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Why should 2265 years old Archimedes, 327 years old NEWTON and 107
years old Einstein be modiied!
Thinking ahead of Archimedes, Newton and Einstein
This document contains THREE interviews with Ajay Sharma on Generalization
of 2265 years old Archimedes Principle, Newton s law, !instein "s mass ener#y
e$uation !%mc
& Ajay Sharma is author of 'oo( Beyond Newton and
Archimedes, pu'lished from )am'rid#e, !n#land *in(
The 'oo(s costs nearly +s& 5,,,, a'raod 'ut -ndian su'continent edition is cheaper
. +s /0,1!"1/re#$sr%1%1&
2is 'oo( 3eyond !instein and !%mc
will 'e pu'lished in 4uly 2,56& 2e is author
of 65 research papers in international journals includin# S)-7! journals& 2e has
'een in8ited to o8er 95 conferences , and presented his papers in :SA and
-nter8iew on #eneralization of Archimedes principle .; 5< 1 pp& 576
-nter8iew on #eneralization of Newtons laws .; 61 pp& 676
-nter8iew on #eneralization of !insteins !%mc
.; 521 pp& 0755
Ajay Sharma =o'& /6596 5,9// , !mail ajay&p$rs>#mail&com
?e'site www&Ajay@n*ine&us
Conversation with Ajay Sharma on generalization of 2265 years old
Archimedes Principle
Q1 !ho was Archimedes" !hat is his principle in simple words"
Ajay Sharma# Archimedes was an ancient Geek mathematician, engineer and
scientist of Syracuse.
According to Archimedes principle when body is immersed in fluid (water) , its
weight decreases . The decrease in weight is eual to weight of the water
displaced by body from the pot. !t is the oldest established principle of science i.e.
""#$ years old.
Q2 !hat are limitations of applications of Archimedes principle"
Ajay Sharma# The applications of Archimedes principle are based upon the
euations . The mathematical euations based on Archimedes principle became
feasible after 1%&$ years when 'ewton published the law of gra(itation in 1#)$
(defined g ).The euations were written for weight and upthrust .
'ow the principle is used ualitati(ely to e*plain the state of rising, falling and
floating bodies.
Q$ !hat are limitations of the principle" !hat is the main reason for these"
Ajay Sharma # According to Archimedes principle the S+A,- of body (spherical,
umbrella shaped, flat, twisted, long pipe shaped etc.) has no role to play at all, it is
prediction of Archimedes principle. Archimedes principle does not account for the
S+A,- of body, it is the .!GG-ST limitation.
Thus according to the principle only density of body and density medium are two
factors which are significant in this regard. The other factors such as shape of body
are completely insignificant.
/onsider a body of gold (density 1%.&"gm0cc) of any shape (spherical,
umbrella shaped, flat, twisted, long pipe shaped etc.) may be of mass 1mgm or
1kg. According to Archimedes principle the state of body should be same in all
cases, as all other factors (e*cept densities) are insignificant.
Q% &ow the limitations of Archimedes principle can 'e (nderstood in case of
falling 'odies "
Ajay Sharma 1 According predictions based upon Archimedes principle the bodies
of gold of different shapes (spherical, umbrella shaped, flat, twisted, long pipe
shaped etc.) must fall eual distances in eual inter(als of time. .ut the spherical
body falls uickly than twisted or umbrella shaped. The body may weigh 1mgm or 1
uintal or different. The hea(iness of body has no role to play, but this obser(ation is
contradictory to e*periments.
2.$ &ow the limitations of Archimedes principle can 'e (nderstood in case of
rising 'odies "
Ajay Sharma# The small pieces of wood (lighter than water) or big logs of wood
(whose densities are eual ), will rise through eual distances in eual inter(als of
time in water. .ut the big log of wood rises slowly compared to small pieces. .ut it is
again contradiction from Archimedes principle.
