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Ascended Master Kuthumi

12th Dimensional God/Goddess Consciousness Activation and Anchoring

22nd August 2006 - Avebury !ngland
Channelled through Michelle !lo''(
)his in'ormation may be shared $ith other sources on strict conditions
that no in'ormation is altered or deleted or used 'or monetary gain
and the source o' the in'ormation be ac*no$ledged%
)han*s to !li&abeth o' )ruth through )rinity 'or transcribing this
+lease note that reading this in'ormation $ill have an e''ect on you%
,ou $ill energetically be lin*ed $ith the Channeling being and a
similar "rocess 'acilitated $ith you% -t is not e.actly the same as
being in the "resence o' the channeling Master ho$ever the e''ects
are /ust as "o$er'ul% Do not concern yoursel' too much regarding time
lines given to the "artici"ants in the channeling% ,ou $ill be ta*en
through a similar one in accordance $ith your Divine +lan )iming 0
+ur"ose% All 1uestions 0 Ans$ers 'rom the session have been le't in
the transcri"t as $e have 'ound the ans$ers too have been o' great
bene'it to our readers%
- am Kuthumi and - come 'or$ard u"on the rays o' love and $isdom to
greet each o' you u"on this day and to bring unto you blessings o'
truth trust 'aith and tem"erance% Greetings beloved ones%
Greetings Master Kuthumi%
And it is $ith great /oy and "leasure in our hearts that $e may gather
$ith each o' you u"on this day as $e hold you 'irmly $ithin the heart
o' Christ and securely u"on the hands o' God% 2eloved ones today $e
shall ta*e you into the Mystery 3chool o' Camelot held $ithin the 12th
dimension% 4e are also activating a 5th dimensional Cro$n Cha*ra
initiation on a "lanetary scale u"on this day and you $ho are a "art
o' anchoring this energy "hysically $ill be assisted and the "rocess
$ill be 'acilitated by 6ady Guinevere by o"ening the 12th dimensional
consciousness o' the 12 Divine "rinci"les o' higher consciousness
through your cro$n cha*ra s"eci'ically%
2eloved ones the "etals o' the 7lo$er o' 6ight is $hat $e o"en u"on
this day% )he 7lo$er o' 6ight embodies the 12 Divine "rinci"les o'
higher consciousness% !ach o' you re"resent a "etal in this Divine
7lo$er o' 6ight% ,ou have come to this "oint to serve as an anchor 'or
this 12th dimensional consciousness% !ach o' you $ill be encoded $ith
the God/Goddess consciousness codes% )his energy is entrusted unto you
to hold 6ight in service to the Grand Masters 6ords and 6adies o'
the 6ight o' your 8niverse% !ach o' you hold a "etal yet you anchor
the 'ull 7lo$ers o' 6ight on earth as it is in the 12th dimension% 9ne
o' the reasons $hy $e $or* so intensely $ith the 12th dimension at
this time s"eci'ically is because this is the "oint $here the energies
meet $here the Masters communicate and transmit consciousness to
humanity% 6ight$or*ers have been granted the o""ortunity to raise
their vibrational 're:uencies and to o"en their cha*ras to receive
higher :uotients o' 6ight and there'ore emit higher :uotients o'
6ight% And u"on this day s"eci'ically the Great 4hite 2rotherhood
attunes the energy and you are receiving it a hundred'old greater
than in the "ast% All the energies you are being e."osed to at this
time through "ersonal choice and as a result o' "ersonal choice is
the 'irst in earths s"iritual history% )his level o' energy in the
amount it is emitted at this time $as not even e."erienced in
Atlantis% )he concentration o' energy is the highest it has ever been
in your earths s"iritual history% )hat in itsel' demonstrates the
'aith the Masters have in the 6ight$or*ers to transmute the dar*ness
o' the old $orld and serve as anchors o' the 7lo$ers o' 6ight 'or the
ne$ $orld%
2eloved ones it is also u"on this day that 12th dimensional
consciousness is absorbed into the cro$n cha*ra 'eeding your "ersonal
7lo$er o' 6ight $ith energy encoding into it the 12 Divine "rinci"les
o' God/Goddess consciousness and in so doing shattering 12 levels o'
the old "aradigm matri. related to the abuse o' "o$er s"eci'ically%
!ach o' you $ill be guided to "laces $ithin !ngland as $ell as the
"lace you are located geogra"hically as your home s"ace $here you
$ill anchor these 12 Divine "rinci"les o' God/Goddess consciousness
and the energy you receive today becomes an antenna to receive the
transmissions o' the higher :uotients o' 6ight emitted through the
12th dimension 'or the "ur"ose o' shattering the old matri. o' the
abuse o' "o$er and em"o$ering the souls o' humans to stand in the
6ight and to embrace their truth and emit the Divinity $ithin so as
to create the tem"lates o' Christ Consciousness resulting in a
"o$er'ul $ave o' s"iritual illumination brought into being through
the "lanetary 5th dimensional initiation through the cro$n cha*ra
'or your $orld today% - 6ord Kuthumi stand as the central emissary
o' the "etals ma*ing u" the 7lo$er o' 6ight% )his is held by my Divine
2rothers o' the Great 4hite 2rotherhood% 3tanding to my le't is 6ady
Guinevere% 3tanding to my right is 6ord Merlin% And it is the grou"
energy $e create anchored through each o' you "resent here today $ho
$ill carry this energy 'orth% -t is u"on this day that $e anchor this
energy o' the Mystery 3chools o' Camelot and you $ill be guided by
6ord Merlin and 6ady Guinevere and my energy Kuthumi $ho $al*ed as
3ir 6ancelot to bring the 6ight o' li'e e.isting $ithin the 6ight o'
creativity to ins"ire you to continue u"on the /ourney you have chosen%
- shall no$ ma*e $ay 'or 6ady Guinevere to "resent her teaching u"on
this day to bring 'orth the transmissions o' the Goddess energy% 3he
$ill ta*e you through the 12th dimension and into the Mystery 3chool
o' Camelot% +lease begin by breathing very dee"ly in through your
nose e.haling through your mouth o"ening your consciousness to
$elcome her as - bid you 'are$ell 'or no$ and ma*e $ay 'or her
"resence% Adonai beloved ones%
- am Guinevierre 6ady o' Camelot% Greetings and $elcome to you today%
-t is an honour to be "resent $ith you in this "lace today 'or $e are
$elcoming many levels o' consciousness that you as 6ight$or*ers have
allo$ed in coming into being% 4e say allo$ed because it is through
your "ersonal choice that such energies have been made "ossible to be
shared $ith other $or*ers o' 6ight% )here $as a time $hen there $ere
