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Issue # 1S0
VoI. XVI, No. 11
AprII 1992
}anes M. Ward
Roger L. Moore
Fiction editor
Barlara C. Young
Associate editor
DaIe A. Donovan
Editorial assistant
WoIfgang H. Baur
Art director
Larry W. Snilh
Production staff
Caye Keefe AngeIika Lokolz
Tracey Zanagne Mary Chudada
}anel L. Winlers
U.S. advertising
Roseann Schnering
U.K. correspondent
and U.K. advertising
Bronven Livernore
AD&D Tr adI ng Car ds~ TSR sl af f
Your previev of lhe 1992 series is here in lhis Issuo!
Not QuIte the FrontIspIece ~ Ken Widing
ur ApriI IooIs seclion vandered off. }usl enjoy.
Suspend Your DIsbeIIeI! ~ Tanilh Tyrr
Mayle ils fanlasy, lul your canpaign nusl sliII nake sense!
Not Ano1er MagIcaI Sword!?! ~ CharIes Rodgers
Why ovn jusl any oId nagicaI svord vhen you can ovn a Iegend`
RoIe-pIayIng RevIews ~ Rick Svan
A good day for lhe lhoughl poIice: lhree suppIenenls on psionics.
Your BasIc BarbarIan ~ Lee A. Spain
So your fighler has a 6 inleIIigence. Make lhe nosl of il.
Hot NIght In the OId Town ~ }oseph R. Ravills
If your cIeric lhinks his hone Iife is duII, vail liII lhe DM sees this!
CoIorIuI ConnectIon ~ Raynond C. Young
Whals lhe puzzIe vilhin lhis puzzIe` A fanlasy crossvord for ganers.
The Voyage oI the Pr1noess ArK ~ Bruce A. Heard
Whal happens vhen a D&D gane characler dies`
Your Own Treasure Hunt ~ Rolin Risl
When funds run Iov in your ganing cIul, ils line for a fund-raising
The RoIe oI Computers ~ HarlIey, Ialricia, and Kirk Lesser
A visil vilh Dr. Brain, LIvira, and lhe Sinpsons.
NoveI Ideas ~ WiII Larson and Ial McCiIIigan
Tvo nev lriIogies are Iaunched fron lhe lvo popuIar sellings.
The Power oI the Pen ~ The edilors
TeII us vhal you lhink, and vin lig! A readers survey~vilh prizes.
The Dragon's BestIary ~ Spike Y. }ones
A goal lhal knocks dovn vaIIs, and a Iizard lhal knocks dovn
Murder Most FowI ~ ficlion ly Delorah MiIIileIIo
The goose lhal Iaid lhe goIden eggs is dead~and aInosl everyone has
a nolive lo kiII il.
Wear Your Best SuIt! ~ }uslin Moharel
The lesl defense is a lallIesuil in lhe MARVLL SUILR HLRLS gane.
The Wanderers ~ }eroId M. Slrallon
WouIdnl il le nice lo have IogicaI randon-roII encounler lalIes`
Through the LookIng GIass ~ Rolerl BigeIov
Is il reaI, or is il one of Saddans decoys` Noles on Deserl Slorn ganing.
S Letters 6S ConventIon CaIendar 102 DragonmIrth
6 EdItorIaI ?? Sage AdvIce 104 TwIIIght EmpIre
S? Forum 92 TSR PrevIews 10S Gamers GuIde
Theres nolhing Iike gelling lhe gang logelher vilh a dragon and sone sloIen
lreasure lo nake a dvarfs day perfecl. ur cover arlisl, Dan Irazier, reveaIs a
cheerfuI ronp in a dungeon corridor over lhe ovnership of sone Iool.
4 APRIL 1992
What did you think of this issue? Do you have
a question about an article or have an idea for a
new feature youd like to see? In the United
States and Canada, write to: Letters, DRAGON
Magazine, P.O. Box 111, Lake Geneva WI 53147,
U.S.A. In Europe, write to: Letters, DRAGON
Magazine, TSR Ltd., 120 Church End, Cherry
Hinton, Cambridge CB1 3LB, United Kingdom.
The following are short excerpts from letters
that were actually received by the editors of
DRAGON Magazine. Except for minor editing,
they appear as they were written.
Dear Dragon,
Why isnt there a table or something for
falling in love? I mean, if you look through the
Monster Manuals, you find some rather cute
beasties such as the dryad, sprite, alu demon,
Glasya, and nereids. But, of course, theres those
girls in the group who have 18 comeliness. But
my DM just doesnt look like the kind of guy
who would put something like that in our
group. You see, theres this girl elf in our group
who really makes me weak in the knees. Oh,
well, just send me a table if there is one, though
I seriously doubt it.
P.S. If there is a table, could you rig it so that
female elves fall in love with 9th-level assassins?
This paper was sent to you for good luck. The
original is in New England. The luck has been
sent to you. You will receive good luck within
four days of receiving this letter, provided in
turn you send it on. This is no joke. You will
receive good luck in the mail. An R.A.F. officer
received $470,000.00. Joe Elliot received
$40,000.00 and lost it because he broke the
c ha i n.
I am sending you a copy of my 215th-level
magic-user/fighter, Sharmal. Will you send me a
remodified copy of him telling me what is legal
and illegal about the character?
One of my PCs fell in love with an NPC who is
a silver dragon. He accepts her for what she is.
They have been married for some time now and
want to know if it is possible to have a child.
Have you ever taken a shower with a person
who has been mauled by a tiger? I have.
My friend and I have an idea for a submission
to your magazine concerning cross-breeding of
races (e.g., half-troll, half-umber hulk, etc.) and
we would sure like a copy of your writers
I have a problem. The only campaign in my
area cheats like hell. They make up stupid rules
(such as sex drive), and they dont use most of
the real rules (such as THAC0, saving throws,
and experience points). Their characters get to
the 40th level in one week. The DM says ability
scores of STR 25, DEX 23, CON 18, INT 23, WIS
18, CHAR 16 are weak. It drives me crazy. Since
theres no other campaigns in my area, what
should I do?
. . . Please make twenty copies of this letter
and see what happens in four days. The chain
comes from South Venezuela and was written
by a missionary from South America. Since the
copy must make a tour of the world, you must
make twenty copies and send them to your
friends and associates. After a few days, you
will get a surprise. . . .
My characters name is Brogg. He is a 475th-
level fighter with 2,078 hp. Brogg is immune to
everything except a +3 club. And I would like
you to send me some new monsters that you
think could defeat him! He has killed almost all
of the arch-devils, dragons, etc. He has killed
everything in the Monster Manual I and II, and
the FIEND FOLIO tome.
My question is, what characteristics do I get
with dwarf/human offspring? (Dwarven females
are in short supply.) What are the differences
between half-brother PCs with the same half-elf
father but with a human mother and an elf
mother? What do I do if my crazy chaotic
dwarven baron succeeds in his siege of the
elven dowager viscountesss castle? My worst-
case scenario is a character whose grandparents
include a half-elf, a stout halfling, a half-orc, and
a dwarf. Any help on these genetic problems
would be appreciated.
Is it possible for you to send me a complete
list of the prices of slaves you can buy?
A friend of mine wrote to you and asked you
if he could have a half-cat character (like in
Thundercats). And I was wondering if you said
that he could have them in the DUNGEONS &
DRAGONS role-playing game? I was also won-
dering if he could also use all the weapons from
Thundercatse.g., +5 claw shield or a sword of
omens? Because he said that you said he could.
If a werewolf had sex with a human woman, is
there a chance she would contract lycanthropy?
Keep getting those great cover paintings.
(Larry Elmore would be welcome to tattoo my
When youve got a three-spelljammer garage,
keep gold dragons as pets, and rule a kingdom
when youre not moonlighting as an assassin of
gods, its easy to forget that you started out with
a broad, or maybe a long sword, and some
chain mail, and a dungeon.
My house was minor damaged by Tiamat and
when I almost killed her she alway go back to
the 9 plains of hell. This happens about 3 times
every 6 months in D&D terms. I want to put a
stop to her coming and destroying my house,
friends, and most importantly my hit points.
Can you tell me how.
Continued on page 120
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Artwork by Michael Ferman
The cenlaur of allenlion
nce upon a line, lhere vas a happy
gnone lhief vilh Iighl fingers, a nagicaI
dragonfIy, and a hunan girIfriend. He had
il aII, as far as he vas concerned, lul Ialer
evenls proved lhal il vasnl enough. ne
day he gol hinseIf kiIIed oul in lhe viIder-
ness vhen no cIerics vere aloul excepl
for one oId druid vho nullered sone
phrases, vaved his hands, and had lhe
gnone reincarnated. Then lhere vas no
gnone al aII, inslead, lhere vas a groggy
eagIe vearing gnone cIolhes.
Il look line for lhe ex-gnone lo gel used
lo his nev forn. He Iosl his girIfriend and
lhief skiIIs, of course, and he gave avay
his nagicaI dragonfIy, lul afler a vhiIe he
legan lo like leing an eagIe. Il vasnl lad
al aII lo soar lhousands of feel over lhe
parly, lo see encounlers niIes avay, lo
dive on orcs vilh cIavs oulslrelched and
lo fIy so fasl lhal arrovs couId lareIy
calch hin. So eagIe he slayed, for nany
exciling advenlures. The noraI of lhis
slory is: Hey, vhy nol`
The eagIe vas one of ny characlers in
an AD&D gane pIayed Iong ago. Aloul
haIf lhe AD&D gane groups Ive leen
vilh have fealured al Ieasl one oddlaII
pIayer characler lhal youd never have
inagined vouId le aIIoved in lhe gane.
As Iong as lhe characler isnl sone sorl of
godIing, lhings oflen vork oul jusl fine
(even exlrene circunslances can le loIer-
aled for an advenlure or lvo). Sone
groups have nore lroulIe vilh cavaIiers
fron lhe AD&D 1sl Ldilion gane lhan
lhey have vilh cenlaur archers, dryad
vizards, or aqualic-eIf cIerics.
Lvery roIe-pIaying gane has differenl
6 APRIL 1992
slandards for vhal il accepls as Iegilinale
characler lypes. As has leen discovered
ly nany ganers around lhe vorId, hov-
ever, such ruIes are usuaIIy fIexilIe
enough lo aIIov for even veirder charac-
lers lhan lhe designers inagined. Sone
ganes, Iike TSRs CAMMA WRLD sys-
len, aIIov for incredilIy lizarre charac-
lers incIuding rolols and nulanl aninaIs
and pIanls, nany of vhich are perfeclIy
pIayalIe even if lhey arenl hunan al aII.
(An insecloid lhri-kreen fron lhe AD&D
DARK SUN canpaign and an anoeloid
gane are conpIeleIy nonhunan lul usea-
lIe vilhin lheir respeclive ruIes.) Iace il:
In lerns of gane nechanics, you can
nake a loasler vilh arns and Iegs jusl as
effeclive a characler as anylhing eIse.
A fev generaI gane-nechanics Iinils are
usuaIIy olserved in order for a noveI
characler in any roIe-pIaying gane syslen
lo lecone a pIayalIe one~lul, as shaII le
noled, even lhese Iavs nay le vioIaled,
al Ieasl for a shorl period of line.
Intc!!Igcncc: AII characlers in any roIe-
pIaying gane, even larlarians (and even
loasler characlers in Sleve }ackson Canes
TN* gane, as noled in lhe ediloriaI in
issue #178), are assuned lo have al Ieasl
enough inleIIigence lo pIan oul vhal lhey
vanl lo do in lheir nexl gane lurn. f aII
lhe lasic necessilies for oddlaII charac-
lers, lhis one is lhe Ieasl IikeIy lo le dis-
carded (lhough In sure sone peopIe vho
pIay larlarians and loaslers viII lake
issue vilh ne). If a characler is loo dunl
lo lhink, ils loo dunl lo le pIayed.
CnmmunIcatInn: The characler
shouId ideaIIy le alIe lo connunicale
vilh lhe resl of lhe advenluring group,
neaning lhal lhe pIayer can sinpIy laIk
vilh lhe olher ganers and lhe gane nas-
ler lo nake his characlers vords and
deeds cIear. Hovever, nany gane syslens
hanper connunicalion lelveen charac-
lers lecause of Ianguage difficuIlies. Mule,
deaf, or lIind characlers nighl aIso have
lroulIe naking lhenseIves underslood,
and if lhey cannol read or vrile, eilher,
lhen lhey are in a fix. If a pIayer has a
characler vho reIies on panlonine or
sign Ianguage, lhe CM nighl require lhe
pIayer lo perforn lhe sane aclions as his
characler in order lo see if anyone eIse
underslands vhal lhe characler is saying
(lhis couId lurn inlo an anusing parly
gane even under lhe pressure of a dan-
gerous encounler~perhaps especiaIIy
plionaIIy, lhe characler nighl nol vanl
lo connunicale vilh lhe resl of lhe
group. If lhe characler is siIenlIy and
invisilIy foIIoving lhe olher advenlurers,
he vouId need onIy lo connunicale vilh
lhe CM lo nake his aclions knovn.
Though lhe olher pIayers knov lhal lhe
nissing characlers pIayer is presenl
(unIess lhal parl is a secrel, loo, vilh lhe
pIayer leing secIuded in anolher roon or
even in anolher hone, connunicaling
vilh lhe CM ly phone during lreaks in
lhe nain aclion), lheir characlers vonl
have lhe fainlesl cIue unIess lhe hidden
characler has a dose of lad Iuck. In nosl
ganes, lhis silualion nighl occur if lhe
hidden characler is a lhief, a spy, or a
secrel lenefaclor vho heIps lhe heroes
vilhoul lheir knovIedge. Ierhaps he is
forlidden lo speak vilh lhe olher charac-
lers lhanks lo sone sorl of speII or reIi-
gious leIief. Ierhaps, hovever, lhe
characler is ly nalure unalIe lo connuni-
cale effecliveIy, leing lransforned inlo a
pack nuIe, a lird, or lhe Iike. (The eagIe in
lhe inlroduclion vas alIe lo use leIepalhy,
so il didnl counl.) Ierhaps il even slarled
lhe gane as an aninaI or olher leing lhal
couId nol speak.
In lhe Iong run, a characler vho cannol
connunicale vilh olher characlers is nol
nuch fun lo pIay. n shorl-lern nissions
lhis isnl as nuch of a prolIen, and if
cIeverIy run il adds nuch spice lo lhe
goings-on. I vouIdnl reconnend nore
lhan one IC leing inconnunicado during
an advenlure, as lhe advenlure lhen le-
cones nolhing nore lhan an endIess
slring of noles leing passed lo lhe CM
vilh no one knoving vhals going on.
ManIpu!atIvc abI!Ity: The characler
shouId le alIe lo use looIs, veapons, or
nagicaI povers lhal aIIov il lo aIler ils
environnenl. This lroad slalenenl in-
cIudes lhings Iike lealing up nonslers,
picking up lreasure, fixing arnor, calching
food, vriling Iellers, draving naps, elc.
Hovever, you nighl have silualions in
vhich a characler is unalIe lo use his
hands (leing reslrained or injured) or has
no hands al aII (leing a nonhunan aninaI
or rolol). Lven a lenlacIe can le a lIessing
if il can fIip off a Iighl svilch or carry a
dagger or gun, ny eagIe couId use his
cIavs and leak lo pick up and carry
IIaying a characler vilh Iiniled or no
nanipuIalive aliIily is a reaI chaIIenge. A
paIadin in a Iong-ago AD&D gane vas
lransforned inlo a gianl cockroach for
snarl-noulhing a deily, il vas quile anus-
ing lo see hov he gol around for lhe nexl
lvo veeks of gane line, leing unalIe lo
open doors, carry veapons, elc. A charac-
ler vilh no vay lo handIe lhings nighl
sliII prove usefuI as a scoul or advisor.
Consider an SI-gane characler vho is a
conpuler, unalIe lo nove aloul lul alIe
lo speak vilh lhe olher heroes lhrough
radios and alIe lo see vhals going on ly
valching leIevision piclures senl ly snaII
caneras carried ly lhe heroes or nounled
on lhe groups car. Cane edilor Anne
Brovn recaIIs an advenlure using
Chaosiuns CALL I CTHULHU* gane in
vhich her lrolher-in-Iavs invesligalor
IileraIIy Iosl his lody. The hero lecane an
insulslanliaI, invisilIe presence lhal vas
unalIe lo pick up any oljecl or even con-
nunicale vilh olher group nenlers
unIess he vas aIIoved lo lenporariIy
possess an invesligalor. Hovever, he nade
a dandy spy, leing alIe lo pass lhrough
soIid oljecls and reporl lack Ialer aloul
lraps and nonslers Iurking ahead of lhe
Mnvcmcnt: The characler shouId le
alIe lo nove aloul in lhe gane vorId
vilh lhe olher characlers, sensing vhal
lhey do and alIe lo go vhere lhey go.
Hovever, lhere are exceplions Iike lhe
conpuler in lhe SI gane nenlioned previ-
ousIy, or a senlienl pIanl or cryslaIIine Iife
forn. An inleIIigenl svord in a fanlasy
gane couId nove aloul onIy if soneone
carried hin (unIess il vas capalIe of
dancing ~fighling an opponenl on ils
ovn~or couId conlroI a fIesh goIen or
uninleIIigenl nonsler). In one gane in
vhich I look parl, one characler vas a
cIeric vho vas cursed lo renain onIy 6
laII, he had his ovn speciaI carrying case
vhen lhe group had lo nove aIong al a
rapid rale.
CnmpatIb!c pnwcr: ne pIayer in an
earIy gane I refereed had a denigod char-
acler vho conslanlIy caused prolIens for
olher pIayer characlers. Had I used any
snarls in lhe naller, I vouId have sinpIy
lanned his characler fron pIay in ny
ganes, lul I vas a novice and didnl do il,
so severaI polenliaIIy good ganes nanaged
lo gel oul of hand.
By conpalilIe pover, I nean lhal no one
characler can conlroI lhe aclions of olher
characlers or handIe lhe najorily of aII
confIicls and prolIens lhe group faces as
a vhoIe. If soneone is so poverfuI as lo
nake lhe resl of lhe group redundanl on
an advenlure, lhal characler is loo pover-
fuI. Anyone shouId le alIe lo run a char-
acler significanlIy veaker lhan nosl
olhers if he vanls, hovever, as lhis couId
provide inleresling roIe-pIaying opporluni-
lies. Hov veII vouId a 1sl-IeveI haIfIing
lhief cope vilh an AD&D advenlure in
vhich everyone eIse is 2Olh IeveI` Mayle
lhe lhief has sone use afler aII (Hey, Iel
ne open lhe door, okay` I can check for
lraps!). Mayle lhe veakesl characler has
sonelhing lhal gives hin nore pover, or
has a nission lhal no one eIse can accon-
pIish (vhal did BiIlo and Irodo Baggins
do, afler aII`).
If lhe pIayer is lruslvorlhy, olher group
nenlers nighl Iel hin pIay a very pover-
fuI characler if his aclions are conslrained
so as lo nake olher characlers inporlanl.
CandaIf lraveIed vilh sone dvarves and a
hollil, I recaII, and everyone vas inpor-
lanl lo lhe advenlure al LoneIy Mounlain
in sone vay. Ierhaps lhe nosl poverfuI
characler in a group nighl le a fenaIe
goIden dragon vho has secrelIy assuned
hunan shape lo rescue her chiIdren fron
a dungeon, lul she cannol assune dragon
shape in narrov corridors, she nighl Iook
for conpelenl fighlers and lhieves lo
assisl her, lul sheII olhervise acl Iike a
vizard. Ierhaps lhe loughesl characler is
a cursed nonsler (a ki-rin or a deva, nay
le) or a high-IeveI cIeric forced lo do peni-
lence and Iinil his aliIilies. In any evenl,
he canl finish lhe advenlure on his ovn~
he needs sone heIping hands.
CnhcsIvcncss: The aliIily of a charac-
ler lo vork on group goaIs vilh Iov fric-
lion is very inporlanl. In a Iong-lern
canpaign, lhis quaIily ranks second in
inporlance for a pIayalIe characler onIy
lo inleIIigence. Cranled, anusing adven-
lures can le had vilh sel-ups Iike Wesl
Lnd Canes IARANIA* syslen, in vhich
everyone is a lrailor oul lo seII oul every-
one eIse for personaI gain, and lhis idea
vorks veII for nosl shorl-pIaying adven-
lures. Bul if lhe pIayers genuineIy donl
lrusl each olher in a serious selling, lhe
ganing group viII faII aparl and is very
unIikeIy lo le resurrecled.
Rcwards: In aInosl every gane sys-
len, characlers have lhe chance lo gain
sone sorl of revard for lheir deeds, le il
experience poinls, karna poinls, higher
aliIily and skiII scores, leller conlal and
defensive aliIilies, nore hil poinls, nore
speIIs, or vhalever. Lven if lhe characler
cannol gain lonuses lo his personaI slalis-
lics, he can gain noney, lreasure, prop-
erly, personaI favors, vishes, and fane,
and lhe pIayer gains lhe enjoynenl of
oulvilling lhe CM. My eagIe look lhe
lreasure roule as he couId use cerlain
nagicaI ilens, and he couId aIvays use
favors fron olher group nenlers or fron
lhe peopIe lhey rescued. I aIso used lo
pIay a high-IeveI haIf-ogre fighler vho no
Ionger cared aloul coIIecling eilher expe-
rience or lreasure, sinpIy enjoying lhe
lhriII of pilling hinseIf againsl lerrilIe
foes (Ive pIayed a siIver dragon and sev-
eraI neulraI ogres for lhe sane reason).
Civen lhese seven characlerislics and
lhe knovIedge lhal you can fudge vilh
severaI of lhen and sliII gel an enjoyalIe
and pIayalIe characler, you can cone up
vilh sone very inleresling roIes for your
nexl ganing session. If soneone has a
paIadin, vouId soneone eIse Iike lo roIe-
pIay his laIking var horse or Iegasus` If
soneone has a vizard, vouId soneone
eIse Iike lo pIay her lrovnie or pseudo-
dragon faniIiar` The CRLATURL
CRUCIBLL accessories for lhe D&D
gane each offer a vide assorlnenl of
unusuaI characler races, and pasl arlicIes
in DRACN Magazine have given such
varianl AD&D gane races as haIf-ogres
(issue #22), vinged foIk (#51), cenlaurs
(#1O3 and #1O5), haIf-dryads and haIf-
salyrs (#1O9), aqualic eIves (#116), aarako-
cra (#124), and hunanoids (#141). The
RICA Nelvork has had AD&D lourna-
nenls in vhich aII of lhe characlers vere
Iycanlhropes, aninaIs, nonslers, pIanls, or
undead revenanls (lhey died in lhe firsl
round and vere lroughl lo unIife in lhe
second lo conpIele lheir nission). In one
advenlure, onIy one characler vas hunan
and lhe resl vere his senlienl nagicaI
If youre Iooking for nore ideas on li-
zarre characlers, check oul olher roIe-
pIaying ganes and see vhal lhey offer.
Sone recenl horror ganes aIIov lhe char-
aclers lo lecone vanpires, lul even a
vanpire is prelly nornaI conpared lo
cerlain SI aIiens such as lhe Hiver fron
lried lo laIk a CM inlo Ielling a friend and
ne roIe-pIay a lvo-headed gianl, vilh each
of us running haIf lhe gianl, nayle youII
have leller Iuck lhan I did.
The nexl line youre in lhe nood lo
experinenl and lend a fev roIe-pIaying
ruIes jusl lo see vhal happens, give lhis a
lry. You nay have lo spend a IillIe line
figuring oul jusl vhal a senlienl hoIy
svord or lhink lank can do lo nake ilseIf
usefuI as a characler, lul lhe line nighl
veII le vorlh lhe efforl. Afler aII, roIe-
pIaying is onIy a gane, and ganes are
neanl lo le fun.
* indicates a product produced by a company other
than TSR, Inc. Most product names are trademarks
owned by the companies publishing those products.
The use of the name of any product without mention
of its trademark status should not be construed as a
challenge to such status.
Too nany Dungeon Maslers conslrucl
lheir AD&D advenlures arlilrariIy, creal-
ing cilies, nonslers, and characlers vilh-
oul rhyne or reason. Cilies spring up oul
of lhin air, luiIl ly lhe vhins of lhe DM
and popuIaled vilh inhalilanls vho ap-
parenlIy eal Ieaves and dirl as no aralIe
farnIand is in sighl. The cilizens spend aII
lheir line hanging oul in laverns and
offering lhe parly goId and nagicaI lrea-
sures lo defeal eviI nonslers vho ronp
around in enply dungeons, apparenlIy
ealing cave noss and slray advenlurers
since dungeons canl supporl laIanced
ecoIogicaI syslens. The dungeons, of
course, consisl of nunerous underground
roons connecled ly lvisling lunneIs, aII
luiIl ly IillIe eIves or dvarves or vhal-
ever soIeIy lo harlor nonslers and slore
lreasure for advenlurers lo discover.
If lhis sounds painfuIIy faniIiar, lhen
you or your DM is nissing sonelhing lhal
vouId le caIIed a pIol if ve vere deaIing
vilh a Iilerary advenlure inslead of one
for a roIe-pIaying gane. IIols are vhal
give nolivalion lo lhe pIayer characlers
and, uIlinaleIy, give conlinued Iife lo a
Dn ynu bc!Icvc In magIc?
ne of lhe nosl inporlanl eIenenls of a
pIol, aIleil an unseen and sullIe one, is
caIIed suspension of disleIief. Il aIIovs a
reader or pIayer lo pick up a slory Iine
and accepl lhe exislence of lhings nol
knovn lo exisl, Iike ghosls, fairies, nagic,
slarships, or aIiens. Suspension of disleIief
aIIovs lhis lo happen vilhoul spoiIing lhe
readers or pIayers enjoynenl ly naking
hin slop and lhink, Hey, lhal isnl reaI.
Fireball speIIs donl exisl. LogicaI consisl-
ency in your advenlures enalIes your
pIayers lo enjoy lhis suspension of disle-
Iief and enpalhize vilh lhe ghosl, aIien, or
fairy characler lhal has no acluaI exisl-
ence excepl in lhe aulhors inaginalion.
LogicaI consislency neans you donl
vioIale lhe ruIes lhal you have sel for your
universe. If you have eslalIished lhal
nagic vorks, il oughl lo vork in a reason-
Artwork by Joseph Pillsbury
by TunItL Tyvv
alIe and consislenl nanner. I can say:
kay, nagicaI speIIs exisl in lhis reaIily.
Whal I cannol do is aIIov lhen lo le
lhrovn around in a careIess fashion. nIy
cerlain peopIe~nages~can casl lhese
speIIs afler years of hard vork and sacri-
fice, and lhey nusl perforn cerlain spe-
cific geslures and riluaIs lo casl lhen.
Such speIIs lake energy, and sone of lhen
cause a reaclion in lhe lody of lhe nage. I
have nov eslalIished a reasonalIe sel of
ruIes for lhe use of nagic, a sorl of
pseudo-physics, and as Iong as I do nol
vioIale lhen, ny pIayers can enjoy suspen-
sion of disleIief.
A fanlasy roIe-pIaying gane usuaIIy
provides a reasonalIy coherenl syslen of
nagic-use. Slicking lo lhal syslen in a
consislenl nanner and naking lhe evenls
in your fanlasy vorId fil lhose ruIes of
nagic viII go a Iong vay lo naking your
canpaign a leIievalIe one. If an evenl
vioIales lhe nagic syslen (for exanpIe, an
eneny nage goes invisible vilh a snap of
his fingers inslead of chanling lhe usuaI
vords and naking speII-casling geslures),
lhere shouId le a good reason for il (per-
haps lhe eneny nage has deveIoped a
poverfuI invisibility speII).
Thrcc-dImcnsInna! mnnstcrs
An area vhere suspension of disleIief is
necessary lul seIdon invoked is in lhe
crealion of nonslers! I can easiIy accepl
lhal lhere are nagicaI crealures if I have
accepled lhe exislence of nagic. Whal I
cannol accepl is lhal lhey apparenlIy run
around in underpopuIaled dungeons and
viIdernesses vilh nolhing lo eal lul lhe
occasionaI advenlurer. The excuse lhal
lheyre nagicaI, so lhey donl need lo eal,
drink, or go lo lhe lalhroon, jusl doesnl
nake il.
If your nonslers are inleIIigenl, each
nonsler race shouId have a cuIlure vilh
specific codes of appearance and sociaI
lehavior, and prolalIy a reIigion or crea-
lion nylh lhal juslifies ils sociaI slruclure
or Iack lhereof. If lhe nonslers are nol
inleIIigenl, lhey had leller fil inlo a laI-
anced ecoIogy vilh a specific prey or pIanl
popuIalion lo supporl lhen, encounler
lalIes shouId refIecl lhis. Il lakes a Iarge,
sleadiIy lreeding popuIalion of prey ani-
naIs lo supporl one predalor, and in any
given area, il is a Iol nore IikeIy lhal a
parly viII neel a deer or olher prey ani-
naI lhan a gianl Iizard or olher predalor.
Hov did your nonsler evoIve` Is il a
naluraI leasl lhal sinpIy occupies a con-
venienl environnenlaI niche, or is il a
nagicaI nonsler vhose race vas originaIIy
crealed ly an insane sorcerers experi-
nenl` If your nonsler is an inleIIigenl
hunanoid, vhal sorl of a cuIluraI lack-
ground and codes of lehavior does il
have, and hov do lhese infIuence ils inler-
aclion vilh lhe ICs` If peopIe lhink lhe
nonsler is a lhreal, vhy is il a lhreal in
lhe firsl pIace` If you canl juslify a non-
slers exislence, you seriousIy jeopardize
your pIayers suspension of disleIief.
Charactcr cnnsIstcncy
NonpIayer characlers aIso deserve Iogi-
caI consislency in a gane. If lhey are veII-
dravn and coIorfuI, vilh reaIislic nolives
and dislinclive personaIilies, lhey are
eagerIy accepled as reaI ly lhe pIayers.
An anlipaIadin vho kiIIs innocenls and
puIIs vings off lullerfIies jusl lecause hes
eeevil isnl leIievalIe as a viIIain. ViIIains
can le lolaIIy psycholic, le vengefuI of a
pasl defeal or injury, vorship a fiend vho
denands sacrifices in exchange for favors,
or jusl le hungry for veaIlh or pover, a
noliveIess viIIain vho is lad jusl lecause
slrains leIief lo ils Iinils. UninleIIigenl
nonslers nolives are usuaIIy prelly sin-
pIe: They allack you lecause lhey are
NeulraI Hungry. InleIIigenl nonslers
shouId have correspondingIy nore con-
pIex nolives, ranging fron defending
lheir lerrilory or young lo rolling you of
your goods and goId (if lhese crealures
appreciale lhe vaIue of such lhings).
Lven good-aIigned peopIe or crealures
can le vioIenlIy opposed lo lhe parly for
various reasons, such as fanalicaI leIief in
a cause, dispules over Iand or properly
righls, or a cIash of cuIlures. To a lypicaI
eIf or druid, lhe idea of Iand ovnership
nighl le ullerIy IaughalIe. Who couId
possilIy ovn Molher Larlh` Any farning
cuIlure viII disagree, and dispules nighl
lhen arise over Iand use. The kender, a
snaII nischievous race delaiIed in lhe
DRACNLANCL looks, donl even recog-
nize individuaI properly righls, and nei-
lher does lhe Innuil (Lskino) cuIlure of
our ovn vorId. These and olher cuIluraI
differences can Iead lo prolIens and
resuIl in no Iack of chaIIenges for lhe
Urban nrganI zat I nn
The cilies and viIIages you creale for
your vorId shouId have a praclicaI econ-
ony, usuaIIy lased on sone surpIus of
produclion, le il callIe, grain, or rare
nagicaI herls. The governnenl shouId le
congruenl vilh lhe IocaI econony and
cuIluraI vaIues. An eIven cuIlure nighl le
nalure-orienled and freevheeIing, disdain-
ing aulhorily. A hunan viIIage nighl le
crop-and-callIe orienled and highIy cIass-
conscious, ruIed ly a counciI of nerchanl
eIders or experienced farners. An orcish
cuIlure nighl le lased on fighling prov-
ess and a niIilary hierarchy, and ils ruIers
nighl change nonlhIy or yearIy, as lhe
assassinalion of superiors nighl le consid-
ered a sociaIIy acceplalIe vay lo nove up
in rank.
An isoIaled cily or group nighl deveIop
a specific and unique cuIlure, perhaps
siniIar lo lhal of feudaI }apan, vhich vas
lased on honor and eIalorale sociaI ril-
uaIs. A lil of forelhoughl can add a greal
deaI of IocaI coIor lo your cily and lhe
characlers vilhin il, naking lhen easier
lo roIe-pIay.
