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Allah is Beautiful and Loves Beauty:

Attributes of the Lord, and Their Manifestation in His Slaves

Allah - there is no deity except Him. To Him belong the best names. (20:8)
The Grandeur of the Names of Allah SWT
The greatness and beauty of the names of Allah SWT cannot be emphasied enough! Allah
SWT, His blessed "rophet SAW and our righteous predecessors have all stressed on the
importance of comprehending and living His #SWT$%s divine attributes!
&bn Abbas 'A said that everything has a pillar and the pillar of this deen is the conviction in
la-ilaha-illal-lah #There is no one (orthy of (orship e)cept Allah$*
The pillar of la-ilaha-illal-lah is +ur%an* the pillar of +ur%an is Srah Al-!atiha*
The pillar of Srah Al-!atiha is "ismillah ir #ahman ar #aheem #& begin (ith the name of
Allah, the Merciful, the ,ind$-meaning the names of Allah SWT!
&mam Shafi.i is reported to have said that Allah SWT summaried all the messages He
revealed to man/ind in His o(n names! &bn +ayyim Al01a(iyya%s boo/, $i%tah &ar As-
Sa'adah , can be summaried in the follo(ing sentence: 23ou (ill never be a believer until
you have steadfastness (ith the names of Allah SWT!4
We /no( the famous hadeeth of 'asulAllah SAW (here he said:

(To )od belong ** names+ ,00 mins ,+ anyone -ho them -ill enter /aradise.0
#Bu/hari 5 Muslim$
&n this article, by the (ill of Allah SWT, (e (ill e)plore the real meaning of /no(ing Allah
SWT and His attributes* and ho( this affects the relationship bet(een the Lord and His
Focus: The Fountainhead of Achievement
& once came across a 6uote some(here that 6uite accurately describes the situation of the
Muslim 7mmah today! &t read, 28ne reason so fe( of us achieve (hat (e truly (ant is that
(e never direct our focus* (e never concentrate our po(er! Most people dabble their (ay
through life, never deciding to master anything in particular!4
Muslim 7mmah today is running into t(o ma9or issues: Al-)hloo -at-Ta1hseer!
Al-)hloo is to have rigidity to the point that it can brea/ you! "rophet Muhammad SAW
has (arned us against ghloo in deen (hich destroyed the earlier people! At-Ta1hseer is
the other e)treme approach (here people discard all the rules and regulations and ma/e
deen a thing of insignificance! This is the practice of some deviated sects today (ho
promote innovations and disregard the essence of &slam!
Both e)tremes are (rong* Allah SWT has created us as :mmat--asata'--the middle nation*
the middle in here refers to the implementation of &slam and to be a(are of going to any
e)treme as it can either brea/ the ummah or lead it astray!
Both of these e)tremes are caused by confusion among Muslims (hich is usually the result
of not being focused on the message and (hat is re6uired of us! ;verything in &slam has a
purpose* behind this purpose there are regulations* behind regulations there are manners*
the implementation of manners needs (isdom* and (isdom needs rahma (mercy)! They
are interconnected li/e lin/s in a chain (here if any of the lin/s are bro/en then the entire
chain is scattered!
The purpose of /no(ledge of &slam is to give us manners, character and good behavior to
carry the message of &slam to humanity! Ho(ever, Muslims today are deprived of these
6ualities on every level, (hether it is personal, familial, communal or global! 7nfortunately
(e lac/ these characteristics even at our most sacred and revered places li/e masa2id or
even at the Haram! We have lost a lot of adab #manner$, (hich is a reflection of lac/ of
3man and proper understanding of the deen!
&n this article, (e (ill e)plore the importance of focusing our faculties and building
concentration in order to have a fruitful relationship (ith Allah SWT!
Allah SWT says in the
And 3 did not create the 2inn and man1ind except to -orship $e. #<=:<>$
8ur venerable scholars have interpreted :(orship% as to /no( Allah SWT and to
understand Him! This is the reason (e are created and thus by default this is the command
of Allah SWT for us! But ho( can (e love, (orship and build a relationship (ith someone
(e don%t /no(? This is (here the importance of /no(ing the names of Allah SWT comes
in! Allah SWT summaried most of the /no(ledge about Him that He (ants us to /no( in
His o(n names and attributes! This is the /ind of /no(ledge (hich (hen understood,
ma/es follo(ing the deen not only practical but en9oyable!