not enough $or*ers o' the 6ight active in their consciousness to
hold the tem"lates the great Masters o' 6ight had "re"ared 'or
humanities ascension "rocess% - Guinevierre $ith the assistance o'
6ord Merlin and that o' 6ord 6ancelot 6ord Arthur 6ord 8ther and
6ord Galahad create the 7lo$er o' 6ight tem"late and anchor it $ithin
your cro$n cha*ra $ith your "ermission% )his $ill continue the "rocess
o' shi'ting consciousness on a cellular level ensuring that you as a
6ight$or*er continue to res"ond to the gi'ts o' li'e ending "ain and
su''ering and the belie' that su''ering is the only $ay to earn ones
right'ul "lace $ithin the realms o' the great ones o' 6ight%
)he time has come 'or those o' higher a$areness to let go o' the
belie's that su''ering limitation and "ain is the only $ay to lead
the sel' to believe that one deserves re$ard% Many times $e have heard
individuals say ;no "ain no gain%; )hat is truly an old "aradigm $ay
o' e."eriencing and addressing li'e% 2eloved ones the 12 "etals o'
the 7lo$er o' 6ight anchors the Divine consciousness o' the God and
the Goddess $ithin you and - 6ady Guinevere ta*e you through your
12th dimensional initiation into the 'ull understanding o' the
"rinci"les o' 6i'e $ithin 6ight consciousness% A 'e$ days ago 6ord
Kuthumi "er'ormed a "rocess removing the "lug in cervical one
leading to the inhibited 'lo$ o' energy 'rom the higher realms into
earthly consciousness% <e $ill continue "er'orming this $or* $ith 6ord
Merlin $ho used the star tetrahedron to remove the "lug allo$ing the
greater consciousness to move into the a$are as"ect o' the human sel'%
7or those o' you $ho did not e."erience this 6ord Merlin $ill "er'orm
the same "rocess u"on you today removing the "lug "laced there by
beings o' a denser consciousness% Many thousands o' years ago this
inter'ered $ith the genetic structure o' the human sel'% 4hen this
"lug is removed the structure o' your cells change and emitting the
sound o' 6ight the star tetrahedron creates itsel' $ithin the core o'
every cell% )he 'ive-"ointed star is held $ithin the centre o' the
star tetrahedron and the 12-"ointed star holds the three-dimensional
si. "ointed star and the three-dimensional 'ive-"ointed star%
7ocus your attention on your cro$n cha*ra and imagine a crystal 7lo$er
o' 6ight o"ening to greet the heavens% And in the centre o' the
7lo$er is a 12-"ointed star - imagine this ta*ing on a =-dimensional
'orm its energy rotating $ithin the core o' your cro$n% )his rotation
activates the Divine code o' the God/Goddess and brings your healing
consciousness into "er'ect alignment $ith that o' the 8niversal Mother
and the 8niversal 7ather the 8niversal God and the 8niversal Goddess%
)he 12 levels o' Divine consciousness are created in "er'ect harmony
and balances one another there'ore each o' you "resent here today
and those $ho $ill come to e."erience this energy through the reading
o' these $ords or hearing these $ords through each o' you $ill
undergo the activation o' having to com"lete the 12 levels o'
initiation to ta*e one into 'ull God/Goddess consciousness $ithin the
realms o' the 12th dimension s"eci'ically%
)here are 6 'eminine and 6 masculine each is in a direct re'lection
o' one another there'ore the initiation entails that the God as"ect
and then the Goddess as"ect o' 3el' must master each level o' the
initiation so as to integrate the 'ull "o$er o' the Divine
consciousness $e s"ea* o'% !ach "etal o' the 7lo$er o' 6ight
re"resents an as"ect o' the Divine God and the Divine Goddess% )he
cro$n cha*ra is your gate$ay to the higher dimensions dra$ing energy
'rom the lo$er cha*ras% -t is vital that your lo$er cha*ras and your
higher cha*ras al$ays be o"en in a balanced 'ashion s"inning
"er'ectly and aligned Divinely and grace'ully $ith the higher
consciousness o' the emissaries o' all that e.ists $ithin 6ight and
love% ,our lo$er cha*ras anchor you on earth your higher cha*ras or
u""er cha*ras anchor you to the heavens% ,ou have chosen a "hysical
incarnation 'or a very s"eci'ic "ur"ose there'ore it is vital that
you remain grounded in your "hysical body as much as you remain
connected to the higher $orlds% Many 6ight$or*ers 'ind it very
di''icult to maintain earthly li'e because they have 'orgotten the
im"ortance o' remaining anchored in their "hysical bodies% Many
believe it is im"ortant to 'ocus mainly on the u""er cha*ras and then
neglect the lo$er cha*ras% ,our lo$er cha*ras are as im"ortant and as
sacred as your u""er cha*ras are% !arthly living is as sacred as
higher living is% )he 12-dimensional initiation into the Mystery
3chools o' Camelot re:uired that every initiate must have the
understanding o' balance bet$een heaven and earth% +er'ect balance
bet$een God and Goddess% )here'ore every initiation you undergo $ill
be a 2-'old "rocess 6 levels altogether com"leting the 12 levels o'
Divine consciousness%
,ou $ill address each initiation 'rom the "ers"ective o' your Goddess
3el' as $ell as the "ers"ective o' your God 3el'% !very "ers"ective
$ill be ta*en into the realm o' 6ight $here your soul $ill sho$ you
di''erent as"ects o' the "ers"ective you have addressed initially%
)he 'irst level o' Divine consciousness o' the 12 levels $e s"ea* o'
is that o' understanding ho$ im"ortant it is to be grounded on earth
and connected to the heavens% )his 'acilitates the 'ull anchoring o'
your "ersonal "iece o' heaven on earth% )he gate$ays to heaven are on
earth and this is the "rocess your God and Goddess 3el' must come to
)he second level is that o' mastering emotional intelligence
understanding the "ur"ose o' emotions through the God and Goddess
3el' in itsel' is a master'ul tas*% Mastering emotional intelligence
$ill o"en many levels o' sel'-a$areness vital to the 'ull anchoring o'
the 7lo$er o' 6ight $ithin the cro$n cha*ra in its $hole and com"lete
state as $ell as anchoring it $ithin every other cha*ra related to
your "hysical body%
)he third is mastering the egos in'luence through the mental state
there'ore belie' systems and attitudes come under scrutiny those
"rotected by your masculine sel' and your 'eminine 3el'% )his
addresses all o' the belie' systems and mental attitudes "ro/ected by
the men and $omen in your li'e# "arents siblings teachers
relatives "eers and any other in'luential "erson in your li'e% 2ear
