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The simulacrum is never that hich c!nceals the truth " it is the truth hich c!nceals
that there is n!ne.
The simulacrum is true.
I# e ere a$le t! ta%e as the #inest alle&!r' !# simulati!n the B!r&es tale here the
cart!&ra(hers !# the Em(ire )ra u( a ma( s! )etaile) that it en)s u( e*actl' c!verin&
the territ!r' +$ut here, ith the )ecline !# the Em(ire this ma( $ec!mes #ra'e) an)
#inall' ruine), a #e shre)s still )iscerni$le in the )eserts " the meta(h'sical $eaut' !#
this ruine) a$stracti!n, $earin& itness t! an im(erial (ri)e an) r!ttin& li%e a carcass,
returnin& t! the su$stance !# the s!il, rather as an a&in& )!u$le en)s u( $ein& c!n#use)
ith the real thin&,, this #a$le !ul) then have c!me #ull circle #!r us, an) n! has
n!thin& $ut the )iscrete charm !# sec!n)-!r)er simulacra.l
A$stracti!n t!)a' is n! l!n&er that !# the ma(, the )!u$le, the mirr!r !r the c!nce(t.
Simulati!n is n! l!n&er that !# a territ!r', a re#erential $ein& !r a su$stance. It is the
&enerati!n $' m!)els !# a real ith!ut !ri&in !r realit'. a h'(erreal. The territ!r' n!
l!n&er (rece)es the ma(, n!r survives it. /ence#!rth, it is the ma( that (rece)es the
territ!r' " (recessi!n !# simulacra " it is the ma( that en&en)ers the territ!r' an) i# e
ere t! revive the #a$le t!)a', it !ul) $e the territ!r' h!se shre)s are sl!l' r!ttin&
acr!ss the ma(. It is the real, an) n!t the ma(, h!se vesti&es su$sist here an) there, in
the )eserts hich are n! l!n&er th!se !# the Em(ire, $ut !ur !n. The )esert !# the real
In #act, even inverte), the #a$le is useless. 0erha(s !nl' the alle&!r' !# the Em(ire
remains. 1!r it is ith the same im(erialism that (resent-)a' simulat!rs tr' t! ma%e the
real, all the real, c!inci)e ith their simulati!n m!)els. But it is n! l!n&er a 2uesti!n !#
either ma(s !r territ!r'. S!methin& has )isa((eare). the s!verei&n )i##erence $eteen
them that as the a$stracti!n3s charm. 1!r it is the )i##erence hich #!rms the (!etr' !#
the ma( an) the charm !# the territ!r', the ma&ic !# the c!nce(t an) the charm !# the real.
This re(resentati!nal ima&inar', hich $!th culminates in an) is en&ul#e) $' the
cart!&ra(her3s ma) (r!4ect !# an i)eal c!e*tensivit' $eteen the ma( an) the territ!r',
)isa((ears ith simulati!n, h!se !(erati!n is nuclear an) &enetic, an) n! l!n&er
s(ecular an) )iscursive. 5ith it &!es all !# meta(h'sics. N! m!re mirr!r !# $ein& an)
a((earances, !# the real an) its c!nce(t6 n! m!re ima&inar' c!e*tensivit'. rather, &enetic
miniaturi7ati!n is the )imensi!n !# simulati!n. The real is (r!)uce) #r!m miniaturi7e)
units, #r!m matrices, mem!r' $an%s an) c!mman) m!)els " an) ith these it can $e
re(r!)uce) an in)e#inite num$er !# times. It n! l!n&er has t! $e rati!nal, since it is n!
l!n&er measure) a&ainst s!me i)eal !r ne&ative instance. It is n!thin& m!re than
!(erati!nal. In #act, since it is n! l!n&er envel!(e) $' an ima&inar', it is n! l!n&er real at
all. It is a h'(erreal. the (r!)uct !# an irra)iatin& s'nthesis !# c!m$inat!r' m!)els in a
h'(ers(ace ith!ut atm!s(here.
In this (assa&e t! a s(ace h!se curvature is n! l!n&er that !# the real, n!r !# truth, the
a&e !# simulati!n thus $e&ins ith a li2ui)ati!n !# all re#erentials " !rse. $' their
art,#icial resurrecti!n in s'stems !# si&ns, hich are a m!re )uctile material than
meanin&, in that the' len) themselves t! all s'stems !# e2uivalence, all $inar'
!((!siti!ns an) all c!m$inat!r' al&e$ra. It is n! l!n&er a 2uesti!n !# imitati!n, n!r !#
re)u(licati!n, n!r even !# (ar!)'. It is rather a 2uesti!n !# su$stitutin& si&ns !# the real
#!r the real itsel#6 that is, an !(erati!n t! )eter ever' real (r!cess $' its !(erati!nal
)!u$le, a metasta$le, (r!&rammatic, (er#ect )escri(tive machine hich (r!vi)es all the
si&ns !# the real an) sh!rt-circuits all its vicissitu)es. Never a&ain ill the real have t! $e
(r!)uce). this is the vital #uncti!n !# the m!)el in a s'stem !# )eath, !r rather !#
antici(ate) resurrecti!n hich n! l!n&er leaves an' chance even in the event !# )eath. A
h'(erreal hence#!rth sheltere) #r!m the ima&inar', an) #r!m an' )istincti!n $eteen the
real an) the ima&inar', leavin& r!!m !nl' #!r the !r$ital recurrence !# m!)els an) the
simulate) &enerati!n !# )i##erence.
The )ivine irre#erence !# ima&es
T! )issimulate is t! #ei&n n!t t! have hat !ne has. T! simulate is t! #ei&n t! have hat
!ne hasn3t. One im(lies a (resence, the !ther an a$sence. But the matter is m!re
c!m(licate), since t! simulate is n!t sim(l' t! #ei&n. 8S!me!ne h! #ei&ns an illness can
sim(l' &! t! $e) an) (reten) he is ill. S!me!ne h! simulates an illness (r!)uces in
himsel# s!me !# the s'm(t!ms8 +Littre,. Thus, #ei&nin& !r )issimulatin& leaves the realit'
(rinci(le intact. the )i##erence is ala's clear, it is !nl' mas%e)6 hereas simulati!n
threatens the )i##erence $eteen 8true8 an) 8#alse8, $eteen 8real8 an) 8ima&inar'8.
Since the simulat!r (r!)uces 8true8 s'm(t!ms, is he !r she ill !r n!t9 The simulat!r
cann!t $e treate) !$4ectivel' either as ill, !r as n!t ill. 0s'ch!l!&' an) me)icine st!( at
this (!int, $e#!re a therea#ter un)isc!vera$le truth !# the illness. 1!r i# an' s'm(t!m can
$e 8(r!)uce),8 an) can n! l!n&er $e acce(te) as a #act !# nature, then ever' illness ma'
$e c!nsi)ere) as simulata$le an) simulate), an) me)icine l!ses its meanin& since it !nl'
%n!s h! t! treat 8true8 illnesses $' their !$4ective causes. 0s'ch!s!matics ev!lves in a
)u$i!us a' !n the e)&e !# the illness (rinci(le. As #!r (s'ch!anal'sis, it trans#ers the
s'm(t!m #r!m the !r&anic t! the unc!nsci!us !r)er. !nce a&ain, the latter is hel) t! $e
real, m!re real than the #!rmer6 $ut h' sh!ul) simulati!n st!( at the (!rtals !# the
unc!nsci!us9 5h' c!ul)n3t the 8!r%8 !# the unc!nsci!us $e 8(r!)uce)8 in the same
a' as an' !ther s'm(t!m in classical me)icine9 Dreams alrea)' are.
