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Bhakta 1

Mihir Bhakta
Mrs. Gardner
English 10 Honors, Period 1
28 April 2014

Research Paper Outline
I. Introduction
A. Ever wished you can jump off the paper free of charge? Homework can be deadly.
B. Homework is daily work that teachers assign to their students for further practice and can
be in the form of text work, worksheets, reading and etc.
C. It impacts our society in sense that it is depriving children from obtaining substantial
exercise due to them sitting in a fixed position for hours, students will not be able to
experience youth very well, and having time to spend with family, thus weakening the
relationship between child and parent.
D. No law applicable.
E. Students should be given less homework because homework is resulting in excess stress,
it can prevent students from holding jobs and becoming financially stable, and physical
II. Brief overview of Opposing Position
A. Homework should be done by students so that students will gain a better understanding of
the material covered in class, but also to consolidate skills, develop creativity, and cultivate
critical thinking skills.
Common Core State Standards calls for students to cultivate and expand their critical thinking
skills, and homework is often cited as an important tool for accomplishing this important
Chute states that homework is not as big of a burden as it claims to be from this survey of
college freshmen. In the 2012 college freshmen survey, students were asked how much they
spent per week on various activities in their last year of high school. Nearly two-thirds said they
spent six or more hours a week socializing with friends. But only 38.4 percent spent that same
amount of time on studying or homework their last year in high school. Homework came in
behind not only socializing but also exercise or sports as well as working for pay.
That percentage is less than in 1986, when 49.5 percent of college freshmen said they spent six
or more hours a week studying and doing homework in their last year of high school.
Research by Harris Cooper, a Duke University psychology professor and homework scholar,
suggests homework helps prepare students for school
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C. In short, homework does not over burden children as research shows that students have
been socializing more than they have doing their homework, and also that homework is not
used to overstress students, but to help them learn the skills they have been taught in class.
D. It is true that homework is used to aid students with their education, however excess
amounts have lead to students becoming over stressed, experiencing physical problems,
and are stripped away from being a kid.
III. Main Point #1
A. In fact, students felt extremely stressed about the substantial workload they burden.
B. With kids having the feeling of hatred towards school and having to come home to
hours of homework, its necessary for teachers to cut down on their homework so that
students wont feel too overwhelmed.
56 percent indicated homework is a primary cause of stress(results from Desnnis Popes
Forty three percent listed tests as a primary stressor and about 33 percent listed grades and/or
getting good grades as a primary stressor.
Students who spent more hours on homework tended to be more behaviorally engaged in
school, but were simultaneously more stressed about their school work and tended to report
more physical symptoms due to stress.
In the meantime it is important to keep in mind that the single most robust protective factor for chronic
and potentially toxic childhood stress is social and family support; that is, a responsive relationship with
an adult caregiver.
D. Based on this research, homework takes a huge toil on how students are negatively
impacted by homework. Stress, in this survey conducted by Denise Pope and Jerusha
Conner, was primarily caused by studying for test and staying up late to finish
E. Furthermore, homework is a leading stressor to students and it is unhealthy for children
to be experiencing such agony at a young age.
IV. Main Point #2
A. Students are unable to remain financially stable due to them being too occupied doing
A new study finds that a heavy homework load negatively impacts the lives of high
school students in upper middle-class communities, according to Strausss research.
In addition, most material found in homework does not supply the student with any job
experience other than filling the education criteria.

C. This evidence embodies that students of the working class are the most prone to having the most
difficulty with homework. This signifies that students who have jobs are the ones who have a
hard time completing it due to them trying to support their family a bit more.
D. Lastly, homework should be reduced because if too much is given it is counter-productive but
also in terms those students who are full-time or part-time workers have the opportunity to earn
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the extra money needed without worrying about homework that needs to be done after coming
home from work.

V. Main Point #3
A. A. Furthermore, homework is causing students to have physical altercations as well as
mental problems.
Luthar's rigorous (and fascinating) research first sounded the alarm on how youth from
upper-middle-class communities are at risk for a number of serious disturbances,
including drug and alcohol abuse, depression and anxiety.
Pope found in her work with Challenge Success, a Stanford collaboration formed in
response to increasing emotional and mental health issues in American students, that
homework kept coming up as a tension point.
We found a clear connection between the students' stress and physical impacts --
migraines, ulcers and other stomach problems, sleep deprivation and exhaustion, and
weight loss," Pope observed.
fewer hours of sleep on school nights, less ability to get enough sleep.
C. Its evident that homework is causing students to have problems with sleep, mental stability and
causing them to result in taking drugs and alcohol as a way to ease their tension. This signifies
that homework is a leading stressor to students that can ultimately lead to students harming their
health in the process of them doing too much homework.
D. Moreover, teens are actually harming themselves doing homework rather than gaining skills in
which the homework was meant to do.
VI Conclusion
A. In conclusion, homework should be decreased due to the following because excess amounts of
it leads to students becoming overly stressed about schools, some will not be able to remain
financially stable since homework conflicts with students keeping a job, and it can cause
students to become physically and mentally ill.
B. On a societal point, a decrease in homework will result in students being able to pursue any
activity they love to do: playing sports, spending time with family or even reading a book for
leisure rather than reading for an assignment.
C. In a world of reduced homework, students will be free to participate in any activity they wish
such as joining the football team, cheerleading squad or the book club. This eliminates any
potential stressor that the students may experiences, and it abolishes the burdens of working
students to stay up countless hours of homework due to them keeping a job for financial
reasons. Ultimately, students will be granted more hours of sleep, and a decrease of physical
and mental illnesses such as migraines, being exhausted for long periods of time and anxiety.

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