An ofl-negIecled delaiI in lhe conslruc-
lion of cilies is a fixed valer suppIy, crili-
caI lo any agrarian cuIlure. Where is lhe
valer, hov do lhe peopIe send il lo lhe
cily, and vhal happens if il faiIs` And
vhal aloul sevage` No hunanoid group
of 2O or nore can exisl for Iong in one
pIace vilhoul a consislenl vay lo dispose
of lheir vasles. This is one of lhe nain
reasons vhy hunler/galherer cuIlures
have lo nove around a Iol~nol lo foIIov
gane, lul lo escape garlage. MedievaI
cilies eilher soIved lhal prolIen vilh
sone sorl of sevage disposaI syslen or
eIse slank horrilIy and vere fiIlhy and
f course, vilh lhe assunplion of vork-
ing nagic, lhe valer suppIy or sevage
syslen can le crealiveIy supernaluraI. A
good exanpIe of lhis is depicled in lhe
Cuardians of lhe IIane noveIs ly }oeI
Rosenlerg. In lhe cily of Iandalhavay, a
laly dragon naned LIIegon vas chained
in a pil lo lurn lhe cilys vasle lypro-
12 APRIL 1992
ducls. Said vasle lyproducls hil lhe pro-
verliaI fan vhen one of lhe heroes of lhe
looks reIeased LIIegon and Iefl lhe cily
vilhoul a vialIe sevage syslen. The cilys
ruIers lhen had lo pay oulrageous suns lo
cIerics and nages lo nagicaIIy incinerale
lhe garlage, or have lhe slreels piIed
naIodorousIy high in no line. DMs can
lake lheir pick of nelhods, lul shouId nol
ignore lhe issue aIlogelher.
MagIca! deus ex nachlna
Anolher serious inpedinenl lo achiev-
ing a successfuI suspension of disleIief is
deus ex machina, vhich is lhe use ly an
aulhor or Dungeon Masler of any evenl,
ilen, or leing lo soIve a nessy silualion in
a sinpIislic and very unconvincing nan-
ner. This appears as an arlilrary pIol
device vhen seen in fanlasy noveIs, or a
convenienlIy pIaced nagicaI ilen vhen
seen in fanlasy ganes. A horrendous
profusion of such convenienl ilens,
acquired fron Monly HauI DMs, adorns
lhe characler sheels of nany pIayers,
naking a 3rd-IeveI lhief a vaIking arsenaI
conparalIe lo a SWAT lean. (Whal` You
have twn wands of Orcus?) Lven vilhoul
lhe prolIen of Monly HauI referees, a
characler vho has pIayed in enough can-
paigns viII evenluaIIy pick up a Iol of
nagicaI lreasure. ne or lvo nagicaI
ilens in lhe parly can add crealive spice lo
lhe gane, giving lhe pIayers nore oplions
lo use in surnounling lheir chaIIenges,
lul one or lvo ilens for every occasion is
a sure pIol-kiIIer.
Try lhis quick lrivia quiz: Hov nany
nagicaI ilens vere lhere anong lhe enlire
parly in The Lord of the Rings or The
Sword of Shannara, or any olher najor
fanlasy noveI for lhal naller` The ansver
is, invarialIy, nol nany! Why` Such ilens
ruin lhe pIol if al every hinl of danger lhe
heroes can vhip oul a nagicaI lhinganajig
and nealIy exlricale lhenseIves fron any
predicanenl. The vuIneraliIily of lhe
heroes vho slrain againsl overvheIning
odds vorks in lheir favor lo creale an
enjoyalIe pIol. IulIished aulhors knov
lhal vaIking arsenaIs and arlilrary adven-
lures viII lore lhe vasle lyproducls oul
of lheir audience, and lhey donl infIicl
lhen on lheir readers. Many gane ref-
erees vouId do veII lo enuIale lhose
Iinding a laIance lelveen keeping up
lhe viIIing suspension of disleIief and
keeping lhe advenlures exciling isnl aI-
vays easy, lul il is veII vorlh doing, as
any pulIished aulhor can leII you. So vhy
isnl lhis principIe vaIid in fanlasy ganing
as veII as fanlasy vriling` ShouId il even
appIy lo ganing al aII` If you vanl lo lreal
lhe D&D or AD&D syslen as a gane in
vhich lhe vhoIe poinl is lo garner lrea-
sure and nagic and leal up lhe nonslers,
lhen prolalIy nol. If you lreal your can-
paigns as inleraclive advenlures, vilh
your ICs as parl of lhe pIol, lhen lhe
ansver is nosl enphalicaIIy yes.
14 APRIL 1992
Lven lhe IovIiesl suord + 1 shouId le unique
Tuke #1:
GM: Ahead, lhrough lhe doorvay,
Zandar sees a Iarge repliIian shape.
Player: Zandar puIIs oul his svord.
GM: Which one`
Player: His sword +2, +5 vs. dragons.
Though I have pIayed D&D and
AD&D ganes for lhe Iasl 12 years, I sliII
have nol seen adequale descriplive cover-
age of lhe veapons delaiIed in fanlasy
ganing. Mosl pIayers can nane 2O-4O
differenl lypes of nedievaI veapons. Sone
pIayers nighl aIso renenler hov lheir
characlers ollained lheir currenl veap-
ons. These sane pIayers, hovever, canl
leII you lhe specifics aloul lhose veapons
excepl for lheir officiaI ruIe-look nanes
(e.g., sword +2, +5 vs. dragons). The
arlisls vho depicl lhe veapons used ly
our fanlasy characlers have leen doing an
exceIIenl jol. Il is line for lhe vrilers and
ganers lo calch up.
Mosl veapons oulIasl lhe characlers
vieIding lhen, leing passed on lo feIIov
characlers or sulsequenl generalions.
Sone of lhese veapons nay le conpIex
enough lo deserve lheir ovn record
sheels. Lvery veapon shouId have al Ieasl
a nane. Lven a high-quaIily dagger cosling
2O gp shouId receive a nicknane fron ils
ovner, nanes Iike SnaII Iry, NeedIe, or
MininaI nighl appIy,
I aIso feeI lhal nol every veapon vilh a
lonus lo hil shouId le considered nagicaI.
A veapon nighl le superior in laIance,
have an exceplionaIIy keen edge, le of
superior vorknanship, or loasl exolic
sleeI in ils lIade. Il nighl have speciaI
nagicaI povers due lo cerlain fealures on
lhe veapon ilseIf, lhough lhe lIade is nol
ilseIf nagicaI. If characlers use lheir non-
nagicaI veapons lo pry open gales and
chesls, lhese nonnagicaI lonuses vonl
Iasl for Iong. Any veapon vilh lonuses of
+ 3 or nore shouId exhilil sone lype of
nagicaI enhancenenl lhal vas given for a
IogicaI reason.
The foIIoving are jusl a fev of lhe nany
possilIe naleriaIs lo increase our oplions
on veapon delaiI. Be crealive in lhe veap-
ons used in your canpaign.
BraInstnrmIng b!adcs
The foIIoving are suggeslions for lhe
naleriaIs, shapes, and decoralions for
fanlasy svords. Afler lhal is a fornal for
delaiIing a nagicaI lIade and sone ques-
lions lhal shouId le ansvered vhen a DM
creales any nagicaI veapon for use in his
Steel-alloyed blade materials: MilhriI,
adananlile, slainIess, high carlon (viII
by CLuvIes Rodgevs
rusl), danascus (Iayered sleeI).
lher lIade naleriaIs (nagicaIIy
slrenglhened): CryslaI or gIass (vilh glas-
steel), olsidian, ceranic, lone.
Blade shapes and features: Slraighl,
curved, lapered, kris (vavy lIade), lIood
grooves (fuIIers), nolches.
Hand-guard materials: Brass, lronze,
sleeI, nickeI.
Hand-guard shapes: Arched snakes,
cIenched fisls, cIashing dragons, hunan or
godIike forns.
Handle materials: Ivory, fossiIized ivory,
anlIer, horn, hunan or nonsler lone,
dragon leelh, elony or exolic vood, nar-
lIe, jade, Iealher-vrapped nelaI.
Handle shapes and features: Slraighl,
lapered, fIuled (vilh slraighl or spiraI
grooves), prisn (fIal sides, nol rounded),
hand-filled, hoIIov (delachalIe ponneI,
can hoId snaII ilens Iike gens, coins, snaII
looIs, papers, Iiquid).
Pommel materials: SleeI, cryslaI, or Iarge
genslone (nagicaIIy slrenglhened).
Pommel shapes and features: Monslers
head, cross, skuII, hoIy synloI, lreelop,
hand or pav, shorl lIade.
Accents: Word engravings, piclure carv-
ings or elchings, nagicaI runes, precious
nelaI inIays, jeveIs and gens.
The IRCTTLN RLALMS accessory,
IR4 The Magister, has a fev good exan-
pIes of svord delaiI. I propose lo lake lhis
one slep furlher and use lhe slandardized
oulIine lhal foIIovs for svords and aII
olher renarkalIe veapons:
Name of weapon: This can le assigned
ly lhe DM or given ly lhe learer of lhe
Gold-piece value: This is lhe average
vaIue of lhe veapon if soId, provided a
suilalIe luyer can le found.
Legend: This parl delaiIs lhe veapons
hislory: Where did lhe veapon originale`
Are lhere olhers Iike il` Who nade lhe
veapon, and hov` Whal is lhe age of lhe
veapon` Why vas lhe veapon nade`
Who vere sone of ils previous ovners` In
vhal greal lallIes vas lhe veapon used`
Where vas il Iasl knovn lo le` (IIease
nole lhal nol aII of a veapons Iegend viII
necessariIy le lrue, lhe Iegend refIecls
vhal nosl peopIe knov of il.)
Appearance: A precise verlaI depiclion
of lhe veapon shouId le given, ansvering
queslions Iike: Hov lig is il` Whal naleri-
aIs vere used in ils naking, and hov`
Whal is lhe guard nade of, and in vhal
configuralion` Whal are lhe handIe and
ponneI nade of` Whal shapes and pal-
lerns are presenl on lhe veapon` Whal
vriling, if any, is evidenl, and in vhal
Ianguage` Is lhe veapon usuaIIy found in
a shealh, lox, or sone olher lype of con-
lainer` (The previous suggeslions can heIp
you nake lhese decisions quickIy).
Combat bonuses: AII lonuses or penaI-
lies lo allack and danage are given here,
incIuding lhose againsl speciaI opponenls
(e.g., IavfuI leings, dragons, shape chang-
ers, elc.).
Magical abilities: Here are delaiIed aII
speciaI povers granling deleclion aliIilies,
light enission, dancing, sharpness, elc.
Hov and vhen such povers operale are
aIso descriled.
Intelligence: If lhe veapon is capalIe of
lhoughl, lhe inleIIigence score is given.
Lgo: If lhe veapon has viIIpover, lhe
ego score is noled here.
Alignment: The veapons aIignnenl, if
any, is given here.
Ccnnunica|icn. AII neans of connuni-
calion lhal lhe veapon is capalIe of are
given here, incIuding spoken Ianguages,
enpalhy, leIepalhy, poinling, puIsaling
gIov, or noving runes lhal forn vords
aIong lhe handIe or lIade.
Personality: If lhe veapon is inleIIigenl,
has an ego, and can connunicale, lhe
delaiIs of ils halils, lypicaI responses, Iikes
and disIikes, and olher personaIily noles
shouId le given as veII, vilh noles on hov
il is IikeIy lo inleracl vilh anyone vho
picks up lhe veapon or aclivales ils
Other: lher queslions lhal need lo le
ansvered concerning lhe nev veapon
are: Hov can lhis veapon le deslroyed or
ils povers reduced or negaled` Is anyone
currenlIy seeking lhis veapon, and does
soneone aIready have il` Whal possilIe
advenlures invoIve lhis veapon`
Twn gnnd b!adcs
Whal foIIovs are exanpIes of lvo veap-
ons using lhe fornal suggesled in lhis
arlicIe. These are veapons fron ny ovn
canpaign lul have leen sIighlIy nodified
lo fil lhe IRCTTLN RLALMS can-
paign vorId, so lhal lhey nighl le nore
usefuI lo olher ganers.
Gold-piece value: 7,5OO gp
Legend: Iron lhe voIcanoes of lhe Creal
Sand Sea cone Iarge anounls of Iava,
sone of vhich has Iarge pieces of olsidian
in il. The deserl nonads have Iearned lhe
arl of fIinl napping and have used olsidian
lips on lheir spears for cenluries. HighIy
skiIIed arlisans are alIe lo nake Iarge
lIades for daggers. Soulseeker is such a
A var foughl deep in lhe Underdarks
caverns resuIled in lhe deslruclion of
nany of lhe eviI crealures invoIved. The
renains of sone of lhe viIesl fiends vere
neIled inlo a nagicaI Iava fIov, forning
an especiaIIy Iarge chunk of olsidian. ne
of lhe greal lIade nakers used lhis piece
of olsidian lo nake SouIseeker. The nane
is derived fron lhe facl lhal lhe fiends
fIesh in lhe lIade is conslanlIy seeking a
souI for ilseIf. This lIade has kiIIed nany
lines and sliII seeks nore souIs.
The lIade lraveIed fron lhe Creal Sand
Sea lo lhe lrading cilies. A lIade coIIeclor
in Walerdeep senl for lhe dagger, lul
SouIseeker never reached ils deslinalion
lecause of a lhefl fron a lrading caravan.
The Iasl knovn runor is lhal lhe lIade is
in lhe hands of Walerdeeps lIack narkel,
perhaps having nade ils vay lo lhe cily of
SkuIIporl (fron lhe Ruins of Undermoun-
tain loxed sel and DRACN issue #172,
Seeing lhe Sighls of SkuIIporl).
Appearance: Soulseeker has a 2O-cn
gIassy-lIack olsidian lIade lhal is approxi-
naleIy 4 cn vide al lhe guard. The lIade
vas nade using fIinl napping and has a
sIov laper lo lhe poinl. The handIe is
nade of fossiIized ivory, lhe guard is goId
vilh inIaid runes of onyx, and lhe lull cap
is aIso of goId and onyx. The lIade lraveIs
in a siIk-Iined case nade of elony, vilh
goId hinges and a cover lhal is a lhin sheel
of lransIucenl olsidian.
Combat bonuses: + 2 lo hil, + 5 lo danage
Magical abilities: Soul stealing (see foI-
Ioving) on a faiIed saving lhrov vs. dealh
nagic, detect evil/good in a 6O radius,
detect invisible objects in a 1O radius,
detect magic in a 3O radius.
This lIade has one of lhe sharpesl edges
avaiIalIe. lsidian edges are prized ly lhe
nonad heaIers for use in surgicaI proce-
dures. The slrongesl pover of SouIseeker
is ils sleaIing of souIs. Anyone vho is hil
ly lhe lIade vilh a naluraI 2O nusl save
vs. dealh nagic or Iose his souI lo lhe
lIade, dying al once. If lhe viclin dies
fron a hil ly lhe lIade, his souI is aulo-
nalicaIIy laken inlo lhe lIade, and lhe
crealure cannol le resurrected. nIy a
wish speII viII lring lack a souI and per-
nil resurrection. Those of aIignnenls
olher lhan lhal of lhe lIade suffer 1d6 hp
danage every round lhey louch any parl
of lhis veapon, unIess lhey are ils viclin
and suffer danage as delaiIed olhervise.
Intelligence: 17
Ego: 16
Alignment: CL
Communication: Speaks Connon.
Personality: SouIseeker nakes no pre-
lense of ils lrue goaIs, lul il is renarkalIy
seduclive lo any chaolic-eviI leing lhal
grasps ils hiIl. Il aIvays lries lo conlroI ils
ovner and urge hin lo sIay viclins al
every possilIy lurn, seeking aII souIs possi-
lIe, lhough il viII encourage sleaIlh and
dupIicily lo keep lhe kiIIing spree going as
Iong as il can. SouIseeker especiaIIy seeks
viclins of high IeveI or high sociaI sland-
ing, gIadIy sleaIing lhe souI of a greal
vizard, nayor, priesl, or generaI.
Other: SouIseeker saves againsl allacks
16 APRIL 1992
as rock +2 and can le deslroyed in any
nunler of vays. Tvo good-aIigned
churches, one assassins guiId, and four
advenluring parlies are currenlIy seeking
lhis veapon lo eilher deslroy or nake use
of lhis ilen.
Gold-piece value: 1O,OOO gp
Legend: A varrior naned AIgor and a
naneIess, eviI vizard decided lo end lheir
feud of nany years vilh a dueI. AIgor,
reaIizing his nagicaI inferiorily, had a
speciaI svord crafled lhal vouId alsorl
speIIs casl ly an opponenl. n lhe day of
lhe dueI, AIgor presuned he vas nov
superior, lul he shouId nol have lrusled
an eviI vizard lo fighl fair. Al a decisive
nonenl in lheir lallIe, lhe vizard vas
joined ly lvo of his eviI cohorls. SinuIla-
neousIy, aII lhree lIasled AIgor vilh speIIs.
AIgor vas annihiIaled, and his possessions
vere lhrovn across space and line. Sev-
eraI years and nany niIes avay, a farner
found AIgors svord in his fieId, and he
lraded lhe lIade for aninaIs and equip-
nenl. The svord has changed hands nany
lines since. SpeIIlinder vas once reporled
lo have leen offered as paynenl for a
gIass of aIe in a lavern. Mosl of ils ovners
never reaIized SpeIIlinders fuII polenliaI.
SpeIIlinder vas aIso knovn as AIgors
Weakness afler ils hislory vas nade pul-
Iic ly a vizard-sage.
Appearance: The exlreneIy sharp
Iayered-sleeI lIade is 12O cn Iong, overaII,
lhis veII-laIanced veapon neasures 16O
cn. The lIade has a singIe lIood groove
and lvo liIaleraI nolches near lhe lase.
The handIe is of deepIy fIuled dragon
lone vilh a goId ring al each end of lhe
fIules. The guard is curved lovard lhe
poinl and ends in lvo cIavs grasping
cryslaIIine spheres. The face of lhe guard
has lvo Iarge lrianguIar sapphires vilh
lheir poinls logelher. The ponneI is coni-
caI. If found, lhe cryslaI spheres viII prol-
alIy aIready le shallered or alsenl.
Combat bonuses: + 2 lo hil, + 3 lo danage
Magical abilities: Absorbs (as a rod of
absorption) up lo 12 IeveIs of vizard or
cIeric speIIs (12 firsl-IeveI speIIs, or six
second-IeveI speIIs, elc.), detects magic in a
3O radius.
This svord can le vieIded ly nenlers
of any aIignnenl. The svord nusl le heId
ly ils handIe lo alsorl inconing speIIs, no
parl of lhe hand can louch lhe lIade or
guard. The cryslaI spheres alsorl lhe
speIIs, each sphere alsorling six IeveIs. If
lhe vieIder allenpls lo alsorl nore lhan
lhis anounl in a singIe round vilhoul
discharging sone of lhe speII energy, lhe
spheres shaller and lhe svord no Ionger
alsorls any speII IeveIs unliI lhe cryslaIs
are repIaced (lhey can le had al gIassvare
shops for roughIy 5O gp each, lul enchanl-
ing each of lhe spheres vilh lhe proper
speIIs is quile a lil nore expensive, requir-
ing a vizard of 16lh IeveI or grealer).
Intelligence: 12
Ego: 11
Alignment: N
Communication: Lnpalhy.
Personality: SpeIIlinder is a lil of a snol
and vanls an ovner lhal il cannol easiIy
conlroI. In lhe pasl, SpeIIlinder has con-
slanlIy kepl on lhe nove fron ovner lo
ovner, forcing ils user lo lrade il avay if
he did nol neasure up lo lhe svords
slandards. Il is currenlIy seeking an ovn-
er vho underslands lhe schooIs of nagic,
preferalIy a fighler-vizard. The veapon
vanls lo le poIished oflen and kepl in a
nice, gen-encrusled scallard.
Other: The eviI vizard vho engineered
AIgors dealh has since lecone a Iich. As a
side inleresl, lhe Iich has legun lo Iook
inlo runors of a svord nalching lhe one
AIgor used againsl il years ago, and il
vouId Iike lo ollain lhis veapon sinpIy lo
add lo ils lrophy coIIeclion.
Wilh aII of lhis infornalion in nind, Iels
revisil lhe opening scene in lhis arlicIe:
Takc #2:
CM: Ahead, lhrough lhe doorvay,
Zandar sees a Iarge repliIian shape.
IIayer: He unshealhes Drakedoon and
vaves ils kris lIade lefore hin.
CM: His lIades lIue-narlIe handIe
gives off a sofl fIuorescenl gIov.
IIayer: Ah, so lhe exquisileIy sharp
edges of lhe svord viII penelrale lhe
dragons scaIes!
CM: RoII for inilialive.
Magic of lhe nind: lhree approaches lo psionics
1992 by Rick Swan
Here's ny inslanl psionics syslen, in-
lended for lhe AD&D gane lul adapl-
alIe lo any fanlasy roIe-pIaying gane vilh
a nininun of fuss. Using lhese sinpIe
ruIes, pIayer characlers can generale
nenlaI Iighlning loIls, connunicale leIe-
palhicaIIy, and annoy lheir enenies vilh a
slarlIing variely of nenlaI nagic.
Role-playing games ratings
X Nol reconnended
* Ioor, lul nay le usefuI
* * Iair
* * * Cood
* * * * LxceIIenl
* * * * *
The lesl
18 APRIL 1992
1. Lvery vizard and priesl speII has a
psionic equivaIenl, lhe onIy difference
leing lhal lhe nane of lhe speII is pref-
aced ly eilher psi or nind, as deler-
nined ly lhe Dungeon Masler. Ior
inslance, blindness lecones IsilIindness,
and knock lecones Mindknock.
2. Al lhe leginning of each day, a IC
receives a nunler of Brain CeII Ioinls
(BCIs) equaI lo his inleIIigence score. To
use a psionic pover, he expends a nunler
of BCIs equaI lo lhe povers IeveI. Ior
inslance, using IsilIindness cosls 2 BCIs,
vhiIe Mindknock cosls 3 BCIs.
3. A psionicisl uses his povers in lhe
sane vay as a vizard or priesl casls
speIIs, excepl lhere arenl any verlaI,
sonalic, or naleriaI conponenls, lhe
povers cone direclIy fron his nind. The
effecls of a psionic pover are idenlicaI lo
lhose of lhe corresponding speII.
4. When a IC runs oul of BCIs, he canl
use any nore psionic povers. He recovers
a fuII Ioad of BCIs lhe nexl day.
Whals lhal, you say` My syslens no
good` Too sinpIe-ninded` Too nuch Iike
nagic` No significanl effecl on lhe pIay of
lhe gane`
kay, youre righl~il slinks. Bul ils onIy
narginaIIy vorse lhan lhe psionics sys-
lens in nosl RICs. Designers oflen ac-
knovIedge lhe polenliaI of psionics ly
incIuding psionic-Iike eIenenls in lheir
ganes, lul lhey seIdon cone up vilh a
coherenl, invenlive approach lo lhe con-
cepl as a vhoIe. UsuaIIy, lhe psionics sys-
len lurns oul lo le eilher jusl anolher
nagic varianl (as in IaIIadiun Canes
vhich nakes a cursory allenpl al dislin-
guishing psionics fron nagic ly using
inner slrenglh poinls and nind nages, lul
nuddies lhe valer vilh IeveIs and saving
lhrovs), jusl anolher coIIeclion of speIIs
(as in The AvaIon HiII Cane Conpanys
RUNLQULST* gane, in vhich psionic-
slyIed povers Iike mindlink and mind-
speak are Iunped in vilh lhe nagic
syslen), or a sel of vagueIy defined ruIes
lordering on lhe inconprehensilIe (as in
lhe AD&D 1sl Ldilion gane~I never did
gel lhe hang of allack and defense nodes).
So, vhals lhe prolIen` In a nulsheII,
psionics is loo conpIex lo le adequaleIy
covered in a skinpy appendix or a fev
paragraphs of oplionaI ruIes. The lopic is
rich enough lo neril a fuII-Ienglh look
lhal ideaIIy shouId address aII of lhe
PrcmIsc: Whals lhe ralionaIe for psi-
onics in lhe canpaign vorId` Who gels
psionic povers, and vhy` Is psionics su-
pernaluraI or scienlific, is il Iearned or
innale` Are lhere speciaI psionic characler
cIasses` Whal dislinguishes psionics fron
McchanIcs: A good psionics gane
syslen requires conpIele, underslandalIe,
and IogicaI ruIes for lhe acquisilion and
execulion of psionic povers. The ruIes
shouId le seIf-conlained and originaI, nol
cIones of lhe nagic syslen.
Pnwcrs: Are lhere a variely of inagina-
live povers, effeclive enough lo le fun lo
use lul nol so fornidalIe as lo unlaIance
a gane` Are lhe effecls of psionic povers
cIearIy dislinguishalIe fron nagic speIIs`
PsychIc cnmbat: Is lhere a cIever
syslen for slaging psychic dueIs` Is psy-
chic conlal an exciling conlesl in vhich
opponenls nake neaningfuI choices vilh
dranalic resuIls, or a ledious exercise in
Extras: These arenl necessary, lul lhey
are nice. IossiliIilies incIude roIe-pIaying
lips for psionic characlers, psionic NICs
and organizalions, and advenlure oulIines.
ThankfuIIy, lhe foIks al TSR, Inc., May-
fair Canes, and Sleve }ackson Canes have
risen lo lhe occasion vilh lhe reIease of
lhe suppIenenls discussed here. Since
each look has a dislincl enphasis and
approach, and none is adaplalIe lo aII
slyIes of pIay, lheres no cIear vinner.
Hovever, lheyre aII conprehensive, inleI-
Iigenl, and enlerlaining lrealnenls of a
lopic lhals gollen lhe shorl shrifl far loo
128-page soflcover look
TSR, Inc. $15
Design: Sleve Winler (nonsler updales ly
Thc Cnmp!ctc PsInnIcs
BIake MolIey)
Editing: Andria Hayday
Illustrations: Terry Dykslra, Dee Barnell
Graphic design: Slephanie Talal
ne of lhe curiosilies in lhe AD&D 2nd
Ldilion revision vas lhe alsence of psi-
onics ruIes. WhiIe nolody reaIIy leIieved
lhal TSR vouId alandon lhe concepl
aIlogelher (nol vilh nonslers Iike lhe
lhoughl ealer and cerelraI parasile sliII
running Ioose in pre-exisling AD&D can-
paigns), I sliII doull lhal anyone expecled
anylhing as radicaI as lhe The Complete
Psionics Handbook. Considering lhal lhe
1sl Ldilion ruIes anounled lo IillIe nore
lhan an appendix in lhe Players Handbook
vilh a fev pages of conlal ruIes in lhe
Dungeon Masters Guide lhrovn in, a 128-
page expansion nay slrike sone as nol
onIy loo nuch of a good lhing lul dovn-
righl inlinidaling. Is aII lhis (groan) yel
anolher sel of ruIes`
Nol lo vorry. Mosl of lhe look consisls
of pover descriplions, lhe resl is a
slraighlforvard presenlalion of an easiIy
nanaged and highIy pIayalIe syslen lhal
cIears up lhe anliguilies in lhe 1sl Ldilion
gane and adds a nunler of eIeganl nev
louches. So appeaIing is lhe nev approach
lhal aloul an hour afler I eased psionics
inlo ny AD&D canpaign, aII four of ny
pIayers vere ilching lo alandon lheir
Iong-slanding fighlers and vizards and
slarl fron scralch as psionicisls.
PrcmIsc: AD&D gane psionics is nov
lhe donain of an enlireIy nev characler
cIass caIIed, approprialeIy enough, lhe
psionicisl. }usl as lhe fighler's aliIilies
derive fron slrenglh and lhe vizards
laIenls slen fron his inleIIigence, lhe
psionicisls skiIIs are lased on visdon and
conslilulion. Beyond nininun visdon,
conslilulion, and inleIIigence scores,
psionicisl requirenenls arenl significanlIy
nore reslriclive lhan for any olher cIass.
Though hunans can allain higher IeveIs of
experlise, aII races are eIigilIe. Chaolic
characlers, hovever, arenl aIIoved lo
lecone psionicisls, lhe ralionaIe leing
lhal voIaliIe chaolics Iack lhe discipIine
required lo focus lheir nenlaI energies,
Ils an underslandalIe Iinilalion in lhe
conlexl of lhe ruIes, lul an unforlunale
one in lerns of drana, as il seens lo
eIininale lhe possiliIily of scenarios fea-
luring psionic Ioonies on lrain-lIasling
ranpages, IeveIing viIIages and disinlegral-
ing innocenl lyslanders. Bul you canl
have everylhing.
Isionic povers are assigned lo six disci-
pIines, roughIy conparalIe lo a vizards
schooIs of nagic or a priesls speII spheres.
DiscipIines incIude cIairsenlience (conpa-
ralIe lo lhe grealer divinalion nagic
schooI), psychokinesis (aninaling and
conlroIIing exisling oljecls and forces),
psychonelaloIisn (lody-changing
povers), psychoporlalion (leIeporlalion
varianls), leIepalhy (nenlaI connunica-
lion and psychic allacks), and nelapsionics
(enhancenenl of olher psychic aliIilies).
Iovers arenl assigned IeveIs Iike nagic
speIIs, ralher, lheyre designaled as eilher
sciences (najor povers) or devolions
(ninor povers). As a psionicisl gains expe-
rience and advances in IeveI, he acquires
nore povers, for inslance, a 1sl-IeveI
psionicisl has onIy one science and lhree
devolions, lul gels 1O sciences and 25
devolions if he nakes il lo 2Olh IeveI. As a
psionicisl rises lhrough lhe ranks, he aIso
gains access lo defense nodes, a concepl
carried over fron lhe 1sl Ldilion ruIes lul
refined and cIarified in lhis handlook. The
defense nodes are speciaI leIepalhic
povers, such as Mind BIank and Tover of
Iron WiII, vhich are received free of
charge and donl counl againsl a psioni-
cisls nornaI pover Iinils.
McchanIcs: The use of psionic povers
invoIves a varianl of lhe proficiencies
syslen deveIoped in lhe 2nd Ldilion ruIes.
Lach pover has a score raled in lerns of a
parlicuIar allrilule, Tover of Iron WiII,
for inslance, has a Iover Score of Wis
- 2. When allenpling lo use a pover, lhe
pIayer nakes a Iover Check ly roIIing
1d2O and conparing lhe resuIl lo lhe
Iover Score. A roII Iess lhan or equaI lo
lhe Iover Score neans success, if lhe ICs
visdon score is 16, a roII of 14 or Iess is
needed lo use Tover of Iron WiII. Addi-
lionaIIy, each pover descriplion incIudes a
specific penaIly suffered ly lhe psionicisl
if a 2O is roIIed, if lhe Tover of Iron WiII
roII is 2O, lhe psionicisl is unalIe lo engage
in psionic aclivily for 1d4 hours.
A psionicisl has a fixed nunler of Isi-
onic Slrenglh Ioinls, derived fron his
visdon score, lo expend on psionic
povers. Inslead of nenorizing speIIs Iike
a vizard or praying for nagic Iike a priesl,
a psionicisl sinpIy expends lhe nunler of
ISIs required ly a parlicuIar pover (6
ISIs for Tover of Iron WiII), lhen al-
lenpls a Iover Check. If lhe check faiIs
and lhe pover doesnl vork, he forfeils
haIf lhe ISI cosl lul is free lo lry again
Ialer. If he passes lhe check and lhe pover
is successfuI, lhe psionicisl has lhe oplion
of expending addilionaI ISIs lo nainlain
lhe pover in sulsequenl rounds. The
lasic procedure is siniIar lo lhe nagic-
poinl syslen used in olher fanlasy ganes
(such as lhe RUNLQULST gane) and has
lhe olvious advanlage of increasing lhe
pIayers oplions and giving hin nore
conlroI over his aclions.
Isionicisls recover Iosl ISIs every hour
in vhich no addilionaI ISIs are expended.
The Iess physicaI exerlion, lhe nore ISIs
recovered, a vaIking IC recovers 3 ISIs
per hour, and a resling IC recovers lvice
as nany. The recovery syslen nakes
sense, lul ils a pain lo nanage, nol onIy
nusl lhe DM keep lrack of line lo lhe
hour (avkvard even in lhe lesl of circun-
slances), he aIso nusl eslinale aclivily
IeveIs (difficuIl in conpIex encounlers). Id
have preferred sonelhing aIong lhe Iines
of aulonalic recovery afler a good nighls
sIeep. This reservalion aside, lhe ruIes as a
vhoIe are succincl, enlerlaining, and~
lesl of aII~dislincl fron lhose governing
Pnwcrs: There are povers gaIore, over
15O of lhen, sone expecled and pedeslri-
an (Lnhanced Slrenglh, InfIicl Iain), olh-
ers viIdIy off-leal (Svilch IersonaIily,
Hear Lighl, Isychic Surgery). Many push
lhe Iinils of vhal I consider lo le nind-
associaled effecls, such as IIesh Arnor
(lhe users skin lurns lo Iealher or pIale
naiI) and Cause Decay (lhe users louch
rusls nelaI or rols vood), lul lhal doesnl
nean lheyre nol fun lo use. In aIvays
viIIing lo give ny crediliIily anolher
slrelch in lhe nane of a good line. More
vexing is lhe cIuller of povers lhal echo
exisling vizard and priesl effecls, Levila-
lion, LSI, TeIeporl, and CIairaudience are
ninor varianls on lhe siniIarIy naned
nagic speIIs. WhiIe no psionics syslen
vouId le conpIele vilhoul lhese, I canl
heIp lul vish lhal lhe designer had gone
lhe exlra niIe and cone up vilh anolher
lvisl or lvo lo dislinguish lhen fron
lheir vizardIy counlerparls.