in mind that at times a "erson male in gender may very $ell
re"resent a 'eminine energy and vice versa% )he as"ect o' mastering
the mind so to s"ea* is vital in the u"li'tment o' your energy
beyond the "aradigms o' control as set in "lace by the very small
minority currently governing and controlling humanities consciousness%
)he 'ourth ste" 'or each o' you beloved ones is surrendering in
totality to the inner child Divine consciousness% ,our inner child is
your core stabiliser% )his means becoming li*e the child innocent
"ure in thought "ure in res"onse "ure in action is $hat leads you
into the higher realms o' receiving energy and transmitting energy%
)his does not mean that your thoughts your actions or your deeds as
an adult are im"ure% All it means is that connecting $ith the inner
sensibility to res"ond to the /oy o' li'e is $hat is re:uired through
the God 3el' and through the Goddess 3el'% )he s"ontaneous res"onse to
li'e being in the moment is $hat the inner child re"resents in this
"articular round o' consciousness $e choose to 'ocus on $ith each o' you%
)he 'i'th as"ect is the initiation o' conce"tion% )his means you are
ta*en through the /ourney o' connecting $ith your dreams your $ishes
your visions and the greater "ur"ose o' your "lan on earth as it is in
heaven% Many "eo"le have denied their dreams and their $ishes because
'ear gri"s their heart and their belie' in 3el' is so little they do
not 'eel the "ulsations o' li'e ins"iring them to entertain their
dreams 'or even a moment in time% ,our God and your Goddess 3el' ta*e
you bac* into the realms o' higher 6ight reminding you o' the Divine
"ur"ose o' being on earth and bringing "eace to the heart o' each
human on earth by leading "eace'ully%
And that beloved ones ta*es you to the 'inal "rocess the 'inal
initiation o' the 12th level o' the Divine consciousness o' the
God/Goddess and that is the mani'estation o' "eace $ithin 3el'% +eace
does not necessarily mean that one $ill not continue to gro$ to love
and become more sel'-a$are% )his is re'erring to the inner sense o'
"eace "resent regardless o' the e.ternal environment "resentation to
the 3el'% 6iving $ithin a constant state o' "eace mani'ests the true
sim"licity o' li'e on earth as it is in heaven% !ach o' you has the
'ull "otential to anchor these initiations Divinely through your God
3el' and through your Goddess 3el' and in mastering it $ith
com"leting these initiations you serve as a Divine Ascended Master
assisting those $ho have chosen to a$a*en 'rom the slumber o' the old
$orld and you $ill accom"any them into the golden consciousness o' the
ne$ $orld%
)a*e a moment to 'ocus on ho$ your body is ta*ing in air% And breathe
into your heart cha*ra and breathe out through your base cha*ra% +A83!
As you ne.t inhale dra$ energy 'rom Mother !arth and as you e.hale
emit energy into the ethers around you% +A83!
At this "lace o' Avebury the Great 4hite 2rotherhood have gathered
$ith the 3irian Masters o' 6ight% )heir shi"s o' 6ight are above you%
)here are no$ 2222 rays o' energy "ulsating through the ethers
connecting $ith the cells o' your "hysical body and creating a very
"o$er'ul shi't o' energy through your s"inal column and into your
"ineal and "ituitary glands% )he "ur"ose 'or these rays o' energy is
to increase the rate at $hich your "ineal and "ituitary glands are
able to ta*e in 6ight the :uotients o' 6ight e.tending into the
realms o' consciousness around you $ill then be in a "osition to
absorb the 6ight you $ill emit 'rom your being%
-magine yoursel' no$ $ithin the dome o' 6ight the Great Masters have
created around Avebury receiving these "ulsations and everybody
"resent in Avebury at this time $ill receive the bene'its o' these
2222 rays o' 6ight% 3urrender to the "resence o' $hat is brought to
you and sim"ly allo$ your body to absorb the energies in its Divine
"er'ect $ay% )a*e a moment to straighten your s"ine dra$ your
shoulders bac* slightly o"ening your heart cha*ra% >aise your chin a
little o"ening your throat cha*ra and soa* u" the rays o' 6ight the
Great 4hite 2rotherhood "resent to you no$% +A83!
As you continue to receive this energy $e re-activate the dormant
codes o' memory 'or this "lace o' Avebury% )his "articular "oint $as
one o' the original "oints holding the Divine consciousness o' the
"er'ectly balanced and uni'ied God/Goddess energy% )he t$o circles in
the centre o' the greater circle re"resents the masculine and the
'eminine the God and the Goddess the 7ather and the Mother united
to create the greater 7lo$er o' 6i'e and the greater love $ithin the
7lo$er o' 6i'e birthing the 7lo$er o' 6ight% !ach o' you are no$
beginning to absorb energy through your base cha*ra re-activating the
Divine code o' 6ight as anchored by the Great 4hite 2rotherhood at
this "lace held in sacredness by the 6ords and 6adies o' 3irius% 4e
no$ have ???000 beings o' 3irius +leiades @enus Andromeda
Arcturus and -ndigenous 2eings o' the -nner !arth gathering $ith us
no$ as the energies come% 3im"ly surrender to the 6ight "resent and
$elcome your 'amily o' 6ight 'rom the many dimensions o' love $ho
choose to share energy $ith you today $ho have gathered to $itness
the resurrection o' the memory o' your ascended master status and the
re-anchoring and re-activation o' the 7lo$er o' 6ight% +A83!
!nsure you are breathing 'ully and e.haling 'ully as the energy begins
to increase in its "ulsation anchoring higher :uotients o' 6ight
through your cha*ra system% +A83!
6ord Merlin no$ begins the activation o' AA cha*ras aligned to the
7lo$er o' 6ight $ithin your cro$n cha*ra re'lected directly into the
heart cha*ra% ,ou have AA activated in your cro$n and AA activated in
your heart re"resenting the merging o' the heart and the mind% )his
also resembles the merging o' the God and the Goddess the 7ather and
the Mother% 2reathe as each "etal o' 6ight comes to li'e and the
dormant codes o' 6ight bring ne$ li'e to your body bring ne$ 6ight to
your being o"ening your a$areness to the realms o' love and s"iritual
a$areness that you to date had not e."erienced% )he activation o'
these cha*ras "ermit you entry to the Mystery 3chool o' Merlin $here
the Camelot teachings liberate the soul o"ening heart and mind to
higher levels o' a$areness% Continue to breathe in dee"ly and e.hale
'ully% +A83!
