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Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

First of all, let us praise to the Almighty Allah SWT, because of His Blessing we are able to
attend this English speech contest.
Secondly, may peace be upon the prophet uhammad Saw who has guided us from the dar!ness
into the brightness.
" would also li!e to say many than!s to the #uries and $ who ha%e gi%en me opportunity to
deli%er an English speech in front of you all.
&adies and 'entlemen...
The topic of my speech is (early marriage)
Flow of fast mo%ing globali*ation changed the way of the public. Women who marry at a young
age is considered as a taboo. E%en further, it is considered to destroy the future of women,
suppress creati%ity and pre%ent women to gain !nowledge and insight into the wider.
early marriage is a form of bonding + marriage where one or both partners are under the age of ,-
or being enrolled in school. So the wedding is called early marriage, if both or one partner
entered under ,- years old .still a teenager/.
early marriage has negati%e effects for both the mother and the child is born. According to
sociologists, in terms of the social, early marriage can reduce family harmony. "t is caused by
unstable emotions, %olatile young blood and immature way of thin!ing. &oo! at %arious aspects
of early marriage does ha%e many negati%e effects. Therefore, the go%ernment only tolerates a
wedding o%er the age of ,0 years for men and ,1 years for women.
Whate%er the reason, the marriage of the re%iew of the %arious aspects of the highly detrimental
to the interests of children and is %ery harmful to children2s health from the effects of early
marriage or underage marriage. 3arious effects of early marriage or marriage can be stated as
follows minors.
4 The First, At the young age of reproduction is not ready + mature to perform the function of
reproduction,so the danger of bleeding and organ damage can cause death.

4 Tend to ha%e an abortion, which is often accompanied by complications and death.
4 &ac! of !nowledge of mothers about nutrition for pregnant women that can affect fetal growth
and de%elopment.
A conclusion
"f by marrying a young age able to sa%e themsel%es from sin and mud puddles disobedience, then
marriage is is the best alternati%e, $on%ersely, if the delay marriage until the age of 5 mature 5
contains positi%e %alues, then it more mainstream. 'o%ernment policy and the religious law both
contain elements of benefit. The 'o%ernment prohibits early marriage is the %arious
considerations abo%e. Similarly, religion does not restrict the age of marriage, it also has a
positi%e %alue. A problem that 6uite a dilemma.
B. suggestion
"n order for early marriage occurring in society not increasing, as parents need continuous
guidance for children to grow and de%elop in accordance with his age. "n addition, the parents do
not allow their daughters were still young, although male idol groom lured 5the winds of
hea%en,5 which later turned out to destroy the future of the girl.
&adies and 'entlemen...
Brothers and Sisters...

That7s all my speech. Hopefully, it will be useful for all of us. Than! you %ery much for your
Wassalamu7alai!um Wr. Wb.
8ama 9 Setya 8or :ahmi
A!per ;esdam 3"+ulawarman

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