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1 OF 2003
No:3-TR(58)/2002 Dated 15th Janua!" 2003
1. DGS Secretariat
2. NA
3. CS
4. The Principal Officer, MMDs, Mu!ai, Chennai, "ol#ata
$. The Principal, %&S CAMSA', Mu!ai
(. C'A &ranch
). All Shippin* Copanies
+. Pre,Sea Trainin* -nstitutes an. /or#shops
13.MM4'T, Mu!ai
11.Shippin* Master, Mu!ai5"ol#ata5Chennai
Su#$e%t: &andato! Gu'de('ne) to o#ta'n a**o+a( ,o- D'e%to Genea( o,
Sh'**'n. ,o the 'n)t'tute) and ,o the %ondu%t o, %ou)e) ,o /e-Sea
Ta'n'n. ,o &e%hant Na+!
- a .irecte. to for6ar. here6ith a cop7 of DGS Ode No.1. o, 2003 issue. on 1$th 8anuar7,
2333 !7 the Director,General of Shippin* an. Secretar7 to the Go9t. of -n.ia. These Gui.elines
pertain to the appro9al of -nstitutes for ipartin* pre,sea trainin* an. the7 are applica!le for all
the pre,sea courses. These *ui.elines shoul. !e rea. in con:unction 6ith the e;istin* Circulars,
M S Notices or other or.ers, issue. !7 DGS fro tie to tie.
0ou) ,a'th,u((!"
(Nae)h Sa(e%ha)
S. D!. D'e%to Genea( o, Sh'**'n.
Fo D'e%to Genea( o, Sh'**'n.
General guidelines for pre-sea courses
DGS Order No.1 of 2003
Mandatory Guidelines
to obtain approval from
Director-General of Sippin!
for te "nstitutes
for te conduct of $ourses
for %re-Sea &rainin! for Mercant Navy
J a h a z Bhavan
Mumbai, 400 001
January 2003
General guidelines for pre-sea courses
Table of Contents
%art 1 'dministration and approval %a!e No
1.1 Importance of pre-sea training .. 1
1.2 Entry into force ..
1.3 Objectives of pre-sea training .. 2
1. Eligible entities for approval ..
1..1 !pproval to Institute ..
1..2 "orm of Institute ..
1.# $rocedure for approval to t%e Institute .. 3
1.& 'ames of t%e Institute ..
1.( !ut%ori)ed signatories ..
1.* +ode of conduct for advertisements .. #
1., -an on conducting of courses not approved by .G/ ..
1.10 -an on ragging .. &
1.11 -an on alco%ol1 drugs etc ..
1.12 $roposal for in-principle approval ..
1.13 2e3uirements for in-principle approval .. (
1.1 4alidity of in-principle approval ..
1.1# $reparation of infrastructure ..
1.1& "inal approval by .G/ ..
1.1( 5enure of approval .. *
1.1* 'o approval 6it% retrospective effect ..
1.1, /c%edule of classes .
1.20 .uration of course ..
1.21 7og-boo8 ..
1.22 2ecords of Institute .. ,
1.23 9uality /tandards ..
1.2 $eriodical returns ..
1.2# :anners and Eti3uette ..
General guidelines for pre-sea courses
%art 2 $ampus
2.1 7and re3uirement .. 10
2.2 7ocation of Institute ..
2.2.1 !ddress for correspondence ..
2.3 /%ifting of premises ..
2. +onstruction 3uality .. 11
2.# ;ostel ..
2.& .rin8ing 6ater .. 12
2.( 5oilet facilities ..
2.* 7inen1 laundry1 and ironing .. 13
2., +atering .. 1
2.,.1 .ining %all ..
2.,.2 4entilation ..
2.,.3 'umber of <tilities ..
2.,. =itc%en>galley? ..
2.,.# .esignated @as% $lace ..
2.,.& 9uality of food .. 1#
2.,.( ;ygiene ..
2.,.* Out-sourcing of food preparation ..
2.10 +lassrooms ..

2.10.1 4entilation ..
2.10.2 +ooling ..
2.10.3 ;eating .. 1&
2.10. +lass-room si)e ..
2.10.# +arpet area ..
2.10.& -lac8A6%ite board ..
2.10.( Over%ead $rojector ..
2.10.* /creen ..
2.10., "or lecturer ..
2.10.10 "or trainees ..
2.10.11 'otice -oard .. 1(
2.11 7ibrary-cum-reading room ..
2.12 !udio-visual e3uipment ..
2.13 +omputer and projection facility ..
2.1 :aps1 models etc ..
2.1# 4ideo cassettes1 +.s ..
2.1& +omputer training ..
General guidelines for pre-sea courses
2.1( +ommunication facilities .. 1*
2.1(.1 Internet facilities ..
2.1(.2 5elep%one facility ..
2.1(.3 $%otocopying facility ..
2.1* 2ecreation room ..
2.1, .ispensary and medical emergencies ..
2.20 /%ip-type mast ..
2.21 $layground .. 1,
2.22 $arade-Ground ..
2.23 /6imming facilities ..
2.2 -oat6or8 ..
2.2# !lternate source of electric supply .. 20
%art 3 (aculty
3.1 "aculty strengt% .. 21
3.2 !pproval of faculty ..
3.3 /eparate course-in-c%arge..
3. !ppointment of faculty ..
3.# 4isiting faculty and guest lectures .. 22
3.& 9ualifications for faculty ..
3.( 5raining and leave reserve ..
3.* $ersonnel on duty ..
3., "aculty 2oom .. 23
%art ) $ourse facilities and fees
.1 +ourse strengt% .. 2
.2 /taggered batc%es ..
.3 Increase in course capacity ..
. !dmission standards ..
.# 4erification of documents..
.& .aily routine .. 2#
.( +ourse content ..
.* .etailed teac%ing syllabus ..
., 5eBt-boo8s ..
.10 "our basic modular courses ..
.11 +ourse dates .. 2&
.12 Intimation to .G/1 I'.os and to /%ipping :aster ..
.12.1 Intimation to .G/ C I'.os ..
.12.2 /ubmission of "orm 1 to /%ipping :aster ..
General guidelines for pre-sea courses

.12.3 /ubmission of "orm 2 to /%ipping :aster ..

.12. Issue of +.+s by /%ipping :aster ..
.13 Evaluation and monitoring ..
.1 "inal eBamination .. 2(
.1# Entry of final certificates in I'.os .. 2*
.1& <se of uniforms ..
.1( "ees .. 2,
.1* :et%od of collection ..
.1, 2emission to girl-candidates ..
.20 !nnual contribution to Government ..
%art * Disciplinary action
#.1 !utomatic lapse of approval .. 30
#.2 2ole of t%e !cademic +ouncil ..
#.3 5ype of deficiencies .. 31
#.3.1 :ajor deficiencies ..
#.3.2 :inor deficiencies .. 32
#. 2ectification of deficiencies ..
#.# @it%dra6al of approval ..
#.#.1 +ategories of 6it%dra6al ..
#.#.2 5emporary 6it%dra6al of approval ..
#.#.3 $ermanent 6it%dra6al of approval ..
#.#. Ordinary permanent 6it%dra6al of .. 33
Institute approval
#.#.# Immediate permanent 6it%dra6alA ..
cancellation of Institute approval
#.#.& $rocedure for 6it%dra6al .. 3
#.#.( +ompetent aut%ority for 6it%dra6als ..
#.#.* .isplay on .G/ 6ebsite ..
#.& +ategories of 6it%dra6al ..
#.( 5emporary 6it%dra6al of approval ..
#.* $ermanent 6it%dra6al of approval ..
#., @it%dra6al of Institute approval ..
#.10 Immediate 6it%dra6al or cancellation ..
#.11 $rocedure for 6it%dra6al ..
#.12 +ompetent aut%ority for 6it%dra6al ..
#.13 .isplay of .G/ 6ebsite ..
General guidelines for pre-sea courses
%art *" +ffective date
&.1 Effective date of implementation of t%ese guidelines .. 3#
General guidelines for pre-sea courses
$art 1
'dministration and approval
1.1 Importance of pre-sea trainingD
/%ips are only as good as t%e persons 6%o man t%em. /afety and efficiency of
s%ips are dependent upon t%e professional competence and dedication to duty1
of t%e seafarers on board t%e s%ips. 5o ac%ieve t%is1 maritime education and
training1 and 6it%in t%at1 t%e pre-sea training1 is of vital importance. !ll
Institutes t%at conduct1 or intend to conduct1 pre-sea induction courses for
merc%ant navy s%ould aim at eBcellence and abide by t%ese guidelines as set
fort% %erein. @%ere considered necessary1 additional norms may be issued by
t%e .irector-General of /%ipping >%ereafter .G/? for different categories of
pre-sea induction courses. 5%e .G/ reserves t%e rig%t to c%ange1 add1 modify1
rescind or replace t%ese norms1 or any part t%ereof1 6%enever considered
necessary by %im. 5raining of maritime personnel in India %as been accorded
t%e %ig%est priority by t%e Government of India. 5o ensure t%at t%e
competence of Indian seafarers is accepted t%roug%out t%e 6orld1
improvements %ave been made from time to time in t%e training of seafarers in
India. @it% advance in tec%nology1 and conse3uent c%anges especially due to
/5+@ ,#1 t%e international concept and practice of maritime training %as
undergone major c%anges in 3uality and 3uantity. 5o increase t%e supply of
trained seafarers1 t%e Government began to encourage maritime training in t%e
private sector on a large scale in about 1,,(. .G/1 6%o is t%e designated
aut%ority in India for all matters concerning merc%ant s%ipping1 %as been
issuing directives1 6%enever necessary1 to ensure t%at international standards
are complied 6it% by all training Institutes in India. 5%ese are no6
consolidated1 and supplemented t%roug% t%e present guidelines. 5%ese
guidelines are re3uired to be read 6it% t%e eBisting +irculars1 : / 'otices or
ot%er orders1 issued by .G/ from time to time.
1.2 Entry into forceD
!ll Institutes and courses are re3uired to follo6 t%ese guidelines 6it% effect
from t%e date laid do6n %ereinafter at t%e end of t%ese guidelines.
@%ere t%e Institutes are already approved prior to t%e issue of t%ese
guidelines1 t%eir approvals are deemed to %ave incorporated t%ese guidelines.
@%ere time is re3uired for implementation of t%e guidelines relating to land
re3uirement1 s%ifting premises and parade-ground Eplease see 2.11 2.2 and
2.22F1 compliance s%ould be made by 01 Guly 200. 5%ereafter specific
eBtension 6ill be considered on basis of merits of individual cases. "ailure to
abide by t%e guidelines or to obtain eBtension of time before t%e eBpiry of t%e
period 6ould result in approval being 6it%dra6n.
General guidelines for pre-sea courses
1.3 Objectives of pre-sea trainingD
+andidates for pre-sea training come from varying social1 cultural1
geograp%ical1 linguistic and economic bac8grounds. On completion of
training1 t%e officers and ratings join s%ips1 and are re3uired to be able to man
t%e s%ips effectively and to 8no6 t%e manner of 6or8ing and of be%aving in
t%eir respective 6or8-stations1 accommodation1 recreation rooms1 dining %alls
and in all formal and informal conteBts on board t%e s%ip and else6%ere.
-earing t%is in mind1 it is imperative t%at facilities for officers and ratings
undergoing pre-sea courses in maritime training Institutes be provided in
ade3uate measure1 and more. -y placing emp%asis on classroom and outdoor
activities suc% as parade1 p%ysical training1 s6imming1 boat6or81 outdoor
games1 eBtra-curricular activities1 etc.1 t%e candidate is eBpected to be fully
oriented to be suitable for t%e seafaring profession. +%eerful obedience to
orders of superiors1 teamspirit1 leaders%ip and ot%er seaman-li8e 3ualities 6ill
%ave to be developed in t%em. +andidates passing out of approved Institutes
6ould %ave to be of re3uired standard in 8no6ledge1 competence and
be%aviour. ;ence only Institutes t%at fulfil t%ese norms 6ill be considered by
.G/ for approval to impart maritime training for t%e merc%ant navy.
1. Entities eligible for approvalD
1..1 !pproval to Institute D
;ereafter approval of .G/ %as to be soug%t for any Institute1 prior to running
any maritime course. 'o proposal for approval of any maritime course
including pre-sea courses 6ill be entertained by .G/ unless t%e Institute %as
been approved. !ll eBisting Institutes conducting any .G/ approved course
as on date 6%en t%ese guidelines come into effect s%all be deemed to %ave
been approved by .G/.
1..2 "orm of Institute D
'o application for eit%er a ne6 5raining Institute or ne6 training course by
t%e eBisting Institute s%all %ereafter be processed ot%er t%an t%at received from
a registered public trust1 or registered society1 or a company registered under
section 2# of Indian +ompanies !ct1 1,#& >%ereafter Hregistered /n 2#
companyI? 6it% educational purpose as one of t%e objectives. 5%e eBisting
Institutes %ave to convert t%emselves into one of t%ese approved entities by t%e
prescribed date unless eBtended by .G/ on consideration of merits of t%e
General guidelines for pre-sea courses
1.# $rocedure for approval to t%e InstituteD
1.#.1 !pproval to t%e InstituteD
In future only Institute 6%ic% desires to conduct any maritime training
including pre-sea course s%ould %ave obtained t%e approval of .G/. Only an
approved Institute 6ill be eligible to conduct any of t%e :aritime training
course in future.
1.#.2 !pplication for approval to t%e InstituteD
5%e proposed Institute s%all apply to .G/ for approval of Institute in
proforma enclosed >+nclosure - "?. 5%e application s%ould contain details
suc% as
>a? 'ame of t%e Institute
>b? 5%e form of organisation 6%ic% proposes to run t%e courses i.e registered
public 5rust or /ociety or /n.2#company1 %aving education as one of t%e
>c? 'ames of 5rusteesA:anagement committee members A .irectors of t%e
registered /n.2# company along 6it% t%eir +4.
>d? 2esolution passed by suc% registered public 5rustA/ocietyA/n.2# company
mentioning t%at t%ey 6ant to runAstart t%e training Institute indicating t%e
name of suc% Institute. !ttested resolution s%all %ave to be attac%ed.
>e? 5%e Institutes must %ave minimum one %ectare of land in metropolitan and 2
%ectares in ot%er area on o6ners%ip basis. If land on o6ners%ip is not
available1 registered lease-deed of minimum 3 years 6it% enabling clause for
rene6al for anot%er 3 years s%ould be produced1 as in paragrap% 'o.2.1 belo6
>f? -usiness plan of t%e Institute
>g? 5entative list of courses Institute 6ants to conduct
>%? +4 of +apt. /updt. or .irector or $rincipal for :aritime <nit along 6it% %is
6illingness letter
>i? 7ayout of t%e premises
>j? 5entative plan of basic infrastructure i.e campus1 office1 sc%olastic bloc81
%ostel1 playground1 s6imming pool1 parade-ground1 facility for boating1 galley
>8? 'umber and 3ualifications of faculty members intended to be appointed
1.#.3 "ees D
5%e Institute s%all pay t%e non-refundable processing fee of 2s. #01000A- along
6it% application for approval to t%e Institute.
1.#. "unds for capital D
/ource of funding of Institute for initial capital eBpenditure and recurring
eBpenditure s%all be s%o6n in detail.
General guidelines for pre-sea courses
1.#.# $reparation for re3uired approvals D
In case of yearIs :arine Engineering degree course1 t%e plan for getting
!I+5E approval1 and in case of 3 yearIs -/c>'autical?1 t%e plan for getting
<niversity affiliation1 s%all be submitted.
1.#.& Grant of approval D
On scrutiny and inspection of t%e proposal by t%e relevant !cademic +ouncil1
and on successful compliance 6it% t%e general re3uirements necessary for
running maritime training courses1 .G/ s%all grant approval to t%e Institute as
+nclosure - ""
1.#.( 4alidity of approval D
If an approved Institute does not commence or conduct any approved courseAs
6it%in a period of t6o years1 t%e approval of .G/ s%all be deemed to %ave
lapsed automatically.
1.& 'ame of InstituteD
'ame of Institute 6ill %ave to be got approved by .G/. 'o Institute 6ill be
allo6ed to use or continue to use for t%e training Institute any title or name
6%ic% may suggest or be calculated to suggest t%e patronage of t%e Govt. of
India or t%e Govt. of t%e /tate. $lease see in t%is regard /ec.31 and clause ( of
t%e /c%edule in t%e Emblems and 'ames >$revention of Improper use? !ct1
1,#0. .G/ %ereby lays do6n t%at 6ords suc% as Indian1 'ational or -%arat
etc.1 s%all not be allo6ed in t%e name of any training Institute. !ny c%ange in
t%e name of t%e Institute is re3uired to be submitted to .G/ in advance1 and
approval obtained before using t%e ne6 name.
1.( !ut%ori)ed signatoriesD
!ll Institutes s%ould for6ard t%e names and specimen signatures of t6o
persons 6%o are respectively t%e aut%ori)ed representative and alternate
representative to deal 6it% .G/. 'o person ot%er t%an t%ese t6o persons 6ill
be entertained by .G/ or t%e !cademic +ouncil for any purpose relating to
t%e Institute. .ocuments submitted by t%e Institute1 signed by ot%er t%an eit%er
of t%em 6ill not be accepted by .G/ or !cademic +ouncil. 'o action 6ill be
ta8en on t%em and if t%ere is a c%ange in eit%er of t%em it s%ould be notified to
.G/ by a resolution signed by all 5rustees or aut%ori)ed :anagement
+ouncil member of t%e /ociety or directors of registered /n 2# company as
per t%e documents submitted to1 andAor available 6it%1 .G/ and !cademic
+ouncil. 5%e c%ange s%ould be notified to .G/ 6ell in advance and 6it%
indication of t%e date from 6%ic% t%e c%ange 6ill be effective.
General guidelines for pre-sea courses

