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Avevano prenotato i voli senza avvertire i figli: un piccolo viaggio in Italia per loro due.

Alla fine Julian

lavrebbe finalmente portata a Venezia, arrivando con una nave dalla Sicilia. Era una promessa, il viaggio
che dovevano fare da sempre e per cui non cera mai stato tempo. Per la prima volta Julian riusciva a
lasciare i suoi affari e partire con lei per una vera vacanza in albergo, dopo oltre trentanni di matrimonio.
Lasciare i suoi affari era una bugia, perch da diversi anni quasi tutte le transazioni le faceva via internet e la
mattina presto, mentre lei dormiva, per unoretta si sarebbe comunque messo al computer. Il lavoro era la
sua tana, da sempre; gli piaceva essere quello che era nella professione e si sentiva protetto nella propria
Aveva intuito da studente le possibilit dellinformatica e aveva subito capito come sfruttarle
commercialmente. Lepoca digitale permetteva di copiare fedelmente tutto, musica e immagini, testi e
mappe, e Julian era diventato uno dei guru della nuova tecnologia. In alcuni casi aveva fatto degli errori
grossi: aveva a un certo punto comprato unintera stazione di autobus in America, convinto di aver fatto un
grande affare; invece ci aveva solo perso e alla fine era tornato ai computer, dove capiva il mercato.

They had booked the flights without advising the children: a little trip to Italy for themselves. In
the end Julian would finally take her to Venice coming with a ship from Sicily. It was a promise,
the trip that they must do all long and for which there had never been time. Julian would manage
to leave his affairs and go away for a real holiday with her in a hotel,after over thirty year of
To leave his affairs was a lie because for several years almost all his transactions were made by
internet and in the early morning, when she would sleep, for an hour he would put himself in the
computer anyway..His job was his nest (oppure home in senso figurato.?),alla long.He would like
to be who was in the profession and he would fell protected in his own ability.
He had gathered from student the possibilities of informatics and he had soon understood how
use them commercially.Digital era would let to copy all accurately ,music,images,texts and maps
and julian had became one of the guru of the new tecnology.In some cases he had made big
mistakes: at a certain point he had bought an entire bus station in America, certain to have done
a big affair; indeed he had only lost and at the end he came back to the computers where he
would understand the market.

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