The alienist, !# c!urse, claims that 8#!r each #!rm !# the mental alienati!n there is a
(articular !r)er in the successi!n !# s'm(t!ms, !# hich the simulat!r is unaare an) in
the a$sence !# hich the alienist is unli%el' t! $e )eceive).8 This +hich )ates #r!m
:;<=, in !r)er t! save at all c!st the truth (rinci(le, an) t! esca(e the s(ecter raise) $'
simulati!n. namel' that truth, re#erence an) !$4ective caues have cease) t! e*ist. 5hat
can me)icine )! ith s!methin& hich #l!ats !n either si)e !# illness, !n either si)e !#
health, !r ith the re)u(licati!n !# illness in a )isc!urse that is n! l!n&er true !r #alse9
5hat can (s'ch!anal'sis )! ith the re)u(licati!n !# the )isc!urse !# the unc!nsci!us in
a )isc!urse !# simulati!n that can never $e unmas%e), since it isn3t #alse either9>
5hat can the arm' )! ith simulat!rs9 Tra)iti!nall', #!ll!in& a )irect (rinci(le !#
i)enti#icati!n, it unmas%s an) (unishes them. T!)a', it can re#!rm an e*cellent simulat!r
as th!u&h he ere e2uivalent t! a 8real8 h!m!se*ual, heart-case !r lunatic. Even militar'
(s'ch!l!&' retreats #r!m the Cartesian clari#ies an) hesitates t! )ra the )istincti!n
$eteen true an) #alse, $eteen the 8(r!)uce)8 s'm(t!m an) the authentic s'm(t!m. 8I#
he acts cra7' s! ell, then he must $e ma).8 N!r is it mista%en. in the sense that all
lunatics are simulat!rs, an) this lac% !# )istincti!n is the !rst #!rm !# su$versi!n.
A&ainst it, classical reas!n arme) itsel# ith all its cate&!ries. But it is this t!)a' hich
a&ain !ut#lan%s them, su$mer&in& the truth (rinci(le.
Outsi)e !# me)icine an) the arm', #av!re) terrains !# simulati!n, the a##air &!es $ac% t!
reli&i!n an) the simulacrum !# )ivinit'. 8l #!r$a)e an' simulacrum in the tem(les
$ecause the )ivinit' that $reathes li#e int! nature cann!t $e re(resente).8 In)ee) it can.
But hat $ec!mes !# the )ivinit' hen it reveals itsel# in ic!ns, hen it is multi(lie) in
simulacra9 D!es it remain the su(reme auth!rit', sim(l' incarnate) in ima&es as a visi$le
the!l!&'9 Or is it v!latili7e) int! simulacra hich al!ne )e(l!' their (!m( an) (!er !#
#ascinati!n " the visi$le machiner' !# ic!ns $ein& su$stitute) #!r the (ure an)
intelli&i$le I)ea !# ?!)9 This is (recisel' hat as #eare) $' the Ic!n!clasts, h!se
millennial 2uarrel is still ith us t!)a'.@ Their ra&e t! )estr!' ima&es r!se (recisel'
$ecause the' sense) this !mni(!tence !# simulacra, this #acilit' the' have !# erasin& ?!)
#r!m the c!nsci!usnesses !# (e!(le, an) the !verhelmin&, )estructive truth hich the'
su&&est. that ultimatel' there has never $een an' ?!)6 that !nl' simulacra e*ist6 in)ee)
that ?!) himsel# has !nl' ever $een his !n simulacrum. /a) the' $een a$le t! $elieve
that ima&es !nl' !cculte) !r mas%e) the 0lat!nic i)ea !# ?!), there !ul) have $een n!
reas!n t! )estr!' them. One can live ith the i)ea !# a )ist!rte) truth. But their
meta(h'sical )es(air came #r!m the i)ea that the ima&es c!nceale) n!thin& at all, an)
that in #act the' ere n!t ima&es, such as the !ri&inal m!)el !ul) have ma)e them, $ut
actuall' (er#ect simulacra #!rever ra)iant ith their !n #ascinati!n. But this )eath !# the
)ivine re#erential has t! $e e*!rcise) at all c!st.
It can $e seen that the ic!n!clasts, h! are !#ten accuse) !# )es(isin& an) )en'in&
ima&es, ere in #act the !nes h! acc!r)e) them their actual !rth, unli%e the
ic!n!laters, h! sa in them !nl' re#lecti!ns an) ere c!ntent t! venerate ?!) at !ne
rem!ve. But the c!nverse can als! $e sai), namel' that the ic!n!laters (!ssese) the m!st
m!)ern an) a)ventur!us min)s, since, un)erneath the i)ea !# the a((ariti!n !# ?!) in the
mirr!r !# ima&es, the' alrea)' enacte) his )eath an) his )isa((earance in the e(i(han' !#
his re(resentati!ns +hich the' (erha(s %ne n! l!n&er re(resente) an'thin&, an) that
the' ere (urel' a &ame, $ut that this as (recisel' the &reatest &ame " %n!in& als!
that it is )an&er!us t! unmas% ima&es, since the' )issimulate the #act that there is n!thin&
$ehin) them,.
This as the a((r!ach !# the Jesuits, h! $ase) their (!litics !n the virtual )isa((earance
!# ?!) an) !n the !rl)l' an) s(ectacular mani(ulati!n !# c!nsciences " the
evanescence !# ?!) in the e(i(han' !# (!er " the en) !# transcen)ence, hich n!
l!n&er serves as ali$i #!r a strate&' c!m(letel' #ree !# in#luences an) si&ns. Behin) the
$ar!2ue !# ima&es hi)es the &re' eminence !# (!litics.
Thus (erha(s at sta%e has ala's $een the mur)er!us ca(acit' !# ima&es. mur)erers !#
the real6 mur)erers !# their !n m!)el as the B'7antine ic!ns c!ul) mur)er the )ivine
i)entit'. T! this mur)er!us ca(acit' is !((!se) the )ialectical ca(acit' !# re(resentati!ns
as a visi$le an) intelli&i$le me)iati!n !# the real. All !# 5estern #aith an) &!!) #aith as
en&a&e) in this a&er !n re(resentati!n. that a si&n c!ul) re#er t! the )e(th !# meanin&,
that a si&n c!ul) e*chan&e #!r meamn& an) that s!methin& c!ul) &uarantee this
e*chan&e?!), !# c!urse. But hat i# ?!) himsel# can $e simulate), that is t! sa',
re)uce) t! the si&ns hich attest his e*istence9 Then the h!le s'stem $ec!mes
ei&htless6 it is n! l!n&er an'thin& $ut a &i&antic simulacrum. n!t unreal, $ut a
simulacrum, never a&ain e*chan&in& #!r hat is real, $ut e*chan&in& in itsel#, in an
umnterru(te) circuit ith!ut re#erence !r circum#erence
S! it is ith simulati!n, ins!#ar as it is !((!se) t! re(resentati!n. Re(resentati!n starts
#r!m the (rinci(le that the si&n an) the real are e2uivalent +even i# this e2uivalence is
Ut!(ian, it is a #un)amental a*A!m,. C!nversel', simulati!n starts #r!m the Ut!(ia !#
this (rinci(le !# e2uivalence, #r!m the ra)ical ne&ati!n !# the si&n as value, #r!m the si&n
as reversi!n an) )eath sentence !# ever' re#erence. 5hereas re(resentati!n tries t! a$s!r$
simulati!n $' inter(retin& it as #alse re(resentati!n, simulati!n envel!(s the h!le e)i#ice
!# re(resentati!n as itsel# a simulacrum.
These !ul) $e the successive (hases !# the ima&e.
:. It is the re#lecti!n !# a $asic realit'.
>. It mas%s an) (erverts a $asic realit'.
@. It mas%s the a$sence !# a $asic realit'.
B. It $ears n! relati!n t! an' realit' hatever. it is its !n (ure simulacrum.
In the #irst case, the ima&e is a &!!) a((earance. the re(resentati!n is !# the !r)er !#
sacrament. In the sec!n), it is an evil a((earance. !# the !r)er !# male#ice. In the thir), it
(la's at $ein& an a((earance. it is !# the !r)er !# s!rcer'. In the #!urth, it is n! l!n&er in
the !r)er !# a((earance at all, $ut !# simulati!n.
The transiti!n #r!m si&ns hich )issimulate s!methin& t! si&ns hich )issimulate that
there is n!thin&, mar%s the )ecisive turnin& (!mt. The #irst im(lies a the!l!&' !# truth
an) secrec' +t! hich the n!tmn !# i)e!l!&' still $el!n&s,. The sec!n) inau&urates an
a&e !# simulacra an) simulati!n, in hich there is n! l!n&er an' ?!) t! rec!&ni7e his
!n, n!r an' last 4u)&ement t! se(arate truth #r!m #alse, the real #r!m its art,#icial
resurrecti!n, since ever'thin& is alrea)' )ea) an) risen in a)vance.
