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Dian Rosa Ari Zona


Short questions and answer for lecture in community nutrition
1. Nutrition is important for all stages of life cycle. Please explain why first
1000 days of life is important ? Is important because we can break cycle of
malnutrition problem from generation to generation. From readiness for
pregnant woman (have an iron bank); during pregancy (eating nutritious food);
give an exclusive breastfeeding from birth until 6 month age then introduce
complementary food and also give an adequate food. So that the first 1000
days of life, a child getting good nutrition.

2. Iron requirement is increased during pregnancy. Please explain how
would you advise a married woman to prepare to meet iron requirement
for her pregnancy ? For the first time, i will briefly describe that pregnancy
can cause an anemia, Then i'll give an advice like : When you get pregnant,
your body will produce more blood to support the baby, It can cause an
anemia. For prevent an anemia, you must have an Iron bank. An iron bank
meaning is, you eat more food which is have a lot of iron such as meat before
you get pregancy. Because when you get pregnant it is impossible you eat two
times more than usual.

3. What is the best time to introduce the complementary feeding to the
infant? Briefly mention about the energy and nutrient gap. The best time
introduce the complementary feeding to the infant is at the age of 6 month,
Because at the age of 6 month, breastfeeding can cover all of the energy and
nutrient that the infant need. There is an energy and nutrient gap between
breastmilk to the needs of the infant. For example, an iron in breastmilk only
10% but the infant required 100%, so there is a gap can only be met with
complementary food.

4. Briefly describe why dietary assesment is important ? Dietary assesment is
a comprehensive evaluation of a person's food intake. Is important because
reviewing a person's dietary data may suggest risk factors for chronic diseases
and help to prevent them and increase our knowledge of the relationship
between nutrition, health, and chronic disease.
5. Which biomarkers will you measure for vitamin A survey in a community
where malaria infection is common ? Serum retinol binding protein, c -
reacative protein, alfa -1 glycoprotein.

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