1.* +ode of conduct for advertisementsD

5%e Institute must advertise for courses in media or independently1 giving
correct information. It s%ould include1 inter-alia1 t%e follo6ingD
1.*.1 Eligibility criteria in .G/ guidelines
1.*.2 'ames of courses
1.*.3 +ourse duration
1.*. "ees structure
1.*.# 'umber of seats sanctioned
1.*.& 7ast date of submission of application
1.*.( .ate of commencement of course
1.*.* /tatement mentioning J5%e successful completion of t%is course does not
guarantee on board training 6%ic% is mandatory for employment K
!dvertisements s%ould not include t%e follo6ing.
1.*., !ssured passing of t%e candidates
1.*.10 "alse rosy picture of brig%t prospects and %ig% salaries
1.*.11 :iBture of .G/-approved courses and non-.G/-approved courses in t%e
same advertisement.
+opies of all advertisements publis%ed or used must be 8ept in t%e Institutes
for record and for inspection as t%e need arises.
1., -an on conducting courses not approved by .G/D
'ormally a :erc%ant 'avy 5raining Institute approved by t%e .irector-
General of /%ipping s%ould conduct only courses approved by .G/. 5%is is
important to give clear picture to t%e candidates 6%o join t%e course on t%e
strengt% of approval of .G/. 5%e Institute s%ould not conduct similar courses1
.G/-approved and non-.G/ approved course misleading t%e candidate and
%is parents into t%in8ing t%at all courses run by t%e Institute are-.G/
approvedL 5%e eBisting training Institutes conducting suc% unapproved
courses s%ould approac% t%e .G/ 6it% t%e details of t%e same before starting
t%e neBt course1 and abide by t%e orders of t%e .G/ in t%at regard. In any case
no course similar to .G/-approved course s%ould be conducted by Institute
6it%out intimation to .G/. ! clause s%ould be added in t%e prospectus andAor
broc%ures andAor advertisements of t%e concerned non-.G approved courses
mentioning t%at J5%is course is not approved by .irector-General of
/%ipping1 :umbaiK.
General guidelines for pre-sea courses
1.10 -an on raggingD
/trict measures s%all be enforced to prevent ragging. 5%e course in-c%arge
s%all be %eld responsible for any incidence of ragging. /trict1 prompt1 and
strongest possible action s%ould be ta8en against anyone indulging in ragging.
In all cases1 t%e benefit of doubt s%all be given to t%e victim of ragging. !
record of all cases of ragging1 %o6ever minor1 and t%e action ta8en t%ereon by
t%e Institute s%all be 8ept. !ll cases of ragging s%ould be reported to .G/
immediately1 and in any case 6it%in ( days from t%e occurrence of t%e event.
!ny instance of ragging establis%ed in t%e Institute 6ill be considered serious
misconduct by t%e Institute1 attracting penal provisions by t%e .G/1 including
levy of penalty eBtending up to a la8% of rupees.
1.11 -an on alco%ol1 tobacco and drugsD
!bstinence from alco%ol1 tobacco and drugs1 eBcept medicinal drugs
specifically prescribed for a candidate to cure a current ailment1 must be
strictly enforced. Infringement of t%is re3uirement s%all be considered a
serious misconduct by candidate and by t%e Institute.
1.12 $roposal for in-principle approval to t%e courseD
5%e Institute is to for6ard initial proposal for in-principle approval for t%e
course in t%e format prescribed at +nclosure-"""1 along 6it% t%e non-
refundable processing fee1 laid do6n by .G/ by circulars. 5%e Institute is
also eBpected to indicate t%e time re3uired to raise necessary infrastructure.
5%e proposals for ne6 courses 6ill be scrutini)ed by t%e .G/. On
confirmation t%at t%e proposal complies 6it% t%e guidelines1 t%e Institute 6ill
be granted in-principle approval for eac% course C increase in capacity1 to
enable t%e Institute to raise t%e infrastructure. +nclosure -"*
1.13 2e3uirements for in-principle approvalD
Institute is re3uired to %ave its o6n land and infrastructure. In case Institute
does not %ave its o6n land1 necessary registered lease-deed for minimum 3
yearsI period 6it% enabling provision for rene6al of lease for a furt%er period
of 3 years must be produced. In suc% cases approval s%all be considered for
t%e period only for 6%ic% t%e lease is valid. Independent campus %aving
classrooms1 residential accommodation for 6arden1 %ostel1 playground for
volleyballAbas8etball1 parade-ground and 6or8s%op is essential. Institute s%all
ma8e t%e arrangement for s6imming1 boating1 football ground and medical
facilities1 preferably 6it%in t%e campus. In case suc% facilities are not feasible
immediately1 proof of tie-up for t%ese facilities may be submitted. !t t%e time
of submitting application for ,In-principle approvalI for pre-sea courses1 t%e
General guidelines for pre-sea courses
Institute must for6ard t%e documents1 confirming t%e o6ners%ipAlease of land
and layout1 bio-data of +apt /updt or t%e $rincipal.
1.1 4alidity of in-principle approval
4alidity of t%e in-principle approval 6ill be only for a maBimum period of
2 mont%s. In-principle approval does not guarantee t%e final approval 6%ic%
6ill depend upon t%e successful and satisfactory raising of infrastructure and
upon compliance of all re3uirements prescribed by .G/ for t%e course.
1.1# $reparation of infrastructureD
5%e Institute s%ould confirm t%e availability of t%e facilities and readiness for
inspection and for6ard documents li8e course material1 bio-data of faculties1
time-table etc. to .G/ 6it% respect to follo6ingD-
$art M!M - !dministration
$art M-M - +ourse staff
$art M+M - E3uipment1 publications C details of library facilities
$art M.M - "acilities
$art MEM - +onduct of courses
On receipt of t%e documents and confirmation by t%e Institute and after
successful scrutiny1 t%e .G/ may re3uest t%e concerned !cademic +ouncil to
inspect t%e Institute and to verify t%at $art M!M1 M-M1 M+M1 M.M and MEM as referred to
in t%e proposal are p%ysically in place +nclosure -*. 5%e Institute s%all
contact t%e concerned !cademic +ouncil 6it%in t6o 6ee8s from t%e date of
issue of letter from .G/ for inspection under intimation to t%e .G/1 failing
6%ic% t%e proposal 6ill be treated as cancelled and t%e fees deposited 6ill be
forfeited. 'o degree course 6ill be approved in t%e absence of1 or prior to1
approval from !I+5E or <niversity being obtained.
1.1& "inal approval to t%e course by .G/D
5%e concerned !cademic +ouncil s%ould carry out t%e inspection and submit
t%e report of inspection along 6it% observationsAdeficiencies to t%e .G/1
6it%in one mont% from t%e date of contact by t%e Institute for t%is purpose.
5%e !cademic +ouncil s%ould clearly point out t%e nature of deficiencies
>majorAminor? in its report. :ajor deficiencies 6ill %ave to be rectified by t%e
Institute. 5%e said rectification 6ill be verified by t%e concerned members of
!cademic +ouncil or by /urveyors appointed for t%is purpose. On receipt of
t%e report from t%e !cademic +ouncil1 t%e 5raining -ranc% 6it% t%e %elp of
General guidelines for pre-sea courses
5ec%nical !dvisers in .G/ 6ill scrutini)e t%e report. On being satisfied t%at
all re3uirements %ave been met1 t%e final approval 6ill be granted by .G/ in
t%e format enclosed at +nclosure- *". !pproval s%ould be permanently
displayed at all times in a prominent place in t%e Institute.
1.1( 5enure of approvalD
!ll approvals 6ill be permanent1 unless specifically mentioned as1 for
instance1 6%en restricted by t%e period of land-lease. 5%e approval s%all be
deemed to be 6it%dra6n if approval of !I+5E or <niversity lapses or is
6it%dra6n1 or if t%e Institutes gets involved in criminal proceedings.
1.1* 'o approval 6it% retrospective effectD
!pprovals for ne6 Institutes or for commencement of ne6 courses or
variation in inta8e capacity s%all be prospective1 and not 6it% retrospective
1.1, /c%edule of +lassesD
5%e Institute s%all conduct classes only from :onday to /aturday1 and in one
s%ift only. /undays s%ould be eBcluded from t%e course plan. 'o class s%all
be conducted on /undays.
1.20 .uration of t%e courseD
5%e duration of t%e course s%all be as prescribed separately for eac% category
of pre-sea induction course. 5%e entire teac%ing in a 6ee8 6ill consist of
about #-##N time devoted for lectures and t%e balance for tutorials and
1.21 7og-boo8D
.uring t%e course period1 t%e Institute s%all maintain a daily log-boo81 6ritten
up by t%e Officer on .uty >Oo.? and countersigned by t%e course-in-c%arge.
It s%all contain t%e follo6ing detailsD
a. 'ame of t%e Institute
b. .ay and .ate
c. $eriod coveredD 0,00 %ours previous day to 0,00 %ours present day
d. 'umber of candidates on t%e rolls
e. 'umber of candidates absent1 6it% reasons t%ereof O leave1 sic81 etc.
f. 'ames and designations of persons on duty
g. 'ames and designations of faculty absent1 6it% reasons t%ereof O leave1 sic81
General guidelines for pre-sea courses
%. 2outine eBtra-curricular activities
i. 2outine academic activities
j. !ny eBtra-ordinary events
8. !ny breac% of discipline1 and action ta8en t%ereon
l. 5imes of interruption of main electric supply
m. 5imes 6%en alternate source of po6er s6itc%ed on and off
n. !ny ot%er matter of significance not covered above.
1.22 2ecords of Institute D
5%e Institute s%all maintain records1 advertisements and broc%ures as set out
separately for eac% category of pre-sea induction course.
1.23 9uality standards D
Every Institute s%all %ave an establis%ed 3uality system of t%e applicable I/O
standard1 or approved e3uivalent1 6it%in siB mont%s of t%e commencement of
its first .G/-approved course and any ne6 .G/-approved course t%ereafter.
1.2 $eriodical returnsD
5%e Institute s%all submit t%e periodical returns to .G/ in t%e format of :/
EBcel1 available at .G/ 6ebsite H666.dgs%ipping.comI1 or it can also be
obtained from training branc% t%roug% e-mailAfloppy. 5%e returns s%ould be
for6arded strictly in t%e format1 on %ard copy as 6ell as on soft copy on
floppyAe-mail1 as follo6s D
a. 7ist of proposals pending 6it% .G/
b. /tatistics on selection of candidates for pre-sea courses
c. :ont%ly details on t%e courses conducted in t%e Institute
d. 7ist of candidates 6%o attended t%e courses1 and
e. 7ist of permanent and visiting faculty members.
1.2# Eti3uette and policy for mar8eting of Indian seafarers D
!de3uate training1 not less t%an one %our per day1 must be given in general
be%aviour1 code of conduct1 punctuality1 feedbac8 on instructions carried out1
dress code1 spea8ing on telep%one and 4;"1 table manners1 etc and t%e effect
of all t%is on t%e employers. 5%is 6ill enable t%e candidates to 6or8 and
be%ave in a manner to be appreciated by t%e employers. 5%en1 t%ey 6ill
employ more Indian seafarers especially on foreign-flag vessels. ! record of
suc% instructions1 lectures and met%ods of evaluation of effect on candidates
s%all be 8ept.
General guidelines for pre-sea courses
$art 2
2.1 7and re3uirements for t%e InstituteD
In metropolitan areas1 t%at is1 in cities 6it% million-plus population by t%e last
official +ensus1 t%e Institute must %ave an independent campus of 1 %ectare or
more in area. In ot%er areas1 t%e Institute must %ave an independent campus of
2 %ectares or more in area. 5%e land s%ould be level and usable. :ore area
may be re3uired depending on t%e number of courses and students. 5%is
re3uired land area s%ould be used for :aritime 5raining and allied purposes1
and for no ot%er purpose. If %o6ever it is an Institute conducting ot%er
degreeAdiploma courses approved by t%e <niversity1 t%en t%e land1 available
6it% t%e Institute toget%er for all suc% courses1 s%ould not be less t%an 6%at is
prescribed %erein. 5%e eBisting Institutes s%all ensure t%at t%ey are also in
possession of 1 or 2 %ectares as t%e case may be by 01
Guly 200 or by suc%
date as may be eBtended t%ereafter on merits of t%e case at t%e discretion of
.G/ @%ere on-campus facilities for boat6or81 s6imming1 playgrounds and
computer training are not provided1 formal agreement 6it% suitable outside
agencies may be permitted1 at t%e discretion of .G/. 5%e re3uirements for
eac% of t%ese facilities are prescribed under t%e appropriate %eadings in t%ese
norms. !ll ot%er facilities prescribed for training s%ould be located 6it%in t%e
2.2 7ocation of InstituteD
/ome of t%e Institutes are conducting courses at many locations. ;ereafter1
approval to t%e ne6 courses 6ill only be given 6%en all courses proposed are
to be conducted 6it%in t%e same campus. 5%is 6ill be applicable 6%et%er t%e
courses being conducted are pre-sea or post-sea. 5%e Institutes 6%ic% are
already approved to conduct courses at different locations s%ould ensure t%at
all courses are restricted to one location by 01 Guly 200 or specific eBtension
t%ereafter. !fter t%e prescribed period1 t%e approval s%all be 6it%dra6n from
all non-compliant training Institutes for all t%e courses.
2.2.1 !ddress for correspondence D
!ll correspondence 6it% t%e Institute 6ill be made only on t%e address 6%ere
t%e Institute is p%ysically located.
General guidelines for pre-sea courses
2.3 /%ifting of $remisesD
5%e re3uest for s%ifting of premises in t%e same city 6ill be considered after
receipt of processing fee of 2s. 201000 only. ;o6ever eBisting Institutes 6%o
s%ift to ne6 campus only to comply 6it% t%ese guidelines need not pay t%is
fee1 as may be approved by .G/. 5%e c%ange of location of t%e Institute from
one city to anot%er 6ill %o6ever be considered only as a fres% proposal1 and
t%e entire procedure for approval 6ill %ave to be follo6ed de-novo by t%e
Institute in suc% a case. Institute 6ill be re-inspected by !cademic +ouncil
after scrutiny by t%e .G/1 prior to issue of t%e approval to conduct courses at
ne6 premises. 5%e Institute can conduct t%e courses at t%e ne6 premises only
after receiving t%e approval for ne6 premises from .G/.
Once training %as commenced in one particular place 6it% t%e approval of
.G/1 no re3uest for c%ange of premises 6ill be considered till t%e completion