5hen the real is n! l!n&er hat it use) t! $e, n!stal&ia assumes its #ull meanin&. There is
a (r!li#erati!n !# m'ths !# !ri&in an) si&ns !# realit'6 !# sec!n)-han) truth, !$4ectivit'
an) authenticit'. There is an escalati!n !# the true, !# the live) e*(erience6 a resurrecti!n
!# the #i&urative here the !$4ect an) su$stance have )isa((eare). An) there is a (anic-
stric%en (r!)ucti!n !# the real an) the re#erential, a$!ve an) (arallel t! the (anic !#
material (r!)ucti!n. This is h! simulati!n a((ears in the (hase that c!ncerns us. a
strate&' !# the real, ne!-real an) h'(erreal, h!se universal )!u$le is a strate&' !#
/'(erreal an) ima&inar'
Disne'lan) is a (er#ect m!)el !# all the entan&le) !r)ers !# simulati!n. T! $e&in ith it
is a (la' !# illusi!ns an) (hantasms. (irates, the #r!ntier, #uture !rl), etc. This
ima&inar' !rl) is su((!se) t! $e hat ma%es the !(erati!n success#ul. But, hat )ras
the cr!)s is un)!u$te)l' much m!re the s!cial micr!c!sm, the miniaturi7e) an)
reli&i!us revellin& in real America, in its )eli&hts an) )ra$ac%s. C!u (ar% !utsi)e,
2ueue u( insi)e, an) are t!tall' a$an)!ne) at the e*it. In this ima&inar' !rl) the !nl'
(hantasma&!ria is in the inherent armth an) a##ecti!n !# the cr!), an) in that
au##icientl' e*cessive num$er !# &a)&ets use) there t! s(eci#icall' maintain the
multitu)in!us a##ect. The c!ntrast ith the a$s!lute s!litu)e !# the (ar%in& l!t " a
verita$le c!ncentrati!n cam( " is t!tal. Or rather. insi)e, a h!le ran&e !# &a)&ets
ma&neti7e the cr!) int! )irect #l!s6 !utsi)e, s!litu)e is )irecte) !nt! a sin&le &a)&et.
the aut!m!$ile. B' an e*tra!r)inar' c!inci)ence +!ne that un)!u$te)l' $el!n&s t! the
(eculiar enchantment !# this universe,, this )ee(-#r!7en in#antile !rl) ha((ens t! have
$een c!nceive) an) reali7e) $' a man h! is himsel# n! cr'!&eni7e)6 5alt Disne',
h! aaits his resurrecti!n at minus :;D )e&rees centi&ra)e.
The !$4ective (r!#ile !# the Unite) States, then, ma' $e trace) thr!u&h!ut Disne'lan),
even )!n t! the m!r(h!l!&' !# in)ivi)uals an) the cr!). All its values are e*alte)
here, in miniature an) c!mic-stri( #!rm. Em$alme) an) (act#ie). 5hence the (!ssi$ilit'
!# an i)e!l!&ical anal'sis !# Disne'lan) +L. Marin )!es it ell in Ut!(ies, 4eu*
)3es(aces,. )i&est !# the American a' !# li#e, (ane&'ric t! American values, i)eali7e)
trans(!siti!n !# a c!ntra)ict!r' realit'. T! $e sure. But this c!nceals s!methin& else, an)
that 8i)e!l!&ical8 $lan%et e*actl' serves t! c!ver !ver a thir)-!r)er simulati!n.
Disne'lan) is there t! c!nceal the #act that it is the 8real8 c!untr', all !# 8real8 America,
hich is Disne'lan) +4ust as (ris!ns are there t! c!nceal the #act that it is the s!cial in its
entiret', in its $anal !mni(resence, hich is carceral,. Disne'lan) is (resente) as
ima&inar' in !r)er t! ma%e us $elieve that the rest is real, hen in #act all !# L!s An&eles
an) the America surr!un)in& it are n! l!n&er real, $ut !# the !r)er !# the h'(erreal an) !#
simulati!n. It is n! l!n&er a 2uesti!n !# a #alse re(resentati!n !# realit' +i)e!l!&',, $ut !#
c!ncealin& the #act that the real is n! l!n&er real, an) thus !# savin& the realit' (rinci(le.
The Disne'lan) ima&inar' is neither true n!r #alse. it is a )eterrence machine set u( in
!r)er t! re4uvenate in reverse the #icti!n !# the real. 5hence the )e$ilit', the in#antile
)e&enerati!n !# this ima&inar'. It As meant t! $e an in#antile !rl), in !r)er t! ma%e us
$elieve that the a)ults are elsehere, in the 8real8 !rl), an) t! c!nceal the #act that real
chil)ishness is ever'here, (articularl' am!n& th!se a)ults h! &! there t! act the chil)
in !r)er t! #!ster illusi!ns !# their real chil)ishness.
M!re!ver, Disne'lan) is n!t the !nl' !ne. Enchante) Eilla&e, Ma&ic M!untain, Marine
5!rl). L!s An&eles is encircle) $' these 8ima&inar' stati!ns8 hich #ee) realit', realit'-
ener&', t! a t!n h!se m'ster' is (recisel' that it is n!thin& m!re than a net!r% !#
en)less, unreal circulati!n. a t!n !# #a$ul!us (r!(!rti!ns, $ut ith!ut s(ace !r
)imensi!ns. As much as electrical an) nuclear (!er stati!ns, as much as #ilm stu)i!s,
this t!n, hich is n!thin& m!re than an immense scri(t an) a (er(etual m!ti!n (icture,
nee)s this !l) ima&inar' ma)e u( !# chil)h!!) si&nals an) #a%e) (hantasms #!r its
s'm(athetic nerv!us s'stem.
0!litical incantati!n
5ater&ate. Same scenari! as Disne'lan) +an ima&inar' e##ect c!ncealin& that realit' n!
m!re e*ists !utsi)e than insi)e the $!un)s !# the art,#icial (erimeter,. th!u&h here it is a
scan)al-e##ect c!ncealin& that there is n! )i##erence $eteen the #acts an) their
)enunciati!n +i)entical meth!)s are em(l!'e) $' the CIA an) the 5ashin&t!n 0!st
4!urnalists,. Same !(erati!n, th!u&h this time ten)in& t!ar)s scan)al as a means t!
re&enerate a m!ral an) (!litical (rinci(le, t!ar)s the ima&inar' as a means t! re&enerate
a realit' (rinci(le in )istress.
The )enunciati!n !# scan)al ala's (a's h!ma&e t! the la. An) 5ater&ate a$!ve all
succee)e) in im(!sin& the i)ea that 5ater&ate as a scan)al " in this sense it as an
e*tra!r)inar' !(erati!n !# int!*icati!n. the rein4ecti!n !# a lar&e )!se !# (!litical
m!ralit' !n a &l!$al scale. It c!ul) $e sai) al!n& ith B!ur)ieu that. 8The s(eci#ic
character !# ever' relati!n !# #!rce is t! )issimulate itsel# as such, an) t! ac2uire all its
#!rce !nl' $ecause it is s! )issimulate)86 un)erst!!) as #!ll!s. ca(ital, hich is
imm!ral an) unscru(ul!us, can !nl' #uncti!n $ehin) a m!ral su(erstructure, an) h!ever
re&enerates this (u$lic m!calit' +$' in)i&nati!n, )enunciati!n, etc., s(!ntane!usl'
#urthers the6 !r)er !# ca(ital, as )i) the 5ashin&t!n 0!st 4!urnalists.
But this is still !nl' the #!rmula !# i)e!l!&', an) hen B!ur)ieu enunciates it, he ta%es
8relati!n !# #!rce8 t! mean the truth !# ca(italist )!minati!n, an) he )en!unces this
relati!n !# #!rce as itsel# a scan)al. he there#!re !ccu(ies the same )eterministic an)
m!ralistic (!siti!n as the 5ashin&t!n 0!st 4!urnalists. /e )!es the same 4!$ !# (ur&in&
an) revivih& m!ral !r)er, an !r)er !# truth herein the &enuine s'm$!lic vi!lence !# the
s!cial !r)er is en&en)ere), ell $e'!n) all relati!ns !# #!rce, hich are !nl' elements !#
its in)i##erent an) shi#tin& c!n#i&urati!n in the m!ral an) (!litical c!nsci!usnesses !#
All that ca(ital as%s !# us is t! receive it as rati!nal !r t! c!m$at it in the name !#
rati!nalit', t! receive it as m!ral !r t! c!m$at it in the name !# m!ralit'. 1!r the' are
i)entical, meanin& the' can $e rea) an!ther a'. $e#!re, the tas% as t! )issimulate
scan)al6 t!)a', the tas% is t! c!nceal the #act that there is n!ne.
