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Proceedings of I nternational ConferenceonRural I nformation and

ISBN : 978-979-15509-4-9
Institut Teknologi Bandung, 17-18 June 2009, Page : 215-218
Ketang Wiyono
, Agus Setiawan
Science Education Program
Graduate School of Indonesia University of Education
Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi 229 Bandung 40154 Indonesia
( and )
Abstract The purpose of this paper is to examine an
interactive multi media learning model in order to
improve Senior High School students comprehension
on special relativity concept. This research was carried
out by using experimental method. The students of
class XII at a Senior High School in Ogan Komering
Ilir South Sumatera in 2008/2009 were chosen as the
subject of this research and two classes were taken as
the sample. This research revealed that the student
that used interactive multimedia learning model had
more concept comprehension than the students that
used convensional method, significantly. The average
of N-gain of concept comprehension for experiment
class is 0,71 (high criteria) while for control class is 0,45
(middle criteria). The highest N-gain in the experiment
class is 0,96, for the concept of the time relativity while
the smallest N-Gain is 0,42 for the concept of Newton
relativity. The teacher and students gave good
comment on the implemented model. We conclude
that the interactive multimedia learning model is better
than conventional learning model in improving the
students concept.
Keywords : Interactive multimedia, special relativity,
concept comprehension
At Senior High School level, physics is
considered important to be taught as separate lesson with
several considerations. First, besides physics give
knowledge for students, physics is also expected to be a
vehicle to increase thinking skills which is useful to solve
problems in daily life. Second, physics needs to be taught
for other specific purpose that is to give students
knowledge, understanding and ability which are required
for entering higher level education and also for developing
science and technology. Physics is deliverd by inquiry to
increase thinking skills, working and act scientifically and
also to communicate as one of the most important aspect
in life skill [1].
Special relativity is one of topic at Twelfth-Grade
of Senior High School at 2
semester. One of the
problems that are faced by physics teachers in special
relativity topic is concept comprehension that is achieved
by students is still low. Content of modern physics
consist of three parts, i.e. quantum physics,
relativity theory, and nucleas physics Almost all of
them are full of information, abstract and difficult
Preliminary study obtained that special
relativity topic is hard to be understood. In order to
overcome this problem, it needs innovations in
physics learning [3]. One of the physics learning
innovation is applying interactive multimedia.
Abstracts concepts such as, dualism of particle-
wave can be understood by students with the
assistance of interactive multimedia learning model
According interactive multimedia give real
contribution towards education field, because it can
be used to overcome individual differences, to
teach concept, to do calculation and stimulate
students learning. Interactive multimedia give
assistant to students, not only for students who are
categorized as fast learner and slow learner, but
also give assistant to students who are categorized
as underachiever, through various assistant and
challenge which are repetitive, explorative and
dynamic enrichment.
Some research about learning model
which based on information technology is
summarized in Table 1. Based on above table, it is
needed to conduct research about the use of
interactive multimedia based learning model to
improve concept comprehension toward secondary
school students at special relativity topic. The
statement of problems in this research is How the
comparison of students concept comprehension
improvement between students who learn with
special relativity interactive multimedia physics
learning model with students who learn with
conventional model? This research is aimed to
construct special relativity interactive multimedia
learning model and to test the model at secondary
school to obtain information of its effectiveness in
improving secondary school students concept
Proceedingsof I nternational ConferenceonRural I nformation andCommunication
ISBN : 978-979-15509-4-9
Institut Teknologi Bandung, 17-18 June 2009, Page : 215-218
Table 1. Summary of researches on ICT- based learning
No Research Results
1 Technology used in physics learning (Physics
Education Technology/PheT) more productive
compared to traditional method such as, lecture and
demonstration [4].
2 PhET simulation for quantum mechanics help
students difficulty in understanding quantum
mechanics which is considered difficult to
understand by students because of its abstract
nature [5].
3 The use of web based physics program is very
effective significantly towards different score of
preliminary test average and final test of FCI at
secondary school students and improve their
achievement in understanding force and motion
concept [6].