of at least t6o years.
2. +onstruction 3ualityD
!ll buildings of t%e Institute s%all beD
2..1 Of regular >HpuccaI? construction. 5emporary structures are not permitted.
2..2 @it% proper and permanent roofing -
2..3 $roperly coatedApainted1
2.. @it% modern flooring of tileAgraniteAmosaic or similar material1 and be
2..# 5reated for protection against termites.
2.# ;ostel and residential facilitiesD
5%e pre-sea training s%all be fully residential. 5%e %ostel s%all includeD
2.#.1 2ooms for candidates - t%e floor area s%ould be minimum 3 s3m per
candidate1 if t6o tier bun8s are provided1 and s3m per candidate1 if single
level is used.
2.#.2 +oir foam mattresses of not less t%an 1.* metres B 0., metre B (# mm si)e
s%all be provided for eac% candidate.
2.#.3 One cot1 of si)e compatible for t%e mattress1 s%all be provided for eac%
2.#. 56o-tier bun8s are permissible provided t%e clear %eadroom above t%e
mattress in eac% tier is not less t%an 0., metre1 and ceiling fans are at a safe
distance to avoid injury to occupants of t%e upper bun8s.
General guidelines for pre-sea courses
2.#.# One standard si)e of foam pillo6 per candidate s%all be provided.
2.#.& One cupboard 6it% space1 for %anging uniforms1 and s%elves for ot%er
personal effects. :inimum si)e of suc% space s%ould not be less t%an 1.*
metre %ig% and 0.# metre 6ide and 0.* metre deep. 5%e cupboard s%all be
made of 1*A20 gauge steel or may be built-in 6it% good 3uality of 6ood1
painted >preferably po6der-coated? against corrosion. 5%e foregoing
conditions could be met by standard si)e cupboards 1.* metre %ig% and 0.,
metre 6ide 6it% a central partition and t6in doors. 5%e cupboard space
allotted to eac% candidate must %ave separate loc8ing facility1 preferably 6it%
t%e candidateIs o6n loc8.
2.#.( One table1 c%air and table lamp s%all be provided per candidate1 6it%in t%e
cabin. ;o6ever1 t%is facility is not mandatory if a classroom or study room is
provided nearby1 accessible to candidates during %olidays and outside class
%ours on 6or8ing days.
2.#.* One 6aste paper bas8et s%all be provided in eac% room.
2.#., Eac% room s%all %ave sufficient natural ventilation and provided 6it%
ade3uate lig%ting and fans. @%ere necessary1 6indo6 curtains or blinds s%all
be provided. 5%e 6indo6 curtains or blinds s%all be aest%etic and of uniform
patternAsystem t%roug%out.
2.#.10 /uitable space s%all be provided in eac% room for storage of t%e luggage of all
t%e occupants of t%at room. !lternatively1 a separate HboB roomI 6it% suitable
rac8s may be provided for t%e luggage of all t%e candidates.
2.& .rin8ing @ater D
+old drin8ing 6ater must be provided at ade3uate1 appropriate locations on
t%e campus1 especially near t%e classrooms and %ostel rooms1 fitted 6it%
purification facility.
2.( 5oilet facilities in t%e %ostel D
In t%e ratio of not less t%an one 6as% basin1 s%o6er and @+ for every five
candidates. .ifferent utilities >6as% basin1 s%o6er and @+? s%all not be
clubbed into one room suc% t%at if one candidate is using t%e @+1 %e 6ould
be denying ot%er candidates t%e use of a s%o6er or 6as%basin.
General guidelines for pre-sea courses
2.(.1 @ater-supplyD
!de3uate arrangements for 6ater-supply to toilets1 2 %ours a day1 s%all be
2.(.2 @allsD
:asonry 6alls s%all be covered 6it% good 3uality tiles to full %eig%t.
2.(.3 @as%-basinsD
@as%-basins s%all be of ceramic type of not less t%an #0 cm in si)e.
2.(. 5oilet rac8sD
Eac% 6as% basin s%all %ave a ceramicAglass s%elfArac8 for toiletries.
2.(.# 7ig%tD
Eac% 6as%-basin s%all %ave lig%t suitably mounted above it.
2.(.& !ccessoriesD
5%e toilets s%all %ave necessary to6el rac8s1 clot%es %oo8s and soap %olders.
2.(.( 5apsD
!ll taps s%all be of nic8el-plated metal or stainless steel. $lastic taps are not
2.(.* EB%aust fansD
5oiletsA@+s s%all be fitted 6it% ade3uate number of eB%aust fans to prevent
any accumulation of foul air.
2.(., @+sD
!ll @+s s%all be of @estern style and fitted 6it% toilet seats.
2.* 7inen1 laundry1 and ironingD
!t t%e commencement of t%e course1 t%e Institute s%all arrange for t%e supply
of ne6 %ostel linen to eac% candidate. On completion of training1 t%e
candidate s%all be allo6ed to ta8e a6ay t%e linen provided to %im. 5%e linen
supplied to eac% candidate s%all includeD
General guidelines for pre-sea courses
2.*.1 One mattress cover
2.*.2 "our 6%ite bed s%eets1 for use of t6o at a time
2.*.3 56o 6%ite pillo6 covers
2.*. 56o 6%ite 5ur8is% bat%-to6els
2.*.# 56o 6%ite 5ur8is% %and-to6els
2.*.& One blan8et 6%ere ambient temperature is eBpected to fall belo6 20P+.
!de3uate laundry service must be provided eit%er in-%ouse or out-sourced.
"acility for ironing clot%es s%all be provided at t%e rate of one electric iron
and ironing board for every ten candidates.
2., +ateringD
2.,.1 .ining %allD
! dining %all suitable to seat all t%e candidates at one time may be provided.
;o6ever1 seating capacity of %alf t%e number of candidates at a time is
permissible 6%ere staggered meal times are provided.
2.,.2 4entilationD
5%e dining %all s%all %ave natural ventilation and also be fitted 6it% ade3uate
lig%ting and fans.
2.,.3 'umber of utilitiesD
@as%-basins1 li3uid-soap dispensers and %and-to6els s%all be provided at a
rate of not less t%an one per ten candidates.
2.,. =itc%en >galley?D
5%e floor s%all be of stone or tiles1 free of crac8s1 %oles or gaps to discourage
insects. 5%e sides s%all %ave tiles to t%e full %eig%t of t%e 6alls. 5%e coo8ing
platform s%ould %ave a c%imney or ot%er effective means above it to ta8e
a6ay t%e %ot air and oil fumes resulting from coo8ing. 5%ere s%ould be a
proper airflo6 system 6it% eB%aust fans to prevent air and smo8e etc. from
entering ot%er enclosed spaces in t%e campus.
2.,.# .esignated 6as% placeD
! designated 6as% place for t%e utensils1 cutlery and croc8ery s%all be
provided1 outside t%e galley1 fitted 6it% ade3uate taps and platforms for
segregation of dirty and clean items. ;ot 6ater s%ould be made available on
tap for t%is purpose.
General guidelines for pre-sea courses
2.,.& <niform for catering staffD
@%ile at 6or81 all catering staff s%ould 6ear uniforms. +oo8Is uniforms s%all
include Hc%ef capsI to prevent %air from falling into t%e food under
2.,.( 9uality of foodD
5%e food s%all be nutritious and fres% and1 6%ere appropriate1 served %ot. 5%e
entire process of catering s%all be %ygienic and conducive to t%e maintenance
of good %ealt%.
2.,.* ;ygieneD
!ll spaces connected 6it% catering s%all be free of rodents1 fungus or insects.
!de3uate number of insect traps s%all be fitted to 8eep t%e catering spaces free
of insects.
2.,., Out-sourcing of food preparationD
In case of outsourcing1 proper agreement must be entered into 6it% t%e
contractor. ;o6ever t%e food must be prepared in t%e galley 6it%in t%e
campus and must be served in dining %all of t%e campus. 5%e 3uality must be
strictly supervised by t%e Institute.
2.10 +lassroomsD
2.10.1 4entilationD
+lassrooms s%all be air-conditioned or %ave natural ventilation and be
provided 6it% ade3uate lig%ting and fans.
2.10.2 +oolingD
@%ere t%e ambient temperature in t%e classroom is eBpected to eBceed 3#P+1
air-conditioning s%all be provided. In areas of lo6 %umidity1 desert coolers
may be provided instead of air-conditioners.
2.10.3 ;eatingD
@%ere t%e ambient temperature in t%e classroom is eBpected to fall belo6
1#P+1 %eaters s%all be provided.
General guidelines for pre-sea courses
2.10. +lass-room si)eD
5%e carpet area re3uirement of t%e class rooms and tutorial rooms depends
upon t%e number of students and type of seating arrangement. 5%ere s%all be
provisions for a platform1 a table and a c%air for t%e teac%er. In a class1
fre3uently students ma8e use of a data boo81 a calculator and noteboo8. !s
suc% t%e student 6ill re3uire a larger des8 as compared to t%e re3uirements of
classes for students of general education.
2.10.# +arpet areaD
5%e si)e of t%e classroom for candidates s%all be as given belo6D
'o. of candidates +arpet area of room
20 'ot less t%an 30 m2
0 'ot less t%an #0 m2
-et6een 20 C 0 -et6een 30 C #0 m2
2.10.& -lac8A6%ite boardD
-lac8A6%ite board 6it% c%al8Amar8er pens of different colours s%all be
provided in eac% classroom.
2.10.( Over%ead projectorD
!n over%ead projector s%all be provided in eac% classroom1 suitably located
for instant use 6it%out causing any blind sector to candidates.
2.10.* /creenD
! 6%ite screen of matt finis% to be provided1 suitably mounted1 for use 6it%
t%e over%ead projector
2.10., "or lecturerD
! raised platform 6it% a table and c%air s%all be provided. 5%e lecturer s%all
be provided a loc8able cupboard for use in eac% classroom.
2.10.10 "or candidatesD
Eac% candidate s%all be provided 6it% a separate c%air and table. ;o6ever1 if
t%e dimensions of t%e room 6arrant1 t6in seating may be permitted1 provided
t%at separate c%airs are available to eac% candidate.
General guidelines for pre-sea courses
2.10.11 'otice-boardD
! notice-board s%all be provided at t%e entrance of eac% classroom1
displaying1 among ot%er notices1 t%e 6ee8ly sc%edule of classes and t%e
assigned faculty.
2.11 7ibrary-cum-reading roomD
! dedicated library-cum-reading room of not less t%an 20 m2 per 0
candidates s%all be provided1 ade3uately stoc8ed and furnis%ed. 'e6spapers
and maga)ines1 tec%nical and general1 s%all be provided. +ontrol of t%e
ambient temperature s%all be provided as prescribed for classrooms.
$referably1 a 3ualified librarian s%all be in c%arge of t%e library-cum-reading
2.12 !udio-visual e3uipment D
5%e Institute s%all %ave ade3uate audio-visual materials including 54s1
videoA+. players1 appropriate video tapesA+.s1 etc.
2.13 +omputer and projection facility D
It is recommended to provide for a computer and projector for $o6er$oint
presentations in classrooms 6%en re3uired.
2.1 :aps1 models1 etc.
!de3uate number of 6orld maps1 models of s%ips1 6all-mounted p%otograp%s
of s%ips and ports1 etc. s%all be displayed in classrooms and ot%er suitable
places in t%e campus.
2.1# 4ideo-cassettesA+.sD
5%e available video-cassettesA+.s s%ould include
2.1#.1 Entry into enclosed spaces
2.1#.2 <se of breat%ing apparatus
2.1#.3 $ersonal safety on .ec8
2.1#. !bandon s%ip
and ot%er video cassettesA+.s1 as may be prescribed from time to time.
2.1& +omputer trainingD
!t least five 6or8stations for every 0 candidates1 6it% :/ Office 6%ic%
includes @ord1 EBcel1 !ccess and $o6er$oint programmes1 s%all be provided
General guidelines for pre-sea courses
for use by candidates on %olidays and off-%ours on 6ee8days. @%ere
computer training cannot be imparted 6it%in t%e campus1 formal agreement
6it% suitable outside agencies 6it% dedicated time slots for candidates of t%e
Institutes under t%e supervision of t%e representative of t%e Institutes may be
permitted. ;o6ever1 t%e said 6or8stations stated earlier in t%is clause must be
available in a classroom 6it%in t%e campus.
2.1( +ommunication facilities D
2.1(.1 InternetD
Internet s%all be available on t%e campus for use by candidates on %olidays
and after-%ours on 6or8ing days. !t least t6o Internet 6or8stations s%all be
provided for every 0 candidates.
2.1(.2 5elep%oneD
+andidates s%all %ave access to local1 '/. and I/. telep%one facilities 6it%in
t%e campus.
2.1(.3 $%otocopying D
+andidates s%all %ave access to p%otocopying facilities 6it%in t%e campusQ
%o6ever1 copyrig%ts of publis%ers must not be infringed.
2.1* 2ecreation roomD
! recreation room of not less t%an 20 m
per 0 candidates1 6it% indoor games
suc% as table tennis1 carrom1 scrabble1 draug%ts1 c%ess1 etc.1 541 4ideo1 etc.
s%all be provided for use by t%e candidates.
2.1, .ispensary and medical emergenciesD
! dispensary stoc8ed 6it% ade3uate supplies for rendering first aid s%all be
provided.5%e Institute s%all %ave t%e services of a doctor available at s%ort
notice and a formal agreement 6it% a %ospitalAclinic nearby in case of
2.20 /%ip-type mast D
! s%ip-type mast1 approBimately 1# meters %ig%1 for practice in mast climbing
must be provided in a convenient location in t%e campus.
General guidelines for pre-sea courses
2.21 $laygroundD
! playground of at least 130 meters B 100 meters s%all be provided 6it%in t%e
campus. If for any reason1 on-campus playground is not provided1 formal
agreement 6it% dedicated time-slots for candidates of t%e Institutes under t%e
supervision of t%e representative of t%e Institutes 6it% suitable outside
agencies may be permitted1 at t%e discretion of .G/. /ince outdoor games is
part of t%e daily routine1 playgrounds situated eBternal to t%e campus must be
6it%in a distance of about 10 8ilometers.
2.22 $arade-Ground D
! parade-ground of minimum area computed at 1#m
per candidate per course
parade s%ould be provided. @%ere t%e playground is 6it%in campus1 t%e
parade- ground may1 if desired1 be situated on t%e playground itself. -ut
6%ere playground is outside t%e campus1 it is necessary t%at t%e parade-ground
s%all be provided 6it%in t%e campus.
2.23 /6imming facilitiesD
5%e Institute s%all %ave facilities for imparting training in s6imming. @%ere
on-campus s6imming facilities are not provided1 formal agreement 6it%
suitable outside agencies 6it% dedicated time-slots for candidates of t%e
Institutes under t%e supervision of t%e representative of t%e Institutes may be
permitted at t%e discretion of t%e .G/.
2.2 -oat6or8D
"acilities are necessary for practice in %andling of boats 6it% oars. @%ere on-
campus facilities do not eBist1 formal agreement 6it% suitable outside agencies
6it% dedicated time-slots for candidates of t%e Institutes under t%e supervision
of t%e representative of t%e Institutes may be permitted at t%e discretion of
2.2# !lternate source of electric supplyD
2.2#.1 !n alternate source of electrical po6er capable of providing po6er to t%e
follo6ing 6it%in ten minutes of t%e failure of t%e main supply s%all be

