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Austin, J.: How To Do Things With Words;
Bakhtin, Mihail: Stvaralatvo F. Raelaisa i narodna kultura srednjega vijeka i renesanse (1965.);
Berkhofer, Robert: !e"ond the #reat Stor"$ Histor" as Te%t and Dis&ourse (1995.)
Bloch, Marc: Feudalno drutvo (1936.); 'riginalna oilje(ja )ran&uske agrarne povijesti (1931.);
*raljevski dodir; +pologija historije ili ,anat histori-ara$
Braudel, Fernand: Sredo,emlje i sredo,emni svijet u doa Filipa .. (1949.); /aterijalna &ivili,a&ija
i kapitali,am od 01. do 02. stolje3a;
Burckhardt, Jacob: *ultura renesanse u .taliji (1860.);
Butler, Judith: 4evolje s rodom
Bynum, aroline: Hol" Feast and Hol" Fast (1987.);
hakrabarty, !ipesh: Provin&iali,ing 5urope$ Post&olonial Thought and Histori&al Di))eren&e
haunu, Pierre: Trgova-ki promet na +tlantiku; 6ivili,a&ija klasi-ne 5urope;
orbin, Alain: *3eri no3i. Seksualnost i prostitu&ija u Fran&uskoj u 07. stolje3u (1978.);
rosby, Alfred ".: 5&ologi&al .mperialism. The !iologi&al 5%pansion o) 5urope8 799:0799 (1986.);
!arnton, Robert: ;eliki pokolj ma-aka (1984.);
!elort, Robert i "alter, Fran#ois: Povijest europskog okolia
!errida, Jac$ues: ' gramatologiji;
!iamond, Jared M.: #uns8 #erms and Steel. The Fates o) Human So&ieties (1998.);
%delman, Murray: Politika kao ritual; *onstruk&ija politi-kog spektakla;
%lias, &orbert: ' pro&esu &ivili,a&ije (1939.);
%rikson, %rik: <oug /an =uther (1958.);
Fanon, Fran': 6rna ko(a8 ijele maske (1952.);
Feb(re, )ucien: Prolem nevjerovanja u 0>. stolje3u$ Raelaiseova vjera;
Fo*el, Robert ".: Railwa"s and +meri&an 5&onomi& #rowth (1964.);
Foster, John: 6lass Struggle in the .ndustrial Revolution (1974.);
Foucault, Michel: Historija ludila u klasi-no doa (1961.); 4ad,or i ka,na (1975.); Historija
seksualnosti (1974.);
+ambles, Anne: Prote&tion and Politi&s$ 6onservative 5&onomi& Dis&ourse 0201.:021?.;
+eor*es !uby: Tri reda ili .maginarij )eudali,ma; ;ite,8 (ena8 sve3enik;
+in'bur*, arlo: Sir i &rvi (1989.);
+olds,orthy, -esna: .,miljanje Ruritanije. .mperijali,am mate (2000.);
+reenblatt, .tephen: Renaissan&e Sel):Fashioning$ From /ore to Shakespeare (1980.);
+riffiths, /om, Se&rets o) the Forest$ Dis&overing Histor" in /elourne@s +sh Range (1992.);
+uha, Rana0it: 5lementar" +spe&ts o) Peasant .nsurgen&" in 6olonial .ndia (1983.);
1auser, Arnold: So&ijalna povijest umjetnosti (1951.);
1enri, )ouis: Rekonstruk&ija oitelji na temelju (upnih mati&a;
1ill, ristopher: The 5nglish Revolution 0>A9.;
1obsba,m, %ric: Doa revolu&ija; Doa kapitala;
1ui'in*a, Johan: Besen srednjeg vijeka (1919.); Homo ludens
1unt, )yn: Politi&s8 6ulture and 6lass in the Fren&h Revolution (1984.); 4ova kulturna historija;
Joyce, Patric: Demo&rati& Suje&ts (1995.);
23ster, 1ans04r*: Povijest ume (2003.);
)abrousse, %rnest: 4a&rt kretanja &ijena i prihoda u Fran&uskoj 02. stolje3a;
)aapra, !ominick: Rethinking .ntelle&tual Histor"$ Te%ts8 6onte%ts8 =anguage (1983.);
)e +off, Jac$ues: Srednjovjekovni imaginarij; RoCenje -istilita;
)e Roy )adurie, %mmanuel: /ontaillou;
