar 26 57 16 756
Blue Collar 23 46 30 643
Cell Only/Mostly 26 51 23 724
Dual Use 19 57 24 535
LL Only/Mostly 32 40 28 324
83: How would you describe your present employment situation?
Job in
Job in
Homemaker Student Retired Unemployed Other N
Likely Voters 32 7 8 10 7 26 7 2 1595
Male 38 9 9 1 8 26 8 2 744
Female 26 6 8 19 7 25 7 3 851
Age: 18-29 20 7 9 11 34 7 10 2 269
Age: 30-44 53 10 6 17 5 1 7 2 383
Age: 45-64 38 9 10 11 1 18 10 4 602
Age: 65+ 5 1 8 2 0 82 2 1 341
Ethnicity - White 30 6 8 12 5 30 7 3 1195
Ethnicity - Hispanic 36 15 7 11 18 7 6 1 142
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 33 11 12 5 9 18 11 1 195
Ethnicity - Other 42 4 17 5 8 19 1 3 63
Urban 30 10 11 8 10 20 8 2 400
Suburban 36 5 7 11 7 26 7 2 808
Rural 24 8 8 11 5 32 9 4 387
Democrats (no lean) 31 9 7 10 6 23 11 3 590
Independents (no lean) 36 7 9 12 7 22 5 3 478
Republicans (no lean) 29 6 9 10 9 31 5 2 526
Democrats (lean) 32 9 8 9 8 22 9 3 733
Independents (lean) 30 4 10 19 7 22 6 3 194
Republicans (lean) 31 6 9 10 7 31 6 2 667
Liberal (1-3) 28 11 9 8 13 19 8 4 453
Moderate (4) 37 8 9 9 2 26 7 1 432
Conservative (5-7) 30 5 8 12 7 30 7 2 641
Tea Party - Supporter 33 9 9 10 10 22 6 2 486
Tea Party - Not Supporter 31 6 8 11 6 27 8 3 1108
Religiosity: Monthly+ 29 6 7 9 12 29 6 2 648
Religiosity: LT Monthly 33 8 9 11 4 23 9 3 947
Income: Under 50k 24 4 7 12 8 30 12 3 692
Income: 50k-100k 34 9 11 9 6 23 6 3 524
Income: 100k+ 42 10 7 11 6 23 2 0 379
Educ: < College 26 4 8 12 9 28 10 3 1048
Educ: Bachelors degree 46 9 9 7 3 20 3 2 354
Educ: Post-grad 34 17 10 6 2 26 2 3 192
White Collar 36 10 9 8 7 25 4 1 756
Blue Collar 29 5 9 14 5 27 9 2 643
Cell Only/Mostly 41 9 7 10 11 13 6 2 724
Dual Use 29 6 10 12 3 29 9 3 535
LL Only/Mostly 15 4 9 8 3 49 8 3 324
84: Thinking about yourself and the immediate family members in your household, would you say you belong to a white-collar
family, or a blue-collar family?
Dont Know N
Likely Voters 48 41 11 1579
Male 52 39 9 742
Female 44 42 14 837
Age: 18-29 45 38 17 269
Age: 30-44 53 38 8 367
Age: 45-64 45 43 12 602
Age: 65+ 50 41 9 340
Ethnicity - White 50 40 10 1193
Ethnicity - Hispanic 56 30 14 130
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 25 59 16 195
Ethnicity - Other 69 19 11 61
Urban 50 38 12 397
Suburban 54 37 8 795
Rural 32 51 17 387
Democrats (no lean) 45 43 13 588
Independents (no lean) 45 42 13 476
Republicans (no lean) 54 38 9 515
Democrats (lean) 47 41 13 731
Independents (lean) 41 44 15 193
Republicans (lean) 51 40 9 655
Liberal (1-3) 55 37 8 441
Moderate (4) 45 40 15 430
Conservative (5-7) 49 42 10 640
Tea Party - Supporter 47 44 9 474
Tea Party - Not Supporter 48 39 13 1104
Religiosity: Monthly+ 45 43 12 634
Religiosity: LT Monthly 50 39 11 944
Income: Under 50k 28 52 20 679
Income: 50k-100k 49 43 7 522
Income: 100k+ 82 17 1 378
Educ: < College 33 53 14 1037
Educ: Bachelors degree 71 22 6 350
Educ: Post-grad 86 9 5 191
White Collar 100 0 0 756
Blue Collar 0 100 0 643
Cell Only/Mostly 45 44 11 710
Dual Use 53 36 11 533
LL Only/Mostly 45 42 13 324
85: Many people werent able to vote in the election for President and other oces in 2012. How about you? Were you able
to vote, or for some reason were you unable to vote?