2.2#.2 !ll lig%ts and fans in t%e buildings and %alf t%e number of lig%ts of compound.
2.2#.3 Essential services suc% as fres%6ater pumps1 fire-fig%ting pumps1 6%ere
appropriate1 drin8ing 6ater purification e3uipment1 coo8ing e3uipment1
designated emergency lift1 telep%one board1
General guidelines for pre-sea courses
2.2#. +omputers1 <$/ for computers1 simulators and t%eir air-conditioners.
2.2#.# 5%e emergency po6er re3uirement for 6or8s%op facilities need not be
concurrent or simultaneous 6it% t%at re3uired for t%e %ostel as it may be
presumed t%at bot% t%ese premises 6ould not be occupied at same time.
2.2#.& 5%e emergency generator and emergency s6itc%board s%all be located in a
self-contained room1 at ground level in t%e campus1 sufficiently segregated
from t%e academic and residential accommodation in order to prevent
unnecessary noise1 vibration and atmosp%eric pollution.
General guidelines for pre-sea courses
$art 3
3.1 "aculty /trengt% D
5%e number of candidates in a lecture class s%all not eBceed 0. "or practical
and ot%er 6or8 6%ere greater inter-action is necessary1 t%e class s%ould be
sub-divided into groups of not more t%an * candidates per instructor. !t least
#0N of t%e faculty in eac% category must be on full-time employment of t%e
Institute. 5%e minimum faculty strengt% for a batc% s%all be as prescribed
separately for eac% category of pre-sea induction course.
3.2 !pproval of "aculty D
5%e faculty members may apply in t%e application form at +nclosure *""1
t%roug% an approved Institute. Eac% faculty member 6ill be approved by t%e
.G/ initially for t%e subjectAs for 6%ic% %eAs%e is considered to be competent
to teac%. Once t%e approval letter is issued for a faculty member1 %eAs%e 6ill
be free to teac% t%at subject in any Institute. If t%at faculty member 6ants to
also teac% anot%er subject1 %e 6ill %ave to get approval from .G/ for t%at
subject separately.
3.3 /eparate course-in-c%arge for eac% courseD
@%ere t%e Institute is running more t%an one course1 eac% course s%ould %ave
different course in-c%arge.
3. !ppointment of faculty members D
5%e appointment of t%e faculty member for a particular course is approved at
t%e time of granting approval for t%e course. /ubse3uent appointment of
different faculty member s%ould be made 6it% t%e prior approval of .G/
unless delegated to any suitable aut%ority. @%ere t%e appointment is made in
emergency li8e sudden illness1 deat%1 or resignation of eBisting faculty
member etc. t%en t%e Institute s%ould ta8e t%e .G/Is eB-post facto approval as
early as possible. <ntil t%e approval from t%e .G/ is received1 t%e faculty
s%ould be appointed provisionally. $rovisional appointment s%ould not be for
more t%an for one mont% in any case and t%e re3uest for t%e approval of t%e
same s%ould be for6arded to .G/ immediately. /uc% case of provisional
appointments s%ould be eBception rat%er t%an rule. 'ormally suc% re3uests
6ill be considered maBimum & times a year1 and subject to not more t%an
2#N of faculty strengt%.
General guidelines for pre-sea courses
3.# 4isiting faculty members and guest lecturersD
In vie6 of t%e paucity of teac%ers in specialised subjects and in order to cater
to instructional re3uirements1 visiting faculty members may be resorted to1 as
and 6%en necessary. ;o6ever1 too muc% of dependence on visitingApart-time
faculty members s%ould be avoided. !t any time1 t%e Institute s%ould %ave on
its rolls a minimum of #0N permanent faculty members. 5%e Institute s%ould
arrange as many guest-lectures as possible1 by distinguis%ed persons from t%e
industry1 and %aving managerial responsibilities related to t%e course.
3.& 9ualifications and attributes of facultyD
3.&.1 Only properly trained and 3ualified personnel s%ould impart training and
3.&.2 !ll faculty members s%all %ave undergone an appropriate1 approved H5raining
of 5rainersI course or e3uivalent accepted by .G/.
3.&.3 "aculty members s%ould be capable of clear1 loud1 vocal communication in
Englis%1 6it%out any speec% defect and1 6%en interacting 6it% ratings1 be
capable of eBpressing t%emselves in ;indi.
3.&. 5%e 3ualifications of t%e course-in-c%arge and faculty members s%all be as
prescribed separately for eac% category of pre-sea induction course.
3.&.# :aBimum age of $rincipalA.irectorA+apt. /updtA.eanA"aculty and InstructorD
5%e maBimum age of $rincipalA.irectorA+apt. /updt.A.eanA "aculty and
Instructor s%all not eBceed &# years. EBtension beyond &# 6ill %ave to be
soug%t in advance1 and s%all be granted by t%e .G/ depending on t%e merits
of t%e case1 but s%all not in any case eBceed (0 years.
3.( 5raining and 7eave 2eserveD
5o enable institutions to sponsor faculty for staff development programmes
suc% as 5O5! etc. and to allo6 t%em to avail of leave1 it is necessary t%at
ade3uate number of persons are available as leave reserve. It 6ill be desirable
to %ave 10N staff in eBcess for t%is purpose1 and t%e said arrangement it can
be in terms of visiting faculty too.
3.* $ersonnel on dutyD
5%ere must be persons designated1 as prescribed separately for eac% category
of pre-sea induction course1 to be on duty in t%e campus at all times during t%e
General guidelines for pre-sea courses
course period. 5%is is to ensure 6elfare1 discipline1 and safety amongst
candidates1 and for overall security of t%e Institute. It is imperative t%at t%e
person designated to be on duty and in-c%arge of discipline must eat 6it% t%e
candidates in t%e dining %all. 5%is 6ill not only ta8e care of discipline and
table manners but also ensure t%at t%e standard of 3uality of food is
3., "aculty roomD
5%ere s%all be a room for faculty members1 separate from t%e office space1 as
3.,.1 "or eac% full-time faculty member1 carpet area not less t%an m
6it% separate
c%air1 table and cupboard.
3.,.2 :odular separation is recommended.
3.,.3 "or visiting faculty members1 additional table and c%airs.
3.,. "ans and1 6%ere necessary1 provisions for t%e control of t%e ambient
temperature s%all be provided as prescribed for classrooms.
General guidelines for pre-sea courses
$ourse facilities and fees-
.1 +ourse strengt%D
5%e number of candidates s%all be 0 per course and in multiples of 0
.2 /taggered batc%esD
@%ere desired by t%e Institute1 batc%es may be admitted1 staggered by %alf t%e
approved strengt%1 so t%at t%ere 6ould be some senior and junior candidates at
any one time. ;o6ever1 t%e total number of candidates under training1 at any
one time1 s%all not eBceed t%e sanctioned strengt% for t%e pre-sea induction
course for t%at institution.
.3 Increase in course capacity D
!ny re3uest for increase in t%e capacity or additional batc% of t%e course
subse3uently 6ill be considered afres%1 and t%e Institute 6ill be re3uired to
pay t%e non-refundable processing fee again along 6it% t%e application.
Inspection by t%e !cademic +ouncil1 on t%e advice and scrutiny of .G/ 6ill
ta8e place only on suc% payment being made.
. !dmission standardsD
!dmission standards s%all be as prescribed separately for eac% category of
pre-sea induction course. !t present t%ese are prescribed in :./. 'otice 'o.2
of 2002 dated 03.10.02. 5%e Institute must follo6 t%ese standards strictly and
no approval for deviation s%all be given. In case it comes to t%e notice of .G/
t%at Institute %as given admission to any candidate 6%o does not fulfil t%e
eligibility criteria1 t%is 6ill be treated as misconduct by t%e Institute and it
s%all be liable for penal action including 6it%dra6al to t%e approval of t%e
.# 4erification of documentsD
-efore admission1 all original documents in support of t%e applicant meeting
t%e admission standards must be scrutinised by t%e %ead of t%e Institute or by
%is aut%orised representative. 5%e responsibility for suc% scrutiny s%all be t%at
of t%e %ead of t%e Institute. 5%e Institute must retain an attested p%otocopy of
eac% suc% document for a period of not less t%an # years. /ince t%e originals
are being sig%ted by t%e Institute1 t%e p%otocopies need not be attested1 but t%e
General guidelines for pre-sea courses
person sig%ting original can ma8e an endorsement on t%e p%otocopy 6it% %is
name and designation.
.& .aily routineD
5%e daily routine to be follo6ed by all pre-sea Institutes is enclosed at
.( +ourse contentD
5%e course content and t%e distribution of %ours for eac% topicAactivity may be
given separately for eac% category of pre-sea induction course. 5%ese must be
strictly ad%ered to.
.* .etailed teac%ing syllabusD
5eac%ing syllabus s%all be as prescribed for eac% category of pre-sea
induction course.
., 5eBt--oo8s
5eBt-boo8s s%all be as may be prescribed separately for eac% category of pre-
sea course.
.10 "our basic modular coursesD
5%e Institute s%all arrange for t%e candidates to undergo t%e follo6ing courses
independent of t%e stipulated period of pre-sea training1 and before issuing
t%em a final passing out certificateD
.10.1 $ersonal /afety C /ocial 2esponsibilities >$//2?
.10.2 $ersonal /urvival 5ec%ni3ues >$/5?
.10.3 Elementary "irst !id >E"!?
.10. "ire $revention C "ire "ig%ting >"$""?
.10.# 5%e basic courses listed above must be courses approved by .G/ in t%e
.10.& @%ere facilities to conduct t%ese courses do not eBist 6it%in t%e campus1
formal agreement 6it% ot%er approved InstituteAs is permitted. ;o6ever1 t%e
responsibility for all arrangements1 suc% as transportation1 boarding1 lodging1
etc.1 6%ile t%e candidates undergo t%ese basic courses outside t%e campus1 is
General guidelines for pre-sea courses
t%at of t%e Institute t%at conducts t%e pre-sea training. ! separate certificate
must be issued to eac% candidate for eac% basic course.
.11 +ourse datesD
In order to maintain uniformity1 t%e date of commencement of pre-sea courses
s%all strictly be first 6or8ing day of t%e mont%.
.12 Intimation to .G/1 I'.os and to /%ipping :asterD
.12.1 Intimation to .G/ and I'.osD
@it%in t6o 6ee8s of commencement of t%e course1 t%e %ead of t%e Institute
s%all send a list of candidates1 in t%e prescribed format1 to t%e .G/ and to t%e
$rincipal1 7-/ +ollege of !dvanced :aritime /tudies and 2esearc%
>7-/+!:/!2?1 :umbai. 5%e $rincipal 7-/+!:/!2 s%all allot a
distinctive permanent Indian 'ational .atabase of seafarers >I'.os? number
to eac% candidate and communicate t%e same to t%e Institute. 5%e I'.os
number s%ould be stated in all maritime certificates and documents issued in
India to t%at candidate.
.12.2 /ubmission of "orm 1 to /%ipping :asterD
5%e Institute 6ill submit "orm 1 >as prescribed in +nclosure -". ?1 duly filled
in by t%e candidates to t%e /%ipping Office geograp%ically closest to t%e
training Institute. 5%e "orm 1 s%ould reac% t%e concerned /%ipping Office1
6it%in ( days of commencement of t%e course. In case of any delay1 +.+ 6ill
not be issued to suc% candidates unless condonation of delay for submission of
"orm 1 is obtained from .G/. 5%e training Institutes are t%erefore1 advised to
complete t%e selection process and %ave "orm 1 completed by t%e selected
candidates at t%e commencement of t%e course to avoid any delay in
submission of "orm 1 to t%e /%ipping :aster.
.12.3 /ubmission of "orm 2 to /%ipping :aster D
!fter declaration of t%e resultsAcandidates becoming eligible to proceed to sea1
t%e ;ead of t%e Institute 6ill for6ard "orm 2 >as prescribed in +nclosure-. ?
to t%e concerned /%ipping :aster 6it%in ( days of t%e date of completion of
courseAcandidates becoming eligible to proceed to sea1 along 6it% t%e re3uired
fee of 2s. #00A- per candidate1 by .emand .raft1 in favour of t%e concerned
/%ipping :aster.
General guidelines for pre-sea courses
.12. Issue of +.+s by /%ipping :aster D
On receipt of "orm 2 from t%e training Institutes1 t%e /%ipping :aster 6ill
prepare +.+s for all successful candidates and for6ard t%e +.+s to t%e
respective ;ead of training Institute in one bunc%. +.+ 6ill not be prepared
in respect of candidates 6%ose names %ave not been included in "orm 1.
;eads of Institute s%ould collect +.+s from /%ipping Office t%roug% an
aut%ori)ed representative to avoid postal delay. /%ipping :asters s%all ensure
t%at +.+s are prepared and 8ept ready for collection by t%e aut%ori)ed
representative of t%e 5raining Institute 6it%in 1# days of receipt of "orm 2.
.13 Evaluation and monitoring D
5%e Institute s%all %ave in place a demonstrable system for continuous
evaluation and continual improvement1 during t%e course of training1 to ensure
t%at t%e course objectives are being attained.
.1 "inal EBaminationD
.1.1 5o6ards t%e end of eac% course1 t%ere 6ill be a final eBamination consisting
of 6ritten1 oral and practical segments.
.1.2 EBcept and till ot%er6ise provided1 t%e eBaminations are to be conducted1 and
t%e assessment made1 by t%e Institute itself.
.1.3 5%e Institute s%all retain t%e ans6er-scripts and ot%er assessment records for
at least t6elve mont%s t%ereafter.
.1. In order to ensure t%at proper valuation %as been done1 a member of t%e
!cademic +ouncil1 or ot%er officer appointed by .G/1 possessing an
appropriate +ertificate of +ompetency1 may revie6 assessment records at
random and also as8 during t%e surpriseAannual inspection 3uestions of some
of t%e candidates to assess t%e general 3uality of training imparted
.1.# 5%e structure of t%e assessment system is given separately for eac% category
of pre-sea induction course.
.1.& 5%e criterion for issue of a passing out certificate is given separately for eac%
category of pre-sea induction course.
.1.( Instruction for Hre-sitsI of failed candidates is given separately for eac%
category of pre-sea induction course.
.1.* 5%e format of t%e passing out certificate is given separately for eac% category
of pre-sea induction course.
General guidelines for pre-sea courses
.1# Entry of "inal certificates in I'.osD
5%e details of t%e four basic certificates O $//21 $/51 E"! and "$"" O and
t%e final passing out certificate issued to eac% candidate1 after t%e course is
over1 s%all be communicated by t%e Institute to t%e $rincipal1 7-/ +ollege1 in
a prescribed format1 for entry of t%e same in I'.os.
.1& <se of uniformsD
.1&.1 <niforms serve four main purposes.
"irstly1 ric% and poor candidates cannot be distinguis%ed by t%eir apparel.
/econdly1 persons 6earing uniform tend to be%ave correctly in public1 as t%ey
are conspicuous by t%eir appearance.
5%irdly1 proper %ierarc%y is establis%ed by t%e epaulettes 6orn.
"ourt%ly1 laminated p%oto identity cards %anging on t%e rig%t s%irt-poc8et
>preferable to plastic name-plates? establis% precise identity of t%e 6earer.
.1&.2 It is t%erefore necessary for not only t%e candidates to 6ear uniform but also
for t%e faculty members 6%o s%ould set eBample.
.1&.3 <niforms for faculty members s%ould be as prescribed separately for eac%
category of pre-sea course.
.1&. <niforms for candidates s%ould be as prescribed separately for eac% category
of pre-sea course.
.1&.# 5%e list of accessories t%at eac% candidate must possess 6%ilst under training
s%all be as may be prescribed separately for eac% category of pre-sea courses.
.1&.& !ll staff1 faculty members and candidates must 6ear uniform at all times in
t%e campus O ceremonial 8it1 day 8it1 games 8it1 boiler suits1 nig%t suits1
s6imming 8it1 etc.
.1( "eesD
5%e Institute is free to c%arge a reasonable amount of fee from t%e +andidates.
;o6ever1 t%e fee 6%ic% is being c%arged1 or any subse3uent c%ange in t%e
fees structure1 s%ould be intimated to t%e .G/. .uring inspections by t%e
!cademic +ouncil and .irectorate t%is point may be c%ec8ed 6it% records
available in t%e Institutes and deviation s%all be treated as misconduct by t%e
Institute attracting penal provisions including 6it%dra6al of approval of t%e
course by t%e .G/. 5%e fee s%ould also be printed in t%e prospectus andAor
broc%ures to avoid possible malpractices. ! copy of t%e prospectus and
broc%ures of eac% course s%ould be sent to t%e .G/ for record before
commencement of t%e course.
General guidelines for pre-sea courses
.1* :et%od of collection of feesD
!ll collection of fees from t%e students s%ould be t%roug% ..Ac%e3ues only
for 6%ic% proper receipts s%ould be given to t%e candidates and proper records
s%ould be maintained by t%e Institutes. !ny collection in cas% from
candidates by t%e Institute s%all be treated as misconduct by t%e Institute and
s%all be liable for penal action including 6it%dra6al of approval.

