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Installed Gain as a Control Valve Sizing

Written by Jon Monsen, Ph.D., Valin Corporation
Monday, 2 Jan!ary 2"# "$%&
I' yo! are not 'a(iliar )ith the s!b*e+t o' +ontrol valve 'lo) +hara+teristi+s, and ho) a valve,s
inherent characteristic is (odi'ied by the syste(,s press!re loss vers!s 'lo) +hara+teristi+ to
prod!+e its installed flow characteristic, yo! (ight 'ind it help'!l to read (y post on that s!b*e+t
at http$--))).valin.+o(-blog-&.'l!id.(anage(ent.-#".+ontrol.valve.'lo).+hara+teristi+s be'ore
reading this post on +ontrol valve installed gain.
/or (ost syste(s, in order to get good +ontrol )ith stability thro!gho!t the '!ll range o' re0!ired
'lo) rates, )e need to !se a +ontrol valve that has an installed 'lo) +hara+teristi+ that is linear,
or at least as +lose to linear as possible. It is o'ten di''i+!lt to +o(pare the +ontrol +apability o'
t)o valves )ith less than per'e+tly linear installed +hara+teristi+s by si(ply st!dying their
installed +hara+teristi+ graphs, and yo! +an learn (ore abo!t ho) )ell they )ill +ontrol a
parti+!lar syste( by e1a(ining their installed gain.
Installed Gain
2he le't hand graph in /ig!res, 2 and # is an installed +hara+teristi+, and the right hand graph is
the +orresponding installed gain.
Figure 1. The installed gain of a control valve with an ideal perfectly linear installed
2he gain o' a devi+e is de'ined as the ratio o' the +hange in o!tp!t to the +orresponding +hange
in inp!t.
In the +ase o' a +ontrol valve, the o!tp!t is the 'lo) in the syste( 304 and the inp!t is valve
position 3h4.
5 graphi+al interpretation o' the G5I6 is the S78P9 o' the installed +hara+teristi+.
In the eighth grade )e learned that the slope o' a line is de'ined as the :IS9 divided by the
:;6. In the +ase o' a +ontrol valve, the :IS9 is the change in flow and the :;6 is the change in
valve stem position. /or an ideal linear installed +hara+teristi+, 'or any given +hange in valve
travel, the 'lo) )ill +hange by the sa(e a(o!nt, <0-<h = Gain = ." at all points. 3See /ig!re .4
So 'or the ideal linear installed +hara+teristi+ the ideal installed gain graph is a +onstant .".
We )ill never e1a+tly get the ideal installed +hara+teristi+ and installed gain$ 34 be+a!se real
valves do not have e1a+tly linear or e0!al per+entage inherent +hara+teristi+s, and 324 be+a!se
the intera+tion bet)een the e0!al per+entage inherent +hara+teristi+ and the syste(
+hara+teristi+ do not e1a+tly +an+el ea+h other, b!t )e )ant to get as +lose as )e +an, so the
per'e+tly linear installed +hara+teristi+ and the +onstant installed gain o' ." are the ben+h(ar>
)e al)ays ai( 'or.
In /ig!re 2 )e have t)o valves )ith straight line installed +hara+teristi+s, one )ith a very steep
slope and one )ith a very shallo) slope.
2he valve )ith the green graph, )hose installed +hara+teristi+ has a steep slope is a very
sensitive valve. Its gain graphs as a +onstant, b!t large, n!(ber.
2he valve )ith the red graph, )hose installed +hara+teristi+ has a shallo) slope, is a very
insensitive valve. Its gain graphs as a +onstant, b!t s(all, n!(ber.
Figure 2. Two valves with straight line installed characteristics. One with a steep slope
and a high gain, and one with a shallow slope and a low gain.
It t!rns o!t that neither o' these valves )o!ld (a>e a very good +ontrol valve.
2he lo) gain valve )o!ld not (a>e a good +ontrol valve, be+a!se )hen the valve ste( (oves,
the 'lo) hardly +hanges at all. 5 +ontrol valve, that )hen it (oves does not +hange the 'lo), is
not (!+h o' a +ontrol valve?
