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Ashitaba is a large herb that grows primarily in the central region of Japan. Its root, leaf, and
stem are use to make medicine.
The application for this is apparent in the treatment in the menstrual problems. It
removes stagnation in the uterus, which will help with many menstrual difficulties. It also
increases blood flow (activates Qi and Blood). This herb, which can be used by it self alone,
increases Kidney Yin and Yang Qi.

The increase of the Kidney Yang Qi will act as a diuretic and increase the urine output.
In Japan, Ashitaba is used to treat hypertension. As a diuretic it has no side effects such as
western medicines frequently have. It increases the libido (sex drive) for those persons with
Kidney Yang Xu (deficiency). In terms of the increase in Kidney Yin Xu (deficiency), this
herb is wonderful in treating the problem of Peri- menopause. With a Kidney Yin Xu
(deficiency) one of the cardinal symptoms in women is irregular or no menstruation. The
usual four to six years of peri menopause that women in their middle forties to early fifties in
age experience could be made much more comfortable with the use of Ashitaba. Because this
herb warms the uterus, it is very useful in treating menstrual cramps and pain, regardless of
the age of the patient.
Ashitaba is a useful Lactagogue, that is, an agent which induces the secretion of mother's
milk. There is anecdotal evidence from Japan of a cow that was fed Ashitaba and had record
milk production. By analogy, Ashitaba could be used with mastitis or low milk production
after delivery.
Ashitaba: Energy Without Caffeine:
In Japan, major subway stations have Ashitaba juice bars to provide healthy energy
drinks 24/7. They even have Ashitaba ice cream! Preventing enormous healthcare costs
by protecting your health certainly is easy to understand, and, makes sense.
Ashitaba: What is it?
Ashitaba has strong anti-tumor (inhibits skin and lung cancer), anti-thrombus, anti-
bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-mutagenic and anti-ulcer
properties. It has been effective in treating AIDS, many types of cancers and inhibits LDL
cholesterol. Ashitaba has been shown to stabilize blood sugar levels and improve insulin
response in diabetics.
Ashitaba: What is in it?
Ashitaba is a multi-functional super green food that can help you slow aging and
stay healthy. A green leafy vegetable, it contains antioxidant flavonoids and is rich in
protein, amino acids, vitamins and minerals, chlorophyll, enzymes and fiber. Most plants
are devoid of vitamin B12, which is normally only obtainable through meat, fish and
eggs. However, Ashitaba is a good source of this nutrient, making it an ideal supplement
for vegetarians.

Ashitaba is a good source of organic germanium, a trace mineral found to promote
the production of interferon, a substance produced in the body that works to prevent
viruses and bacteria from penetrating the body's cells. Germanium also helps purify the
blood by increasing oxygen, creating an alkaline pH and activating blood cell

Ashitaba contains a significant amount of melatonin, a well known antioxidant with
benefits of calming the body, stress reduction, anti-aging and anti-carcinogenic
Ashitaba: What vitamins are in it?
Nutritional analysis reveals that 100 grams of Ashitaba powder contains the beta-
carotene content equivalent to four carrots, the vitamin B2 content equivalent to 28
cloves of garlic, the vitamin C content equivalent to 4 lemons, and nine times the amount
of iron found in spinach. It also contains vitamins B1, B3, B5, B6, biotin, folic acid, and
the minerals calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorous, zinc, copper, manganese,
sulphur and silicon.
Ashitaba is rich in Coumarins:
These are potent antioxidants, which have been found to contain anti-carcinogenic
properties. They are particularly abundant in Ashitaba and other foods such as citrus fruit
and celery.
Ashitaba is rich in Chalcones:
Unique to Ashitaba is a class of flavonoid compounds called Chalcones. They are
contained in the peculiar yellow sap oozing from the plant when cut. Research has shown
that they are potent antioxidants, protecting cells from free radical damage, which is
associated with accelerating the aging process and many degenerative diseases,
including cancer.2
The Chalcones also suppress the excessive secretion of gastric juice in the stomach,
which is often caused by stress and can lead to stomach ulcers. In addition they help
strengthen the immune system, regulate blood pressure and cholesterol, and exhibit
anti-viral and anti-bacterial activities.
Chalcones have also been found to stimulate the production of Nerve Growth Factor
(NGF), which is synthesized in tiny amounts in the body and is essential in the
development and survival of certain neurons (nerve cells) in the peripheral and central
nervous system. NGF is believed to have the potential to alleviate Alzheimer's disease
and peripheral neuropathy, a common neurological disorder resulting from damage to
the peripheral nerves, which originate from the brain and spinal cord and is common in
diabetics. In an animal study conducted by the Biomedical Group, in Takara, Japan, there
was a 20 per cent increase in NGF concentration after taking Ashitaba for just four days.
Ashitaba as a Skin Tonic & Wound Healing Agent:
When you break the stems and roots of Ashitaba, a sticky yellow juice gushes out.
In fact, this is one of the unusual characteristics of the plant. The juice which so readily
flows from the plant is used topically to treat a host of skin conditions. The juice of the
plant is applied to boils, cysts, and pustules to speed healing. It is used to clear athlete's
foot fungal infections. It is applied to repel insects and to speed healing and prevent
infection in insect bites. Indeed, applying the juice of the plant is said to cure most skin
conditions and to prevent infection in wounds. It is used both in chronic and acute skin
Ashitaba is an Immune System Tonic:
In Japan, Ashitaba was also seen as a powerful medicine against infectious disease.
Before vaccination was introduced, whenever smallpox raged, Ashitaba was brought to
the mainland to cure those infected and prevent infection in those still well. This tradition
of using Ashitaba to stop smallpox from spreading started with the Izu islanders, but was
well accepted in mainland Japan long ago.
Ashitaba in Research:
As a consequence of its many and varied traditional uses, the plant has been the
subject of scientific research. One of the first findings was that the yellow color of the
juice is due to the yellow pigments known as chalcones-compounds almost unique to
Ashitaba. Chalcones are rarely found anywhere in the natural world! Research has shown
that the unique healing properties of Ashitaba are at least partly due to these unique
Chalcones were revealed to be antibiotic and active against staphylococcus in vitro.
Chalcones were found to work on the mucus membrane in the stomach and suppress the
excessive secretion of gastric juice which in turn prevents ulcers.
The chalcones were found to inhibit thromboxane 2 - inhibiting the inflammatory process.
Ashitaba and Your Heart:
The "chalcones" in Ashitaba inhibit the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, interrupting the
first step of arteriosclerosis. As we get older, the blood gets sticky and dirty due to
toxins. Ashitaba purifies the blood so it flows more easily which lowers blood pressure.
The chlorophyll and B12 found in Ashitaba helps build new hemoglobin (red blood cells)
resulting in more oxygen in the blood, which is good for the heart and all of your cells.
Ashitaba and Women's Health:
"Ashitaba is very useful in treating menstrual cramps and pain regardless of the age
of the patient. It is also wonderful in making the four to six years of peri-menopause
more comfortable and provides women with therapeutic alternatives to hormone
replacement therapy and hysterectomies.
Women have reported that irregular menses become regular while taking Ashitaba.
Unlike its cousin, Dang Gui (angelica sinensis), Ashitaba is gentle, can be taken
frequently and at bedtime without the stimulating effect that Dang Gui has, especially on
women. " Dr. Kevin Lance Jones L.Ac., O.M.D.