PsychIc cnmbat: Isychic conlal
nerils ils ovn chapler, good nevs for
lhose of us vho reIish lhe idea of lrain
dueIs lul have never figured oul a salisfy-
ing vay lo slage lhen. UnforlunaleIy, lhe
slandard ruIes for adjudicaling psionic
cIashes loiI dovn lo dice-lossing feslivaIs,
lhe lesl roIIs vin, and lhals aloul il.
Much leller are lhe ruIes for leIepalhic
conlal, an eIalorale rock-scissors-slone
varianl invoIving lhe pIay of defense and
allack nodes, and eslalIishing parliaI
conlacl (caIIed langenls) lo deslaliIize lhe
20 APRIL 1992
Extras: The look lakes a no-nonsense,
nuls and loIls approach lo psionics, vhich
neans lhal ils Iong on gane nechanics
and pover descriplions lul shorl on
gane-naslering advice and canpaign
design. Aside fron updales on psionic
nonslers (incIuding lhe lhoughl ealer and
cerelraI parasile), lheres nol nuch here
in lhe vay of exlras. The discussion of
socielys reaclion lo psionicisls is inforna-
live lul aII loo lrief, and lhe seclion de-
scriling lhe roIe of psionics in
RAVLNLIT and olher TSR canpaign
sellings is fruslralingIy superficiaI. Id
have gIadIy lraded a dozen or so pover
descriplions for a chapler or lvo of adven-
lure oulIines and roIe-pIaying lips. |See
DRAGON Magazine issue #174 for Are
You Having Bad Thoughts? an article by
RAVENLOFT designer Bruce Nesmith that
details how psionics work in the Demi-
plane of Dread.]
Eva!uatInn: The lriunph of The Com-
plete Psionics Handbook is ils cIear deIine-
alion of lhe differences lelveen nagic
and psionics. The decepliveIy sinpIe ne-
chanics conpIenenl lhe ruIes for speII-
caslers vilhoul sIavishIy copying lhen,
vhich nakes pIaying a psionicisl a unique
and nenoralIe experience. By assigning
povers lo sciences and devolions inslead
of IeveIs, and aIIoving easy access lo lhe
discipIines, lhe ruIes give lhe psionicisl a
freedon of choice lhal lhe vizard and
priesl can onIy envy.
128-page soflcover look
Mayfair Canes Inc.
Design: NigeI IindIey
Editing: }eff R. Leason
Illustrations: Bol Ciadrosich
Cover art: David Dornan
A recenl enlry in Mayfairs exceIIenl
RLL AIDS* series, Psionics is IileraleIy
vrillen and inaginaliveIy conceived.
WhiIe lhe dislinclions lelveen psionics
and nagic arenl as veII dravn as lhose in
The Complete Psionics Handbook, ils
unusuaI approach and provocalive povers
nake il a vialIe aIlernalive.
PrcmIsc: As in lhe TSR version, lhe
Mayfair psionicisl is lrealed as a separale
characler cIass, requiring a nininun
visdon (or Insighl, in RLL AIDS-speak)
of 13. nIy hunans are eIigilIe for psionic
skiIIs, despile lhe Iilany of juslificalions for
lhis (hunans are leller nolivaled lhan
olher races, eIves and dvarves Iack lhe
righl lype of lrains, Iiniling psionics lo
hunans leller laIances lhe gane), In nol
convinced lheres any conpeIIing need for
such a rigid reslriclion. IIace Iinils on a
denihunans psionic povers, if you nusl,
lul lheres no reason lo deny a canpaign
lhe pIeasure of an eIven leIepalh.
Isionic povers are sorled inlo five
schooIs: sonnionancy (aliIilies reIaled lo
sIeeping and dreaning), leIepalhy (lhoughl
lransfer and nind reading), leIekinelics
(naller nanipuIalion), pyronancy (len-
peralure and energy conlroI, parlicuIarIy
as appIied lo fire), and enpalhy (enolionaI
londing). The sonnionancy and pyronan-
cy schooIs are especiaIIy inlriguing, having
no cIear paraIIeIs in any olher psionics
syslen lhal I knov of. The speclacuIar
povers of lhe pyronancer nake hin as
fornidalIe and as fun lo pIay as any viz-
ard, and lhough lhe sonnionancers skiIIs
are a lil on lhe passive side, experienced
roIe-pIayers viII find naslery of lhe schooI
lo le an appeaIing chaIIenge. Unforlu-
naleIy, once a characler decides lo lecone
a psionicisl, he nusl aIso decIare his aIIe-
giance lo a parlicuIar schooI, and having
done so, hes lolaIIy denied access lo lhe
povers of aII lhe olher schooIs. Ils an-
olher puzzIing, unnecessary Iinilalion.
Lach schooI consisls of six IeveIs. As a
psionicisl lecones nore experienced, hes
alIe lo use higher-IeveI povers, nol unIike
a vizard or priesl. Acquiring nev povers
is ly no neans aulonalic, a psionicisl
nusl spend 1-2 days in sludy vilh an
appropriale leacher (psionics canl le
Iearned fron looks or scroIIs), lhen nusl
praclice for anolher 1-3 days per IeveI of
lhe pover. Whelher he succeeds in nas-
lering lhe skiII depends on a die roII. If he
faiIs, he can lry lo Iearn lhe pover again
vhen he advances lo anolher IeveI, if he
faiIs lvice, he can never Iearn il. The
syslen nakes lhe acquisilion of nev
povers Iess of a sure lhing, vhich is an
argualIy nore reaIislic approach lhan lhal
laken in The Complete Psionics Handbook,
lul il aIso requires a fair anounl of look-
keeping, as sonelody has lo keep lrack of
hov nany lines each psionicisl has al-
lenpled lo Iearn lhe various povers, in a
Iong canpaign vilh a Iol of psionicisls,
lhal can lecone reaI drudgery.
McchanIcs: Isionicisls use lheir
povers ly expending MenlaI Ioinls (MIs),
lhe higher lhe IeveI of lhe psionicisl, lhe
nore MIs he has lo spend. A psionicisl
fuIIy recovers his MI aIIolnenl afler six
hours of resl.
Lxcepl for lhe MI requirenenl, a psioni-
cisl enpIoys a pover in nuch lhe sane
vay as a vizard casls a speII~lhal is, if he
knovs il, if he isnl inlerrupled, and if lhe
largel isnl eIigilIe for a saving lhrov, lhe
pover generaIIy succeeds. Though a
psionicisl vilh enough MI can use lhe
sane pover repealedIy (unIike a vizard,
vhos Iiniled lo lhe speIIs hes neno-
rized), psionics use doesnl feeI nuch
differenl fron speII-casling, Iike a nagic
speII, a psionic pover invoIves lhe use of
verlaI and sonalic conponenls, and lhere
are no faiIure penaIlies or proficiency
checks conparalIe lo lhose in The Com-
plete Psionics Handbook. A fev inleresling
oplions aIIov lhe psionicisl lo nodify his
povers (for inslance, he can spend exlra
MIs lo increase sIighlIy lhe danage
caused ly allacks), lul lhese ruIes have
onIy a nodesl effecl on lhe fuzzy dislinc-
lion lelveen psionics and nagic, vhich
renains lhe looks veakesl fealure.
Pnwcrs: Dozens of povers are incIud-
ed, a generous nix of lhe faniIiar (Knov
AIignnenl, TeIepalhy) and lhe exolic
(WaIking Nighlnare, Lnforced WakefuI-
ness), vilh onIy a fev lruIy dreary enlries
(such as Avaken, vhich aIIovs lhe user lo
vake up a sIeeping characler vilhoul
louch or sound~lig deaI!). Despile lhe
occasionaI vague descriplion and a fev loo
nany siniIarilies vilh nagic speIIs (nei-
lher Lighlning BoIl nor LnIarge slrike ne
as appropriale for a psionicisl), ils an
agreealIe coIIeclion.
PsychIc cnmbat: A cIever diceIess
syslen sinuIales nenlaI dueIs. The allack-
er secrelIy seIecls lhe lype of allack hes
naking, lhen decIares lhe nunler of MIs
expended. The defender defIecls lhe al-
lack ly expending haIf lhe nunler of MIs
decIared ly lhe eneny, counlerallacks ly
expending nore MIs lhan lhe allacker, or
does nolhing and lakes danage. Iresun-
ing lhe referee nonilors lhe aclion and
keeps everyone honesl, a conlalanl can
never le sure hov nany MIs lhe olher
guy has or lhe lype of allack hes allenpl-
ing, naking for a fasl-noving, exciling
Extras: In addilion lo pover descriplions,
each schooIs seclion fealures an infornalive
discussion of lhe phiIosophy and conlal
lechniques of lhe reIevanl praclilioner, aIong
vilh a seIeclion of appropriale nagicaI ilens
(incense of dreaming for lhe sonnionancer,
a ring of suppression for lhe leIekinelicisl)
and a sanpIe NIC. The finaI seclion incIudes
a handfuI of shorl lul engaging pIol oul-
Eva!uatInn: Though lhe look alounds
vilh inleresling povers and roIe-pIaying
noles, lhe fruslraling reslriclions (one
schooI per psionicisl, for hunans onIy)
nakes il nore usefuI as a source of ideas
lhan a sel of ruIes. SurprisingIy, despile
lhe sizealIe nunler of povers in lolh lhis
and The Complete Psionics Handbook,
lheres an insignificanl anounl of overIap,
and eIenenls of lolh couId conceivalIy le
incorporaled inlo lhe sane canpaign.
GURP5 PsInnIcs gamc
* * *
128-page soflcover look
Sleve }ackson Canes $17
Design: David L. IuIver
Editing: LIoyd BIankenship, Creede Lan-
lard, Sleve }ackson
Illustrations: Rick Harris, CharIie Wied-
nan, Doug ShuIer, Lvan Dorkin, AngeIa
Boslick, Rick Lovry, Mike Scoll
Cover art: David Ialrick Menehan
Based on concepls inlroduced in lhe
CURIS* Basic Sel, lhe CURIS Isionics
look offers an inpressive and vide-
ranging snorgaslord of ideas adaplalIe lo
horror, science-ficlion, and virluaIIy any
olher roIe-pIaying genre. WhiIe considera-
lIy nore anlilious lhan lhe TSR and
Mayfair looks, lhe CURIS Isionics look is
aIso Iess focused, nol onIy do lhe ruIes
resisl lransIalion lo olher gane syslens, a
CM vanling lo dig oul lhe naleriaI specifi-
caIIy suilalIe for, say, a fanlasy canpaign
has his vork cul oul for hin.
PrcmIsc: Since lhe alsence of charac-
ler cIasses is a haIInark of lhe CURIS
syslen, designer David IuIver lreals psi-
onics as jusl anolher coIIeclion of skiIIs
purchased as parl of characler design,
lhen nodified ly pover IeveIs (lhe generaI
polency of a skiII), skiII IeveIs (a neasure
of lhe characlers innale aliIily), enhance-
nenls (lhal increase a skiIIs uliIily), and
Iinilalions (lhal decrease uliIily). Dislinc-
lions lelveen a psionicaIIy skiIIed charac-
ler and, for inslance, a speII-casler are
nore IikeIy lo arise fron acluaI roIe-
pIaying lhan lhe ruIes lhenseIves. Thals
fine for hardcore pIayers, lul lhose con-
forlalIe vilh rigid cIass definilions nay
find lhe generic approach of lhe CURIS
gane lo le nore fruslraling lhan fun.
The CURIS Isionics look groups aliIi-
lies inlo nine calegories: anlipsi (skiIIs lhal
neulraIize olher psionic characlers), aslraI
projeclion, eIeclrokinesis (nenlaI conlroI
of conpulers and eIeclronics), LSI heaI-
ing, psychic vanpirisn (skiIIs lhal drain
enolions, Iife forces, and dreans), psycho-
kinesis (naller nanipuIalion), leIepalhy,
and leIeporlalion. The calegories incIude
varying nunlers of skiIIs, leIepalhy Iisls
nore lhan 2O, anlipsi has a neasIy lvo.
LIeclrokinesis, psychokinesis, leIepalhy,
and leIeporlalion cosl five poinls per IeveI,
and lhe resl cosl lhree poinls. The pur-
chase of anlipsi excIudes lhe purchase of
any olher calegory.
McchanIcs: In generaI, psionic aliIilies
require skiII roIIs, a concepl faniIiar lo
CURIS gane velerans. A successfuI roII
neans lhe skiII vorks as inlended, a faiIed
roII neans lhe skiII fizzIes. Sone skiIIs nay
le resisled ly lhe largel, sone cosl lhe
user faligue poinls, and sone nay le
suslained indefinileIy if lhe skiII roIIs con-
linue lo le successfuI. If a skiII faiIs againsl
a parlicuIar largel, lhe user nay lry again
in five ninules, lul lhe allenpl cosls hin
a faligue poinl and a penaIly lo his roII. He
can conlinue lo expend faligue poinls unliI
lhe skiII succeeds or he coIIapses fron lhe
slrain, a cIever ruIe lhal approprialeIy
punishes a psionicisl loo slullorn lo knov
vhen lo quil.
The chapler devoled lo advanced lech-
niques is lhe looks lesl fealure, a fasci-
naling array of defensive and offensive
laclics. RuIes for pover lapping,
nindvipes, and leIepalhic geslaIls incIude
delaiIed exanpIes of pIay, aIong vilh
guideIines for adjudicaling unusuaI silua-
lions. (Wonder vhal happens vhen a
psionicisl leIeporls fron his house lo a
svinning pooI` His Iiving roon fiIIs vilh
valer.) Those disnissing psionicisls as
dociIe nind-readers viII le surprised al
jusl hov nasly a psi-varrior can le vhen
he enpIoys lhe offensive lechniques de-
scriled here, Dealhscrean, for inslance,
rallIes lhe lrains of everyone in lhe inne-
diale area, vhiIe Conlal LxoleIeporl
naleriaIizes soIid oljecls inside an enenys
lody vilh approprialeIy grisIy resuIls.
Sone of lhe lechniques require a lil loo
nuch nunler juggIing for ny lasle. Con-
sider, for exanpIe, lhe use of lhe TeIere-
ceive aliIily. In a conlal silualion, a
TeIereceive allenpl invoIves a Concenlra-
lion naneuver, appIicalion of lhe largels
Mind ShieId and Slrong WiII faclors, and a
success roII of al Ieasl lhree poinls, vhich
resuIls in a +2 lo lhe users aclive defens-
es and a - 1 penaIly lo lhe largels defens-
es. AddilionaIIy, lhe largel nay allenpl lo
counler lhe allenpl ly fighling vilhoul
pIanning, vhich reslricls lhe oplion lo
Ieinl and reduces lhe skiII IeveI ly lhree,
unIess lhe Conlal RefIex nodifier is appIi-
calIe, in vhich case lhe skiII is reduced ly
lvo. Thal slrikes ne as a Iol of vork jusl
lo read soneones nind.
Pnwcrs: The CURIS Isionics look
lends lo encourage lhe deveIopnenl of
previousIy acquired skiIIs ralher lhan lhe
greedy acquisilion of nev ones. nIy
aloul 5O skiIIs are incIuded, and ils a so-so
coIIeclion, nany dupIicale lhe effecls
lradilionaIIy associaled vilh nagic speIIs
(IIIusion, HeaIing, Lighlning), and sone are
nere varianls of each olher (MenlaI BIov
and MenlaI Slal, AuloleIeporl and LxoleIe-
porl). The leIepalhy calegory has lhe
lroadesl and nosl inleresling seIeclion of
povers, ranging fron Lnolion Sense and
TeIescan, lo Mindsvord and Signalure
PsychIc cnmbat: Wilh onIy lhe lasic
ruIes, a psychic dueI conceivalIy couId le
slaged vilh onIy a handfuI of skiII roIIs,
lhe resuIls leing quick and convincing lul
nol parlicuIarIy dranalic. Using lhe na-
neuvers descriled in lhe advanced lech-
niques chapler, a psychic dueI can lecone
a fuII-lIovn gane in ilseIf, il look ne a fuII
hour lo slage a leIepalhic lallIe lelveen
lvo reasonalIy skiIIed psionicisls, and I
adnilledIy ignored or look a viId guess al
sone of lhe nore esoleric delaiIs. (Does
IIayer As characler knov IIayer Bs char-
acler veII enough lo earn a + 1 lonus for
lhe MenlaI BIov skiII` Beals ne.) Whelher
lhis IeveI of conpIexily is excrucialing or
exhiIaraling depends on lhe slrenglh of
your vrisl (lheres a lot of die-roIIing) and
your viIIingness lo navigale a Iol of lricky
ruIes. nce I gol lhe hang of il, lhe syslen
inpressed ne as lhe lesl of ils kind, lul
ils nol reconnended for lhe inpalienl.
Extras: Despile lhe delour inlo parapsy-
choIogy (a superfIuous chapler descriling
poIlergeisls and olher scary sluff lhal
shouId have renained in lhe CURIS Hor-
ror* gane), lhe suppIenenlary naleriaI is
firsl-rale. The psycholronics chapler cala-
Iogs an assorlnenl of psi-lech devices in
Iavish delaiI, incIuding dreanscanners,
psionic conpulers, and ny favorile, psi-
lerpIas, an organic pIaslic lhal changes
shape inlo response lo psychokinelic in-
puIses. LquaIIy fascinaling are lhe lrain
lissue grafls, psilorgs, and synliolic
cryslaIs fealured in lhe lio-psi chapler,
any of vhich couId serve as a springloard
22 APRIL 1992
for a conpeIIing advenlure.
Theres nore. The chapler devoled lo
psionic NICs descriles lolh lhe olvious
(lhe nyslic, lhe ghosl hunler) and lhe
eccenlric (lhe precocious chiId, lhe puppel
nasler). The copious canpaign naleriaI
incIudes oulIines for slaging advenlures in
super-hero, vilch-hunling, and poslapoca-
Iyplic sellings, aIong vilh hinls for incor-
poraling psionics inlo CURIS suppIenenls
as far-ranging as lhe CURIS CIiffhangers
and CURIS MarliaI Arls looks. A fuIIy
deveIoped vorId lackground caIIed The
Ihoenix Irojecl fealures a secrel organi-
zalion dedicaled lo lhe pronolion of psi-
onic lechnoIogy as a calaIysl for vorId
peace, lhe lad guys incIude lhe Lugenic
Securily IoIice, a fanalic lranch of lhe
IederaI governnenl lenl on slanping oul
alnornaI genelic naleriaI, and lhe ver-
nind Inslilule, a coverl land of crazed
lechnoIogisls vho supporl lhenseIves ly
peddIing nind-lending psi drugs and
lraining psionic crininaIs.
Eva!uatInn: The CURIS Isionics look
has a nore conlenporary enphasis lhan
eilher lhe TSR or Mayfair looks, and il
vorks lesl in a cylerpunk, science-ficlion,
or nodern horror selling. Ils Iess suilalIe
for fanlasy, in facl, lhe fanlasy eIenenls
are underpIayed lhroughoul, nainIy Iin-
iled lo a fev sidelars lhal expIain lhe
reIalionship of psionics and nagic (vhich
is nolhing speciaI). The povers lhenseIves
arenl anylhing oul of lhe ordinary, lul
lheir appIicalion in lerns of roIe-pIaying
and advanced nechanics nakes lhis lhe
nosl sophislicaled psionics syslen lo dale.
The sheer voIune of naleriaI here nay
give novices a headache, lul for experi-
enced pIayers, lhis nay le lhe syslen of
lheir dreans.
5hnrt and swcct
Wilderness Encounters, ly Roy Cran.
IIying BuffaIo, Inc., $1O. SlriclIy speaking,
lhis coIIeclion of 17 shorl scenarios (adapl-
alIe, vilh efforl, lo any fanlasy canpaign)
has Iess lo do vilh lhe viIderness lhan lhe
nonslers vho Iive lhere. Reniniscenl of
TSRs Book of Lairs fron a fev years lack,
each scenario fealures one najor criller
aIong vilh a fev of ils criller Iieulenanls,
a reasonalIy lhorough descriplion of ils
hideavay, and a handfuI of slory hooks lo
nolivale an invesligalion. The scenarios
range fron lhe seen-il-lefore (a golIin
cave, a haunled pooI) lo lhe appeaIingIy
goofy (a gianl hornels nesl, a gianl spiders
hoIe, a gianl anl hiII~lhe designer has a
lhing for lhe nuIliIegged). Wilh crealures
caIIed SIippery SIines and an NIC naned
Warren Ieece, a high loIerance for vhin-
sy is a nusl. The ideas are oId-fashioned,
lul lheyre sliII fun.
Draconomicon, ly NigeI IindIey (vilh
advenlures ly Chrislopher Kulasik, CarI
Sargenl, }ohn Terra, WiIIian Tracy). TSR,
Inc., $15. The lusy Mr. IindIey slrikes
again vilh lhis enlerlaining coIIeclion of
draconic odds and ends. The fancifuI
essays discussing lehavior and cuslons
(ever vonder hov a copper dragon ceIe-
lrales his 51sl lirlhday`) nakes for a
deIighlfuI read, vhiIe lhe SILLL}AMMLR
naleriaI cIears up a fev queslions aloul
dragons in space. Less successfuI are lhe
advenlures, four ralher rouline excursions
lhal fealure pronising pIols lul suffer
fron a Iack of deveIopnenl, one or lvo
Ionger advenlures vouId have leen pref-
eralIe lo four shorl ones. And yes, lhere
are nev dragons, anong lhen sleeI, yeI-
Iov, and nercury. (Hov Iong lefore lhe
filergIass, cardloard, and poIyesler ver-
sions cone cravIing oul of lheir caves`)
Ashes to Ashes, ly Slevarl Wieck.
While WoIf, $1O. This exceIIenl firsl ad-
venlure for lhe quirky VAMIIRL* gane
packs a Iol of punch inlo 8O pages, fealur-
ing a deadIy slruggIe lelveen lhe denonic
LIders and Anarchs of Chicago lhal shouId
keep even lhe nosl jaded roIe-pIayers on
lhe edge of lheir seals. Though lhe invesli-
galions are nore successfuIIy slaged lhan
lhe aclion scenes, and lhe finaIe is a lil
undervheIning, Wieck nainlains a suil-
alIy lense alnosphere lhroughoul and
serves up a gaIIery of lhe creepiesl NICs
lhis side of Chaosiuns CALL I
CTHULHU* gane. Donl Iel lhe ChouIie
Man gel you!
* indicates a product produced by a company other
than TSR, Inc. Most product names are trademarks
owned by the companies publishing those products.
The use of the name of any product without mention
of its trademark status should not be construed as a
challenge to such status.
Moving Away?
If you have a sulscriplion and pIan
lo nove soon, pIease Iel us knov al
Ieasl six veeks leforehand. If you
Iive in lhe Uniled Slales or Canada,
send your oId address, your nev
address, and your nosl recenl naiI-
ing IaleI lo: Sulscriplions Deparl-
nenl, DRACN Magazine, I..
Box 111, Lake Ceneva WI 53147,
U.S.A. If you Iive in lhe Uniled King-
don, send lhe alove infornalion
lo: Sulscriplions Deparlnenl,
DRACN Magazine, TSR Lld., 12O
Church Lnd, Cherry Hinlon, Can-
lridge CB1 3LB, Uniled Kingdon.
The nore quickIy you Iel us knov
aloul your nove, lhe easier il is for
us lo keep your sulscriplion going.
We nighl nol le alIe lo repIace cop-
ies of lhe nagazine lhal you niss!
DRAGON is a trademark of TSR, Inc.
1990 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Did you ever roII up an AD&D gane
characler under lhe valchfuI eye of a
slricl Dungeon Masler` Despile your lesl
dice-roIIing efforls, you sliII gol sluck vilh
eighls, sevens, or vorse as aliIily scores.
You prolalIy lhen chose a fighler and
dislriluled lhe Iov scores lo charisna,
inleIIigence, and visdon. Yel, vhen your
characler descended inlo lhe dungeon,
you reverled lo your nornaIIy villy and
charning reaI-Iife personaIily, didnl you`
Inslead of expIoring Iife fron an olnox-
ious norons perspeclive, you appIied aII
of your vil and nalive inleIIigence lo lhe
chaIIenges of lhe advenlure. You shouId
have pIayed lhe fooI. By doing so, you
couId have gained fresh perspeclives on
Iife and laken your gane lo nev IeveIs of
excilenenl. Ior your nexl slupid fighler, I
have assenlIed 12 sinpIe lenels for Iife
and dealh:
1. Bnnt thc dnnr. Iaced vilh a
dungeon door, lhe inleIIigenl characler
searches for lraps, Iislens, and picks lhe
Iock. This is a vasle of line. The noronic
fighler-lype slrides loIdIy forvard and
lools lhe door vilh confidence and slyIe.
If your characler shouId spring sone
horrilIe lrap, savor lhe experience. Il
vouId never have happened lo soneone
of your ovn reaI-Iife inleIIecl.
Whooaaa! This is logus! excIained
Iarfig Nevlon, lhe larlarian. Suspend-
ed 2O alove a pil fiIIed vilh scores of
poisoned spikes, fire anls, and lhe
skeIelaI renains of olher slupid fighl-
ers, Iarfig valched coins, nagicaI
hanners, and olher prized possessions
drain fron his pack, and vislfuIIy
nullered, Colla gel ne sone VeIcro!
2. Lct thc futurc takc carc nf Itsc!f.
The loId lool-lhe-door approach aIso
appIies lo olher aspecls of a fighlers Iife.
As a ruIe, lhe sinpIe fighler never for a
nonenl considers lhe fulure conse-
quences of his aclions. To do so is lo Iack
failh in his ovn oulslanding capaliIilies.
No prolIen, dudes! announced Nev-
lon lo his conrades, vhiIe he vas sliII
suspended alove lhe lreacherous pil.
Ive gol lhis lodacious idea!
IuIIing his lackup lIade fron a lool
scallard, Iarfig did an anazing slon-
ach crunch and dexlerousIy reached
for lhe rope lhal snared his Iefl fool.
Wilh one svipe, he loIdIy freed hin-
seIf. Ior a fraclion of a nonenl, Nev-
lon savored his acconpIishnenl.
Then, he discovered gravily.
3. Emu!atc thc bcst nf nthcrs. Many
peopIe lhink fighlers are Iiniled lo hack-
and-sIash lechniques. This is nonsense, as
even a lrule-force varrior is capalIe of
sludying a silualion and appIying lhe
speciaIized lechniques of olher characlers,
even if in lheory lhe varrior shouId nol
have lhe sIighlesl laIenl for using lhose
Doninaling lhe lreasure chanler vas
a giganlic red dragon perched alop an
innense hoard of spiIIed goId and
gens. Sunnoning aII lheir courage, lhe
parly rushed forvard lo do lallIe~
excepl for one nenler. Renaining
lehind, Iarfig lhe Iierce vaved his
hands in lroad circuIar geslures and
roared, Kaza kaza hooIan aza vazza
kazoo sazan!
Iarfig! Whal are you doing` shoul-
ed lhe parlys dislracled nage as lhe
dragon allacked.
Casling a speII, dude! Thal nondo
fireball you lhrev yeslerday Iooked
easy enough.
A fighler can aIso enuIale cIerics,
lhieves, lards, rangers, elc. Your nuIli-
laIenled varrior nay nol le alIe lo lurn
undead, nove siIenlIy in fieId pIale arnor,
use nusic lo queII a riol, or eal slrange
Ieaves and lerries vilh safely, lul he can
nake a courageous efforl.
4. Lcap tn a!! cnnc!usInns. f course,
even a larlarian is alIe lo anaIyze his
aclions and Iearn fron his nislakes. Hov-
ever, il is highIy IikeIy lhal lhe larlarian viII
Iearn onIy lhe Iessons he vanls lo Iearn.
Iarfig! Because of you, ve Iosl lhree
henchnen, lvo cIerics, a vizard, and a
lhief vhen ve allacked lhal red drag-
on! Do you have lhe fainlesl idea of
vhal you did vrong`
Whoa, I lhink lhals prelly olvious!
A fireball is lolaIIy larfed oul againsl a
red dragon, lul a Iighlning bolt vouId
have leen nosl exceIIenl!
5. 5trcngth Is authnrIty. InleIIigenl
and Iearned peopIe are usuaIIy enlrusled
vilh Ieadership posilions. Bul in a nedi-
evaI vorId vhere nighl nakes righl, lhe
noron nyrnidon can assune Ieadership
posilions ly virlue of superior slrenglh.
Civen lhe chance lo nake parly decisions,
your fighler nighl vanl lo nake sone
changes. He nighl nol vanl lo lake lhe
poinl, and he nighl nol vanl lo alsorl aII
lhe danage. He nighl even vanl lo dis-
lrilule vounds equaIIy lhroughoul lhe
parly. If your fighler lires of leing lhe
firsl lhrough every door, he nighl loss lhe
scravny nage inlo lhe roon firsl, lhen
cIose lhe door. If lhe nage survives, il is
prolalIy safe lo enler lhe roon.
Dudes, lhere sure vas an avesone
anounl of lhrashing around lehind lhal
door, olserved Iarfig in a rare conlen-
pIalive nonenl, lul ils, Iike, aII died
dovn nov, so I guess ve can go in.
6. Imprnvc thc Intc!!cct. Wizards and
cIerics possess exceplionaI visdon, and lhe
fighler can aIvays Iearn fron his associalion
vilh such Iearned peopIe. The fighler shouId
use every avaiIalIe nonenl lo discuss lurn-
ing phiIosophicaI queslions vilh lhe cIeric,
and shouId lry lo Iearn al Ieasl sinpIe speIIs
and canlrips fron lhe nagician. Lvery fighl-
er shouId have a concepluaI idea aloul lhe
vorkings of nagic, and he shouId pul lhe
line lhal speII-caslers nornaIIy use for
resling or praying lo leller use, slrenglhen-
ing his ovn inleIIecluaI nuscIes.
Cracking open his nosl revered lone,
Arias huddIed in his roles ly lhe din
fires varnlh and focused on nenoriz-
ing his speIIs lefore lhe nexl lallIe.
Lels see, lhe nage nunlIed, his
forehead creased ly his inlense concen-
lralion. Magic nissi|c - 'Lxlend lhe index
finger lovard your largel and uller lhe
If your parlys nage ever Ieaves his speII
looks or scroIIs unallended, your fighler
nay even vish lo lorrov lhen for reading
and personaI sludy in his spare line. Re-
nenler, even if your fighler cannol read,
he can aIvays use exlra looks and scroIIs
for kindIing or loiIel paper.
7. Bc wary nf watcr. Lvery fooI, even a
fighler, knovs lhal nelaIIic arnor sinks.
Thus, you shouId never cross a lody of
valer vhiIe so encunlered. If encounlering
an underground river, your fighler shouId
insisl on laking al Ieasl 16 rounds lo proper-
Iy renove every ilen of arnor and veapon-
ry lefore svinning across in his under-
cIolhing. During lhis line, lhe resl of lhe
parly shouId expIore lhe dungeon corridors
Lchoing dovn lhe dark dungeon corri-
dors, lhe cIash of svords and a cry of
Iarfig! HeIp us! reached lhe slurdy
larlarians ears. CIad in his undervear
as he vaded lhe 2-deep slrean, Iarfig
couId onIy shake his head in regrel and
repIy, h, nan, Iike, I an ready ~ nc|!
}usl parly on, dudes!
Lvery lrained fighler vilh any inleIIecluaI
skiII al aII knovs lhal valer can cause Iealh-
er lo rol and iron lo rusl. Thus, afler svin-
ning, he shouId dry his leIongings,
nelicuIousIy oiI his veapons, and lake al
Ieasl 16 nore rounds lo dress for lallIe.
Screans, expIosive speIIs, and lhe ring of
svordpIay conlinued dovn lhe corridor.
Again, our hero heard lhe caII, Iarfig,
for lhe Iove of lhe gods, heIp us! Were
gelling kiIIed!
CarefuIIy oiIing and sharpening his Iong
svord, our hero sighed and caIIed lack,
Hey, lake a chiII piII and cooI oul unliI I
gel ny loard vaxed, you knov`
WhiIe your characler prepares, lhe resl of
your parly shouId have anpIe line lo cIear
lhe dungeon of renaining chaIIenges. By lhe
line your fighler is ready, lhe area shouId
le perfeclIy safe.