)he beings o' @enus and Andromeda begin to activate a "o$er'ul vorte.
o' 6ight $ithin the centre o' this circle one moving in a cloc*$ise
direction one moving in an anti-cloc*$ise direction creating a
"er'ect balance and emitting the Divine harmonious sound o' 6ight%
Clairaudiently the sounds are absorbed into your body increasing the
vibration o' your "ineal gland and 'illing your "ituitary gland $ith
even greater 6ight% - 6ady Guinevere $al* the 'igure B around each
o' you% )he 'igure B is the symbol o' eternal li'e eternal 6ight
eternal love% -t is the "resence o' immortality% ,ou beloved immortal
souls have $al*ed $ith me many times and it $as that all o' us here
today gathered at this e.act "lace $hen Avebury $as 'irst created and
$e agreed to *ee" the sacred teachings alive $ithin our consciousness
and that $e $ould s"read it 'or the rest to receive o' its great
blessings $hen su''icient $ere ready to o"en their hearts to receive
the "o$er o' the Divine love o' the great God and Goddess% )here'ore
it is truly an honour and cause 'or great celebration that $e have
made it bac* here together u"on this day at this time as $as agreed%
,ou $ere also "romised that in our gathering at this time that a
consciousness $ould be o"ened to each o' you uni:ue to your Divine
code% )his strand o' consciousness lin*s directly to your Divine
Master $ho has guided you and taught you in this li'etime% )his $ill
o"en another strand o' o""ortunity in your service $or*% )his
o""ortunity anchors an abundance grid in your li'e 'or you an
o""ortunity to mani'est abundance in $hatever 'orm you choose it to
mani'est "articularly through service in 6ight to the 6ight $ithin
the "urity o' the vibration o' 6ight%
6ord Merlin $ill also remove a crystalline im"lant "laced bet$een the
dorsal vertebrae three and 'our% )his has also im"eded the ability to
e."erience Divine love% 6ight$or*ers are ready to have many o' the
im"lants removed that have inhibited the 'lo$ o' energy% 9ne must
understand that some o' the im"lants so to s"ea* $ere inserted by
the Masters o' 6ight to ensure that the sacred in'ormation $ould not
be abused% And because $e have all gathered at this time you are
ready you have com"leted your initiations this im"lant can be
removed% ,ou are 'ree and ready to absorb the Divine 6ove o' the great
living 8niverse% ,ou are e."eriencing the higher :uotients o' love
coming 'rom the Grand Creators o' the 3econd 8niverse $ho have been
observing your "rogress 'or many years o' your li'etime% 12 "ortals
held by the 6ion consciousness have been activated granting you
access to the 3econd 8niverse $here you $ill receive great
ins"iration and the great teachers o' that 8niverse $ill come 'or$ard
to $or* $ith all o' you%
+lease ta*e another dee" breath into your body e.haling 'ully%
Continue to breathe in dee"ly e.haling 'ully as 6ady @enus 6ord
Arcturus - 6ady Guinevere 6ord Merlin 6ord Arthur 6ord 8ther
6ord Maitreya 6ord 3ananda and 6ord Cesus stand in your midst
emitting the rays o' gold emerald sa""hire and "latinum% )his
creates a very "o$er'ul crystalline sheathe o' energy around you
ensuring that no incarnate or discarnate being $ith ill intent $ill be
able to "enetrate this sheathe and inter'ere $ith your "rogress in any
$ay $hatsoever% Archangel Michael "resents his energy to each o' you
and $ith his great s$ord o' 6ight !.calibur he begins to $ield his
s$ord in a cloc*$ise direction slicing through any attachments to any
old "aradigm consciousness% <e no$ moves to the o""osite direction
$ith his s$ord slicing through any cords o' attachment to old
"aradigm consciousness% 2reathe in and e.hale as the energy is
Divine brothers and sisters your energy is no$ 'ully $ithin the 12th
dimensional Mystery 3chool o' Camelot% ,ou have ta*en your "lace
$ithin the 12-"etal 3chool o' 6ight% - Guinevere am ever "resent%
Call u"on me at any time should you re:uire guidance or assistance%
6isten to the love o' s"irit% >es"ond to its nurturing energy% Al$ays
remember that you have been chosen because you chose to serve in the
6ight% -n order to com"lete this initiation your energy is no$ dra$n
into the centre o' the s"iral created by the beings o' @enus and
Andromeda sealing the consciousness o' the Divine God and Goddess
3el' $ithin your cro$n and your heart cha*ras% ,our AA cha*ras $ill
become 'ully aligned over the duration o' the ne.t AA hours% )he
mastering o' the initiations o' the 12 levels o' Divine consciousness
is $hat $ill 'ully anchor your AA cha*ras in your cro$n and in your
heart "ermanently $ithin your earthly consciousness% )his $ill serve
to re'lect the rays o' the AA Divine "rinci"les o' the Ath dimension
o' :uantum *no$ledge%
2reathe in and e.hale 'ully as 6ord Merlin seals the energy grids% -n
your 6ight bodies you have $al*ed around Avebury and you have
activated all the codes o' 6ight that $e made at this "lace $hen it
$as 'irst created% ,ou $ill remember the "ur"ose beyond the "ur"ose
'or Avebury being $here it is and each o' you $ill serve as *eys to
the a$a*ening o' Divine 6ight and the com"lete dismantling o' the
matri. holding the abuse o' "o$er by the minority $ho still believe it
is their right% -t is no$ the right o' the 6ight to ta*e its right'ul
"lace $ithin the core o' humanities consciousness and create 'rom that
"ur"ose% May your li'e al$ays be 'illed $ith Divine blessings *no$ing
that you are o' the Divine re"resenting the Divine% - am Guinevere
6ady o' Camelot and - bid you 'are$ell%
- am Kuthumi and - return at this "oint% 2eloved ones "lease *ee"
your eyes closed as $e 'acilitate the com"lete anchoring o' the energy
through the s"iral o' the vorte. created ensuring that your energies
are in "ro"er alignment $ith all o' that $hich has been brought to you
u"on this day% )a*e a dee" breath in through your nose e.haling
through your mouth dra$ing your consciousness do$n your s"ine and
anchoring it on earth% Continue to breathe bringing all o' your
energy bac* into your body still connected to the Divinity that has
been "resented to you today% All the Grand 2eings o' 6ight o' love
o' truth and Divinity $ill remain at this "lace 'or the ne.t AA hours
anchoring the energies that you as human beings have chosen to be
'acilitators o'% ,ou are the seed "lanters and $ill activate the seed
o' memory $ithin those $ho are ready% Consciously dra$ your energy
into your "hysical body 'eeling the earth beneath you% +lace the
"alms o' your hands on the earth giving than*s to Mother !arth 'or
holding you 'or blessing you $ith her love 'or blessing her $ith
your love 'or blessing you $ith her li'e-'orce and blessing her $ith
your li'e 'orce% +A83!