2.# &ow the limitations of Archimedes principle can 'e (nderstood in case of
floating 'odies "
Ajay Sharma # According to the principle the body floats when density of body is
eual to density of medium. According to initial obser(ations , if the body is
umbrella shaped then it can float e(en if its density is more than that of medium. !n
"31" , a paper is published in the 4ournal 5Soft 6atter7 pages 811"9811$ published
by )oyal Society of Chemistry * +ondon by !talian scientists :oberto ,ia;;a and
According to the paper e*perimentally small particles of gold can float in
lighter medium. !t implies that denser particles can float in lighter medium. !t is
contradictory to Archimedes principle. <!'=
Q, &ow to remove the limitations of Archimedes principle"
Ajay Sharma # ""#$ years old Archimedes principle is generali;ed to e*plain the
limitations. An additional coefficient comes in picture of the generali;ed form of the
principle . !t is called the coefficient of proportionality. !t takes in account S+A,- @A
.@BC and other factors. This coefficient does not occur in the original form of
Archimedes principle.
:egarding this paper was sent to -ditor at ,ennsyl(ania State Dni(ersity, DSA
and -ditor appointed ,rofessor ,rasad =hastgir of .anaras +indu Dni(ersity ,
Earanasi as referee for e(aluation of paper. After critical analysis and
correspondences for one year ,rofessor =hastgir recommended the paper for
publication and it has been published from <ondon. This 4ournals is now owned by
Q- .n yo(r 'oo/ 0eyond 1ewton and Archimedes and in research papers yo(
have mentioned a'o(t mathematical limitations of Archimedes principle
23plain it
Ajay Sharma Archimedes principle is also used to calculate the e*ternal or internal
(olumes of floating bodies. !t can be done with help of mathematical euations. <et
material filled in balloon is "33cc. Dnder one particular condition the (olume of
material filled in balloon becomes !'B-T-:6!'AT- (303). !t is not 4ustified.
!f the generali;ed form Archimedes principle is used then we get e*act
(olume E ("33cc). Thus the generali;ed form is 4ustified. This is paper is published
in !nternational 4ournal of Aluid mechanics :esearch , at (olume &) pages FFF9FF%.
The 4ournal is published by .egel +ouse in DSA. <ink
Q4 !hat scientists thin/ a'o(t the generalization of 2265 years old
Archimedes principle
Ajay Sharma # After appro(al of e*perts in field of fluid dynamics the papers ha(e
been published in internationals 4ournal published from DSA and -ngland. <ikewise
my book7 0eyond 1ewton and Archimedes5 is published. !t discusses Archimedes
principle and its applications with details. The scientists ha(e recommended right
ideas , support of Go(t. of !ndia is reuired for e*periments.
Q16 !hat is the stat(s of the oldest esta'lished principle "
Ajay Sharma # Aor final confirmation of generali;ation some serious discussion with
scientists is reuired. @nly Go(t of !ndia through its some scientific body can initiate
the chain reaction. Also some e*periments are reuired for those /ouncil of
Scientific and !ndustrial :esearch and its associate 'ational ,hysical <aboratory,
'ew Belhi has gi(en permission for e*periments. Aor this funds are reuired.
So from my end home work is complete . ! pray 6ahamim :astrapati Sh. ,ranab
6ukher4ee 4i , hon7ble ,rime 6inister 'arinder .hai 6odi 4i and hon7ble /hief
6inister Sh. Eirbhadra Singh 4i, to help in this pursuit for the sake of pride of 1"$
crore !ndians.
Q 11 &ow long it will ta/e yo( to convince the world a'o(t limitations of 2265
years old Archimedes Principle "
Ajay Sharma # !t can be within one and half to two months.
Go(t should form a committee of scientists (may be from colleges , Dni(ersities and
research centers from Go(t and pri(ate institutions) . ! will gi(e the members my
paper , let these be studied by them for &3 days. Then they will gi(e their ob4ections
and ! will reply within 8 days.
Aurthermore uestions can be taken up before seminar.
Thus only those people will participate who know the sub4ect and concepts. The
seminar can be (ideo recorded and /Bs or files can be sent to all o(er !ndia for
further comments. !t will ha(e little cost than our 6ars programs which may touch
:s. 1,333 crores.
0eyond 1ewton and Archimedes
Q 1 !ho was Sir .saac 1ewton" !hat for he is /nown"
Ajay Sharma # Sir !saac 'ewton is the greatest scientist of the world. +e is mainly
known for <aws of 6otion and <aw of Dni(ersal Gra(itation. !n 1#)8, he wrote the
,rincipia which initiated or originated ,hysics. .ut it was beginning not end.