5ater&ate is n!t a scan)al. this is- hat must $e sai) at all c!st, #!r this is hat ever'!ne
is c!ncerne) t! c!nceal, this )issimulati!n mas%in& a stren&thenin& !# m!ralit', a m!ral
(anic as e a((r!ach the (rimal +mise-en-,scene !# ca(ital. its instantane!us cruelt'6 its
inc!m(rehensi$le #er!cit'6 its #un)amental imm!ralit' " these are hat are scan)al!us,
unacc!unta$le #!r in that s'stem !# m!ral an) ec!n!mic e2uivalence hich remains the
a*i!m !# le#tist th!u&ht, #r!m Enli&htenment the!r' t! c!mmunism. Ca(ital )!esn3t &ive
a )amn a$!ut the i)ea !# the c!ntract hich is im(ute) t! it. it is a m!nstr!us
un(rinci(le) un)erta%in&, n!thin& m!re. Rather, it is 8enli&htene)8 th!u&ht hich see%s
t! c!ntr!l ca(ital $' im(!sin& rules !n it. An) all that recriminati!n hich re(lace)
rev!luti!nar' th!u&ht t!)a' c!mes )!n t! re(r!achin& ca(ital #!r n!t #!ll!in& the
rules !# the &ame. 80!er is un4ust6 its 4ustice is a class 4ustice6 ca(ital e*(l!its us6 etc.8
" as i# ca(ital ere lin%e) $' a c!ntract t! the s!ciet' it rules. It is the le#t hich h!l)s
!ut the mirr!r !# e2uivalence, h!(in& that ca(ital ill #all #!r this (hantasma&!ria !# the
s!cial c!ntract an) #ur#ill its !$li&ati!n t!ar)s the h!le !# s!ciet' +at the same time, n!
nee) #!r rev!luti!n. it is en!u&h that ca(ital acce(t the rati!nal #!rmula !# e*chan&e,.
Ca(ital in #act has never $een lin%e) $' a c!ntract t! the s!ciet' it )!minates. It is a
s!rcer' !# the s!cial relati!n, it is a challen&e t! s!ciet' an) sh!ul) $e res(!n)e) t! as
such. It is n!t a scan)al t! $e )en!unce) acc!r)in& t! m!ral an) ec!n!mic rati!nalit', $ut
" challen&e t! ta%e u( acc!r)in& t! s'm$!lic la.
M!e$ius. s(irallin& ne&ativit'
/ence 5ater&ate as !nl' a tra( set $' the s'stem t! catch its a)versaries " a
simulati!n !# scan)al t! re&enerative en)s. This is em$!)ie) $' the character calle)
8Dee( Thr!at,8 h! as sai) t! $e a Re(u$lican &re' eminence mani(ulatin& the le#tist
4!urnalists in !r)er t! &et ri) !# Ni*!n " an) h' n!t9 All h'(!theses are (!ssi$le,
alth!u&h this !ne is su(er#lu!us. the !r% !# the Ri&ht is )!ne ver' ell, an)
s(!ntane!usl', $' the Le#t !n its !n. Besi)es, it !ul) $e naive t! see an em$ittere)
&!!) c!nscience at !r% here. 1!r the Ri&ht itsel# als! s(!ntane!usl' )!es the !r% !#
the Le#t. All the h'(!theses !# mani(ulati!n are reversi$le in an en)less hirli&i&. 1!r
mani(ulati!n is a #l!atin& causalit' here (!sitivit' an) ne&ativit' en&en)er an) !verla(
ith !ne an!ther6 here there is n! l!n&er an' active !r (assive. It is $' (uttin& an
ar$itrar' st!( t! this rev!lvin& causalit' that a (rinci(le !# (!litical realit' can $e save).
It is $' the simulati!n !# a c!nventi!nal, restricte) (ers(ective #iel), here the (remises
an) c!nse2uences !# an' act !r event are calcula$le, that a (!litical cre)i$ilit' can $e
maintaine) +inclu)in&, !# c!urse, 8!$4ective8 anal'sis, stru&&le, etc., But i# the entire
c'cle !# an' act !r event is envisa&e) in a s'stem here linear c!ntinuit' an) )ialectical
(!larit' n! l!n&er e*ist, in a #iel) unhin&e) $' simulati!n, then all )eterminati!n
eva(!rates, ever' act terminates at the en) !# the c'cle havin& $ene#ite) ever'!ne an)
$een scattere) in all )irecti!ns.
Is an' &iven $!m$in& in Ital' the !r% !# le#tist e*tremists6 !r !# e*treme ri&ht-in&
(r!v!cati!n6 !r sta&e) $' centrists t! $rin& ever' terr!rist e*treme int! )isre(ute an) t!
sh!re u( its !n #ailin& (!er6 !r a&ain, is it a (!lice-ins(ire) scenari! in !r)er t! a((eal
t! calls #!r (u$lic securit'9 All this is e2uall' true, an) the search #!r (r!!#- in)ee) the
!$4ectivit' !# the #act- )!es n!t chec% this verti&! !# inter(retati!n. 5e are in a l!&ic !#
simulati!n hich has n!thin& t! )! ith a l!&ic !# #acts an) an !r)er !# reas!ns.
Simulati!n is characteri7e) $' a (recessi!n !# the m!)el, !# all m!)els ar!un) the merest
#act- the m!)els c!me #irst, an) their !r$ital +li%e the $!m$, circulati!n c!nstitutes the
&enuine ma&netic #iel) !# events. 1acts n! l!n&er have an' tra4ect!r' !# their !n, the'
arise at the intersecti!n !# the m!)els6 a sin&le #act ma' even $e en&en)ere) $' all the
m!)els at !nce. This antici(ati!n, this (recessi!n, this sh!rt-circuit, this c!n#usi!n !# the
#act ith its m!)el +n! m!re )iver&ence !# meanin&, n! m!re )ialectical (!larit', n!
m!re ne&ative electricit' !r im(l!si!n !# (!les, is hat each time all!s #!r all the
(!ssi$le inter(retati!ns, even the m!st c!ntra)ict!r' " all are true, in the sense that their
truth is e*chan&ea$le, in the ima&e !# the m!)els #r!m hich the' (r!cee), in a
&enerali7e) c'cle.
The c!mmunists attac% the s!cialist (art' as th!u&h the' ante) t! shatter the uni!n !#
the Le#t. The' sancti!n the i)ea that their reticence stems #r!m a m!re ra)ical (!litical
e*i&enc'. In #act, it is $ecause the' )!n3t ant (!er. But )! the' n!t ant it at this
c!n4uncture $ecause it is un#av!ra$le #!r the Le#t in &eneral, !r $ecause it is un#av!ra$le
#!r them ithin the uni!n !# the Le#t " !r )! the' n!t ant it $' )e#initi!n9 5hen
Berlin&uer )eclares, 85e mustn3t $e #ri&htene) !# seein& the c!mmunists sei7e (!er in
Ital',8 this means simultane!usl'.
: That there is n!thin& t! #ear, since the c!mmunists, i# the' c!me t! (!er, ill chan&e
n!thin& in its #un)amental ca(italist mechanism.
> That there isn3t an' ris% !# their ever c!min& t! (!er +#!r the reas!n that the' )!n3t
ant t!,6 an) even i# the' )! ta%e it u(, the' ill !nl' ever iel) it $' (r!*'.
@ That in #act (!er, &enuine (!er, n! l!n&er e*ists, an) hence there is n! ris% !#
an'$!)' sei7in& it !r ta%in& it !ver.
B But m!re. :, Berlin&uer, am n!t #ri&htene) !# seein& the c!mmunists sei7e (!er in
Ital' " hich mi&ht a((ear evi)ent, $ut n!t s! evi)ent, since.
= It can als! mean the c!ntrar' +n! nee) #!r (s'ch!anal'sis here,. I am #ri&htene) !#
seein& the c!mmunists sei7e (!er +an) ith &!!) reas!n, even #!r a c!mmunist,.
All the a$!ve is simultane!usl' true. This is the secret !# a )isc!urse that is n! l!n&er
!nl' am$i&u!us, as (!litical )isc!urses can $e, $ut that c!nve's the im(!ssi$ilit' !# a
)eterminate (!siti!n !# (!er, the im(!ssi$ilit' !# a )eterminate (!siti!n !# )isc!urse.
An) this l!&ic $el!n&s t! neither (art'. It traverses all )isc!urses ith!ut their antin& it.
