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In todays media landscape where its very difficult to shape consumers attitude and
intentions and move them to next level of buying process, advertisers find it even more
difficult and challenging to break through the clutter of competing advertisement. The
advertising industry has experienced dynamic changes over the last several decades. The
changes have been good in terms of Technology advancement, Medium and more
methods to attract consumers and on Creativity. This study represents how creativity
impacted advertising, also understanding the value of creativity in advertising through the
review of various literatures. The importance of creativity factor in advertising has got
wide recognition by many researchers, practitioner, but there is a miss of true
systematic research to define advertising creativity and how it relates to ad effectiveness.
The review study discusses some campaigns that have left their strong impression on
consumers. The presented review study tries to come up with some evidence of creativity
by reviewing expert views, past literature in advertising, studied advertising campaign
and marketing activities. The study discusses different forum on how creativity works,
and what makes an ad to travel good or poorly. It summari!ed the value of creativity in
advertising through "xpert interviews, published material and related secondary data to
understand the logic.
#dvertising is any paid form of non personal presentation and promotion of a product by
an identified sponsor using the mass media that is intended to inform or persuade
members of a particular audience. $or many, advertising is the most familiar and visible
element of the promotion mix. %ecause it can convey rich and dynamic images,
advertising can establish and reinforce a distinctive brand identity. This helps marketers
bond with customers and boost sales. #dvertising is useful in communicating factual
information about the product or reminding consumers to buy their favorite brand.
#dvertising sometimes suffers from a credibility problem because cynical consumers tune
out messages they think are biased or are intended to sell them something they dont
need. #dvertising can be expensive' therefore, firms need to take great care to ensure
their messages are effective. Mass consumption and geographically dispersed markets
make advertising particularly appropriate for marketing products using the same
promotional messages to large audiences.
Types of Advertising:
(roduct #dvertising
Product advertising is an advertising message that focuses on a specific product. This is
the type of advertising the average person usually thinks of when talking about most
promotional activities.
Institutional #dvertising
Institutional advertising is an advertising message that promotes the activities,
personality, or point of view of an industry, organi!ation, person, geographical location,
or government agency. Institutional advertising is often closely related to the public)
relations function of organi!ations. *ome institutional messages state an organi!ations
position on an issue to sway public opinion. This is called advocacy advertising. Public
service advertisements P!As" are advertisements the media runs free of charge for not)
for)profit organi!ations that serve society in some way or to support an issue.
,etail and -ocal #dvertising
Ma.or retailers and small, local businesses advertise to encourage consumers to shop at
specific stores or to use local services. Much of the local advertising focuses on store
hours, location, and products that are available or on sale. ,etail advertisers spend more
than any other type of advertiser per year.
Advertising Ob#ectives:
#dvertising usually has one of three purposes. If a product is in the introductory stage of
the product life cycle, advertising will educate people about the new product. /ther
product advertising emphasi!es a brands features and tries to convince the target market
to choose it over competing brands. -ast, many ads are designed to ensure that people
dont forget about a product that is already well established. In summary, marketers use
advertising messages to accomplish three primary ob.ectives0 to inform, to persuade, and
to remind.
Informative #dvertising
Informative advertising seeks to develop initial demand for a product. The promotion of
any new market entry tends to pursue this ob.ective because marketing success at this
stage often depends simply on announcing product availability. Thus, informative
advertising is common in the introductory stage of the product life cycle.
(ersuasive #dvertising
Persuasive advertising attempts to increase demand for an existing product. (ersuasive
advertising is a competitive type of promotion suited to the growth stage and the early
part of the maturity stage of the product life cycle.