Ashitaba can improve a diminished sex drive and improves new mothers' milk
secretion. As an added benefit, Ashitaba helps skin be supple and wrinkle free, while hair
grows thicker, shinier and less dry and brittle.
Ashitaba is rich in Antioxidants:
Research published in the September 2002 issue of Nutraceuticals World, showed
that Ashitaba out-performed a range of herbs including sage, St. John's Wort,
chamomile, dandelion, fennel, black tea and green tea for its antioxidant potential.
Ashitaba is known as the "Treasure", "King of Vegetables" and
"Longevity Herb"
from the Longevity Island, Hachi Jo Island in Japan.

Promotes cardiovascular health
Regulates cholesterol levels
Reduces hypertension
Improves circulation to brain, heart, limbs, eyes, & skin
Improves memory and brain function
Improves vision
Reduces wrinkles
Supports liver and kidney functions
Prevents cancer
Strengthens the immune system
Promotes metabolism
Regulates blood sugar
Aids in weight control
Prevents osteoporosis
Treats painful menstruation
Treats irregular menstrual cycles
treats menopausal symptoms
Treats anemia or weakness
Reduces joint and muscular pains
Alleviates allergies and sinus
Functions as an antibacterial, antiviral and anti-ulcer
Serves as an anti-tumor agent
Treats insomnia
Relieves constipation Relieves smooth muscle spasms in the arteries and
bronchial tube
Replenishes energy
Prevents thrombus (blood clots)
Suppresses excessive gastric acid secretion
Reduces Gout
Helpful for Alzheimer's
Ashitaba is valuable for damaged cells.
Long time users may also benefit from smooth skin.
The fresh leaves and dried powder are used as food. How does it work?
There is not enough information to know how ashitaba might work. Some chemicals in ashitaba
seem to work as antioxidants. Other chemicals might block secretions of stomach acid. But most research
has been done on animals or in test tubes, not people.
What are the Health Benefits of Ashitaba?
Ashitaba is considered to be a super food and it is thought to contain eleven
vitamins and thirteen different minerals. The nutritional components within ashitaba
include plant fibers, proteins, saponins, coumarins and also germanium to name a few.
Chinese medicine has considered ashitaba to be very useful and they have used it for a
vast number of years, although there isnt really a lot of scientific evidence into the
benefits of consuming it.
What is Ashitaba good for?
Ashitaba is good for digestive health due to the proponents that it contains. The
herbs within Ashitaba are able to improve the appetite, which will give digestive benefits
by spreading the process of elimination and this removes the toxins from the body. It can
really be used as a general tonic for the body as it has a good overall effect on the
digestive system.

Good for healing wounds
Ashitaba is also very good for healing wounds and in order to be used for this
purpose it has to be used as topical product. The juice of the ashitaba can be used to help
with the healing of various wounds and this includes pustules, cysts and fungal infections
such as boils and athletes foot. It is useful for these reasons due to the antiviral
properties and antibacterial properties. Ashitaba can help to speed up the healing of the
wounds and it does this by preventing the infection and this also gives the skin a smooth
Pain in joints and muscles
Ashitaba can be used to reduce the amount of pain that someone is suffering in
muscles and joints. It can also be used to prevent spasms of the muscles. Ashitaba is also
believed to be helpful in these situations due to anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic
qualities, which it contains. Ashitaba can be used as a blood cleaner and it can be used to
lower blood pressure within the body. It can also be used to reduce the level of sugar
within the blood and also reduce the cholesterol levels. It can be used as a general tonic
as it is able to remove toxins from the body and this helps to strengthen the immune

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