5h! ill unravel this im$r!&li!9 The ?!r)ian %n!t can at least $e cut. As #!r the
M!e$ius stri(, i# it is s(lit in t!, it results in an a))iti!nal s(iral ith!ut there $ein& an'
(!ssi$ilit' !# res!lvin& its sur#aces +here the reversi$le c!ntinuit' !# h'(!theses,. /a)es
!# simulati!n, hich is n! l!n&er !ne !# t!rture, $ut !# the su$tle, male#icent, elusive
tistin& !# meanin&B " here even th!se c!n)emne) at Bur&!s are still a &i% #r!m
1ranc! t! 5estern )em!crac', hich #in)s m them the !ccasi!n t! re&enerate its !n
#la&&in& humamsm, an) h!se in)i&nant (r!testati!n c!ns!li)ates in return 1ranc!3s
re&ime $' unitin& the S(anish masses a&ainst #!rei&n interventi!n9 5here is the truth in
all that, hen such c!llusi!ns a)mira$l' %nit t!&ether ith!ut their auth!rs even %n!in&
The c!n4uncti!n !# the s'stem an) its e*treme alternative li%e t! en)s !# a curve)
mirr!r, the 8vici!us8 curvature !# a (!litical s(ace hence#!rth ma&neti7e), circulari7e),
reversi$ili7e) #r!m ri&ht t! le% a t!rsi!n that is li%e the evil )em!n !# c!mmutati!n, the
h!le s'stem, the in#init' !# ca(ital #!l)e) $ac% !ver its !n surFce. trans#inite9 An)
isn3t it the same ith )esire an) li$i)inal s(ace9 The c!n4uncti!n !# )esire an) value, !#
)esire an) ca(ital. The c!n4uncti!n !# )esire an) the la6 the ultimate 4!' an)
metam!r(h!sis !# the la +hich is h' it is s! ell receive) at the m!ment,. !nl'
ca(ital ta%es (leasure, L'!tar) sai), $e#!re c!min& t! thin% that e ta%e (leasure in
ca(ital. Overhelmin& versatilit' !# )esire in Deleu7e. an eni&matic reversal hich
$rin&s this )esire that is 8rev!luti!nar' $' itsel#, an) as i# inv!luntaril', in antin& hat
it ants,8 t! ant its !n re(ressi!n an) t! invest (aran!i) an) #ascist s'stems9 A
mali&n t!rsi!n hich re)uces this rev!luti!n !# )esire t! the same #un)amental am$i&uit'
as the !ther, hist!rical rev!luti!n.
All the re#erentials intermin&le their )isc!urses in a circular, M!e$ian c!m(ulsi!n. N!t s!
l!n& a&! se* an) !r% ere sava&el' !((!se) terms. t!)a' $!th are )iss!lve) int! the
same t'(e !# )eman). 1!rmerl' the )isc!urse !n hist!r' t!!% its #!rce #r!m !((!sin&
itsel# t! the !ne !n nature, the )isc!urse !n )esire t! the !ne !n (!er. t!)a' the'
e*chan&e their si&ni#iers an) their scenari!s.
It !ul) ta%e t!! l!n& t! run thr!u&h the h!le ran&e !# !(erati!nal ne&ativit', !# all
th!se scenari!s !# )eterrence hich, li%e 5ater&ate, tr' t! revive a m!ri$un) (rinci(le $'
simulate) scan)al, (hantasm, mur)er " a s!rt !# h!rm!nal treatment $' ne&ativit' an)
crisis. It is ala's a 2uesti!n !# (r!vin& the real $' the ima&inar'6 (r!vin& truth $'
scan)al6 (r!vin& the la $' trans&ressi!n6 (r!vin& !r% $' the stri%e6 (r!vin& the s'stem
$' crisis an) ca(ital $' rev!luti!n6 an) #!r that matter (r!vin& ethn!l!&' $' the
)is(!ssessi!n !# its !$4ect +the Tasa)a',. 5ith!ut c!untin&. (r!vin& theater $' anti-
theater6 (r!vin& art $' anti-art6 (r!vin& (e)a&!&' $' anti-(e)a&!&'6 (r!vin& (s'chiatr'
$' anti-(s'chiatr', etc., etc.
Ever'thin& is metam!r(h!se) int! its inverse in !r)er t! $e (er(etuate) in its (ur&e)
#!rm. Ever' #!rm !# (!er, ever' situati!n s(ea%s !# itsel# $' )enial, in !r)er t! attem(t
t! esca(e, $' simulati!n !# )eath, its real a&!n'. 0!er can sta&e its !n mur)er t!
re)isc!ver a &limmer !# e*istence an) le&itimac'. Thus ith the American (resi)ents. the
Genne)'s are mur)ere) $ecause the' still have a (!litical )imensi!n. Others " J!hns!n,
Ni*!n, 1!r) " !nl' ha) a ri&ht t! (u((et attem(ts, t! simulate) mur)ers. But the'
nevertheless nee)e) that aura !# an art,#icial menace t! c!nceal that the' ere n!thin&
!ther than manne2uins !# (!er. In !l)en )a's the %in& +als! the &!), ha) t! )ie " that
as his stren&th. T!)a' he )!es his misera$le utm!st t! (reten) t! )ie, s! as t! (reserve
the $lessin& !# (!er. But even this is &!ne.
T! see% ne $l!!) in its !n )eath, t! rene the c'cle $' the mirr!r !# crisis, ne&ativit'
an) anti-(!er. this is the !nl' ali$i !# ever' (!er, !# ever' instituti!n attem(tin& t!
$rea% the vici!us circle !# its irres(!nsi$ilit' an) its #un)amental n!ne*istence, !# its
)e4a-vu an) its )e4a-m!rt.
Strate&' !# the real
O# the same !r)er as the im(!ssi$ilit' !# re)isc!verin& an a$s!lute level !# the real, is the
im(!ssi$ilit' !# sta&in& an illusi!n. Illusi!n is n! l!n&er (!ssi$le, $ecause the real is n!
l!n&er (!ssi$le. It is the h!le (!litical (r!$lem !# the (ar!)', !# h'(ersimulati!n !r
!##ensive simulati!n, hich is (!se) here.
1!r e*am(le. it !ul) $e interestin& t! see hether the re(ressive a((aratus !ul) n!t
react m!re vi!lentl' t! a simulate) h!l) u( than t! a real !ne9 1!r a real h!l) u( !nl'
u(sets the !r)er !# thin&s, the ri&ht !# (r!(ert', hereas a simulate) h!l) u( inter#eres
ith the ver' (rinci(le !# realit'. Trans&ressi!n an) vi!lence are less seri!us, #!r the'
!nl' c!ntest the )istri$uti!n !# the real. Simulati!n is in#initel' m!re )an&er!us since it
ala's su&&ests, !ver an) a$!ve its !$4ect, that la an) !r)er themselves mi&ht reall' $e
n!thin& m!re than a simulati!n.
But the )i##icult' is in (r!(!rti!n t! the (eril. /! t! #ei&n a vi!lati!n an) (ut it t! the
test9 ?! an) simulate a the#t in a lar&e )e(artment st!re. h! )! '!u c!nvince the
securit' &uar)s that it is a simulate) the#t9 There is n! 8!$4ective8 )i##erence. the same
&estures an) the same si&ns e*ist as #!r a real the#t6 in #act the si&ns mclme neither t! !ne
si)e n!r the !ther. As #ar as the esta$lishe) !r)er is c!ncerne), the' are ala's !# the
!r)er !# the real.
?! an) !r&ani7e a #a%e h!l) u(. Be sure t! chec% that '!ur ea(!ns are harmless, an)
ta%e the m!st trust!rth' h!sta&e, s! that n! li#e is in )an&er +!therise '!u ris%
c!mmittin& an !##ence,. Deman) rans!m, an) arran&e it s! that the !(erati!n creates the
&reatest c!mm!ti!n (!ssi$le. In $rie#, sta' cl!se t! the 8truth8, s! as t! test the reacti!n !#
the a((aratus t! a (er#ect simulati!n. But '!u !n3t succee). the e$ !# art,#icial si&ns
ill $e ine*trica$l' mi*e) u( ith real elements +a (!lice !##icer ill reall' sh!!t !n
si&ht6 a $an% cust!mer ill #aint an) )ie !# a heart attac%6 the' ill reall' turn the (h!ne'
rans!m !ver t! '!u,. In $rie#, '!u ill unittin&l' #in) '!ursel# imme)iatel' in the real,
!ne !# h!se #uncti!ns is (recisel' t! )ev!ur ever' attem(t at simulati!n, t! re)uce
ever'thin& t! s!me realit'. that3s e*actl' h! the esta$lishe) !r)er is, ell $e#!re
instituti!ns an) 4ustice c!me int! (la'.