Ho(ever, in the middle of cyclone of dnya+ religion has become very insignificant and
devalued for people-including Muslims! ;ven, 2religious4 Muslims are happy (ith some
halal and haram, salah, fasting or some other aspects or rituals of &slam and are content
(ith 9ust this much! Therefore, (e are in reality deprived of the actual depth of this
We need to re0learn &slam as a :message% from the @reator for all of humanity! We have to
learn that &slam is the status of the heart and a Muslim is re6uired to surrender to the (ill
of Allah SWT at any given time! His thin/ing, desires, emotions, goals, ambitions-all
should be according to &slam! This re6uires a person to be focused, concentrated, and
strong enough to not only differentiate bet(een distractions and rightful interests, but be
able to instantly ma/e the correct decisions!
"o(er of focus and concentration is not a ne( phenomenon! 3oga and Aen are (ell /no(n
concentration e)ercises and there are amaing things that can be achieved through that!
Martial arts and the almost super human accomplishments of its artists are /no(n
e)amples of this phenomenon! This ability to focus and concentrate is an integral part of
our deen! Bo messenger and prophet received guidance and revelation (ithout first
mastering the ability to focus his thin/ing! Cocus of thin/ing on the @reator!
Absence or lac/ of this focus (ill result in absence of divine po(er and energy in a person!
&n this high speed life, (e are unable to have pure and clear thin/ing! A person al(ays has
so much to thin/ about that clearly thin/ing about one topic becomes impossible! And the
inability to focus (ith Allah SWT results in preoccupation (ith dnya #(orld$, Shaytaan
#Satan$, na%s #carnal desires, ego$* therefore the distractions in life /eep increasing!
While studying the lives of the prophets and messengers (e notice a pattern of them
spending time in seclusion before receiving the revelations from Allah SWT! &t is this
seclusion that is supposed to develop clear thin/ing and concentration (hich spiritually
prepares the person to carry the burden of conveying Allah SWT%s message to the masses!
Allah SWT tells us about &brahim AS%s vision of guidance in the follo(ing (ords:
And ths did 4e sho- Abraham the realm o% the hea5ens and the earth that he -old be
among the certain 6in %aith7
So -hen the night co5ered him 6-ith dar1ness7+ he sa- a star. He said+ 8This is my lord.8 "t
-hen it set+ he said+ 83 li1e not those that disappear.8
And -hen he sa- the moon rising+ he said+ 8This is my lord.8 "t -hen it set+ he said+ 89nless
my :ord gides me+ 3 -ill srely be among the people gone astray.8
And -hen he sa- the sn rising+ he said+ 8This is my lord; this is greater.8 "t -hen it set+ he
said+ 8< my people+ indeed 3 am %ree %rom -hat yo associate -ith Allah.
3ndeed+ 3 ha5e trned my %ace to-ard He -ho created the hea5ens and the earth+ inclining
to-ard trth+ and 3 am not o% those -ho associate others -ith Allah.8 #>:D<-DE$
&t (as the pure thin/ing of &brahim AS and his ability to focus on the message of Allah SWT
and his slavery to Him that brought him to the rightly guided conclusion! What prevents
people from reaching this purity?
Allah SWT ans(ers that in Surah Al0Mutaffifeen:
=o> #ather+ the stain has co5ered their hearts o% that -hich they -ere earning.
=o> 3ndeed+ %rom their :ord+ that &ay+ they -ill be partitioned. (8?:,@A,B)
&t is people%s o(n actions that prevent them from reaching the guidance from their Lord! &f
they persist in this negligence, it (ould be very hard for them to return to the right path
and it (ould eventually result in blindness on the Fay of 1udgment!
Allah SWT says in Surah TaHa:
And -hoe5er trns a-ay %rom $y remembrance - indeed+ he -ill ha5e a depressed li%e+ and
4e -ill gather him on the &ay o% #esrrection blind.8
He -ill say+ 8$y :ord+ -hy ha5e yo raised me blind -hile 3 -as 6once7 seeingC8
6 Allah 7 -ill say+ 8Ths did <r signs come to yo+ and yo %orgot them; and ths -ill yo this
&ay be %orgotten.8 (20: ,2@A,2D)
Here Allah SWT is reminding His slaves that if they forget to remember Him, they (ill be
blinded in this life and the hereafter! Blindness in this (orld doesn%t need to be physically
manifested-rather it is blindness from doing and gaining things of real benefit and value!
