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T H I S E B O O K I S D I S T R I B U T E D F R E E L Y B Y T R A N S 4 M I N D . C O M
Comprehensive resources for personaI growth and transformation of body, mind
and spirit. The site incIudes exceIIent free personaI deveIopment pIans, courses,
books, articIes, quotes and videos ... and our great coIIection of free ebook
downIoads. PIus the paid Trans4mind courses and programs for those who want to
go aII the way!
Why Do Personal Development?
Part of the nature of humans is to be constantly developing, growing and moving toward a
balanced and mature way of being. Our present personality is determined by both who
and what we have been and by the person we strive to become. The goal of personal
development is to learn and apply that which enables us to attain emotional wellbeing,
understanding and effectiveness, and to share this knowledge with others.
Personal development is the conscious evolution of human nature, and yet throughout
history it has been sorely lacking! Although it is in our nature to learn and grow, we are
held back by our culture, which is predominantly focused on survival needs, each of us in
competition with others, and our spiritual inner nature is repressed. The animal rules.
We make no room for unconditional love.
Even though the culture may have evolved with technological advancement and
administrative complexity, human nature has not moved forward as it might. We are now
paying the price for human selfishness and inconsideration. Going forward, the quality of
our lives on this planet - even our survival - now depends on each of us taking
responsibility for our personal growth.
The human being needs to awaken to the soul that inhabits each body and is our true self
and source of inner knowing. Awaken through a process of self-discovery, leading to one's
own, self-directed spirituality. We need to become mindfully conscious instead of ruled
by the dictates of instincts, past habits and fixed beliefs. We need to throw away dogma,
open our minds and reconsider. Instead of fear about our survival and competitive angst,
we will then be motivated by compassionate understanding and creative love.
For those that do move forward, the next epoch - that is almost upon us as we move into
2012 - will be a celebration of human cooperation and shared love. It's our best hope for
the future - and it's in our hands.
Inner PowerCoaching for Empaths
Dr. Michael R. Smith, NCC. 505-216-7743
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:. You look ai somconc ai [usi know ihcir cmoiional siaic.
:. You can ccl ihc cncrgy coming ai you (or bcing draincd) rom anoihcr pcrson,
cspccially rom ihc cycs.
. You hac a blockcd ccling in your chcsi or sicrnum, as i somconc is iugging on ii.
+. 1cnd io run away rom pcoplc whcn sircsscd, raihcr ihan cngagc.
:. You`c bccn callcd ocrscnsiiic, cspccially i you`rc malc.
o. Always know whcrc dangcr may lurk. (Curiously, you may hac aoidcd accidcnis).
s. Arc drawn io ihc iranquiliiy o animals.
. Arc drawn io mouniains, naiurc, ihc occan - anywhcrc ouidoors.
:o. Cannoi bcar iolcncc in any orm
::. Can casily producc icars, somciimcs ai will.
::. You ccl ihc physical achcs e pains o oihcrs.
:. Iccl bciicr aicr a good, inicnsc cry.
:+. Scc ihings rom ihc biggcr piciurc and rom ihc largcr schcmc o ihings.
::. Arc ocrwhclmcd by largc crowds or mobs. (c.g. shopping malls).
:o. Can somciimcs ccl accicd by ihc cncrgy o ihc ull moon.
17. Hac inicnsc, aniasiic, and somciimcs lucid, drcams
&12 345 67 (896:;<
Has anyonc ccr said io you you hac a irusiing acc' Do you ind yourscl lisicning
wiih casc io oihcr pcoplc`s problcms' Do sirangcrs casily sharc iniimaic sccrcis' I so,
you probably hac gonc ihrough lic bcing morc accicd by oihcr pcoplc`s cncrgics ihan
you rcalizc. Icrhaps you alrcady know ihai you`rc o ihc scalc, so io spcak, in icrms
o your abiliiy io ccl and pcrccic oihcrs. Icrhaps only [usi now arc you waking up io
ihc aci ihai ihc shapc and ira[cciory o your lic has bccn unconsciously inlucnccd by
ihc dcsircs, wishcs, ihoughis, moods, and scnsiiiiiics o oihcrs.
As an cmpaih, you arc somconc who has bccn hard-wircd, rom birih, io pcrccic and
liicrally cxpcricncc ihc ihoughis, cmoiions, physical scnsiiiiiics, and spiriiual urgcs o
oihcr pcrsons. Ii is much morc ihan bcing a highly scnsiiic pcrson, and noi limiicd io
[usi cmoiions. Ior you, ii can bc likc liing an cpisodc o Siar 1rck! You don`i ccn
hac io iry and you [usi know ihc moiiaiions and inicniions o oihcr pcoplc.
Inner PowerCoaching for Empaths
Dr. Michael R. Smith, NCC. 505-216-7743
You cannoi changc ihc aci ihai you arc an cmpaih. Ii is akin io your cyc color. You
ciihcr arc or you`rc noi. Ii is noi icachablc, ii`s noi somcihing io lcarn. Howccr, you
=67 lcarn io managc and adapi io your cmpaihic naiurc. Hopcully you hac, or will
now, makc ii your inicniion io modiy ihc inicnsiiy o ihc cxpcricncc ihrough adapiic
mcans (mcdiiaiion, mocmcni, grounding, wcaring proicciic sioncs). Howccr, ii is
quiic common or cmpaihs io modiy ihc cclings ihrough noi-so-adapiic mcans
(alcohol, drugs, addiciions). I you all inio ihai caicgory, ii is complcicly
undcrsiandablc and you arc noi alonc! Almosi ccry cmpaih whom I hac cncounicrcd
has, ai onc poini or anoihcr, soughi io alicr ihcir mood ihrough drugs, alcohol, or scx.
1hc dciniiion o bcing an cmpaih mcans you arc always on. You arc always on io
proccss oihcr pcoplc`s cclings and cncrgy. As an cmpaih, you hac a gii, or in many
cascs, whai may ccl likc a scrious cursc! Ior now, lci`s sci asidc any noiions o
[udgcmcni. Ecn i ii ccls likc an ocrwhclming burdcn, which ii ccriainly is ai iimcs,
our rcsponsibiliiy is io oursclcs irsi, oihcrs sccond. So wiih ihai in mind, lci`s ocus
on how wc can iakc rcsponsibiliiy or managing our cncrgciic scnsiiiiiy.
