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Articles from General Knowledge Today

GK & Current Affairs: May 2, 2014

2014- 05- 12 11:05:02 GKToday
1. The Fazendas are t he areas of plant at ion f ound in ___?
[C]Viet nam
Fazendas are t he areas of plant at ion t hroughout t he Brazil. It was earlier
ref ers t o t he area of Sugar and Cof f ee product ion. Fazendas now denot es
any kind of f arm.
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2. Khaled Chowdhury, who passed away recent ly, was a f amous personalit y in
[A]Tamil Theat re
[B]Telugu Theat re
[C]Bengali Theat re
[D]Gujarat i Theat re
Bengali Theatre
Khaled Chowdhury was a f amous t heat re personalit y in Bengali. He worked f or
various direct ors of bot h Bengali and Hindi plays. He has been awarded t he
Padma Bhushan f or his cont ribut ion t o t heat re in India on 26t h January 2012.
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3. According t o lat est World Bank report which of t he f ollowing are t he worlds
most expensive economies?
[A]Sweden and Norway
[B]Swit zerland and Net herland
[C]Denmark and Norway
[D]Swit zerland and Norway
Switzerland and Norway
Swit zerland and Norway are placed as t he worlds most expensive economies
as t he lat est report published by World Bank. They are f ollowed by Bermuda,
Aust ralia and Denmark in t he list .
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4. Recent ly, which among t he f ollowing has become t he worlds f irst Island t o
secure a const ant supply of elect ricit y by combining wind and wat er power?
[A]El Hierro
[B]Sumat ra
[D]Vict oria Island
El Hierro
El Hierro-t he smallest of Spains Canary Islands became t he Island t o secure a
const ant supply of elect ricit y by combining wind and wat er power.
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5. A polit ical part y will be t reat ed as a Nat ional Part y when it as recognised
polit ical part y in __ or more st at es. Fill t he blank wit h correct opt ion?
If a polit ical part y is t reat ed as a recognised polit ical part y in f our or more
st at es, it shall be known as Nat ional Part y t hroughout t he whole of India, but
only so long as t hat polit ical part y cont inues t o f ulf il t hereaf t er t he condit ions
f or recognit ion in f our or more st at es on t he result s of any subsequent
general elect ion eit her t o t he House of t he people or t o t he Legislat ure
Assembly of any St at e.
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6. The Berne Convent ion, is an int ernat ional agreement relat ed t o ___?
[A]Sea Rout es
[B]Copyright s
[C]Chemical weapons
[D]Gold minings
The Berne convent ion is an int ernat ional agreement governing copyright which
was f irst accept ed in Berne, Swit zerland.
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7. Recent ly, scient ist s have creat ed a worlds f irst solar jet f uel under t he
project named Solar-Jet f uel by using ____?
[A]Wat er and Hydrogen
[B]Wat er and Carbon dioxide
[C]Wat er and Oxygen
[D]Wat er and Nit rogen
Water and Carbon dioxide
A research project named Solar-Jet f unded by t he European Union has
produced t he worlds f irst jet f uel f rom wat er and carbon dioxide. In t he Solar-
Jet project , researchers used concent rat ed light -st imulat ed sunlight -t o
convert carbon dioxide and wat er t o synt hesis Gas in a high t emperat ure
solar react or cont aining met al-oxide based mat erial developed at ETH Zurich.
The Syngas was t hen convert ed int o kerosene by shell using t he est ablished
Fischer-Tropsch process.
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8. The Willy Willy is t he local name f or a t ropical st orm in ____?
[A]Aust ralia
[C]It aly
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9. The Lake Vict oria f orms t he boundary bet ween which of t he f ollowing
count ries?
[A]Tanzania and Uganda
[B]Uganda and Nairobi
[C]Uganda and Kenya
[D]Kenya and Tanzania
Tanzania and Uganda
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10. What is t he Indias ranking in t he lat est Freedom of t he Press Index -2014?
India has been ranked 78 in t he Freedom of t he Press Index 2014. In 2013
Index, t he rank of India was 20 wit h 38 point s. Sweden t opped t he list and
belongs t o worlds most independent press.
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