And so the land o' Avebury stirs into its 'ull a$a*ening% )he codes o'
6ight are once again active% )han* you beloved ones 'or remembering
the "romise you made to return at this time to this "lace to sit $ith
us and re-activate the Divine code o' 6ight% +eace and blessings be
$ith all o' you%
)a*e a dee" breath in bringing your "alm cha*ras to your heart and
as you e.hale give than*s to your 3el'% 4e give than*s to all o' those
re"resenting and embodying the 6ight $ho stand $ith you in their
6ightbodies $itnessing the Divine ceremony o' 6ight currently ta*ing
+lace your "alm cha*ras on your *nees% Ac*no$ledge your ability to be
'le.ible to bend $ith the 'lo$ o' li'e the ability to be humble $hen
needed% Give than*s to your *nees give than*s to your legs 'or
carrying you 'or su""orting you% And give than*s to your body 'or
being the vessel through $hich 6ight and energy love and Divinity
are emitted and received the body in $hich you hold energy and the
body through $hich you anchor energy% Ac*no$ledge 'or a moment ho$
"recious your "hysical vehicle is and ho$ greatly it has served you%
9nce more $e than* all o' you beloved ones 'or your "resence today%
4hen you are ready o"en your eyes ac*no$ledging $here you are
"hysically and in the timeline you are in% )a*e a moment to ta*e a
loo* at nature around you% Ac*no$ledge the beauty o' nature and the
li'e you are blessed to live% 2eloved ones $e $ill no$ o"en the
energy to ans$er any "ersonal :uestions i' you have any% +lease "roceed%
1uestion# 2eloved 6ord Kuthumi - have a :uestion% -Dd li*e to *no$
$ho are my Ascended Master guides in this li'etime and my 3"irit +arents%
6ord Kuthumi# Certainly% ,our 3"irit 7ather is 6ord Maitreya% ,our
3"irit Mother is 6ady +ortia% )he Ascended Master guides s"eci'ically
$or*ing $ith you at this current time is Master 3era"is 2ey 6ord
<ilarion and 3aint Germain% Do you understandE
- 6ord Kuthumi and Master Cesus $or* $ith you at s"eci'ic times to
anchor s"eci'ic rays o' energy 'or the Divine "ur"ose o' your soul
contract% -s this clearE
,es than* you%
,ou are most $elcome% +eace and blessings be $ith you%
1% - have a :uestion Master Kuthumi 'rom >obert $ho $as at
Glastonbury and $ho $ould li*e to as* you be'ore - "resent my
:uestion heDd li*e to as* i' he could "resent his%
+lease continue%
1% <e $rites - had a dream o' "aintings about 10 years ago no$ and -
believe that - am starting to "aint $hat - sa$ then% My :uestion is am
- on the trac* o' $hat - am no$ "ainting in terms o' the dream $here
do - go 'rom here and ho$ do - incor"orate the teaching o' "aintings
into thisE Also do these "aintings have anything to do $ith the
energies that - received on 7riday% Do you have any guidance 'or meE
6%K% )he energies he is receiving is most certainly being channelled
through his "aintings% <e is also being sho$n a medium to ta" into
higher dimensional energies and activate many o' the dimensional
"ortals that o"en an individuals consciousness into the Divine
creative ins"iration o' $hichever 'lo$ o' energy they are most aligned
$ith% )here'ore the time has come 'or brother >obert to o"en his
energy beyond that $hich the constraints o' his mind have contained
until this "oint and to move beyond allo$ing the imagination to guide
the creations% !ach "ainting embodies a 're:uency o' energy% )his
"resence this com"lete "icture so to s"ea* is $hat emits a
're:uency resulting in the vie$er e."eriencing a healing or an
alignment or an o"ening to a ne$ resonance o' 6ight love or truth%
)he most im"ortant guidance 'or brother >obert at this time is to
literally create $ith the 'lo$ gro$ $ithin the 'lo$ and trust that
every stro*e o' the brush is being guided by the $isdom o' heaven%
)here are many subtle levels o' creativity ta*ing "lace $hich the
analytical mind is not "ermitted to inhibit there'ore it is an
initiation o' sorts 'or him to trust in the creative ins"iration to
move beyond the barriers o' the human mind and anchor the realms o'
6ight $ithin a 'orm o' sorts% Do you understandE
,es than* you very much%
,ou are most $elcome%
Can - as* my :uestion no$ "leaseE
,es "lease do%
1% )han* you% -tDs in a similar vein% 7or a number o' years no$ - $as
told that my "ainting $or* has included a high :uotient o' 6ight o'
God 6ight o' Christ 6ight and healing energies as $ell as many other
things that are not *no$n to me $hich have been "ublished on the
)ruth)hru)rinity $ebsite under Art o' Creation% - understand that the
"rints contain the same energies and - intend as "art o' my
'urtherance o' service lin*ing the 4hite 2rotherhood to the $hole o'
humanity to "ost channelled art containing these 're:uencies under
the banner o' +rints o' +eace% )hese $ill be 'ree to anyone in the
$orld to "rint o'' and bene'it 'rom% Can you "lease indicate ho$
!li&abeth and - can best develo" on a "ersonal level at this time% And
- $ould li*e to *no$ $ho my s"irit "arents are "lease% 4ould you
comment% )han* you%
6%K% Certainly $ith "leasure% 6ord Melchi&ede* is your 3"irit 7ather
your 3"irit Mother is 6ady 1uan ,in% Much o' $hat has been conducted
over the last 12 days s"eci'ically is "art o' e."anding the energy 'or
both you and sister !li&abeth% )he $ords that $e have s"o*en 'or
brother >obert resonates into your 're:uency as it is the same 'or
you% )he +rints o' +eace $ill a$a*en $ithin each one the +rince or
+rincess o' +eace the God and Goddess energy 6ady Guinevere anchored
$ith each o' you u"on this day% )here'ore it is the consciousness o'
the 7lo$er o' 6ight that $ill be emitted through the energy too% Do
you understandE
,es - do than* you%
6%K% 3o any ne$ creations coming 'rom this time 'or$ard $ill embody
the 12th dimensional consciousness o' the 12 levels o' God/Goddess
consciousness activating an avenue 'or individuals being dra$n to the
creations to undergo their 12 initiations 6 o' the 'eminine and 6 o'
the masculine as you have all been e."osed to today% Do you
,es than* you 6ord Kuthumi%
,ou are most $elcome% +eace and blessings be $ith you%
)han* you%
1% 6ord Kuthumi - 'eel that - am ready and my earthly $ish is to
start FinaudibleG $ith my o$n 'amily% Could this be granted MasterE
6%K% -t is done% )rust it $ill be in accordance $ith the Divine "lan
o' your soul and the "erson $ho $ill share your li'e and the souls to
come% )here'ore trust in Divine time%
)han* you%
6%K% ,ou are most $elcome% +eace and blessings be $ith you sister%