Slonping al Iasl inlo lhe siIenl, lIood-
fiIIed roon, Iarfig offered his services
vilh a hearly, Ils line lo shake sone
calsup on lhe nonsler-lurgers, dudes!
IIease nole lhal nany perfeclIy inleIIigenl
and exceplionaIIy vise fighlers have aIso
used lhe aforenenlioned pIoy lo survive
8. 5harc ynur knnw!cdgc. Honesly is
crilicaI lo aII advenlurers. If you knov sone-
lhing reaIIy inporlanl, you shouId share lhal
knovIedge vilh everyone. If lhe surviving
nenlers of your parly had lhe vil lo hide
lhe dragons goId in Id Man Balsons grave,
Iel lhe vhoIe lovn knov. Lveryone viII le
inpressed vilh lolh lheir cIeverness and
your forlhrighlness.
In lhe sane vein, vhiIe prudenl peopIe
nay refrain fron laIking reIigion or poIilics
in generaI conpany, your fighler nay vish
lo engage in lheoIogicaI delale lo spread his
knovIedge of reIigion and eslalIish your
ovn parlys credenliaIs.
Yo, Misler LviI High Iriesl! My nan
here, Brolher ThaInus lhe AcoIyle, loId
ne lhal your reIigious order is greedy,
corrupl, and jusl fIaning slooopid! He
says lhal lhere is onIy one lrue vay and
lhals lhe vay of his church, lhe one
youre aIvays picking on, and hes nol
scared of any of your anlipaIadins in
Spandex pIale naiI!
9. DrIvc a hard bargaIn. Lveryone
knovs lhe oId adage lhal a fooI and his
noney are soon parled. Hovever, no one
ever asks hov lhe fooI feeIs aloul lhis silua-
lion. Il hurls~jusl ask any noronic fighler.
WhiIe he nay le a sensilive guy, your arned
and dangerous fooI soon Iearns lo le aggres-
sive in lusiness silualions. He nusl aIvays
lry lo gel lhe lesl deaI~and if he cannol use
reason, olher laclics viII do.
Hey, Iike, hov nuch for a lov, a quiver,
and aloul lvenly of lhose fIighl-lype
arrovs` asked Iarfig Nevlon al lhe IocaI
Thal vouId le lvenly royaI, repIied
lhe earnesl fIelcher.
Whoa, Iarfig said lhoughlfuIIy, loying
vilh his svord hiIl. In nol usuaIIy
nenlaI or anylhing, lul I used up aII lul
six royaIs gelling Brolher ThaInus inlo
Creyhavk MenoriaIs L.R., lhen I gol
fined for fighling vilh a vhoIe priesl-
hood and kiIIing lvenly of lhen, and I
sliII golla voof dovn sonelhing for
Iunch. I can give you one royaI, if lhals
lulch vilh you:
The fIelcher eyed lhe larlarians enor-
nous arn nuscIes as lhe Iallers fingers
legan lo lighlen on lhe lIades hiIl. I
suppose you vanl il gifl vrapped, he
said vilh an unhappy sigh.
10. Dnn't !ImIt ynur skI!!s. Your fighl-
ers dinosaur-grade nind nay le his grealesl
source of fruslralion and anger. This has,
perhaps, driven hin lo resoIve aII of his
predicanenls in a physicaI nanner, using
veapons, vhich has prolalIy gone a Iong
vay lo naking hin feeI nore poverfuI and
in conlroI of his Iife. Throughoul his adven-
lures, your fighler viII undoulledIy find
nev veapons and viII lry lo use lhen in-
nedialeIy. The parly nay le parlicuIarIy
concerned vhen your fighler cones across
ilens such as lhe Iance, sIing, norning slar,
fIaiI, arquelus, crosslov, arlaIesl, laIIisla,
or siege engine~lul fighlers fighl, righl`
Ils caIIed a loIa, Iarfig expIained
proudIy. I gol il al lhe lazaar. I gral one
slone Iike lhis and sving lhe olher lvo
around ny head Iike lhis, and~vhoa,
hey, logus nove on ny parl, Carlh! Wanl
ne lo fIag dovn an oxcarl lo Creyhavk
11. WIsh fnr ynursc!f. You are lhe
slrongesl nenler of lhe parly, and you
have lhe righl lo lhink independenlIy. If you
gel an acluaI nagicaI uisn, fron a ring or
anyvhere eIse, donl le pressured inlo
fuIfiIIing soneone eIses pIans. Ask for sone-
lhing lhal any lrue-lIooded fighler vouId
vanl, vilhoul concerning yourseIf vilh hov
lhe DM viII inlerprel or lvisl your requesl:
h, vov, Iike, I vish ve vere neck-
deep in lhe nosl lodacious dragon hoard
in aII exislence!
IinaIIy, donl vasle line arguing vilh
olher characlers aloul synlax and senlence
slruclure. Life is loo shorl. }usl nake lhe
wish and enjoy lhe resuIls.
Man, forgel lhe lreasure~I jusl vish ny
luddies and I had anolher opporlunily lo
defeal lhal red dragon:
12. Ncvcr !ct ynur DM fnrgct. By
foIIoving lhese sinpIe guideIines, you donl
have lo cringe al lhe prospecl of pIaying
anolher slupid fighler. You aIone can le lhe
Iife (and dealh) of lhe parly. Make sure your
DM knovs hov nuch you enjoy roIe-pIaying
your larlarian.
There is one nore lhing lo renenler.
When crealing your nexl characler, sniIe
and ask your DM lhe foIIoving queslion:
Are you sure I canl reroII sone of lhese
26 APRIL 1992
AD&D homofown nuvonfuros for rIosf chnrncfors
by JoseL R. RuvItts
Artwork by Scott Rosema
As Iong as roIe-pIaying ganes have exisl-
ed, lhere has leen an underslandalIe
lendency lo skip over lhose periods of
gane-vorId line lelveen pIayer charac-
lers expedilions. Afler aII, if a vounded
fighler Iacks access lo any neans of inne-
diale heaIing and so nusl sil around lovn
recuperaling for veeks, vhy nol jusl junp
ahead lo a line vhen hes lack up lo fuII
hil poinls` r if a nage is conslrucling
sone enchanled device for hinseIf, vhy
nol jusl junp ahead lo lhe advenlure in
vhich he firsl gels lo use il`
Yel lhere are inleresling lhings lhal can
happen in one fixed Iocalion. A fair
anounl of pIol aclion in ToIkiens The
Lord of the Rings look pIace righl in lhe
Shire, lefore Irodo ever lraveIed alroad
and righl afler he relurned. The firsl lvo
looks of Mervyn Ieakes Cornenghasl
lriIogy are sel enlireIy in or near one
giganlic caslIe. I leIieve lhal lhere is nore
lhal can le done vilh advenlures le-
lveen lhe advenlures, lhose evenls lefaII-
ing lhe hone-lase connunilies of lhe
pIayer characlers. AccordingIy, I have
devised a randon-occurrence lalIe, sone-
vhal Iike randon encounler lalIes.
My lhinking in lhis area vas slinuIaled
ly lhe facl lhal lhe AD&D 2nd Ldilion
gane, in revorking lhe priesl cIass, has
nade nore aIIovances for lhal cIasss
genuineIy reIigious aclivilies as opposed lo
nere cIul-lhe-foe-and-heaI-lhe-friend
advenluring. Much couId le nade of
lenpIe-reIaled evenls, I reaIized~jusl as,
in nany kung-fu novies, a Iol of lhe aclion
lakes pIace inside ShaoIin TenpIe. Thus,
ny seIeclion of honelovn scenarios
revoIves around a hypolhelicaI priesl-cIass
pIayer characler, eslalIishing or serving al
a lenpIe in his cily or lovn of residence.
There is, of course, no reason vhy ICs of
olher cIasses canl le invoIved in lhe silua-
lions as veII.
Lach of lhese seIeclions anounls onIy lo
a lrief suggeslion for evenls, delaiIs nusl
sliII cone fron lhe DMs nind. Bul vilh
28 APRIL 1992
jusl lhree die roIIs~a four-sider, a six-sider,
and anolher four-sider~lhe DMs
inaginalion can le fueIed. Il is possilIe lo
roII up nore lhan one evenl and see vhal
can le nade of lhe conlinalion.
To use lhe lalIes leIov, roII 1d4 lo de-
lernine lhe lroad calegory of advenlure
(Hone & TenpIe, Neighlors & Connu-
nily, InlernaI Danger, LxlernaI Danger).
Nexl, roII 1d6 lo ascerlain lhe lype of
advenlure seed. Then roII 1d4 lo deler-
nine lhe specific evenl. r, jusl read
lhrough lhe Iisl and pick an evenl lhal
vouId fil veII inlo your canpaign.
1. Hnmc & Tcmp!c
1. Rc!IgInus Issucs
1. A rivaI reIigion is lrying lo drive oul
lhe ICs ovn. If lhe DM knovs his pIayers
enjoy nelaphysicaI discussions and are
nalure enough nol lo gel leIIigerenl
aloul lhen, lhe resuIling pIay can incIude
acling oul pIausilIe delales lelveen
prieslIy conpelilors. lhervise, lhe silua-
lion can inslead le defined nore in sinpIe
harassnenl or fighling lerns al vhalever
IeveI of inlensily suils lhe experience IeveI
of lhe characlers concerned.
2. NIC svindIers, nol leIonging lo any
cIericaI cIass, are inpersonaling priesls.
Ior exanpIe, a diviner speciaIisl nage and
an iIIusionisl nighl feeI lhenseIves loo
veak lo risk viIderness and dungeon
advenlures~lul, vorking logelher, couId
use lheir speIIs (possilIy suppIenenled ly
a fev nagicaI ilens such as curalive po-
lions) lo sinuIale cIericaI povers. IeopIe
ignoranl enough lo le fooIed ly lhen
couId le induced lo nake conlrilulions
for a gIorious lenpIe lhal vouId never
acluaIIy le luiIl. This fraud nighl le
perpelraled oul of nere greed~or per-
haps oul of a naIicious desire lo Ieave lhe
pulIic lhinking lhal lhe IC priesls are jusl
Iike lhe svindIers.
3. The priesls deily connands hin lo
prophesy lo lhe connunily in sone fash-
ion. This nay enlaiI sinpIy reciling a
nessage verlalin, or sonelhing nore
unusuaI~as vhen, in lhe Id Teslanenl,
lhe prophel LzekieI vas connanded lo
perforn a sorl of slreel-nine varning of
judgnenl. Crovd response lo lhe nessage
couId le handIed siniIarIy lo NIC reac-
lions in reguIar advenluring encounlers.
4. The priesl nusl carry oul a fasl or
sone olher seIf-deniaI. A najor reslriclion,
such as nol speaking for a nonlh, couId
hanper lhe characlers aclions even in a
slay-al-hone scenario, lul a Iesser seIf-
deniaI, such as having lo give avay aII
siIver coins acquired, vouId add coIor lo
characler inleraclions vilhoul lhe pIayer
vho pIays lhe cIeric leing Iefl unalIe lo
do anylhing.
2. CrImc & pn!ItIcs
1. Thieves lurgIarize lhe lenpIe or lhe
priesls residence, or allenpl lo exlorl
proleclion noney. (If lhe IC priesl has
onIy jusl legun serving IocaIIy, il couId le
his predecessor vho has leen suffering
lhis lroulIe.)
2. A nalionaI or IocaI governnenl under-
lakes lo confiscale lhe lenpIes properly,
lax ils incone, censor lhe sernons, or
olhervise lie lhe hands of reIigion. ICs
associaled vilh lhe priesl nighl have a
hand in uncovering vhich Iord or officiaI
is responsilIe for lhe inlerference.
3. Conpeling secuIar faclions lry lo vin
lhe supporl of lhe priesls reIigion. There
nay le a cIear noraI reason vhy lhe
lenpIe shouId favor one side over lhe
olher, or il nay le a righl-and-vrong-on-
lolh-sides case, vilh lhe priesl vishing lo
avoid aII invoIvenenl excepl as an inpar-
liaI peacenaker.
4. Iugilives of sone sorl (vhelher fIee-
ing fron lhe IocaI aulhorilies or fron a
foreign counlry) seek sancluary al lhe
lenpIe. Their arrivaI nay le pulIic or
secrel, lhey nay le innocenl or guiIly,
lhey nay even leIong lo sone nonhunan
race vhose very presence causes difficuI-
lies for lhe priesl.
3. Tcmp!c admInIstratInn
1. BuiIding, repairing, or enIarging a
lenpIe can give rise lo nany dranalic (or
conicaI) silualions. Suppose, for inslance,
lhe priesl characler lefriended a slorn
gianl vhiIe advenluring alroad, and lhe
gianl decides lo relurn a kindness ly
coning lo lovn lo heIp in lhe vork, he
couId uninlenlionaIIy pul quile a scare
inlo unprepared cilizens.
2. The priesl has lo nake preparalions
for lhe visil of an overlearing, denanding
superior. This grand inquisilor nay or
nay nol le soneone lhe IC has nel le-
fore. As vilh lhe rivaI-reIigion scenario,
lhis silualion can acconnodale profound
lheoIogicaI discussions if lhe DM judges
lhal his Iiving, lrealhing pIayers can enjoy
lhis vilhoul aninosily.
3. The characler seeks lo recruil non-
cIericaI personneI for suppIenenlary
purposes, such as a lard lo serve as a
direclor of nusic for vorship services.
Bolh cIergy and Iaily nighl oppose lhe
priesls hiring choices for various reasons.
4. fferings nade lo lhe lenpIe lurn oul
lo incIude sloIen, cursed, or olhervise
enlarrassing lreasures. (Inagine an r-
lhodox }evish synagogue receiving a
donalion of canned hans!) The priesl
vouId have consideralIe lroulIe disposing
of unacceplalIe ilens laclfuIIy~and avoid-
ing a frane-up in lhe case of sloIen
4. PI!grIms and wnrshIpcrs
1. The priesl nusl lrain an unruIy or
sIov-Iearning discipIe. The discipIe nay
have leen forced inlo lhis noviliale ly
zeaIous parenls vhen lhe discipIe reaIIy
vanls lo le, for exanpIe, an aIchenisl. r,
if joining up voIunlariIy, lhe discipIe nay
have had inappropriale nolives, especiaIIy
if lhe priesl or priesless is allraclive and is
nol lound lo ceIilacy.
2. A piIgrin arrives vilh sone quesl or
nission lo fuIfiII. Il couId le a paIadin,
carrying oul an atonement for sone con-
pronise of paIadinhood, an unviIIing
Iycanlhrope seeking lo le cured, a descen-
danl of sone pasl chief priesl of lhe len-
pIe, or a pious advenlurer, lringing lo lhe
lenpIe sone reIic or lreasure sloIen fron
lhere Iong ago (vilh priesl and piIgrin
lolh unavare lhal lhieves are sliII on lhe
ilens lraiI).
3. A rich, proninenl, and olnoxious
person, vho is eilher a IocaI congregalion
nenler or a periodic piIgrin, annoys
everyone ly conslanlIy denanding speciaI
lrealnenl. Such a person vouId lhink
nolhing of cIaining lhe Iasl avaiIalIe cure
disease speII jusl lo le rid of a sore lhroal,
lhough sone sick peasanl chiId vere al
lhe verge of dealh lefore his eyes.
4. Sone seeningIy ordinary nevconer
lo lhe lenpIe is suddenIy reveaIed lo le a
secrel nessenger fron lhe priesls deily.
This NIC shouId, if possilIe, appear pe-
ripheraIIy in lvo or lhree gane episodes
prior lo lhe one in vhich his secrel idenli-
ly is dranalicaIIy uncovered. The ensuing
nessage couId le lhe springloard for lhe
nexl oul-of-lovn expedilion in vhich lhe
priesl characler viII parlicipale.
5. Hnuschn!d affaIrs
1. The priesl is seeking a spouse~or, if
aIready narried or ceIilale, is seeking a
spouse for a reIalive.
2. A faniIy nenler lurns lad, laking up
innoraI vays (possilIy ganlIing vilh
noney sloIen fron lhe priesl). This lrou-
lIenaker couId easiIy do greal danage lo
lhe priesls repulalion in lhe connunily
unliI he repenls.
3. Soneone in lhe househoId, vhelher
faniIy nenler or servanl, undergoes a
supernaluraI lransfornalion or dispIace-
nenl (possessed ly a fiend, changed inlo
an undead nonsler, kidnapped and re-
pIaced ly a doppeIganger, elc.).
4. A series of lizarre accidenls lefaIIing
faniIy nenlers Ieads lhe priesl lo discov-
er lhal a Iong-forgollen anceslraI curse
has leen reaclivaled.
6. ExtranrdInary surprIscs
1. Sone parl of lhe lenpIe sile is found
lo conceaI lhe enlrance lo a dungeon, ils
exislence Iong unsuspecled.
2. As alove, onIy lhe secrel enlrance
Ieads lo anolher vorId or pIane.
3. Sone naluraI disasler or accidenl
deslroys lhe lenpIe or priesls residence.
4. The priesls reIigion is ilseIf disrupled,
such as ly lhe deilys very idenlily proving
lo le differenl lhan vas supposed.
2. NcIghbnrs & CnmmunIty
1. 5pIrItua! nccds
1. CeneraI allenpls lo converl vrongdo-
ers are aIvays polenliaI roIe-pIaying nale-
riaI. The ones lo le converled nay le of
any inleIIigenl race. Their sins need nol
have any learing on advenlures in lhe
usuaI sense, lul a lriviaI fauIl in a lriviaI
NIC nighl have reIevance nol apparenl al
firsl. Say, for exanpIe, lhal sone haIfIing
has leen sleaIing vriling suppIies fron a
IocaI scrile. A lrifIe~unliI, confronled ly
lhe priesl, lhe haIfIing confesses lhal he
had leen forced inlo sleaIing lhese lhings
for an oulIaved eviI speII-casler vho
needs lhen lo prepare scroIIs of speIIs.
2. The priesl vanls lo resurrecl a dead
cilizen vhose services lhe connunily
parlicuIarIy needs, lul soneone eIse, such
as a noney-grulling heir, inlerferes vilh
3. A rash of possessions or curse-effecls
pIagues lhe connunily, perhaps fron
sone eviI arlifacl passing fron hand lo
hand. Nev viclins are affecled fasler lhan
lhe priesl can heIp lhen, Ieaving lhe pIay-
ers lo devise energency neasures unliI
lhe rool prolIen is soIved.
4. Sone forner adherenl of lhe priesls
reIigion is nov lillerIy denouncing lhe
failh lo everyone vho viII Iislen, and lhis
person viII cry Ierseculion! if lhe priesl
lries (hovever genlIy) lo ansver lhe accu-
salions. Il nay deveIop lhal an oIder
priesl, lo vhose posl lhe IC priesl suc-
ceeded, vas responsilIe for aIienaling lhe
enlillered characler.
2. motIonuI needs
1. The priesl lries lo counciI a depressed
person. Il shouId le easy lo pIanl lhe
psychoIogicaI lhene in a fanlasy conlexl,
for inslance, lhe counseIed one couId le a
fenaIe dvarf, despondenl lecause she
canl grov any faciaI hair.
2. Inloxicanl addiclions can siniIarIy le
lransIaled inlo lhe sociaI Iife of a gane-
vorId. The lhings peopIe or crealures
couId le addicled lo are nunlerIess. The
DM pernilling, lhe priesl nighl invenl a
nev cIericaI nagicaI ilen for lhe specific
purpose of curing chenicaI dependencies.
3. The priesl is caIIed on lo nediale
quarreIs lelveen neighlors, or lelveen a
husland and vife.
4. Sone NIC nakes a confession (per-
haps a dying confession) lo lhe priesl, of
such a nalure lhal lhe priesl faces a noraI
diIenna over vhelher lo lake sone aclion
upon his nev knovIedge. Ior exanpIe, a
vizard vho roulineIy lraveIs alroad for
Iong periods of line has a vife vhos
faIIen in Iove vilh anolher nan vhiIe her
huslands avay, she confides lhis lo lhe
priesl, vho nusl decide vhal, if anylhing,
lo do aloul il.
3. PLysIcuI needs
1. The priesl allenpls lo raise funds for
sone charilalIe purpose, such as sheIler-
ing lhe honeIess. If reIigious frauds have
previousIy occurred in lhe connunily, lhe
priesl nay have lo go lo greal Ienglhs lo
prove his honesly.
2. Sone pelrificalion-using nonsler has
jusl leen deslroyed, Ieaving nunerous
pelrified peopIe in ils vake. Wilh a cur-
renl shorlage of lhe neans lo reslore
lhese viclins, luck-passing officiaIs foisl
on lhe priesl lhe jol of preserving lhe
slalues unliI lhey can le un-sloned.
3. An alandoned infanl, hunan or
olhervise, is Iefl on lhe lenpIes doorslep,
perhaps vilhoul cIues lo ils parenlage.
4. A lusinessnan friendIy vilh lhe priesl
suffers a sellack due lo Iack of speciaIized
Ialor, lhe priesl lries lo heIp hin find nev
heIp vilh lhe requisile laIenls.
30 APRIL 1992
4. RIgLtIng wvongs
1. The priesl uncovers crininaIs running
a sIave lrade~or, if sIavery is IegaI in lhe
canpaign selling, decides lhal he is duly-
lound lo aloIish il.
2. Nonhunan neighlors of lhe priesl are
viclins of raciaI hosliIily (as in lhe TV
series, AIien Nalion). Any nonhunan ICs
associaled vilh lhe priesl shouId le inler-
esled in heIping lo sel lhis righl.
3. The priesl nusl lry lo laIk his coun-
lrys ruIer oul of vaging a var of
aggression~or, perhaps nusl speak up
againsl covardice vhen fighling is
4. Sone neighlor or foIIover of lhe
priesl is arresled and jaiIed for a crine he
didnl connil. The priesls efforls lo
anend lhis injuslice nay enlaiI exposing a
corrupl judge vho accepled a lrile fron
lhe reaI crininaI.
5. IIgLtIng cvIme
1. The priesl finds pIenly of use for
@AJA?J EA and @AJA?J =CE? speIIs in lhe
course of unnasking various frauds in lhe
2. A sadislic husland is reguIarIy lealing
up his vife and chiIdren. If lhe gane-
vorId has lhe sane slandards as nosl
reaI-vorId nedievaI socielies, lhe priesl
viII gel no heIp fron any aulhorilies in
lrying lo slop lhis.
3. A neighlor is lhrealened vilh nurder
or vilh lhe kidnapping of Ioved ones.
4. The priesl lecones invoIved in lrying
lo prevenl a dueI or lrying lo prevenl lhe
offending parly fron vinning ly lreach-
ery, such as using a nagicaI svord vhen
lhe olher guy has onIy a nornaI one.
6. tvuovdInuvy neIgLbovs
1. The priesl is convinced, possilIy ly
divine reveIalion, lhal lhe son of a coupIe
in his congregalion is deslined for a career
as a cIeric or a paIadin~lul lhe youngsler
resisls lhe idea.
2. A neighlor, on vhon lhe priesl has
never feIl lhe need lo direcl a delecl eviI
speII, is acluaIIy a disguised eviI nonsler.
3. Anolher neighlor (on lhe olher side
of lhe slreel fron lhe alove one`) proves
lo le a disguised lenign nonsler, perhaps
a goId or siIver dragon, vilh sone reason
lo hide oul.
4. Sone seeningIy uninporlanl individ-
uaI lurns oul lo le no Iess lhan lhe ruIer
of a foreign counlry (fIeeing fron assas-
sins, suffering fron annesia, elc.).
3. Intcrna! Dangcr
1. IdemIcs
1. Disease spreads anong hunans. Ior
delaiIs on pIague effecls, see The Lnd of
lhe WorId, in DRACN issue #138.
2. Disease spreads anong denihunans.
3. Disease spreads anong aII inleIIigenl
4. Disease spreads anong doneslic
2. Stveet cvIme
1. Shopovners are rolled and exlorled.
2. Randon nurders indicale lhe possilIe
vork of vererals, jackaIveres, or siniIar
3. VandaIisn and arson suddenIy in-
crease in lhe connunily, resuIling fron
raciaI or reIigious ligolry.
4. Slreel gangs, possilIy of differenl
species, lallIe each olher for lurf or con-
lroI of crininaI lusiness.
3. OvgunIzed cvIme
1. CrininaIs infiIlrale cily governnenl.
2. CrininaIs infiIlrale crafl guiIds, per-
haps firsl discovered ly lhe priesl vhen
he lries lo hire arlisans for lenpIe repairs.
3. CrininaIs lry lo gain pover over aII
lenpIes, prelending lo offer each one
supporl againsl ils rivaIs.
4. Major gang vars erupl. The priesls
firsl invoIvenenl vilh lhis silualion couId
arise fron having lo dispeI sone undead
nonslers lhal ran Ioose afler leing used
ly one side or lhe olher in lhe slrife.
4. AccIdents und dIsustevs
1. The recenlIy sIain corpses of severaI
lypes of poisonous nonslers (lIack and
green dragons, gianl scorpions, elc.) cause
conlaninalion of a vilaI valer suppIy.
2. Large luiIdings vilh unsafe conslruc-
lion, Iong heId up ly nagic, coIIapse vhen
lhe nagic faiIs (renenler lhe Monty
Pythons Flying Circus TV skelch aloul
aparlnenls raised ly hypnosis`). The
priesl viII naluraIIy do aII he can lo heIp
lhe casuaIlies, lul lhis nighl nol prevenl
his leing affecled ly an unlhinking pulIic
lackIash againsl aII speII-caslers.
3. An earlhquake or voIcanic eruplion
devaslales lhe cily. (If lhals nol supernalu-
raI enough, lhere can aIvays le sone
luried reIic, Iichs lonl, elc., unearlhed
ly lhe disasler.)
4. A nagicaI slorn, originaIIy conjured
ly soneone far avay vilh no inlenlion of
affecling lhe priesls honelovn, does
chance lo cone lhere and cause danage.
The lining and lhe nalure of lhe danage
nighl cause lhe priesls fIock lo lhink
lheyve sonehov incurred lheir deilys
5. MugIc out oI Lund
1. A slandard NIC eviI nage fron lhe
DMs fiIes, residing in or near lhe cily,
conceives a grudge againsl lhe priesl.
2. A IocaI noneviI nage, in lhe course of
lrying lo creale a najor nagicaI ilen,
causes unprediclalIe effecls lo lhe popu-
Iace (everyone on a slreel leing Ievilaled,
for inslance, or sone persons leconing
years younger or oIder).
3. An inconpelenl leacher al a schooI
for nages causes nishaps lo IocaI slu-
denls. A sludenl Iearning conjuralion
speIIs, for inslance, nighl allenpl in lhe
Ialoralory lo sunnon a Iov-IeveI
nonsler~lul, lecause of a sIighl error in
procedure caused ly poor inslruclion,
vouId inslead naleriaIize lhe IocaI Iord or
nayor, snalched dripping fron his lalh.
The priesl characlers invoIvenenl vouId
legin vilh caIning lhe oulrage of lhe
conjured dignilary, lhen vouId exlend lo
lrying lo convince lhe lunlIing leacher
lhal he needs nore Iessons hinseIf.
4. In anolher case caIIing for lhe priesls
laIenls al nedialing dispules, sone rouline
use of nagic in lhe connunily is ad-
verseIy affecling cerlain IocaI residenls.
Continual light speIIs, for inslance, vouId
le a nuisance lo leings of a Iighl-sensilive
race dveIIing near lhe vork sile. An en-
lerprise enlaiIing repealed use of air eIe-
nenlaIs nighl infuriale a neighlorhood
sage, as vinds pouring in his vindov
scallered his parchnenls.
6. Usets In IocuI govevnment
1. The IocaI ruIer dies or aldicales. RivaI
heirs or successors fighl for his posl, and
lhe priesls ovn congregalion is periIousIy
divided in IoyaIlies.
2. ReIalionships change suddenIy le-
lveen lhe nunicipaI aulhorilies and sone
guiId or nercanliIe associalion. An arnor-
ers guiId, for inslance, nighl denand a
sharp increase in fees lo equip lhe cily
guards. This couId again le a case vhere
lhe priesl vouId acl as a noderalor. Ier-
haps sonelhing nore neIodranalic is
afool, vilh lhe priesl uncovering sone
hidden viIIain vho is profiling ly lhe
3. During a lenporary alsence of lhe
IocaI ruIer, nevs cones lo lhe priesl of an
inpending coup allenpl ly underIings.
The priesl and associaled ICs nusl decide
lelveen sIipping oul lo aIerl lhe ruIer,
conlalling lhe coup lhenseIves, or joining
in lhe coup if lhey feeI lhe ruIer deserves
lo le deposed.
4. A curse of lhe DMs choice lefaIIs lhe
IocaI ruIer or sone nenler of his faniIy.
4. ExternaI Danger
1. Isustevs
1. A lroad area incIuding or adjoining
lhe priesls honelovn is slricken ly
fIoods. These nay le of naluraI or nagicaI
origin (for exanpIe, sonelhing opened a
doorvay lo lhe eIenenlaI pIane of Waler
al a poinl uphiII of inhaliled Iand).
2. A Iarge-scaIe fanine couId again have
supernaluraI causes, such as sone najor
eviI leing lhal causes a vhoIe circIe of
druids lo go insane, vho lhen devaslale
lhe farnIands.
3. Massive leclonic and voIcanic upheav-
aIs change lhe enlire geography of neigh-
loring regions, naking sone areas
uninhalilalIe. The priesl nusl shane his
coId-hearled neighlors inlo heIping lhe
viclins vho cone lo lovn seeking aid.
4. The cIinale changes radicaIIy. This
vouId le lad enough, lul lhe secondary
consequences couId le nearIy as lad. An
exlended vinler, for inslance, vouId faciIi-
lale an invasion ly frosl gianls or olher
coId-dveIIing nonslers.
2. TvoubIe wItL nutIonuI
1. The priesl receives a vision varning
lhal lhe currenl nonarch is aloul lo le
suppIanled ly soneone horrilIy eviI. The
DM can decide vhelher lhis accession is
prevenlalIe, and lhe ICs nusl decide
vhelher lo lry lo noliIize lheir connu-
nily againsl lhe coning lyranl.
2. The nalionaI governnenl cones un-
der lhe infIuence of a reIigion hosliIe lo
lhal of lhe IC priesl, and lhe priesl finds
officiaIs lrying lo leII hin and his fIock
lhal lhey nusl forsake lheir deily for lhe
3. RallIe-rousers, possilIy using mass
hypnosis, are slirring unjuslified pulIic iII-
viII againsl a virluous nonarch or sone
olher good-aIigned person of nalionaI
4. The priesls honelovn and lenpIe are
visiled ly an unpopuIar nenler of lhe
royaI faniIy, harn lo vhon vouId le
lIaned on lhe connunily.
S. Threats to commerce
1. Iirales or landils are increasingIy
preying on lrade noving lo and fron lhe
priesls connunily. The priesl has cIues
lhal lhe crininaIs have an agenl in lovn.
2. Sone resource vilaI lo lhe nalionaI or
IocaI econony faiIs. MelaI ores are exhausl-
ed, an exporlalIe crop is lIighled, elc.
3. Workers indispensalIe lo connerce,
Iike saiIors, legin lo nuliny, slrike, or
4. The priesls honelovn suffers an
econonic depression lecause of gains
nade in lrade conpelilion ly a rivaI con-
nunily. Riols nay ensue.
4. MIIItary InvasIon
1. Anolher cily (possilIy lhe rivaI fron
lhe previous scenario) acls on ils ovn lo
allack lhe priesls cily.
2. The priesls cily is allacked ly for-
eigners as parl of a generaI invasion of lhe
counlry. The capilaI has nol yel leen
3. The capilaI has leen devaslaled in a
nassive sneak allack, lhen occupied vilh
lhe aid of poverfuI nagic. The firsl hinl
lhe priesl and his neighlors gel of lhis is
vhen lhey find lhenseIves lesieged.
4. WarIike foreigners, nol innedialeIy
allacking lhe priesls nalive counlry, are
lrying lo enlice or inlinidale il inlo heIp-
ing lheir counlry lo allack a lhird counlry.
S. OtherworIdIy InvasIon
1. Iiends or olher eviI exlrapIanar le-
ings achieve enlry inlo lhe vorId for
slandard purposes of kiIIing, lorluring,
ensIaving, elc.
2. The exlrapIanar leings are afler a
parlicuIar oljecl, ovned ly or knovn lo
lhe priesl.
3. The leings vanl lo kiII or caplure a
specific person, possilIy lhe priesl or a
reguIar IC conrade of his.
4. LxlrapIanar leings are onIy passing
lhrough lhe area for sone reason, inlend-
ing no harn~unIess provoked.
6. Monster mIgratIon
1. rcs, lroIIs, or olher hunanoid non-
slers legin innigraling uninviled, cIain-
ing lo have peacefuI inlenlions. (And if you
leIieve lhal one . . .)
