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For release: Wednesday, May 21, 2014

6:30 pm
Ele!"on 2014
May 16-19, 2014
Voters find little to cheer about in the upcoming midterm elections. ecord lo!
percentages thin" most members of #ongress $%&' and their o!n epresentati(e $29&'
deser(e re-election. Many $4%&' feel less enthusiastic about (oting than usual.
)he poll also suggests disillusionment about elections. 4%& of *mericans say it doesn+t
matter !hich party controls #ongress -- a ne! high for #,- .e!s /olls0 and 1%& thin"
the !ealthy ha(e more influence in elections than most *mericans.
Voters say the economy !ill be the most important issue in their (ote this fall, and
epublicans are seen as the party more li"ely to do a better 2ob on that issue.
3emocrats are (ie!ed by (oters as the party more li"ely to care and about their needs
and problems.
epublicans and 3emocrats are running about e(en in the generic national (ote for the
4ouse, but epublicans ha(e a lead among registered (oters !ho are the most attenti(e
and more enthusiastic about (oting.
)he )ea /arty mo(ement has lost some of its strength -- a record lo! of 2ust 1%& of
*mericans no! consider themsel(es supporters. *mong epublicans, support for the
)ea party has dropped 10 points since 5ebruary $42& to 62&' and is no! among the
lo!est in #,- .e!s /olls.
Con#ress and !$e M"d!erm Ele!"ons
* mere %& of (oters thin" most members of #ongress ha(e done a good enough 2ob to deser(e
re-election. 7hile this number has been lo! historically, %& is the lo!est e(er recorded in #,-
.e!s /olls0 nearly nine in ten say it+s time to gi(e ne! people a chance.
Mos! Mem%ers o& Con#ress 'eser(e )e*Ele!"on+
$*mong registered (oters'
.o! 282010 982006 1082002 1081999
:es, deser(e re-election %& 9& 12& 1%& 24&
.o, time for ne! people 96 91 16 10 64
*nd (oters are only slightly happier !ith their o!n #ongressional epresentati(e. ;ust 29& $a
record lo!' thin" their o!n 4ouse member deser(es re-election, and 62& thin" it+s time for
someone ne!. <n past midterm election years, more (oters ha(e supported their o!n
representati(e+s re-election.
O,n Mem%er o& Con#ress 'eser(e )e*Ele!"on+
$*mong registered (oters'
.o! 982010 982006 1082002 1081994 1081990
:es, deser(es re-election 29& 64& 42& %0& 69& 46&
.o, time for ne! person 62 %% 41 69 %2 40
<t+s more than fi(e months until this year+s #ongressional elections, and (oters no! are not
especially enthusiastic about (oting0 more than four in 10 are less enthusiastic about (oting this
year compared to pre(ious #ongressional elections. )here is also a partisan enthusiasm gap=
44& of epublicans say they are more enthusiastic about (oting this year, compared to 66& of
3emocrats. <ndependents+ le(el of enthusiasm is similar to that of 3emocrats.
En!$-s"asm .%o-! /o!"n# Compared !o Pas! Con#ress"onal Ele!"ons
$*mong registered (oters'
)otal eps 3ems <nds
More 69& 44& 66& 66&
>ess 4% 46 46 46
-ame $(ol.' 14 9 16 16
>oo"ing ahead to .o(ember, epublicans and 3emocrats are nearly e(en in the generic
national (ote for the 4ouse of epresentati(es, !hich as"s registered (oters !hether they
!ould cast their (ote for the 3emocrat or epublican in their o!n district. .ational polls,
ho!e(er, are not perfect predictors of #ongressional elections, since the state of the race in
each indi(idual district (aries. -till, epublicans currently control the 4ouse and a dra! on the
generic ballot could put them in position to "eep control.
0ener" Ballo!: 2014 Con#ress"onal /o!e
$*mong registered (oters'
epublican 69&
3emocrat 40
3epends8.ot sure 16
;ust 26& of (oters are paying a lot of attention to the 2014 campaign so far. )hose !ho are
paying the most attention and are the most enthusiastic are planning to cast their (ote for a
epublican candidate this fall.
