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What is RDBMS, DBMS and what is the difference?

A database management system is responsible for the organisation, storage, management

and retrieval of data in a database. They are organised in a particular fashion according to
their specific data types and structures. Structures include fields, records, files and objects.
The way DBMS wors is that they accept re!uest for data from a application program then
instructs the "S to transfer the appropriate data.
$hen a DBMS is used the information can be altered and accessed sufficiently and
easily since typically the organisation%s information will most liely need to be
changed over time, obviously some company more than others.
Also new categories of data can easily be added to the database without disturbing
the e&isting system.
The relational database management system adds the additional condition that the system
supports a tabular structure for the data, with enforced relationships between the tables.
A relational database management system is a DBMS obviously based on the relational
model where data is stored in the form of tables along with the relationship amongst the
'n DBMS all the tables are treated as different entities. There is no relation established
among these entities. (owever the tables in )DBMS are dependent and on each other thus
the user can establish various integrity constraints on these tables so that the data used by
the user remains correct.
Explain about a main frame and its uses?
Are powerful computers used mainly by large organi*ations for critical applications, typically
bul data processing such as census, industry and consumer statistics, enterprise resource
planning, and financial transaction processing. Also are designed to handle very high
volume input and output +',"- and emphasi*e throughput computing, which is ideal for a
company with large databases.
Advantaes# high reliability and security, e&tensive input.output facilities, strict bacward
compatibility with older software, and high utili*ation rates to support massive throughput.
These machines often run for years without interruption, with repairs and hardware upgrades
taing place during normal operation.
What are stored procedures?
A stored procedure is a subroutine available to applications accessing a database system.
They%re normally used for data validation or typical access control uses. They%re also ideal
for e&tensive or comple& processing that re!uires the e&ecution of several S/0 provided of
course its written in S/0 statements then is moved into stored procedures.
Disadvantaes! Say if you were wishing to switch to another vendor%s database, i find it
could be !uite tedious to since you have to rewrite your own stored procedures. But yeah
then again its good for other e&tensive comple& processes tho.
Differences between "S?
"bviously one of the main differences between "S is the 12'. $here most people uses
.net. $hile in linu& we have a choice of 12' its which in my opinion is better since we have
more choices to suit particular people%s personal preference. The access to hardware is a
little different as well, along with how the "S handles the process, threads, socets etc.
3ersonally ' really lie 0inu& tho since in my opinion $indows has a lot more security loop
holes than 0inu&, well at least that%s been discovered anyway.
#n terms of prorammin some operating systems are open source lie 0inu& where it is
user customi*able allowing us to change code and add programs specific to the user%s
wishes. $hereas say $indows for e&ample you can%t do that. Also obviously the programs
written on different "S%s generally aren%t interchangeable so if you%d write a program on
0inu& it will not run on $indows and vice versa.
Database Exploits
4ommon database e&ploits would involve obviously buffer overflows, bit shifting, S/0
injections, changing user privileges, D"S attacs. 5rom the research ' have done with the
computer security company '%ve wored for is that in a lot of companies database assessors
fail to read the installation instructions, lie common instructions can include Default
passwords and user 'Ds be easily left in place thus which comes to one of my points earlier
where they fail to implement different levels of access to a database, which is a major cause
for internal hacing within a company.
"S la$ers!
hardware, firmware, kernel, memory manager, input output manager, file manager and
application layer
Major layers:
The hardware layer
The kernel: provides system security and distribution of shared resources such as
processor time and memory space6 typically all service re!uests and interrupts are
dispatched through the ernel.
%h$sical la$er# provides access to devices at the physical level6 for e&ample, access
to dis space at the drive,cylender,surface,sector level or access to a eyboard at the
7scan code7 level.
&oical services! provides access to 7logical7 units of 'nput,"utput6 for e&ample
specific records within a file, or AS4'' character codes from 7standard input7.
Command processor: provides a method for users to re!uest e&ecution of utilities or
application programs.
Application programs: designed to satisfy specific user information processing
needs which are +and should be- !uite independent of the underlying physical
computing resources.
Also a thing to note is that the OS has different levels of access controls so certain
instructions are restricted so that they are only legal if the 7access control level7 is at least
some minimum value, otherwise an interrupt would generally occur.
Sorting programs in OS
Sorting programs are generally standard items re!uired for programming the computer,
nearly all shops will have them installed. They generally involve sort,merge utility programs
where they involve phases such as they initiali*e# read the parameters, produce the program
code for the sort, allocate the memory space, and responsible for setting up other functions.
The sort.merge program also reads in as many input data records as the memory space
allocated can hold, arranges +sorts- them in se!uence, and writes them out to an
intermediate sort.wor file.
Stac' la$ers
each application uses an area of memory called the stac', which holds all local variables
and parameters used by any function. The stac also remembers the order in which
functions are called so that function returns occur correctly.
They involve the#
Heaps and stacks
The stac is a place in the computer memory where all the variables that are declared and
initiali*ed before runtime are stored. The heap is the section of computer memory where all
the variables created or initiali*ed at runtime are stored.

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