Thinking Leads to the Remembrance of Allah
Thoughts, ideas, and ability to communicate and act upon them are (hat differentiate
humans from all other creation! Allah SWT gave humans the faculty of thin/ing (hich is
(hat earned them the level of Ashra%-l-$a1hlooEat or the ;)alted @reation!
The best form of gratitude to(ards Allah SWT for giving us this high status is to utilie this
thin/ing to(ards Him, to ponder over His gifts and the unlimited amount of mercy He has
sho(ered upon us! The more (e thin/, the more our hearts (ill focus until they are
over(helmed (ith the remembrance of Allah SWT-(hich is a goal in itself!
Allah SWT says in Surah 'a.d:
(Those -ho ha5e belie5ed and -hose hearts are assred by the remembrance o% Allah .
9nEestionably+ by the remembrance o% Allah hearts are assred.8 (,?:28)
&n this stressful (orld, peace of mind and heart is an achievement (orth striving for! The
more one tastes this peace, the higher the desire for it becomes and the more a person
thin/s about it! Therefore, our thoughts and remembrance of Allah SWT are actually
=o disaster stri1es except by permission o% Allah . And -hoe5er belie5es in Allah - He -ill
gide his heart. And Allah is Fno-ing o% all things. (D@:,,)
This leads us bac/ to the purpose of our creation:
'emembrance of Allah SWT*
living for Him*
living for the propagation of the message of &slam until one is truly the ambassador
of Allah SWT and His deen!
Why s the !ondition of the World As t s today"
&t is because Muslims themselves have lost the message of &slam! &slam has become an
empty shell of la(s-of haram and halal, (hile the fruit of spirituality has been lost! We
have become so shallo( that half a billion (orshipping Muslims are unable to produce any
substantial difference (hereas a companion of the "rophet Muhammad SAW could change
any condition (ith hisGher individual d'a.
This situation reveals that (e lac/ the understanding of the purpose of our creation as (ell
as the creation of the earth, of 3blees and his po(ers! &slam teaches us that Allah SWT has
the ultimate control* therefore the more (e surrender to the 8ne in control the more (e
are in control, and the more (e get a(ay from Him the more (e are (ea/ and lose control
of situations in life!
3t is He -ho sent do-n tranEility into the hearts o% the belie5ers that they -old increase in
%aith along -ith their 6present7 %aith. And to Allah belong the soldiers o% the hea5ens and the
earth+ and e5er is Allah Fno-ing and 4ise. (@8:@)
They are the ones -ho say+ 8&o not spend on those -ho are -ith the $essenger o% Allah ntil
they disband.8 And to Allah belongs the depositories o% the hea5ens and the earth+ bt the
hypocrites do not nderstand. (D?:G)
;verything in creation points to(ards the e)istence of the creator! The +ur%an revealed
during "rophet Muhammad #SAW$%s time in Ma//ah #/no(n as the Ma//i +ur%an$ tal/s
mostly about Allah SWT and His signs in His creation!
When you loo/ at the literary structure of the (ord Allah in Arabic, it starts (ith 'ali%'! &f
you remove 'ali%. it becomes .lillah. (hich means :to(ards him%! &f you remove the first
laam, it becomes lahoo (hich means :for him%! &f remove the ne)t laam, it becomes h-a
(hich means :him%! So, at any given time, all states of affairs are pointing to(ards Him
SWT! Thus, the name of Allah in itself is one of the best dhi1r to perform as every letter
reminds one of Him SWT!
"rophet Muhammad SAW said:
8The best o% my sayings and o% the sayings o% all /rophets be%ore me is: There is no god bt
Allah alone+ -ithot partner+ to Him belong all so5ereignty and glory+ and He has po-er o5er
all things.8 #At0Tirmidhi$!