.1, 2emission of fees to girl-candidates D
5o promote t%e entry of girls in t%e s%ipping sector1 it %as been decided to
offer incentives to suc% girl-students in Government training institutions1 t%at
is1 in 5/ +%ana8ya1 :E2I =ol8ata and :E2I :umbai. !ll private Institutes
are re3uested to give #0N remission in fees to girl-students in pre-sea courses.
.20 !nnual contribution to GovernmentD
!ll approved Institutes and approved @or8s%ops t%emselves conducting
maritime training course1 s%ould pay to t%e Government of India one percent
of t%e total fees collected by t%em in t%e financial year from 1
!pril to 31
:arc%1 t%e minimum of 6%ic% s%all not be less t%an 2s. 101000. 5%is amount
of annual contribution to Government s%ould be remitted to t%e .G/ by 31
:ay after every financial year. ! penal interest of 1*N s%all be levied on t%e
amount due 6%en t%ere is a default by t%e InstituteA6or8s%ops. :oreover1 if
t%e amount due is not received by 31
Guly of t%e year1 t%e approval itself may
be suspended till suc% time t%e payment is made.
General guidelines for pre-sea courses
$art #
Disciplinary action
#.1 !utomatic lapse of approvalD
@%ere1 after t%e approval of t%e .G/1 no pre-sea induction course is
conducted for a year or more1 t%e .G/ approval s%all be deemed to %ave
automatically lapsed by default. 5%is is necessary since t%e faculty 6ould not
normally be retainedAutili)ed and t%e e3uipment and %ostel-premises mig%t
%ave deteriorated during t%is period. 5%e approval may be revived by
subse3uent inspection on a re3uest received from t%e Institute1 and after
payment of processing fees.

