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Amarnath Ramaraj

37, S1-Second Floor, Asirwad Nest Apartments, Bharathidasan Street, PVS Nagar ,Thoraipakkam,hennai-!"
Mobile: +919600168278
Experience Summary
#a$ing 5+ Yrs o% &T '(perience in Oracle Aadvance Supply Chain Planner(ASCP),Oracle
Demantra ,Oracle Applications,Perl Scripting and Shell Scripting with )oth Technical and F*nctional
+nowledge in Planning ,od*les -ASP,.emantra, ,/P,i0-FP,1&T23
4orking in 5racle Applications /10 &nter%aces and *stomi6ations as Technical ons*ltant3
'(perience incl*des .e$elopment and *stomi6ation o% &nter%aces3 Pro%icient in Technical Anal7sis,
on%ig*ration and testing o% new .e$elopment, c*stomi6ation o% e(isting s7stems in$ol$ing Technical
e(pertise on di%%erent Planning mod*les o% 5racle '/P3
'(pertise in 5racle !g,g S"#,Shell Scripting, Perl Scripting and P#$S"#, data)ase programming3
#a$ing 8ood +nowledge on .e$elopment skills in de$eloping /&' omponents in the domain o%
5racle Applications '-B*siness S*ite3
'(pertise in 5racle '-B*siness S*ite in ASCP , Demantra ,od*les3
#a$ing good knowledge in 5ther 9tilities %OAD, S"# &#OAD'(, S"#&P#)S, )%#*+,#'3
&n$ol$ed in di%%erent stages o% pro:ect ;i%e 7cle like design, de$elopment, testing3
Skill set : Oracle E business suite ASCP (R12, 11i),Oracle Demantra ,Perl Scripting, PL/SQL ni! S"ell
scripting, Per#$rmance tuning%
Year of
School/Institute Board/Uniersity
'lectrical and
'lectronics 'ngg2
,eenakshi S*ndarara:an
ollege o% 'ngineering >
Anna 9ni$ersit7
lass B&& 0<<@
+rishnaswam7 ,atric #r Sec
School *ddalore
Tamil nad* State )oard !<3<<
lass B 0<<0
Sri 8nanananda ,at3 #r3sec
Tamil nad*
"ork Experience %A%A Consultancy Services ,% Analyst - Pro.ect #ead
hennai, &ndia3 ,arch 0<<! > *rrent
Pro.ect /ame0 Planning %rans1ormation - 'nhancement in ASCP,Demantra, Duration 0 Sept 0<10-
Pro.ect DetailsC 'nhancement and /*n operations and Stead7 State s*pport %or .emantra and /10-
ASP,*stom Application mod*les %eam Si2e03
Client C,otorola ,o)ilit7 &nc > A 8oogle ompan7
Location: &n'ia (C"ennai

(oles and (esponsi4ilities0
Enterprise applicati$n 'e)el$pment * Supp$rt +it" Oracle PL/SQL, Perl, Oracle E(,usiness suite A')ance' Suppl-
C"ain planner
ni! S"ell Scripting &n)$l)ement in Pr$blem .anagement
C"ange management , &mpact anal-sis%
Ser)ice Rec$)er- management
C"ange e!ecuti$n acti)ities as per &/&L Stan'ar's3
Pro.ect /ame0 Planning %rans1ormation Development, Duration 0 .ar 1, 2011 ( Aug 1, 2012 (O##(Site *
Pro.ect DetailsC .e$elopment o% Planning s7stem *sing .emantra,/10- ASP and *stomi6ation
%eam Si2e05
Client C,otorola ,o)ilit7 &nc > A 8oogle ompan7
Location: &n'ia 1C"ennai * Singap$re 1 Ang .$ 2i$