8ne of the most po(erful outcomes of the connection (ith Allah SWT through constant
remembrance is the po(er-spiritual and physical-that a person gains! 8nce (e lose our
focus, thin/ing, vision and have no seclusion to develop our relationship (ith Allah SWT,
this po(er and energy is diminished and (e are unable to gain anything substantial!
Allah SWT reminds us in Surah Hashr:
He is Allah + other than -hom there is no deity+ Fno-er o% the nseen and the -itnessed. He is
the Hntirely $erci%l+ the Hspecially $erci%l. (B*:22)
He goes on to remind His creation about (ho holds the po(er of everything in Surah
4ho created me+ and He 6it is -ho7 gides me. (2D:G8)
And -hen 3 am ill+ it is He -ho cres me. (2D:80)
All of these verses remind us of the "o(er of Allah SWT in our lives! 8nce (e really focus
and thin/, (e can%t help but than/ Allah SWT and praise Him for His graces and bounties
upon us! The more (e thin/ and ponder over the greatness of Allah SWT the more (e get
to /no( Him, and the more (e /no( Him the more (e become closer to Him! Hence, (e
see that focus is the fountainhead of one%s achievement (ith his Lord SWT!
This relationship gives us adab or manners (ith Allah SWT, and one of the manifestations
of this adab is that (e don%t 6uestion Allah SWT about His doings (hile believing that He
SWT holds the ultimate authority to 6uestion us! Ho( can (e 6uestion Allah SWT%s
(isdom (hen (e have such limited /no(ledge compared to Him? Angels, the pure
creation of Allah SWT 6uestioned Him (hen He decided to create Adam AS* they (ere
concerned about the mischief humans (ould ma/e on earth! Allah SWT ans(ered them
saying: & /no( (hat you /no( not!
When Musa AS met ,hidr to gain /no(ledge from him, ,hidr reminded him of the po(er of
Allah SWT in beautiful (ords saying that all human /no(ledge combined is li/e a drop of
(ater in the ocean compared to the /no(ledge of Allah SWT!
The #ur$ose of %ur !reation
And to Thamd 64e sent7 their brother Salih. He said+ 8< my people+ -orship Allah ; yo ha5e
no deity other than Him. He has prodced yo %rom the earth and settled yo in it+ so as1
%orgi5eness o% Him and then repent to Him. 3ndeed+ my :ord is near and responsi5e.8 (,,:D,)
Allah SWT has sent us on this earth (ith a very clear purpose (hich is to (orship Him and
e)alt His name! This (orship can be divided into three main categories:
=! To follo( the /no(ledge of Allah SWT!
H! To follo( His constitution #+ur%an$, according to the teachings of His "rophet SAW!
I! To implement this constitution until our lives become a reflection of it!
Along (ith giving us this clear purpose of our e)istence, Allah SWT also informed us about
our enemy, Shaytaan, and (hat he did-basically (arning us from follo(ing his footsteps!
The t(o ma9or diseases that (ere the roots of destruction for 3blees are:
Ta1abbr #arrogance$ and
Hasad #9ealousy$
Allah SWT has also mentioned the conse6uence of these diseases of the heart in the
follo(ing (ords:
4e said+ 8)o do-n %rom it+ all o% yo. And -hen gidance comes to yo %rom $e+ -hoe5er
%ollo-s $y gidance - there -ill be no %ear concerning them+ nor -ill they grie5e. (2:?8)
By His mercy, Allah SWT not only has informed us of the diseases that can cause such
immense destruction, He has provided the cure and protection from them as (ell! Allah
SWT has promised to protect the people (ho belong to the follo(ing categories:
3baad-Allah #Slaves of Allah SWT$
Al-$1hliseen #The sincere ones$
Al-$ta-a11ileen #Those (ho rely on Allah SWT$
Lord&s Ways to 'umble 'is Slaves
Allah SWT has created us (ith shortcomings as a trial in life and He has given us means to
overcome this incompleteness in our souls! This is part of m2ahada #struggle$ every
human has to perform in life in order to perfect his faith! Belo( is the list of imperfections
in humans:
1. Allah SWT has created every individual (ith some form of default (ea/ness and he is
supposed to struggle against it until he overcomes it! These (ea/nesses could be
stinginess, anger, lainess etc!
