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The first patent for tidal energy was performed in France in 1!! " it was not of the
twentieth cent#ry wo#ld pro$ects f#nded %y companies and go&ernments s#ch as 'apan
and the ()*
+#t" the slow de&elopment of technology and the h#ge costs were stopping some
pro$ects* ,ore and more go&ernments and companies in&est in this type of energy"
%eca#se this renew
&a%le energies can %e the sol#tion of the pro%lems of poll#tion and shortage of energy
reso#rces" and s#pported %y technological ad&ances
-ome co#ntries were de&elopment some systems and plants for ha&e energetic
prod#ction "s#ch as .hina" 'apon" (nited -tates*The E#ropean (nion " where the
Atlantic /ceans ha&e ideal conditions * In fact" the -cottish island deIslay has E#rope0s
first t#r%ine that wor1s with the mo&ement of the wa&es*
The #se of the tides as an energy so#rce mo#nted se&eral cent#ries* Ri&ers had already
o%ser&ed c#rrents spinning the wheels of his mills" which were %#ilt along the %an1s of
some ri&ers" the tides are of a certain intensity *
+elidor ideas were pic1ed #p %y other French engineers pro$ected a tidal est#ary in
A&ranches" and 23)m north * +The st#dies for this pro$ect were ready in late 1!24 " %#t
the pro$ect was a%andoned* /ther pro$ects were st#died in the (nited -tates to harness
tidal energy * Theories p#t forward %y +elidor in his Treatise on 5ydra#lic Architect#re
61!2 7 were in the air " %#t the idea of harnessing the h#ge tidal power was ne&er
completely a%andoned " only a gro#p of engineers when I ad&ance the art eno#gh " came
that #ndertoo1 the pro$ect permanently sol&e the pro%lem*
From 138191822 " in London " the wheel mo&e water and the p#m% water was
Generator of current of tur!ne":#se the 1inetic energy for prod#ce
energy*:ith the 1inetic energy mo&e the t#r%ines with a lot of force and fina;;#
prod#ce energy
Re"er#o!r of t!$e:#se the potential energy from high to down"mo&ing the water
and prod#ce energy
%renc&:is the most important of tidal types*In their e<plotation the energ#
potential or 1inetic are in the c#rrent of the tide*Their locali=ation is in the sea in
the ocean and their periods is a different ni&el
Tidal energy is prod#ced %y the mo&ement generated %y tides"this energy is #sed
%y t#r%ines"with mo&e the mechanism of the alternator that generates electricity
finally the latter is connected to a central gro#nd that distri%#tes power to the
pop#lation or ind#stries*
+y not cond#ming fossil elements not gases that help to prod#ce the greenho#se
effect*It is considerate a clean and remo&a%le energy*Among its ad&entages %e
predicta%le and ha&e a safe deli&ery with no potential &aries ann#ally
transcendentral form"only limited to tidal cycles and c#rrents*
:e #se the inyection of cold water in the deep of the ri&er"where the hot of
earth increasse their temperat#re and prod#c a change or heat*.an #se
For %#ilt one central of tidal energy we need p#t in the deeo ri&ers near to the
mo#ths of ri&ers or ocean *In =ones where there are sea c#rrent for the water
mo&e the t#r%inesand generet energy*There are special machines for can
con&ert the energy and ha&e potential t#r%ines*
It is a remo&a%le energy that the water after #se "ret#rn to the sea or ri&ers for
%eging again to %e #sed*
It is a energy clean %eca#se not waste and transform energetic energy
:hen it is wor1ing is not noisy"so it is a silent energy
They ha&e got a low cost
It is possi%le in all times of years and in all climate
o Depend of the le&el of the sea "need a height and potent
o Their facilities are in the sea for #se the water
o >rod#ce a negati&e effect in the animals and plants
o The translation of energy to other places is e<pensi&e "is
%etter prod#ce in the origen co#ntrie
o It is a e<pensi&e energy "ha&e got a %ig cost for g&
o Generate a &is#al impact
o Decreasse the greenho#se effect
For the application of y?this energy m#st need a %ig space of the sea*the most
com&enient is in the contin#al platform
The tidal centrals are intalent in est#ary@ha&e a dy1e that separate the sea and the
coastline and permit hold prisioner the water in the foreshore*In the lowsea open the
gate and the water do action in one t#r%ine $oin an alternator"so prod#ce electrical
It con&enient in the deep of ri&ers and it #se the c#rrent of sea*
Instalating in perfomed in deep ri&ers"ri&ers mo#ths
D#rante la s#%ida y %a$ada de la marea se hace circ#lar el ag#a por #nas t#r%inas A#e generan
Este tipo de energBa estC poco desarrollada en el m#ndo de%ido a la escase= de empla=amientos
idDneos* ,#chos proyectos han tenido A#e ser parali=ados de%ido al gran impacto am%iental A#e
h#%iera generado s# p#esta en marcha*
The effect is #pon the differents in&ioroment factorsis #pon the pop#lation that see transformation
their ha%itat*This modify is prod#cing for the sea"that pro&ocated alterations that %rea1 the ecologic
%alance*+#t the pop#lation want the facilities in their town %eca#se it ca#se millions of e#ros*
Respect the scenary affect totally *>ro&ocate catastrophes and the decrease of animals of land or sea*
Inial 6li1e hydra#lic7is &ery e<pensi&e for the facilities and the pre&io#s st#dy *+#t them is cheap
%eca#se it doesnEt need oil"their #sef#l life is 1 sigle and it dosenEt wate"so finally is cheap
Energy cost
N(.LEAR FGGG , < E(R/- H GI>
:IND JGG , < E(R/- H GI>
-(N 12GG , < E(R/- H GI>
2 , < E(R/- H GI>
TIDAL 14JG , E(R/- < GI>
843J E(R/- H GI>
-cost: tidal energy is present in wa&es"c#rrent"sea"c#rrent*The mo&ement of this
%ig mass is for the attraction gra&itational A#e prod#ce the moon #pon their"the
earth rotational and the attraction of other celestials %odies 6main s#n7
9f#ntionationKsimilar the hydra#lic energy %#t tidal need more height
SPAIN the first power in the word was in motrico and ha&e 1J t#r%ine
C&aracter!"t is a remo&a%le energy
Generator of current !n t&e t!$a1 Kprod#ce 1inetic energy"the water is always in
motion and when ro#nd the t#r%ines prod#ce energy

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