2he valve )ith the steep slope has a very high gain, (eaning that s(all +hanges in valve
position +a!se very large +hanges in 'lo). It is less obvio!s )hy this valve )o!ld not be a good
+ontrol valve. When t)o parts 3s!+h as a ball and a seat, or a valve sha't and pa+>ing4 are in
+onta+t )ith ea+h other, they e1hibit t)o >inds o' 'ri+tion. When the parts are not (oving, they
tend to sti+> together and the 'ri+tion is high. When they are (oving the 'ri+tion be+o(es (!+h
lo)er. 2he intera+tion bet)een stati+ and dyna(i+ 'ri+tion (a>es it very di''i+!lt to position a
valve e1a+tly )here yo! )ant it.
It is 'airly +o((on to 'ind installed valves that yo! +annot position (!+h (ore a++!rately than
)ithin one per+ent o' )here yo! )ant the(. /ro( the de'inition o' gain, the +hange in 'lo) )ill be
e0!al to the +hange in position (!ltiplied by the installed gain 3q h ! Gain4. I' the high gain
valve 3installed gain o' &4 +o!ld only be positioned in one per+ent in+re(ents, the (ost
a++!rately that 'lo) +o!ld be +ontrolled )o!ld be in & per+ent in+re(ents, )hi+h (ight not give
a++!rate eno!gh +ontrol.
Figure ". Installed characteristic and installed gain of an equal percentage valve installed
in a syste# with a lot of pipe.
6o) that )e have dis+!ssed the (eaning o' installed gain, )e +an e1tend o!r dis+!ssion to the
real )orld o' an e0!al per+entage valve installed in a syste( )ith a lot o' pipe, )here the
installed +hara+teristi+ is nearly linear, b!t slightly @SA shaped as sho)n in /ig!re #.
We have le't dashed lines to represent the ideal linear installed +hara+teristi+ and the res!lting
ideal installed gain )ith a +onstant val!e o' .".
Bere the shape o' the installed +hara+teristi+ graph is +onstantly +hanging and its slope is also
+onstantly +hanging.
7et,s ta>e a loo> at the instantaneo!s slope 3and th!s the gain4 at several points.
5t Point , a line has been dra)n that is tangent to the installed +hara+teristi+ to represent the
instantaneo!s slope o' the installed +hara+teristi+ 3and th!s the installed gain4 at Point .
2his tangent is not as steep as the ideal linear installed +hara+teristi+, and there'ore the gain is
less than the ideal .". 5 point has been pla+ed on the Installed gain graph 3Point 4 that is less
than the ideal gain o' .".
5t Point 2, i' )e )ere to dra) a tangent to the installed +hara+teristi+ graph, it )o!ld be parallel
to the ideal linear graph, so at Point 2 the instantaneo!s gain is ." and a +orresponding Point 2
is pla+ed on the installed gain graph at a gain o' .".
5t Point #, , i' )e )ere to dra) a tangent to the installed +hara+teristi+ graph, it )o!ld have a
steeper slope than the ideal linear graph, so at Point # the instantaneo!s gain is greater than
.", and a +orresponding Point # is pla+ed on the Installed gain graph.
5t Point &, i' )e )ere to dra) a tangent to the installed +hara+teristi+ graph, it )o!ld be parallel
to the ideal linear graph, so at Point & the instantaneo!s gain is ." and a +orresponding Point &
is pla+ed on the installed gain graph at a gain o' .".
5t Point %, i' )e )ere to dra) a tangent to the installed +hara+teristi+ graph, it )o!ld not be as
steep as the ideal linear +hara+teristi+, so at Point %, the instantaneo!s gain is less than ." and
a +orresponding Point % is pla+ed on the installed gain graph.
2ypi+ally, the installed +hara+teristi+ and installed gain graphs o' e0!al per+entage valves in
syste(s )ith a lot o' pipe 3the (ost +o((on +ase4 )ill have shapes si(ilar to those in /ig!re #,
b!t so(eti(es not as sy((etri+al as sho)n here.
Installed Gain $eco##endations
Celo) are o!r re+o((endations 3and the r!les that 6elpro', the 6eles +ontrol valve sizing and
sele+tion so't)are, !ses )hen sele+ting the best valve size 'or an appli+ation4 'or gain
(agnit!de and variation.