#.2 2ole of t%e !cademic +ouncilD
#.2.1 Inspection for verification of infrastructure1 faculty etc. as given in t%e
document for initial approval after giving intimation to t%e institution or on
receipt of re3uest of t%e Institute t%roug% .G/
#.2.2 <nsc%eduled >surprise? inspection to verify t%at t%e contents of t%e approved
documents from t%e proposal are properly and ade3uately in place1 and are
being follo6ed in principle and practice
#.2.3 !nnual inspections for continued approval of t%e courses
#.2. 5%e !cademic +ouncil s%ould devise a means of reporting any inspection
based on t%e applicable parts of t%e approved documents i.e. !1 -1 +1 . and E.
> $lease see +nclosure- ." and +nclosure/.""?
#.2.# 5%e !cademic +ouncil s%all insist on 3uality standards and certification of t%e
#.2.& Observations for furt%er development of Institute to streamline its 6or8ing
may be made. /uc% observations 6ould be prudent advice and s%ould be
%eeded to by t%e Institute.
#.2.( If t%e !cademic +ouncil during t%e course of inspection finds a deviation
from fair met%ods of principles and practice1 it s%ould immediately bring it to
t%e notice of t%e Institute and see8 immediate compliance or compliance
6it%in a specified period. 5%e +%airman of t%e !cademic +ouncil s%ould
convey t%is in 6riting to t%e Institute. 5%e report to t%e +%airman of t%e
General guidelines for pre-sea courses
!cademic +ouncil must contain t%e list of deficiencies duly endorsed by t%e
inspectorsAsurveyors and at least t6o senior persons from t%e Institute named
in $art M!M or $art M-M. 5%e Institute must be given a fair c%ance to eBpress its
point of vie6 and arguments to !cademic +ouncil. 5%is eBercise is to ensure
t%at t%e Institutes continue to maintain %ig% standards in academic education
and training.
#.2.* Generally no on-going course s%all be terminated or suspended unless t%ere
are ample reasons to justify suc% a 6it%dra6al as in para #.#.#. In all ot%er
circumstances1 t%e findings of t%e inspection s%ould be immediately reported
to t%e .G/ 6it% a clear recommendation stating t%e proposed course of
#.3 5ypes of deficienciesD
.eficiencies may be of t6o typesD major and minor.
#.3.1 :ajor deficiencies D
Intentional violation of t%e instructions of t%e .G/ 6it% a motive to
circumvent rulesAguidelines1 and profession of any unla6ful practice s%all be
classed as a major deficiency. !ny c%ange from contents of t%e approved
documents in $art !1 -1 +1 . and E 6%ic% is intentional and evident in t%e
principles and practice of t%e Institute s%all be treated as major deficiency.
:ajor deficiency s%all comprise of any item suc% asD
#.3.1.1 enrolment of t%e number of students in eBcess of approval1
#.3.1.2 admission to ineligible candidates1
#.3.1.3 inade3uacy of t%e faculty to impart training1
#.3.1. irregularities in fees1
#.3.1.# irregularities in teac%ing %ours and
#.3.1.& brea8-do6n of general discipline
#.3.1.( any ot%er significant lapse from t%e guidelines.

In t%e event of suc% deficiencies being noted during inspection1 t%ey s%ould be
reported to t%e .G/ immediately.
General guidelines for pre-sea courses
#.3.2 :inor deficiencies D
:inor deficiencies are defined as t%ose 6%ic% can be rectified 6it%in s%ort
time but do not contravene anyt%ing in t%e approved documents1 and be a
mere aberration in practice.
#. 2ectification of deficiencies
!fter t%e deficiency %as been noted by any inspecting aut%ority1 it is necessary
t%at follo6ing procedure be adoptedD
#..1 5%e deficiencies must be noted do6n immediately and duly endorsed by t%e
surveyors and t%e Institute aut%orities as stated earlier.
#..2 In case of a major deficiency - a 6arning is to be given to t%e institution to
rectify immediately or over a specified period of time. /imultaneously a
report s%ould be made out to t%e .G/ 6it% clear and specific
#..3 In case of minor deficiencies - a 6arning s%ould be issued to t%e Institute
and t%ey s%ould be given a specified period of time to rectify.
#.. In case of observations1 t%ey s%ould be conveyed to t%e Institute.
#..# 5%e period of time for rectification of deficiencies must be clearly spelt out to
t%e Institutes. It s%ould generally be not more t%an t6o 6ee8s.
#.# @it%dra6al of approvalD
#.#.1 +ategories of 6it%dra6alD
.etection of any major deficiencies may lead to imposition of penalty of
6it%dra6al of approval of t%e course. @it%dra6al can be eit%er temporary or
permanent. $ermanent 6it%dra6al can be for t%e course1 or for t%e Institute.
$ermanent 6it%dra6al for t%e Institute can be ordinary1 or immediate. 5%ese
categories are eBplained belo6.
#.#.2 5emporary 6it%dra6al of approvalD
5emporary 6it%dra6al means t%at t%e batc%Aes 6%ic% are being actually
conducted s%all be allo6ed to run and be completed so as not to adversely
affect t%e students doing t%e said courses1 and on completion on due date1 no
fres% batc%es s%all be allo6ed to join. If t%e Institute %as already admitted
students to t%e neBt course1 collected fees etc1 it s%all return t%e fees and
intimate t%e students about temporary 6it%dra6al of approval1 and s%all not
General guidelines for pre-sea courses
conduct t%e neBt course. If t%ere is any violation of t%is guideline1 t%en it s%all
automatically result in t%e permanent 6it%dra6al of approval by .G/. On
compliance 6it% t%e deficiencies pointed out by t%e inspecting aut%ority1 and
on approval by t%e competent aut%ority1 t%e temporary 6it%dra6al may be
rescinded and t%e batc%es for t%e approved courses can begin once again as
per relevant criteria and guidelines for t%e course at t%e time of restoration of
#.#.3 $ermanent 6it%dra6al of approvalD
$ermanent 6it%dra6al means permanent discontinuation of t%e course after
t%e current batc% completes t%at particular course. 5%ereafter no batc% s%all be
conducted1 and t%e approval to t%e course 6ill be permanently 6it%dra6n. If
t%e deficiencies as a result of 6%ic% t%e approval to t%e course 6as
permanently 6it%dra6n %ave been rectified to t%e satisfaction of t%e
inspecting aut%ority1 t%en t%e course s%ould be applied for once again1 and
after payment of non-refundable processing fees and t%e necessary
inspections1 approval may be granted but not in any case prior to t%e lapse of
a period e3ual to t%ree batc%es of t%at course.
#.#. Ordinary permanent 6it%dra6al of Institute approvalD
If %o6ever t%e type of major deficiencies is suc% t%at a permanent 6it%dra6al
of t%e approval be imposed on t%e Institute itself1 t%en t%e Institute s%all be
closed do6n as soon as t%e current batc%es complete t%eir course.
#.#.# Immediate permanent 6it%dra6alAcancellation of Institute approvalD
In eBtra-ordinary cases 6%ere t%e deficiencies are so serious t%at .G/ comes
to t%e conclusion t%at t%e approval s%ould be 6it%dra6n from t%e Institute
itself1 t%at is1 for all t%e approved courses in t%e Institute 6it%out even 6aiting
for t%e current batc%es of students to complete t%e current course1 suc% action
may be ta8en 6it% immediate effect. 5%is s%all also be 8no6n as cancellation
of approval of t%e Institute. !ttempts s%ould %o6ever be made by t%e Institute
to get t%e eligible students so adversely affected by suc% immediate
6it%dra6al into some ot%er training institution1 after suc% cancellation.
+ancellation s%all be resorted to 6%ere serious fraud1 suc% as fa8ed records or
sale of certificates 6it%out attendance by candidates1 is detected.
General guidelines for pre-sea courses
#.& $rocedure for 6it%dra6alD
'ormally a s%o6-cause notice 6ill be issued by t%e .G/ indicating t%e
specific deficiencies and t%e category of 6it%dra6al contemplated1 and t%e
period 6it%in 6%ic% reply s%ould be given. 5%us1 opportunity 6ill be given to
t%e Institute to present its side prior to t%e final decision on any
6it%dra6alAcancellation. ;o6ever in t%e event of immediate 6it%dra6al1 it
6ill not be possible to issue t%e usual s%o6-cause notice 6it% t%e usual time.
#.( +ompetent aut%ority for 6it%dra6alsD
!ll approvalsA6it%dra6als 6ill be issued by t%e .G/1 unless specifically
delegated to any subordinate aut%ority.
#.* .isplay on .G/ 6ebsiteD
!pprovals1 6it%dra6als and cancellations 6ill be displayed on t%e official
@ebsite of t%e .G/ >
General guidelines for pre-sea courses
$art &
+ffective date
&. Effective date of implementation of guidelinesD
5%ese guidelines s%all come into force 6it% effect from 1#
"ebruary 20031
eBcept t%ose already in force1 and also eBcept t%ose specifically provided to
come into force by 1
Guly 200 or t%ereafter on merits of t%e case. -et6een
t%e date of issue of t%ese guidelines and t%e 1#
"ebruary 2003 .G/ s%all not
grant any in-principle approval to any ne6 Institute for maritime training.
0D & 1osep2
.irector-General of /%ipping
/ecretary to Govt of India
Ganuary 2003
General guidelines for pre-sea courses
+nclosure / "
Subject Descr!to" Sub#tte$ Re#%r&s
Yes No
'. N%#e o( t)e I"sttute
*. A$$ress
+. Te,e!)o"e - F%. Te,/
0. E12%,
3. Fees / De#%"$ Dr%(t (or Rs. 345444-1 %"$
De#%"$ Dr%(t No.
6. Bus"ess P,%" o( t)e I"sttute
7. L%8out o( t)e !re#ses
9. N%#e o( t)e Re:stere$ Pub,c Trust -
Re:stere$ I"sttute-S". *3 co#!%"8
;. N%#e o( t)e Trustees- #e#ber o( t)e
2%"%:e#e"t Cou"c, or ot)er Aut)or<e$
s:"%tor8 o" be)%,( o( t)e re:stere$
General guidelines for pre-sea courses
socet8 #%"%:": -o="": t)e
I"sttute-Drector o( S".*3 Co#!%"8
>Docu#e"t%r8 e?$e"ce to be %tt%c)e$@
'4. Reso,uto" !%sse$ b8 suc) Re:stere$
Pub,c Trust-Re:stere$ Socet8 -S".*3
Co. #e"to"": t)%t t)e8 =%"t to ru"-st%rt
t)e tr%"": I"sttute "$c%t": t)e "%#e
o( suc) I"sttute. >Atteste$ reso,uto" to
be %tt%c)e$@
''. Courses =)c) I"sttute !ro!oses to
'*. N%#e o( t)e )e%$ o( t)e I"sttute
>%@ Au%,(c%to"
>b@ E.!ere"ce
>c@ Te%c)": E.!ere"ce
'+. N%#e o( t)e Pr"c!%,-Drector-C%!t
Su!$t. >CV to be %tt%c)e$@
'0. Loc%to" =)ere Courses %re !ro!ose$ to
be co"$ucte$.
'3. Are t)e !re#ses o="e$ or ,e%se$ B I(
,e%se$5 $ur%to" o( ,e%se %?%,%b,e (ro#
$%te o( t)s %!!,c%to". Proo( o(
o="ers)!-,e%se (or #"#u# !ero$ o(
t)ree 8e%rs to be !ro$uce$ =t) e"%b,":
!ro?so" (or re"e=%, o( ,e%se (or %
(urt)er !ero$ o( t)ree 8e%rs.
General guidelines for pre-sea courses
'6. I"(r%structure F%c,tes Te"t%t?e !,%" o(
b%sc "(r%structure .e c%#!us (%c,t8 .e
o((ce5 sc)o,%stc b,oc&5 )oste,5
!,%8:rou"$5 s=##": !oo,5 !%r%$e
:rou"$ (%c,t8 (or bo%t":5 :%,,e8 etc.
'7. Does I"sttute )%?e te1u! =t) %"8
Fore:" F,%: (or co"$uct": courses
reco:"<e$ b8 t)er %$#"str%to"B I( 8es
t)e" "%#e o( A$#"str%to" %"$ course
'9. Sources o( Fu"$s.
%. I"t%, c%!t%, e.!e"$ture
b. Recurr": c%!t%, e.!e"$ture
>Det%,s to be %tt%c)e$@
General guidelines for pre-sea courses
General guidelines for pre-sea courses


