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Corrosion control

Corrosion control
Corrosion leads to loss of thickness due to
corrosionstructural failures, degradation of ship
constructions and weak of the hull, cargo spaces and ballast
tanks. It can can have disastrous consequences.
Corrosion control must be integrated into the maintenance
and inspection procedures so that subsequent recoatings and
repairs are minimized in terms of both cost and lost
operating time.

Corrosion control
There are 2 main types of corrosion on ships
The three essential elements necessary for corrosion to
occur are:
Contaminants in the water (eg salts)
The main factors which influence the rate of corrosion
Type of ions
Acidity and Al"alinity
#lectrochemical potential

Corrosion control
The e$uipment and systems% that are in use at the
present time% to pro!ide additional protection against
corrosion% range from cathodic protection systems including
sacrificial anodes and impressed current e$uipment to inert
gas systems and corrosion inhi&itors'
There are two methods used for corrosion control on ships:
(odifying the corrosi!e en!ironment
a) Inhi&itors
&) Cathodic )rotection
#xcluding the corrosi!e en!ironment
a) Coatings

(odifying the corrosi!e en!ironment'
Corrosion inhi&itors are used in areas where the
electrolyte solution is of a "nown and controlla&le $uantity'
On ships this occurs in on&oard e$uipment (&oilers% tan"s%
pipes)' Inhi&itors% are such su&stances which% when added in
small amounts to the aggressi!e en!ironment retard or pre!ent
corrosion' Inhi&itor protection is used only indoors'
Therefore% this type of protection can &e used mainly for oil
tan"ers to pre!ent corrosion of the internal surfaces of the
cargo tan"s' In this case% the inhi&itor can &e administered
in petroleum products% and recei!ing &allast water'
* Anodic inhi&itors wor" &y migrating to the anode and
react to form salts which act as a protecti!e &arrier'
#xamples are chromates% nitrites% phosphates and solu&le
* Cathodic inhi&itors migrate to the cathode% and either
inhi&it oxygen a&sorption or hydrogen e!olution' #xamples are
salt compounds of magnesium% +inc% nic"el or arsenic'

(odifying the corrosi!e en!ironment'
Cathodic )rotection
Cathodic )rotection' The principle of Cathodic )rotection
is to con!ert all the anode areas to cathodes% &y polarising
them to the same electrical potential as the cathodes' There
are two methods:
,acrificial anodes' A lower potential material is placed
in electrical contact with the metal surface to &e protected'
The lower potential material &ecomes the anode and corrodes
preferentially' Common materials used are (agnesium% -inc and
Aluminium' ,acrificial anodes are an important part of the
corrosion control process in tan"s with electrolytic
solutions' In most cases% they form a secondary defense
against corrosion should the primary coating &arrier fail'
Application of an external electric current (ie an
impressed current)' An impressed current is used to polarise
the anodic areas and &alance their electrical potential with
that of the cathode'

#xcluding the corrosi!e en!ironment
.arious types of coatings currently &eing applied on
ships steel structure are corrosion pre!ention measures'
There are essentially / mechanisms &y which a coating can
pro!ide protection:
)hysical &arrier properties
Ionic resistance
Chemical inhi&ition

Current Corrosion Control Practices
Water &allast tan"s protected against corrosion &y two
coats of coal tar epoxy and eight*year sacrificial anodes'
0lass*reinforced plastic (01)) and other composite
materials can &e used for &allast piping% ladders% wal"ways%
gratings% handrails% etc' to reduce the potential for
gal!anic corrosion to the maximum extent possi&le'
oping' To impro!e the corrosion resistance of steel as
an alloying element used chromium% nic"el% titanium%
moly&denum% and other elements' 2ut $uite effecti!e
stainless steel in sea water is pro!ided only when the
content of alloying elements in it for more than 345% which
significantly increases the cost of steel' ,o doping is not
widely a!aila&le in the ship&uilding industry' ,tainless
steel screws and are made only hydrofoils and in ship
engineering% it is used as a su&stitute for non*ferrous

!urface preparation
"ood pre#treatment of the substrate is a reqirement to
obtain good perfomance of the paint system. $re#treatment is
carried out to obtain anchor pattern.