Yes, voted in 2012 No, did not vote in
Likely Voters 91 9 1595
Male 92 8 744
Female 91 9 851
Age: 18-29 81 19 269
Age: 30-44 85 15 383
Age: 45-64 96 4 602
Age: 65+ 99 1 341
Ethnicity - White 92 8 1195
Ethnicity - Hispanic 87 13 142
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 94 6 195
Ethnicity - Other 81 19 63
Urban 89 11 400
Suburban 92 8 808
Rural 93 7 387
Democrats (no lean) 94 6 590
Independents (no lean) 84 16 478
Republicans (no lean) 95 5 526
Democrats (lean) 92 8 733
Independents (lean) 81 19 194
Republicans (lean) 94 6 667
Liberal (1-3) 93 7 453
Moderate (4) 92 8 432
Conservative (5-7) 91 9 641
Tea Party - Supporter 94 6 486
Tea Party - Not Supporter 90 10 1108
Religiosity: Monthly+ 94 6 648
Religiosity: LT Monthly 90 10 947
Income: Under 50k 90 10 692
Income: 50k-100k 92 8 524
Income: 100k+ 94 6 379
Educ: < College 89 11 1048
Educ: Bachelors degree 95 5 354
Educ: Post-grad 96 4 192
White Collar 93 7 756
Blue Collar 91 9 643
Cell Only/Mostly 87 13 724
Dual Use 94 6 535
LL Only/Mostly 98 2 324
86: In the 2012 election for President, did you vote for Democrat Barack Obama or Republican Mitt Romney?
Barack Obama
Republican Mitt
Someone else N
Likely Voters 51 44 5 1457
Male 50 45 5 684
Female 52 43 6 773
Age: 18-29 62 30 8 217
Age: 30-44 59 33 8 327
Age: 45-64 49 47 4 577
Age: 65+ 38 59 3 336
Ethnicity - White 41 54 5 1099
Ethnicity - Hispanic 70 21 9 124
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 92 5 3 183
Ethnicity - Other 63 33 4 51
Urban 63 31 6 354
Suburban 50 45 5 742
Rural 40 54 6 361
Democrats (no lean) 91 7 1 552
Independents (no lean) 45 39 16 403
Republicans (no lean) 11 88 1 502
Democrats (lean) 90 7 3 673
Independents (lean) 41 33 26 158
Republicans (lean) 11 87 3 626
Liberal (1-3) 90 7 3 420
Moderate (4) 61 32 7 396
Conservative (5-7) 16 79 5 587
Tea Party - Supporter 23 71 6 456
Tea Party - Not Supporter 63 32 5 1000
Religiosity: Monthly+ 43 53 5 607
Religiosity: LT Monthly 56 38 6 850
Income: Under 50k 55 39 6 618
Income: 50k-100k 49 46 5 484
Income: 100k+ 46 50 4 355
Educ: < College 51 44 5 935
Educ: Bachelors degree 45 48 7 337
Educ: Post-grad 60 36 4 184
White Collar 49 47 4 702
Blue Collar 51 44 6 582
Cell Only/Mostly 53 39 8 626
Dual Use 49 47 3 503
LL Only/Mostly 47 50 3 317
87: Cell / LL household
Dual Use LL Only/Mostly N
Likely Voters 46 34 20 1583
Male 46 36 19 738
Female 46 32 22 845
Age: 18-29 67 17 16 268
Age: 30-44 64 28 8 376
Age: 45-64 38 44 18 598
Age: 65+ 23 35 42 340
Ethnicity - White 43 35 23 1187
Ethnicity - Hispanic 46 32 22 141
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 62 31 8 193
Ethnicity - Other 57 28 14 62
Urban 47 26 26 394
Suburban 46 38 16 804
Rural 43 33 23 386
Democrats (no lean) 45 32 24 586
Independents (no lean) 48 35 17 472
Republicans (no lean) 45 35 20 525
Democrats (lean) 48 31 22 727
Independents (lean) 43 42 14 190
Republicans (lean) 44 35 21 666
Liberal (1-3) 49 29 22 450
Moderate (4) 50 34 16 427
Conservative (5-7) 40 39 22 639
Tea Party - Supporter 45 32 23 485
Tea Party - Not Supporter 46 35 19 1098
Religiosity: Monthly+ 47 32 22 647
Religiosity: LT Monthly 45 35 20 937
Income: Under 50k 47 27 26 688
Income: 50k-100k 45 38 17 518
Income: 100k+ 45 40 15 376
Educ: < College 46 32 22 1047
Educ: Bachelors degree 48 37 15 348
Educ: Post-grad 39 39 22 188
White Collar 43 38 19 749
Blue Collar 49 30 21 641
Cell Only/Mostly 100 0 0 724
Dual Use 0 100 0 535
LL Only/Mostly 0 0 100 324

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