!"# $%&'() *+(,-+# .
MINISTR5 OFSHIPPING Tele6789e /012031.4
#"# $!#:+;'() -<: =1.
DGS GENERA> OF SHIPPING Fa? : =1.//./012033
@AA '"#BC "(A%: ,A%: $DEC E.maFl . GraF9F9gHIgJ7F66F9gKL8m
$U%VE :. 4WW WW1
%W. !:#% Y
>I'.O/ 'o.RRRR?
.789 Mumbai
Maritime "nstitute 'pproval No. - :2003
I am to inform t%at t%e .irector-General of /%ipping %as considered your re3uest
and accorded J!pprovalK to your Institute1 in order to start t%e :aritime 5raining courses
proposed from time to time subject to separate approval for suc% courseAs by t%e
.irectorate on fulfilling t%e laid do6n criteria and guidelines applicable to suc% courses.
5%e final approval to conduct t%e course in your Institute depends on t%e successful
inspection by t%e RRRRR !cademic +ouncil and t%e final approval by .G/.
Sours sincerely1
for .irector-General of /%ipping.
+opy to D-
+%airman ..!cademic +ouncil
Guard "ile
Subject Descr!to" Sub#tte$ Re#%r&s
Yes No
'. N%#e o( t)e I"sttute
*. INDos No.
+. A$$ress
0. Te,e!)o"e-F%. Te,/
3. E12%, $ /
6. N%#e o( t)e Trustees- #e#ber o( t)e
2%"%:e#e"t Couc, or ot)er Aut)or<e$
s:"%tor8 o" be)%,( o( t)e re:stere$
socet8 #%"%:": -o="": t)e
I"sttute-Drector o( S".*3 Co#!%"8
>Docu#e"t%r8 e?$e"ce to be %tt%c)e$@
7. N%#e o( t)e Trust-Re:stere$ I"sttute-S"
*3 co#!%"8
9. ISO ;444/*444 Cert(c%te
>%@ Accre$t%to" Bo$8
>b@ L%st I"ter"%, Au$t
>c@ L%st E.ter"%, Au$t
>$@ A"8 2%jor "o"1co"(or#%"ce (ou"$ "
t)e Au$t
>e@ 2%"%:e#e"t Re!rese"t%t?e
;. Course (or =)c) %!!ro?%, s sou:)t
>%@ Course ID
>b@ Course Fees DD /
>c@ Dur%to" o( Course
>$@ FreCue"c8 o( t)e course " 8e%r
>e@ Pro!ose$ No. o( Tr%"ee-Course
>(@ E,:b,t8 Crter% (or C%"$$%tes
>@ '4
>@ '4 D * st%"$%r$
>@ D!,o#%
>?@ B. E.
>?@ ATS
>?@ A"8 Ot)er
'4. N%#e o( t)e )e%$ o( t)e I"sttute
>%@ Au%,(c%to"
>b@ E.!ere"ce
>c@ Te%c)": E.!ere"ce
''. N%#e o( t)e Pr"c!%,-Drector-C%!t
'*. Loc%to" =)ere Course s !ro!ose$ to be
'+. Are t)e !re#ses o="e$ or ,e%seB I(
,e%se$5 $ur%to" o( ,e%se %?%,%b,e (ro#
$%te o( t)s %!!,c%to". Proo( o(
o="ers)!-,e%se to be !ro$uce$ =t)
e"%b,": !ro?so" (or re"e=%b,e o( ,e%se
(or % (urt)er !ero$ o( t)ree 8e%rs.
'0. Course " C)%r:e
>%@ N%#e
>b@ DGS F%cu,t8 A!!ro?%, No. %"$ D%te
>c@ Des:"%to"
>$@ Au%,(c%to"
>e@ E.!ere"ce
>(@ P)o"e >Res.@
>%@ I"structor E '
>@ N%#e
>@ DGS F%cu,t8 A!!ro?%, No. F D%te
>@ Des:"%to"
>?@ Au%,(c%to"
>?@ E.!ere"ce
I"structor E *
>@ N%#e
>@ DGS F%cu,t8 A!!ro?%, No. F D%te
>@ Des:"%to"
>?@ Au%,(c%to"
>?@ E.!ere"ce
I"structor E + >F so o" @
>@ N%#e
>@ DGS F%cu,t8 A!!ro?%, No. F D%te
>@ Des:"%to"
>?@ Au%,(c%to"
>?@ E.!ere"ce
'6. Su!!ort St%((
>%@ Su!!ort St%(( E '
>@ N%#e
>@ Des:"%to"
>b@ Su!!ort St%(( E *
>@ N%#e
>@ Des:"%to"
>c@ Su!!ort St%(( E + >F so o"@
>@ N%#e
>@ Des:"%to"
'7. Lst o( ECu!#e"t F Pub,c%to"s
'9. G)et)er t)e Pub,c%to"s F ECu!#e"t
%re be": s)%re$ =t) ot)er courses or
e.c,us?e,8 (or t)s course. G?e Det%,s
';. I"(r%structure F%c,tes
>%@ C,%ss Roo#
>@ Nu#ber
>@ Are%
>@ Ve"t,%to" E A-C5 N%tur%,
>b@ No. o( T%b,es F C)%rs
>c@ To,et - G%s) Roo#s F%c,tes
>@ Ge"ts C%"$$%tes
>@ L%$es C%"$$%tes

>@ No. o( To,ets

>?@ No. o( G%s) Roo#s
>$@ C%"tee"s-C%ter": F%c,tes
>@ 2ess Roo# - C%"tee" Are%
>@ No. o( T%b,es F C)%rs
>e@ Te%c)": A$s
>OHPs5 G)te Bo%r$5 CDs5 Etc.
>(@ Res$e"t%, F%c,tes (or Tr%"ees
>@ No. o( C%"$$%tes !er roo#
>@ No. o( To,ets
>@ 2ess Roo#
>?@ Recre%to"%, F%c,tes
>?@ P,%8 Grou"$
>:@ Lbr%r8 F%c,tes
>@ S!%ce " sC.#.
>@ Nu#ber o( Boo&s
>@ N%#e o( Hour"%,s
>?@ Se%t": C%!%ct8
>)@ Recre%to"%, F%c,tes >Dur%to" -
Gor&": Hours@
>@ 2e$c%, F%c,tes %t t)e I"sttute - Ne%r
to t)e I"sttute
>@ N%#e o( Ds!e"s%r8-Hos!t%,
>@ A$$ress
>@ Te,e!)o"e
>j@ P)o"e - STD F%c,t8 A?%,%b,e
*4. H%"$outs to "c,u$e
>%@ N%#e5 A$$ress F Te,e!)o"e No. o(
He%$ o( I"sttute %"$ Course I"1c)%r:e
>b@ Lst o( I"structors %"$ N%#e F
te,e!)o"e No. o( G%r$e"
>c@ Gu$e,"es (or I"structors
>$@ Course Object?es %"$ Course Out,"e
>e@ Te%c)": S8,,%bus %"$ T#e T%b,e
>(@ Course 2%ter%, To!c=se
>:@ Proce$ure (or E?%,u%to"5 Crter% (or
P%ss": %"$ I"structo"s (or Rests
>)@ Re1E.%#"%to"
*'. I" c%se %"8 s)ort (%,,s5 P,e%se s!ec(8 %"$
:?e Re%so"s
**.. A"8 Ot)er $et%,s "ot co?ere$ %bo?e
*+. I( t)e I"sttute s %!!ro?e$ (or #ore t)%"
o"e course (o,,o=": "(or#%to" to be
!ro?$e$ >see 2%tr. E '@
*0. No. o( Hours e%c) F%cu,t8 2e#ber s
e":%:e$ - Gee&
*3. G)e" =%s t)e I"sttute ,%st "s!ecte$ F
b8 G)o#
*6. G)e" =%s Sur!rse I"s!ecto" o( I"sttute
c%rre$ out F b8 =)o#
*7. G%s %"8 Course sus!e"$e$.
>%@ G)e"
>b@ G%s t restore$ - =)e"
*9. N%#e o( t)e F%cu,t8 2e#bers =)o ,e(t
t)e I"sttute " L%st Ye%r
*;. N%#e o( t)e F%cu,t8 2e#bers =)o
Ho"e$ t)e I"sttute " L%st Ye%r
+4. F%cu,t8 >%s !er 2%tr. E *@
+'. A!!ro?e$ ,st o( (%cu,t8 (or ot)er courses
F%cu,t8 $r%=" (ro# ot)er $e!%rt#e"t
>St%te De!t.@
>%@ N%#e
>b@ Au%,(c%to"
+*.. I"ter"%, F%c,tes >As !er 2%tr. 1+@
++. E.ter"%, F%c,tes >As !er 2%tr. 10@
+0. Does t)e Ac%$e#8 )%?e %"8 ot)er "1
)ouse courses "ot %!!ro?e$ b8
DGS>P,s.%tt%c) se!%r%te s)eet o( suc)
courses5 or:%"<%to" (or =)o#
co"$ucte$5 %ut)ort8 o( t)e s%#e etc.@
+3. Course Det%,s >%s !er 2%tr.E3@
+6. Pub,c%to"s - Boo&s %?%,%b,e to t)e St%((
(or Te%c)":
+7. Ho= s K"o=,e$:e o( t)e F%cu,t8
2e#bers - St%(( U!$%te$B
+9. Cert(c%te Det%,s o( t)e !ro!ose$ course
>%@ S%#!,e o( t)e Cert(c%te to be ssue$
>b@ Nu#ber": Proce$ure (or Cert(c%te
>c@ Proce$ure ,%$ $o=" (or $e%,": =t)
>$@ Proce$ure (or c)%":": For#%t -
St8,e o( Cert(c%te
>e@ Recor$ Kee!":
+;. E.%#"%to" Assess#e"t
>%@ A!!o"t#e"t o( E.%#"ers
>b@ E.%#"%to" Process >Grtte"5 Or%,s
>c@ I"(r%structure Nor#s >to be %tt%c)e$@
04. Re?so" o( Courses
>%@ Ho= %re t)e8 I"cor!or%te$B
>b@ A"8 course =)ere Re?so"s =ere
0'. Does I"sttute )%?e te u! =t) %"8
Fore:" F,%: (or co"$uct": courses
reco:"<e$ b8 t)er %$#"str%to"B I( 8es
t)e" "%#e o( A$#"str%to" %"$ course
0*. Fu"cto"%, Det%,s o( I"sttute
>%@ No. o( %ctu%, te%c)": $%8s
>b@ No. o( =or&": $%8s ,ost $ue to str&e5
>c@ No. o( )ours c,%ss roo# s use$ >D%8
%"$ Course $et%,s@
>$@ Gere %,, e.%#"%to"s co"$ucte$ o"
t#eB I( No =)8B
>e@ Is t)ere % :re?%"ce re$ress%,
>(@ G)et)er !er(or#%"ce o( te%c)ers s
%ssesse$ t)rou:) %""u%, %!!r%s%,
>:@ G)et)er t)ere s !ro?so" o(
%ssess": te%c)ers b%se$ o" stu$e"t
%!!r%s%,s B
0+. 2e%"s o( &"o=": t)e ,%test A#e"$#e"ts
5%e follo6ing :atrices s%all be used -
'ame of course
'ame of faculty

'ame of course .G/ !pproval
'o. >I.?
'o. of candidates "re3uency
.ate of
"acultyAlecture matriB
"acultyAtutorial matriB
"acultyApractical>T? matriB
<se matriB>e3uipment-6ise?
'ame of course
EBternal facilities <se matriB>e3uipment-6ise?
'ame of course
>please see neBt page?
+ourse +ourse date 'o. of
$assed "ailed
I certify t%at t%e information furnis%ed above is correct and true to t%e best of my 8no6ledge and belief. I understand t%at if
any information is found false my application 6ill be treated as cancelled and I s%all also be liable for penal action including
suspension andA6it%dra6al of t%e approval of t%e courseAcourses by t%e ..G. /%ipping.
>'ame C /ignature of t%e !ut%ori)ed 2epresentative ?
1. 5%e Institutes %ave to fill up t%e description column giving t%e detailsAanneBure no.Apage no. in 6%ic% t%e information of t%e
subject is provided.
2. 5%e eBperience stated in t%e bio-data of t%e faculty membersAinstructors %ave to be supported by valid documents li8e +.+1
+O+1 etc.