4 Hypermedia learning model in magnetic induction
material can improve physic concept
comprehension and can improve science generic
skill and also give good response toward
hypermedia learning model with magnetic
induction material [7].
5 Multimedia based learning model give effect
toward improvement of physics learning output
with average score higher at experiment class
around 4,73 compared with control class around
3,19. This differences are significant at real level
0,05 [8].
Method and Research Design
This research use quasi experiment method.
Quasi experiment is used to find comparison of
improvement of concept comprehension, science generic
skill and students critical thinking that use special
relativity interactive multimedia learning model with
students who use conventional model. This research is
used use nonequivalent group design [9].Instruments of
this research include (1) concept comprehension test that
is in the form of multiple choices, (2) questionnaire to
know students and teacher responses. Data analyzes is
conducted by calculating normalized gain score and two
average differences test by using SPSS14, while
questionnaire data in the form of qualitative scale is
converted to quantitative data.
Results and Discussion
1. Improvement of Special Relativity Concept
Comprehension Skill
Percentage of pre test, post test and N-gain of
special relativity concept comprehension average score
between experiment class and control class is provided in
Figure 1. It is known that preliminary test average score of
experiment class is 31,5 % from ideal score, while
preliminary test score average of control class is
38,5% from ideal score. Then, based on final test
average score from both class, it is known that final
test average score of experiment class is 79,6%
from ideal score, while final test average score of
control class is 66,7% from ideal score.
Figure 1
Percentage comparison of average score of pre-test,
post-test and N-gain for experiment class and
control class
N-gain average gain for experiment class
is 0,71 and control class is 0,45. N-gain average for
experiment class include high category while N-
gain average for control class include medium
category. N-gain averages for experiment class
higher than class control N-gain average.
Special relativity topic discussed in this
research consist of ten concepts/labels, i.e. Newton
relativity concept, Galileo transformation, ether
theory, Einstein relativity, Lorentz transformation,
relativistic time, relativistic length, relativistic
mass, relativistic energy and relativistic
momentum. From data which is obtained, it shows
that highest N-gain in experiment class is occurred
at relativistic time concept is 0,96 with highest and
lowest category occurred at Newton relativity
concept is 0,42 with medium category. While at
control class, highest N-gain occurred at relativistic
momentum concept is 0,85 with highest and lowest
category occurred at relativistic time concept is0,27
with low category. N-gain comparison for each
concept label can be seen at Figure 2.
Proceedingsof I nternational ConferenceonRural I nformation andCommunication
ISBN : 978-979-15509-4-9
Institut Teknologi Bandung, 17-18 June 2009, Page : 215-218
Figure 2
Comparison of N-gain of concept comprehension for
experiment class and control class
Based on percentage of concept comprehension
preliminary test score gain at experiment class, the highest
score occurred on Newton relativity concept is 69,2% and
the lowest occurred at relativistic mass concept is 8,9%
while the highest score in preliminary test of control class
occurred on ether theory concept (67,9%) and the lowest
occurred on relativistic length concept (7,7%). Percentage
of final test concept comprehension score on highest
experiment class occurred on time relativity concept
(96,1% ) and the lowest occurred on relativistic energy
concept (62,8 %) while on percentage of class control, the
highest of final test score occurred at Newton relativity
concept, Galileo transformation, Einstein relativity, and
relativistic momentum (92,3%) and the lowest occurred on
relativistic energy concept (51,3%). With achievement
percentage, concept at each special relativity concept after
conducting final test on experiment class and control class
is improving.
Distribution normality test, special relativity
concept comprehension, experiment class and control class
students is conducted by using One-Sample Kolmogorov-
Smirnov Test. It is obtained that data that distribute normal
toward significance each 0,591 toward experiment class
and 0,832 for control class. Homogeneity test of special
relativity concept comprehension data variance of
experiment class and control class by using Levene Tes
(Test of Homogeinity of Variances) is obtained result that
homogenous data variant toward significance 0,077. After
it is obtained data of concept comprehension improvement
distribute normal and homogenous, then, next is conducted
parametric statistic test (t test with = 0,005). By using
Independent Samples Test is obtained result that
significant differences between concept comprehension
improvement of experiment class and control class based
on t = 6,818 value. Based on analysis from t test, it can be
concluded that concept comprehension improvement of
experiment class is better than concept comprehension
improvement of control class.