In this im(!ssi$ilit' !# is!latin& the (r!cess !# simulati!n must $e seen the h!le thrust
!# an !r)er that can !nl' see an) un)erstan) m terms !# s!me realit', $ecause it can
#uncti!n n!here else. The simulati!n !# an !##ence, i# it is (atent, ill either $e
(unishe) m!re li&htl' +$ecause it has n! 8c!nse2uences8, !r $e (unishe) as an !##ence t!
(u$lic !##ice +#!r e*am(le, i# !ne tri&&ere) !## a (!lice !(erati!n 8#!r n!thin&8, " $ut
never as simulati!n, since it is (recisel' as such that n! e2uivalence ith the real is
(!ssi$le, an) hence n! re(ressi!n either. The challen&e !# simulati!n is irreceiva$le $'
(!er. /! can '!u (unish the simulati!n !# virtue9 Cet as such it is as seri!us as the
simulati!n !# crime. 0ar!)' ma%es !$e)ience an) trans&ressi!n e2uivalent, an) that is the
m!st seri!us crime, since it cancels !ut the )i##erence u(!n hich the la is $ase). The
esta$lishe) !r)er can )! n!thin& a&ainst it, #!r the la is a sec!n)-!r)er simulacrum
hereas simulati!n is a thir)-!r)er simulacrum, $e'!n) true an) #alse, $e'!n)
e2uivalences, $e'!n) the rati!nal )istmcti!ns u(!n hich #uncti!n all (!er an) the
entire s!cial stratum. /ence, #ailin& the real, it is here that e must aim at !r)er.
This is h' !r)er ala's !(ts #!r the real. In a state !# uncertaint', It ala's (re#ers this
assum(ti!n +thus in the arm' the' !ul) rather ta%e the simulat!r as a true ma)man,. But
this $ec!mes m!re an) m!re )i##icult, #!r it is (racticall' im(!ssi$le t! is!late the
(r!cess !# simulati!n6 thr!u&h the #!rce !# inertia !# the real hich surr!un)s us, the
inverse is als! true +an) this ver' reversi$ilit' #!rms (art !# the a((aratus !# simulati!n
an) !# (!er3s im(!tenc',. namel', it is n! im(!ssi$le t! is!late the (r!cess !# the real,
!r t! (r!ve the real.
Thus all h!l) u(s, hi4ac%s an) the li%e are n! as it ere simulati!n h!l) u(s, in the sense
that the' are inscri$e) in a)vance in the )ec!)in& an) !rchestrati!n rituals !# the me)ia,
antici(ate) in their m!)e !# (resentati!n an) (!ssi$le c!nse2uences. In $rie#, here the'
#uncti!n as a set !# si&ns )e)icate) e*clusivel' t! their recurrence as si&ns, an) n! l!n&er
t! their 8real8 &!al at all. But this )!es n!t ma%e them in!##ensive. On the c!ntrar', it is
as h'(erreal events, n! l!n&er havin& an' (articular c!ntents !r aims, $ut in)e#initel'
re#racte) $' each !ther +#!r that matter li%e s!-calle) hist!rical events. stri%es,
)em!nstrati!ns, crises, etc.=,, that the' are (recisel' unveri#ia$le $' an !r)er hich can
!nl' e*ert itsel# !n the real an) the rati!nal, !n en)s an) means. a re#erential !r)er hich
can !nl' )!minate re#erentials, a )eterminate (!er hich can !nl' )!minate a
)etermine) !rl), $ut hich can )! n!thin& a$!ut that in)e#inite recurrence !#
simulati!n, a$!ut that ei&htless ne$ula n! l!n&er !$e'in& the la !# &ravitati!n !# the
real " (!er itsel# eventuall' $rea%in& a(art in this s(ace an) $ec!mni& a simulati!n !#
(!er +)isc!nnecte) #r!m its aims an) !$4ectives, an) )e)icate) t! (!er e##ects an)
mass simulati!n,.
The !nl' ea(!n !# (!er, its !nl' strate&' a&ainst this )e#ecti!n, is t! rein4ect realness
an) re#erentialit' ever'here, in !r)er t! c!nvince us !# the realit' !# the s!cial, !# the
&ravit' !# the ec!n!m' an) the #inalities !# (r!)ucti!n. 1!r that (ur(!se it (re#ers the
)isc!urse !# crisis, $ut als! " h' n!t9 " the )isc!urse !# )esire. 8Ta%e '!ur )esires #!r
realit'H8 can $e un)erst!!) as the ultimate sl!&an !# (!er, #!r in a n!nre#erential !rl)
even the c!n#usian !# the realit' (rinci(le ith the )esire (rinci(le is less )an&er!us than
c!nta&i!us h'(errealit'. One remains am!n& (rinci(les, an) there (!er is ala's ri&ht.
/'(errealit' an) simulati!n are )eterrents !# ever' (rinci(le an) !# ever' !$4ective6 the'
turn a&ainst (!er this )eterrence hich is s! ell utili7e) #!r a l!n& time itsel#. 1!r,
#inall', it as ca(ital hich as the #irst t! #ee) thr!u&h!ut its hist!r' !n the )estructi!n
!# ever' re#erential, !# ever' human &!al, hich shattere) ever' i)eal )istincti!n $eteen
true an) #alse, &!!) an) evil, in !r)er t! esta$lish a ra)ical la !# e2uivalence an)
e*chan&e, the ir!n la !# its (!er. It as the #irst t! (ractice )eterrence, a$stracti!n,
)isc!nnecti!n, )eterrit!riali7ati!n, etc.6 an) i# it as ca(ital hich #!stere) realit', the
realit' (rinci(le, it as als! the #irst t! li2ui)ate it in the e*terminati!n !# ever' use
value, !# ever' real e2uivalence, !# (r!)ucti!n an) ealth, in the ver' sensati!n e have
!# the unrealit' !# the sta%es an) the !mni(!tence !# mani(ulati!n. N!, it is this ver'
l!&ic hich is t!)a' har)ene) even m!re a&ainst it. An) hen it ants t! #i&ht this
catastr!(hic s(iral $' secretin& !ne last &limmer !# realit', !n hich t! #!un) !ne last
&limmer !# (!er, it !nl' multi(lies the si&ns an) accelerates the (la' !# simulati!n.
As l!n& as it as hist!ricall' threatene) $' the real, (!er ris%e) )eterrence an)
simulati!n, )isinte&ratin& ever' c!ntra)icti!n $' means !# the (r!)ucti!n !# e2uivalent
si&ns. 5hen it is threatene) t!)a' $' simulati!n +the threat !# vanishin& in the (la' !#
si&ns,, (!er ris%s the real, ris%s crisis, it &am$les !n remanu#acturin& arti#icial, s!cial,
ec!n!mic, -(!litical sta%es. This is a 2uesti!n !# li#e !r )eath #!r it. But it is t!! late.
5hence the characteristic h'steria !# !ur time. the h'steria !# (r!)ucti!n an)
re(r!)ucti!n !# the real. The !ther (r!)ucti!n, that !# &!!)s an) c!mm!)ities, that !# la
$elle e(!2ue !# (!litical ec!n!m', n! l!n&er ma%es an' sense !# its !n, an) has n!t #!r
s!me time. 5hat s!ciet' see%s thr!u&h (r!)ucti!n, an) !ver(r!)ucti!n, is the rest!rati!n
!# the real hich esca(es it. That is h' c!ntem(!rar' 8material8 (r!)ucti!n is itsel#
h'(erreal. It retains all the #eatures, the h!le )isc!urse !# tra)iti!nal (r!)ucti!n, $ut it is
n!thin& m!re than its scale)-)!n re#racti!n +thus the h'(errealists #asten in a stri%in&
resem$lance a real #r!m hich has #le) all meanin& an) charm, all the (r!#un)it' an)
ener&' !# re(resentati!n,. Thus the h'(errealism !# simulati!n is e*(resse) ever'here
$' the real3s stri%in& resem$lance t! itsel#.
0!er, t!!, #!r s!me time n! (r!)uces n!thin& $ut si&ns !# its resem$lance. An) at the
same time, an!ther #i&ure !# (!er c!mes int! (la'. that !# a c!llective )eman) #!r si&ns
!# (!er " a h!l' uni!n hich #!rms ar!un) the )isa((earance !# (!er. Ever'$!)'
