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As soon as you enter the button to save the sales order, the lne te!s n the sales order "oes n
t#o dre$tons% one s &or the 'r$n" and one s &or the s$heduln"% be$ause s$hedule lne s
de$ded de'ends u'on the $usto!er re(uested delvery date, and (uantty%
No# besdes sales order also sear$hes &or the !ateral n the 'lant, #arehouse or stora"e
lo$atons, to deter!ne #hether the as)ed (uantty $an be a''roved or not% and Ths s #hat #e
$all here *+P ,*ateral re(ure!ent 'lannn"-
*+P .#heather ths orders lne te!s are avalable or not /
s$hedule lne s deter!ned by Ite! $ate"ory 0*+P ty'e% ,No# &or your n&o, avalablty $he$)
you also $an do by Co12, or *314%-
No# lets understand #hat s ATP
ATP5 Avalablty To Pro!se, !eans the or"an6aton $an 'ro!se the $usto!er, by #hen the
"oods $an be delvered to there door ste' de'endn" on $ertan $ondtons% On$e *+P $he$)ed
enou"h (uantty s there, and Trans&er o& re(ure!ents assured that the sto$) $an be !ade
avalable by date as)ed by the $usto!er #th &or#ard and ba$)#ard s$heduln", ATP $an be
Avalablty $he$)s 5 $an be !ade at Plant level, and to !a)e sure #hen the !ateral #ll be
avalable, not only ths but Avalablty $he$)s also ta)es nto $onsderaton the '$) 'a$) t!e,
loadn" t!e, trans'ortaton s$hedule t!e, and all these t!n"s 'ut to"ether "ves rse to
Planned "oods ssue date 7 ths s the date #hen the "oods are trans&erred &ro! the o#nersh'
o& busness to the o#nersh' o& sh''n" a"ent%
8h''n" dates are then added to the 9oods ssue date and results .3elvery date
and all ths 'ro$ess #h$h s done auto!at$ally n a s'lt o& se$ond, $o!!un$ated to the
ordern" 'arty%
The &ollo#n" 'la$es de$des & Avalablty should be !ade5
:% 8$hedule lne $ate"ory o& the te! ,te! $ate"ory0*+P ty'e-
;% te! $ate"ory o& sh''n" do$% ,Lne te!s-
<% sales do$ ty'e ,Cash sales, sales order, +ush orders et$%-
4% !ateral !aster%
Configuration Steps
Availability Check and Transfer of Requirements
Title 3eter!naton O& +e(ure!ent Ty'es =sn" Transa$ton
Release Id Enterprise Version ECC 6.0
Menu path IMG.>>sales & Distb>>Basic functions>> Availability Cec! an" #ransfer of
$e%uire&ents>>#ransfer of re%uire&ents>> Deter&ination 'f $e%uire&ent #ypes (sin)
Transaction Code *+$'
The folloing Requirement types ere assigned to item category and MR! Type "#
Requirement Types Description
0,, Delivery re%uire&ent
0-, 'r"er.Delivery $e%uire&ent
,. $e%uire&ent types /ere assi)ne" to ite& cate)ory an" M$+ #ype
0. *ave te "ocu&ent.
Required $ields Ite& cate)ory1 M$+ #ype & $e%uire&ent Class
2 Ite& cate)ories to be create"
Configuration Rationale #e syste& cec!s te availability of te )oo"s base" on te re%ueste" "elivery
"ate of te custo&er an" creates M$+ recor"s /ic contain all necessary
infor&ation for passin) on to &aterial plannin). #e transfer of re%uire&ents
ensures tat te )oo"s are available in ti&e for te "elivery.
Configuration Steps
Availability Check and Transfer of Requirements
Title Carry 'ut Control 3or Availability Cec!
Release Id Enterprise Version ECC 6.0
Menu path IMG.>>*ales & Distribution>>Basic functions>> Availability Cec! an" #ransfer of
$e%uire&ents>>Availability cec!>>Availability cec! /it A#+ 4o)ic or a)ainst
plannin)>>carry out control for availability cec!