Bcwarc, ihough. Rcading ihc ollowing booklci may gic you a chargc. Ii may causc
lingcring scnsaiions o rclic, bordcring on giddyncss. You will comc io undcrsiand
ihai you arc noi alonc. Dcspiic whai dociors may ihcorizc, ihcrc iruly is noihing
wrong wiih you. Chronic aiiguc' Vaguc cnironmcnial scnsiiiiiics' 1hcsc arc
morc aiiribuiablc io oihcrs and ouisidc inlucnccs ihan io anyihing aboui you.
Ii`s noi you. Ii rcally is noi you.
Inner PowerCoaching for Empaths
Dr. Michael R. Smith, NCC. 505-216-7743
>-: 6?7@: 820A
My un:on :. Jocu.u !:i u !u. |um on n mun .unu:n u!on :n n con. H'.
qu: u!!, u..u :n u n po!y. .u:. dJ u Ju uon:::n momn. oJ uucn:n n:m
nu!J-nuu!y p:ci:n u n:. J:n Joou, 1 o uoun n nu!! :no n un unu .!ummu n uoo.
1 nn u:u n on!y n:n nu 1, u. un -yu o!u cn:!u, 1 inu nou o uo :n n:. .:uu:on. 1 J!!
o my in. unu c:u. Pnn my pun. .oon u!::u nu 1 nuu y uu:n u:.uppuu,` 1
mu.u n couu o rp!u:n my u.. 1 uu. cy:n |cuu. n mun uu. !on!y unu n nuu
o | n!pu.
Pn:! .u!y oou :nn:onu, my pun. uo n:. oJJ, pnup. o :nounc, unu
pnup. ou oJ u.o:uunc. 1 uu. n!y o!u nu 1 uu. o.uc:n, nu 1 uu. |:n oo
1 ooi m uny-J:. yu. o unu.unu uny 1 n. Joo nu momn.
Iasi orward iwcniy-ic ycars io a camp in ihc mouniains [usi norih o Sania
Ic, Ncw Mcxico. I am wcaring a smokcd-oui winicr [ackci hunkcring closc io a irc and
siruggling io siay warm againsi alling snow and blowing wind. I`c goi a pack o
Amcrican Spirii cigarciics in onc pockci and adcd cargo panis ioo diriy io ccn carc. I
smcll o smokc and dricd oui swcai. Cold, hungry, and aiigucd, wc arc bcing baiilc-
icsicd in ihis wccklong ision qucsi (a iradiiional spiriiual ccrcmony) by our icachcr, a
shaman and mcdicinc man rom Canada. Viih an aching back and iircd, wood-
splinicrcd hands, I am ioo cxhausicd io ccn hac ihc sircngih io considcr how
cxhausicd I rcally am.
Siiiing in ihc blackncss o ihc swcai lodgc aicr somc inicnsc singing and
praying, nausca bcgins io sci in unlikc ccr bcorc. 1hc spiriiual and cmoiional cncrgy
running ihrough mc is inicnsc. I worry ihai I mighi omii on ihc rocks in ihc ccnicr o
ihc circlc ihai arc producing ihc hcai, ihc grandaihcrs, as ihcy arc callcd. My back
huris. Ii ccls likc I am siiiing on a piichork. I can ccl my brcaih siruggling io kccp
pacc. My sicrnum wanis io cxplodc.
Aicr ihc lodgc, I bccomc cxccpiionally cmoiional, unablc io siop crying. My
mcnior holds mc in his arms, ihis giganiic spiriiual warrior o a man. Ecn ihcn, I ighi
Inner PowerCoaching for Empaths
Dr. Michael R. Smith, NCC. 505-216-7743
ihc uncomoriablc urgc io iug ai ihc cloihing ihai irriiaics ihc slighi dcprcssion in my
chcsi, righi bclow ihc sicrnum. My icachcr wipcs ihc snoi rom my nosc. I ccl likc I
could [usi mcli inio his compassionaic arms. Hc undcrsiands.
You`rc likc a spongc, hc said.
Somconc clsc in ihc group is huriing, hc said.
Somconc clsc', I ask. 1hai can ihai huri mc'
1 uon' qu: unu.unu, |u 1 |!:. you, 1 n:ni.
You scc, you`rc iaking ii all in. Ii`s your gii
H :.n' |!um:n m Jo unyn:n. 1 um :n:uu.
You`rc likc a spongc. You rcally arc. You hac a gii.
Ii docsn`i ccl likc a gii, I counicr.
Vcll, wiih iimc, you`ll scc. You rcally will. Ii`s a proccss o unolding, likc a
lowcr opcning up. You arc ihc lowcr. You`rc opcning up.
1his acknowlcdgcmcni sooihcd my aching hcari. Ii cli good io bc undcrsiood.
Laicr, whilc prcparing dinncr or ihc camp, I hcard my mcnior play a song by
his aoriic ariisi, Bob Scgcr, whom hc callcd a misundcrsiood holy man.
Ii ain`i mc, ihc chorus sang. Ii ain`i mc.
I had ihc disiinci ccling hc was playing ihis song or mc.
I you`c madc ii ihis ar, you mosi likcly can idcniiy a similar siory rom your own
cxpcricncc. Icrhaps you wcrc bombardcd by ihc righicning cmoiional ragcs o
anoihcr, hiding in car in ihc closci. You may hac aciually cxpcricnccd physical pain
dccp in your chcsi, waniing io cscapc, bccausc o a highly cmoiional siiuaiion. Somc o
our spccial nccds childrcn arc diagnoscd wiih Aspcrgcr`s or auiism, which is
characicrizcd by liiilc scnsiiiiiy io oihcrs. You wcrc, and siill arc, a spccial nccds
child, howccr, you arc ai ihc opposiic cnd o ihc spccirum. You know ihis bccausc you
Inner PowerCoaching for Empaths
Dr. Michael R. Smith, NCC. 505-216-7743
arc an 2896:;0
Bcing an cmpaih can bc challcnging. Ii mcans ihai you arc ablc io proccss
cncrgy or oihcr pcoplc. You ccl ccryihing, ccn i you arc noi awarc o ii. Many o
us lcarn io shui down ocrwhclming cclings wiih mood alicring subsianccs or
cxpcricnccs. Many addicis arc unconscious cmpaihs who hac nccr cxpcricnccd ihc
digniiy o knowing ihcy arc giicd, insicad alscly bclicing ihcmsclcs io bc incrior or
wrong. Noihing could bc urihcr rom ihc iruih.