,eminder #dvertising
Reminder advertising strives to reinforce previous promotional activity by keeping the
name of a product before the public. It is common in the latter part of the maturity stage
and throughout the decline stage of the product life cycle. Traditionally, marketers stated
their advertising ob.ectives as sales goals. # more current standard views advertising as a
way to achieve communications ob.ectives, including informing, persuading, and
reminding potential customers of the product. #dvertising attempts to condition
consumers to adopt favorable viewpoints toward a promotional message. The goal of an
ad is to improve the likelihood that a customer will buy a particular product. #dvertising
illustrates the close relationship between marketing communications and promotional
Organi$ation of t%e Advertising &unction:
/rgani!ational arrangements for the advertising function vary among organi!ations. In
small companies, advertising may be handled by someone in the sales department. The
advertising function is usually organi!ed in larger organi!ations as a staff department
reporting to the vice president or director of marketing. The director of advertising is an
executive position with the responsibility for the functional activity of advertising. This
position re2uires a skilled and experienced advertiser and an individual who
communicates effectively within the organi!ation. The success of a firms promotional
strategy depends on the advertising directors willingness and ability to communicate
both vertically and hori!ontally in the organi!ation. The ma.or tasks typically organi!ed
under advertising include advertising research, design, copywriting, media analysis, and
sometimes sales and trade promotion. #n advertising campaign is a coordinated,
comprehensive plan that carries out promotion ob.ectives and results in a series of
advertisements placed in media over a specified time period. #lthough a campaign may
be based around a single ad, most have multiple ads with all ads in the campaign having
the same look, feel, and message. Creating and executing an advertising campaign often
means many companies work together, and it re2uires a broad range of skilled people to
do the .ob correctly. *ome firms may do their own advertising. In many cases, however,
organi!ations retain one or more outside advertising agencies to develop advertising
messages on their behalf. Most large companies use outside advertising agencies because
they offer several advantages. *ome companies who use advertising agencies also
manage to reduce the cost of advertising by avoiding many of the fixed expenses
associated with maintaining an internal advertising department.
#dvertising #gencies
#n advertising agency is a marketing services firm whose marketing specialists assist
organi!ations in planning, preparing, implementing, and evaluating all or portions of their
advertising programs. # limited'service agency provides one or more speciali!ed
services such as media buying or creative development. # full'services agency provides
most or all of the services needed to mount a campaign, including research, creation of ad
copy and art, media selection, and production of the final messages. Todays advertising
agencies employ specialists who can often perform advertising tasks better than the
companys own staff. #gencies also bring an outside point of view to solving the
companys problems, along with much experience from working with different clients
and situations. #s a result, even companies with strong advertising departments of their
own use advertising agencies. #dvertising agencies are now starting to diversify into
related marketing services as well. These new diversified agencies offer a complete list of
integrated marketing and promotion services including advertising, sales promotion,
marketing research, public relations, and direct and online marketing. *ome have even
added marketing consulting, television production and sales training units in an effort to
become full 5marketing partners6 to their clients. #d agencies traditionally have been
paid through commissions and fees. In the past, the agency typically received &4 percent
of the media cost as a rebate. 7owever, both advertisers and agencies have become more
and unhappy with the commission system. -arger advertisers complain that they pay
more for the same services received by smaller ones simply because they place more
advertising. #dvertisers also believe that the commission system drives agencies away
from low)cost media and short advertising campaigns. 8ew agency payment methods
may include anything from fixed retainers or straight hourly fees for labor to incentives
keyed to performance of the agencies ad campaigns, or some combination of these.
Identifying the Target Market
The target market of an advertising campaign is identified from research and
segmentation decisions. ,esearchers try to understand the customer so that messages can
be created that the customer will comprehend and respond to.
*etting Message 9oals
Message goals for a campaign can be increasing brand awareness, boosting sales by a
certain percentage, or changing the image of a product. *ometimes the ob.ective is simply
to get people to recogni!e that they need the product. "ffective advertising strategies
accomplish at least one of three ob.ectives0 informing, persuading, or reminding
consumers. The secret to success in choosing the best strategy is developing a message
that best positions a firms product in the audiences mind. Marketers often combine
several advertising strategies to ensure that the advertisement accomplishes set ob.ectives.
#s markets become more segmented, the need for personali!ed advertising increases.
*etting the %udget
#fter determining message goals, the organi!ation next sets its advertising budget.
#dvertising is expensive. # firm allocates a percentage of its overall promotion budget to
advertising, depending on how much and what type of advertising it can afford. $ive
methods for setting promotion budgets are listed below0
#ffordable method
(ercentage)of)sales method
$ixed)sum)per)unit method
Meeting competition method
Task)ob.ective method
Outdoor Advertising
Traditional outdoor advertising takes the form of billboards, painted bulletins or displays,
and electric signs and displays. Today, advertisers are finding new places to put their
messages outdoors. This form of advertising is flexible, has high repeat exposure, is low
cost, has low message competition, and has good positional selectivity. 7owever, outdoor
advertising has little audience selectivity and creative limitations.