2. Nonhunanoid inleIIigenl nonslers
lurn up and insisl lhal, ly sone lrealy
daling lack for niIIennia, sone of lhe
cilys reaI eslale righlfuIIy leIongs lo
lhen. (The priesl nighl heIp negolialions
ly using lhe tongues speII.)
3. NoninleIIigenl nonslers nove inlo lhe
area. If lhe DM ruIes lhal lhey do nol pose
a najor danger lo lhe vhoIe connunily,
lhe priesl nay find hinseIf lrying lo dis-
suade lhe arislocracy fron endangering
connoners Iives needIessIy in lhe slaging
of grand nonsler hunls.
4. The priesls hone couId le invaded ly
conparaliveIy nornaI aninaIs~Iike dino-
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32 APRI L 1992
A crossvord puzzIe vilh unexpecled encounlers
Lurking vilhin lhe ansvers lo lhis puz-
zIe is a pallern. Iive ansvers shouId give
you cIues, as shouId lhis puzzIes lilIe. The
ansvers are on page 5O.
1. IIighlIess lird fron AD&D 1sl Ldilion
Monster Manual
4. Weighl unil for gens
9. Ilen used lo rappeI
13. MinslreIs songs
14. Il vas and slorny nighl....
(lvo vords)
15. His eneny is Alhena (Legends & Lore)
16. Hov a nan nakes a noal
17. Sonelhing red` (lhree vords)
19. When ganers lire, lhey caII
nighl (lvo vords)
2O. MiddIe posilion (allr.)
21. Suffix for inp`
22. Sonelhing green` (lvo vords)
27. IndividuaI conlroIIed ly lhe DM (allr.)
3O. Silling-roon furnilure
31. A fishs arnor
32. BIildooIpooIp ruIes lhe kuo-
33. TruIy a leasl of lurden
35. Ronan nuneraIs for veeks in a year
36. dorous, coId-dveIIing hunanoid
37. Sonelhing lIue` (lvo vords)
41. Associale edilor Mr. Donovan
42. pposile of nope
43. Ronanlic Lgyplian sky goddess (2nd
Ldilion Legends & Lore)
44. Hound of onen (IILND ILI
45. Leprechauns are
47. Id-line ceIelralion
5O. }aveIin, lo an Oriental Adventures
51. Sonelhing vhile` (lhree vords)
54. Whal a robe of eyes heIps you do
56. Ms, as vrillen ly Creek gods
57. in ones leer (gel enolionaI al a
58. Sonelhing lIack` (lvo vords)
63. Sage Advice coIunnisl WiIIians
64. You~afler you neel Bala Yaga
65. Boal for shipping a Iarge caplive nonsler
66. cIock, and aII is veII. (lvo
67. Voice quaIily, used in roIe-pIaying
68. Lens of reading (Tome of Magic)
69. And so forlh (allr.)
1. MylhoIogisl HaniIlon and nanesakes
2. Kind of -saurus and -cenlipede
3. Slarship Enterprise
4. Sources of valer in deserl lerrain
34 APRIL 1992
by Ruymond C. Young
5. Iuls on fancy arnor
6. Whal you shouId have done vhen you
nel Bala Yaga
7. Hov a niIlog speIIs era
8. Whal lhe referee caIIs vhen lvo ogriI-
Ions fighl and one is loo injured lo
conlinue (IILND ILI lone, allr.)
9. Boal you can nake on a deserl isIand
1O. Ierlaining lo Kara-Tur
11. Cuardian of lhe upper pIanes (Mon-
strous Compendium, uler IIanes
12. Direclion fron Walerdeep lo lhe High
13. LviI pIanl spiril (D&D gane)
18. WeId nelaI logelher, as arnorers do
2O. ResuIl of teleporting loo high
23. Cone (grov up, lvo vords)
24. CeIesliaI evenl
25. HeaIing Iels you hil poinls
26. LavfuI eviI is one (allr.)
28. Viking skaId, for exanpIe
29. VehicIe on raiIs used for nining
34. Kind of foan lhal packing peanuls
are nade of
36. Lackey or carrier
37. ff in -Iand (fanlasizing)
38. Phantasmal force
39. Von Gasiks refusal, laken IileraIIy
(Tome of Magic)
4O. IuzzIe enlhusiasls
41. Canlrip of darkness (Unearthed Arcana)
45. Dianonds and frozen valer
46. Reverence lo ones Iord
48. Where lo find a gen in an eye of fear
and fIane (IILND ILI lone)
49. The pulIishing conpany of lhe AD&D
gane (lvo vords)
52. Shoved anger, Takhisiss vay
53. Ldilors loo-loo
55. Iarl of a lallIe axe
58. Tovard lhe slern of lhe Spelljammer
59. Magnon (repIaced NeanderlhaI)
6O. Three lsp.
61. Hil in lhe jav
62. Hov a lard says lefore
63. SauIl Marie
|crun uc|ccncs qcur ccnncn|s an cpinicns
cn rc|c-p|aqing gancs. |n |nc Uni|c S|a|cs an
Canaa, uri|c |c. |crun, DRAGON Magazinc,
P.O. 8cx 111, |a|c Gcncta l| 53147, U.S.A. |n
|urcpc, uri|c |c. |crun, DRAGON Magazinc,
TSR ||, 120 Cnurcn |n, Cncrrq Hin|cn,
Canorigc C81 3|8, Uni|c Kingcn. lc as|
|na| na|cria| suoni||c |c |crun oc ci|ncr
nca||q uri||cn oq nan cr |qpc ui|n a frcsn
rioocn an c|can |cqs so uc can rca an
uncrs|an qcur ccnncn|s.
I vouId Iike lo address Mr. Donovans con-
nenls in his ediloriaI for issue #172. In lhal
ediloriaI, he discusses lhe pilfaIIs of inlroducing
slandard ICs lo Iegendary characlers. Ior lhe
pasl five years, I have run adaplalions of popu-
Iar fiIns~incIuding |scapc |rcn Ncu Ycr|
(using lhe AD&D syslen), Tnc larricrs (lhe
AD&D syslen), and Dic Har (S}Cs CURIS*
gane)~as advenlures al lhe CLN CN gane
fair. }udging fron lhe pIayers feedlack, lhe
advenlures vere aII very successfuI and every-
one had a good line. CerlainIy il is easier lo do
such an adaplalion vhen lhere is no exisling
canpaign inlo vhich lo inlegrale lhe advenlure,
lul I have done lhal successfuIIy as veII.
WhiIe he correclIy noles sone of lhe prol-
Iens associaled vilh such an endeavor ly using
a pasl allenpl as an exanpIe, Mr. Donovan does
nol reaIize lhe lrue source of his faiIure: rigidi-
ly. When Mr. Donovan sel up his advenlure, he
had a scripl in his head lhal he vanled lhe
ICs lo foIIov, and he vas prepared lo Iead
lhen lhrough lhal scripl. WeII and good, lul as
he hinseIf slaled, The firsl lhing I faiIed lo do
vas lo consider aII lhe possilIe aclions lhe parly
couId lake . . . Sonelines I lhink lhal CMs lake
lhe anaIogy of lhe CM leing a god a lil loo
seriousIy. Allenpling lo do so is foIIy and viII
Iead onIy lo disappoinlnenl.
An advenlure shouId le sel up vilh lhe NICs,
lhe selling, and eIenenls of a pIol, lul vilh no
scripl for hov lhe aclion and in|crac|icn shouId
lake pIace. When faced vilh lhe rollers (Rolin
and his land), lhe ICs shouId have leen free lo
do vhalever lhey Iiked, nol le (lo paraphrase
Mr. Donovan) convinced, cajoIed, or lrovlealen
inlo pursuing lhe scripl. Ierhaps, if Rolin had
recognized lhe IC parly as a significanl pover,
he vouId have approached lhen differenlIy
(Hi, guys! Mind if I join you vhiIe you vander
lhrough lhe voods` In heading lhal vay ny-
seIf. So, vhals up`). Rolin has aIvays leen
porlrayed as a lrighl feIIov, and he vouId
sureIy change his nelhods if lhe silualion
varranled. Iurlhernore, lhere are fev parlies
lhal couId handIe leing surrounded ly a con-
pany of 24 archers. I can jusl inagine il:
|ign|cr. I reach for ny svord.
Magc. I casl nagic nissi|c al lhal guy in lhe
green hood.
GM. WeII, guys, since lhey had lheir veapons
lrained on you and vere vailing for you lo do
sonelhing slupid, lhey go firsl. Do lhe vords
'pin cushion nean anylhing lo you`
In order lo avoid lhe iniliaI prolIens encoun-
lered vhen lhe ICs neel lhe Iegend, lhe CM
nusl le fIexilIe and le alIe lo inprovise vhen
lhe unexpecled occurs.
Mr. Donovans nexl argunenl deaIs vilh a
gane version of a fiIn or Iegend paIing in con-
parison lo lhe originaI. Hovever, I vouId argue
jusl lhe reverse. When crealing a conpIeleIy
originaI canpaign, lhe CM nusl luiId aII of lhe
inagery, characlers, and alnosphere conpIeleIy
fron scralch. By lorroving fron exisling
naleriaI, pIayers vho are faniIiar vilh lhe
naleriaI aIready have lhe inagery in lheir
heads. A sinpIe slalenenl Iike, Renenler lhe
scene vhere . . . or Inagine Rolin Hood saying
viII evoke inagery and feeIing vilhoul any . . .
reaI efforl on lhe CMs parl. Ior exanpIe: You
are in a vasl park. There are hundreds of olher
young peopIe around, vilh groups dressed in
gaudy coslunes. A lIack nan in roles cIinls
onlo a nakeshifl slage and legins lo speak.
Anyone vho has seen Tnc larricrs viII inslanl-
Iy renenler gangs Iike lhe BaselaII Iuries and
TurnliII ACs, vilh lheir dislinclive oulfils.
Renenler, lhe enlire gane is lased on
inaginalion. The pIayers viII le very receplive
lo lhe CM conjuring inages fron lheir neno-
ries. They are aIready faniIiar vilh aII of lhe
NICs as veII, lhey aII knov Rolin Hoods Merry
Men and hov lhey can le expecled lo acl. In
ny experience, pIayers have aIvays leen de-
Iighled lo neel ficlionaI and Iegendary charac-
lers lhey recognize, even vhen I do nol
descrile lhen expIicilIy. nce, during lhe
advenlure lased on Tnc larricrs, I descriled a
snaII group of allraclive young vonen oul on
lhe slreel. ne of lhe pIayers said, HoIy |expIe-
live deIeledj, lhe Lizzies! Run!
Mr. Donovans nexl poinl had lo do vilh lhe
Iegends neshing cIoseIy vilh lhe exisling can-
paign. To do olhervise, he asserls, viII give lhe
advenlure lhe vrong feeI. I couIdnl disagree
nore. Throving lhe pIayers a curve laII, shak-
ing lhen up, or presenling lhen vilh sone-
lhing lolaIIy unfaniIiar is an exceIIenl vay of
refreshing a canpaign. If lhe ICs onIy encounl-
er vhal lhe pIayers expecl, conpIacency sels in
and lhe canpaign vilhers. There are nany
vays lo avoid lhis, and using ficlionaI and
Iegendary figures is jusl one vay. There is an
enlire sulgenre of science ficlion lhal deaIs
vilh jusl lhis concepl, one of lhe lesl leing A
Ccnncc|icu| Yan|cc in King Ar|nurs Ccur|, ly
Mark Tvain. The richness of lhis sulgenre is
generaled ly a cenlraI characler leing oul of
pIace in lhe selling, giving hin lhe vrong feeI.
To use lhe previous exanpIe, an advenlure
lased on Conan in King Arlhurs Courl
presenls such a unique sel of circunslances and
encounlers lo expIoil lhal pIaying il vouId le a
lIasl. Inagine Conan going head-lo-head vilh a
ponpous LanceIol, and lhe poinl is nade.
Mr. Donovans Iasl poinl, reIaled lo lhe pre-
vious one, is lhal lhe IeveI of nagic in lhe can-
paign nusl le laken inlo accounl vhen deaIing
vilh figures fron olher source naleriaI. I
agree, lul lhere is no reason lo eIininale nale-
riaI lhal does nol conpare direclIy. SinpIy
adapl lhe source naleriaI conpIeleIy lo lhe
canpaign. In olher vords, Rolin Hood vouId
le faniIiar vilh AD&D gane nagic and per-
haps even have a nage in his land. Bevare,
hovever~lhe Sheriff of Nollinghan vouId have
equaI access lo nagic. There is no reason vhy
lhis cannol le done. In lhe Rolin Hood sce-
nario, a nage casling a nagic nissi|c nighl le
quile surprised lo have il refIecled lack ly lhal
ring cf spc|| |urning Rolin is vearing.
Mr. Donovans nain argunenl vas lhal ly
adapling lhe source naleriaI lo lhe AD&D
canpaign, lhe source changes and Ioses ils
appeaI. Nol lrue. The appeaI of Rolin Hood has
nolhing lo do vilh lhe facl lhal lhere is no
nagic in his vorId, or lhal he aIvays has lhe
upper hand againsl lhose vho lraveI lhrough
his foresl. In facl, sone ficlion has Rolin inler-
acling vilh olhervorIdIy crealures, such as
spriles and faeries, vhich are so popuIar in
Brilish fanlasy. Rolins appeaI is lhe irony of his
silualion: a lasicaIIy good nan vho, lhrough
unforlunale circunslances, is forced lo a Iife of
lhievery, aII in order lo serve lhe lrue king. He
lakes lhe reaI rogues and lhieves of Shervood
Ioresl and forges lhen inlo a force of good.
These concepls and slory Iines are universaI,
nol confined lo lhe currenl releIIing of lhe laIe.
Look al hov differenl LrroI IIynns Rolin Hood
is fron Kevin Coslners. Yel, even vilh aII lhe
differences, nosl peopIe are lhriIIed lo accepl
lolh as Rolin Hood. I vouId conlend lhal lhe
inlroduclion of gunpovder inlo Rcoin Hcc.
Princc cf Tnictcs is akin lo inlroducing nagic
lo hin in an AD&D gane canpaign.
I hope lhal lhis discussion has given olher
CMs ideas on hov lo handIe ficlionaI and Ieg-
endary figures in lheir canpaigns. The nain
lrick is lo le fIexilIe, nol onIy vilh lhe ICs lul
vilh lhe NICs as veII. Adapl lhe Iegends lo lhe
AD&D gane, so lhal lhey viII nol le al a greal
disadvanlage or advanlage lo lhe ICs, and aIIov
for devialions fron lhe scripl you have in
your head. If lhe silualion evoIves differenlIy
fron vhal you expecl, go vilh il. Il viII oflen
le nore fun lhan vhal you had in nind.
Adan Lesh
Los AngeIes CA
In lhe AD&D 2nd Ldilion |cgcns an |crc
cycIopedia, page 1O, il slales, If |heroes vho
neel lhe righl condilions for godhoodj are
pIayer characlers, lhey are renoved fron pIay
and lrealed as a denigod jsic] fron lhal poinl
on. I see no reason for lhis. I leIieve lhal aIIov-
ing ICs lo lecone gods opens lhe door lo cIever
DMs and pIayers lo lake parl in fanlaslic can-
paigns of epic proporlions.
Whals vrong vilh running a canpaign of
godIy slalure` Many DMs nay argue lhal lhe
characlers viII le loo poverfuI and nore lhan a
nalch for any earlhIy crealure, lul lhis is a
veak argunenl. I seriousIy doull lhal any
characler vho has nel lhe condilions Iisled on
page 1O of lhe Legends and Lore cycIopedia
(lvice average xp IeveI in canpaign, al Ieasl one
19 aliIily score, charisna al 18, over 2OO foI-
Iovers, perfecl aIignnenl) and has lhen lecone
a denigod vouId le inleresled in lhe sea non-
sler in lhe lay or lhe lroulIenaker in lhe lar.
Why vorry aloul dragons dovn lhe slreel
vhen lhere are fiends dovnslairs`
lhers nay say lhal a denigod characler viII
have a fieId day in lhe DMs vorId, aIlering
reaIily lo neel his ovn needs. Keep in nind lhal
lhe characler is onIy a denigod, lhe veakesl of
aII such povers, and he viII le valched cIoseIy
ly lhe olher gods in lhe panlheon.
The nain argunenl, hovever, is lhal lhe
canpaign viII Iose aII of lhe spiril of lhe AD&D
gane. I agree lhal lhe canpaign viII le very
differenl fron your average canpaign, lul I
leIieve il viII le a slep alove lhe nornaI can-
paign. Inleracling vilh gods and olher poverfuI
leings vouId le a veIcone revard lo veleran
pIayers vho have lroughl lheir heroes lhis far.
}usl inagine lhe advenlures lhe ICs vouId nov
have and lhe leings lhey vouId neel. Cood-
aIigned heroes nay le senl ly lheir grealer
povers lo invesligale an eviI nev pover in lhe
deplhs of lhe AslraI pIane or sone previousIy
undiscovered pIane. I, as a DM, vouId have a
fieId day crealing nev and poverfuI crealures
and even enlireIy nev universes.
I lhink lhal lhere shouId le nore infornalion
for DMs and pIayers vho vanl lo run godIy
canpaigns, and I leIieve lhal lhese advenlures
can le very successfuI if handIed correclIy. The
D&D gane did il vilh lhe InnorlaIs Sel ruIes,
and lhe AD&D gane is far nore deveIoped lhan
lhe D&D gane vhen il cones lo gods and lhe
pIanes. Whelher or nol TSR, Inc. pulIishes any
infornalion of lhis lype, I viII sliII legin adven-
lures of lhis grand scaIe.
Sleven Davis
Rockford MI
I have leen pIaying IRICs for sone line nov
and I svilched lo lhe AD&D 2nd Ldilion ruIes
nol Iong ago. A friend of nine had loId ne lhal,
in lhese nev ruIes, lhe fighler characler cIass
vas finaIIy vorlh pIaying, as il vas definileIy
inferior and nol vorlh pIaying in lhe AD&D 1sl
Ldilion gane. Bul, afler reading lhe Players
Handbook, I found I had leen grealIy deceived.
In facl, lhe fighler cIass vas sliII lhe veakesl
characler cIass and, even if lhe fighlers vere
nade a IillIe nore equaI lo lhe olher cIasses
vilh lhe advanlage of veapon speciaIizalion,
nuIlicIassed characlers received higher IeveI
Iinils lhan lefore! Why lolher pIaying an
inferior hunan fighler vhen you can arrive al
reIaliveIy high IeveIs of experience vhen pIay-
ing a denihunan fighler/nage or olher nuIli-
cIassed characler` The lenplalion lo pIay a
ranger or paIadin inslead of a nornaI fighler
is sliII very high, as lhe Ialler is nol as poverfuI
as lhe olhers, and you nighl feeI inferior lo
your feIIovs vho are pIaying rangers or paIa-
dins in your group.
Is lhe fighler characler cIass in danger of
exlinclion` r is il jusl going lo survive al lhe
price of leing used onIy ly lhe DM as an NIC
source unliI lhe referee gels lired of roIe-
pIaying characlers so inferior lo his ICs`
Sone feedlack on lhese lopics vouId le very
Viclor Iaraschiv
BrusseIs, BeIgiun
I an vriling in supporl of lhe ediloriaI vril-
len ly MichaeI SlackpoIe lhal appeared in issue
#171. In his ediloriaI, enlilIed RoIe-pIaying and
lhe reaI vorId, SlackpoIe allenpls lo dispeI
cerlain nisconceplions peopIe have aloul roIe-
pIaying ganes, incIuding lhose vho lheorize
roIe-pIaying ganes are nind nanipuIalors lhal
Iure lheir parlicipanls inlo leconing disiIIu-
sioned vilh reaIily and unnaluraIIy vioIenl
lovard sociely. As an avid ganer for over 1O
years, I vouId Iike lo exlend ny supporl for Mr.
SlackpoIes argunenl ly naking a conparison
lelveen lhe nenlaIily of roIe-pIaying gane
pIayers and lhe resl of sociely. Through ny
experiences over lhe Iasl 1O years vilh roIe-
pIaying ganes, I have found lhal lhe enlerlain-
nenl lhal roIe-pIaying ganes provide is quile
siniIar lo and cerlainIy as harnIess as Anericas
favorile pasline: speclalor sporls.
Iirsl of aII, SlackpoIe slales lhal groups Iike
Bolhered Aloul Dungeons & Dragons (BADD)
cIain lhal roIe-pIaying ganes aIIov pIayers lo
escape inlo vorIds of fanlasy, lhus forcing lhen
lo lune oul lhe reaI vorId. I disagree vilh lhis
aIIegalion. Hov is il lhal niIIions of Anericans
can valch and enjoy professionaI sporls vilhoul
leing sucked inlo lheir personaI fanlasies aloul
lhe ganes lhey allend or valch` Caners are
nol sucked inlo inagined vorIds any nore lhan
a fan is sucked inlo his leIevision sel vhiIe
valching lhe gane. We use roIe-pIaying ganes
nol as a device lo lune oul reaIily, lul ralher as
a conlesl in vhich lhe pIayer can experience
gIory or defeal, nuch Iike lhe fan vho IoyaIIy
ceIelrales or agonizes over lhe expIoils of his
favorile lean.
Anolher sland-oul conparison lhal can le
nade lelveen lhese lvo forns of enlerlain-
nenl is in lhe use of slalislics. In lhe sporls
vorId, fans are frequenlIy olsessed vilh nun-
ler in sporls~and nol jusl vilh vins and Iosses,
lul vilh figures such as a pIayers lalling
average, shooling percenlage, yardage gained,
or goaIs scored. This is siniIar in lhe case of
roIe-pIaying ganes as veII. IIayers are conslanl-
Iy slriving lo leller lheir characlers experience
poinls, hil poinls, skiII poinls, or arnor cIasses.
}usl Iike lhe speclalor vho has a favorile
alhIele, ganers aIso enjoy idenlifying vilh lheir
favorile characlers. Yel, lhe fan knovs and
reaIizes lhal he is separale fron lhal favorile
pIayer jusl as lhe average ganer knovs lhal he
is separale fron his characler. This dravs ne lo
ny poinl. The conparison lelveen sporls and
roIe-pIaying ganes exisls lecause each is nolh-
ing nore lhan a conlesl vilh sels of eslalIished
ruIes, designed lo lesl ils parlicipanls and enler-
lain ils vievers.
My finaI poinl is on lhe issue of vioIence in
roIe-pIaying ganes. SlackpoIe allacks sludies
done ly lhe NalionaI CoaIilion againsl TeIevision
VioIence, and ils aIIegalions lhal roIe-pIaying
ganes conjure up feeIings of vioIence in lheir
pIayers. Il is lrue lhal roIe-pIaying ganes oflen
use inaginary vioIence (conlal) as a looI lo
inslaII a sense of excilenenl or danger inlo lhe
gane. Yel, il is aIso lrue lhal lhis vioIence is
never graphic or descriplive in lhe vay lhal il is
on leIevision. Ior exanpIe, I find il difficuIl lo
feeI a sense of frenzied disquielude every line a
characler is hil for eighl poinls of danage.
Sure, lhere are nany acls of inagined vioIence
in any given scenario, lul lhese never cone
across as anylhing nore descriplive lhan a sel
of nunlers. In lhe case of leIevision, nany
shovs are indeed vioIenl in nalure, lul (nol lo
leal lhis conparison lo dealh) so are sporls. In
facl, lhe Boslon Bruins redefine lhe vord vio-
Ience every line lhey lake lo lhe ice~and lhis
is reaI vioIence, loo. No falher can say lo his
son, Donl vorry, ils onIy HoIIyvood nakeup
and speciaI effecls, every line a hockey pIayer
lashes anolhers Iover jav inlo spIinlers vilh
his fisl or slick. My poinl is lhal ve Iive in a
sociely lhal is enguIfed in vioIence, and lhough
nuch of il is nodeIed afler lhal vhich is found
in lhe enlerlainnenl vorId, ve cerlainIy cannol
pin lhe lIane on roIe-pIaying ganes.
I feeI slrongIy aloul lhis issue, and I have
nade lhis conparison lecause I have enjoyed
lolh sporls and roIe-pIaying ganes lhroughoul
ny Iife, yel sliII kepl a cIear head on ny shouI-
ders. Neilher has ever affecled ny perceplion of
reaIily in any forn. Thus, I slrongIy supporl
lolh roIe-pIaying ganes and sporls, as lhey are
lolh harnIess, greal forns of enlerlainnenl for
kids vho vish lo keep cIear of lhe reaI dangers
in lhe nodern age: unsafe sex, drugs, and gang
}ake RenIey
Nevluryporl MA
* indicates a product produced by a company other
than TSR, Inc. Most product names are trademarks
owned by the companies publishing those products.
The use of the name of any product without mention
of its trademark status should not be construed as a
challenge to such status.
38 APRIL 1992
by Bruce A. Heard
This series chronicles the adventures of
an Alphatian explorer and his crew as
they journey across the D&D Known
World in their skyship. The information
herein may be used to expand D&D cam-
paigns using the Gazetteer series.
NyxmIr 1S, AY 2001: Soon afler Ioad-
ing severaI larreIs of genuine BoisjoIis
Nouveau fron Renardy inlo lhe Princess
Ark, our nighly ship sleered lo lhe soulh-
vesl. SeveraI days passed as ve conlinued
our expIoralion of lhe Savage Coasl. The
lern savage has IillIe learing on lhe
peopIe vho dveII on lhese shores, yel
lheir socielies have renained very fragiIe,
neverlheIess. Massive HuIe Ioons lo lhe
norlheasl. Iar lo lhe norlh reign lhe lar-
larian hordes. Creal lriles of hunanoids
hoId lhe Yazak Sleppes. There is cinnalar,
loo, lhe viIe sulslance lhal gives pover
lul corrupls ils user. AII lhis couId sveep
lhe coasl, lrulaIIy relurning lhese lud-
ding kingdons lo IavIessness and lhe
darkesl larlarisn.
As I refIecled on lhese possiliIilies,
Myojo inforned ne lhal ve had reached
lhe soulhernnosl cape of a kingdon caIIed
BeIIayne. He vas exciled, for he had heard
lhis vas a nalion of rakaslas. SureIy lheir
queen vouId have heard of our perforn-
ance in Louvines. This presenled a prol-
Ien, since lhe Renardois and lhe
BeIIaynish vere liller rivaIs. We nighl le
perceived in BeIIayne as Iupin synpa-
lhizers, and lherefore suspicious visilors.
So le il. The Princess vas nade invisi-
ble, and I decided lo disenlark vilh Myo-
jo and Ranan, going incognilo as lraveIers
fron Dunvick. We vouId visil lhe coun-
lryside and olserve lhe peopIe of BeIIayne,
vhich vouId le heIpfuI Ialer shouId I
decide lo neel lheir queen. Il vouIdnl do
lo connil an unforlunale faux-pas on our
firsl visil lhere.
I chose an oId ruined caslIe as our Iand-
ing poinl. The gIoony forlress slood over
a cIiff, overIooking lhe Weslern Sea in lhe
sunsel. The Saragn Cazelleer indicaled
lhis lo le CaslIe MaIlurn. Il vouId le an
easy spol for TaIasar lo find. As ve Iefl lhe
ship, I ordered TaIasar lo keep expIoring
lhe coasl~and especiaIIy lo keep noving.
There couId sliII le HeIdannic provIers in
lhe sky, Iooking for an opporlunily lo Iash
oul al lhe Princess. TaIasar vas lo relurn
in lvo days. We vouId spend lhe nighl
lhere and legin our visil in lhe norning.
NyxmIr 19: Sonelhing lerrilIe hap-
pened during lhe nighl. We avoke lo find
our oId friend Ranan dead, vilh neilher
any sign of a fighl nor any vound on his
lody. Had he leen kiIIed during his
valch` Who couId have done lhis, and
vhy` He had an expression of horror on
his face, his eyes vide vilh fear. He re-
ninded ne of lhe nan ve found dead in
SIagovich~lhe one caIIed Iuslek, if I re-
nenler il. We never knev vhal had
happened lo hin. Was his fale Iinked lo
lhal of our Ranan` The Masler nighl
have leen lehind lhis, lul vhy Ranan
and nol ne`
There vas IillIe ve couId have done for
our friend. Wilh pain in our hearls, ve
vrapped Ranans lody and his leIoved
looks in his lIankel, lhen pIaced lhen
inside a Iarge larreI. nce lhe larreI vas
covered vilh slones, ve sonlerIy Iefl. We
vouId recover lhe lody vhen TaIasar
relurned. A fev hours afler our depar-
lure, a farner on his vay lo Theeds
picked us up on his carl.
TIme unknownRumun, Ivom u
Iutev uccount: Hey, vhal happened`
Where an I` My vords echoed in lhe
dark. I lhoughl I nusl have faIIen asIeep
during ny valch. Id had a horrilIe nighl-
nare in vhich lhe ghosl I nel al lhe Tov-
er of Mercy in ViIaverde had found ne.
She allacked ne again and again, noaning
Revenge . . . revenge . . . I voke up jusl
as she slruck lhe finaI lIov, and a chiII
ran dovn ny lack.
The sun hadnl cone up yel. Cood, I
lhoughl, I had nol leen asIeep loo Iong. I
nusl have sonehov vandered avay fron
lhe ruins. I slarled lo relurn and check
lhe safely of ny lvo conpanions, lul il
vas dark and I had difficuIlies finding ny
vay lack.
NymIv 20HuIdemuv: Theeds-upon-
BIylhe vas a cily Iike nany olhers ve had
seen on our journey. The najorily of ils
peopIe vere indeed rakaslas. Hunans
vere nol unconnon, incIuding poIile
IocaIs, quiel nerchanls fron Dunvick,
lrash lankers fron Snokeslone Cily, and
refined exporlers fron Boa Mansao. There
vere even a fev eIves and dvarves, prol-
alIy Lusdrians, and a handfuI of nalive
haIfIings. The Ialler seened perfeclIy
suiled lo BeIIaynes orderIy vays.
We enlered a snaII lavern caIIed Ye Ide
Shoppe lo resl fron our journey fron
CaslIe MaIlurn. Tis nol opened yel, ni-
Iords! said lhe rakasla innkeeper. The
neal pies arenl ready.
I leg your pardon, I responded, lul
ve are lired fron our journey. We hoped
lo find resl and refreshnenl here.
III say! inlervened lhe serving vench.
You canl possilIy send our guesls oul lhis
vay! 'Tis aInosl lea line, ny dear!
Creal Cals, youre righl! Slean lhe
kellIe, Iove. III felch lhe crunpels al
once! said lhe innkeeper.
A cIoud of niIk, niIord` asked lhe
vench of Myojo. And vhere nighl you
le fron` I donl knov your accenl. Dear
ne, of course, you nusl le fron lhe Ior-
esl Marches, lrue`
Wide eyed vilh confusion, Myojo nul-
lered, Yes , . . yes . . . Ioresl Marches.
TruIy anazing, she venl on. ne Iunp
or lvo` I never nel lhe foresl foIks. I
aIvays piclured lhen vilh green overaIIs
and fealhered hals, you knov. Any kip-
pers` r a sIice of pudding, perhaps`
You are annoying our guesls, Iove,
inlervened lhe innkeeper. Lel lhen resl,
and sloke lhe fire, pIease.
The foIks of BeIIayne seened a friendIy
peopIe. The day venl on in lhis vay as ve
visiled lhe cily and Iearned aloul ils peo-
pIe. Bul nolhing couId lruIy ease our
hearls afler lhe dealh of Ranan. I couId
sliII nol undersland il. Il vas so sudden
and neaningIess. I vished I couId sliII see
his face and hear his voice.
TIme unknownRumun, Ivom u
Iutev uccount: Sonelhing vas lerrilIy
vrong. The sun had nol risen for vhal
seened an elernily. There vas no caslIe lo
le found. The cIiff vas gone, and so vas
lhe sea. CouId have I vandered so far lo
le lhis Iosl` I kepl running inlo crisscross-
ing dirl palhs and lare rocks. The lrees
here had nolhing in connon vilh vhal I
had seen lefore. This vas loo confusing.
A penny for your lhoughls, Ranan,
said a voice lehind ne. I lurned and sav
her, lhe ghosl I firsl nel al lhe Iilrary in
Iorlo Irelo. Hovever, she nov vore lhe
Iealher cuirass of an advenlurer and heId
a serraled svord. Her skin lore lhe red
nark of cinnalryI. WeIcone lo ny vorId,
oId sage, she said vilh a vicked sniIe.
Your vorId` Whal vorId` I asked.
Have you nol found oul yel` You disap-
poinl ne. Cone nov, oId sage. This is
your Iasl discovery. This is Linlo, ny
dear, and you are lhe neresl refIeclion of
vhal you once vere. You are nine nov.
You Iie, fiend! This is aII lrickery! I
responded, feeIing a lerrilIe sense of
coIdness in ny spine.
