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Primary Business Address

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Phone: 555-555-5555
Fax: 555-555-5555
S e m i n a r o r E v e n t S u b t i t l e
Describe your location by landmark
or area of town.
Seminar or Event Title
Date: 00/00/00
Time: 00:00

Type: Word macro virus
Creator: Kwyjibo
Infection length: doc
Reported costs: $1.1 billion dollars
Payload: When an infected document
is opened, Melissa checks if
the Microsoft Office registry key has a
sub-directory named "Melissa?" If the
value has been set, the virus will not
perform the mailing routine. If the
value is not set, the virus mails itself
to fifty addresses in the user's Address
Book. Unless there are 50 addresses
before "All", the virus may be sent to
all addresses in the Address Book.
Melissa also has another payload
that triggers itself once an hour and
chooses the minute of the payload's
delivery by the day (as an example, if
Type: Multipartite virus
Creator: unknown
File type: .exe
Payload: he virus infects the
master boot record. In a man-
ner similar toFlip, the virus re-
duces the size of the disk's parti-
tion by 6 sectors and placing its
code in the sectors that are outside
of the partition. When the disk is
booted, the virus becomes memory
It will not infect files with the let-
ters "sc" and "v" in their names.
This is probably to avoid infecting
antivirus programs.
The virus displays the message:
"Welcome to T.TEQUILA's
latest production.

Type: Boot- sector
Infection length: 512 bytes
Creator: The Stoned virus was supposedly
programmed by a student at the Univer-
sity of Wellington in New Zealand.
Payload: There is a 1 in 8 chance that upon
booting, causing the infected computer
will beep and display its message:
Your PC is now stoned! LEGAL-
The virus does not intentionally damage
anything, but when the virus moves the
original boot sector to sector 11 on 5.25
inch floppy disks, any files with directory
entries on that sector will be lost. Some
versions of DOS use sector 11 as part of the
File Allocation Table, which can cause the
disk's FAT being corrupted.
Type: Worm
Creator: Unknown
Payload: It is uncertain how much
damage Creeper actually caused. Some
sources claim that Creeper replicated
so many times that it crowded out
other programs. The extent of the dam-
age is unspecified. Most sources say the
worm was little more than an annoy-
Creeper caused infected systems to dis-
play the message "I'M THE CREEPER :
KASPERSKY antivirus system scan on
every thing that might download on to the
computer. The warning will pop up and
ask if you still want to go to the site if
could harm your computer. The system is
great for worm from different sites or tro-

NORTON You learn how secure your
computer is and identify threats resid-
ing on your computer. This is a free
tool. Norton Security Scan checks to
see what security software is installed
on the computer. Norton Security
Scan does not conflict with other ap-

BITDEFENDER: protects with a fire-
wall the prevents viruses (worms,
Trojans, boot sector). Unlike other
anti-viruses it protects when online
shopping and identity theft (on face-
book). Also has parent control and

I chose these anit-viruses best they
all fight against the three most com-
mon types of viruses and they are in
different price ranges. And there is
one for every type of computer.
Lastly, they have the best reviews .

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