)efeb(re, +eor*es: ;eliki strah;
)yotard, Jean Fran#ois: Postmoderno stanje;
Merchant, arolyn: 5&ologi&al Revolutions$ 4ature8 #ender8 and S&ien&e in 4ew 5ngland (1989.);
5arth&are$ Women and the 5nvironment (1996.);
Mill, John .tuart: Sistem logike$ logi-ko ,aklju-ivanje i induk&ija;
Montrose, )ouis: The Purpose o) Pla"ing$ Shakespeare and the 6ultural Politi&s o) the 5li,aethan
Theatre (1996.);
Moore Jr., Barrin*ton: So&ial 'rigins o) Di&tatorship and Demo&ra&" (1966.);
Muldre,, rai*: The 5&onom" o) 'ligation$ The 6ulture o) 6redit and So&ial Relations in 5arl"
/odern 5ngland (1998.);
&amier, )e,is: Stru&ture o) Politi&s at the +&&ession o) #eorge ....;
&ye, Robert: /as&ulinit" and /ale 6odes o) Honor in /odern Fran&e (1992);
5sterhammel, J3r*en: Historijska ,nanost s onu stranu na&ionalne dr(ave. Studije o historiji ve,a i
&ivili,a&ijskim poredama (2001.);
Panofsky, %r,in: #oti-ka arhitektura i sholastika (1951.);
Passerini, )uisa: Fas&ism in Popular /emor". The 6ultural 5%perien&e o) the Turin Working 6lass
Pateman, arole: Spolni ugovor;
Perkins Marsh, +eor*e: /an and 4ature (Dovjek i priroda);
Pocock, J.+.A: The /a&hiavellian /oment$ Florentine Politi&al Thought and the +tlanti&
Repuli&an Tradition (1975.);
Pratt, Mary )ouise: .mperial 5"es$ Travel Writing and Trans&ulturation (1992.);
Purkiss, !iane: Wit&h in Histor". 5arl" /odern and =ate Twentieth 6entur" Representations
Radkau, Joachim: Priroda i mo3 (2000.);
Riley, !enise: +m . That 4ameE Feminism and te 6ategor" o) @Women@in Histor" (1988.);
Roper, )yndal: 'edipus and the Devil. Wit&h&ra)t8 Se%ualit" and Religion in 5arl" /odern 5urope
.aid, %d,ard: 'rijentali,am (1979.);
.aussure, Ferdinand de: Te-aj op3e lingvistike;
.chama, .imon: =ands&ape and /emor" (1995.); Dead 6ertainties (1997.)
.kinner, 6uentin: Foundations o) /odern Politi&al Thought (1978.);
.kocpol, /heda: States and So&ial Revolutions $ + 6omparative +nal"sis o) Fran&e8 Russia and
6hina (1979.);
/aylor, Miles: The De&line o) !ritish Radi&alism (1995.);
/homas, Paul: The ;oi&e From The Past$ 'ral Histor" (1978.);
/hompson, %d,ard P.: The /aking o) The 5nglish Working 6lass (1963.);
/illy, harles: 6oer&ion8 6apital8 and 5uropean States8 +D 779:0779 (1990.);
/odoro(a, Maria: .maginarni !alkan (1999.);
(an !3lmen, Richard; 'tkri3e individuuma (2005.);
-ansina, Jan: 'ral Tradition. + Stud" in Histori&al /ethodolog" (1965.);
-o(elle, Michel: !arokna poo(nost i dekristijani,a&ija u Provansi;
"allach .cott, Joan: Rod i politika povijesti
"allerstein, 7mmanuel: The /odern World:S"stem (1974.);
"hite, 1ayden: /etahistor" (1973.);
"illiams, Raymond: Duga revolu&ija (1961.);
"olfenstein, %. -ictor, The Revolutionar" Personalit" (1973.);
"orster, !onald: 4atureFs 5&onom"$ + Histor" o) 5&ologi&al .deas (1977.);
8emon !a(is, &atalie: Povratak /artina #uerrea (2001.);
5tto Brunner, "erner on'e, Reinhard 2oselleck - Temeljni historijski kon&epti. Historijski
leksikon politi-ko:so&ijalnog je,ika u 4jema-koj

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