!"# $%&'() *+(,-+# .
MINISTR5 OFSHIPPING Tele6789e /012031.4
#"# $!#:+;'() -<: =1.
DGS GENERA> OF SHIPPING Fa? : =1.//./012033
@AA '"#BC "(A%: ,A%: $DEC E.maFl . GraF9F9gHIgJ7F66F9gKL8m
$U%AVE :. 4WW WW1
%W. !:#% Y
>I'.O/ 'o.RRRR?
.789 Mumbai
"N- %5"N$"%3+ '%%5O*'3 No. - :2003
I am to inform t%at t%e .irector-General of /%ipping %as considered your re3uest
and accorded J In-$rinciple !pprovalK to t%e courseAs mentioned belo6 in order to start
t%e 6or8 on t%e infrastructural facilities for conducting t%e follo6ing course at your
Institute. 5%e final approval to conduct t%e course in your Institute depends on t%e
successful inspection by t%e RRRRR !cademic +ouncil and t%e final approval by .G/.
Name of te $ourse D U!:r%$%to" o( EFA-PST-FPFF $ourse "D
D 3&
$ourse Duration D One >1? .ay
"nta;e $apacity D 20 +andidates
Special "nstructions 0if any2 --
Sou are re3uested to intimate .G/ upon completion of t%e preparation of t%e
infrastructural facilities re3uired1 so t%at formal inspection by t%e RRRRR !cademic
+ouncil can be arranged so as to process your proposal furt%er for final approval.
Sours sincerely1
for .irector-General of /%ipping.
+opy to D-
+%airman ..!cademic +ouncil
Guard "ile
+nclosure - *

!"# $%&'() *+(,-+# . /012031.4
MNISTR5 OF SHIPPING Tele6789e /012031.4
#"# $!#:+;'() -<: =1.
GS GENERA> OF SHIPPING Fa? : =1.//./012033
@AA '"#BC "(A%: ,A%: $DEC E.maFl . GraF9F9gHIgJ7F66F9gKL8m
$U%VE :. 4WW WW1 MXMPAI :. 4WW WW1
%W. !:#% Y
5%e +%airman
!cademic +ouncil
:ercantile :arine .epartment
5+<4+S& (O5 "NS%+$&"ON - &5 :=" : :2003
Name of "nstitute D !-+ "NDOS No. D 000
3ocation D y) :umbai O 00 001
Name of te $ourse D U!:r%$%to" o( EFA-PST-FPFF $ourse "D D 3&
"nta;e $apacity D 20 +andidates
.G/ %as received a re3uest from t%e Institute mentioned above for approval to
maritime training courseAs. In order to eBamine t%e said proposal1 you are re3uested to
inspect t%e Institute1 and submit your report along 6it% t%e list of deficiencies preferably
6it%in siB 6ee8s from t%e date of issue of t%is letter. +opy of t%e proposal 6it% course
material1 submitted by t%e Institute and duly stamped and countersigned by .G/1 is being
for6arded to you for your record.
Sou are also re3uested to carry out t%e general inspection of t%e Institute >if it is
an eBisting approved Institute?along 6it% t%is inspection and submit a brief report.
Special "nstructions 0if any2 --
Sours sincerely1
for .irector-General of /%ipping
+opy for6arded to D- 5%e Institute 6it% reference to t%eir letter 'o. ------------ dated -----
5%e Institute is re3uested to approac% t%e +%airman1 !cademic +ouncil1 ..1
immediately for inspection.
for .irector-General of /%ipping
+nclosure - *"

!"# $%&'() *+(,-+# .
MINISTR5 OFSHIPPING Tele6789e /012031.4
#"# $!#:+;'() -<: =1.
DGS GENERA> OF SHIPPING Fa? : =1.//./012033
@AA '"#BC "(A%: ,A%: $DEC E.maFl . GraF9F9gHIgJ7F66F9gKL8m
$U%AVE :. 4WW WW1
%W. !:#% Y
'%%5O*'3 No. - &5 : ' : :2003
5%e .irector-General of /%ipping approves your proposal for t%e follo6ing
course at your Institute1 subject to fulfilling t%e prescribed guidelines1 and t%ose being
issued by t%e .G/ from time to timeD-
Name of "nstitute D !-+ "NDOS No. D 000
3ocation D By) :umbai O 00 001
Name of te $ourse D U!:r%$%to" o( EFA-PST-FPFF $ourse "D D 3&
$ourse Duration D One >1? .ay
"nta;e $apacity D 20 +andidates
Special "nstructions 0if any2 --
5%e Institute 6ill be subjected to surprise inspection by t%e representative of t%e
.G/A!cademic +ouncil. In case of any deficiencies1 t%e approval may be 6it%dra6n
6it%out any furt%er notice by t%e .G/. $lease see overleaf for General guidelines.
Sours sincerely1
for .irector-General of /%ipping.
+opy to D-
1. 5%e +%airman ..!cademic +ouncil
2. '5 -ranc%AEng -ranc%
3. +omputer +ell
. Guard "ile
+nclosure- *""
'%%3"$'&"ON (O5M (O5 '%%5O*'3 &O ('$43&7
67 D"5+$&O5-G+N+5'3 O( S>"%%"NG
1. "aculty
>?a "irst 'ame D
>?b 7ast 'ame D
3. .ate of -irt% >ddAmmAyyyy? D A A
. I'.O/ 'o. D
#. 'ames of t%e course proposed to teac% D RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
&. !ddress
12. !cademic 9ualification
/. 'o. 'ame of EBam 'ame of -oardA <niversity $lace of /tudy N of :ar8s
2 -./c
3 :./c.A:--/
approved 5raining Institute
1&. 2emar8s D
I certify t%at t%e information furnis%ed above is correct and true to t%e best of my
8no6ledge and belief. I understand t%at if any information is found false my application
6ill be treated as cancelled and I s%all also be liable for penal action initiated by t%e ..G.
>'ame C /ignature of t%e "aculty?
>$assport /i)e p%otograp%?
65+'?4% O( D'"37 5O4&"N+
!ll /taff and t%e candidates s%ould be in <niform in t%e +ampus at all times.
Monday to (riday
0#D30 2eveilleA5ea
0&D00 2oll +all1 "all-in1 $%ysical 5raining
0&D30 +lean s%ip
0(D30 -at%1 +%ange into <niform1 -rea8fast
0*D30 $arade 5raining
0,D00 +lasses
11D00 5ea
11D10 +lasses
13D10 7unc%--rea8
1D00 $ractical
1&D00 5ea--rea8
1&D10 /6immingA -oat @or8AGames
1*D00 .inner
20D30 /elf /tudyA7ibrary
21D30 2ound by .uty /taff1 7ast $ost1 7ig%ts Out
0#D30 2eveilleA5ea
0&D00 2oll +all1 "all-in1 $%ysical 5raining
0&D30 +lean s%ip
0(D30 -at%1 +%ange into <niform1 -rea8fast
0*D30 $arade 5raining
0,D00 +lasses
11D00 5ea
11D10 +lasses
13D10 7unc%
1&D00 5ea
1*D00 .inner
21D30 2ound by .uty /taff1 7ast $ost1 7ig%ts Out
Sundays # National >olidays
0&D00 2eveilleA5ea
0&D30 +ross +ountry 2unning
0*D30 -at%1 -rea8fast
0,D00 :ay $roceed on /%ort 7iberty
11D00 5ea
13D00 7unc%
1*D00 .inner
20D00 7iberty EBpires
21D30 2ound by .uty /taff1 7ast $ost1 7ig%ts Out
+nclosure - ".

(O5M 1

'%%3"$'&"ON (O5M (O5
$ON&"N4O4S D"S$>'5G+ $+5&"("$'&+-$4M-S+'('5+5@S "D+N&"&7
DO$4M+N& 0$D$2 (5OM &5'"N"NG "NS&"&4&+S $OND4$&"NG %5+-S+'
$O45S+S '%%5O*+D 67 D"5+$&O5'&+ G+N+5'3 O( S>"%%"NG

5O -E "I77E. -S 5;E !$$7I+!'5
!ll t%e columns are to be filled neatly in -7O+=
><se only ! si)e paper for t%e format and enclosures?.
!ffiB %ere a recent
$assport si)e
>3.#. +m B 3.#. +m?
$%otograp% of t%e
!pplicant in 6%ite s%irt

1.Name of te candidate
>!s entered in t%e :atriculation +ertificateA$assport

2.(ater@s name

. . : : S S
3.SeA ).Date of 6irt
>as s%o6n in /7+A-oard +ert.


C.%lace of 6irt-

D.+ducational <ualification-

E.%ermanent 'ddress-

>ouse No -

State %"N $ode
%one No.
=it S&D $ode

F.Name9 relationsip and address of NeAt-of-?in

Name of NeAt of ?in
>ouse No
*illa!e : %ost Office :

State %"N $ode
%one No.
=it S&D $ode

10.>ei!t $olour of
$olour of +yes

11."dentification Mar;s

12.Name of te pre-sea trainin!

13.5oll No.

1).Date of commencement of

.eclaration of applicant D

I %ereby declare t%at all t%e statements made in t%is application are true and
complete to t%e best of my 8no6ledge and belief and not%ing %as been

I also affirm and declare t%at I %ave not previously been issued a +ontinuous
.isc%arge +ertificate-cum-/eafarers Identity .ocument >+.+? and %ave not submitted
an application for +.+ to any ot%er /%ipping :aster in India.

I o6e allegiance to t%e sovereignty1 unity and integrity of India and %ave not
voluntarily ac3uired t%e citi)ens%ip or voyage document of anot%er country. I %ave not
lost1 surrendered or been deprived of citi)ens%ip of India.

5%e information given by me is true and I am solely responsible for its accuracy. I
am a6are t%at it is an offense under t%e +.+ 2ules to furnis% any false information or to
suppress any material information 6it% a vie6 to obtaining +.+ or any ot%er voyage
document. I am also a6are t%at in t%e event of false information %aving been submitted
by me1 besides action under ot%er rules and la6s1 my +.+ is liable to be immediately

/ignature of t%e candidate

+ertified t%at t%e documents A certificates submitted by t%e candidate are found in

/ignature of ;ead of Institute

5ear off slip

/pecimen signatures of candidate

'ame /ignatures

11. .. 2.. 3

+nclosure- .

(O5M 2

'%%3"$'&"ON (O5M (O5
$ON&"N4O4S D"S$>'5G+ $+5&"("$'&+-$4M-S+'('5+5@S "D+N&"&7
DO$4M+N& 0$D$2 (5OM &5'"N"NG "NS&"&4&+S $OND4$&"NG %5+-S+'
$O45S+S '%%5O*+D 67 D"5+$&O5'&+ G+N+5'3 O( S>"%%"NG

!pplication form for issue of +.+s >to be filled and for6arded by t%e 5raining Institute?

>$lease 6rite in -7O+= 7E55E2/?

1.(ull Name of te 'pplicant

2.5oll No.

3. "ndos No.

).Name of &rainin! "nstitute

B.%articulars of (ees %aid
0i2 Demand Draft No
0ii2 6an;@s Name

C. Date of completion of
&rainin! : candidates becomin!
eli!ible to proceed to sea

D. Details of S&$= (amiliariGation $ourses

N'M+ O(
NO. # D'&+
O( "SS4+
N'M+ O(
D'&+ O(
# $OM%3+&"ON O(
"2O: 5O

+ertified t%at t%e candidate %as successfully completed pre-sea
training conducted at t%is Institute from to .. and is eligible to
proceed to sea. ;eA/%e 6as certified to meet t%e re3uirements of medical fitness
prescribed in t%e :./. >:edical EBamination 2ules?1 2001 by a :edical EBaminer
approved by .irectorate General of /%ipping.

+ertified t%at t%e Institute %as ta8en all necessary steps to6ards verification of t%e
original documents furnis%ed by t%e candidate and 6e furt%er underta8e t%at in t%e event
of any discrepancy t%is Institute 6ould immediately convey relevant facts to t%e /%ipping
:aster concerned.

+ertified t%at t%e candidate is eligible for issue of +.+ in all respects.

/ignature of t%e ;ead of t%e
5raining Institute >/tamp?
>'ame C designation?

(O5 O(("$+ 4S+ ON37

'ame of t%e candidate D . +.+ 'oD

Indos 'umber D

.ate of issue D .. "ile 'oD ..

2emar8s D .


2eceived +.+ bearing 'o. .. dated in respect of /%ri

.ate D . /ignature of t%e representative of t%e
Institute >'ame C designation?

+nclosure - ."
Gu$e,"es (or Sur!rse I"s!ecto"
! large number of Institutes %ave been imparting training in various courses
re3uired under +%apter II1 III1 I41 41 4I and 4III of revised /5+@ +onvention all over
t%e country. @%ile a %ealt%y competition among t%e Institutes en%ances t%e 3uality of
training1 t%e presence of a large number of Institutes leaves scope for occasional
malpractices. 5o monitor t%e Institutes in t%is regard1 .G /%ipping %as decided to get
unsc%eduled inspections conducted of t%e InstitutesD
!ny member of !cademic +ouncil and specially selected personnel from
s%ipping industry s%all inspect t%e Institute to ascertainD
5%e number of candidates present in t%e class is not eBceeded beyond 6%at is
stipulated in t%e approval granted by .G/.
5%e training is imparted to eligible candidates only.
5%e timetable is strictly ad%ered to.
5%e faculty members are t%e same as t%ose projected at t%e time of approval.
5%e course note is distributed to all candidates.
5%e teac%ing facilities and e3uipment are maintained and operational.
2easonable and genuine complaintsAsuggestions from candidates are loo8ed into.
5%e instructions from .G/ as relevant are displayed on t%e notice board.
5%e 3uality system %as been establis%ed and periodical audits are conducted as per
sc%edule prescribed in 9:/.
+nclosure - .""
1. Is a valid approval availableT
2. Is t%e address of t%e Institute same as s%o6n in t%e approvalT
3. !re t%e conditions of approval complied 6it%T
. Is course inta8e eBceeded beyond approved numberT
#. Is t%e time-table follo6edT
&. !re t%e faculty members same as 6ere at t%e time of approvalT
(. !re t%e entry standards follo6edT
*. !re t%e teac%ing facilities same as 6ere at t%e time of approvalT
,. !re t%e e3uipment t%e same as 6ere at t%e time of approvalT
10. Is t%e Institute audited as re3uired in 3uality manualT
11. Is t%e assessment done by independent assessorT
1. !re %ygienic conditions maintainedT

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