Concept comprehension improvement through
interactive multimedia learning is implication from
learning that use interactive multimedia assistant. This
special relativity interactive multimedia learning model
can give students opportunity to be actively found
concepts which are presented whether in the form of text
and animation by themselves. This is in accord with was
proposed that concept is obtained by two ways, i.e.
through concept formation and concept assimilation.
Concept formation has a close relation with knowledge
gain through inductive process. In inducti ve process,
students are involved in discovery learning. Through
discovery learning, students would feel something that
they learned would get a long way compared with
traditional learning (memorizing).
2. Teacher Response Toward Special
Relativity Interactive Multimedia Learning
Model Application
Physics teacher response on special relativity
interactive multimedia learning model was obtained
by distributing questionnaire. it is concluded that
teacher give positive response toward relativity
interactive multimedia learning model which can be
seen on Table 1. It is known that teacher response
percentage toward relativity interactive multimedia
learning model is high.
Table 1. Teacher response recapitulation toward
relativity interactive multimedia learning model
No Indicator
tage Criteria
1 Show interested
towards physics that
use interactive
93,7 Good
2 Show interested
toward performance
and facility in
interactive multimedia
91,7 Good
3 Show seriousness in
learning special
relativity topic with
interactive multimedia
91,7 Good
4 Show seriousness in
doing items that is
presented through
interactive multimedia
100 Very
3. Students Response Toward Special
Relativity Interactive Multimedia Learning
Model Application
Students response towards special relativity
interactive multimedia learning model is obtained
by distributing questionnaire which consists of
statements about learning model. Based on
students responses that are collected through
questionnaire, it is concluded that students give
positive response toward relativity interactive
multimedia learning model which can be seen on
Table 2. It is known that students response
percentage toward relativity interactive multimedia
learning model is high.
Table 1. Students response recapitulation on
relativity interactive multimedia learning model
Proceedingsof I nternational ConferenceonRural I nformation andCommunication
ISBN : 978-979-15509-4-9
Institut Teknologi Bandung, 17-18 June 2009, Page : 215-218
No Indicator Percen-
1 Show interested towards
physics that use interactive
76,4 Good
2 Show interested toward
performance and facility in
interactive multimedia
83,3 Good
3 Show seriousness in
learning special relativity
topic with interactive
79,2 Good
4 Show seriousness in doing
items that is presented
through interactive
77,9 Very
Based on questionnaires which are distributed to teachers,
it is known that teacher give good response towards
relativity interactive multimedia learning model.
Interactive multimedia learning model facilitate teacher in
teaching special relativity model which is abstract and can
improve students concept comprehension, science generic
skills and critical thinking.
Based on questionnaire distributed to students, it
is known that indicator that shows interested towards
physics in interactive multimedia, interested toward
performance and facility in interactive multimedia,
seriousness in learning special relativity topic with
interactive multimedia and seriousness in doing items that
is presented through interactive multimedia shows high
Good responses which are stated by teachers and
students are caused function of interactive multimedia in
education field, as learning software, that give facility
towards students to learn a material. Multimedia has
idiosyncrasies among others (1) interactive by facilitating
feedback; (2) freedom to choose learning topic; (3)
systematic control in learning process[10].
The improvement of concept comprehension for
the student who use interactive multimedia learning model
is significantly higher compared with students that use
conventional learning. Average N-gain of Students
concept comprehension for experiment class is 0,71 (high
criteria) and control class is 0,45 (medium criteria). This
means that the use of interactive multimedia model is
more effective than conventional model. The highest N-
gai n in the experiment class is 0,96, for the concept of the
relativity of time while the smallest N-Gain is 0,45 for
the concept of relativity of Newton. Both tacher and
students give good response on relativity interactive
multimedia learning model. Based on research results, it is
reccomended to conduct further research about
other interactive multimedia learning model mainly
for modern physics topic that are rare to be taught
experimentally by physics teachers at secondary
school, such as, atomic nucleas and radioactivity.
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