0ener" Ballo!: 2014 Con#ress"onal /o!e
$*mong registered (oters'
)otal * lot of attention More enthusiastic about (oting
epublican 69& 41& 44&
3emocrat 40 69 69
3epends8.ot sure 16 16 14
*long !ith diminished enthusiasm, there is also a sense of disillusionment among the *merican
public. 4%& of *mericans -- a record high in #,- .e!s polls -- no! say they agree !ith the
statement ?<t ma"es no real difference !hich party controls #ongress, things go on 2ust as they
did before.@ -till, a slim ma2ority thin"s it matters !hich party controls #ongress.
1! Ma2es No )eal '"&&erene W$"$ Par!y Con!rols Con#ress 3
4$"n#s 0o On 5-s! as 4$ey '"d Be&ore
.o! 982006 182002 682001 1081999
*gree 4%& 66& 42& 69& 69&
3isagree %6 62 %4 %9 %1
atings of #ongress remain o(er!helmingly negati(e. 90& of *mericans disappro(e of the 2ob
#ongress is doing, !hile 2ust 12& appro(e. *t this point in the 2010 election cycle, #ongress+
appro(al rating !as 1%&, not much different than it is today.
Con#ress 5o% Per&ormane
.o! 682014 282014 1082016 %82012 %82010
*ppro(e 12& 19& 16& 9& 1%& 1%&
3isappro(e 90 16 90 9% 11 11
)he country+s t!o ma2or political parties are not (ie!ed positi(ely either, although the
3emocratic /arty is (ie!ed more fa(orably than the epublican /arty. Vie!s of the AB/ are
similar to !hat they !ere at this point during the 2010 election campaign, !hile opinions of the
3emocratic party are slightly impro(ed.
/"e,s o& !$e Pol"!"al Par!"es
epublican /arty 3emocratic /arty
.o! %82010 .o! %82010
5a(orable 66& 66& 46& 61&
.ot fa(orable %9 %% %0 %4
4ea Par!y: Los"n# S-ppor!+
)he )ea /arty !as an important factor in the 2010 elections, but there+s e(idence in the poll that
their support may be !aning. )oday, 2ust 1%& of *mericans say they are supporters of the )ea
/arty mo(ement C the lo!est since #,- .e!s began as"ing about the )ea /arty in 5ebruary
S-ppor!er o& !$e 4ea Par!y Mo(emen!
.o! 682014 %82016 %82012 %82011 1182010 %82010 282010
:es 1%& 22& 24& 21& 22& 61& 20& 19&
.o 1% 66 66 69 69 %9 %9 69
)he mo(ement may be losing some of its core constituency -- epublicans. 62& of self-
identified epublicans no! consider themsel(es supporters of the )ea /arty C do!n 10 points
from 5ebruary and a decline of 26 points from ;uly 2010, the summer before the epublican
/arty too" control of the 4ouse of epresentati(es. )he percentage of epublicans !ho identify
as )ea /arty supporters is no! among the lo!est in #,- .e!s /olls.
S-ppor!er o& !$e 4ea Par!y Mo(emen!
$*mong epublicans'
.o! 682014 282014 982016 %82016 %82012 1182010 182010 282010
:es 62& 61& 42& %1& 46& 41& %2& %%& %0&
.o %9 41 42 41 42 4% 61 66 61
.ationally, 26& of epublicans say a candidate+s affiliation !ith the )ea /arty !ould ma"e them
more li"ely to bac" that candidate, !hile 16& say it !ould ma"e them less li"ely. <t !ouldn+t
ma"e much difference to most epublicans.
/erhaps not surprisingly, conser(ati(e epublicans are more inclined to say they !ould bac" a
candidate !ho !as affiliated !ith the )ea /arty, but e(en more than half of that group says it
!ouldn+t ma"e a difference.
/o!e 1mpa! o& 4ea Par!y .&&"l"a!"on
$*mong epublicans'
)otal #onser(ati(e Moderate8>iberal
More li"ely to (ote for 26& 29& 14&
>ess li"ely to (ote for 16 10 19
.o difference %1 %6 62
Most epublicans o(erall $as !ell as most conser(ati(e epublicans' thin" the )ea /arty has
either the right amount of influence on their party or too little influence.