$el!n&s t! it m!re !r less in #ear !# the c!lla(se !# the (!litical. An) in the en) the &ame
!# (!er c!mes )!n t! n!thin& m!re than the critical !$sessi!n ith (!er. an
!$sessi!n ith its )eath6 an !$sessi!n ith its survival hich $ec!mes &reater the m!re it
)isa((ears. 5hen it has t!tall' )isa((eare), l!&icall' e ill $e un)er the t!tal s(ell !#
(!er " a hauntin& mem!r' alrea)' #!resha)!e) ever'here, mani#estin& at !ne an)
the same time the satis#acti!n !# havin& &!t ri) !# it +n!$!)' ants it an' m!re,
ever'$!)' unl!a)s it !n !thers, an) &rievin& its l!ss. Melanch!l' #!r s!cieties ith!ut
(!er. this has alrea)' &iven rise t! #ascism, that !ver)!se !# a (!er#ul re#erential in a
s!ciet' hich cann!t terminate its m!urnin&.
But e are still in the same $!at. n!ne !# !ur s!cieties %n! h! t! mana&e their
m!urnin& #!r the real, #!r (!er, #!r the s!cial itsel#, hich is im(licate) in this same
$rea%)!n. An) it is $' an art,#icial revitali7ati!n !# all this that e tr' t! esca(e it.
Un)!u$te)l' this ill even en) u( in s!cialism. B' an un#!reseen tist !# events an) an
ir!n' hich n! l!n&er $el!n&s t! hist!r', it is thr!u&h the )eath !# the s!cial that
s!cialism ill emer&e " as it is thr!u&h the )eath !# ?!) that reli&i!ns emer&e. A
tiste) c!min&, a (erverse event, an unintelli&i$le reversi!n t! the l!&ic !# reas!n. As is
the #act that (!er is n! l!n&er (resent e*ce(t t! c!nceal that there is n!ne. A simulati!n
hich can &! !n in)e#initel', since -unli%e 8true8 (!er hich is, !r as, a structure, a
strate&', a relati!n !# #!rce, a sta%e " this is n!thin& $ut the !$4ect !# a s!cial )eman),
an) hence su$4ect t! the la !# su((l' an) )eman), rather than t! vi!lence an) )eath.
C!m(letel' e*(un&e) #r!m the (!litical )imensi!n, it is )e(en)ent, li%e an' !ther
c!mm!)it', !n (r!)ucti!n an) mass c!nsum(ti!n. Its s(ar% has )isa((eare)6 !nl' the
#icti!n !# a (!litical universe is save).
Li%eise ith !r%. The s(ar% !# (r!)ucti!n, the vi!lence !# its sta%e n! l!n&er e*ists.
Ever'$!)' still (r!)uces, an) m!re an) m!re, $ut !r% has su$tl' $ec!me s!methin&
else. a nee) +as Mar* i)eall' envisa&e) it, $ut n!t at all in the same sense,, the !$4ect !# a
s!cial 8)eman),8 li%e leisure, t! hich it is e2uivalent in the &eneral run !# li#e3s !(ti!ns.
A )eman) e*actl' (r!(!rti!nal t! the l!ss !# sta%e in the !r% (r!cess.< The same
chan&e in #!rtune as #!r (!er. the scenari! !# !r% is there t! c!nceal the #act that the
!r%-real, the (r!)ucti!n-real, has )isa((eare). An) #!r that matter s! has the stri%e-real
t!!, hich is n! l!n&er a st!((a&e !# !r%, $ut its alternative (!le in the ritual scansi!n
!# the s!cial calen)ar. It is as i# ever'!ne has 8!ccu(ie)8 their !r% (lace !r !r% (!st,
a#ter )eclarin& the stri%e, an) resume) (r!)ucti!n, as is the cust!m in a 8sel#-mana&e)8
4!$, in e*actl' the same terms as $e#!re, $' )eclarin& themselves +an) virtuall' $ein&, in
a state !# (ermanent stri%e.
This isn3t a science-#icti!n )ream. ever'here it is a 2uesti!n !# a )!u$lin& !# the !r%
(r!cess. An) !# a )!u$le !r l!cum #!r the stri%e (r!cess " stri%es hich are inc!r(!rate)
li%e !$s!lescence in !$4ects, li%e crises in (r!)ucti!n. Then there are n! l!n&er an'
stri%es !r !r%, $ut $!th simultane!usl', that is t! sa' s!methin& else entirel'. a i7ar)r'
!# !r%, a tr!m(e l3!eil, a scen!)rama +n!t t! sa' mel!)rama, !# (r!)ucti!n, c!llective
)ramatur&' u(!n the em(t' sta&e !# the s!cial.
It is n! l!n&er a 2uesti!n !# the i)e!l!&' !# !r% " !# the tra)iti!nal ethic that !$scures
the 8real8 la$!ur (r!cess an) the 8!$4ective8 (r!cess !# e*(l!itati!n- $ut !# the scenari!
!# !r%. Li%eise, it is n! l!n&er a 2uesti!n !# the i)e!l!&' !# (!er, $ut !# the scenari!
!# (!er. I)e!l!&' !nl' c!rres(!n)s t! a $etra'al !# realit' $' si&ns6 simulati!n
c!rres(!n)s t! a sh!rt-circuit !# realit' an) t! its re)u(licati!n $' si&ns. It is ala's the
aim !# i)e!l!&ical anal'sis t! rest!re the !$4ective (r!cess6 it is ala's a #alse (r!$lem t!
ant t! rest!re the truth $eneath the simulacrum.
This is ultimatel' h' (!er is s! in acc!r) ith i)e!l!&ical )isc!urses an) )isc!urses
!n i)e!l!&', #!r these are all )isc!urses !# truth " ala's &!!), even an) es(eciall' i#
the' are rev!luti!nar', t! c!unter the m!rtal $l!s !# simulati!n.
: C!unter#eit an) re(r!)ucti!n im(l' ala's an an&uish, a )is2uietin& #!rei&nness. the
uneasiness $e#!re the (h!t!&ra(h, c!nsi)ere) li%e a itch3s tric% " an) m!re &enerall'
$e#!re an' technical a((aratus, hich is ala's an a((aratus !# re(r!)ucti!n, is relate)
$' Ben4amin t! the uneasiness $e#!re the mirr!r-ima&e. There is alrea)' s!rcer' at !r%
in the mirr!r. But h! much m!re s! hen this ima&e can $e )etache) #r!m the mirr!r
an) $e trans(!rte), st!c%e), re(r!)uce) at ill +c#. The Stu)ent !# 0ra&ue, here the
)evil )etaches the ima&e !# the stu)ent #r!m the mirr!r an) harrasses him t! )eath $' the
interme)iar' !# this ima&e,. All re(r!)ucti!n im(lies there#!re a %in) !# $lac% ma&ic,
#r!m the #act !# $ein& se)uce) $' !ne3s !n ima&e in the ater, li%e Narcissus, t! $ein&
haunte) $' the )!u$le an), h! %n!s, t! the m!rtal turnin& $ac% !# this vast technical
a((aratus secrete) t!)a' $' man as his !n ima&e +the narcissistic mira&e !# techni2ue,
McLuhan, an) that returns t! him, cancelle) an) )ist!rte) -en)less re(r!)ucti!n !#
himsel# an) his (!er t! the limits !# the !rl). Re(r!)ucti!n is )ia$!lical in its ver'
essence6 it ma%es s!methin& #un)amental vacillate. This has har)l' chan&e) #!r us.
simulati!n +that e )escri$e here as the !(erati!n !# the c!)e, is still an) ala's the
(lace !# a &i&antic enter(rise !# mani(ulati!n, !# c!ntr!l an) !# )eath, 4ust li%e the
imitative !$4ect +(rimitive statuette, ima&e !# (h!t!, ala's ha) as !$4ective an !(erati!n
!# $lac% ima&e.
> There is #urtherm!re in M!n!)3s $!!% a #la&rant c!ntra)icti!n, hich re#lects the
am$i&uit' !# all current science. /is )isc!urse c!ncerns the c!)e, that is the thir)-!r)er
simulacra, $ut it )!es s! still acc!r)in& t! 8scienti#ic8 schemes !# the sec!n)-!r)er "
!$4ectiveness, 8scienti#ic8 ethic !# %n!le)&e, science3s (rinci(le !# truth an)
transcen)ence. All thin&s inc!m(ati$le ith the in)etermina$le m!)els !# the thir)-!r)er.