Bcing whai somc may crroncously call hypcrscnsiiic io ihc cclings o oihcrs
is no u |uu n:n. Ii docs noi mcan you arc co-dcpcndcni. 1hcrc is noihing wrong wiih
you, alihough ii may ccl likc ihcrc is. Ior bciicr or worsc, bccausc o your diusc
cncrgciic boundarics, you can ccl, and in many cascs, iakc on, ihc pain o oihcrs.
Vhilc ihis is almosi always hclpul io oihcrs, ii can lcac ihc cmpaih sccrcly
draincd, always running on cmpiy. As you now awakcn io your cmpaihic giis, i you
arc io ihric, you musi hac ihc couragc io plani your cci irmly in ihc ground, and
lcarn io say no. You arc bcing askcd io choosc wiscly. Jusi bccausc you hac ihis gii,
docs noi mcan you nccd io always usc ii. Viih ihc gii o cmpaihy comcs ircmcndous
1hai is whai wc will now discuss ihc ways ihai wc can iakc rcsponsibiliiy or
managing ihc ircmcndous cncrgy ihai wc arc ablc io ccl in oihcrs and in ihc
"B21=48?7C :;2 D457EF )4: )22E?7C :4 '2 )22E2E0
Oncc upon a iimc, I wcni io scc a psychic io hac hcr icll mc aboui myscl,
bccausc I wasn`i ablc io yci airm whai I alrcady kncw. 1hc psychic closcd hcr cycs,
Inner PowerCoaching for Empaths
Dr. Michael R. Smith, NCC. 505-216-7743
and cnicrcd a dccp siaic o irancc, arms ouisircichcd. Shc appcarcd cry scrious.
You hac no boundarics, shc dcclarcd.
1hc whccls insidc siaricd iurning. 1. nu .omn:n |uu
1his is iruly onc o ihc mosi unusual cascs I hac ccr sccn.
Hy, uu: u m:nu
You musi dcclop boundarics.
I had cnough. By ihis poini, I was inuriaicd. I did noi nccd anyonc io icll mc
ihai I was incrior or dccciic, cspccially a psychic. I had alrcady spcni much o my lic
bclicing ihis io bc iruc. And how can an cmpaih dcclop boundarics whcn by naiurc,
ihcy don`i hac ihcm' Ii sccmcd so conusing.
I siormcd oui o ihc room wiihoui paying. (O coursc, bcing an cmpaih, I paid
hcr sccral ycars laicr in a ii o rcmorsc).
1hc icndcncy io gic our powcr away io oihcrs is quiic common. Aicr all,
wc`rc gcnciically hard-wircd io do ii. And ihcrc is a good rcason why cmpaihs so oicn
scck oui a psychic adicc. Ii ccls good io hac somconc acknowlcdgc us! Ii`s so
usually ihc oihcr way around. Ii is pcrccily naiural or us io scck oui our own counscl
whcn wc nccd ii. And yci, wouldn`i ii bc grcai i wc alrcady kncw - dccp in our hcaris -
ihai wc wcrc pcrcci [usi ihc way wc arc' Vouldn`i ii bc a phcnominal ccling io
know ihai wc do noi nccd cxicrnal alidaiion rom psychics, or unyon !., including our
locrs and closcsi ricnds, io bc acccpiablc'
Aicr a rcccni mariial aris class, my insirucior iold mc you rcmind mc so much
o Carlos Casicnada, shc said.
1hai`s quiic ihc complimcni, I siaicd, cn[oying ihc cncrgy in hcr brilliani,
dazzling cycs.
1hc way you moc, shc wcni on. Ii`s likc you arc so clcarly moing cncrgy.
I cli iall. I could hac sharcd wiih hcr my sob siory, aboui how I hac
lcarncd ihc hard way io managc cncrgy. I could hac sharcd wiih hcr ihc irauma o
pain in ihc chcsi rom ycars o siagnani cncrgy. Insicad, ihcrc was no nccd io ask or
airmaiion. I cli pcacc and complcicncss aboui my own uniqucncss.
Inner PowerCoaching for Empaths
Dr. Michael R. Smith, NCC. 505-216-7743
I simply said ihank you, and wc walkcd oui ihc door.
-@8 67 (896:;//)4G G;6:<
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1his liiilc handbook is pari o a largcr coursc in which I sharc somc o my cxpcricncc,
and somc o whai I hac lcarncd along my own [ourncy. In doing so, hopcully you
may bc ablc io rcccic somc hcaling mcdicinc, somc sooihing words, and somc
comoriing morscls o knowlcdgc. I am noi an cxpcri, alihough wiih my crcdcniials, I
probably could claim ihai iiilc. You`ll noiicc ihai on my wcbsiic, I am callcd Dr.
Smiih. 1his is only bccausc ii gics mc somc lccl o crcdibiliiy in somc pcoplc`s cycs.
1o myscl, and hopcully io you, I am, and will coniinuc io bc, [usi Michacl.
I am dccloping a ull insiruciional coursc ihai is coming oui in Iall :oos. Ii`s callcd
1hc Complcic Empaih 1oolkii and ii`s a muliimcdia prcscniaiion dcsigncd io hclp us
lcarn how io nuriurc and iakc carc o oursclcs as cmpaihs. Bcorc wc can moc on io
biggcr ihings, such as hclping oihcrs, wc nccd io conroni ihc challcngc o rcally
knowing, loing, cmbracing, and ully acccpiing oursclcs u. u u. Laicly ii sccms
ihai my cniirc ocus has bccn aboui dccloping auihcniiciiy. I I can bc morc ully
auihcniic, morc radically honcsi aboui who I rcally am, ihcn oihcrs can do ihc samc.
Docs ihis sound iniriguing' I surc hopc ii docs, bccausc ii`s bcing incrcasingly askcd
o us by ihc world o Spirii as wc colc spiriiually.
In ihc ollowing scciion, I discuss somc simplc ways ihai you can iakc carc o yourscl
and mainiain your cncrgciic saniiy. Aicr all, you can only do your [ob io hclp oihcrs i
you yourscl arc clcan. 1hcsc icchniqucs arc a pariial lisi o somc o ihc ihings ihai I
hac ound io bc hclpul ocr ihc ycars. Vill ii suddcnly unlock ihc sccrci you`c bccn
Inner PowerCoaching for Empaths
Dr. Michael R. Smith, NCC. 505-216-7743
sccking all ihcsc ycars' Irobably noi. Vill ii suddcnly iransorm you inio a
supcrhuman cmpaih hcro rcady io iakc on ihc world' I don`i ihink so. Bui by
applying ihcsc principlcs, will you bc clcancr, shinicr, and morc prcparcd io acc ihc
dcmands o your daily lic' Absoluicly! And, in ihc Biggcr Iiciurc, as wc moc
ihrough our lics, ihai`s rcally all ihai`s bcing askcd o us - ihai wc pui onc ooi in roni
o ihc oihcr, no maiicr whai ihc circumsianccs onc small baby sicp ai a iimc.