1% Master Kuthumi% - moved 'rom +ortugal to !ngland because - *ne$
that there $as a "ur"ose that - had to 'ul'il% -Dm at a "oint in my
li'e and -Dm sure there are a lot o' things that - should be doing
-Dm at a crossroads% And - $ould li*e to *no$ $ho are my 3"irit
+arents and $ho are the Masters hel"ing meE
6%K% Certainly% 3ister at this "oint you energy is undergoing many
layers o' unravelling o' old $orld consciousness% ,ou have also
brought many o' the collective consciousness im"rints o' the
+ortuguese "eo"le to !ngland so as to integrate the cro$n energies%
4hen $e s"ea* o' the cro$n energies $e s"ea* o' higher $isdom% )his
energy is being 'iltered through your energy system genetically on a
"hysical biological level as $ell as on an energetic level to shi't
the "aradigms o' consciousness that has *e"t the "eo"le o' your
culture in any *ind o' "overty consciousness es"ecially su''ering
consciousness% )here'ore the so-called melodrama that 'eeds their
identity can no$ be brought into a state o' harmony $here they can
connect $ith the /oy o' giving creating and receiving% Do you
understandE )here is a very beauti'ul 7lo$er o' 6i'e o"ening in your
heart cha*ra% )his "articular "ulsation is one that you $ill share
$ith children% Many children are attracted to your energy even those
souls $aiting to incarnate on earth% 4hen you are in your 6ight body
you are amongst children all o' the time and in your 6ight body you
are "art o' a "rogramme "re"aring the >ose children the !merald
children and many o' the >ainbo$ children $aiting to incarnate 'or
earthly living% ,ou "re"ared your energies by aligning various
're:uencies o' love s"eci'ically through their cha*ric system so
they can $ithstand many o' the harsh energies they are 'aced $ith on
the earth "lane% )he shu''ling o' consciousness and energy bet$een the
+ortuguese culture and the !nglish culture is vital because you are
"re"aring the $ay 'or those children to be born into the +ortuguese
culture embodying the cro$n consciousness $hich is coming in through
the !nglish culture% Ho$ much o' the !nglish culture is very
conservative as $ell and the old @ictorian $ays have sti'led much o'
the creativity and s"ontaneity o' the cro$n energy% ,ou are an anchor
bet$een the t$o 're:uencies so that the >ose children the !merald
children and the >ainbo$ children to come $ill anchor their heavenly
"rinci"les o' s"ontaneity o' /oy and 6ight% And this is "art o' your
tas* on earth% 2e "atient ho$ever 'or you are still undergoing that
"ersonal initiation% Do you understandE )he Masters $or*ing $ith you
at this time is Master <ilarion the Ascended Master !l Morya - 6ord
Kuthumi and Mother Mary% ,our 3"irit Mother is Mother Mary and your
3"irit 7ather is 6ord 3ananda% -s this clearE
1% 6ord Kuthumi% Could you tell me $ho my 3"irit +arents are and
maybe give me some guidance o' $here - am at the momentE
6%K% Certainly% ,our 3"irit Mother is 6ady 1uan ,in% ,our 3"irit
7ather is the Master D/$ahl Kuhl% )he energies you are 'acing at this
time is related s"eci'ically to the *nee cha*ras and "art o' your
initiation is about learning to gro$ $ith the 'lo$% ,ou have a
daughter yesE
,es% - have t$o%
6%K% -t a""ears to be the older one is $hat has "laced many subtle
challenges in your $ay%
6%K% - beg your "ardonE
3heDs disabled she doesnDt $al*%
6%K% @ery $ell% And that is about trusting going and gro$ing $ith the
'lo$% Do you understandE )here'ore learning to love the body and $hat
it is able to do is very im"ortant 'or you% Hot only the "hysical
body but the subtle bodies and $hat each level the 6ight body has to
o''er% ,our daughter can sho$ you the "o$er o' s"irit in $hat lies
beyond "hysicality% Do you understandE
6%K% )he time is coming in other $ords you are being groomed 'or a
time $here you $ill access the energy o' the higher realms and channel
very "o$er'ul 're:uencies through your hand cha*ras and through the
cha*ras along your s"ine bringing higher a$areness and bringing
in'ormation that $ill hel" "eo"le to understand not only the "rocess
o' the "hysical body but the "rocess o' the higher bodies and ho$
being 'le.ible and humble is in itsel' "o$er'ul gi'ts o' e."anding
sel'-a$areness% -s this clear to youE
,es it is% )han* you
6%K% Communicate $ith 6ady 1uan ,in and Master D/$ahl Kuhl% Master
D/$ahl Kuhl has ta*en on many o' the res"onsibilities - held% <e is
holding the energy o' the third ray o' active intelligence as $ell as
the second ray o' love and $isdom on the yello$ ray% -t is a "o$er'ul
combination o' healing and the combination o' "sychic and s"iritual
a$areness that brings about the o"ening o' the cro$n consciousness and
leading by"le through the integration and mastering o' the
lessons o' those rays% Do you understandE
- thin* so laughter
6%K% +erha"s you need to s"end some time studying the "rinci"les and
the :ualities o' the second ray o' love and $isdom and the third ray
o' active intelligence%
6%K% ,es% -s this clear to you no$E
6%K% 3ome o' it at least yesE laughter )he rest $ill ma*e greater
sense to you as your a$areness understands and integrates $hat $e have
said today%
)han* you%
6%K% ,ou are most $elcome% +eace and blessings be $ith you sister%
1% 6ord Kuthumi% - have been guided no$ 'or the "ast number o' years
regarding astrology/astronomy and the $ay the "lanets are changing and
ne$ ones emerging% Can - "lease have more hel" to channel in'ormation
that $ill enable me to hel" and ins"ire others% Also - understand that
- am being schooled by the 4hite 2rotherhood in the ne$ relationshi"
$ith "lanets asteroids and stars in order to - thin* $rite a boo*%
Could you "lease comment on the situation emergingE
6%K% Certainly sister% )he energy strand that you $ould *no$ as
+ythagoras $as one o' my incarnations and it is this "articular
as"ect o' my energies held $ithin the 1Ith dimension that is embracing
you at this time and ta*ing you through the greater schools o' 6ight
into the other systems o' the other "lanets introducing you to the
're:uencies o' energies to the "ro"erties and the "ur"oses o' each
strand o' energy% )here'ore align yoursel' $ith the 1Ith dimensional
energy o' +ythagoras and the Great 4hite 2rotherhood and all the other
energies re:uired to be anchored $ithin human consciousness so as to
understand the :uantum $orld e.isting beyond old "aradigm
consciousness% -s this clearE
,es than* you%