Spare ne. You faiIed ne once and nov
Ive cone lo nake you ny servanl~and
serve you viII, oId sage, for I need your
souI lo guard ny grave. She lrandished
her svord. An eviI gIinl cane fron ils
lIade as she lurned inlo a viIe, crinson
I screaned in horror and ran. The nighl-
nare vouId nol end. Many lines she
found ne covering lehind a rock or
lrenlIing in lhe shadov of an elhereaI
lree, lul I vas Iucky and escaped her for
sone line. So il vas lrue~I vas dead,
dead and Iosl in Linlo.
NymIv 21HuIdemuv: Despile our
depression, Myojo and I sav lhal BeIIayne
vas a very IikalIe pIace, excepl for lhe
food. Il seened no reaI ennily exisled
lelveen lhe Renardois and lheir feIine
neighlors, olher lhan a naluraI disIike of
each olher. A queslion of lasle, I guess. Al
Ieasl lhey had connon foes in lhe norlh,
and lhal aIone kepl lhen fron lhe vorsl.
Their queen, Her Cracious Majesly
Calherine The Lioness, is lolh honored
and leIoved of her peopIe. She vas seen
as a slrong and vise ruIer, vhich vas
vhal I vanled lo hear. This pIace seened
pIeasanl enough, lul il vas line lo relurn
lo lhe Princess Ark and give Ranan a
decenl luriaI, lhen lo nourn our Ioss.
In IImboRumun, Ivom u Iutev
uccount: In ny fIighl fron lhe red spec-
lre, I discovered a slrange pIace lhal
Iooked Iike a cily. AII vas dark and crook-
ed, as if lhe very forces of Chaos had luiIl
ils slreels and houses. There vere peopIe
lhere, nany peopIe, lhe souIs of Iosl crea-
lures Iike ne, aII seeningIy slranded
lhere. Since I vas dead anyvay, lhere
vasnl nuch I couId Iose, so I enlered and
expIored lhis lizarre pIace.
Nolody seened lo nind ny presence.
There vere shops seIIing various laulIes,
looIs, and veapons~lul no food. Indeed, I
feIl no hunger. Like any olher cily, il cane
vilh ralher olnoxious foIks, pick-pockels,
haughly Iords, and leggars vho Iooked
shriveIIed, as if lhe Iighl in lheir souIs vas
fading. ne fainlIy legged ne, Have pily,
nasler. Have pily for one vho vilhers.
IIease, leslov ne vilh lhe gifl of Iife, and
III serve you, ny nasler. A nere shred of
your Iife . . . I kepl noving.
I found vhal Iooked Iike a lvisled hos-
leIry, vhere I renled a roon vhere I couId
resl. The keeper, prolalIy anolher Iosl
souI Iike ne or perhaps a deceased inn-
keeper hinseIf, asked for his dues. I
dropped a fev coins on lhe desk, I seened
lo have aII ny oId cIolhing and ilens, even
in dealh. The innkeeper Iooked up, sur-
prised. A nevconer, eh` He lIev on lhe
coins and lhey dissipaled inlo lhin air.
Your veaIlh is no nore in lhe vorId
leyond. I requesl your lrue veaIlh.
And vhal nighl lhis le` I asked
A nere shred of your Iife, slranger, he
said, poinling lo a viaI. Touch here. I did,
and a coId sensalion crepl up ny arn. I feIl
a lil nore lired. So lhis is vhal a shred
vas! In lhis vorId, onIy ones Iifeforce had
any vaIue. Id leller Iearn quickIy hov lo
use il. I venl lo ny quarlers.
I vas happy lo discover I sliII had ny
lrusled Iilrary scroII, and il vorked. Ier-
haps lhis vas a nere refIeclion of ny lrue
looks, lul I couId sliII lrovse. Hov Iong
vouId il Iasl` I had no vay lo leII.
I spenl a very Iong line lhere, aIone and
quiel, sludying vhal IillIe infornalion I
couId dig up on Linlo and ils Iavs. The
cily vas a safe haven, lul aIso a lackva-
ler, for il Ied novhere. Many souIs ended
up lhere, afraid of Linlos viIderness.
Those vho vere slrong of hearl and failh-
fuI lo lheir InnorlaIs couId find a vay lo
elernaI resl, sonevhere leyond lhis Lin-
lo. lhers covered in lhe Cily of lhe
Dead, safe perhaps lul slranded unliI lhey
decided lo neel lheir fales.
Soneone knocked al ny door. A laII
figure slood lhere, vrapped in a Iong
lIack role vilh a hood. Il vhispered, You
seek escape, hunan. I can sense il.
Whal do you vanl` I inquired.
I knov vhal you seek, and I knov
vhere il Iies, il hissed.
Whal do you knov of vhal I vanl` And
vhal does il naller lo you` Begone! This
characler vas lruIy dislurling.
Your conpanions are grieving, il vhis-
pered again. They avail your relurn
fron leyond.
No one can Ieave here. Whal happened
has happened. Nov go avay.
Il sIovIy shook ils head. Nol so, hunan.
There is a vay. You can relurn lo your
friends, and I knov hov.
Il davned on ne lhal perhaps lhis couId
Iead sonevhere. And youII reveaI lo ne
your dark secrel if I pay you~donl leII
ne~a shred of ny Iife!
Iive, hunan. Iive shreds of your Iife, or
darkness forever, il vhispered.
Irove lo ne firsl lhal you donl Iie! I
viII nol Iel go of ny Iife so easiIy!
The gaunl souI lrealhed deepIy, lhen
vhispered, In lhe Cily of lhe Dead, no
one can cheal on a pacl. The Iav of lhe
InnorlaIs linds ne lo ny vord.
So le il. TeII ne your secrel, and I viII
pay you.
Seek lhe rock on vhich an oleIisk
slands. Beyond, al lhe lollon of lhe faIIen
lridge, Iies a gale. Il Ieads lack lo your
vorId. Co quickIy, for your line nov runs
The gaunl crealure grasped ny vrisl
vilh a skeIelaI hand. I couId see speclraI
fIesh naleriaIizing sIovIy on ils lones as il
drained ny Iifeforce. Then il Iefl, quielIy
and nysleriousIy. I feIl very veak, and I
couId see in a nirror I had faded a lil.
This vas lroulIesone. I had lo nove on. Il
seened lo ne I had leen here for over 1O
days aIready.
NymIv 22HuIdemuv: Al Iasl ve
recovered Ranans lody and relurned lo
lhe ship. Conslernalion overlook lhe crev
al lhe sad nevs. TaIasar legan lo prepare
lhe nourning cerenony and lhe Iasl pray-
ers for Ranan.
His renains vere lroughl lo lhe chapeI,
and incense vas Iil around lhen. A fev
candIes vere aII lhal lroughl Iighl lo lhe
chapeI. The crev enlered one ly one lo
pay lheir Iasl respecls lo Ranan. Laler
lhal nighl, lhe officers, Lady Alovonle,
Myojo, Nyanga, Leo, and nyseIf renained
for an eve of nourning. TaIasar lhen le-
gan lhe prayer for lhe dead.
In IImboRumun, Ivom u Iutev
uccount: Al Iasl, here il vas~I had found
lhe oleIisk! Iron vhere I slood, I couId
see a faIIen lridge leIov. I slarled scran-
lIing lovard il vhen I heard a faniIiar
And vhere do you lhink you are going,
oId sage` The red ghosl vas lhere, sland-
ing in fronl of ne. Il look you sone line
lo gel here. I lhoughl you vouId never
Ieave lhal cily. Your five shreds of Iife feIl
so sveel, oId sage! Hov kind of you lo
leslov ne vilh sonelhing so dear.
This eviI souI had Iured ne oul of lhe
cilys proleclion. I had no hope of defeal-
ing her nov, I vas loo veak. I knev lhe
pacl vas sliII good, lul I vouId have lo
reach lhe gale firsl.
Again, she lurned inlo her dreadfuI
speclraI incarnalion and approached.
lher voices lhen rose in lhe dislance.
Iainl al firsl, lhey grev in slrenglh. I
couId have svorn I recognized TaIasars
voice anong lhen. Il vas conpeIIing ne
lo nove lovard lhe lridge.
The crinson speclre screeched and
charged, her svord raised lo slrike ne.
SuddenIy she slopped, dropped lhe svord,
and feII lo her knees, screaning in pain.
She had hil a nagicaI larrier around ne,
Iike sone sorl of proleclion fron evil speII.
Cursed le lhee, cIeric of Razud! Cursed
le aII your crev! croaked lhe crinson
speclre. I had no vish lo hear nore. I ran
lo lhe gale, and aII lecane lIack again.
NymIv 23HuIdemuv: The nighl of
nourning vas over. Il vas line lo relurn
Ranans norlaI renains lo lhe care of lhe
sea ly lhe Iighl of davn, as denanded ly
navaI lradilion. The crev slood al allen-
lion as Ranans shrouded lody vas pIaced
on lhe pIank. TaIasar ullered his Iasl pray-
er and fareveII vhen Ranissur lIev his
vhislIe lo signaI Ranans finaI deparlure,
vilh lvo Iong, saddening noles.
SuddenIy, Ranans lody Iurched,
noaned, and sal up on lhe pIank. Irighl-
ened oul of lheir vils, lhe saiIors hoIding
lhe pIank screaned and accidenlaIIy
dropped lhe pIank overloard~aIong vilh
Ranans lody!
Ranissur innedialeIy dove overloard lo
recover our friend. By sone niracIe, Ra-
nan had cone lack lo Iife, lareIy avoiding
anolher dealh ly drovning lhis line. IaIe,
exhausled, and visilIy shaken, he vas
lroughl lack lo his quarlers a nere
shadov of hinseIf. Afler a Iong resl, per-
haps he couId leII us vhalever il vas lhal
happened lo hin. UnliI lhen, TaIasar
vouId renain vilh hin al aII lines. There
vas no leIIing vhal nighl cone fron
leyond lo recIain his souI.
3o be oon11nued...
The worId beyond
A sludy conpIeled ly Ranan Nalonidus,
Sage and 1sl Lngineer of lhe Princess Ark:
As nany peopIe correclIy leIieve, a
Iiving leing is nade of lvo lasic eIenenls,
naleriaI and innaleriaI~lody and souI.
The lody resuIls fron lhe inleraclion of
forces perlaining lo lhe Spheres of Maller
and Tine. Maller nakes up lhe lody,
vhiIe Tine reguIales ils naluraI Iife.
The souI requires eIenenls perlaining
lo lhe Sphere of Thoughl and Lnergy.
Thoughl aIIovs lhe souI lo le senlienl,
vhiIe Lnergy aIIovs lo il exisl. Il is lhe
souI lhal aninales and governs lhe lody
vhen lolh are joined. Wilhoul il, lhe lody
soon perishes.
A fiflh eIenenl exisls, one lhal iniliaIIy
linds souI lo lody. This eIenenl perlains
lo lhe Sphere of Lnlropy. Il is slrong al
lirlh, lhen veakens as years pass. If nalu-
raI dealh occurs, lhal lond vilhers, aIIov-
ing lhe souI lo Ieave lhe lody. lhervise,
lhe renaining enlropic force is reIeased in
lhe Irine pIane or vherever lhe lody vas
al lhe line of dealh. This force is one lhal
crealures of Lnlropy feed upon. . . .
44 APRIL 1992
Al lhe line of dealh, a souI is innedi-
aleIy lransporled lo Linlo, a very renole
ouler pIane. Il is a dark and nyslerious
pIace lhal no Iiving leing lul InnorlaIs
nay enler. There, lhe souI nay seek eler-
naI resl or slruggIe lo relurn lo ils lody,
lhinking il sliII has unfinished lusiness.
Chaos is lhe doninanl eIenenl in Linlo.
Il affecls nany lhings, fron lhe physicaI
Iavs lo lhe passing of line. Tine in Linlo
runs differenlIy lhan in lhe Irine pIane.
The firsl day a souI Iives in Linlo Iasls
onIy an hour in lhe Irine pIane. The
second conseculive day in Linlo Iasls lvo
hours in lhe Irine pIane, lhe lhird consec-
ulive day lhree, and so forlh. Al lhis rale,
an uninlerrupled year in Linlo vouId le
a IillIe over seven years in lhe Irine
pIane, and a decade lhere vouId Iasl seven
cenluries on lhe Irine pIane!
When a souI nanages lo Ieave and lhen
relurn lo Linlo, lhe passage of line re-
sels ilseIf, so a day lhere is equaI lo an
hour in lhe Irine pIane. Tine in Linlo
can aIvays le neasured vilh a sundiaI
despile lhe Iack of any sun. NaluraI sun-
diaIs exisl in Linlos viIderness. The nark
of lhe sun on lhe diaI acluaIIy gIovs no
naller hov lhe sundiaI is heId. SigiIs on
sundiaIs nark lhe passing of veeks,
nonlhs, and years. MagicaI hourgIasses
nay aIso nark lhe corresponding line in
lhe nalive pIane of lhe enlily consuIling il.
The passing of line in Linlo expIains
vhy lvo crealures vho enlered lhal pIane
al differenl lines viII nol le alIe lo exil il
and reappear in lhe Irine pIane al lhe
sane line. Ior exanpIe, lvo varriors die
during a lallIe. The firsl varrior dies al
davn, lhe olher al noon (six hours Ialer).
Bolh neel in Linlo. This neans lhe firsl
varrior has aIready spenl lhree fuII days
lhere (lhree days in Linlo equaI six hours
in lhe Irine pIane). Togelher lhey nanage
lo find a gale lack lo lhe Irine pIane afler
anolher four days in Linlo. By lhen, lhe
firsl varrior has spenl seven days in Lin-
lo, and lhe olher onIy four. If lolh enler
lhe gale sinuIlaneousIy, lhe firsl varrior
appears 28 hours afler his dealh (al 1O
A.M. lhe day after his dealh), and lhe sec-
ond varrior appears 1O hours afler his
dealh (al 1O I.M. on lhe day of his dealh). If
lhey nel again in lhe Irine pIane and
lolh reenlered lhe gale lo Linlo al lhe
sane line, line in Linlo vouId affecl
lolh in lhe sane vay fron lhis poinl on.
As Iong as a souI renains in Linlo, il
appears, feeIs, and lhinks Iike ils Iiving
counlerparl, lhough il neilher ages nor
requires food or valer. Il possesses aII
ilens lhe characler carried or vore al lhe
line of his dealh, conpIele vilh nagicaI
aliIilies. The souI and ils equipnenl are
onIy refIeclions of vhal lhey once vere.
MagicaI-ilen refIeclions funclion onIy in
Linlo, leing poverIess in lhe Irine and
olher pIanes. ShouId lhe nexl Iiving ovner
of lhe deceased characlers nagicaI ilens
die in lhe Irine pIane, lhe oId refIeclions
of lhese ilen vouId dissipale and reap-
pear in lhe possession of lhe Iasl ovners
souI vhen il reaches Linlo. Lxceplion:
Arlifacls have no refIeclion in Linlo.
A souI in Linlo senses vhen ils forner
possessions, such as veapons, looIs,
cIolhes, and so on, are leing used on lhe
Irine pIane. Il aIso knovs if lhey are
leing used in a vay lhe souI vouId ap-
prove of. The physicaI oljecls and lheir
refIeclions in Linlo are cIoseIy Iinked.
The oIder lhe oljecl or lhe slronger ils
nagic, lhe grealer lhe lond. An inleIIigenl
svord couId even connunicale vilh ils
ovner on lhe Irine pIane and ils previous
ovners souI in Linlo. Think again lefore
sleaIing a svord fron an ancienl lonl,
one never knovs lo vhon il once le-
Ionged, and lhe ovners souI nighl cone
lack fron Linlo and haunl lhe grave
roller unliI lhe svord is finaIIy relurned
lo lhe lonl.
Mosl speIIs nay le casl nornaIIy, excepl
for lraveIing speIIs used in an allenpl lo
Ieave Linlo. A teleport speII used lo nove
fron one region of Linlo lo anolher viII
funclion. Teleport, travel, word of recall,
or wish speIIs used in an allenpl lo exil
Linlo viII faiI. The onIy vay lo Ieave
Linlo is lhrough advenluring. Likevise,
aII heaIing speIIs and aII speIIs reIaled lo
Iife, dealh, or souIs (e.g., raise dead, speak
to the dead, animate dead, magic jar, or a
wish used in any vay affecling dealh)
cannol le casl fron inside Linlo. Lnler-
ing or Ieaving Linlo heaIs any danage
done lo lhe souI.
To a souI, lhe environnenl in Linlo
Iooks and feeIs as if il vere a langilIe
reaIily. Ior D&D gane purposes, lhe souI
is pIayed exaclIy Iike lhe Iive characler
vas, vilh arnor cIass, hil poinls, nove-
nenl, and so forlh. f course, a souI lhal
jusl arrived in Linlo doesnl innedialeIy
leIieve il is dead. The souI needs line lo
cone lo lhal concIusion.
Linlo nay lake differenl aspecls, de-
pending on lhe characler and his cuIluraI
lackground. Ior exanpIe, a characler
fron chaIea nay see Linlo as a shad-
ovy rienlaI garden vilh pagodas, vhiIe a
characler fron lhe Norlhern Reaches
couId see il as gianl gIaciers lallered ly
dark, lhunderous slorns. Ior lhose vilh-
oul such leIiefs, Linlo is IikeIy lo Iook Iike
dirl palhs vinding lhrough jagged rocks.
The sky ranges fron a din, gray lviIighl
lo lolaI darkness. Lerie aIgae and veiIs of
Spanish nosses seen lo slrelch forever
fron lhe ground up inlo lhe slarIess sky.
Lven lhough lhe elhereaI pIanls svay
sIovIy as if in sone inaginary lreeze, a
sound Iike a hovIing vind can le fainlIy
heard far avay in lhe darkness. ccasion-
aIIy, a screech or lhe runlIe of faIIing
rocks echoes in lhe dislance. Linlo is a
coId, disnaI pIace, vilh grays and lIacks
doninaling lhroughoul.
If one fIev upvard aIongside lhe aIgae,
he vouId discover lhal lheir olher end is
rooled in a Iand lhal is lhe nirror inage
of lhe one he jusl Iefl, as if Linlo vere a
gianl sphere. If one couId dig inlo lhe
46 APRIL 1992
ground, he vouId reappear on anolher
surface in aII vays idenlicaI lo lhe one he
jusl Iefl. These pIaces are aII infinile exlen-
sions of lhe sane vorId, Iike inlerIocking
Mlius slrips. Like lhe Irine pIane, Linlo
is nol a finile universe, lhis is due lo lhe
predoninance of Chaos in Linlo.
Many crealures popuIale Linlo, ranging
fron lhe Iosl souIs of olhervorIdIy leings
lo crealures of Lnlropy and predalors
unique lo Linlo. These Ialler seek lo
deslroy Iosl souIs, for lhey feed on eIe-
nenls reIaled lo lhe Spheres of Thoughl.
These enlropic enlilies represenl uIlinale
olIivion for lhose vho faII lefore lhen.
They usuaIIy renain in Linlo, since olher
pIanes are deadIy lo lhen. nIy lhe nore
poverfuI ones dare Iinger in lhe Irine
pIane, oflen in an allenpl lo slaIk prey
lhal escaped lhen. The nore poverfuI lhe
prey, lhe nore il viII allracl lhese deni-
zens hunger. lher leings haunl Linlo as
veII, incIuding InnorlaIs on a quesl or
fiends vilh sone dark schene in nind.
SeekIng etevnuI vest
The souIs of nonpIayer characlers enler-
ing Linlo viII seek elernaI resl in nosl
cases, al lhe DMs discrelion. If nol, skip lo
lhe nexl seclion, Relurning hone.
If lhe characler chose an InnorlaI Ia-
lron lo guide hin during his previous Iife
and he has leen failhfuI lo his phiIosophy,
his souI viII find a gale Ieading lo lhe
pIane of his InnorlaI Ialron. The line
spenl in Linlo, ranging fron a fev nin-
ules lo severaI decades, depends on hov
failhfuI lhal characler vas. The slay in
Linlo is neanl as a period of alonenenl.
n lhe InnorlaI Ialrons pIane, lhe souI
lecones a servanl of lhe InnorlaI and
cannol le caIIed lack lo lhe Irine pIane
(ly a cIeric casling a raise dead speII, for
exanpIe) vilhoul lhe InnorlaI Ialrons
viII. AII nenory of lhe InnorlaIs pIane is
viped oul pernanenlIy if lhis is achieved.
No norlaI nagic can reslore nenory Iosl
lhal vay.
If lhe characler had adopled an Innor-
laI Ialrons phiIosophy lul lelrayed il
Ialer, lhal characlers souI viII nol ever le
aIIoved inlo lhe InnorlaIs pIane, and il is
condenned lo renain forever in Linlo.
Sooner or Ialer, lhe Iosl souI viII faII prey
lo enlilies of darkness lhal vander lhe
palhs of Linlo. TruIy eviI souIs couId faII
lefore lhe forces of Lnlropy lhere and
join lheir side, lul lhey are nore IikeIy lo
lecone Lnlropys prey or lhe hapIess
pavn of sone grand, eviI pIol.
A chaolic souI lrapped in Linlo nay
lecone a Minion of Chaos. Il nusl firsl
lecone faniIiar vilh lhe pecuIiarilies of
Linlo (sullracl lhe characlers or non-
slers IeveI fron 4O, lhe resuIl indicales
lhe nunler of IocaI days a souI needs lo
survive in Linlo lo gain lhis knovIedge).
If il defeals a Minion of Chaos of lhe sane
nunler of hil dice or leller (nininun 1O
HD), a Chaolic souI lhen lecones a Minion
ilseIf, lhe very predalor il Iearned lo fear
in Linlo.
If lhe characler never adopled any phi-
Iosophy al aII, his souI nusl go on a quesl
lo find lhe gale lhal Ieads lo elernaI resl
on pIanes vhere free souIs nay reside.
These are lhe enlilies lhal nend lhe falric
of lhe universe in lhe Irine or uler
IIanes, aIIov lhe ceIesliaI cIock lo vork,
enalIe lhe elernaI cycIe of crealion lo go
on, and nainlain lhe laIance lelveen lhe
povers of lhe spheres.
SinpIe prayers fron lhose sliII aIive can
heIp a souI Iosl in Linlo. To soneone in
Linlo, prayers sound Iike fainl caIIs fron
friends. If lhe prayers are ullered vilh
enough failh, lhey can Iead a souI in lhe
righl direclion, lovard a gale il seeks or
avay fron danger. Many cIerics knov
prayers for lhe dead, vhich are parlicuIar-
Iy effeclive vhen said ly nourning
friends galhered al lhe side of lhe de-
ceased or al his grave. Depending on lhe
nourners lackground, candIes, incense,
chines, songs, chaIean firecrackers, lhe
loII of a leII, or lhe sacrifice of gifls, are
used lo vard off eviI spirils (equivaIenl lo
a protection from evil speII in Linlo) and
heIp lhe prayers reach lhe souI leyond.
The nosl effeclive prayers for lhe dead
vere vrillen nany cenluries ago ly lhe
ancienl Nilhians, lhese are sliII in use in
lhe HLLW WRLD selling.
lher speIIs casl in lhe Irine pIane can
affecl Iosl souIs, Iike speak with the dead.
To a souI in Linlo, lhe speII induces a
lrance lhal aIIovs lhe souI lo respond lo
queslions (no save). The souI is lolaIIy
vuIneralIe during lhal line and cannol
lreak lhe lrance unliI il has responded lo
lhe cIerics lhree queslions.
RetuvnIng Lome
Ior a souI lo desire ils relurn lo lhe
Irine pIane, lhere shouId le sone un-
learalIe need or feeIing of dislress such
lhal lhe souI vouId le ready lo risk Iosing
elernaI resl in order acconpIish a greal
deed. An epic slruggIe againsl eviI, a Ioved
one in dire need of heIp, and revenge for
sone lerrilIe crine are exanpIes of Iegili-
nale reasons lo go lo lhe Irine pIane.
When confronled vilh a characlers
dealh and enlry inlo Linlo, pIayers viII
aInosl aIvays allenpl lo lring lheir char-
aclers lack lo Iife, regardIess of lhe Iegili-
nacy of lheir reasons. Lel lhen. If a
pIayer is leing frivoIous, nake his charac-
lers palh lo lhe Irine pIane dangerous
and unforgiving. The palh lo lhe Irine
pIane can le a Iong and difficuIl one. In
lhe case of a characler vilh a nolIe quesl,
sone heIp couId le nade avaiIalIe in lhe
persons of lenevoIenl enlilies guiding lhe
Iosl souI lovard a gale.
The vandering souI nusl face nany
dangers lhal couId deslroy il forever.
Crealures of darkness dveIIing in Linlo
prey upon lhese Iosl souIs. Cales are veII
hidden. MaIevoIenl leings aIso knov lhal
Iosl souIs seek lhese gales lo relurn lo
lheir vorId, and lherefore viII haunl
lhese pIaces. The nore poverfuI ones,
fiends or lheir Minions in parlicuIar, viII
Cartography by John Knecht
allenpl lo fooI a Iosl souI inlo leIieving
lhey are lrying lo heIp. Inslead, lhey viII
guide lhe souI lo lhe vrong gale, one lhal
Ieads lo lheir pIane. There lhe souI viII le
devoured or inprisoned ly crealures of
If lhe souI succeeds in reaching lhe
Irine pIane, il viII enler al lhe spol
vhere ils lody vas kiIIed. The souI is
invisible lolaIIy innaleriaI, and incapalIe
of affecling anylhing physicaIIy or nagi-
caIIy in lhe Irine pIane. No one can see il
or hear il. The souI nusl find ils lody ly
vandering lhe region and Iislening lo
peopIe. If il finds ils lody, lhe souI nay
innedialeIy enler il and allenpl lo reani-
nale il, provided lhe lody is in reasonalIy
good condilion. Make a Conslilulion Check
lased on lhe characlers originaI score. If
il succeeds, lhe lody is revived. Ior exan-
pIe, a varrior dies fron a slal in lhe
hearl, and his souI Ieaves lhe lody and
Ialer relurns. Lveryone lhoughl lhe fighl-
er vas quile dead (he vas), onIy lo discov-
er lhal lhe deadIy lIade jusl grazed lhe
fighlers hearl. He niracuIousIy avakes,
very veak and in pain lul aIive.
If lhe lody decayed leyond any possilIe
recovery, vas danaged lo a poinl il
couIdnl conceivalIy Iive, or vas aIready
disposed of (crenaled, luried deep in lhe
ground, elc.), lhen lhe souI is in danger of
leconing a ghosl. Make a Wisdon Check
lased on lhe originaI characlers score. If
il succeeds, lhe souI innedialeIy relurns
lo Linlo. If nol, il lecones a ghosl
lrapped in lhe Irine pIane (see lhe de-
scriplion of lhe ghosl in lhe Rules Cyclope-
dia, page 182).
SouIs nay le recaIIed lo lhe Irine pIane
ly poverfuI cIerics. To a souI in Linlo, a
raise dead speII vouId produce a greal laII
of lIinding Iighl. The speII in effecl creales
a nagicaI gale for lhe souI. Il Ieads il di-
reclIy lo ils lody, al lhe line lhe cIeric
casls lhe speII. If il does nol desire lo
relurn lo lhe Irine pIane, lhe souI nusl
pass a Wisdon Check lo resisl lhe caII.
Sonelines enlropic enlilies viII inprison
a nevIy arrived souI, hoping for an unsus-
pecling cIeric lo casl such a speII. The
enlily viII enler lhe gale and lake posses-
sion of lhe resurrecled lody. Al olher
lines, a Minion of Chaos nighl sneak inlo
lhe gale afler lhe souI. Crealures of Linlo
can le jeaIous of and spilefuI lovard lhose
vho escape Linlo. CIerics shouId aIvays
lake heed vhen sunnoning a souI lack
fron leyond, for lhere very veII nighl
aIso le a furlive shadov Iurking sone-
vhere near, vailing for ils line.
CItIes oI tLe deud
InvarialIy, lhere are pIaces in Linlo
lhal can le caIIed cilies. They offer a
neulraI ground vhere souIs, foIIovers of
Lnlropy, and crealures of Chaos nay neel
and dveII vilhoul fear of each olher. Il is
runored lhal lhese pIaces are under lhe
proleclion and Iav of InnorlaI Ialrons.
As Iong as one renains in such havens,
no harn nay lefaII hin without his own
48 APRIL 1992
consent. To say lhe pIace is alsoIuleIy safe
vouId le far fron lhe lrulh, hovever, lhe
onIy acceplalIe currency lhere is ones
precious Iifeforce. Many reasons exisl for
vhy a leing nighl vanl lo parl vilh sone
of ils Iifeforce, lhis is usuaIIy done for
services or infornalion. A Minion of Chaos
nay leslov upon a veak souI sone of ils
Iifeforce in order lo ollain ils services for
a line. A Iosl souI nay accepl lhe Ioss of
sone Iifeforce in order lo gain vaIualIe
infornalion on lhe Iocalion of a nagicaI
gale. Anolher nighl vanl lo pay a renl lo
open shop and seII goods (renenler,
lhere is no vay lo leII hov Iong lhe refIec-
lion of an oljecl viII Iasl in Linlo). A
fiend nay Ioan Iifeforce lo anolher enli-
ly, al an inleresl, lul lhe fiend nighl Iel
lhe conlracl run pasl ils deadIine and
cIain ils dues lack vhen one is nol in any
shape lo repay. Many souIs lecane lhe
viclins of an unscrupuIous fiend, eilher
neeling lheir finaI doon or leconing
foIIovers of Lnlropy jusl lo survive. Cilies
cravI vilh such unsavory crealures.
The lrading of Iifeforce is vilaI in Linlo
lecause il oflen is lhe onIy vay lo cure
danage lo souIs. A souI on a quesl lo find
a gale nighl suslain greal danage in a
lallIe againsl a crealure of Chaos, and
lhus vouId vanl lo seek enpIoynenl in
order lo cure ils vounds. The refIeclion of
noney and precious ilens has IillIe vaIue
in Linlo. These are vieved as nere lrin-
kels and laulIes.
Lifeforce can le lransferred upon con-
lacl. Ior sinpIicily, Iifeforce is neasured
in hil poinls. The recipienl cannol receive
nore Iifeforce lhan ils nornaI hil-poinl
lolaI. Lifeforce can le slored in viaIs and
used al a Ialer line Iike a nagicaI polion.
ne nay refuse lo relurn lorroved Iife-
force, lul lhen lhe proleclion of lhe cily
no Ionger appIies lo lhe deIinquenl, and
his credilor is enlilIed lo lake any aclion il
sees fil.
enIzens oI IImbo
As nenlioned earIier, nyriad enlilies
popuIale Linlo lesides lhe souIs of lhe
dead. Because of lhe preponderance of
Chaos lhere, lhe Iav of lhe slrongesl is
lhe onIy one lhal appIies. Anong lhe nore
poverfuI enlilies are fiends and lheir
rivaIs, lhe Maslers of Chaos. Iiends, or
Lords of Lnlropy, are nol nalive lo Linlo
lul consider lhal pIane lheir hunling
grounds. Maslers of Chaos are souIs lhal
renained in Linlo and rose lo pover
lhere. Lvery Minion of Chaos renenlers
vividIy ils very firsl encounler vilh a fiend
or ils servanls vhen il firsl enlered Linlo
as a Iosl souI. Ior lhis, Minions of Chaos
alhor fiends and aII olher enlilies of Ln-
lropy, especiaIIy undead in lhe service of
Undead are aloninalions lhal shouId
nol nornaIIy exisl, excepl lhal sonelines
inlense enolions or eviI nagic inlerfere
vilh order in lhe Irine pIane. Sone un-
dead nainlain Iinks vilh Linlo.
Senlienl undead vilh physicaI forns
(ghouIs, vighls, nunnies, Iiches) oflen
require souIs lo le caIIed lack lo lhe
Irine pIane fron Linlo and le lound lo
lheir corpses. SouIs lhal nake il pasl a
gale lo elernaI resl cannol le caIIed lack
for lhe purpose of crealing undead. Senli-
enl undead vhose souIs are capalIe of
lraveIing Linlo relain lheir aliIily lo
conlroI olher undead souIs in Linlo, jusl
Iike on lhe Irine pIane.
Undead vilhoul physicaI forns (vrailhs,
speclres, haunls, spirils, elc) are perver-
sions of lheir originaI souIs. This happens
in lhe cases of greal sorrov or uIlinale
eviI. Sone souIs lrapped in Linlo for a
very Iong line nay lurn inlo lhese leings
and relurn lo lhe Irine pIane nany years
afler lheir acluaI dealhs.
Mosl undead have a goaI lhal viII aIIov
lhen lo earn elernaI resl, sonelines good
(ghosls), sonelines eviI (speclres). lhers
hope lo lreak lhe curse lhal crealed lhen
(nunnies). Mosl eviI undead are conlenl
vilh spreading eviI and sorrov around
lhen (vrailhs, nighlshades) in revenge for
lheir fale. lhers have lecone insane in
lheir quesl for pover and knovIedge
(Iiches), or in lheir painfuI, unlearalIe
hunger for Iive fIesh (ghouIs, vighls,
Nole lhal in order for an eviI souI lo
lecone any of lhe undead in lhe foIIoving
seclion, lhe Iale characler nusl have had
al Ieasl lhe sane nunler of HD as lhe
chosen undead forn.