2. &gnorance! Allah SWT says in the +uran:
3ndeed+ -e o%%ered the Trst to the hea5ens and the earth and the montains+ and they
declined to bear it and %eared it; bt man 6ndertoo1 to7 bear it. 3ndeed+ he -as n2st and
ignorant. (??:G2)
3. Allah SWT created humans to be (ea/-physically, emotionally, spiritually, in their
ability of thin/ing, comprehension, and achievement-hence no human can claim
perfection! 8nly Allah SWT is perfect* (e are in constant need of Him, (hereas He does
not need anything from anyone!
And Allah -ants to lighten %or yo 6yor di%%iclties7; and man1ind -as created -ea1. (@:28)
4. Humans are by nature an)ious and hasty! Allah SWT tells us in Surah Ma.ari9:
3ndeed+ man1ind -as created anxios: 4hen e5il toches him+ impatient. (G0: ,*-20)

Humans are (ea/ and lac/ moral strength to endure* they lac/ courage and strength of
purpose and (ill* and overreact (hen faced (ith grief and challenges! They are selfish and
are concerned (ith only their o(n advantage (hile overloo/ing others% benefit!
5. Argumentative #Iadl$:
And 4e ha5e certainly di5ersi%ied in this Jr'an %or the people %rom e5ery 61ind o%7 example;
bt man has e5er been+ most o% anything+ 6prone to7 dispte. (,8:B@)
Allah SWT has e)plained His revelations in the +uran to fit all times and circumstances and
has e)pressed many parables in order to bring people out of dar/ness of disbelief! But man
usually finds frivolous ob9ections about most things and tries to find fault (ithout good
>! Man disputes and denies the message of Allah SWT!
He created man %rom a sperm-drop; then at once+ he is a clear ad5ersary. (,D:@)
Humans are created (ith a dirty drop of sperm and yet they are more eager to argue than
to obey! They bring forth capacious reasons against Allah SWT (ith strong and
argumentative minds!
D! Hastiness:
And man spplicates %or e5il as he spplicates %or good+ and man is e5er hasty. (,G:,,)
&t is a mercy of Allah SWT that He decides our affairs and gives us only (hat is good for us!
&f Allah SWT allo(ed humans complete autonomy over their o(n affairs they (ould ruin
themselves, because most of them act hastily based on emotions (ithout rational thin/ing
and (isdom!
J! Stinginess! Allah SWT says in Surah &sra:
Say 6to them7+ 83% yo possessed the depositories o% the mercy o% my :ord+ then yo -old
-ithhold ot o% %ear o% spending.8 And e5er has man been stingy. (,G:,00)
E! !a1hr #"ride$:
Allah SWT gives us the e)amples of +aroon, Hamaan, Bimrud and others from earlier
generations (ho e)ulted and believed in themselves over Allah SWT because of their
(ealth! Allah SWT tells us of their horrible end and goes on to e)plain (hat pride is in the
follo(ing verse:
"t i% 4e gi5e him a taste o% %a5or a%ter hardship has toched him+ he -ill srely say+ 8"ad
times ha5e le%t me.8 3ndeed+ he is exltant and boast%l. (,,:,0)
Ta/e the e)ample of a man (ho has been afflicted by some calamity and he turns to Allah
SWT to alleviate it from him! Allah SWT listens to his prayers and removes the calamity*
but instead of sho(ing gratitude and dedicating himself to his Lord, the person forgets
about Allah SWT and goes bac/ to self e)ultation!
Another form of pride is (hen a person receives blessing from his Lord and believes it to
be his right and gloats about it* and if Allah SWT trials him, he becomes ungrateful and
Allah SWT says in Surah Ca9r:
And as %or man+ -hen his :ord tries him and 6ths7 is generos to him and %a5ors him+ he says+
8$y :ord has honored me.8 "t -hen He tries him and restricts his pro5ision+ he says+ 8$y
:ord has hmiliated me.8 (8*:,BA,D)
This attitude sho(s that the person lac/s humbleness and humility to receive the decree of
Allah SWT and be content (ith it! Allah SWT gives (hom He (ills and ta/es from (hom He
(ills! A slave has no right to 6uestion his Lord!