Internet Advertising
Internet advertising consists of two ma.or categories of messages0 email messages and
advertising messages. /nline advertising offers several advantages. The Internet provides
new ways to find target customers. ;ser preferences can be tracked as well, allowing
advertisers to deliver ads based on previous Internet behavior. #lso, exact response to
advertising can be measured. /nline advertising is also interactive, letting consumers
participate in the advertising campaign' and in some cases they can even offer advertising
ideas. Internet advertising is highly selective and low cost. The audience, however, is
small and demographically skewed. Internet advertising has relatively low impact, and
the audience controls the exposure.
(valuating Advertising:
# famous retailer, =ohn >anamaker, once said, 5I am certain that half of the money I
spend on advertising is completely wasted. The trouble is I dont know which half.6
,esearch findings generally support the wisdom of spending money on advertising.
*tudies show that increased advertising increases sales, and that increased product usage
is linked to advertising exposure. Theres no doubt, however, that much advertising is
ineffective. Therefore, organi!ations should evaluate their advertising efforts in order to
increase their advertising success.
Ob#ectives of t%e study
The main purpose of the study is to know the effectiveness of humorous advertising case
studies. In the present competitive environment it is very crucial to every business firm to
ensure that its advertisement is effective and made growth in business. #ccording to one
survey it was found that it costs five times more to attract a new customer than to retain
an existing customer. *o with all these parameters taking into consideration one can say
that it is very important to make such advertisements which make place in the mind of
customer or wants irrespective of the industry or scale of the business in which a firm is
7ere the main purpose of the report is to know the various factors .ust like
promotional activities, pricing strategy, easy to access and also ,@ that are very
important in satisfying the customers needs and to know how companies are ensuring its
growth. The expectations of customers are vary from one customer to the other customer.
$or example some customers are belongs from rural area or urban area that they are
getting in a advertisements but at the same time there are some other customers who are
very specific about the all details about the product by advertisements and some other
parameters. It is very difficult to any business firm to satisfy all the expectations of all
customers but there are some common factors that are essential to fulfill.
The following are the ob.ectives of the report
To study the customers of gha!ipur both rural and urban.
To study about the various methods and process of advertisement.
To study about the past method of advertisements used by the different
To identify the effectiveness of advertisements.
To study the influence of various aspects on advertisement.
These factors are0) ' price ) market ' customer others features.
To study the government rules and policy related to advertisement in India
Importance of t%e study
The importance of a pro.ect report is following.
The study will help to know that what additional features what facilities should
be increase.
Customer is satisfied with the product and services provided by companies or he
is dissatisfied.
It helps in identify reason behind dissatisfactions.
The importance of study is that it is helpful to make future policy of the company.
It is important to create a new advertisement for products services in future with
uni2ue 2uality facilities that will be preferred by the customers.
To know the factor behind advertisements.
To know the recent technologies and methods of advertisements.
!cope of t%e study
The scope of this pro.ect is the study the advertisement method and effectiveness of the
company. It covers a wide range analysis of the company that what kind of
advertisements has been provided by the company, what are the 2ualities of products,
what are the satisfaction level of the customer by the of the company, working and
promotional process of the company, 7ow the company satisfy the customer by its
This study also shed light on the relationship of company with customers. The study also
covers the behavioral pattern of company employees with the customer at the time of
complains for any product and how they provide service to them and interaction to the
company according to choice of advertisements.
The response of the centre towards the customer also covered in this study. #fter analysis
the researcher comes to know that which advertisement is best for the company and
effectiveness of humorous advertisement case study in gha!ipur city. #fter analysis the
researcher comes to know that the effectiveness of humorous advertisement case study in
gha!ipur city.
Researc% *et%odology
,esearch in a common language refers to a search of knowledge. ,esearch is scientific
systematic search for pertinent information on a specific topic, infect research is an art of
scientific investigation. ,esearch Methodology is a scientific way to solve research
problem. It may be understood as a science of studying how research is dont
scientifically. In it we study various steps that are generally adopted by researchers in
studying their research problem. It is necessary for researchers to know not only research
method techni2ues but also technology. The scope of ,esearch Methodology is wider
than that of research methods.