<ink for 'ewton7s ,rincipia (1#)8)
Q 2 7o( have written in the 'oo/* 80eyond 1ewton and Archimedes5 that
1ewton did not give second law of motion
Ajay Sharma # Cou look at te*tbook of science of %
class and page 1% of the
,rincipia. @ne finds that the second law which 'ewton ga(e in the ,rincipia is not
taught now. Lhat is taught now was not gi(en by 'ewtonG
!n the ,rincipia after definition of second law of motion 'ewton has
e*plained the law. !n this e*planation 'ewton has not gi(en any mathematical
euation. Scientists agree without reading the ,rincipia that 'ewton has gi(en
euation force (A) H mass (m) * acceleration(a). The definition of the euation is
regarded as second law of motion. !t is simply ignorance, this euation (A Hma) is
not at all mentioned in the ,rincipia. !t is also clear from the Stanford 2ncyclopedia
of Philosophy* that law which is being taught as 'ewton7s second law but was not
gi(en by him. All facts are clearly stated and e*plained, there can be no bigger
limitation than this. <ink
Q$ 9o si3 'illion people of the world not /now the tr(th" :he law which is
/nown as 1ewton5s second law of motion was not given 'y 1ewton
Ajay Sharma# Some may be, some may not be. +uge efforts are reuired to break
scientific inertia, and get right ideas introduced in te*tbooks. !n 18$3 Swiss
mathematician put forth euation Aorce (A) H " mass (m) * acceleration (a) i.e. A
H"ma. Arom here -uler speculated AHma by di(iding right hand side by ". <ike this
euation AHma was obtained. !t is called 'ewton7s second law of motion, without
any logic.
.ut 'ewton neither mentioned this euation nor definition of second law of motion
based on it. Lhate(er definition was gi(en by 'ewton, is completely ignored by
scientists. !t is not taught at any stage. The second law of motion as gi(en in the
5,rincipia7 is regarded as untouchable. !t is not right.
Q% ;< we agree Swiss mathematician 2(lar gave =>ma ?which is called
1ewton5s second law of motion5 @ 0(t who attri'(ted or credited it to 1ewton"
Ajay Sharma# This is the biggest riddle of science. -ular died in 18)&. ,erhaps after
this -ular7s euation AHma was regarded as 'ewton7s law. +ad it been done in
-uler7s time or known to -ular , he would ha(e ob4ected. The group of scientists who
credited this to 'ewton, ha(e inadeuate knowledge of the ,rincipia . The situation
would be clear if history of science in 1%
century is completely and clearly studied.
!t should be done creating a specific pro4ect purposely. All books of the basic
physics written between 18$3 and 1)"$ must be looked carefully.
Q 5 1ow let (s ta/e ne3t A(estion .n yo(r 'oo/ 80eyond 1ewton and
Archimedes 8 yo( have pointed o(t a serio(s limitation of = >ma
Ajay Sharma 1 The serious limitation of the euation AHma is that under one
particular condition mass of body becomes indeterminate (303). There can be no
bigger limitation than this.
The mass of body is ratio of force (A) and acceleration (a). According to 'ewton7s
first law of motion if a body mo(es with uniform (elocity ( initial (elocity Hfinal
(elocity) , then no force (A) is reuired to mo(e the body. !f (elocity of body is
uniform ((Hu) i.e. acceleration is ;ero (aH3), then it can be maintained without any
force (AH3). Dnder this feasible condition (A H3, aH3), the mass becomes
indeterminate i.e.
m H
Dnder this condition it is absolutely wrong. Thus limitations of euation must be
accepted by scientists, in (iew of scientific logic.
Q 6 !hat is 1ewton5s :hird +aw of Botion" .n yo(r 'oo/ 0eyond 1ewton and
Archimedes* why did yo( generalize it"
Ajay Sharma# According to 'ewton7s third law of motion,
5to e(ery action there is eual and opposite reaction.7
<et us throw a ball from the distance of $m on the wall. The ball comes to
original position after striking. Thus action and reaction are eual and opposite,
hence third law of motion is correct. !f likewise we throw the cloth ball on the wall,
then it returns to distance of & m. Thus action and reaction are not eual. !n this
case (cloth ball) the third law of motion is not correct.
Thus according to generali;ed form of 'ewton7s third law,
5to e(ery action there is opposite reaction but may or may not be eual.7
The law can be understood by inelastic collisions.
