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51-Regarding nasal secretion, one of the following is true :

a. glycoproteine are produced by the serous glands

b. Lactoferrin are present only in nasal secretion and not present in the serum
c. the action of lysozmes depends on the presence of bacterial capsules for
d. PH of the nasal secretion tend to be on the alkaline side of neutrality
e. The potassium level is high in excessive nasal secretion of allergic
52- In necrotizing ( alignant ) otitis exerna, all of the following statements are
true except one :
a. Usually affects those over the age of 5 years
b. !ffects only diabetic patients
c. "ranulation may involve the lo#er cranial nerves
d. $ost patient have evidence of microvascular disease
e. this condition may be associated #ith active chronic ear disease
5- ! child presenting with stridor due to ild to moderate tracheomalacia, "est to
"e managed "# :
a. dilatation
b. High dose steroids
c. %areful observation
d. &ntubation
e. !ntibiotics
5$- !ll of the following are true in a cute epiglottitis except one :
a. The commonest organism is haemophilus influenza type one.
b. 'ccure mainly in children age bet#een ()* years
c. Usually hosness of voice started fe# hours later
d. +irect laryngoscopy befor induction of endotracheal tube
e. +ysphagia developed follo#ing by refusal of oral food
55- %#mphoma of the orophar#nx on of the following is true
a. $ost cases are Hodgkin,s
b. The -) cell is the commonest cell of origin
c. -urkitt,s lymphoma is associated #ith the heres simplex virus.
d. &nvestigations should include exploratory
e. %omplete surgical excision is the treatment of choice
5&- 'enier(s s#ndrome has "een associated with all of the following except
a. 'tosyphilis
b. !coustic neuroma
c. autoimmune disease
d. /iral labyrinthitis
e. "ardener,s syndrome
5)- In * #ear old child with "ilateral conducti+e deafness, the diagnosis is :
a. glue ear
b. 'tosclerosis
c. tympanosclerosis
d. bilateral atresia of auditory canal
e. 0pace occupying lesion
5*- ,he commonest casue of acute maxillar# sinusitis is :
a. 0taphylococcus 1pidermis
b. strept viridans
c. 0rept Peneumonia
d. H. influenza
e. 0taphylococcus aueruis
5-- Regarding septal haematomas, one of the following is true
a. 0eptal haematomas are usually traumatic in origin
b. a septal abscess is al#ays secondary to septal aematoma.
c. Unilateral nasal obstruction is the commonest symptom
d. they are likely to resolve spontaneously #ithout complication
e. Treatment is conservative unless an abscess develops.
&. / !ll of the following are contraindication to ear s#ringing except one :
a. Previous ear surgery
b. $eniere,s disease
c. young children
d. History of chronic otitis media
e. history of otitis externa follo#ing previous syringing
&1- 0omplications of suppurati+e otitis media one of the following is false:
a. these include a retropharyngeal abscess
b. they involve the middle carnial fossa
c. %omplication may give a positive tobe 2 ayer test
d. They are more likely to give rise to otogenic intracranial hypertension #ith
the left ear
e. %omplication may be confused #ith mumps
&2- 1titis media with effusion ( secretor# otitis media) the following are true
except one :
a. &s most prevalent in the first decade life
b. 1ustachian tube dysfunction is an important aetiolgoical factor
c. this more likely in the presence of large infected adnoid
d. passive smoking dose play a role
e. -acterial infection is unlikely to play any role. because the effusion is sterile
&- !cute mastoiditis, all of the following are true except :
a. This is most common in young children
b. ! postaruicular s#elling #ith anterior displacement of the pinna is the
commonest presenting sign
c. 0aggin of the posterosuperior meatal #all is an important diagnostic sign
d. Parenteral antibiotics should be given only after culture and sensitivity
e. 0urgery . normally a simple cortical mastoidectomy. is ecessary if a
subperiosteal abscess has formed