=K! 'ebellion against destiny and the decree of Allah SWT in both giving and ta/ing! Allah
SWT says in Surah .Ala6:
=o> 6"t7 indeed+ man transgresses. (*D:D)
He goes on to say in Surah &sra:
And -hen 4e besto- %a5or pon the disbelie5er+ he trns a-ay and distances himsel%; and
-hen e5il toches him+ he is e5er despairing. (,G:8?)
==! &ngratitude:
And He ga5e yo %rom all yo as1ed o% Him. And i% yo shold cont the %a5or o% Allah + yo
cold not enmerate them. 3ndeed+ man1ind is 6generally7 most n2st and ngrate%l.
=H! Iahood: Fenial of truth after bearing (itness to it!
;very creation of Allah SWT is a reminder of His e)istence! Crom the perfect structure of
an atom to the perfect harmony of gala)ies, everything is a proof of the greatness of its
@reator SWT! But it is only the humble that can actually see and recognie this truth
(hereas the arrogant are veiled from it!
3ndeed man1ind+ to his :ord+ is ngrate%l. (,00:D)
And -hen a%%liction toches man+ he calls pon 9s+ -hether lying on his side or sitting or
standing; bt -hen 4e remo5e %rom him his a%%liction+ he contines 6in disobedience7 as i% he
had ne5er called pon 9s to 6remo5e7 an a%%liction that toched him. Ths is made pleasing to
the transgressors that -hich they ha5e been doing. (,0:,2)
And -hen ad5ersity toches man+ he calls pon his :ord+ trning to Him 6alone7; then -hen
He besto-s on him a %a5or %rom Himsel%+ he %orgets Him -hom he called pon be%ore+ and he
attribtes to Allah eEals to mislead 6people7 %rom His -ay. Say+ 8Hn2oy yor disbelie% %or a
little; indeed+ yo are o% the companions o% the !ire.8 (?*:8)
=I! Fespair:
Allah SWT does not li/e those (ho despair from His mercy! He SWT says:
And -hen 4e besto- %a5or pon the disbelie5er+ he trns a-ay and distances himsel%; and
-hen e5il toches him+ he is e5er despairing. (,G:8?)
He said+ 8And -ho despairs o% the mercy o% his :ord except %or those astrayC8 (,B:BD)
'o( to )levate %urselves
All of the above mentioned negative characteristics can be overcome (ith strong 3man in
Allah SWT! The stronger the 3man becomes and closer the person gets to Allah SWT, the
(ea/er these tendencies become* and vice versa!
+ur%an is the cure for the illnesses of the soul! We need to elevate +ur%an above the level of
9ust a boo/ of recitation and of receiving blessings, and start ta/ing it seriously as a
message from our Lord (ho /no(s the deepest, dar/est secrets of our hearts!
8nce (e start see/ing guidance from the +ur%an, the door of receiving /no(ledge from
Allah SWT (ill open and (e (ill be able to develop 6ualities that bring the blessings and
victory from Allah SWT! This is the path that the companions of "rophet SAW too/ and
history is a proof of the results that they achieved!
Fruits of *no(ledge
There are t(o blessed 6ualities that are granted to people as fruits of the /no(ledge of
Allah SWT that they have ac6uired!
1. Poverty to Allah SWT:
&t is the status of the heart (hen one realies that (ithout the help of Allah SWT he is
nothing! &t is to recognie the fact that Allah SWT is the o(ner of all 6ualities* therefore
even (ea/ness in personality is not really a (ea/ness if it leads a person closer to Allah
SWT by as/ing Him for strength! He SWT has the ability to ta/e any (ea/ness and convert
it to strength!
Therefore, (ea/nesses such as sins, temptations, desires andGor lac/ of any bounty such as
beauty, money, status, or physical ability are in reality opportunities of gaining 6uality
since they humble a person and cause him to turn to Allah SWT!
At this point along (ith realiation of his (ea/nesses and strengths, the person also gains
greater 6ualities! When he lives (ith constant recognition of his (ea/nesses and the
bounties of Allah SWT on him, he develops a balanced personality (here at any given time
he is either in the state of patience or gratitude to Allah SWT!