Q , According to mathematical calc(lations of the mass of earth is 6316
Can it change"
Ajay Sharma # !n practical way the earth has not been weighed. The mass of earth
is based on indirect calculations, and mathematical euation is 6 Hg:
Thus to determine mass of earth, acceleration due to gra(ity (g) is reuired. g can
be measured by many methods. !ts (alue is %.)m0s
. !t can be measured with
mercury barometer. !t reuires 1m tube. !nstead of mercury, water barometer can be
used. !t reuires 1"m glass tube. !n case acceleration due to gra(ity is found
different from %.)m0s
, then mass of earth can be different. So far in &81 years old
history of barometers, water barometer is ne(er formed. This e*periment can be
done in college ground and may initially cost :s "$,333 to :s. $3,333.
A4ay Sharma 6obile %F1)F $3)%% -mail
book Beyond Newton and !chimedes
1. !"0 #ears $ld %ristotle&s %ssertion 'e(alidated b) *to+es ,aw
. -onstruction of .ater/ 0l)cerine
and Eth)l %lcohol 1arometers
!. %rchimedes Principle: The $ldest Established ,aw
2. The 0enerali3ed 4orm of %rchimedes Principle
5. Prediction of 6ndeterminate 4orm $f 7olume 4rom
". %rchimedes Principle 6s *to+es ,aw %pplicable for 'ising 1odies8
9. ,imitation of E:isting Theories and an %lternate Theor) of 'ising/ 4alling and 4loating
;. 'oute to <ewton&s ,aws of =otion
9. E:perimental -onfirmations of E>uations of -onser(ation ,aws in Elastic -ollisions
10. Elastic -ollisions in $ne ?imension and <ewton&s Third ,aw of =otion

Part ..
0eyond 2instein and 2>mc

.nterview with Ajay Sharma regarding inadeA(acies of massCenergy interC
conversion eA(ation 2>mc

Q1 !ho was 2instein " !hat for he is /nown"
Ajay Sharma# -instein was German scientist. <ater on he became American citi;en
and known for theory of relati(ity primarily . German scientists 6a* ,lanck and Stark
pointed out that -instein7s disco(ery of - Hmc
e*isted earlier in scientific literature.
!n "33" American historian of science /hristopher .i4erkness in his book
5-instein 1The ,lagiarist of /entury7 accused -instein of stealing scientific contents
of other scientists. +owe(er Time 6aga;ine honored Albert -instein as ,erson of
/entury lea(ing 6ahatama Gandhi at second place. -instein got 'obel ,ri;e in
Q2 !as 2instein the father of Atom 0om'"
Ajay Sharma1 -instein may ha(e not gone to the laboratory in /hicago where atom
bomb was prepared. -instein signed a letter written by e*perimentalist S;ilard which
was gi(en to ,resident :oose(elt and 6anhattan ,ro4ect ( to form atom bomb) was
established. Thus atom bomb was prepared. -instein7s euation -Hmc
is used to
e*plain the energy emitted ualitati(ely.
Q$ !hat are limitations of 2>mc
* yo( have pointed o(t in yo(r 'oo/ 0eyond
2instein and 2>mc
and research papers"
Ajay Sharma # This paper was published in German 4ournal Annalen der ,hysik ,
which was neither international nor peer re(iewed in 1%3$. At that time none of the
scientists re(iewed it. Lhate(er -instein wrote, was published. ! ha(e critically
analy;ed the paper which should ha(e been done 13% years before.
Q % !hat is the theme of 2instein5s research paper"
Ajay Sharma# -instein in his research paper considered a luminous body emitting
light energy. Thus -instein deri(ed light energy mass euation < Hmc
. !t implies that
when light energy is emitted its mass decreases. !n other words the mass is
con(erted to light energy.
Q 5 !hat is the mista/e committed 'y 2instein f(rther "
Ajay Sharma# -instein deri(ed the light energy mass euation < Hmc
. Then in a
pure speculation (without any scientific logic) -instein generali;ed < Hmc
to - Hmc
(- 1 e(ery energy). +ere < was replaced by -. Such guess work is not (alid in
Q 6 !hat is the scientific anomaly in generalization of + >mc
from 2>mc
Ajay Sharma# The nature and mathematical euation of light energy are far different
from sound energy, heat energy, chemical energy, electrical energy , nuclear
energy, in(isible energy , cosmological energy etc. The burning of paper and
annihilation of electron9positron pair are different processes. Thus for e(ery process
the euation must be different, as inherent characteristics are different. Thus
-instein7s deductions are unilateral and unscientific.