6%K% And the boo* $ill be anchored on earth as it is in the other heavens%
)han* you%
6%K% Does that ans$er your :uestionE
- thin* so than* you 6ord Kuthumi
6%K% +eace and blessings be $ith you%
)han* you%
1% 2eloved 6ord Kuthumi%%%
)he grou" became a$are o' a gentleman bystander $ho $as standing
beside the central distribution stone ne.t to the "lace $here $e $ere
sitting $ithin arms length o' Michelle !lo'' as the Master Kuthumi
$as s"ea*ing through her%
6%K% 4ould you li*e to /oin usE
Gentleman - - am very "leased to say that this is my 'avourite s"ot in
the $orld% - live abroad - come here in the summer% - come as o'ten
as - can here because it gives me energy% -Dm delighted to 'ind all
this going on - on my s"otJ And - donDt *no$ anything about it and -Dm
delighted to be here%
6%K% Come and ta*e a seat%
Gentleman - 4ell - have to get on a "lane 'rom 3tansted in 'our hours
time% -Dd be delighted i' youDd tell me something about $hy $eDve met
but then that $ould be sel'ish because youDve got so much going on%
6%K% )here is much love to be shared here% )here is no limitation on
$hat can be created and time $ill be stretched% May $e ta*e a moment
to ans$er this sisters :uestion be'ore $e "roceed $ith youE
1 2lessings to you% 6ord Kuthumi over in !gy"t $ithin the grou" o'
II seven o' us held the FinaudibleG name o' 3hihan% 4ould you tell me
"lease $hat our connections are ho$ $e shall receive our guidance
FinaudibleG the "ur"ose o' our meeting and beloved one $hatever you
*no$ $e need to *no$%
6%K% 2eloved one the energy o' 3hihan is $hat is *no$n as the
3he*inah "resence% )his is the Great 8niversal Mother bringing the ne$
levels o' consciousness o' the Great Creator% 2y this $e mean the
energy o' creation o' conce"tion o' the Divine 3el' is $hat is
emerging into the consciousness o' humanity through the understanding
o' the Divine balance bet$een the God-3el' and the Goddess-3el'% )his
3he*inah "resence $ill bring its communication its ins"iration
through each o' you in a very uni:ue $ay s"eci'ically through the
ins"iration o' the Mother energy the nurturing energy conceiver
energy% )here'ore through the heart cha*ra 6ight is received% 6ove is
received and the "resence o' the God/Goddess is e."ressed in a very
uni:ue very "eace'ul and very non-/udgemental manner% -t is this
energy that o"ens the heart o' all "resent to connect $ith the
e.istence o' love $ithin everything regardless o' the individuals
"ersonal truth regardless o' the religion they have chosen to 'ollo$
and everything connects in a uni'ied breath o' li'e and heart beat o'
love% )his universal 'lo$ o' consciousness becomes a Divine
e."ression giving birth to li'e in $hichever 'orm it chooses to
create itsel' creating a resonance that connects through the heart
through the non-/udgemental heart% )his moves u" to the thymus cha*ra
and into the core o' soul consciousness emerging in a Divine
e."ression so "ure and so /oyous that nothing o' /udgement or o'
negative consciousness can "enetrate its creation% Do you understandE
,es than* you so much%
6%K% ,ou are most $elcome% +eace and blessings be $ith you sister% Ho$
brother $ould you li*e to s"ea*E
Gentleman - - $ould /ust li*e to say that this is my "re'erred "lace
on the $hole "lanet and our 'riend here is sitting in it% 6aughter
-Dm delighted to see you all but - $ould love to *no$ i' there is
anything - can contribute or could be contributed to me it $ould be
$onder'ul but - have to go and get on a "lane very very soon%
6%K% Certainly% 6et us then say to you brother%%%
Gentleman - )his is my 'avourite s"ot in the $orld it al$ays has been
'or me%
6%K% )his "articular "lace today as $e have activated the energies
are holding the Divine 7lo$er o' 6ight o' the "er'ect balance o' God
consciousness and Goddess consciousness% -t $as this "articular "lace
that $as encoded $ith the Divine balance bet$een the God and Goddess
consciousness and because this energy has no$ been activated that
"articular 12th dimensional consciousness is being 'iltered out to the
$orld% 3o in your choice to gather $ith this grou" today even i' it
$asnDt at the e.act time that all $ere gathered together you too $ill
ta*e o' this energy and you share it $ith those $hom you meet%
)here'ore the blessing that s"irit $ishes to bring to you today is
that you stand $ithin the Ashram o' 6ord Maitreya the Great Master o'
service to the humans o' this "articular "aradigm% -t is the "urity o'
essence through the Dove o' +eace that you carry 6ight that you share
love and - Ascended Master Kuthumi *no$n in many 'orms - - have
$al*ed this earth as Moses - have $al*ed this earth as 3t 7rancis o'
Assisi - have $al*ed this earth as +ythagoras 6ord 2altha&ar o' the
three $ise men% - have stood on this "lanet as the 3hah Cehan 'acing
the )a/ Mahal there have been many $ays and you have $al*ed
alongside me in many o' those times% ,ou have come to receive an
activation o' the memory $ithin your cells "re"aring you 'or the ne.t
level o' your "ersonal /ourney into the $orld o' 6ight that you have
chosen to e."erience and through your "ersonal a$areness to e."ress
and share $ith others% ,ou $ill come to this "lace many times again
$here you $ill receive more and more o' that $hich 'eeds your soul% 3o
than* you 'or bringing your "iece o' heaven to earth and sharing the
creation o' the great 7lo$er o' 6ight $ithin the cro$n cha*ra o"ening
the "ituitary gland and the "ineal gland to receive the 6ight o' the
great emissaries o' this universe and the universes beyond it% -s this
clear to youE
Gentleman - )hat is absolutely clear and a most $onder'ul statement
and -Dm e.tremely grate'ul 'or it% - $ould li*e to as* a :uestion
$hich has to do $ith more o' three dimensions as $e *no$ them and one
more namely time% Can you 6ord Kuthumi tell me ho$ old in our earth
year this "lace isE 4hen these stones $ere constructed and $ho byE
6%K% )hese stones $ere constructed by a grou" o' beings - the 3irians
the +leiadians the @enusians Andromedans and Arcturans and many o'
the -nner !arthian beings%
Gentleman - -t $as much longer ago than the alleged historians thin* it is
6%K% Absolutely
Gentleman - 4as 15 or 25 thousand yearsE
6%K% 25 thousand years ago%
Gentleman - )hatDs $hat - $as told by somebody $ho did a
*inesiological test on me and got that out o' my subconscious here on
this s"ot%
6%K% 9n this s"ot yes% 9ur gathering today is 'or the "ur"ose o'