%ithin the specified control range&
1. Gain ' (.)
2. Gain * ".(
". Gain +#a,- . Gain +#in- * 2.(
/. 0s constant as possi1le
). 0s close to 1.( as possi1le
Within the spe+i'ied +ontrol range 3by de'inition )e )ill not be +ontrolling o!tside this range so
)e are not +on+erned )ith )hat happens there4, that is bet)een 0(in and 0(a1, the gain sho!ld
not be less than ".%, or greater than #.". 3See the le't hand graph in /ig!re D.& 'or a graphi+al
representation o' Criteria , 2 and #.4
Going ba+> to the de'inition o' gain, that is the +hange in 'lo) e0!als the +hange in valve position
(!ltiplied by the gain +q h ! Gain-, i' the gain is too lo), )hen the valve (oves the 'lo)
hardly +hanges, )hi+h (eans the valve )ill not be e''e+tive in +ontrolling 'lo). I' the gain is too
high, s(all errors in valve position )ill res!lt in large errors in 'lo), (a>ing it di''i+!lt or
i(possible to +ontrol a++!rately.
Figure /. 2eft, gain criteria 1, 2, and " shown graphically. $ight, syste# response when
gain change is 2.( or less.
2ypi+ally, i' the gain +hanges by not (!+h (ore than a 2 to ratio, it )ill be possible to +o(e !p
)ith one set o' PID t!ning para(eters that )ill res!lt in good +ontrol and stability thro!gho!t the
re0!ired 'lo) range.
2he right hand graph in /ig!re & sho)s the syste( response at the point o' (ini(!( gain and at
the point o' (a1i(!( gain in a syste( )here the gain +hange )ithin the spe+i'ied 'lo) range is
2 to .
In /ig!re %, the gain )ithin the spe+i'ied +ontrol range is +hanging by al(ost a si1 to one ratio.
Figure ). 3yste# response when the gain change is appro,i#ately 4 to 1.
I' the PID +ontroller is t!ned )hen the syste( is operating at the point o' (ini(!( gain, then the
set point is stepped )e get a 0!i+> stable response 3as )e sho!ld, sin+e this is the point )here
the loop )as t!ned4.
7ater, )hen the syste( is operating at the point o' (a1i(!( gain, i' )e step the set point )e get
an os+illatory response be+a!se the PID para(eters that )ere s!itable 'or a lo) gain syste( are
)ay too aggressive )hen the gain is (!+h higher.
With large gain variation, i' the loop is t!ned )here the gain is lo), the loop be+o(es !nstable
)here the gain is higher. I' it is t!ned 'or stability at the point )here the gain is highest, +ontrol
)ill be slo) and sl!ggish )hen operating in the lo)er gain regions.
I' yo! +an,t 'ind any valve that (eets the 'irst three +riteria, or i' yo! )ant to sele+t the best valve
o' several that all (eet the 'irst three, then !se +riteria & and %.
Figure 4. 0pplying 5riteria / and ).
2he gain sho!ld be as +onstant as possible. 2he (ore +onstant the gain, the (ore aggressive
+an be the PID t!ning )itho!t the danger o' instability. :e'er to /ig!re E. I' yo! had the +hoi+e
bet)een the green valve and the red valve, the green valve )o!ld be the best +hoi+e be+a!se
the PID t!ning +o!ld be (ore aggressive.
2he gain sho!ld also be as +lose to as possible. 2he green valve and the bl!e valve both allo)
e0!ally aggressive t!ning, b!t the bl!e valve is a better +hoi+e.
/or a valve position error o' F, the green valve )o!ld give a 'lo) error o' abo!t 2F and the
bl!e valve )o!ld give a 'lo) error o' abo!t F.
;s!ally, )hen +o(paring the installed gain o' di''erent valves 'or the sa(e appli+ation, as the
gain be+o(es (ore +onstant it also +o(es +loser to .
6rogra# Graphs Installed 5haracteristic and Gain
6e1t, )e )ill loo> at a +ontrol valve sizing progra( that, based on a database o' a+t!al valve
inherent +hara+teristi+s, along )ith so(e !ser s!pplied in'or(ation abo!t ho) the syste(
press!re drop +hanges )ith 'lo), +an +al+!late and graph the installed 'lo) +hara+teristi+ o' a
parti+!lar type and size valve in the syste( it )ill be !sed in. 2hen the progra( +al+!lates the
'irst derivative o' the installed 'lo) +hara+teristi+ and graphs it as the installed gain.
Figure 7. 6rogra# graphs the installed characteristic and gain 1ased on ta1les of inherent
flow characteristics, and user supplied infor#ation on the syste# characteristic.