H0 O2K1682 3451 %27:6P "5:P44Q
Bcing an cmpaih is indccd a burdcn ai iimcs. 1o bc maximally ccciic, wc musi do
whai counsclors call rcraming, ihai is, changing our mcnial ouilook so ihcrc is no
room or blamc. Vc can do cry liiilc io changc our currcnily inhcriicd gcnciic
characicrisiics (alihough I bclicc ihai praycr rom a sinccrc hcari cun changc ihc
pasi, prcscni, and uiurc. Bui ihai`s a wholc oihcr siory or anoihcr book!).
Somcwhcrc along ihc linc, ii is my bclic, and my pcrsonal bclic only, ihai cmpaihs
hac agrccd io hclp comc io ihc Earih in ihis iimc o ircmcndous social, poliiical,
and cnironmcnial iransiiion io bc ihc acuum clcancrs. Hac you hcard ihc
phrasc, wc arc ihc angcls wc hac bccn waiiing or' Vcll, or cmpaihs, wc arc ihc
]un:o. wc hac bccn waiiing or! Vc arc ihc oncs whosc iask ii is io clcan up ihc
sucring ihai wc indiidually and collcciicly crcaicd in ihc pasi. 1his is a pcrsonal
ouilook ihai scrcs io hclp pui my giis in pcrspcciic. Ii also hclps io promoic
whai I bclicc io bc my scrious rcsponsibiliiy io myscl and oihcrs. Ii is uliimaicly
my own choicc io ulill ihai rcsponsibiliiy. And whcihcr or noi you choosc io
icw your cmpaihic naiurc in ihcsc icrms is uliimaicly up io you.
Ii is hclpul io iakc a closc look ai our pcrsonal narraiic. Vhai arc ihc siorics ihai
wc icll oursclcs as wc wash dishcs or pccl poiaiocs' I wc bclicc in a siory ihai
wc nccd proicciion rom cil spiriis or ncgaiic cncrgy, ihcn wc morc likcly sci
oursclcs up or ihc manicsiing o ihai sccnario. So oicn, wc pcrpciuaic a siory o
Inner PowerCoaching for Empaths
Dr. Michael R. Smith, NCC. 505-216-7743
nccding proicciion or dccnsc. Ii`s logical, bccausc wc undcrsiand whai`s ii`s likc
io bc knockcd around by oihcr pcoplc`s cncrgy. Howccr, I don`i ihink ihai ii`s
maximally ccciic io ocus on proicciion, bccausc ii inhcrcnily assumcs wc arc
wcak. I wc ocus insicad on how io mainiain a sirong hcalihy aura, any ncgaiic
cncrgics will bc naiurally dispcllcd. Ncgaiic cncrgy cannoi cxisi in ihc prcscncc o
lighi. 1o usc a sporis or poliiical mciaphor, ii`s a qucsiion o whcihcr you wani io
bc on ocnsc or dccnsc. Iocusing on promoiing posiiic sircngihs is almosi always
morc ccciic ihan a mcnial ouilook ihai`s dcsigncd io proicci your cncrgy rom
inasion. 1hai said, lci`s discuss somc ways wc can ampliy our auras or sircngih.
R0 #J2 G6:21 67E J6P: :4 =P267. Vc arc in an agc whcn clcan waicr is asi bccoming so
scarcc ihai ii will soon bc morc prccious ihan gold. Ii`s casy io iakc or granicd
ihai wc can cn[oy ihc siimulaiion o waicr on, and in, our bodics on-dcmand. Varm
waicr on ihc skin, ccn i ii`s [usi washing your hands, siimulaics accuprcssurc
poinis and clcars away siagnani cncrgy in your cncrgy icld. Ii`s liicral, ihcrc is
noihing mciaphorical aboui ii. Drawing a hoi baih is ccciic, and madc ccn morc
so whcn uscd in con[unciion wiih sca sali, cpsom salis, or ihcrapcuiic-gradc
csscniial oils (Roscmary, cucalypius, pinc, and ciironclla arc good ncgaiic cncrgy
rcpcllanis, lacndcr or pcppcrmini will calm ihc ncrous sysicm). Any kind o
salinc, cspccially a sca sali, is wclcomc bccausc ii draws old cncrgy oui. I always
kccp ai lcasi onc ull bowl o sca sali in my homc, onc ncar my bcd and onc in ihc
kiichcn. Ii will draw in any kind o ncgaiic cncrgy.
S0 NO!T I uscd io ihink ccryonc locd io cry. Ii slowly bccamc apparcni io mc ihai
mosi pcoplc do noi likc crying and would siarc ai mc in disbclic whcn I sharcd how
good crying cli io mc. Empaihs undcrsiand ihc proound rclcasc o cncrgy
coniaincd in icars, cspccially i you hac an asirological makcup ihai is inlucnccd by
ihc waicr signs (Scorpio, Iisccs, e Canccr). Unoriunaicly, our Vcsicrn sociciy has
pui a siigma on icars. 1cars, as a combinaiion o waicr and sali, liicrally clcansc
old cncrgciic wounds. Empaihs should siric io bc likc childrcn, who cry whcnccr
ihcy nccd io, wiihoui guili. Guili and shamc arc ihc killcrs o any kind o Inncr
Inner PowerCoaching for Empaths
Dr. Michael R. Smith, NCC. 505-216-7743
Iowcr. So i you hacn`i had a good cry laicly lci yourscl go!
U0 #J2 914:2=:?7C J:472J. Sioncs hac bccn known or ihcir hcaling and proicciic
propcriics or ihousands o ycars. Sioncs arc ihc oldcsi maicrial on ihc carih, ihcy
arc liing crcaiurcs who ocr ihcir mcdicinc io us i wc will usc ii. Sioncs can bc
worn by carrying a mcdicinc pouch around your ncck or by wcaring sionc [cwclry.
I hac ound ihai iwo cry good p!!un. or ncgaiic cncrgy arc Onyx and
Obsidian. 1wo o ihc bcsi u|.o|. o cncrgy arc Ambcr and black iourmalinc,
which boih hac a low ihrcshold or sioring cncrgy bcorc ihcy nccd rclcasc.