1n&l-ene o& 4ea Par!y on !$e )ep-%l"an Par!y
6.mon# )ep-%l"ans7
)otal #onser(ati(e Moderate8>iberal
)oo much 14& 10& 26&
)oo little 29 64 22
ight amount 69 69 61
*mericans o(erall ha(e held net negati(e (ie!s of the )ea /arty mo(ement for the past fe!
years, and they continue to do so in this poll. 5a(orable (ie!s ha(e dipped since 5ebruary, and
are no! similar to !hat they !ere 2ust after the go(ernment shutdo!n last fall.
/"e,s o& !$e 4ea Par!y
.o! 282014 1082016 982011 482011
5a(orable 14& 21& 14& 21& 26&
Dnfa(orable 61 61 66 29 29
Dndecided8ha(en+t heard %6 41 %0 49 46
*s has been the case, epublicans ha(e a more fa(orable (ie! of the )ea /arty mo(ement
than either 3emocrats or independents.
1ss-es and !$e Par!"es
Voters choose the economy $69&' as the issue that !ill be most important in deciding their (ote
for #ongress this .o(ember, ahead of health care $22&', the federal budget deficit $11&' and
the en(ironment $9&'. 5e!er (oters say taEes $1&' immigration $6&', and foreign policy $6&'
!ill be most important.
7hile the economy is the dominant issue for (oters of all political persuasions, 21& of
epublicans pic" health care as the issue that !ill matter most, compared to 19& of 3emocrats
!ho choose it. )he en(ironment and immigration are more important to 3emocrats than to
Mos! 1mpor!an! 1ss-e "n /o!e &or Con#ress
$*mong egistered Voters'
)otal eps 3ems <nds
Fconomy 69& 66& 61& 46&
4ealth care 22 21 19 21
,udget deficit 11 11 6 11
Fn(ironment 9 2 16 6
)aEes 1 6 9 6
<mmigration 6 4 10 4
5oreign policy 6 6 2 4
)he poll also as"ed !hich party !ould be more li"ely to do a better 2ob on these issues. )he
epublican /arty has an ad(antage on the economy, the deficit, foreign policy and taEes. )he
3emocratic /arty leads on health care, and has a large lead on the en(ironment. )he parties
are e(en on immigration.
1ss-es: W$"$ Par!y W"ll 'o a Be!!er 5o% On8+
$*mong egistered Voters'
epublican 3emocratic
)he economy %0& 40
,udget deficit %0& 66
5oreign policy 49& 69
)aEes 41& 42
<mmigration 42& 42
4ealth care 40& %0
Fn(ironment 21& 62
)he 3emocratic /arty has the lead on empathy. More see the 3emocrats as the party that
cares about their needs and problems, and !ill help ensure all *mericans ha(e a fair chance to
get ahead. )he parties are more closely matched on moral (alues.
C$ara!er"s!"s: W$"$ Pol"!"al Par!y 8+
$*mong egistered Voters'
epublican 3emocratic
Fnsures all ha(e a fair chance to get ahead 61& 41
#ares more about people li"e you 66& 46
-hares your moral (alues 46& 44
Money and Pol"!"s
*mericans eEpress some cynicism !hen it comes to participating in the electoral process.
)hree in four thin" !ealthy *mericans ha(e a better chance than others of influencing the
election process. Bnly 26& say all *mericans ha(e an eGual chance to do so.
1n&l-en"n# !$e Ele!"ons Proess
*ll eps 3ems <nds
*ll ha(e eGual chance 26& 6%& 19& 21&
7ealthy ha(e more of a chance 1% 66 19 11
/erhaps for this reason, most *mericans continue to thin" indi(idual contributions to political
campaigns should be limited. Ma2orities of all partisan stripes !ould li"e to see campaign
contributions limited, but 3emocrats and independents are more li"ely to hold that (ie! than
Campa"#n Con!r"%-!"ons %y 1nd"("d-als
*ll eps 3ems <nds
-hould be limited 11& 6%& 16& 12&
*llo! unlimited contributions 2% 64 22 24
*long the same lines, most *mericans say that spending by outside groups on political
ad(ertising should be limited.