In order 'or the progra( to de'ine the pro+ess (odel, at least t)o 'lo) points 3(a1i(!( and
(ini(!( 'lo)4, along )ith the asso+iated val!es o' press!re !pstrea( o' the +ontrol valve, P,
and the press!re drop a+ross the +ontrol valve, <P, are re0!ired.
;sing 6elpro', the 6eles +ontrol valve sizing and sele+tion so't)are, )e )ill de(onstrate ho) an
analysis o' installed gain +an help sele+t the best +ontrol valve 'or a parti+!lar syste(. 2he
de(onstration is based on the syste( sho)n in /ig!re G.
Figure 8. Flow control loop used to de#onstrate how an analysis of control valve
installed gain can help select the valve that will give the 1est control.
2he tas> is to sele+t a properly sized S9GM962 C577 +ontrol valve 3)hi+h has an e0!al
per+entage inherent 'lo) +hara+teristi+4. Cesides (ini(!( and (a1i(!( 'lo) rates, the
+o(p!ter progra( needs to >no) the press!re drop a+ross the +ontrol valve at ea+h o' these
'lo) rates.
2he data relating to +ontrol valve press!re drop sho)n in /ig!re G )as deter(ined as 'ollo)s$
Start at a point !pstrea( o' the valve )here the press!re is >no)n, then at the given 'lo) rate,
s!btra+t the syste( press!re losses !ntil yo! rea+h the valve inlet, at )hi+h point yo! have
deter(ined P. 2hen go do)nstrea( !ntil yo! 'ind another point )here yo! >no) the press!re,
then at the given 'lo) rate )or> ba+>)ard 3!pstrea(4 adding 3yo! add be+a!se yo! are (oving
!pstrea( against the 'lo)4 the syste( press!re losses !ntil yo! rea+h the valve o!tlet at )hi+h
point yo! have deter(ined P2. Ho! +an no) s!btra+t P2 'ro( P to obtain <P.
2he graph in the !pper right o' /ig!re D sho)s ho) P, P2 and <P vary )ith 'lo) as (odeled by
the so't)are. 2he shapes o' the P and P2 +!rves are deter(ined by the so't)are by obtaining a
least s0!ares +!rve 'it to the given val!es o' P and P2, >no)ing that the +!rves )ill be paraboli+
and )ill have a slope o' zero at zero 'lo).
/ig!re I sho)s the installed 'lo) +hara+teristi+ and installed gain graphs 'or three possible sizes
o' seg(ent ball valve.
5s the valve size gets s(aller the +hara+teristi+ )ill be+o(e (ore linear and the gain )ill get
lo)er and (ore +onstant. 32he goal is to sele+t a valve )hose installed gain is as +onstant as
possible, and as +lose to ." as possible.4
/or this e1a(ple, things li>e +ho>ed 'lo), noise, and velo+ity do not a''e+t the sele+tion, allo)ing
!s to +on+entrate on installed +hara+teristi+s and gain. 2he graphs belo) are )hat yo! )o!ld
see i' yo! per'or(ed the sizing +al+!lations 'or a E in+h, a & in+h and a # in+h 6eles :9 Series
seg(ent ball valve.
Figure 9. Installed flow characteristic +top- and installed gain +1otto#- for three possi1le
si:es of seg#ent 1all valves in the syste# of Figure 8.
2he top graph is the installed +hara+teristi+s o' the three sizes and the top tra+e 3red4 represents
the E in+h :9 Series seg(ent ball valve installed in the syste( sho)n in /ig!re G. 2he Nelprof
progra( inserts t)o verti+al lines to sho) the lo+ation o' the spe+i'ied (ini(!( and (a1i(!(
'lo)s 3in this e1a(ple, G" and %%" gp(4. 2he red 3'irst and 'o!rth4 verti+al lines go )ith the E
in+h valve. Ho! +an see that on the lo) end, there is not a lot o' sa'ety 'a+tor. Ho! +an also see
that )e are only !sing abo!t &2F o' the valveJs +apa+ity. 2he rest o' the valveJs +apa+ity is not
being !sed, (eaning that a E in+h valve is larger than re0!ired 'or the appli+ation. 2he e''e+t o'
de+reasing press!re drop a+ross the +ontrol valve )ith in+reasing 'lo) has res!lted in this e0!al
per+entage valve having a 'airly linear installed +hara+teristi+, espe+ially )ithin the spe+i'ied 'lo)
range o' G" to %%" gp(.