&$- 'alignant otitis external , all of the following are true except one :
a. The causative agent is usually pseudomonas aeruginosa
b. The parotid gland is involved by direct extension of disease
c. ! purulent discharge coming through a tympanic performation is commonly
d. ! urinalysis is indicated
e. ! gradenigo syndrome may result
&5- clinical examination of the ear , one of the following is not true :
a. The normal tympanic membrane is blue in colour
b. $obility of the eardrum can be assessed #ith siegles speculum
c. the pars flaccidia is also kno#n clinically as the attic
d. Pneumatic otoscopy is helpful in differentiating a perforation from a
retraction pocket
e. 1xamination of the nasopharyngeal end of the 1ustachian tube should be
routine in the presence of an effusion .
&&- 0ongenital choanal atresia, one of the following is true :
a. this is most commonly a membranous closure
b. &t is most commonly bilateral
c. &t occurus more often in females
d. &t unilateral . it tends to present late #ith persistent #atery rhinorrhoea
e. 3asal discharge is thin and tenacious
&)- 2oreign "odies in the nose3 !ll of the following are false except :
a. these usually present in adult life.
b. 1pistaxis is the commonest clinical feature.
c. 3on 2 organic materials cause more tissue than organic
d. ! bead should be removed #ith non 2tooth dissecting forceps
e. "eneral anaesthetic is often re4uired in children
&*- Inflammation of the external nose, all the following are true except one:
a. 5urunculosis arises from a staphylococcal infection of a pilosebaceous
follicle in the vestibule .
b. %avernous sinus thrombosis may complicate furnuculosis
c. Painful fissures occur in chronic vestibulitis
d. 1rysipelas is an acute. spreading staphylococcal dermatitis
e. !cne rosacea may progress to rhinophyma
&-- !cute infecti+e sinusitis, one of the following is true
a. Pain is limited to the area overlying the affected sinus
b. $ucopurulent nasal discharge is necessary to make the diagnosis
c. There is initially reduced mucosal glandular secretion
d. 'edema of the overlying tissues is commoner in children
e. !n empyema is a collection of seromucinous fluid in the sinus.
).- !etiolog# of allergic rhinitis, all of the following are true except :
a. &t is often familial
b. &g1 is the reaginic antibody
c. coexisting asthma or eczema implies atopy
d. &nhaled allergens are the commonest trigger factor
e. !sirin gives relief by reducing the inflammatory reaction
)1- %esion of the sciatic ner+e causes all of the following 4xcept one :
a. 6eakness in the abduction of the thigh
b. ankle reflex intact
c. Loss of the knee reflex
d. Loss of sensation belo# the knee
e. !n inability to stand on the heels of the affected foot
)2- 052 otorrhoea occurs in trauma to :
a. Parietal bone
b. %ribriform plate
c. Petrous temporal bone
d. tympanic membrane
e. 'ccipital bone
)- !cute tonsillitis, one of the following is true :
a. Peak incidence is in the 7) 8 years ago group
b. ! preceding viral infection of the upper respiratory tract is a predisposing
c. The alpha haemolytic streptococcus is the commonest bacterial cause
d. 1nlargement of the 9uglodigastric lymph nodes is rarely seen except in
glandular fever.
e. &nfectious mononucleosis : glandular fever; . the absolute lymphocyte
count is reduced
)$- 0hronic non- specific phar#ngitis, all of the following are true except
a. this is associated #ith smoking
b. &t is exacerbated by chronic bronchitis
c. Lymphoid hypertrophy is seen in some cases
d. Tonsillectomy is the treatment of choice
e. The patient should be discouraged to clear the throat regularly.
)5- 6uins#, all of the following are true except :
a. this is defined as a peritonsillar abscess
b. &t is commonest in young adults
c. the pus lies in the space bet#een the superior constrictor muscle and the
carotid sheath
d. Trismus and dribbling are clinical features
e. Treatment consist of systemic antibiotics and drainage

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