The research problem consists of series of closely related activities. #t times, the first step
determines the native of the last step to be undertaken. >hy a research has been defined,
what data has been collected and what a particular methods have been adopted and a host
of similar other 2uestions are usually answered when we talk of research methodology
concerning a research problem or study. The pro.ect is a study where focus is on the
following points0
Researc% Design:'
# research design is defined, as the specification of methods and procedures for ac2uiring
the Information needed. It is a plant or organi!ing framework for doing the study and
collecting the data. @esigning a research plan re2uires decisions all the data sources,
research approaches, ,esearch instruments, sampling plan and contact methods. T%e
study +as descriptive ,ind of researc%-
,esearch design is mainly of following types0
.'"xploratory research./'@escriptive studies.0'Causal studiesC"xperimental studies
.- (1ploratory researc%:'
The ma.or purposes of exploratory studies are the identification of problems, the more
precise $ormulation of problems and the formulations of new alternative courses of
action. The design of exploratory studies is characteri!ed by a great amount of flexibility
and ad)hoc veracity
./- Descriptive researc%:'
@escriptive research in contrast to exploratory research is marked by the prior
formulation of specific research Duestions. The investigator already knows a substantial
amount about the research problem. (erhaps as a ,esult of an exploratory study, before
the pro.ect is initiated. @escriptive research is also characteri!ed by a (replanned and
structured design.
0- Causal studies2(1perimental studies
# casual design investigates the cause and effect relationships between two or more
variables. The hypothesis is tested and the experiment is done. There are following types
of casual designs
a. #fter only with control design
b. %efore after with control design
c. %efore after without control design
d. Consumer panel design
e. "x)post facto design
,esearch @esign has been classified into four subsections they are0
.-*ample selection and si!e/.*ampling procedure'0.@ata collection' and #nalytical tools
!ampling Procedure
There are basically two methods of sampling0)
Probability sampling
It is also known as random sampling. ;nder this sampling design every item of the
universe has an e2ual chance of inclusion in the sample. It is, so to say, a lottery method
in which individual units are picked from the whole group not deliberately but by some
mechanical process. 7ere it blind chance alone that determines whether one item or the
other is selected. The results obtained from probability sampling can be assured in terms
of probability.
Non Probability sampling
8on (robability sampling is that sampling procedure which does not afford any basis for
estimating the probability that each item in the population has been included in the
sample. In this type of sampling, items for the sample selected deliberately by the
researcher' his choice concerning the items remains supreme.
&or t%e study t%e consumers are selected by t%e convenience sampling
met%od- The selection of units from the population based on their easy availability and
accessibility to the researcher is known as convenience sampling
Data Collection met%od
Data Collection *et%od
Primary !econdary
@irect personal Interview
Indirect personal Interview 9ovt. publication
Information from correspondents ,eport Committees
Mailed 2uestionnaire Commissions (rivate (ublication
Duestion filled by enumerators ,esearch Institute
The task data collection begins after research problem has been defined. There are two
methods for data collection.
Primary data
(rimary data may be described as those data that have been observed and recorded by the
researcher for the first time to their knowledge.
(ublished *ources ;npublished *ources
!econdary data
*econdary data are those data which have been already collected and analy!ed by some
earlier agency for its own use' and later the same data are used by a different agency.
$or the present study, the survey method was used for collecting primary data. #
structured 2uestionnaire was used for the purpose. The 2uestionnaire included multiple
choice 2uestions.
Analytical Data
The data thus collected, was tabulated, interpreted and analy!ed with a view to make the
study meaningful. In the present study, hypothesis testing, percentage, fre2uency and
cross tabulation methods have been used for analysis.
3imitations of t%e Researc%
&. This report covers whole gha!ipur city, which is very difficult to get.
+. In a rapidly changing industry, analysis on one day or in one segment can change
very 2uickly. The environmental changes are vital to be considered in order to
assimilate the findings.
1. *ometime the gap of communication was come in between the interaction.
3. The time available to conduct the study is little' it being a wide topic has a limited
4. -imited resources are available to collect the information about the effectiveness
of humorous advertisement case study in gha!ipur city.
:. *ome of the aspects may not be covered in my study, its gives knowledge about
trading of soap industries in India in small prospects and its challenges.

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