2he botto( graph is the valveJs installed gain 3a graph o' the instantaneo!s slope o' the
+hara+teristi+ graph4. 2he gain graph gives !s a better idea o' ho) )ell the valve )ill be able to
7oo>ing at the installed gain graph 'or the E in+h valve, )e see that the gain varies by slightly
(ore than 2$ )ithin the spe+i'ied +ontrol range, slightly (ore than the +riteria )e re+o((end.
2he (ore the gain +hanges )ithin the +ontrol range the (ore di''i+!lt it is to t!ne the +ontrol loop
'or both 0!i+> response and stable operation. 5lso, the gain has a (a1i(!( val!e o' #.% )hi+h
is higher than re+o((ended by Criterion 2. 6ote that the horizontal s+ale on the gain graph has
!nits o' 0-0( 3a+t!al 'lo) divided by the (a1i(!( spe+i'ied 'lo)4. 2his (eans that at KK on the
s+ale, 'lo) is ""F o' the (a1i(!( spe+i'ied 'lo) o' %%" gp(. 32his is )hy there is only one set
o' verti+al lines on the gain graph, be+a!se the horizontal s+ale on the gain graph is al)ays " to
#"F o' the (a1i(!( spe+i'ied 'lo) . in this e1a(ple %%" gp(.4
2he (a1i(!( gain o' #.% o++!rs at 0-0( o' ".D or D"F o' %%" gp(. 5t this point, a position error
o' F )o!ld +a!se a 'lo) error o' #.%F. 2his )o!ld (a>e it di''i+!lt 'or the syste( to +ontrol
2he +on+l!sion 'ro( e1a(ining the installed +hara+teristi+ and gain graphs is that the E in+h
seg(ent ball valve is not an ideal +hoi+e 'or this syste(.
2he graphs in green represent the installed +hara+teristi+ and gain 'or a & in+h seg(ent ball
valve. Ce+a!se the horizontal a1is 'or the installed +hara+teristi+ graph is valve travel, the
verti+al green 3se+ond and 'i'th4 lines representing G" and %%" gp( 'or the & in+h valve are both
at larger openings 'or the s(aller valve. 2he installed +hara+teristi+ is 0!ite linear )ithin the
spe+i'ied 'lo) range, )hi+h is good. 2he & in+h valve has (ore sa'ety 'a+tor on the lo) end, and
less )asted +apa+ity on the high end. Ho! +an get an even better idea o' the i(prove(ent o' the
& in+h valve over the E in+h valve by loo>ing at the installed gain graph. 2he (a1i(!( gain o'
the & in+h valve is lo)er, (eaning 'or the sa(e position error, the 'lo) error )ill be less. 5lso the
+hange in gain 'ro( its lo)est val!e )ithin the spe+i'ied 'lo) range and its highest val!e is
slightly less, (eaning that it )o!ld be possible to !se slightly (ore aggressive t!ning 'or the PID
+ontroller, res!lting in better +ontrol.
2he +on+l!sion is that the & in+h valve is a better +hoi+e than the E in+h valve.
2he graphs in bl!e represent the installed +hara+teristi+ and gain o' a # in+h seg(ent ball valve.
2he (ini(!( and (a1i(!( spe+i'ied 'lo)s o' G" and %%" gp(, represented by the verti+al bl!e
3third and si1th4 lines on the installed +hara+teristi+ graph, are sy((etri+ally lo+ated on the
installed +hara+teristi+, res!lting in nearly e0!al sa'ety 'a+tors on both the lo) end and the high
end. 2he installed +hara+teristi+ is also 0!ite linear )ithin the spe+i'ied 'lo) range. 2he installed
gain graph has the lo)est (a1i(!( val!e o' all three valves, )hi+h )ill res!lt in the lo)est 'lo)
error 'or the sa(e position error. 2he variation in gain )ithin the spe+i'ied 'lo) range is the least
o' all three valves, (a>ing possible the (ost aggressive PID t!ning.
2he +on+l!sion is that o' the three valves analyzed, the # in+h valve )ill provide the best +ontrol.
6829 that the progra( +annot a+t!ally sho) the res!lts 'or three valves at one ti(e. 2he graphs
sho)n above )ere prod!+ed by +o(bining the res!lts 'ro( the three +al+!lations into a single
graph !sing Mi+roso't Paint. When !sing the progra( yo! +an 0!i+>ly step thro!gh the graphs
'or ea+h o' several valves to easily +o(pare the(.

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