Amcihysi is good or all orms o hcaling and climinaiing scar iissuc. Jusi likc you,
your sioncs musi bc clcancd rcgularly. I clcan my sioncs usually ccry cw days,
dcpcnding on ihc inicnsiiy o my daily cncrgciic inicraciions. Gic your sioncs ai
lcasi :- hours o dircci sunlighi in a crysial or glass bowl illcd wiih sca sali and
waicr. I you can`i gci acccss io sunlighi, run ihcm undcr somc iap waicr. Ii docs
almosi as good a [ob.
I0 V2: 45:J?E2 ?7 76:512M 67E 6=W5?12 9P67:J0 1rccs and planis arc sirong allics o
humaniiy, and ar ioo oicn in ihc whiic man`s world, ihcir proound work on our
bchal is iakcn or granicd. 1hcy arc liing crcaiurcs who rcaci io ihc ihoughis and
cncrgy iclds o ihc pcoplc around ihcm. Vhcn you ialk io your planis, ihcy
liicrally can undcrsiand you, alihough ihcir languagc is onc o an cncrgciic
ibraiion. 1hcy iakc on much siagnani cncrgy or us, and pui rcsh cncrgy back
inio ihc air. 1hai is ihcir [ob. I always makc surc io hac ihrcc io our big planis
ncxi io my chair whcn I do phonc work wiih clicnis. 1hc planis hclp io iransmuic
ihc old cncrgy as ii`s bcing proccsscd. Onc rcadcr mcniioncd ihai shc gocs oui inio
naiurc and gics hcr cncrgy io a pariicular ircc ihai is calling io hcr. I you ind
ihai planis arc dying around you, ihis is a good indicaior ihai you arc iaking in ioo
much ncgaiic cncrgy and nccd urihcr rclcasc.
X0 (721C3 G41Q 41 Y4E3G41Q0 A good procssional bodyworkcr can siimulaic ihc
iissucs o ihc body io rclcasc accumulaicd cncrgy. Acupunciurc, chiropraciic,
cranial-sacral ihcrapy, polariiy ihcrapy, hoi sioncs, any kind o manual or cncrgciic
Inner PowerCoaching for Empaths
Dr. Michael R. Smith, NCC. 505-216-7743
manipulaiion will hclp. 1hcrc arc so many ihcrapics ihcsc days, and now ccn
massagc ihcrapy chains arc orming in largcr ciiics across ihc couniry or rclaiicly
incxpcnsic raics. Also, many ciiics hac massagc schools ihai ocr incxpcnsic
raics rom siudcni ihcrapisis (usually rom iiccn dollars io iwcniy-ic dollars).
Ior an hour o hcaling mcdicinc, ihai is a good dcal indccd. You can also gci a locd
onc or parincr io lcarn simplc massagc icchniqucs by purchasing somc o ihc books
or card dccks ihai arc now bcing sold. My own moihcr, who nccr had prciously
nccr had a massagc in hcr lic, was inspircd io gic onc io my aihcr bccausc o a
massagc card dcck I gac hcr. Hc cn[oycd ii so much ihai hc rcciprocaicd, and now
ihcy hac a wondcrul ncw iradiiion.
Z0 )2G :2=;74P4C30 1hcrc arc sccral grcai producis now appcaring on ihc markci,
and ihcy arc abulous. 1hc irsi producis ihai dcscrc mcniion arc ar inrarcd
lighiwac (hcai) producing mais ihai pcnciraic dccp inio ihc body. I own a
massagc-iablc sizc produci callcd ihc Amcihysi BioMai ihai I hac ound
indispcnsablc in clcaning oui [unky cncrgy. I lay on ii ccry day whcn I ccl cncrgy
accumulaiion. I rcccnily lcni minc oui io a ricnd, and aicr ihrcc days, I ccl likc a
pari o my body is missing! I also usc ii wiih clicnis io cnhancc bodywork and
dccpcn rclaxaiion. Ii uscs ar inrarcd hcai, couplcd wiih ncgaiic ions and ihc
hcaling powcr o Amcihysi, io incrcasc blood circulaiion, ihus producing an
ariiicial ccr in which ihc body`s immunc sysicm is siimulaicd. As you rclax on
iop o ihc warm Amcihysi, ioxins arc clcancd and dclighiully scrubbcd away in as
liiilc as o minuics a day. I don`i cndorsc any pariicular produci, bui i you can
aord ii, ihis can bc quiic a powcrul way io kccp yourscl cncrgciically clcan.
1hc sccond sci o producis worih looking inio arc ihc Elcciromagnciic icld
(EMI) proicciors now on ihc markci. Ii has bccn my cxpcricncc ihai inding ihc
righi EMI proiccior or onc`s uniquc cncrgciic makcup can bc hii or miss. I iricd
sccral producis wiihoui succcss bcorc inding ihc EarihCalm pcndani
( Ii`s an aciual scalar rcsonancc clcciric circuii which
supposcdly grounds onc io ihc Earih`s cncrgy icld. I don`i know much aboui ihai,
Inner PowerCoaching for Empaths
Dr. Michael R. Smith, NCC. 505-216-7743
bui whai I do know is ihai ii workcd or mc. I could ccl ihc cncrgy swirling in my
icld ihc momcni I pui ii on. Ii is rcally crucial io undcrsiand ihai ccryonc`s
cncrgy sysicm is dicrcni. Som pouuc., :nc!uu:n n uncu!m, muy ucuu!!y uo n
oppo.: oJ unu ny u :nnuu o uo unu mui you .n.::.:y .n mo ponouncu. So
wiih ihai in mind, ask any salcs rcprcscniaiic io lci you iry ihc produci bcorc you
1hcrc arc many addiiional ncw icchnologics ihai I usc and promoic io clicnis,
includc nanoicchnology paichcs and dciccs you can purchasc or s ai Valgrccns.
Iurihcr dciails will appcar in ihc ull Empaih 1oolkii or i you clcci io rcccic Inncr
Iowcr coaching.
