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Foundation University, Islamabad Institute of Management & Computer Science

Organizational Behavior
Course Outline
Course Instructor: Sumaira Gulzar
Instructor E-mail:
Course escription
In Organizational Behavior (OB), students learn about the effects of individual and group behavior
on organizational processes and outcomes. One feature of OB is an emphasis on learning about
interpersonal skills. his leads to ho! individuals impact teams, and ho! teams contribute to
organizational goals and purpose. he program is designed to sharpen students" abilities to diagnose
and solve a broad range of organizational challenges. hrough readings, lectures, cases, and
e#periential e#ercises, students !ill be introduced to frame!orks from the social sciences that are
useful for understanding organizational processes, thereb$ enabling us to appl$ these frame!orks to
particular situations.
Course !oal
o improve $our understanding of ho! people behave !ithin the conte#t of an organization. o
learn ho! values, attitudes, team d$namics, human motivation, and leadership st$les shape an
organization and facilitate or hinder its success. o reflect on $our o!n past and present behaviors,
recognizing that interpersonal skills dramaticall$ impact achievements in the !orkplace. o
ackno!ledge that a great product, limitless financing, brilliant marketing and a clear, defensible
strateg$ are of little value unless emplo$ees and managers can actuall$ do their %obs effectivel$ &
and that this re'uires outstanding people practices
"earning O#$ective
On completion of this course the student !ill be able to(
)iscover *hat +akes eams ,ffective
Identif$ -e$ .acets of Organizational /ulture
Gain Self0-no!ledge hrough 1pplication of 2eadership +odels
3ncover *hat +otivates Subordinates, /olleagues, and +anagers
4ecognize the /omple#ities of Organizational /hange
)iagnose +anagement 5roblems and 4ecommend 1ppropriate Solutions
Instructional %roce&ure:
2ectures, discussions and case stud$ anal$sis.
Individual 1ssignments 678
9uizzes 678
5ro%ect 678
+id0term :78
.inal ,#am ;78
Foundation University, Islamabad Institute of Management & Computer Science

'EE(") SC*E+"E
(entative & sub%ect to change depending on class progress)
Mo&ule ,opic Chapter
6 Introduction Organizational Behavior 6
: Diversity at *orkplace :
< Attitude and =ob Satisfaction <
> Emotions and +oods >
; 5ersonalit$ and ?alues ;
@ 5erception and Individual )ecision +aking @
A +otivation -.B
B .oundation of Group Behavior C
C 3nderstanding *ork eams 67
67 /ommunication 66
6: .oundation of Organizational Structure 6<
6< Duman 4esource policies and 5ractices 6>
6> Organizational /hange and Stress +anagement 6;
,e/t Boo0:
Organizational Behavior b$ Stephen 5. 4obbins E imoth$ 1. =udge, .ourteen ,dition
1eference Boo0s
Organizational Behavior (e#t and /ases) B$ -avita Singh
Organizational Behavior and +anagement b$ =ohn +. Ivancevich
Organizational Behavior b$ 4obert -reitner
Online Blogs on Organizational Behaviour
2ote: 1ssignments are due in hard cop$ to me at the BEGINNING OF CLASS unless indicated other!ise. If $ou do not
meet this deadline, $ou are sub%ect a zero !ithout sufficient documentation of legitimate e#cuses (i.e., documented
illness or emergenc$).

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