(oles and (esponsi4ilities0
Re3uirements gat"ering, Creating 4uncti$nal Design , /ec"nical 'esign an' De)el$p R&CE5 c$mp$nents in t"e
&nter#ace s-stems #$r ASCP an' Demantra
/"e pr$6ect +as aime' at Simpli#-ing t"e e!isting planning pr$cess $# .$t$r$la .$bilit- &nc +it" R12(Demantra an'
Create' &nter#aces in ASCP t$ l$a' Deman' (ODS),S$urcing rule manuall- $t"er t"an 4$recaste' 'ata using Cust$m
L$gic using Perl/S"ell/PL/SQL
5$r7e' $n t"e Legac- C$llecti$ns #$r ASCP t$ C$llect t"e 'ata 8$n R12( &nstances%
5$r7e' $n Replicating t"e Pegging screen $# ASCP in a E!cel Rep$rt, S$ t"at Pegging Le)el 'ata can be
easil- accessible +it"$ut l$gging int$ ASCP%
Create' a Cust$m L$gic using Perl Pr$gramming in Oracle apps t$ S"are t"e ASCP Planne' $r'er t$
En' t$ En' /esting #r$m Deman' 4$recast t$ Supplier C$mmit in Planning
Pro.ect /ame 5otorola Planning Separation, Duration 0 1an, 2010 ( .arc" , 2011 (O##(Site)
Pro.ect DetailsC 9l$bal Electr$nics .a6$r .$t$r$la g$t split int$ t+$ publicl- tra'e' C$mpanies namel- .$t$r$la
.$bilit- ( Dealing +it" .$bile 'e)ices an' .$t$r$la S$luti$ns 'ealing +it" 8et+$r7 'e)ices% /"e e!isting Planning
applicati$ns +as Replicate' #$r .$bilit- &nc * .$t$r$la S$luti$ns +it" se)eral cust$mi:ati$ns #$r t"e 8e+ c$mpan-
%eam Si2e06
Client C,otorola &nc
Location: &n'ia 1C"ennai

(oles and (esponsi4ilities0
/$ 'e)el$p t"e ne+ Cust$mi:ati$ns in t"e Oracle ASCP 11i instance an' Replicate t"e E!isting #uncti$nalities
e!iste' in t"e s-stem
reate &nter%aces )etween i0 Factor7 Planner Tool and ASP in s*ch a wa7 that PBA ,Sales model
demand was planned at ASP and Piece part .emand was planned at i0-FP
'(isting S7stem anal7sis , .esign o% hange Plan and &mplementation
'nd to 'nd Testing o% Planning mod*les
Pro.ect /ame0 Oracle ASCP i Support and i67+P $8,%$S+DC Support,
Duration 0 ;une 1, 200< ( Dec 1, 2010 (O##(Site)
Pro.ect DetailsC .e$elopment o% Planning s7stem *sing .emantra,/10- ASP and *stomi6ation
%eam Si2e09
Client C,otorola &nc
Location: &n'ia 1C"ennai
(oles and (esponsi4ilities0
Enterprise applicati$n 'e)el$pment * Supp$rt +it" Oracle PL/SQL, Perl, Oracle ASCP(11i, i2(4act$r-
&n)$l)ement in &nci'ent management * Pr$blem .anagement
C"ange management, &mpact anal-sis%
Ser)ice Rec$)er- management * C"ange e!ecuti$n acti)ities as per &/&L Stan'ar's3
#ccolades/#dditional Information
8ot 8',S Award Twice at the Acco*nt ;e$el D B/AV5 awards %rom lient 5rg
4orked 4ith EF ;e$el e(ec*ti$es d*ring Planning Trans%ormation Pro:ect S*pport Phase
Awarded Best Team award %or the Team led )7 me3
Personal Profile
8ame = Amarnat" Ramara6
Date $# ,irt" = 2>/10/1<?>
Se! = .ale
.arital Status = Single
8ati$nalit- = &n'ian
Languages 7n$+n = Englis",/amil, /elugul
Present A''ress : 37, S1-Second Floor, Asirwad Nest Apartments,Bharathidasan
Street, PVS Nagar, Thoraipakkam, hennai-!"
Permananent A''ress = @/<< S$ut" Street, S$ut" Street,/ E'a-ar,
Aillupuram (>0B20C

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