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Observations about Beth's plight



I'm sending you some notes I wrote which you may want to forward to Rabbi
Eidensohn somebody else , or even just to keep as a record on your files as an
indication of how people are feeling about your plight.

Since I have safety concerns of my own, I have to ask you to keep my identity
and and email confidential.

The Daas Torah blog of "Thursday , May 22, 2014 " brought attention to the fact
that Rabbi Eidensohn has received negative comments regarding his bringing of
Beth's matter to the internet. This was in the 2nd paragraph prefacing Beth's letter
posted on that date. I have seen a number of comments on Daas Torah's blog which
amount to personal attacks on Rabbi Eidensohn and others. These have been used
as a tactic to callously dismiss legitimate concerns that reasonable right-thinking
people have regarding Beth's case.

Let me clarify at the outset that we must all remember that this is not just a
"case". Beth and her children should not be allowed to become just another statistic.
They are living, breathing human beings with the same colour blood running through
their veins, they have feelings and rights and these have been trampled upon. If
anyone forgets this, remember that you are your loved ones could be next. Rabbi
Eidensohn realizes that every life counts.

Rabbi Eidensohn's response was articulate and forthright. However, for those
who do not grasp the seriousness and repugnance of such interference, further
comment is necessary.

Those who have silenced other supporters of Beth, and have been used by Dr
Schlesinger as his abusers by proxy, need to know in no uncertain terms that there
are thousands of people who fully endorse Rabbi Eidensohn and the lawful action he
has taken towards righting a grievous wrong. If anything, he has more than shown a
willingness to co-operate in whichever way he can in resolving Beth's plight
amicably, and he has given ample opportunity to all and sundry to present their
point of view and their evidence.

He has maintained a level of fairness, has tempered any supportive comment he
has made, and any such opinion has been adjudicated on the evidence provided to
Daas Torah by Beth.

Observations about Beth's plight

Rabbi Eidensohn needs to be lauded , applauded and supported for his courage
in exposing the tragic case of Beth Alexander. He has shown true leadership and
righteousness. He has a religious, moral and ethical compass, something sadly
lacking in others.

Secrecy is one of the greatest weapons that perpetrators wield. It is only in
breaking the silence that the abuse will be held in check until being finally ended.

We cannot know what other further harm Dr Schlesinger might have done to
Beth and her twins had not the eyes of the Jewish world , in particular , been shone
on him by Rabbi Eidensohn on his Daas Torah blog .

As a result of the publicity provided by Rabbi Eidensohn by posting on Daas
Torah Beth's appeal for compassion in being allowed to attend her twins' 5th
birthday party, a plea seen all around the world, an extra-ordinary individual in
Vienna showed courage and compassion , and did a real Mitzvah in informing Beth of
the location and day. The twins will only have one 5th Birthday in their lifetime and
her attendance at a public restaurant which made her and the twins happy , is
concrete evidence of an achievement thanks to social media. Any resentment by her
husband or his family and enablers of not being able to inflict yet another senseless
cruelty upon her , reflects on them .

It must be understood that at the very least Dr Schlesinger is a vindictive
narcissist. His type is dangerous and unpredictable , and he will use and abuse
anybody to satisfy his own desires. His enablers, including the Austrian Jewish
Community, will learn this sooner or later if they haven't already realized how they
have been duped by this masterful manipulator.

They should start to think about the damage he has already caused to their
reputation and to Jews worldwide. His, is no different to the deplorable behaviour of
other Jews exposed by Rabbi Eidensohn, and he and his enablers are responsible for
adding to the fires of Anti-Semitism. They should disassociate themselves from him
and his wrong-doing, and not be intimidated by threats that their children will be
expelled from the Kindergarten. If enough people stand up together, and religious
women stop being afraid of their masters ie their husbands, it will be telling to see
how many children actually do get expelled from the school as threatened.

With publicity, there will come a time that the voices of ordinary citizens ,
scholars and professionals will be heard loud enough to persuade the Austrian
Judiciary to give Beth a fair hearing and to thoroughly review and overturn the
wrong decision. The distorted high-handed decisions of the few Judges involved in
this case will not to able to hold ground.
Observations about Beth's plight

Efforts, both overt and covert to intimidate Rabbi Eidensohn into silence , as
seen in his comments on the 22 May 2014 blog, or to denigrate his motives, his
person or his position as Rabbi, need to be condemned in the strongest of terms ,
and must be nipped in the bud without delay.

Are the other Rabbis and members of the community in Austria who are
"muttering" , becoming so ashamed of their participation in this travesty that they
want to cover up their wrongs by silencing Rabbi Eidensohn who has done what is
right ?

Their tactics will not work. Rabbi Eidensohn is evidently a man of integrity and
the cat is out of the bag . There are too many people to silence and too many who
know the truth to declare them all mentally ill and of needing commitment to a
psychiatric hospital !

There is no justification, religious or secular, for the behaviour that has been
displayed by Dr Schlesinger, the Professionals, the Courts and the Austrian Jewish
Community .