[0 LG26:T Naiic and indigcnous pcoplc hac known ihc powcr o swcai or ihousands
o ycars. Swcaiing, [usi likc crying, rclcascs ioxins ihrough a mixiurc o waicr and
sali. I you arc noi naiic, ii may bc hard io ind a swcai lodgc ccrcmony, as many
Naiic Amcricans icnd io bc proicciic o ihis riiual, and righiully so. Howccr,
ihcrc arc an incrcasing numbcr o clans and iribcs ihai arc quiic opcn aboui hcaling
ihc circlc, and acccpiing non-naiics inio a sacrcd swcai lodgc ccrcmony. I you
arc unablc io ind Naiic Amcrican swcai lodgc ccrcmony, ihcn ind [usi a rcgular
or ar inrarcd sauna and swcai oui ioxins ihai way. Mosi days I ihrow a wool
blankci ocr my body whilc my ar inrarcd mai is crankcd up io ::s dcgrccs.
Vhcn I`m donc, I usually ccl likc a million bucks!
\0 ]5?2:?7C :;2 %?7E 67E Y4E3 :;145C; %2E?:6:?47 41 O2P6^6:?47 2^21=?J2J0
Quiciing ihc mind wiihoui ihc usc o mind-alicring drugs is criiically imporiani. I
siill occasionally will nccd a scdaiic i ihc cncrgy coming ai mc is pariicularly
inicnsc. I`c madc my pcacc wiih ihai aci. Anyihing can bc mcdicinal i ii is
honorcd and rcspccicd as such. Bcorc iaking ihai rouic, I always irsi usc ihc
powcr o my mind io moc ihc cncrgy oui o my body down ihrough my cci and
inio ihc carih, whcrc ii is dcsigncd io go. 1his is a powcrul isual imagc io ocus
upon, or ind your own isualizaiion cxcrcisc or CD. I you arc going io bcd and
your mind is siill racing, ocus on calming your body wiih progrcssic musclc
Inner PowerCoaching for Empaths
Dr. Michael R. Smith, NCC. 505-216-7743
rclaxaiion. 1his inolcs iighicning a pariicular isolaicd musclc group (c.g. your
iocs) or :o scconds, and ihcn rclcasing and rcpcaiing all ocr your body. I you
calm ihc body, your mind will ollow. And i you calm or oihcrwisc mancucr ihc
mind, ihc body will ollow. Vhai makcs ii ccciic is your lccl o irusi, aiih, and
bclic ihai ii will happcn [usi as your mind inicnds ii io.
H_0 D1?:2 ?: 6PP E4G70 1his is a icchniquc so simplc and ccciic io cni oui bad
cncrgics. Howccr, ihcrc is a word o cauiion io [ournaling. Bccausc cncrgy
accumulaics on papcr ihrough ihc aci o wriiing, I would noi rccommcnd io kccp
ihc books or [ournals i you arc using ii or ihc solc purposc o gciiing cclings and
cncrgy oui on papcr. I ihai is ihc casc, ihcn ihc bcsi ihing io do is io ihrow ihc
books away or bury ihcm - liicrally and mciaphorically puiiing old ihoughis and
cncrgics io rcsi. Ii may bc hard io do ihrowing away a [ournal bui i ii is
cmoiionally chargcd, ii will proicci you. I you absoluicly musi rc-rcad a prcious
sad or angry [ournal cniry, do so wiih your sioncs handy!
HH0 N6PP 47 6 K1?27E0 1hc dciniiion o a iruc ricnd is somconc who has cxpcricnccd ihc
darkcr sidc o you, and yci siill locs you dcspiic ii. Usc ihis poliiical capiial whcn
you nccd io. Ii`s hard or cmpaihs io do, bccausc ii`s ihc opposiic o whai wc arc
uscd io. Asking or hclp is a lcsson hard-lcarncd or many o us. Ior somc o us, ii
iakcs a liciimc. Ii`s somciimcs hard io wrap our hcads around ihc idca ihai asking
or hclp is noi a wcakncss, whcn in rcaliiy, ii`s quiic ihc opposiic. Vc arc only as
sirong as ihc wcakcsi among us. Vhcn onc pcrson asks or hclp and improcs, cach
and ccry onc o us bcncii. Vcsicrn, Europcan inlucnccd sociciy has a cry hard
iimc wiih ihis conccpi. Bc a rolc modcl or ricnds and your amily. Ask or hclp
whcn you nccd ii. You mighi bc surpriscd!
HR0 %4B2827: ` %61:?6P &1:J0 Excrcisc and mocmcni in any orm arc grcai ways io
moc oui old cncrgy and pull in rcsh cncrgy. Mariial aris arc bcauiiul or ihc
unorccd manipulaiion o cncrgy (c.g. bringing or allowing in cncrgy ai will,
ihrough only inicniion). A simplc mocmcni o onc`s arm mighi bc cnough, or
ccn a simplc acknowlcdgcmcni ihai your wrisi huris. 1hc body rcsponds io our
Inner PowerCoaching for Empaths
Dr. Michael R. Smith, NCC. 505-216-7743
ocuscd aiicniion in-kind. I you arc iniimidaicd by ihc conccpi o mariial aris, ihcn
iry yoga, 1ai Chi, or a uscr-ricndly praciicc such as Nia, which is now cmcrging
worldwidc. I ccriainly wouldn`i bc as ccciic wiihoui my daily Nia praciicc. Nia
is a praciicc ihai rc-irains ihc ncrous sysicm by combining a scrics o inicniional,
hcaling body posiurcs wiih ihc powcr o dancc and yoga. I ind ii io bc ihc mosi
[oyul and playul cxpcricncc o ccry day. Chcck ii oui ai
In ihc pcrsonal work ihai I do wiih clicnis, I icach a sicp-by-sicp mcihod callcd
Shiiing Consciousncss ihrough Dimcnsions, which is a orm o ncurological rc-
iraining dciscd by onc o my mcniors - rcscarchcr and hcalcr Lcc Cariwrighi. 1his
maicrial is purposcully noi aailablc on ihc wcb or in any books. 1hc knowlcdgc o
ihis mcihod has bccn dcclopcd spcciically io bc iranscrrcd rom pcrson-io-pcrson.
I considcr ii an honor and priilcgc io bc ablc io pass ihis inormaiion along io
HS0 *16321 ` &KK?186:?47J0 1hc praciicc o airmaiion is an casy iargci or comcdians
(c.g. Al Irankcn`s Siuari Smallcy) who misiakc ii or scl-indulgcncc. Yci ihc aciual
physical oicing o pariicular words and sounds producc a powcrul ccci in our
cncrgy iclds. In ihc work ihai I do, ihis is known as ncuro-linguisiic
programming. 1hc brain and body arc programmcd io producc good cclings wiih
ihc rcpcaiing o ccriain maniras, words, or phrascs. 1hc proccss is dcsigncd io
siimulaic ihc ncrous sysicm inio inicniionally producing ihc aciual cncrgciic
ibraiions and J!:n. o pcacc, happincss, [oy, and iranquiliiy. Viih praciicc,
pariicular combinaiions o sounds and phrascs will align all o ihc cncrgciic bodics,
spiriiual, cmoiional, physical, and mcnial.