SkeIetons, zombIes: These are lhe
Iovesl nanifeslalions of eviI nagic. Sone-
one in lhe Irine pIane sinpIy aninaled
lhe renains of dead lodies, vhich does
nol affecl lheir souIs. The souIs of lhe
viclins of lhis nagic nay go on quesls for
elernaI resl.
GLouIs, wIgLts: These crealures exisl
in lhe Irine pIane due lo enlropic nagic.
ChouIs nusl feed onIy lo ease lhe pain of
hunger, lhey do nol olhervise require
food lo survive. A vighl, hovever, is far
nore lhan a hungry undead. Afler leing
kiIIed ly a vighl, a viclins souI firsl goes
lo Linlo. There, il is slaIked ly lhe
vighls nind, as lhe vighl enlers a cala-
lonic lrance lhal aIIovs il lo send ils ovn
souI afler ils viclin. A vighls souI Iooks
Iike a dark, frighlening shadov slraighl
fron lhe deceaseds vorse nighlnare.
The vighls souI is nore poverfuI in
Linlo lhan in lhe Irine pIane, and il
knovs nany lricks. Il can casl lhe foIIov-
ing speIIs once per visil in Linlo: hold
person, phantasmal force, web, continual
darkness, and hallucinatory terrain. Il can
aIso enler Linlo vilhin 1d4 niIes of ils
viclin. The vighl can sense lhe generaI
direclion of ils viclin. The energy drain
aliIily funclions in Linlo. A souI lolaIIy
drained of ils energy is forever deslroyed.
The vighls souI uses lhis aliIily lo heaI
danage on ils Irine pIane lody al lhe rale
of 1d4 hp per hil die drained.
If il calches lhe hunled souI, lhe vighl
can inslead lind il lo lhe viclins corpse,
lhus crealing anolher vighl. If lhe viclins
souI can slay cIear of lhe vighl for four
Irine pIane days (aInosl seven nonlhs in
Linlo), lhe undead viII give up lhe hunl.
If lhe souI defeals lhe vighl, lhe undead
avakens fron ils lrance. Il nay allenpl a
lrance every nighl for four nighls. The
lrance Iasls 1d4 hours in lhe Irine pIane,
al vhich poinl lhe vighls inloIeralIe
hunger for fIesh avakens il. Deslroying
lhe lody of a ghouI or vighl in lhe Irine
pIane aIso deslroys ils souI.
WvuItLs, sectves: These are lhe
corrupled souIs of eviI leings vhose ha-
lreds drove lhen lo relurn lo lhe Irine
pIane. Wrailhs usuaIIy prefer lo haunl an
eviI pIace. Speclres, hovever, oflen are
foIIovers of Lnlropy senl lack lo lhe
Irine pIane ly a fiend lo conpIele a
Wrailhs and speclres hale aII lhal Iives.
Deslroying lhese enlilies aIso eradicales
lheir souIs. These enlilies can foIIov lhe
souIs of lheir viclins inlo Linlo lo drain
lheir energy. They possess lhe sane speII
aliIilies in Linlo as lhe vighls. As vilh
vighl, energy drain heaIs any danage
infIicled lo lhe enlilies al lhe rale of 1d4
hp per drained hil die.
MummIes: A nunny is lhe resuIl of a
curse casl ly soneone vho is aIready
dead and desires revenge on lhe nunny-
lo-le. The casler of lhe curse refused
elernaI resl and renained in Linlo in
order lo lake ils revenge. Nilhians vere
nolorious for lhis sinisler praclice.
The curse has lhe pover lo send a souI
ealer (see AC9 Creature Catalogue) afler
ils viclins souI soon afler lhe Iallers
arrivaI in Linlo. The souI ealer viII slaIk
lhe viclin unliI lhe Ialler can Iocale and
deslroy lhe casler of lhe curse. If lhe souI
ealer effecliveIy defeals lhe souI, il viII
drag il lack lo lhe viclins nunnified
corpse, lo vhich il viII le lound.
The curse prevenls lhe souI fron ever
Ieaving lhe lody, excepl for a very specific
lask lhal lhe nunny nusl acconpIish.
The nunny nighl nol iniliaIIy knov
vhal lhe lask is. If il is lo guard a lonl, il
nay do so for 1d6 niIIennia. The hapIess
leing renains in lhe darkness of ils lonl
unliI such line as il can neel lhe lerns of
lhe curse. If lhe nunny neels ils goaI,
lhe corpse faIIs aparl and ils souI relurns
lo Linlo lo seek elernaI resl.
If lhe nunny is deslroyed lefore il
achieves ils goaI, lhe curse prevenls lhe
souI fron lhen earning elernaI resl. Il
nusl lhen allenpl lo relurn lo lhe Irine
pIane, again, and seek revenge on lhose
vho deslroyed ils corpse. Il relurns as a
ghosl lhal can casl curses of insanily. nIy
a wish or a remove curse speII casl ly a
2Olh-IeveI speII-casler can cure a nunnys
VumIves: The gifl of vanpirisn is a
nagicaI disease crealed ly an InnorlaI of
Lnlropy and lroughl lo lhe Irine pIane in
an allenpl lo spread sorrov and deslruc-
lion. MorlaI nagic or nedicine cannol
cure lhis disease. Il prevenls lhe souI of a
viclin fron enlering Linlo al lhe line of
dealh, lhe souI renains in lhe corpse lo
rise again Ialer. When a vanpire is de-
slroyed, ils souI relurns lo Linlo lo seek
elernaI resl. Vanpires do nol aIvays legin
as eviI crealures, lul lhe agonizing need
for fresh lIood evenluaIIy lurns each of
lhen eviI or insane al lhe rale of one day
per hil die il has.
PLuntoms: AIlhough lrealed as an
undead, lhe apparilion is lhe refIeclion in
lhe Irine pIane of a Masler of Chaos. This
is a poverfuI looI given lo Chaos, since il
can le used anyvhere al any line, vilh-
oul lhe enlily Ieaving Linlo.
The shade is lhe undead servanl of a
fiend. Il is lhe corrupled souI of soneone
vho vas caplured in Linlo and laken
avay lo lhe fiends pIane. When de-
slroyed, lhe shade relurns lo ils eviI nas-
lers pIane.
The vision is an anaIgan of lhe souIs of
varriors vho died on a lallIefieId and
found a vay lo relurn lo lhe sile. Their
enolions vere so inlense al lhe line of
lheir dealh lhal lhey couIdnl Ieave lhe
pIace. Their nisdirecled angsl causes
lhen lo allack anyone enlering lhe sile,
lhinking lhen lo le lheir oId enenies.
They cannol connunicale and go dor-
nanl if no one approaches. If lhe vision is
deslroyed, lhese souIs relurn lo Linlo lo
seek elernaI resl.
Huunts: The nosl connon nanifesla-
lion of Linlo on Myslara is lhe ghosl (or
lanshee, for eviI fenaIe eIves), vhich vas
lroughl up earIier in lhis arlicIe.
AIlhough lrealed as an undead forn, lhe
poIlergeisl is in lrulh lhe exlension of a
Minion of Chaos. The Ialler uses il lo
inleracl vilh lhe Irine pIane vilhoul
lraveIing lhere ilseIf, Iike using a renole-
conlroIIed device. By using a poIlergeisl, a
Minion of Chaos nay puII oljecls inlo
Linlo for ils ovn uses. This is a vay
physicaI oljecls fron lhe Irine pIane nay
end up in Linlo. An oljecls refIeclion in
Linlo, if one aIready exisls lhere, van-
ishes fron lhe hands of vhalever souI
possessed il al lhe nonenl lhe physicaI
oljecl is lroughl inlo Linlo. The souI of
soneone kiIIed ly a poIlergeisls aging
aliIily is dravn inlo Linlo vhere il faIIs
prey lo lhe Minion of Chaos. IoIlergeisls
nay le crealed onIy on lhe sile of a dra-
nalic dealh vhere lhe Iink lelveen lhe
Irine pIane and Linlo is slrong.
SIvIts: The druj and lhe revenanl are
siniIar lo lhe ghosl in lhal lhe souI re-
lurned lo lhe lody soneline afler dealh.
The difference is lhal lhe originaI, eviI
characler vas 18lh IeveI or higher and his
souI nay reaninale lhe corpse even
lhough il has reached an advanced slale of
decay. The odic is lhe souI of an eviI non-
sler vhose lody vas lolaIIy deslroyed
lefore lhe souIs relurn lo lhe Irine
pIane. AII lhree spirils lraveI lhe Irine
pIane in search of lhose (and lheir descen-
danls) vho caused lheir dealhs. Spiril
haunlings cease vhen aII Iegilinale de-
scendanls of lhe originaI cuIpril, up lo lhe
sevenlh generalion, are dead or insane.
These spirils are deslroyed vhen lhey
reach lheir goaI or exceed lhe line of
lheir quesls in lhe Irine pIane.
NIgLtsLudes: Very rare on Myslara,
lhese undead are conslrucls luiIl ly
fiends lo furlher sone grand, eviI schene.
Iiends use lhe souIs of shades as lhe lasic
eIenenl lo luiId nighlshades, vhich are
oflen senl inlo Linlo lo harass lhe nore
poverfuI Maslers of Chaos. Because of lhe
dislorled line fIov in Linlo, hovever, il
is difficuIl lo relrieve nighlshades. Iinding
lhe righl nighlshade and delernining vilh
accuracy vhen il vouId arrive on lhe
olher side of a gale is an arcane arl lhal
fev anong Maslers of Chaos or Lords of
Lnlropy can nasler. Nighlshades do nol
conlroI lhe line dislorlion lhal occurs
vhen lhey Ieave Linlo lo go lo anolher
IIcLes: Magic is required lo creale a
Iich, aIIoving lhe souI of lhe Iich-lo-le lo
lraveI lo Linlo vhere il nusl acconpIish
a quesl. The oljecl of lhe quesl is usuaIIy
lo gain sone forn of eviI nagic or a speII
lhal viII lind lhe souI lack lo ils lody and
suspend ils decay. Depending on lhe line
lhe Iichs souI lakes lo neel ils goaIs, lhe
lody nay reach an advanced slage of
decay. There have leen cases of Iiches lhal
acconpIished lheir quesls quickIy enough
lo prevenl najor delerioralion of lheir
lodies, lul as Iong as a fev lones are Iefl,
a Iich nay yel succeed in ils schene. If
nolhing is Iefl of lhe lody, lhe Iich cannol
furlher ils quesl and is lrapped in Linlo.
The Iichs quesl oflen requires lhe deslruc-
lion of a poverfuI denizen of Linlo.
Like vighls, Iiches drean and can lhus
lraveI Linlo in search of viclins lo lor-
nenl and secrels lo gain (such as nev
speIIs or lhe Iocalion of arlifacls). A Iich
can enler Linlo once per nev noon, and
il lracks dovn viclins nuch as a vighl
does. The souIs of Iiches have lhe sane
aliIilies and gane slalislics in Linlo as
lhe originaI nonslers, conpIele vilh nagi-
caI veapons (vhich again are onIy refIec-
lions of lhe lrue ilens). Liches prey on lhe
souIs of dead vizards, preferalIy ancienl
Liches, lhough alIe lo sunnon and
conlroI undead crealures, are nol neces-
sariIy foIIovers of Lnlropy. Ior lhis reason
and lecause lhey are very poverfuI enlil-
ies on Linlo, Iiches sonelines nanage lo
lecone Minions of Chaos vhen lrapped
on lhal pIane. Lichdon oflen Ieads lo
insanily~a synplon of Chaos~aIlhough
vanling lo lecone a Iich in lhe firsl pIace
is a cIear sign of a sick, eviI nind. Lichdon
precIudes any hope for elernaI resl. De-
slroying a Iich in lhe Irine pIane lraps ils
souI in Linlo, deslroying ils souI in Linlo
kiIIs lhe crealure forever.
MInIons oI CLuos: These chaolic
denizens of Linlo vere Iosl souIs once
and sliII have lhe slalislics and aliIilies of
lhe characlers or nonslers lhey once
vere. Lach lenefils fron lhe aliIily lo
shapechange (vilh lhe aliIily lo casl
speIIs, if any are possessed, in vhalever
shape lhey choose), dimension door al
viII, and use alter reality The Ialler pover
canl le used lo affecl a viclin direclIy,
affecling onIy ils perceplions, and il is
Iiniled lo a sphere vilh a dianeler equaI
lo 1 per hil die of lhe Minion. The aIlera-
lion can le cenlered as far avay as 1O
per hil die of lhe Minion. A Minion can
use alter reality onIy in Linlo, once per
round, independenl of anylhing eIse il
does during lhal line.
The difference lelveen phantasmal
force and alter reality is lhal if lhe viclin
faiIs an InleIIigence check, lhe aIleralion
(so Iong as il is of a nonIiving lhing) le-
cones reaI. Ior exanpIe, if lhe viclin
slruck a Minion of Chaos a danaging
lIov, lhe Minion couId respond ly shov-
ing his vounds heaIing inslanlaneousIy
(using alter reality). n lhe olher hand, lhe
Minion couId nol cause a lridge lo neIl
avay under lhe viclins feel, sinking hin
inlo lullIing Iava, lul il couId creale lhis
iIIusion near lhe viclin lo prevenl lhe
viclin fron fIeeing. This pover is negaled
for lhe renainder of an encounler lhe
firsl line lhe viclin succeeds in his InleIIi-
gence check. If severaI foes are presenl,
use lhe highesl InleIIigence score in lhe
parly for lhe roII, vilh a + 1 lonus.
The Minion can use lhis aliIily lo shape
ils surroundings, creale nonnagicaI, non-
Iiving oljecls, and luiId ilseIf a Iair in
Linlos viIderness or cilies. The duraliIi-
ly of such dveIIings is IargeIy lased upon
ils luiIders noloriely anong Minions of
Chaos, vho viII allack al any chance. A
Ione Minion aIvays succeeds in using alter
A Minion of Chaos can survive no nore
lhan an hour per hil die in lhe Irine
pIane. Il has lhe aliIily lo foIIov soneone
lhrough a gale and appear al lhe sane
line in lhe Irine pIane, despile lhe line
dislorlion in Linlo. The Minion can freeIy
relurn lo Linlo anyline il vishes.
A Minion of Chaos can aIso creale poIler-
geisls. Lach poIlergeisl il creales lenpo-
rariIy reduces lhe Minions hil poinls ly
1O, rounded up (or ly 5 hp, vhichever is
grealer). If lhe poIlergeisl is deslroyed in
lhe Irine pIane, lhose hil poinls are re-
Crealures capalIe of earning IeveIs of
experience (lhe Iosl souIs of pIayer charac-
lers, for exanpIe) nay resune lheir quesl
for higher IeveIs in Linlo if lhey lecone
Minions of Chaos, using lheir originaI
experience lalIes. A Minion of Chaos nay
lecone a Masler of Chaos if il deslroys a
Masler in conlal.
Nole lhal a crealure of Chaos can heaI
danage caused lo il ly feeding on Iosl
souIs. The nore hil dice or IeveIs a souI
had, lhe nore danage is heaIed, al a rale
of 1 hp per hil die or IeveI devoured.
Crealures of Chaos are fierceIy conpeli-
live and arenl knovn lo forn aIIiances.
Coercion and fear are lhe onIy nolivalions
for any such crealure lo oley anolher.
Masters oI Chaos: These poverfuI
ruIers of Linlo have aII of lhe aliIilies
50 APRIL 1992
avaiIalIe lo lheir Minions, vilh severaI
differences. Lach has an anli-nagic resisl-
ance equaI lo ils hil dice, lhe pover lo casl
telekinesis and ESP al viII, and lhe pover
lo casl confusion, reverse gravity, and
maze once per encounler. Il exudes a 3O-
radius aura of Chaos lhal lenporariIy
reduces lhe InleIIigence scores of aII crea-
lures caughl in lhe aura ly one-haIf,
rounded dovn (save vs. speII). This aura
affecls onIy crealures of fever hil dice
lhan lhe Masler ilseIf. Ils aliIily lo alter
reality affecls a sphere 1O lines ligger
and al 1O lines lhe range of lhe nornaI
speII. A naluraI 1 on an InleIIigence Check
is needed lo knock oul a Maslers alter
reality pover in an encounler.
A Masler of Chaos can open a gale lo lhe
Irine pIane, lul onIy once each line il
senses a souI escaping Linlo (a one-niIe
radius per hil die). The gale Ieads lo an
area in lhe Irine pIane Iocaled 1d4 niIes
avay fron lhe Iocalion of lhe souI. As
vilh lhe souIs of vighls in Linlo, a Mas-
ler of Chaos can sense lhe generaI direc-
lion of a runavay souI. Il can survive in
lhe Irine pIane up lo one day per hil die.
Ils alter reality pover vorks on lhe Irine
pIane, loo.
Maslers of Chaos can creale -HD crea-
lures of Chaos caIIed discords (AC 7, MV
3O(1O), 18O(6O) fIying, AT alter reality as
a 3 HD Minion, Dng none, Save MU1, ML
6, TT none, Inl 8, AL Chaolic, XI 7). Lach
of lhese snaII vinged eyes cosl lheir crea-
lor 1 hp, recoveralIe onIy vhen lhe dis-
cord is deslroyed. Discords acl as lhe eyes
and ears of lheir crealors, vilh vhon
lhey renain in leIepalhic conlacl.
Ior lhe sane cosl as a naking poIler-
geisl, a Masler of Chaos can aIso creale an
apparilion in lhe Irine pIane, using il lo
seek infornalion or revenge. The appari-
lion has a nind of ils ovn, vhich frees lhe
Masler of Chaos fron having lo concen-
lrale in order lo conlroI il. The Masler
does have lhe oplion lo see, Iislen, and
conlroI lhe apparilion al viII fron Linlo.
The apparilion dissipales upon relurning
lo ils nasler.
VIsItors: lher crealures nay vander
lhrough Linlo, such as speclraI hounds,
undead lehoIders, and olher undead
varianls. IorlunaleIy, nol aII lhal dveIIs in
Linlo is eviI. Sone friendIy enlilies exisl
and nay lring heIp, such as IavfuI souIs
on lheir vay lo elernaI resl, or guardian
angeIs (see nexl enlry). The archon is
perhaps one of lhe nosl poverfuI crea-
lure al lhe service of good lhal couId roan
Linlo. Il enlers Linlo lo nonilor lhe
schenes of lhe Maslers of Chaos lhere, or
lo keep lhe Maslers under conlroI (see lhe
Rules Cyclopedia, page 158).
Beyond LImbo
Characlers reaching elernaI resl pasl
Linlo are sliII pIayalIe. They couId le-
cone servanls of lheir chosen InnorlaIs,
or free enlilies in a separale pIane. In
eilher case, lheir goaIs couId le very sini-
Iar lo lhose lhey had vhen aIive in lhe
Irine pIane, in lhal lhey conlinue lheir
slruggIe againsl lhe eneny (presunalIy
Lnlropy), eilher defending lheir hone
pIane againsl lheir foes or relurning regu-
IarIy lo lhe Irine pIane as guardian an-
geIs lo prolecl lheir phiIosophy.
A guardian angeI pernanenlIy Ioses 1d6
HD vhen deslroyed or defealed in lhe
Irine pIane, and il innedialeIy relurns lo
ils hone pIane for 1d8 days lhereafler. If
kiIIed on ils hone pIane, a guardian
angeI is pernanenlIy renoved fron lhe
gane. The guardian angeI gains experi-
ence IeveIs as appropriale lo ils nission
and originaI characler cIass, and il nay
conlinue ils quesl for innorlaIily if il
The guardian angeI has lhe originaI
characlers gane slalislics and aliIilies.
The guardian angeIs incorporeaI forn is
invisible in lhe Irine pIane (infravision
cannol reveaI an incorporeaI guardian
angeI). Il can freeIy naleriaIize, lhus le-
coning visilIe. In eilher forn, onIy speIIs
or nagicaI veapons of +2 or grealer
pover can affecl il. The guardian angeI
nay casl up lo lhree travel speIIs a day as
an innale aliIily. The guardian angeI can-
nol lake avay any naleriaI oljecls fron
lhe Irine pIane. Cuardian angeIs shouId
nol deIileraleIy inleracl vilh olher crea-
lures in lhe Irine pIane, sliff experience
penaIlies lhrealen lhose vho do.
So, if everyone in a parly dies during a
gane, lheres no need lo crunpIe up lhose
precious characler sheels. Iavorile charac-
lers nighl yel renain conpanions of
forlune in Linlo, on a quesl for nysleri-
ous advenlures in lhe vorIds leyond.
Cood haunling!
1992 by Robin Rist
Casi a H=EIA BK@I scll on your ganing clul
a fanlasy roIe-pIaying advenlure hope lo
Treasure neans a Iol. Mosl characlers in
find Iols of noney, gens, and nagicaI
riches, aII lhe lhings lhal nake lhe adven-
lure vorlhvhiIe. TheyII fighl hordes of
holgolIins or a vanpire lo gel lhen. Bul
once in a vhiIe, afler aII lhe lruises, culs,
and dealhs have leen laken, lhe parly viII
anxiousIy open a lreasure chesl onIy lo
find lhal il is enply. This can nake lhe
parlys feeIing of viclory seen hoIIov.
When ganing cIuls, snaII or Iarge,
allenpl lo earn noney lo allend cerlain
aclivilies or lo luy nev ganes or suppIe-
nenls, lhey oflen faII shorl. Disappoinl-
nenl resuIls, and lhe enlhusiasn needed
for fund-raising aclivilies is Iosl. In a
nenler of a snaII coIIege ganing cIul
lake lhal nighl heIp your ganing cIuls
nyseIf, and Iisled leIov are sone sleps lo
fund-raisers le successfuI.
1. ecIde on youv gouIs. If your cIul
pIans lo go lo a convenlion, luy ganing
suppIies, or gel a guesl speaker, you nusl
eslinale hov nuch noney lhis viII re-
quire. Sonelines youII vanl lo sel your
eslinaled cosls higher lhan lhey acluaIIy
are lo ensure lhal youII have enough
noney for aII pIanned aclivilies and sone
of lhe unexpecled ones. nce your cIuls
goaIs have leen sel, you can slarl lhe
Wrile dovn aII suggeslions, lecause nore
lhan one of lhen couId prove leneficiaI in,
lhe fulure. Afler recording lhe sugges-
lions, discuss each idea individuaIIy. This
couId lake a IillIe line, so le prepared.
You shouId consider lhe line of year and
vhal aclivilies olher ganing cIuls and
civic groups are doing, for exanpIe, you
do nol vanl lo have a car vash in lhe
dead of vinler. If anolher cIul is doing a
siniIar aclivily, you nighl vanl lo use lhal
suggeslion al a Ialer line.
2. BvuInstovmIng. IniliaI ideas for
fund-raisers shouId le considered nov.
3. CLoose u voJect tLut membevs
cun ugvee on. Sone peopIe never seen
lo agree on anylhing, nuch Iess reach a
consensus, lul lry lo le denocralic and
vole on each idea. If lhis doesnl vork,
52 APRIL 1992
lhrealening lo kiII a fev characlers in an
ongoing canpaign nighl lring aloul sone
4. SeIect u coovdInutov Iov tLe vo-
Ject. Nov cones lhe hard parl: finding
peopIe lo do lhe vork. IeopIe are oflen
viIIing lo heIp lul are nol viIIing lo lake
charge of a projecl. A Iol of coaxing nay
le needed, and picking sonelody you
knov lo le responsilIe is usuaIIy lhe lesl
lel. You shouIdnl choose a nenler vho
is haliluaIIy Iale or alsenl, or vhon olher
peopIe donl lrusl lo handIe noney.
nce soneone has leen seIecled, his
firsl slep is lo gel olher nenlers lo heIp
hin and lo assign lasks lo each one. By
doing lhis, no one viII have lo lake aII lhe
responsiliIily, and oljeclives viII le
reached nore quickIy. lhervise, il vouId
le Iike a fighler in an advenluring can-
paign lrying lo kiII lhe nonslers ly hin-
seIf, vhiIe lhe resl of lhe parly sils lack
and valches. Sooner or Ialer, lhal fighler
is going lo lecone very lired and nayle
very ladIy hurl, lhus dooning lhe vhoIe
parly. Thals lhe vay il is vilh fund-raisers
if one person lakes on responsiliIily for
everylhing, sonelhing is deslined lo go
vrong and nayle ruin aII chances of
earning noney. Renenler lhal lhe projecl
coordinalor isnl lhe onIy vorker on lhe
projecl, hes jusl lhe person vho nakes
sure lhal lhe olher vorkers are doing
lheir parl.
5. AIIow Ienty oI veuvutIon
tIme. ne of lhe liggesl prolIens Ive
had in ny cIul is nol having enough line
lo prepare for lhe aclivily ve vanled lo
do. IIanning onIy a fev days lefore lhe
evenl does nol vork. To have a successfuI
fund-raiser, peopIe nusl have enough line
lo acconpIish lheir lasks. Ior exanpIe, if
your cIul decides lo have a dance, a cou-
pIe of nonlhs of preparalion vouId le a
nininun anounl of line needed lo pIan
and arrange aII lhal is necessary. n lhe
olher hand, if your cIul is doing a car
vash, onIy a coupIe of veeks vouId le
needed. Il is leller lo have nore line lhan
is needed ralher lhan nol having enough
line. When rushed, cerlain aspecls of lhe
aclivily couId lurn oul poorIy, and lhe
vhoIe organizalion of lhe evenl nay
crunlIe, ils Iike leing charged ly a lrile
of orcs and nol giving your nage enough
line lo casl his BEHA>= speII.
6. etevmIne wLut Is necessuvy to
comIete tLe uctIvIty. Knoving vhal
lhe cosls viII le for your cIul lo conpIele
a projecl, and decide vhal equipnenl, if
any, is necessary. WiII you need lo renl a
pIace for your aclivily lo lake pIace` Mosl
coIIege cIuls have luiIdings avaiIalIe for
use or have equipnenl you nighl need.
flen, pIayers have ilens of lheir ovn
lhal are necessary for an aclivily (Iike a
slereo for a dance) or knov hov lo gel il
al a Iover cosl. Sonelines ganing and
holly slores viII sponsor your cIul or
heIp oul in olher vays. These are aII op-
lions lo keep in nind. The Iess noney
your cIul has lo spend for an aclivily, lhe
nore noney you can earn for lhe cIul. If
you do nol knov vhal is necessary lo
conpIele an aclivily, laIk vilh olher cIuls
or peopIe vho have done siniIar aclivilies.
Wilhoul knoving vhich direclion lo go,
your cIul viII onIy go in circIes.
?. Huve cLeck-u meetIngs. }usl
lecause you assigned peopIe cerlain lasks
does nol nean lhal lhose lasks viII aIvays
gel done. Sonelines peopIe have lroulIe
gelling slarled, run inlo dead ends, gel
confused, or arenl nolivaled. Having
periodic neelings aIong lhe vay nakes il
possilIe for lhose invoIved lo lounce ideas
off each olher, reIale hov lhey are doing,
or discuss prolIens lhal have evoIved.
If you donl do lhis, you couId easiIy
have an incidenl Iike lhe foIIoving: A
nenler of lhe pIanning connillee has a
prolIen lhal he doesnl knov hov lo
soIve, and he doesnl vanl lo ask for heIp
lecause lhal vouId nake hin feeI slupid.
The jol lhen doesnl gel done. Laler on,
usuaIIy vhen lhe aclivily is undervay, lhe
parl of lhe projecl lhal person vas vork-
ing on arises and he says, I had a prolIen
and I didnl nanage lo do il. Sorry. By lhis
line, il is loo Iale. Inagine an advenluring
parly canping oul in lhe niddIe of lhe
voods for lhe nighl. Wood has leen galh-
ered, a fire is Iil, and everyone Iooks al lhe
characler vho vas supposed lo have
acquired lhe food in lovn~and he says,
Sorry, I forgol. In reaI Iife, hard feeIings
couId arise lovard lhe person vho did nol
conpIele his responsiliIily, and olher
prolIens nighl slen fron lhis. Wilh
check-up neelings, lhe chances of lhis
happening are draslicaIIy cul if nol lolaIIy
B. PubIIcIty. Whelher ly vord of
noulh, an ad in lhe nevspaper, an ad in a
ganing nagazine, or even a fIyer posled in
lhe IocaI holly shop, pulIicily is very
inporlanl. If peopIe do nol knov aloul
your aclivily, hov are lhey supposed lo
allend` Renenler, for nosl peopIe il
lakes nore lhan one exposure lo sone-
lhing nev lefore lhey renenler il, and
lhals vhy ads for producls are repealed
so oflen.
You vanl peopIe lo knov aloul your
cIul aclivily al Ieasl a veek ahead of lhe
aclivilys line. Ior exanpIe, if you vere
using fIyers, lhe line lo circuIale lhen
vouId le a veek lefore lhe designaled
dale. A coupIe of days Ialer, circuIale a
fev nore fIyers. Then lhe day lefore, as
veII as lhe day of lhe aclivily, pass oul
even nore fIyers. A good vay of Ielling
peopIe knov is ly hanging fIyers up
vhere lhey are nosl IikeIy lo le seen.
Sone good pIaces nighl le a IocaI grocery
slore, ganing slore, sludenl union (if you
have a coIIege cIul), around schooI, and on
cars. If your cIul does hang fIyers lhen in
lusinesses, le sure lo ask lhe nanager or
ovner of lhe lusiness firsl, or your fIyer
nighl nol slay up for Iong. IeopIe need lo
knov aloul your evenl, and lhe vord
vonl gel oul unIess you spread il.
9. Muke suve tLeve uve enougL
eoIe to wovk tLe uctIvIty. The peo-
pIe vho do aII lhe pIanning for lhe fund-
raiser shouIdnl le lhe onIy ones vho
vork al il. If lhal happens, lhose nenlers
couId lecone lurned oul on fulure fund-
raising ideas, or lhey nay deveIop sone
negalive feeIings aloul lhe cIul ilseIf. Iind
a vay lo gel everylody invoIved. Mayle
you couId hoId a pizza parly for lhose
vho vork lhe fund-raiser or sone olher
aclivily. You couId aIso leII lhe peopIe vho
do nol heIp lhal lhey nay le excIuded
fron vhalever lenefils are gained ly
spending lhe noney raised ly lhe evenl.
Whalever roule your cIul lakes, jusl nake
sure youre nol shorl-handed. Having loo
fev vorkers causes slress for lhose vho
are vorking and nay nake lhe fund-
raiser Iess successfuI. AIso, lenpers fIare
nore oflen under slressfuI silualions, and
vorkers nay lake il oul on each olher
inslead of vorking logelher.
Wilh lhis slep-ly-slep process, your
ganing cIul shouId le successfuI in rais-
ing funds. Afler your firsl fev fund-
raisers, lhis process viII gel even easier.
This has proven lrue for ny cIul, al Ieasl.
No Ionger viII you have lo Iook al a lrea-
sure chesl lhal is conlinuaIIy enply. In-
slead, you viII have one lhal is fuII enough
lo suil your ganing cIuls needs.
Well, it appears they have the
element of surprise.
54 APRIL 1992
LIvira needs heIp vilh an uninviled guesl~naneIy, Dealh
nce again, ved Iike lo lhank everyone
vho has vrillen lo us vilh connenls,
hinls, and lips. Il is quile olvious lhal
DRACN Magazine readers are highIy
dedicaled ganers. We enjoy reading your
Iellers and are especiaIIy lhankfuI lo lhose
vho heIp oul lheir feIIov ganers vilh
nev ideas for gelling lhrough lhe rough
spols in conpuler ganes.
We have leen lhinking aloul hov fair
our Beaslie Avards voling is lo lhe various
enlerlainnenl soflvare conpanies. ur
concIusion is lhal avards lased upon
reader voles reaIIy arenl a fair proposi-
lion for nany such conpanies. Sonelines,
ganes are purchased lecause of expen-
siveIy rendered, poinl-of-purchase dispIays
or adverlising canpaigns in nagazines
ralher lhan lhe quaIily of lhe ganes lhen-
seIves. Many snaII conpanies lhal donl
have lhe ludgels lo vage adverlising
canpaigns jusl canl conpele for allenlion
olher lhan lhrough revievs. The snaIIer
conpanies ganes nighl le jusl as good as
lhe Iarger conpanies ganes, lul lhe forn-
er donl receive lhe allenlion lhey deserve.
Computer games' ratIngs
* *
* * *
Nol reconnended
Elvira II: The Jaws
of Cerberus
ur feeIing, lhen, is lhal a popuIar vole
is loo inequilalIe lo le an accurale judge
of a ganes lrue vorlh. We vouId Iike lo
eradicale lhe Beaslie Avards as a popuIar
vole. Inslead, ve vouId prefer our read-
ers Iel us knov hov lhey feeI aloul lhe
ganes veve revieved, veII pulIish fair,
appIicalIe connenls. If ve havenl re-
vieved a parlicuIar gane youd Iike lo see,
leII us aloul lhal gane in four paragraphs
or Iess.