We all owe Rabbi Eidensohn a debt of gratitude for his tenacity in doing all
possible to resolve the matter , which means returning the children to their Primary
Attachment Figure, their mother under whose care they flourished.

Rabbi Eidensohn has not just come with a few meaningless platitudes and then
passed the ball conveniently along , like other Jewish leaders who have done little to
nothing to help or who have even worse, aided the abuser.

He has acted to do what is right because it is the right thing to do, and he must
be given all the credit he is due instead of being vilified or intimidated by the guilty.


If you really don't have the time to read them , maybe you can give it to a family
member, friend, colleague or congregant / fellow congregant. The hope is that each
reader will contribute in his/her way towards finding a solution.

Observations about Beth's plight

There are many people with intelligence, compassion and enough foresight and
vision to know this effects everyone - you, your children and your children's children,
communities and society at large.

The problem is systemic and pandemic . It is one of spousal, child and legal
abuse , and the difficulty of obtaining a Divorce, notably a severance of the
relationship, quickly, easily , cost efficiently and with due process , without the
spouse and children being destroyed in the process and being subjected to
continuing abuse and harm for interminable years to come.

Pleas for assistance in the in the case of a young British mother Beth Alexander ,
who is suffering a terrible plight in Austria along with her twins Sammy and Benji
Schlesinger , still need to be substantially answered.

The situation remains widely misunderstood.

This is not merely a matter in which there is an element of dissatisfaction with
the outcome of a Court case, or the outcome of a Divorce case, where there is a
winner and a loser , and so be it.

This is a case where an abusive husband became so enraged when his wife
considered leaving him , that to punish her and to maintain his power and control
over her , he chose to sacrifice the well-being and ultimately, possibly even the very
lives of his children. ( Suffice to say that more than enough up-to-date scientific data
exists to prove that when a wrong custody decision is made, the harmful effects lead
to all sorts of problems including developmental delays and even suicide by these
children as they grow into adolescence. It also leads to aberrations in behaviour,
bullying and the kind of tragic killings that we see reflected on the news all too often.
Later on many become abusers themselves).

Dr Schlesinger used every conceivable nefarious trick in the books. First he tried
unsuccessfully to have her committed to a mental hospital with the help of a Jewish
Psychiatrist who had never even met her. This failed because she was clearly
mentally fit and competent and the police and police psychiatrist forced him out of
the matrimonial home under Order.

Based on all the evidence, his dangerous and abusive behaviour was recognized
by the Courts . The Courts gave the custody to Beth and to protect her and the twins,
they only allowed the abusive father supervised visits.

Observations about Beth's plight

This humiliated him and enraged him further, so he enlisted the help of some
influential friends including a converted Jewish Judge , a Chabad Rabbi ,and some
others who had no integrity whatsoever . He actually succeeded in getting the Courts
without due process , but rather on a "nod-nod ,wink-wink " basis, to reverse its first
decision which had been the reasonable, lawful and correct one.

They made a horrific mistake in switching the custody from the loving capable
mother to the abusive, narcissistic father who has proven to be an incapable parent
and relentlessly abusive in trying to maintain control over his wife.

In a civilized society, the Rule of Law must be respected by all including the
Judiciary, and where it is disregarded and abused with an arrogant high-handedness
, it is for governments , civic and religious leaders , and those with human decency to
intervene and right a terrible wrong without delay .

Justice delayed, is Justice denied.

This is not an ordinary Court case.

This is a violation of human rights of the most egregious, unconscionable, and
insidious of all kinds because it is largely invisible. THIS IS A COMPELLING CASE OF

" No pain of the body is as great as the excruciating pain of an agonized mind. "
The anguish of being separated from one's children is intolerable. To be forced over
years , to watch them deteriorating without being able to stop it, is worse than any
physical punishment and worse than any physical torture.

By the very laws of nature, is not the protection and nurturing of her young, the
most primal function and concern of all sentient beings, animal and human ? What
greater affliction can there be than to deprive an innocent, capable mother and her
young of this right, obligation and benefit , without any just cause?

This mental torture, mental abuse, emotional abuse, apart from the physical,
financial, informational and legal abuse is having a devastating effect on the lives of
Beth, Sammy, Benji, and Beth's family. There are people around the world , Jewish
and Gentile who are saddened and outraged.

The efforts of the ADL are for nought when Jewish people behave badly. It fuels
the fires of Anti-Semitism. It dishonours Jews and Judaism. When Jewish people
Observations about Beth's plight

behave dishonestly and egregiously it dishonours all who have died and suffered just
for being Jewish. It is ironic that when the Jewish father and his Jewish co-abusers by
proxy, tried so maliciously to deprive the mother and her children of the right to be
together at the 5th Birthday celebration, that on the same day a number of people
were tragically shot , killed and injured at the Jewish Museum in Brussels Belgium
evidently by an Anti-Semitic man.


Schlesinger AND THE VICTIMS Beth Alexander, Sammmy and Benji and family ARE
JEWISH. Other people who aided in this atrocity, who ignored it, or who dismissed it
with a callous disregard , ARE JEWISH.