HU0 a2617?7C :4 J63 >)4TA Jusi bccausc you hac ihc skill o bcing ablc io casily mcrgc
wiih anoihcr, io ccl ihcir pain, docs noi mcan you arc obligcd io usc ii. Many o us
gic all o our powcr away, and ihcn wc wondcr why wc`rc so cxhausicd, consianily
on ihc brink o collapsc. Vhy would you wani io lic your lic ihis way' 1hcrc is
a bciicr way. Ior bciicr or worsc, as an cmpaih, you may nccd io hii rock boiiom
in ordcr io rcclaim ihc ull usc o your powcr. Lcarning io say no is noihing morc
Inner PowerCoaching for Empaths
Dr. Michael R. Smith, NCC. 505-216-7743
ihan unlcarning bad habiis and lcarning ncw oncs. In ihc a-ha! momcni whcn you
inally gci ii, placing limiis and boundarics on giing your cncrgy is a un ihing io
do! Ii will noi makc you ccl guiliy. Saying no io oihcrs, and ycs io yourscl, is onc
o ihc bcsi cclings in ihc world. 1hai is inncr powcr!
HI0 N65:?47 67E '6P67=20 Bcing an cmpaih mcans ihai mosi o us arc iuncd inio ihc
psychic and iniuiiic aspccis o ihc world. Howccr, [usi bccausc wc arc casily
psychic or naiurally iniuiiic docs noi mcan wc arc iraincd or rcady io usc ihosc
powcrs. Bc carcul do noi bc conccrncd wiih ihc psychic siu ioo carly. Ii will
comc, in iimc, on ii`s own. By our cry cmpaihic naiurc, many o us arc noi
ncccssarily inclincd io modcraiion, cspccially whcn ii comcs io ihc cncrgy o a
spiriiual high. Siick wiih whai you know, and go slowly. Vc musi bc igilani in
our coris io ward o ihc scduciion o psychic powcr. As sccral o my mcniors
oncc iold mc I hac sccn pcoplc go crazy rom ihis work. I you dccidc io usc
your abiliiics in a procssional manncr, you musi hac a icachcr or mcnior who can
rccognizc whcn you arc oui o balancc.
All o ihcsc skills iakc praciicc. Viih iimc, ihcy will comc morc naiurally. Ai
somc poini, you will rcach a iipping poini, a criiical poini whcrc your awarcncss cxcccds
your unconsciousncss. Ii iakcs work on yourscl io gci io ihis placc. Somc pcoplc go
all ihcir lics and nccr rcach ii, bui only or lack o will. I your will is sirong cnough,
you will rcach a placc o cmoiional maiuriiy.
Now lci`s moc on io somc o ihc Inncr Iowcr work and whai ii inolcs.
Inner PowerCoaching for Empaths
Dr. Michael R. Smith, NCC. 505-216-7743
-))(O *"D(O N"&N,-)V ."O N")LN-"#L (%*&+,LF
1hc work ihai I do is brokcn down inio ihrcc phascs. Ecn ihough ihcsc proccsscs
arc dcscribcd as disiinci phascs, ihcy aciually blcnd iogcihcr. 1hcy arcn`i mcani io bc
lincar, scqucniial proccsscs. 1hcy all occur simuliancously. Hcrc`s whai you can
*;6J2 "72F O2P26J2 67E NP261?7C0 1hc irsi phasc o Inncr Iowcr Coaching is a
proccss o rclcasing and clcaring your accumulaicd cncrgy. 1alking wiih somconc who
undcrsiands is imporiani. Ii`s nicc io bc acknowlcdgcd or your uniqucncss, you`ll soon
rcalizc ihcrc is noihing wrong wiih you. I usc whai I call rcsourcing, a orm o
ncuro-linguisiic programming io lci your mcnial body (cgo) know ihai you arc good.
1hcrc`s noihing wrong wiih you.
1hc proccss o iaking cncrgy and giing cncrgy is donc on a daily basis ihrough
ihc unconscious inicraciions our co-workcrs, ricnds, locrs, and childrcn aboui our
cxpcricnccs. 1hc dicrcncc wiih Inncr Iowcr Coaching is ihai you don`i hac io worry
aboui passing any ncgaiic cncrgy on. Vhcn you bccomc a sirong and conscious
cmpaih, discordani cncrgy is ablc io pass ihrough your cncrgy icld wiih rclaiic casc.
1hc bcsi way I can dcscribc whai ii`s likc io hac a scssion is ihai ii`s caihariic on
many lccls. Bccausc I pray and mcdiiaic inicnscly bcorc ccry scssion, usually or
aboui o minuics, you`ll gci ihc bcncii o a liiilc cxira spiriiual cncrgy. Somciimcs ihis
manicsis as a liicral cncrgy clcaring o your aura, and somciimcs noi. Ii dcpcnds on
Spirii`s wishcs.
*;6J2 +G4F b2B2P49?7C &G61272JJ 67E #7E21J:67E?7C0
1his is rcally whai makcs ihc Inncr Iowcr work uniquc. You will bcgin io ind
yourscl, and wow, docs ii ccl good! I iakc you ihrough a sicp-by-sicp proccss io
lcarn how io rccognizc ihc subilc cncrgics ihai arc iranscrrcd rom pcrson-io-pcrson
ihrough ihoughis, inicraciions, and unconscious inicniions. You`ll lcarn aboui ihc
imporiancc o ihc human aura (cncrgy icld), ihc chakra sysicm, and cry uniquc, oicn
Inner PowerCoaching for Empaths
Dr. Michael R. Smith, NCC. 505-216-7743
liiilc-known sicps io kccp your cncrgy icld and chakras clcan (c.g. scc ihc ++ sccrcis
.pd on my wcbsiic or in my mailcd inormaiion packci).
1his is whcrc wc sci our goals and wc physically praciicc whai ii ccls likc io rcaci
io your Highcsi Scl. By physically praciicc, I mcan ihc giing and rccciing o cncrgy
whilc wc`rc connccicd by phonc. Ii`s a collaboraiic and un proccss, dcsigncd io hclp
you rcalizc ihai you arc noi a iciim io anyonc clsc`s cncrgy. In aci, you`ll bcgin io scc
[usi ihc opposiic, ihai you hac powcr io crcaic plcasani cncrgy bcyond your wildcsi
I will poini oui iimcs and momcnis whcn you arc noi unciioning ai your highcsi.