Q , &ow according to yo(r research paper the mathematical derivation of
light energy Dmass eA(ation +>mc
is incorrect"
Ajay Sharma # !n -instein7s deri(ation there are four (ariables . The number of light
wa(es, magnitude of energy of light wa(e, angles formed by rays of light and
(elocity of measuring system.
(i) Lhile deri(ing < Hmc
-instein has taken special or handpicked (alues of
(ariables. Aor e*ample, body emits only two wa(es, the magnitudes of energy of
wa(es are eA(al , the wa(es are emitted in opposite directions and velocity v is
in classical region ((NNc). The euation <Hmc
is only formed under abo(e
conditions only.
(ii) !f the abo(e mentioned (alues of (ariable are not taken in the deri(ation then
contradictory results are obtained.
(a) Lhen luminous body emits light energy , then its mass must !'/:-AS-. Aor
e*ample if a candle is lit , then while emitting light energy its mass must also
increase and must continuing emitting light energy fore(er. Thus perpetual energy
machine is possible.
(b) Dnder some conditions we also get the following results. The body must keep on
emitting energy while mass remains the same. Thus energy is emitted from the
cipher or (oid. !t is contradiction of law of conser(ation of matter. !n the -instein7s
deri(ation sometimes euation < Hmc
is not obtained.
(c) -instein7s deri(ation also leads to self contradictory results in many cases. Thus
there are numerous and serious mistakes in the deri(ation. These are discussed in
paper published in ,hysics -ssays. <ink
Q- !hich eA(ation is given 'y yo( instead of 2 >mc
Ajay Sharma# ! ha(e gi(en an alternate euation d-HAc
dm. +ere A is coefficient of
proportionality . According to new or generali;ed euation d-HAc
dm, the energy
emitted can be eual, less or more than -Hmc
Q4 2very eA(ation is incomplete witho(t applications So what are
applications of d2>Ac
Ajay Sharma# !n many e*periments -Hmc
is not confirmed but regarded as true.
(i) @n 11 Bec. 1%$1, Sir I B /ockcroft in 'obel <ecture claimed that in 1%&"
e*periment - Hmc
is confirmed. Lhen ! checked the mathematical calculations
then de(iation was found 13O. !t would ha(e been significant e(en if de(iation
would ha(e been 13
O. There is no pri;e bigger than 'obel ,ri;e, it is our duty to
maintain its grace and sanctity. This issue has been highlighted in the paper
published in international 4ournal ,hysics -ssays. <ink
!t is stressed that Sir /ockcroft7s e*periment to be repeated again which is beyond
my control.
(ii) <ike this 'obel <ecture was also gi(en by @tto +ahn on 1& Bec. 1%F#, @tto
+ahn did not state anything about fission of D9"&$. !t is clearly stated in the
literature that @tto +ahn was first to cause fission of D9"&$, barium and krypton
were the products in the reaction. !t is also stated that -Hmc
was found correct in
the reaction. .ut +ahn did not mention at all in the 'obel <ecture about this. Le
need to critically analy;e this issue. <ink
(iii) !t is nearly F3 years old obser(ation in the literature in fission of D9"&$ and ,u9
"&% the energy emitted in fission was found "39F3 6eE less. !n e*plosions of atom
bombs at +iroshima and 'agasaki , it is belie(ed that -Hmc
was completely
obeyed but it is only ualitati(ely 4ustified. Lhere -Hmc
is not found correct, in
those cases d-HAc
dm can be used. !t e*plains the e*perimental obser(ations with
(alue of A different than one.
Q 16 &ow d2>Ac
dm can 'e applied in n(clear physics"
Ajay Sharma# (i) Airstly let us consider e*ample of deuteron ( nucleus of hea(y
hydrogen). !t has two characteristics, firstly the mass of neutron and proton must be
uni(ersally same (uni(ersal euality of mass of protons and neutrons). Secondly
that to break deuteron binding energy is reuired. This energy is ".""6eE.