Jewish men, some Jewish women too, Jewish Professionals and Jewish people
around the world are perpetrating the most unconscionable crimes and wrongs for
money, power, influence and their own self-interests including perverted sexual
ones at an alarming , chilling and frightening rate. It is time to put an end to this
scourge, to stop masking it and approving it under the cloaks of Judaism, to stop
projecting blame or deflecting focus away from the truth.

Dr Schlesinger and his enablers must not be the kind of example that Jews set
and show to the world. Dr Schlesinger has proven himself to be incapable and



What is Beth supposed to do ? Must she remain an isolated hostage, in a hostile
environment, with a hostile Jewish community in Vienna to carry on being further
abused and impoverished ,in order to see her ever deteriorating twins for a pitiful
few hours, with never even an overnight visit so that she can tuck them into bed, or
have them on a Shabbat or Holiday ?
Observations about Beth's plight

That is an intolerable situation . How can she lead a healthy, fulfilling and
productive life , let alone a happy life , if she is relentlessly bombarded by her
vindictive husband and his enablers ? The longer his harmful custody continues, the
more kinds and intensity of abuse Beth and her twins are bound to be subjected to.

How long can someone remain so anguished, feel unsafe and insecure? Even her
freedom to visit her family in England together with her children, has been stripped
from her thanks to her vindictive husband and the nod-nod, wink -wink of his Court

A court who knows it has committed a great wrong, as would be testified to
based on irrefutable evidence by experts worldwide, but which is too entrenched to
rectify their mistake without intervention, is forcing an unnatural, cruel separation
with exceedingly harmful consequences.

Is she supposed to apply to other European and International Courts for justice ?
Her husband already, through proxies has made his gleeful observations public ,
knowing well as everybody does, that such hearings take years and years to wind
their way through to hearings. Besides, even then, the laws themselves are
inadequate, ways are found around them or to break them.

Must a mother, however can a mother, turn her back on her vulnerable,
defenceless children even if it is for her own self-preservation and right to life, liberty
and happiness ?

Is Beth to be advised that she should pack a bag and go home to England , leave
her children behind with a vindictive narcissistic abuser ? Give up the battle when
the well-being of her children are at stake ?

Won't she then be accused of child abandonment ?

Without your intervention, her situation is untenable !

"To whom much is given, much is expected" is the saying of some, so I would ask
the Israeli Government , Rabbi's and Jewish leaders and people to consider how
much support has been given and is still being given to Jewish causes , Shuls and to
the State of Israel. Much aid comes from Governments and therefore taxpayers,
both Jewish and Gentile. Is it too much to hope for, let alone expect, an answer to an
individual Jewish woman's cry for help ?
Observations about Beth's plight

If the individual and her children don't matter, how can society matter or a State
matter ?

Did not the Israelis call on the whole world and rightly so, to achieve the
freedom of Gilad Shalit ? Did not the world respond and his freedom be eventually
won albeit with the exchange of 1027 prisoners ? The world respected Israel for
caring about one individual and I understand that 79 per cent of Israelis even agreed
on the price of the exchange. It was the right thing to do.

Well, Beth is the victim of another kind of a war. It is called "The War on
Women" . Dr Schlesinger is waging a "War of Attrition" and Beth and the Twins are
being held prisoner. They need to be freed and the Courts under the weight of
scientific evidence and public pressure will eventually have no option but to review
the matter and restore the initial and correct decision, which was custody to Beth.

In the 21st Century there is no longer an acceptance of a woman being viewed
as property to be enslaved under an abusive husband's control, no matter how "
religious " he purports to be, and no matter what any set of biased interpretations
are given to any Law , religious or otherwise.

Is a young Jewish mother or her supporters to be forced to approach the the
Catholic Church , the Pope or others to help her in this battle waged on her by her
Jewish husband and his Jewish cronies ? How would that look ?

The list of Jewish leaders and organizations who have not even had the courtesy
to respond to letters and emails is telling in itself, but the battle is not yet over.

Has not Dr Michael Schlesinger brought enough harm to his family, and shame
on himself, shame on his Profession, shame on the Chabad, shame on the Austrian
Jewish community , shame on the Austrian Courts, shame on Austria, shame on
Jewish people worldwide ? How many Jewish people are perpetrators themselves or
enablers of abuse by their silence and inaction ?

The only right thing is your intervention, and the intervention of whomever has
any power and influence to correct this travesty. Where there is a will, there is a

In closing, Rabbi Eidensohn has tried to intervene in every way possible. He sets
a shining example for every single one of us to do so similarly.
Observations about Beth's plight

Without the complicity of silence the Holocaust would not have taken place,
without the complicity of silence and self-serving interests, it could have been
brought to a halt much sooner.

Were it not for those like Rabbi Eidensohn who had the courage to express their
outrage and let the world know, the Holocaust would not have been brought to an

We collectively need to bring an end to Beth's nightmare.

Thank you for your attention and anticipated involvement for the good of all.




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