Languagc is carcully moniiorcd bccausc ii consirucis our rcaliiy. I lisicn cry carcully
io ihc siorics ihai you crcaic and icll yourscl. I also lisicn cry carcully io your
cncrgy icld and whai ii is doing in ihc momcni io momcni changing cncrgy. Ii`s likc
a proccss o bioccdback. Consianily moniioring yourscl and working on ihc
inicraciions ihai occur in-ihc momcni allows you io spccd up ihc growih proccss and
changc much morc quickly. And ii also, I hac ound, ocrs a loi o laughs ai ihc
sillyncss o our cgos! Vhcn ihc laughs kick in, ihai`s rcal mcdicinc and hcaling.
Now, lci`s ialk aboui ihc cogniiic proccss. You`ll bcgin io scc cach o your daily
inicraciions ihrough ihc lcns o your spccial cncrgciic scnsiiiiiy. And you`ll hac
many ah-ha momcnis. Also, as wc work iogcihcr, you may ind yourscl occasionally
conuscd. 1hai is noi only normal, bui ii is hclpul and ncccssary. Oui o conusion
comcs undcrsianding, cspccially or you as an cmpaih. Bcing somcwhai conuscd mcans
ihai you arc bcginning io rccognizc ihc aguc spaccs whcrc you nu and on pop!
|:n. Lcarning how io bccomc awarc o subilc cncrgy and ihcn assimilaic ihai
inormaiion inio our mcnial undcrsianding and human pcrsonaliiy is criiical io a
hcalihy mcnial ouilook.
Many o my clicnis hac ound ihai working ocr ihc phonc aciually cnhanccs
awarcncss. Mosi (including myscl) aciually prccr ii io in-pcrson scssions bccausc ii
rcquircs a much dccpcr lisicning and prccisc ocus. Bccausc you arc noi in anyonc`s
physical prcscncc, ihcrc is lcss disiraciion on ihc isual prcscniaiion and morc carcul
Inner PowerCoaching for Empaths
Dr. Michael R. Smith, NCC. 505-216-7743
aiicniion io ihc subilc mcssagcs in ihc spaccs and powcrul silcncc in-bciwccn words.
I you lisicn carcully cnough, you may bc plcasanily surpriscd io undcrsiand a
undamcnial iruih o cncrgy you don`i nccd io bc in physical prcscncc io cxpcricncc ii,
io hac ii ill your chakras, and uliimaicly io acci changc. Ii`s all bascd on ihoughi
and inicniion. Icriod.
*;6J2 +;122F ,4PE?7C :;2 c?J?47
You`ll crcaic and rc-crcaic a sirong and unalicrablc ision or who you rcally wani io
bc. You`ll work on sircngihcning ihc plcasani scnsaiions ihai go wiih who you rcally
arc, dccp down - which is a brilliani and ihriing human bcing who has a uniquc abiliiy
io hclp oihcrs. 1hcrc is an cori io iakc ocus, cncrgy, and powcr away rom your
cars. 1his inolcs acknowlcdging your car and acccpiing ii or whai ii rcally is - an
illusion. Icar is a spirii noihing morc, noihing lcss. Ii`s only as imporiani as you
makc ii. Ihasc ihrcc is whcrc you can bcgin io ihric, io cxpand, io grow cxponcniially
in ways you nccr ihoughi possiblc. Ii is whcrc ihc bulk o mosi o ihc ollow up work
is donc aicr ihc iniiial scssions. Occasionally you mighi nccd a rcrcshcr coursc or
somc cncrgy work io hclp you gci unsiuck, and I`m morc ihan happy io hclp.
+,( O(L#a+L<
Ii is my cxpcricncc ihai -+ scssions o Inncr Iowcr coaching and cncrgy work,
couplcd wiih dcdicaiion on your pari, will hclp you io dramaiically rcducc your sircss
and anxiciy, hclp improc your mcnial ouilook, improc rclaiionships, and lcad io a
rccdom and libcraiion prciously unknown! You will bc a conscious cmpaih. You
bcing io aciually crcaic [oy whcrc nonc was bcorc prcscni. In siiuaiions whcrc you
prciously cli irappcd, you now can bring in posiiic cncrgy io changc siiuaiions.
You`ll bcgin io lighi up oihcr pcoplc`s lics in a ncw way, and ulill your dcsiiny io hclp
I wani io pcrsonally ihank you or downloading ihis liiilc pamphlci. I you hac a
sparc momcni, I would bc plcascd io rcccic an cmail rom you as io how ii ihc wcbsiic
Inner PowerCoaching for Empaths
Dr. Michael R. Smith, NCC. 505-216-7743
maicrials may hac [ump-siaricd or hclpcd your own growih!
1hc comprchcnsic >N489P2:2 (896:; +44PQ?:A is bcing rclcascd in scgmcnis
aailablc or a limiicd iimc ihroughoui ihc summcr and all o :oos. A ncw :-hour
audio scminar and/or idco lcssons will bc aailablc or purchasc or a shori iimc pcriod
ollowing ihc rclcasc o cach Empaih Conncciion ncwslciicr. 1hc irsi lcsson is cniiilcd
1hc Empaih Expcricncc. Shiiing ihc Iaradigm and Rcwriiing your Siory io Iromoic
Easc e Gracc and is currcnily aailablc ai
Bc waiching 1hc Empaih Conncciion Blog
(hiip.// or wcckly updaics and oihcr rcc
inormaiion. In ihc mcaniimc, i you hac ound ihis inormaiion uscul, and you hac
oihcr cmpaihic ricnds, plcasc orward ihcm ihis handbook so ihai you may pcrhaps
osicr ihcir dcclopmcni inio a conscious cmpaih.
I am graicul or all o your coniinucd suppori and hclpul commcnis. I am dccply
humblcd and graicul io bc doing ihis work.
I ocr only ihc bcsi wishcs io you, and many blcssings! Kccp on Imagining Vcllncss
and may you iakc ihc ncxi sicp in your coluiion as a conscious cmpaih, whaiccr ihai
may bc!
Michacl R. Smiih, Ih.D., N.C.C, R.I.I. :o:-::o-+ Sania Ic, NM

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