%ntire area to be high pressure fresh water cleaned in

order to remove salts and other contaminants.

&il and grease etc. to be removed by emulsion cleaning

'water whith detergent(.

)emove old, loose paint and thick layers of rust. *se power
tooling or blast cleaning. +hen the surface is dry ,brasive
sweep blasting of intact shopprimer to remove accumulated
dirt and zinc salts to ensure adhesion. )emove dust.

+elds, rusty spots and burned areas must be completely

abrasive blast cleaned. "lossy surfaces must be abdraded in
order to secure good adhesion between e-isting intact paint
and subsecuent coats. !harp edges and damaged areas must be
handled by suitable tool to obtain a smooth transition from
damaged to intact areas.

#$uipment and methods for pre*treatment

$ortable blust#cleaning unit '*.$+/(.

# *ltra .igh $ressure +ater /etting '*.$+/( is a method
for the cleaning and preparation of surfaces for receipt of
surface tolerant
coatings. Ideal method

0acuum blasting equipment. Ideal method

!team cleaning.

+ashing with detergent.

,ir#powered grinding equipment. 1ot as good as blast

cleaning, but best alternative.

,ir#powered wire brush. There is a great risk of unwanted

polishing. 2anual wire#brushing is not recommended

1eedle gun 'needle hummer(. *sable, but risk of unwanted

rough surface. Chipping area is decided considering enough
for painting

,ir#powerd chisel. "ood in combination with other


2anual scraping by chipping hammer, scraper. *sable in

combination with other methods.

Cleaning procedure

apply the cleaner from bellow and upwards on vertical


work systematically on all surfaces

let the cleaner react, normally 3#4 min

wash off from bellow and upwards

final rinse from above and down

degreasing by wiping the surface with solvents and rags

is not recommended.

(ethods of paint application
Cleanliness and good hous"eeping &efore% during and after
application are one of the most important factors to o&tain a
good result'
Airless spray' ,pray application gi!es &est result'
)aint &rush' 0ood method
1oller' A!oid using roller for first coat'

paint application

The temperature of the su&strate should &e min' 67C a&o!e
dew point of the air in the !isinity of the su&strate' 8ollow
,pecification ,heet or Technical ata ,heet re$uirements' To
o&tain expected effect the paint must &e applied to the
specified thic"ness% not too thin% not to thic"' When applied
at temperature close to the minimum limit it is important%
that the second coat is not applied in excess of the
specified dry film thic"ness% in order to a!oid sagging and
to esta&lish safe adhesion &etween the first and second coat'
At the free+ing point and &elow &eware of ice on the
,tripe coating with &rush &efore or after spray application
of each coat is to &e carried out on areas difficult to co!er
properly &y spray as eg edges% corners% flanges% cutouts%
handwelds and other rough surfaces' Impro!ed surface
preparation will impro!e the performance of the paint system'

paint application
,harp edges of the steel wor" to &e rounded' Weld spatter
to &e remo!ed' 9ne!en welds% porosities% undercuts and the
li"e to &e e!ened out either &y grinding or rewelding
depending on actual condition' If welds ha!e pre!iously &een
coated with a (shop)primer :ust after welding% this
(shop)primer must &e remo!ed &y a&rasi!e (sweep)&lasting in
order to o&tain optimum performance'
Thinning indicated in the )1O9CT ATA ,;##T refers to
normal application conditions' #xtra thinning may &e
necessary to a!oid dust spray% e'g' when applied at high
temperatures' Only recommended thinner may &e used' <eep
thinnnig at an a&solute minimum' o not dilute the components
separately * only the mixture'
Consult Technical ata ,heet or ,pecification ,heet and
follow recommendations for correct applicaton of the paint
1efer to (aintenance Chart or (aintenance ,pecification
for your !essel to choose the paint'

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