Transaction Code *+$'
Checking Rules for Availability Check"
Checking Rules Description
A *D 'r"er
5. Go to 00 In"ivi"ual $e%uire&ents an" cec!in) rule A 6 *D 'r"er7 an"
confi)ure te "etails. In In.'ut/ar" fiel" purcase or"ers1 reservations1
sales re%uire&ents an" "eliveries are cec!e".
-. *ave te "ocu&ent.
Required $ields Cec!in) Groups & Cec!in) $ule
Cec!in) )roups & Cec!in) $ule
Configuration Rationale In tis IMG step1 you "efine cec!in) rules for te availability cec! an" allocate te& to a
cec!in) )roup. #e cec!in) rule specifies te scope of te availability cec! for te
respective transactions in sales an" "istribution by specifyin) precisely /ic stoc!s1 receipt
an" issue ele&ents soul" be ta!en into account "urin) te availability cec!.
Configuration Steps
Availability Check and Transfer of Requirements
Title Define proce"ure for eac "elivery ite& cate)ory
Release Id Enterprise Version ECC 6.0
Menu path IMG.>>sales & Distribution>>Basic functions>> Availability Cec! an" #ransfer of
$e%uire&ents>>Availability cec!>>Availability cec! /it A#+ 4o)ic or a)ainst
plannin)>>Define proce"ure for eac "elivery ite& cate)ory
Transaction Code *+$'
Item Categories Description
284C Interco *toc! #r. Ite&
2848 *tan" *toc! #rans Ite&
2$E8 $E#
2#A8 *tan"ar" Ite&
9. Availability cec! soul" be active for "elivery ite& cate)ory 28481
284C1 2#A8.
6. *ave te "ocu&ent.
Required $ields Ite& Cate)ory
2 Ite& Cate)ories to be create"
Configuration Rationale Confi)ure te availability cec! for or"er."eliveries.
Configuration Steps
Availability Cec! an" #ransfer of $e%uire&ents
Title Define proce"ure by re%uire&ent class
Release Id Enterprise Version ECC 6.0
Menu path IMG.>>sales & Distribution>>Basic functions>> Availability Cec! an" #ransfer of
$e%uire&ents>>Availability cec!>>Availability cec! /it A#+ 4o)ic or a)ainst
plannin)>>Define proce"ure by re%uire&ent class
Transaction Code *+$'
Requirement Class Description
0,, Delivery re%uire&ent
0-, 'r"er."elivery re%uire&ent
:. Availability cec! an" #'$ bot cec! bo; soul" be active.
<. *ave te "ocu&ent.
Required $ields $e%uire&ent Class
$e%uire&ent Class
Configuration Rationale In ths I*9 a$tvty you de&ne &or ea$h re(ure!ents $lass #hether an
avalablty $he$) and>or trans&er or re(ure!ents should be $arred out%
Configuration Steps
Availability Cec! an" #ransfer of $e%uire&ents
Title Define +roce"ure 3or Eac *ce"ule 4ine Cate)ory
Release Id Enterprise Version ECC 6.0
Menu path IMG.>>sales & Distribution>>Basic functions>> Availability Cec! an" #ransfer of
$e%uire&ents>>#ransfer of re%uire&ents>> Define +roce"ure 3or Eac *ce"ule 4ine
Transaction Code *+$'
Availability check % Transfer &f Requirements !rocedure ere defined for Schedule line category"#
Schedule line Categories Description
2C Interco&pany $eplen
2M 8o Mat. +lannin)
28 $eturns
2+ M$+
2$ $eplenis&ent /.o M$+
2* 4e)
2V Consu&ption M$+
=. Avb cec! bo; to be active for availability /ereas $e%uire&ents soul"
not be active.
,0. *ave te "ocu&ent.
Required $ields *ce"ule line cate)ory
2 *ce"ule line cate)ories to be create"
Configuration Rationale In tis IMG step1 you specify for te respective *ce"ule line cate)ories of te sales
"ocu&ent /eter an" availability cec! an".or transfer of re%uire&ents soul" be carrie"
out. #ese confi)urations are only relevant for te sales "ocu&ents.

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