Spend"n# on .ds %y 9na&&"l"a!ed 0ro-ps
*ll eps 3ems <nds
-hould be limited 16& 6%& 94& 1%&
-hould not be limited 22 62 16 22
)his poll !as conducted by telephone May 16-19, 2014 among 1,009 adults nation!ide. 3ata collection
!as conducted on behalf of #,- .e!s by --- of Media, /*. /hone numbers !ere dialed from
samples of both standard land-line and cell phones. )he error due to sampling for results based on the
entire sample could be plus or minus three percentage points. )he error for subgroups may be higher.
<nter(ie!s !ere conducted in Fnglish and -panish. )his poll release conforms to the -tandards of
3isclosure of the .ational #ouncil on /ublic /olls.
Election 2014
May 16-19, 2014
Q1-Q6 Released separately
Q7. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Congress is handling its job?
!"!#$ R%&'"(D%(!&
!otal Rep De) *nd +ar1,-
. . . . .
#pprove 1/ 1, 1/ 11 10
Disapprove 01 77 0/ 01 76
Don2t 3now4(o answer 0 5 6 0 6
Q0-Q11 Released separately
Q11. *n general6 is your opinion of the Republi-an 'arty favorable or not favorable?
7avorable 88 65 18 81 88
(ot favorable 90 /7 08 97 61
Don2t 3now4(o answer 0 , 9 18 9
Q1/. *n general6 is your opinion of the De)o-rati- 'arty favorable or not favorable?
7avorable ,8 5 01 88 ,/
(ot favorable 91 07 19 99 98
Don2t 3now4(o answer 0 , , 1/ 9
Q18. :ow )u-h attention have you been able to pay to the /11, ele-tion -a)paign ; a lot6 so)e6 not )u-h
or no attention so far?
R%<*&!%R%D ="!%R&
!otal Rep De) *nd +ar1,-
# lot /6 8/ /8 /, 15
&o)e 8, 86 81 87 81
(ot )u-h /9 /8 81 // /7
(o attention 19 11 17 19 /8
Don2t 3now4(o answer - 1
Q1,. :%$D 7"R 7>!>R% R%$%#&%
Q19. *f the /11, ele-tion for >.&. :ouse of Representatives were being held today6 would you vote for the
Republi-an -andidate or the De)o-rati- -andidate in your distri-t?
R%<*&!%R%D ="!%R&
!otal Rep De) *nd +ar1,-
. . . . .
Republi-an 85 51 6 86 85
De)o-rati- ,1 1 06 /9 85
"ther ?vol.@ / - 9 8
AonBt vote ?vol.@ / 1 1 , /
Depends ?vol.@ 6 8 8 1/ 0
Don2t 3now4(o answer 11 9 , 10 5
Q16. Co)pared to previous Congressional ele-tions6 this year are you )ore enthusiasti- about voting than
usual6 or less enthusiasti-?
+ore enthusiasti- 80 ,, 86 86 ,7
$ess enthusiasti- ,9 ,8 ,6 ,6 8,
&a)e ?vol.@ 1, 5 16 16 17
Don2t 3now4(o answer / , 1 1 8
Q17. Do you thin3 )ost )e)bers of Congress have done a good enough job to deserve re-ele-tion6 or do you
thin3 itBs ti)e to give new people a -han-e?
!otal Rep De) *nd &ep11a
Deserve re-ele-tion 9 6 6 8 6
!i)e for new people 06 06 0, 05 0,
Depends on -andidates ?vol.@ 8 , , / 9
DonBt 3now4(o answer 9 8 6 6 9
Q10. Do you thin3 the representative in Congress fro) your distri-t has perfor)ed his or her job well enough
to deserve re-ele-tion6 or do you thin3 itBs ti)e to give a new person a -han-e?
Deserve re-ele-tion /5 88 81 /, 88
!i)e for new people 6/ 61 95 69 97
Depends on -andidates ?vol.@ / 1 / 8 /
DonBt 3now4(o answer 0 7 0 0 0
Q15. Regardless of how you usually vote6 do you thin3 the Republi-an 'arty or the De)o-rati- 'arty -o)es
-loser to sharing your )oral values?