2. Denial of Everything except Allah SWT:
The /no(ledgeable person internalies the reality that 6ualities such as guidance, (isdom,
beauty, ability, charisma are all gifts from Allah SWT! Anything that (e lac/ re6uires
patience, struggle, and d'a to Allah SWT, and anything that (e have is in reality a favor of
Allah upon us for (hich (e have to than/ Him!
The fruit of /no(ledge is to give Allah SWT His 9ust right (hich is the recognition that He is
the 8ne (ho has granted us all that (e have, and He is the only one (ho can give us (hat
(e are lac/ing! Therefore, the slave%s submission and surrender is offered to the rightful
o(ner and not (asted on incapacitated creation!
The (ea/ness is given to us to /eep us humbled, and at the same time Allah SWT has
provided its antidote for us! These are His names through (hich (e can reach Allah SWT
and as/ Him to alleviate our spiritual illnesses and (ea/nesses and replace them (ith His
6ualities! Cor e)ample, if a person is stingy, he can call Allah SWT (ith His attribute of
generosity until this 6uality becomes part of his personality!
&mam Lhaali 'A is reported to have as/ed: 2What is the value of listening to something
(hen you don.t understand the language?4
We can ma/e this 6uestion relevant to our topic by rephrasing it thus:
4hat is the 5ale o% all the 3slamic 1no-ledge sch as grammar+ ta%seer+ hadeeth+ and %iEh i%
it doesnKt case s to get closer to AllahC
What good our elaborate &slamic decorations and beautiful masa2id are going to do if (e
don%t have the message of &slam in our hearts?
Allah SWT cursed "ani 3srael for their /no(ledge and compared them (ith don/eys
carrying boo/s! &t is not the 6uantity that Allah cares about, it is the 6uality!
Abdullah &bn Mas%ud once tal/ing to the TabaKeen #generation after the companions$ said:
(3ndeed Allah's $essenger said to s: A people -ill recite the Jr'an bt it -ill not pass
beyond their throats. "y Allah> 3 do not 1no-+ bt perhaps most o% them are %rom among yo.8
($a2maL al-.a-a'id)
&f this is (hat Abdullah &bn Mas%ud felt about the TabaKeen, then (hat (ould he say about
&mam Lhaali has informed us that the /no(ledge of any sub9ect has many levels! 1ust as
(e cannot tal/ about a gourmet meal (ith a child (ho only /no(s the taste of mil/, ho(
can (e give high level /no(ledge of &slam to a person (ho doesn%t even /no( Allah SWT,
and has not internalied the true magnitude of his relationship (ith his Lord?
The point of the article is this: We have lost the message of &slamM We are emotionally and
physically asleep! And a sleeping or barely a(a/e person is not only vulnerable, he is
prone to ma/ing (rong decisions and acting in a harmful (ay!
This in &slam is /no(n as gha%la (hich can be loosely translated as the absence of thin/ing,
heedlessness, and (ea/ness of &man! ;ven if the guidance comes, unless (e are fully
a(a/e and receptive, (e (ill miss it! We can.t afford to rest in our spiritual 9ourney! &f (e
rest, (e become prone to shayateen attac/s and drift further a(ay from Allah SWT!
This state of heedlessness is also indicative of the ne)t stage (hich is calamity from Allah
SWT in order to (a/e Muslims from their slumber!
&t is time to ta/e our deen seriously and embar/ on the path of self correction and spiritual
a(a/ening! Seclusion, brea/ing the na%s , abstinence from lu)ury, and remembrance of
Allah SWT are means of (a/ing the human heart and soul!
Levels of getting closer to Allah SWT
=! The first level of getting closer to Allah SWT is to call Him (ith absolute belief!
H! The second level is (hen you start feeling the s(eetness in the remembrance of
Allah and start building a relationship (ith Him!
3. The ne)t level is to nurture the relationship and do everything in your po(er to try
to further e)tend this relationship!
As (e mentioned earlier, our modern lifestyle does not allo( us the lu)ury of remaining
focused and calm long enough to even thin/ (ithout interruptions and distractions! At a
time li/e this ho( badly do (e need peace, tran6uility, focus, and calmness in order to
benefit from our lives? We should do our utmost to gain this peace and tran6uility (hich
can only be achieved through the remembrance of Allah SWT:
(9nEestionably+ by the remembrance o% Allah hearts are assred.8 (,?:28)

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