@ 8It3s the #ee$le 3)e#initi!n3 !# TE hich c!n)emns its s(ectat!r t! rearran&in& the #e
(!ints retaine) int! a %in) !# a$stract !r%. /e (artici(ates su))enl' in the creati!n !# a
realit' that as !nl' 4ust (resente) t! him in )!ts. the televisi!n atcher is in the (!siti!n
!# an in)ivi)ual h! is as%e) t! (r!4ect his !n #antasies !n in%$l!ts that are n!t
su((!se) t! re(resent an'thin&.8 TE as (er(etual R!rshach test. An) #urtherm!re. 8The
TE ima&e re2uires each instant that e 3cl!se3 the s(aces in the mesh $' a c!nvulsive
sensu!us (artici(ati!n that is (r!#!un)l' %inetic an) tactile.8
B 8The Me)ium is the Messa&e8 is the ver' sl!&an !# the (!litical ec!n!m' !# the si&n,
hen it enters int! the thir)-!r)er simulati!n " the )istincti!n $eteen the me)ium an)
the messa&e characteri7es instea) si&ni#icati!n !# the sec!n)-!r)er.
= The entire current 8(s'ch!l!&ical8 situati!n is characteri7e) $' this sh!rtcircuit.
D!esn3t emanci(ati!n !# chil)ren an) teena&ers, !nce the initial (hase !# rev!lt is (asse)
an) !nce there has $een esta$lishe) the (rinci(le !# the ri&ht t! emanci(ati!n, seem li%e
the real emanci(ati!n !# (arents. An) the '!un& +stu)ents, hi&h-sch!!lers, a)!lescents,
seem t! sense it in their ala's m!re insistent )eman) +th!u&h still as (ara)!*ical, #!r
the (resence an) a)vice !# (arents !r !# teachers. Al!ne at last, #ree an) res(!nsi$le, it
seeme) t! them su))enl' that !ther (e!(le (!ssi$l' have a$sc!n)e) ith their true
li$ert'. There#!re, there is n! 2uesti!n !# 8leavin& them $e.8 The'3re &!in& t! hassle
them, n!t ith an' em!ti!nal !r material s(!ntane!us )eman), $ut ith an e*i&enc' that
has $een (reme)itate) an) c!rrecte) $' an im(licit !e)i(al %n!le)&e. /'(er)e(en)ence
+much &reater than $e#!re, )ist!re) $' ir!n' an) re#usal, (ar!)' !# li$i)in!us !ri&inal
mechanisms. Deman) ith!ut c!ntent, ith!ut re#erent, un4ust,#ie), $ut #!r all that all the
m!re severe " na%e) )eman) ith n! (!ssi$le anser. The c!ntents !# %n!le)&e
+teachin&, !r !# a##ective relati!ns, the (e)a&!&ical !r #amilial re#erent havin& $een
eliminate) in the act !# emanci(ati!n, there remains !nl' a )eman) lin%e) t! the em(t'
#!rm !# the instituti!n- (erverse )eman), an) #!r that reas!n all the m!re !$stinate.
8Trans#era$le8 )esire +that is t! sa' n!n-re#erential, un-re#erential,, )esire that has $een
#e) $' lac%, $' the (lace le#t vacant, 8li$erate),8 )esire ca(ture) in its !n verti&in!us
ima&e, )esire !# )esire, as (ure #!rm, h'(erreal. De(rive) !# s'm$!lic su$stance, it
)!u$les $ac% u(!n itsel#, )ras its ener&' #r!m its !n re#lecti!n an) its )isa((!intment
ith itsel#. This is literall' t!)a' the 8)eman),8 an) it is !$vi!us that unli%e the
8classical8 !$4ective !r trans#era$le relati!ns this !ne here is ins!lu$le an) intermina$le.
Simulate) Oe)i(us.
1ranc!is Richar). 8Stu)ents as%e) t! $e se)uce) either $!)il' !r ver$all'. But als! the'
are aare !# this an) the' (la' the &ame, ir!nicall'. 3?ive us '!ur %n!le)&e, '!ur
(resence, '!u have the !r), s(ea%, '!u are there #!r that.3 C!ntestati!n certainl', $ut n!t
!nl'. the m!re auth!rit' is c!nteste), vili#ie), the &reater the nee) #!r auth!rit' as such.
The' (la' at Oe)i(us als!, t! )en' it all the m!re vehementl'. The 3teach3, he3s Da))',
the' sa'6 it3s #un, '!u (la' at incest, malaise, the unt!ucha$le, at $ein& a tease " in !r)er
t! )e-se*uali7e #inall'.8 Li%e !ne un)er anal'sis h! as%s #!r Oe)i(us $ac% a&ain, h!
tells the 8!e)i(al8 st!ries, h! has the 8anal'tical8 )reams t! satis#' the su((!se) re2uest
!# the anal'st, !r t! resist him9 In the same a' the stu)ent &!es thr!u&h his !e)i(al
num$er, his se)ucti!n num$er, &ets chumm', cl!se, a((r!aches, )!minates- $ut this isn3t
)esire, it3s simulati!n. Oe)i(al (s'ch!)rama !# simulati!n +neither less real n!r less
)ramatic #!r all that,. Eer' )i##erent #r!m the real li$i)inal sta%es !# %n!le)&e an)
(!er !r even !# a real m!urnin& #!r the a$sence !# same +as c!ul) have ha((ene) a#ter
:I<; in the universities,. N! e3ve reache) the (hase !# )es(erate re(r!)ucti!n, an)
here the sta%es are nil, the simulacrum is ma*imal " e*acer$ate) an) (ar!)ie)
simulati!n at !ne an) the same time- as intermina$le as (s'ch!anal'sis an) #!r the same
The intermina$le (s'ch!anal'sis.
There is a h!le cha(ter t! a)) t! the hist!r' !# trans#erence an) c!untertrans#erence.
that !# their li2ui)ati!n $' simulati!n, !# the im(!ssi$le (s'ch!anal'sis $ecause it is
itsel#, #r!m n! !n, that (r!)uces an) re(r!)uces the unc!nsci!us as its instituti!nal
su$stance. 0s'ch!anal'sis )ies als! !# the e*chan&e !# the si&ns !# the unc!nsci!us. Just
as rev!luti!n )ies !# the e*chan&e !# the critical si&ns !# (!litical ec!n!m'. This sh!rt-
circuit as ell %n!n t! 1reu) in the #!rm !# the &i#t !# the anal'tic )ream, !r ith the
8unin#!rme)8 (atients, in the #!rm !# the &i#t !# their anal'tic %n!le)&e. But this as
still inter(rete) as resistance, as )et!ur, an) )i) n!t (ut #un)amentall' int! 2uesti!n
either the (r!cess !# anal'sis !r the (rinci(le !# trans#erence. It is an!ther thin& entirel'
hen the unc!nsci!us itsel#, the )isc!urse !# the unc!nsci!us $ec!mes un#in)a$le "
acc!r)in& t! the same scenari! !# simulative antici(ati!n that e have seen at !r% !n all
levels ith the machines !# the thir) !r)er. The anal'sis then can n! l!n&er en), it
$ec!mes l!&icall' an) hist!ricall' intermina$le, since it sta$ili7es !n a (u((etsu$stance
!# re(r!)ucti!n, an unc!nsci!us (r!&ramme) !n )eman) " an im(!ssi$le-t!-$rea%-
thr!u&h (!int ar!un) hich the h!le anal'sis is rearran&e). The messa&es !# the
unc!nsci!us have $een sh!rt-circuite) $' the (s'ch!anal'sis 8me)ium.8 This is li$i)inal
h'(errealism. T! the #am!us cate&!ries !# the real, the s'm$!lic an) the ima&inar', it is
&!in& t! $e necessar' t! a)) the h'(erreal, hich ca(tures an) !$structs the #uncti!nin&
!# the three !r)ers.
< Athenian )em!crac', much m!re a)vance) than !ur !n, ha) reache) the (!int here
the v!te as c!nsi)ere) as (a'ment #!r a service, a#ter all !ther re(ressive s!luti!ns ha)
$een trie) an) #!un) antin& in !r)er t! insure a 2u!rum.
Bau)rillar), Jean. 8Simulacra an) Simulati!ns.8 Jean Bau)rillar), Selecte) 5ritin&s, e)
Mar% 0!ster. Stan#!r) Universit' 0ress, :II;, ((.:<<-:;B.

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