Republi-an 'arty ,8 51 5 ,/ 86
De)o-rati- 'arty ,, , 08 89 91
Coth ?vol.@ / 1 1 , 1
(either ?vol.@ 0 8 8 19 6
DonBt 3now4(o answer 8 1 8 , 7
Q/1. Regardless of how you usually vote6 do you thin3 the Republi-an 'arty or the De)o-rati- 'arty -ares
)ore about the needs and proble)s of people li3e yourself?
R%<*&!%R%D ="!%R&
!otal Rep De) *nd +ar51a
. . . . .
Republi-an 'arty 86 01 9 8, /6
De)o-rati- 'arty ,6 7 09 87 ,5
Coth ?vol.@ 1 1 1 / 0
(either ?vol.@ 1/ 0 6 /1 6
DonBt 3now4(o answer , 8 8 6 11
Q/1. Regardless of how you usually vote6 do you thin3 the Republi-an 'arty or the De)o-rati- 'arty is )ore
li3ely to help ensure all #)eri-ans have a fair -han-e to get ahead in the >.&.?
Republi-an 'arty 87 77 7 80
De)o-rati- 'arty ,7 1/ 08 87
Coth ?vol.@ 1 1 1 1
(either ?vol.@ 11 6 9 17
DonBt 3now4(o answer 9 , , 7
Q//. Ahi-h one of the following issues will be )ost i)portant in de-iding your vote for Congress this
!he %-ono)y 85 86 87 ,8
:ealth -are // /7 10 /1
7ederal budget defi-it 11 17 6 11
!he %nviron)ent 5 / 16 6
!aDes 7 6 0 6
*))igration 6 , 11 ,
7oreign poli-y 8 8 / ,
&o)ething else / 1 / 8
DonBt 3now4(o answer 1 / 1 1
Q/8. Regardless of how you usually vote6 do you thin3 the Republi-an 'arty or the De)o-rati- 'arty is )ore
li3ely to do a better job handling i))igration issues?
Republi-an 'arty ,/ 77 16 ,8
De)o-rati- 'arty ,/ 1/ 79 88
Coth ?vol.@ 1 /
(either ?vol.@ 7 9 8 18
DonBt 3now4(o answer 7 6 9 11
Q/,. Regardless of how you usually vote6 do you thin3 the Republi-an 'arty or the De)o-rati- 'arty is )ore
li3ely to do a better job on the e-ono)y?
R%<*&!%R%D ="!%R&
!otal Rep De) *nd
. . . .
Republi-an 'arty 91 5/ 16 9/
De)o-rati- 'arty ,1 9 75 /0
Coth ?vol.@ 1 - 1 /
(either ?vol.@ 9 1 / 11
DonBt 3now4(o answer , / / 6
Q/9. Regardless of how you usually vote6 do you thin3 the Republi-an 'arty or the De)o-rati- 'arty is )ore
li3ely to do a better job on the federal budget defi-it?
Republi-an 'arty 91 06 /1 98
De)o-rati- 'arty 86 9 71 /9
Coth ?vol.@ 1 - 8
(either ?vol.@ 0 6 8 18
DonBt 3now4(o answer 6 8 6 6
Q/6. Regardless of how you usually vote6 do you thin3 the Republi-an 'arty or the De)o-rati- 'arty is )ore
li3ely to do a better job on health -are?
Republi-an party ,1 75 0 ,/
De)o-rati- party 91 1, 00 85
Coth ?vol.@ - - 1
(either ?vol.@ 9 , 1 11
DonBt 3now4(o answer 9 , 8 7
Q/7. Regardless of how you usually vote6 do you thin3 the Republi-an 'arty or the De)o-rati- 'arty is )ore
li3ely to do a better job on the environ)ent?
Republi-an party /7 90 11 /8
De)o-rati- party 6/ 86 09 95
Coth ?vol.@ 1 1 /
(either ?vol.@ 9 / / 5
DonBt 3now4(o answer 9 , 8 7
Q/0. Regardless of how you usually vote6 do you thin3 the Republi-an 'arty or the De)o-rati- 'arty is )ore
li3ely to do a better job on taDes?
