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Love marriage

A love marriage is a marriage of two individuals based upon mutual love, affection, commitment and
attraction. While nowadays, the term has little discrete meaning in the Western world, where most
marriages are considered to be 'based in love,' the term has meaning elsewhere to indicate a concept of
marriage which differs from the norms of arranged marriage and forced marriage.
The term has found usage in South Asia and Middle!astern countries which have strong traditional
arranged marriage systems "where the family of the woman, the man, or of both, arrange the marriage
for the individuals.
#epending on the culture, love marriages may be unpopular or frowned upon.$%&
Love marriage is a relatively recent phenomenon. The idea that instead of duty, affection should be at
the base of a shared life was first e(pressed by )ean)ac*ues +ousseau in his popular novel )ulie, or the
,ew 'eloise, in %-.%. /t was pic0ed up by the emergent romanticists, for e(ample 1riedrich Schlegel,
in his novel Lucinde 2%-334.
1rom that time onward, the ideal of a marriage 'based on love' became more and more popular.
'owever, it was not until the emergence of the women's movement, that the traditional way of
choosing one's spouse, based on criteria such as wealth or their respective social positions, were first
widely overcome.
/n the 56th century, the %3.7 movement, the subse*uent second women's movement in the %3-6s, as
well as the se(ual revolution initiated a number of farreaching changes in Western society8 e*ual
rights for men and women, as well as the right of wives to wor0 even if their husbands disagreed. More
and more women began to pursue careers. 1or the first time, they were free from the need to find a
9provider9, and 9love marriage9 became the social norm.
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/lluminati spells>a=illuminatispells.html
Traditional healer>a=traditionalhealer.html

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