!f mass of neutron and proton is measured with help of -Hmc
then binding
energy cannot be e*plained. <ike this if binding energy is e*plained the masses of
protons and neutrons are different. Thus contradictory results are obtained. .oth the
established e*perimental obser(ations can be e*plained at the same time.
!f d-HAc
dm is applied here then both the obser(ations are successfully
e*plained. The reason is that in this euation coefficient of proportionality A is
6@:- than unity.
(ii) !n this regard second e*ample is about nuclear chain reaction (fission). !n fission
of Dranium9"&$ secondary neutrons are emitted. They mo(e with (elocity
comparable to speed of light. Thus their mass must increase. .ut in the calculations
of energy scientists take lesser mass than actual mass. Thus in this case prediction
is more energy than it should ha(e been. !t is wrong.
!f correct mass is taken then lesser energy will be predicted and can be
e*plained with help of d-HAc
dm, in this case (alue of A is less than one. This
paper is accepted for presentation in 8 2$
Conference on applications
Accelerators in )esearch and .nd(stry 5 to be held in Te*as, DSA. !t signifies its
Q 11 7o( have a new theory of creation of (niverse !hat it is"
Ajay Sharma# At present .ig .ang theory of uni(erse is used. According to this
uni(erse was created in a big e*plosion. At that time uni(erse was of the si;e of
atom and was infinitely dense and hot. 'ow ne*t uestion is how whole uni(erse
reduced to si;e of atomG
! ha(e replied this uestion in new theory of creation of uni(erse,
which is based on d-HAc
dm. According to this uni(erse was created from 5;eroans7
( particles of ;ero mass). The ;eroans were con(erted to the 5prime(al pulse of
energy 7 and nascent mass was created from the pulse. This nascent mass was in
super acti(e state and changed to (arious types of energies (predominantly to
gra(itational energy) and mass. The magnitude of mass grew and contracted due to
gra(itational energy. Bue to e*cessi(e compression the repulsi(e force was
created and in due course of time and e*plosion took place. Lhole the theory is
mathematical and based upon d-HAc
Q12 2instein5s critics 'lame him for presenting the scientific facts ?witho(t
mentioning names of inventors@ as his own which were already present 'efore
1465 .s it tr(e"
Ajay Sharma# 72S* -instein simply presented and published them first of in un9
re(iewed German 4ournal and got the credit of disco(ery. ! ha(e drawn attention of
the scientific community towards this in my book 80eyond 2instein and 2>mc
The origin of theory of relati(ity is based on the contributions of Galileo Galilee (first
postulate, in 1%&" in the book Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems),
+enry ,oincare (second postulate, 1)%) The 6easure of Time ), +enri Antoon
<orent; (mathematical basis of (arious phenomena) , Ioseph <armor (time
dilation,1)%8), George Ait;Gerald (length contraction,1))%) etc. So the significant
phenomena were defined 'efore 2instein5s E(ne 1465 paper !n 1%1" Lilhelm
Lien nominated +enri <orent; and -instein for 'obel ,ri;e of relati(ity, but pri;e
was ne(er awarded. ! ha(e drawn attention of the scientific community towards this
in my book 5.eyond -instein and -Hmc
.7 !t may ha(e nearly $33 pages and will be
published in Iuly "31F, it is press ( -uropean and American ).
! ha(e sent my work to o(er 1,333 !ndian physicists (ha(ing doctoral degree or
abo(e) with +D6.<- :-2D-ST on comment of the papers0book with names,
signatures, designations etc. The comments without identity ! find meaningless. Also
one can directly write to -ditors as this work is published in international 4ournals
P%rticles in this @ournal are inde:ed and abstracted in -urrent -ontents/Ph)sical/ -hemical/
and Earth *ciences/ 6*6 %lerting *er(ice/ *cience -itation 6nde:-E:panded A*-6EB including
the .eb of *cience/ as well as in *ci7erse *copus. The @ournal is also included in the
'esearch %lert *er(ice/ -hemical %bstract *er(ice/ and *-6*E%'-C online database.D
These two papers are attached.
6s EEFmc

mathematicall) deri(ed or speculated in EinsteinGs

*eptember 1905 paper8
Bid the /ockcroftQLalton e*periment really confirm
-instein7s EEFmc

first of allG
A4ay Sharma 6obile %F1)F $3)%% -mail

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