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(A Deemed University)
V.N.Purav Mar! De"nar! Mum#ai$%&& &''
Instru(ti"ns and In)"rmati"n *it+ reard t"
,D-PIT$PI )"r M.A. Admissi"ns .&/%$.&/0
All candidates shortlisted for GD/PIT-PI need to download the Detailed Application Form
(DAF) available on the admissions website, complete it in their own handwritin, and carr!
alonwith them while attendin GD/PIT/PI to TI"" #amp$ses%
#andidates are re&$ested to fill in separate detailed application form )"r every 1r"ramme the!
have been called for%
Please do not attach an! photoaphs or mar'sheets to the DAF%
#andidates have been sent an (Application Abstract( on their emailid% The (Application Abstract( has
an abstract of the details filled b! the candidate while appl!in online, dates and the locations of
GD/PIT-PI for each shortlisted proramme% If the photoraph or sinat$re is not appearin properl!,
please afi) a photoraph%
The DAF! 2A13i(ati"n A#stra(t2 sho$ld be carried in person and s$bmitted on the da! of
GD/PIT/PI will be cond$cted in the TI"" *$mbai camp$s from *arch ++ to ,+, ,-+., /!derabad
#amp$s from *arch ,. to ,0, ,-+. and in G$wahati #amp$s from *arch 1+ to April 1, ,-+. and
the reportin time will be 2%-- a%m% The GD/PIT/PI for Candidates s+"rt3isted )"r 1r"rammes
)r"m Mum#ai-Tu34a1ur-M5AT-6AN7AN-CUTN (am1uses *i33 attend t+e ,D-PIT-PI at
Mum#ai (am1us (N"te8 (andidates s+"rt3isted )"r a sin3e 1r"ramme +ave t" re1"rt at TISS
Na"r"4i (am1us! *+ereas (andidates s+"rt3isted )"r mu3ti13e 1r"rammes +ave t" re1"rt at
TISS Main (am1us)! (andidates s+"rt3isted )"r 1r"rammes )r"m 5ydera#ad (am1us *i33
attend t+e ,D-PIT-PI at 5ydera#ad (am1us! (andidates s+"rt3isted )"r 1r"rammes )r"m
,u*a+ati (am1us *i33 attend t+e ,D-PIT-PI at u*a+ati (am1us.
The PI normall! starts at +-%-- a%m,% and will contin$e till 3%-- p%m% The reportin time is '8&& am%
#andidates are advised to boo' their ret$rn 4o$rne! tic'ets for b$s/train/fliht departin after 5%1-
p%m% Tho$h the Instit$te tries its level best to complete the process as earl! as possible for
o$tstation candidates, candidates are re&$ested to 'eep eno$h time in between their PI and time for
ret$rn 4o$rne!% The order of appearance of PI for candidates will strictl! be maintained and no
re&$est for chanin the order will be entertained%
Dates of GD/PIT/PI are fi)ed and will not be chaned for an! other candidates e)cept onl! for those
whose dates are clashin with their 6niversit! final !ear e)aminations or an! other entrance e)am%
To avail this, the candidates need to send a proof of e)am (valid e)aimination sched$le, cop! of
admit card etc%) with a re&$est for chanin the dates of GD/PIT/PI to Assisatnt 7eistrar(Academic)
on email id m$stafa8tiss%ed$ b! 1
*arch ,-+.%
The ven$e of GD/PIT/PI will be displaced on the Instit$e(s website on *arch 9, ,-+. and candidates
are advised to refer to it for other information reardin how to reach the Instit$te from different
locations, ta)i/b$s fare, etc%
:;#(<#) candidates are re&$ested to brin their latest <on-#ream! =a!er certificate, if the same
was not prod$ced alon with their application% :;#(<#) applicants not s$pported b! this certificate
will be considered to as a General #ateor! candidate%
6nemplo!ed "#/"T o$tstation candidates whose parent(s/$ardian(s ann$al income is less than
7s%,%9 la'hs and $nemplo!ed :;#(<#) o$tstation candidates whose parent(s/$ardian(s ann$al
income is less than 7s%+ =a'h d$rin the Financial >ear ,-+,-+1 are entitled for reimb$rsement of
travel e)penses% The! will be provided to and fro travel e)penses ("econd #lass 7ailwa! or "tate
Transport ;$s fare)%
The reimb$rsement of the travel e)penses will be s$b4ect to their s$bmission of the oriinal 4o$rne!
tic'ets% It will be the responsibilit! of the eliible candidates to fill the TA form(download from the
TI"" admissions website) alon with attested photocop! of caste/tribe/:;#(<#) and Income
#ertificate for speed! reimb$rsement process% Provide a photocop! of the (Application Abstract( for
the GD/PIT/PI before the! appear and collect the mone! as soon as it ets over% The local eliible
candidates are not entitled for travel reimb$rement%
<o #andidates will be provided accommodation in the TI"" #amp$ses d$rin the period of GD/PIT/PI held at
the TI"" camp$ses% =ist of /otels ? =ode near b! TI"" #amp$s are been displa!ed on the website for !o$r
information% :nl! the o$tstation eliible "#/"T/:;#(<#) candidates will et the reimb$rsement of 7s%9--/-
(7s% Five /$ndred onl!) for the boardin (7s%+9-/-) and lodin chares (7s%19-/-) on the act$al da! of
GD/PIT/PI of the candidate% TA form is to bo$ht d$rin GD PI for reimb$rsement p$porse, please download
the same from the website% :nl! candidates who are differentl! abled (P@D) will be offered
accommodation in the TI"" #amp$s on the da! of GD/PIT/PI% #andidates can directl! re&$est to the
"ection :fficer(/ostel) on email id m$s'aan8tiss%ed$ and ma'e arranements for their sta!%
Candidates )"und ine3ii#3e )"r any ") t+e 1r"rammes t+ey +ave #een s+"rt3isted )"r *i33 #e
dis9ua3i)ied at any stae in t+e admissi"n 1r"(ess. T+e e3ii#i3ity (riteria )"r ea(+ 1r"ramme
+as #een 1ut u1 "n t+e admissi"ns *e#site. I) )ina33y se3e(ted )"r admissi"n! (andidates
#e3"in t" t+e SC! ST! O6C(NC)! :M! P;D! Armed )"r(es (ate"ries s+"u3d 1r"du(e
ne(essary (erti)i(ates 1r"vin t+eir (ate"ry. Candidates )ai3in t" 1r"du(e re3evant (erti)i(ates
*i33 n"t #e iven admissi"n.
For &$eries candidates can write to padmission8tiss%ed$ or call -,,-,99,9,9,%
Musta)a M"min
Assistant <eistrar(A(ademi()

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