Republi-an party ,7 05 16 ,0
De)o-rati- party ,/ 6 70 8/
Coth ?vol.@ 1 /
(either ?vol.@ 6 8 / 11
DonBt 3now4(o answer , 8 8 6
Q81. Regardless of how you usually vote6 do you thin3 the Republi-an 'arty or the De)o-rati- 'arty is )ore
li3ely to do a better job on >.&. foreign poli-y?
R%<*&!%R%D ="!%R&
!otal Rep De) *nd
. . . .
Republi-an party ,0 07 17 ,5
De)o-rati- party 80 0 7/ /6
Coth ?vol.@ / 1 ,
(either ?vol.@ 9 1 / 11
DonBt 3now4(o answer 7 , 7 5
Q81. Aould you agree or disagree with the following state)ent? *t )a3es no real differen-e whi-h party
-ontrols Congress--things go on just as they did before.
!"!#$ R%&'"(D%(!& &ep16a
. . . . .
#gree ,9 88 80 99 86
Disagree 98 69 95 ,/ 6/
DonBt 3now4(o answer 8 / 8 8 /
Q8/. Ahi-h one of the following two positions on -a)paign finan-ing do you favor )oreE li)iting the a)ount of
)oney individuals -an -ontribute to politi-al -a)paigns6 or allowing individuals to -ontribute as )u-h )oney to
politi-al -a)paigns as theyBd li3e?
$i)iting 71 69 76 7/ 6,
#llowing /9 8, // /, 81
DonBt 3now4 (o answer 8 / / 9 9
Q88. Currently6 groups not affiliated with a -andidate are able to spend unli)ited a)ounts of )oney on
advertise)ents during a politi-al -a)paign. Do you thin3 this 3ind of spending should be li)ited by law6 or
should it re)ain unli)ited?
&hould be li)ited 76 69 0, 79 67
&hould re)ain unli)ited // 8/ 16 // /5
DonBt 3now4 (o answer / 8 8 ,
Q8,. !hin3ing about >.&. ele-tions6 do you thin3 all #)eri-ans have an eGual -han-e to influen-e the
ele-tions pro-ess6 or do you thin3 wealthy #)eri-ans have )ore of a -han-e to influen-e the ele-tions pro-ess
than other #)eri-ans?
%Gual influen-e /8 89 15 /1
Aealthy have )ore influen-e 79 68 70 77
DonBt 3now4 (o answer / / 8 /
Q89-Q61 R%$%#&%D &%'#R#!%$H
Q6/. *s your opinion of the !ea 'arty )ove)ent favorable6 not favorable6 unde-ided6 or havenBt you heard
enough about the !ea 'arty )ove)ent yet to have an opinion?
!"!#$ R%&'"(D%(!&
!otal Rep De) *nd 7eb1,-
. . . . .
7avorable 1, 89 / 18 /1
(ot favorable 81 11 9, /, 81
>nde-ided 15 /1 18 /8 10
:avenBt heard enough 8, 88 81 87 /5
Don2t 3now4(o answer / 1 / / /
Q68. Do you thin3 the !ea 'arty )ove)ent has too )u-h influen-e6 too little influen-e6 or the right a)ount of
influen-e in the Republi-an 'arty?
!oo )u-h 89 1, 90 /5 87
!oo little /1 /5 11 /, //
Right a)ount /8 80 18 // /8
Don2t 3now4(o answer /1 10 10 /9 10
Q6,. *f a politi-al -andidate said they were part of the !ea 'arty )ove)ent would that )a3e you )ore li3ely to
support that -andidate6 less li3ely6 or wouldnBt that )a3e a differen-e to you?
+ore li3ely 11 /8 , 5 0
$ess li3ely 8/ 18 9, /9 81
(o differen-e 9/ 97 87 95 98
Depends 1 1 1 1 8
Don2t 3now4(o answer 9 6 , 9 6
tea. Do you -onsider yourself to be a supporter of the !ea 'arty )ove)ent6 or not?
Hes 19 8/ / 19 //
(o 79 90 51 78 68
Don2t 3now4(o answer 11 11 0 1/ 19
>nweighted Aeighted
!otal respondents 1115
Republi-ans /85 //0
De)o-rats 8/9 8/7
*ndependents ,,9 ,98
+argin of errorE 8pts

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