re-a$a*ening all the energies that $ere encoded into this "lace at
that time 'or humanity is no$ ready to begin remembering%
Gentleman - 4hy such a long intervalE
6%K% 2ecause the old matri. $hich $as held in "lace by a mor"hogenetic
'ield created by individuals $hose sole intention $as to *ee" their
"o$er in "lace% Ho$ many attem"ts had been made ho$ever the density
o' the =rd dimension o'ten over"o$ered many o' those $ho came to
a$a*en% <o$ever there $ere various levels o' consciousness that $ere
a$o*en $hich led to this "articular time no$% 3o i' you can see o' the
various gatherings o' the various time lines is $hat has made this
time "ossible no$% 6et us say everything in its Divine time and 'or a
Divine "ur"ose%
Gentleman - 4ell it couldnDt be better itDs my daughter over there
loo* and $eDre /ust about to get on a "lane to Hor$ay% 3o -Dm
absolutely delighted but - canDt stay any longer%
6%K% @ery $ell brother% 2lessings be $ith you and blessings to Hor$ay%
)han* you and have a sa'e /ourney% +eace and blessings%
2eloved ones are there any 'urther :uestions be'ore $e end the
1% ,es 6ord Kuthumi - have one 'urther :uestion% -Dve been thin*ing
o' di''erent $ays that - can serve s"irit% -Dve done various di''erent
healing modalities and -Dm thin*ing o' teaching% -Dm sort o' con'used
as to e.actly ho$ best - can contribute to humanity% 4hat can - doE
,ou *no$ healing teaching $hatever - need some direct guidance
$ith regards to that%
6%K% 4hat is it that you are most dra$n to or most ins"ired byE
)eaching $or*sho"s and also healing
6%K% 4hat s"eci'ic teaching modality or $hat modality $ould you teachE
3el'-develo"ment sel'-em"o$erment%
6%K% Ho$ i' you visualise yoursel' doing this $hat is the 'irst image
that comes to mind in terms o' ho$ you are doing itE
)hrough $or*sho"s and lectures%
6%K% @ery $ell% Ho$ $hat do you believe is the 'irst ste" to ta*e in
the direction o' anchoring that "hysicallyE
Getting out and actually doing it you *no$% laughter
6%K% +lain and sim"le yesE
2ecause - $ant it sorted - need to go and learn some more but -Dve
been you *no$ 'or the "ast 20 years -Dve been doing many $or*sho"s
learning and learning and thin*ing $ell - havenDt learnt enough to
share enough% -tDs li*e ho$ o'ten $ould - need to go and still learnE
6%K% 2eloved one you have a $ealth o' in'ormation at your dis"osal%
)a*e $hat you have and share that% And i' you need anything else it
$ill come but use $hat you have at your dis"osal H94 and share that%
)hat is $hat is im"ortant other$ise you could s"end the ne.t 20 years
trying to gain more in'ormation and you $ill still tell yoursel' you
donDt *no$ enough% !very body emits a s"eci'ic 're:uency $hich
resonates $ith others o' li*e mind and li*e heart and there are many
$aiting 'or you to share $hat you *no$ already% -s this clearE
,es than* you%
6%K% ,ou are $elcome% +eace and blessings be $ith you%
1% Master Kuthumi - guess - have more o' the same doubt as sister% -n
+ortugal - $as a "sychologist but here - 'ind mysel' $ith thousands
o' "ossibilities "lus - $as doing some $or* in healing $hich - didnDt
'inish so the thing is $here do - moveE Do - go bac* and do some
counselling course or do - try and do healingE -Dm com"letely
available to $hatever but not *no$ing $here to go so any light on
this $ould be most $elcome%
6%K% 3ister $e suggest that you get a 'eel o' $hat you $ould li*e
most to do% -' you $ant to 'ocus more on the healing then anchor that
intention% -' you $ish to go in the direction o' counselling then
anchor that intention by deciding that is the direction you $ould li*e
to move in% 2ecause then $hat ha""ens is the universe can su""ort you
in that direction% )he universe su""orts action there'ore the actions
may be sim"ly ma*ing the decision 'or an action to be anchored% Do you
,es but in $hich $ay $ould - be serving more "eo"le hel"ing more in
service that is my :uestionE
6%K% -n 'act any one o' those routes because you $ill be ta*en to
$homever it is you need and $hoever it is needs you $ill be guided to
you magnetically% Do you understandE
,es than* you%
6%K% ,ou are most $elcome%
1% 6ord Kuthumi can - /ust as* $hat regarding my daughter is there
anything - can do that $ould actually hel" herE 3heDs having "hysio%
6%K% 3ister $e as* you to "lace the "alms o' your hand in this
'ormation at the bac* o' her head so that the "alms o' your hand $ould
be "laced in the occi"ital area and to sit $ith her li*e this and
/ust allo$ the 'lo$ o' s"irit to move through your hands and into her
brain and into her s"ine% )his $ill begin to activate the energy 'lo$
through the s"inal nerves in $hichever $ay she needs it% Do you
6%K% )hen at times you may be re:uired to move your hand u" and do$n
her s"ine su""orting the 'lo$ o' energy% Do this on a daily basis i'
her body can $ithstand it% -' at any time she says DnoD honour it
her body $ill need some time to integrate% -s this clearE Do it 'or as
long as she "ermits it%
-naudible :uestion about i' there is a chance her daughter $ill $al* again
6%K% )here is a good "ossibility% -s this clearE 2eloved ones - shall
ta*e one last :uestion%
1 6ord Kuthumi% -Dm ho"ing that the energies $e received today $ill
unloc* doors $hich $ill enable me to ta" into areas - havenDt been
able to access "reviously and give me the ability to ans$er s"iritual
:uestions $ith more con'idence%
6%K% Absolutely sister% 3et that intention 'or yoursel' daily and
trust that it $ill be done% -s this clearE
,es than* you%
6%K% @ery $ell%
And so it is then beloved ones that $e hold you $ithin the "resence
o' 6ight truth $isdom and love blessing you $ith everything you
need to mani'est the Divinity o' your Divine sel' on earth as you are
in heaven% And may all that you need come to you under grace under
"er'ect harmonious and miraculous $ays ensuring the com"letion o' the
Divine /ourney you have chosen% )rust in the many invisible arms that
hold you and *no$ that not ever do you $al* alone 'or $e are all one
and $ith you al$ays in all $ays% May the 6ove and the 6ight o'
7ather/Mother God embrace you and guide you shining brightly u"on the
"ath$ay be'ore you ensuring that every ste" you ta*e be a steady one
and the 6ight that you see be the 6ight o' truth%
- am Kuthumi Cohan o' the golden ray o' love and $isdom and - embrace
you and greet you in love truth and $isdom% Adonai%
Adonai 6ord Kuthumi

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