As ve sinpIy donl have lhe space lo
vrile aloul every gane ve receive, le
assured lhal nosl ganes appearing in lhis
coIunn possess high neril as pIayalIe,
vaIualIe enlerlainnenl for you. The raling
slruclure viII renain. ccasionaIIy lhere
are ganes lhal shov up lhal are sinpIy so
lad lhal ve have lo varn ganers avay
fron lhen. Thank heavens such offerings
are in lhe ninorily!
Whenever possilIe, gane hinls pul-
Iished here viII nov Iisl lhe conpuler
syslen for vhich lhey are appIicalIe, as
nany lips sinpIy do nol vork on aII sys-
lens. When you vrile in vilh a lip, pIease
nenlion lhe conpuler syslen upon vhich
you pIayed your gane. Thanks!
Did you knov lhal Alari Corporalion
has jusl soId ils one-niIIionlh gane car-
lridge for lhe Lynx hand-heId video-gane
syslen` Wilh a currenl Iilrary of 4O
ganes, lhe conpany expecls lo have 75
lilIes ly lhe end of 1992.
Had prolIens vilh Falcon 3.0, IC/MS-
DS version` Speclrun HoIoByle has
reIeased a nev palch disk lo lake care of
such nallers. If you need lhis palch, caII
cusloner supporl al (51O) 522-1164.
Ior video ganers, NLC has announced il
is reIeasing a nev syslen incorporaling
lolh CD-RM and 16-lil gane nachines in
a singIe unil. You can expecl lo see il in
relaiI slores lhis sunner.
Marly CIeason, of Counlryside, III.,
needs sone assislance. I have a Macinlosh
LC, and lhe firsl gane I purchased vas
The Bards Tale. Nov In sluck. I canl
ansver lhe riddIe in Harkyns CaslIe, lhe
siIver square in Harkyns CaslIe, and I
cannol find KyIearan in his lover. My
characlers are aII over IeveI 2O, and lhe
gane is driving ne crazy!
}oshua Marquarl of Hauppauge, N.Y.,
vouId Iike sone assislance vilh Autoduel
fron rigin. Can you increase your
heaIlh and lody arnor fron lhree and a
lolaI of six lo a grealer nunler` Whal is
lhe fuII passvord lo 'She seIIs . . .` Whal is
lhe lesl car lo purchase, and vhich is lhe
hardesl division lo pIay in, Iive or Tvenly
(donl counl unIiniled)` Hov can a car
quaIify for lhese divisions`
David Crove of ScollsdaIe, Ariz., asks, I
an having a prolIen soIving BattleTech:
The Crescent Hawks Inception. I an in lhe
Slar League Map Roon and have lhe nap
lhal cones vilh lhe gane, lul I an unalIe
lo delernine vhal is lhe correcl conlina-
lion of pIanels lo louch in order lo finish
lhe gane. IIease heIp!
Thexder 2 is slunping Bol Cilson of
RaIeigh, Norlh CaroIina. In sluck in
Iirehavk (a.k.a. Thexder 2) running on an
IBM. In al LeveI Nine and an unalIe lo
gel pasl lhe guardian al lhe end of lhe
IeveI, Does anyone have any suggeslions`
Iron Ceorgia cones a Faery Tale Adven-
ture requesl fron }effrey Hadsock. I have
found lhe CiladeI of Doon lul I cannol
seen lo gel inlo il. I couId sure use a hinl
for lhis!
Ultima VI experls shouId readiIy knov
lhe ansver lo Ryan Wongvilarass caII for
heIp, Whal does lhe slalue in lhe Shrine
of ConlroI do ly gaining conlroI of nore
58 APRIL 1992
Castle of Dr. Brain (Sierra On-Line)
BiII WiIson of Traverse Cily, Mich., has a
coupIe of queslions regarding Dragon
Wars, pIayed on a Connodore 64. Has
anyone found a use for driflvood, fIol-
san, or lones` AIso, has anyone found
scroIIs for Lighl IIash, Sunnon SaIanan-
der, BranlIes, Invoke Spiril, Irison, or
lolh Rage and Wralh of Milhas`
}ason Dunn required heIp in a previous
issue vilh Ultima VI. Mike Myers of La
Mesa, CaIif., has heard }asons caII and
responds, To find lhe Manlra of DiIigence
fron lhe slairs, go dovn lvo roons, lhen
over one roon, and Iook for a secrel door.
Co dovn lhe slairvay. You nay find il
easier lo gel pasl lhe daenons ly using
invisiliIily. AIso, if you have soIved lhe
gane and are pIaying again, skip lhe pirale
cave. }usl gel lhe noonslones, lhen lhe
codex. If you are Iooking for lhe pirale
cave, il nay le usefuI lo knov lhal Lord
Wilsalers nane is reaIIy AIaslor Cordon.
CastIes: The Northern
* * * * *
IC/MS-DS version $29.95
This disk is lhe conpanys Castles Can-
paign Disk #1. The Northern Campaign
nakes lhe originaI gane a far leller offer-
ing. Nol onIy does il expand lhe reaches of
your kingdon, lul il adds fealures nol
reIeased in lhe originaI gane. Ior exanpIe,
you can nov lrain your infanlry and
archers, vho rale fron poor lo eIile. Be-
Iieve us, vhen you have severaI hundred
eIile forces under your connand, fev can
leller lhen in lallIe excepl lhrough sheer
force of nunlers. You can counleracl
superior forces ly ensuring lhal you have
enough caslIes luiIl lo enalIe you lo raise
nore niIilary nighl, Il cosls noney lo
lrain your peopIe, hovever.
You can aIso luy and seII Iand, vine,
grain, and vooI. When you vish lo engage
in lrading connodilies, youII nole lhal
lhe specific ilen is eilher poor, average, or
good in produclion. The higher lhe pro-
duclion quaIily, lhe higher lhe price,
vhelher seIIing or luying. Buy enough
Iand and you can even avard acreage lo
suljecls. You can confiscale Iands as veII.
ne nev aspecl lhal ve found reaIIy
heIpfuI is lhe aliIily lo Ioan noney as veII
as lo lorrov funds. The forner enalIes
you lo earn inleresl, We lried lo nake
cerlain lhal each nonlh ve Ioaned lhe
naxinun anounl avaiIalIe lo ensure
greal revards al lhe slarl of lhe nev year.
Wilh laxes lareIy supporling our caslIe-
luiIding efforls and niIilary luiIdups, lhe
inleresl paynenls cane in very handy in
ensuring a nore slalIe financiaI posilion.
If lhings gel rough nonelariIy, you can
aIvays lorrov funds~lul, jusl as you
exlracl inleresl fron lhose vho lorrov
fron you, lhe reverse is aIso appIicalIe.
In conlal, your infanlry lroops nov do
nol head inlo lhe fray unliI you cIick on
each icon vilh your nouse cursor. This
enalIes you lo delernine if an offensive or
defensive naneuver is leller for lhe par-
licuIar encounler.
You can aIso seIecl eilher a reaIislic or
fanlasy vorId. We lhoughl lhe Ialler vas
nore fun, as you never reaIIy knev vhal
vas causing lhe gray, slicky sulslance lo
slick lo your caslIe vaIIs. The nessengers
vho arrive for an audience (you can relain
lhe originaI nessengers or use lhe nev
ones incIuded vilh lhis disk) are a varied
Iol, ranging fron lrusled advisors lo a
nolIey assorlnenl of vizards, hags, and
nerchanls. Lverylhing is quile inleresling,
and lhe sulpIols are nosl inlriguing.
If you ovn Castles, you nusl purchase
lhis canpaign disk. (A Macinlosh version
shouId le avaiIalIe nov.) Castles, vilh lhe
addilion of lhis disk, is nov definileIy a
Elvira II (Accolade)
five-slar enlerlainnenl. Il supporls CCA,
LCA, and MCCA/VCA, as veII as AdLil,
RoIand, Innovalion, SoundBIasler, and
Tandy sound equipnenl.
CastIe oI Dr. BraIn
* * * *
Sierra n-Line
IC/MS-DS version $49.95
You are an appIicanl for lhe posilion of
Dr. Brains Ial assislanl. In order lo gel
lhis jol, you nusl successfuIIy gel lhrough
Brains caslIe~lul lhere are no nonslers
lo deslroy or lraps lo overcone. This
gane consisls of nenlaI chaIIenges lhal
nusl le conpIeled in order lo finish lhe
gane. Castle of Dr. Brain (CDB) uses lhe
Ialesl icon syslen seen in nosl of Sierras
ganes. By cIicking lhe appropriale icon
over an oljecl, you can pick up lhal ol-
jecl, Iook al il, or use il.
In CDB, you nusl conpIele a roon in
lhe house lefore you can conlinue. Lach
roon has a differenl lhene and conlains
fron one lo four puzzIes. By cIicking on a
door, a conpuler, or an oljecl in lhe roon,
youII find lhe chaIIenge lhal avails you.
The olslacIes incIude conpIeling a jigsav
puzzIe, pIaying Hangnan, soIving a crypl
code, finishing arilhnelic, and using Iogic.
ConpIeling lhe puzzIe gives you access lo
a code or key lhal aIIovs you lo nove on
in lhe gane. Inslruclions are provided
vilh each puzzIe, if you lecone hope-
IessIy Iosl, hinl coins enalIe you lo soIve a
porlion of lhe puzzIe or ollain a cIue as lo
hov lo conpIele lhe prolIen. Hinl coins
are nol readiIy avaiIalIe. You receive one
onIy afler soIving a nev puzzIe. AIso, lhe
nore coins you have al lhe end of lhe
gane, lhe higher your lolaI score.
WhiIe CDB vas crealed for younger
audiences, aduIls can lry lhe puzzIes al
one of lhree difficuIly IeveIs. WhiIe hard,
lhe gane is nol loo conpIex, ve vere alIe
lo conpIele CDB using ils slandard IeveI in
aloul five hours. AduIls nay find a
grealer chaIIenge in Chris Cravfords The
Fools Errand or Three in Three fron
InIine Design.
CDB is a greal gane for youngslers and
heIps lhen Iearn aloul nalh, aslronony,
progranning, and Iogic. The graphics and
aninalion are cIear and crisp, and lhe
sound is good. The one crilicisn of lhe
gane ve have is ils shorl ending. You
receive a fev congraluIalory slalenenls
and a Iisl of credils, lhen CDB adverlises
ils upconing sequeI. We lhoughl lhe end-
ing couId have leen a lil nore revarding,
especiaIIy for youngslers vho connilled a
Iol of line and hard vork inlo conpIeling
lhe puzzIes. lhervise, CDB is a recon-
nended purchase for young peopIe and
lheir parenls vho enjoying pIaying ganes
logelher. Il supporls VCA and SoundlIas-
ler equipnenl.
Castle of Dr. Brain (Sierra on line)
EIvIra II: The Jaws oI
IC/MS-DS version
* * * * *
Elvira II (Accolade)
We havenl had lhis nuch fun vilh a
graphic advenlure since Monkey Island
fron LucasfiIn Canes. Throv in Iess
hunor and a Iol nore lIood lhan lhe
LucasfiIn gane, vilh a danseI (LIvira)
in dislress, and youve gol a lerrific
This sequeI lo AccoIades Elvira sporls an
inproved user inlerface, exlreneIy coIor-
fuI and dynanic graphics, and a sound-
lrack lo suil vhalever roon you occupy.
We deIighled in our RoIand sound syslens
nusic lhroughoul lhis advenlure.
LIvira has leen kidnapped fron BIack
Widov Iroduclions, and aII kinds of eviI
crealures and horrendous leaslies are
cravIing around lhree sels vilhin lhe
confines of her sludio. Ils up lo you lo
find her. This is nol a cake vaIk. Elvira II
is fiIIed vilh exlreneIy scinliIIaling puz-
zIes. LIviras inage viII appear nov and
lhen (nuch lo your joy) and offer sone
forn of sarcaslic advice~Iislen and Iearn.
If lhere is any one prolIen, il is lhal
lhere is so nuch lo consider vhen adven-
luring lhrough lhe 4,OOO or so Iocalions
lhal fiII lhis advenlure. You nusl Iearn
exaclIy vhal you need lo lake and vhal
you shouId Ieave lehind. The nunler of
relrievalIe oljecls is inpressive. Too lad
youve gol a slrenglh Iinil lhal affecls
your invenlory.
Since sone speIIs require sone forn of
reagenl, you have lo delernine if lhis
cupcake or lhal gun is a required eIenenl
for a parlicuIar speII. The onIy vay you
can delernine an oljecls nagicaI use in
crealing a speII is lo cIick on lhe SpeIIlook
icon in lhe upper righl-hand corner of lhe
screen. A second vindov appears, vilhin
vhich are speII Iislings. You cIick on a
needed speII, and lhal speIIs descriplion is
reveaIed, as veII as lhe ingredienls re-
quired lo nake il. If you happen lo have
lhe proper ingredienls in your invenlory,
you use your nouse and cIick on lhe ol-
jecl, dragging il inlo lhe nixing page. Then
cIick on lhe Mix icon al lhe lop Iefl of lhis
vindov, and youII nole lhal lhe speII
appears in your invenlory.
There are dozens of speIIs. Sone can le
used lul once, vhiIe olhers have nuIlipIe
uses. Ils up lo you lo find lhe correcl
ingredienls. ThankfuIIy, sone speIIs donl
require any naleriaIs olher lhan your
desire lo creale lhen.
If you vanl lo fighl, youII have pIenly
of chances. The opponenl appears in lhe
nain vindov, lallIing you in reaI line.
The foe svings al you, and you sving al
il. Since lhe leaslies aII have differenl
areas of vuIneraliIily, ain your veapon
We have yel lo conpIele lhis advenlure,
vhich is lruIy engrossing, exciling, and
jan-packed vilh horror! Iron lhe opening
screens, youII le on lhe edge of your seal
lrying lo rescue lhe leIoved LIvira. This is
a nusl purchase! Il supporls VCA graph-
ics and AdLil, RoIand, or SoundBIasler
sound equipnenl.
* * * *
MicroIrose Soflvare
IC/MS-DS version $59.95
This vouId have leen a five-slar gane
had nol rigin previousIy reIeased lolh
Wing Commander and Wing Commander
II. Hyperspeed is a veII-conceived space-
conlal and roIe-pIaying gane, lul ils
graphics Iack lhe novieIike quaIily of
rigins ganes. Hovever, vhen you con-
sider lhis ganes Iover price, ils supporl
for a vide variely of graphics cards, and
ils high pIayaliIily, il lecones a fine aIler-
nalive, presenling an enlire gaIaxy al your
The oljecl is lo Iocale a suilalIe hone
for nankind. ur years of Iiving on Larlh
have nade il nearIy uninhalilalIe, and
onIy ly using slarships lo search lhe uni-
verse viII hunanilys fulure le secured.
YouII encounler a vide variely of aIiens
and lheir lechnoIogy, sone friendIy lo
your cause and olhers lolaIIy hosliIe. Ils
up lo you nol onIy lo find a nev hone for
aII nankind, lul aIso lo eIininale hosliIe
aIiens or lo arrange peace lrealies vilh
lhen lo aIIov lhe halilalion of nev
Your slarship is an anazing vesseI. Wilh
a vide variely of veapons, incIuding fighl-
ers and an effeclive kanikaze allack, you
can uIlinaleIy Iearn hov lo defeal your
enenies. nIy lhrough Iong and arduous
laIks vilh various aIiens viII you Iearn of
olher races veaknesses, and onIy lhrough
Iong and arduous lrading viII you acquire
lhe necessary equipnenl sels lo furlher
enhance your niIilary nighl.
There are four slar cIuslers lo expIore,
each one nore difficuIl lhan lhe one pre-
ceding il. Using a conlinalion of joy slick
and keyloard connands, ve soon Iearned
lhe inlerface and found ourseIves nixed
up in sone prelly slrange inlergaIaclic
reIalionships. ne race vouId offer lo
heIp, lul onIy if ve rid lhe gaIaxy of an-
olher race. Considering lhe slrenglh of lhe
aIiens ve vere supposed lo lake oul, ils
no vonder our iniliaI forays nel vilh
A veII-vrillen nanuaI guides you
lhrough a luloriaI encounler lefore youre
on your ovn. We definileIy reconnend
reading lhe enlire nanuaI lefore pIay,
various slralegies are expIained, and ve
60 APRIL 1992
Nova 9 (Dynamix)
can allesl lo lheir accuracy in heIping us
defeal sone prelly serious opposilion.
No, lhis isnl as good as Wing Com-
mander, lul for lhousands of ganers il
viII provide hours of enlerlainnenl vilh-
oul lhe need lo purchase a nev VCA card
or RoIand sound loard. This gane is
vorlh every nickeI of ils relaiI price if you
enjoy space conlal and expIoralion. Il
supporls CCA, LCA, and VCA/MCCA
graphics, vilh RoIand, SoundBIasler,
AdLil, Tandy, or IBM sound equipnenl.
Nova 9
* * * *
Dynanix, dislriluled ly Sierra
IC/MS-DS version $34.95
Dynanix aIvays seens lo cone up vilh
a vinner, even ils nanuaIs are lop nolch.
So, vhal do you expecl lhis sequeI lo lhe
conpanys snash hil Stellar 7 lo le` Ils
very good, lhe aninalion and scroIIing are
snoolh, lhe graphics are as fuIIy lhree-
dinensionaI as is possilIe vilh currenl
consuner-IeveI lechnoIogy (aIlhough nol
quile on a par vilh rigins Wing Com-
mander II), and lhe sound lhrough our
RoIand syslens vas an exciling enhance-
nenl lo lhe ganes overaII feeI and pIay.
Nova 9 is a lrenendous, veII-coded,
fulurislic lallIe arcade gane vherein you
piIol lhe Raven II againsl lhe forces of Cir
Draxon, on nine differenl vorIds. You
receive a dislress nessage fron Terran
Connand, requesling assislance as lhe
Arclurans are allacking~lhen, suddenIy,
lhe nessage caInIy canceIs lhe aIerl. Yeah,
sure! You recaII Cir Draxons Iack of appre-
cialion of Iife and his desire lo pIunder
and deslroy jusl for lhe lhriII. This is one
nenesis you have lo deslroy.
YouII run inlo Darlers arned vilh Ia-
sers, Ihoenix lanks lhal are exlreneIy
naneuveralIe, Monlrose hoverlanks
vhose cannons can do you nolhing lul iII,
Ilera airlorne crafl packed vilh duaI
Iasers, and nuch nore, incIuding a ran-
ning lank vhose lIade appears lo le
nade of indeslruclilIe sleeI! Againsl lhese
you slack your Raven ||. Wilh a fuIIy de-
laiIed operalionaI dispIay paneI, and vilh
superl conlroI using lhe keyloard and joy
slick, youII soon le engaged in sizzIing
conlal. Caplure pover noduIes and use
lheir capaliIilies as you cruise each pIanel.
YouII soon connil nunerous hours lo lhe
defeal of Cir Draxon and his forces. This
gane is sure lo pIease any die-hard arca-
der! Il supporls Tandy, LCA, and VCA
graphics, vilh Thunderloard Iro, AdLil,
RoIand, or Sound BIasler sound loards.
Nova 9 (Dynamix)
The SImpsons' Arcade Game * * *
IC/MS-DS version $49.95
Konani has reIeased a decenl conver-
sion of lhe Simpsons arcade gane, lring-
ing lo IC/MS-DS ganers aInosl aII of lhe
fun found in lhe arcade nachine nodeI.
Maggie, lhe Sinpsons laly, vas knocked
inlo a crovd of escaping jeveI lhieves vho
accidenlaIIy Iel lhe sloIen jeveI faII inlo
Maggies noulh. Maggie, lhinking il lo le a
sucking loy, vonl Iel go, so lhe lhieves
kidnapped her aIong vilh lhe jeveI. Il is
up lo Honer, Lisa, Marge, and Barl lo
recover lhe Iosl laly. Il is nol an easy
road, for lhey have lo fighl lheir vay
lhrough six IeveIs of aclion, aII lased on
lhe hil leIevision shov.
The Simpsons Arcade Game (Konami)
The gane can le pIayed ly one or lvo
pIayers. The joy slick is lhe lesl vay lo
conlroI lhe Sinpsons. ne lullon nakes
lhe characler junp, vhiIe lhe olher lul-
lon aIIovs you lo go on lhe offensive.
Lach Sinpson has a differenl allack. Ior
exanpIe, Barl allacks vilh his skaleloard,
vhiIe Honer allacks vilh his fisls. Tvo
Sinpsons can conline lo forn a super-
allack. Marge and Honer, vhen con-
lined, knock dovn lhe enenies vilh a
vicious larreI roII. Weapons, such as coIa
cans and signs, can le picked up aIong lhe
vay lo use on lhe lhieves. lher ilens,
such as pies and appIes, can repIenish
ones energy lar, vhich decreases in vaIue
vhen a Sinpson is lhe recipienl of an
veraII, lhe graphics are decenlIy done,
slaying vilhin Mall Croenings aninalion
slyIe. The nusic, hovever, couId have
leen leller, vilh onIy lhe faniIiar lhene
song leing lo our Iiking. If you enjoy a
nindIess aggression-reIease gane, lhen
luy The Simpsons. This gane supporls
VCA and SoundlIasler equipnenl.
V Ior VIctory: BattIeset 1, D-Day
Utah Beach-1944
* * * * *
Macinlosh version $59.95
Walch oul, SSI and SSC~Three-Sixly has
produced a superl WorId War II lallIe
sinuIalion. V for Victory is an inlricale
var gane lased upon lhe Nornandy
invasion of WorId War II. You nay parlici-
pale as eilher an Anerican or Cernan
There is IillIe doull in our ninds lhal
lhis gane is prolalIy lhe lesl var sinuIa-
lion ever produced for any conpuler.
Renenler vhen previous var sinuIalions
required nunerous key presses and as-
senlIies of orders jusl lo nove unils` Nol
so vilh V for Victory. Your unil icons
possess aII of lhe delaiI necessary lo aIIov
you lo pIace lhen in lheir nosl effeclive
posilions. SinpIy cIick on lhe icon and
drag il lo ils nev Iocalion during lhe IIan-
ning phase. rder arliIIery fire and
ground supporl fron your airlases. Then
order Lxeculion and valch your lallIe
pIans succeed or faiI. Wilh onIy lvo phas-
es lo vorry aloul, you can even order
your slaff lo handIe such nallers as sup
pIy, one of lhe nosl inporlanl eIenenls of
your canpaign.
There are six scenarios, lhe firsl five are
individuaI lallIes. Scenario one finds you
Ieading lhe 9lh Infanlry Division in ils
allenpl lo cIean oul aII Cernan resislance
lehind your ovn Iines. This is aIso lhe
luloriaI scenario and is lhe easiesl of lhe
Iol, aIlhough il required four ganes for us
lo Iearn hov lo quickIy assauIl and cap-
lure lovns required for viclory. The sec-
ond scenario requires lhal lhe 1O1sl
Airlorne lake Carenlan vilhin lhree
days~no easy feal. The lhird scenario
finds you facing an SS Ianzergrenadier
Division counlerallack as il lries lo recap-
lure Carenlan. Then, vilh four divisions,
you are lo assauIl Cherlourg. The finaI
scenario finds you lrying lo pernanenlIy
isoIale Cherlourg. The sixlh scenario is a
lolaI canpaign gane, one lhal viII require
hours lo finish. ThankfuIIy, you can save
your sinuIalion and conlinue lhe can-
paign vhen you have line.
The inlerface is as snoolh as siIk. Lvery-
lhing fron vealher and viclory condilions
lo individuaI unil dispIays are handIed
vilh lhe cIick of a nouse. You can aIler
lhe hisloricaI varianls and even lry lo vin
under lhe fog of var. YouII find nearIy
5OO niIilary unils represenling Iand, sea,
and air forces, as veII as 15 lerrain naps.
Three-Sixly has sel a nev slandard for
var sinuIalions. This is an alsoIule nusl
purchase for any var ganer vho ovns a
Macinlosh. Il can le pIayed in eilher 256
coIor or lIack-and-vhile, and il supporls
Syslen 7.
Back to the Future III
IC/MS-DS version $39.95
Ils lrue~nosl novie (and gane) sequeIs
are nol as good as lhe originaI. Wilh Back
to the Future III, nol onIy does lhe hero,
Marly, go lack in line, ve lhink lhe pro-
granners do as veII. VCA is an oplion in
lhe inslaIIalion progran, lul lhe gane
supporls onIy 16 coIors. You aIso pIay lhe
gane using onIy lhe keyloard. The aclion
scenes are reIaled lo lhe fiIn, lul lhey
lecone quile loring and fruslralingIy
difficuIl. Konani has nade sone greal
producls in lhe pasl, lul pass lhis gane
vhen you see il in lhe presenl~or lhe
CIue covnev
Conquests oI the Longbow (Sierra)
1. Renenler lhe hand code for lhe
druidic nane for lhe oak lree, as il viII
cause lhose vho chase you lo nol see lhe
foresl for lhe lree.
2. Knocking over a golIel can assisl in
ollaining proof of your sincerily.
3. The goId nel can calch lhe quick one.
4. Renenler lhal lhere is onIy one
accurale vay lo speII Iiege.
5. Dexlerily is required lo avoid nonk-
lhrovn louIders vhiIe cIinling dovn
nagic ivy.
The Lessers
UItIma VI (rigin)
To laIk lo Lord Brilish al any poinl in
lhe gane, casl and pIace Lnchanl on a
slaff. You viII nolice lhe speII Iisl slays on
lhe screen. TaIk lo lhe lhird speII fron lhe
lollon of lhe Iisl. (Aflervards, lhe face
renains on lhe screen. TaIk lo lhe sane
pIace. You can do lhis as nany lines as
you vish.)
CharIes Lin
Burnaly, Brilish CoIunlia
Thanks for lurning lo us. Donl forgel
lhal your feIIov ganers are depending
upon you lo assisl lhen in reaching lheir
ganing goaIs! If you have hinls or lips for
your ganes, send lhen lo: CIue Corner, c/
o lhe Lessers, 521 Czerny Slreel, Tracy CA
95376. UnliI nexl nonlh, gane on!
* indicates a product produced by a company other
than TSR, Inc. Most product names are trademarks
owned by the companies publishing those products.
The use of the name of any product without mention
of its trademark status should not be construed as a
challenge to such status.
Convention Calendar Policies
This column is a service to our readers
worldwide. Anyone may place a free listing
for a game convention here, but the follow-
ing guidelines must be observed.
In order to ensure that all convention
listings contain accurate and timely infor-
mation, all material should be either typed
double-spaced or printed legibly on stand-
ard manuscript paper. The contents of
each listing must be short and succinct.
The information given in the listing must
include the following, in this order:
1. Convention title and dates held;
2. Site and location;
3. Guests of honor (if applicable);
4. Special events offered;
5. Registration fees or attendance re-
quirements; and,
6. Address(es) and telephone number(s)
where additional information and confirma-
tion can be obtained.
Convention flyers, newsletters, and other
mass-mailed announcements will not be
considered for use in this column; we
prefer to see a cover letter with the an-
nouncement as well. No call-in listings are
accepted. Unless stated otherwise, all
dollar values given for U.S. and Canadian
conventions are in U.S. currency.
WARNING: We are not responsible for
incorrect information sent to us by conven-
tion staff members. Please check your
convention listing carefully! Our wide
circulation ensures that over a quarter of a
million readers worldwide see each issue.
Accurate information is your responsibility.
Copy deadlines are the last Monday of
each month, two months prior to the on-
sale date of an issue. Thus, the copy dead-
line for the December issue is the last
Monday of October. Announcements for
North American and Pacific conventions
must be mailed to: Convention Calendar,
DRAGON Magazine, P.O. Box 111, Lake
Geneva WI 53147, U.S.A. Announcements
for Europe must be posted an additional
month before the deadline to: Convention
Calendar, DRAGON Magazine, TSR
Limited, 120 Church End, Cherry Hinton,
Cambridge CB1 3LB, United Kingdom.
If a convention listing must be changed
because the convention has been can-
celled, the dates have changed, or incor-
rect information has been printed, please
contact us immediately. Most questions or
changes should be directed to the maga-
zine editors at TSR, Inc., (414) 248-3625
(U.S.A.). Questions or changes concerning
European conventions should be directed
to TSR Limited, (0223) 212517 (U.K.).
O indicales an AuslraIian convenlion.
D indicales a Canadian convenlion.
< indicales a Luropean convenlion.
* indicates a product produced by a company other than TSR,
Inc. Most product names are trademarks owned by the
companies publishing those products. The use of the name of
any product without mention of its trademark status should not
be construed as a challenge to such status.
This convenlion viII le heId al lhe U.S.
lary Acadeny in Wesl Ioinl, N.Y. Lvenls incIude
TASY* and 4O,OOO*, }HNNY RLB*, and nicro-
arnor ganes, vilh RICA Nelvork evenls, a
ninialures-painling conlesl, an auclion, con-
puler ganes, and open ganing. Regislralion: $8
preregislered, or $1O al lhe door, no evenl fees.
Wrile lo: Cadel Rolerl WiIIians, I.. Box 3643,
Wesl Ioinl NY 1O997.
TCHNICON 9, AvII 10-12
This convenlion viII le heId al lhe DonaId
Brovn Cenler for Conlinuing Lducalion in
BIackslurg, Va. Cuesls incIude Ton Deilz, Mark
Rogers, and CoIly Ierkins. Aclivilies incIude a
dance, an arl shov and auclion, paneIs, ganing,
SI and anine videos, conpuler ganes, and a
deaIers area. Regislralion: $23 al lhe door.
Sludenls receive a $3 discounl. Wrile lo: TLCH-
NICN, c/o VTSIIC, I.. Box 256, BIackslurg
24O63-O256, or caII: (7O3) 953-1214.
BATTICON '92, AvII 11-12 N
This BATTLLTLCH* gane-onIy convenlion
viII le heId al lhe Reunion HaII on lhe Univer-
sily of Nelraska canpus. Lvenls incIude lourna-
nenls and olher ganes, pIus a ninialures-
painling conlesl. Regislralion: $2/day preregis-
lered, $3/day or $5/veekend al lhe door. Send
an SASL lo: 48lh Ronin, I.. Box 21956, LincoIn
NL 68542-1956.
This convenlion viII le heId on lhe canpus of
MarshaII Universily in Hunlinglon, W. Va.
Lvenls incIude an RICA Nelvork D&D
lournanenl and scads of olher ganes. Cuesl of
honor is Richard TuchoIka. Regislralion: $5/
lournanenl or $3/nonlournanenl for lhe veek-
end. Wrile lo: Chuck Iuckell, 821 HoIderly
HaII, MarshaII Univ., Hunlinglon WV 25955, or
lo: Sleven Savs, 558 Aspen Sl., Morganlovn
WV 265O5.
This convenlion, hosled ly lhe Univ. of Con-
neclicul SI Sociely, viII le heId al lhe Univ. of
Conneclicul, Slorrs lranch Sludenl Union.
Lvenls incIude CALL I CTHULHU*, TN*,
and AD&D ganes, vilh paneIs, }apaninalion,
novies, and deaIers. Regislralion: $7. Wrile lo:
HYITHLTICN, c/o Anne MacIadyen, Rn.
128B Shippee HaII, Univ. of Conn., Slorrs CT
O6269, or caII: (2O3) 427-4985.
RU-CON '92, AvII 11-12 PA
Note: This convenlion vas previousIy an-
nounced as laking pIace in lhe HoIiday Inn in
WiIIiansporl, Ia. This vas an error. The con-
venlion viII le heId al lhe Days Inn in WiIIian-
sporl, Ia. Lvenls incIude nany ganing evenls
(sone RICA Nelvork-sanclioned), lourna-
nenls, and deaIers. Regislralion: $12/day or
$2O/veekend al lhe door. Send a lusiness-sized
SASL lo: The RoIe-IIaying Underground,
WooIridge HaII, Box 39, Lock Haven Univ., Lock
Haven IA 17745-2396, or caII: (717) 893-3237.
This convenlion viII le heId al lhe SunIand
Iark HoIiday Inn in LI Iaso, Tex. Cuesls incIude
}ennifer Rolerson, Ialricia Davis, and MeI
While. Regislralion: $18/veekend or $6-$9/day
al lhe door. Wrile lo: AMICCN 7, I.. Box
3177, LI Iaso TX 79923.
This convenlion viII le heId al lhe Sheralon
Inn in Lasl Brunsvick, N.}. Lvenls incIude
and RLLMASTLR* ganes, pIus a IASA-
sanclioned BATTLLTLCH* lournanenl. lher
aclivilies incIude a ninialures-painling vorkshop,
a chess exhililion, a coslune conlesl, and loard
ganes. Regislralion: $15/veekend preregislered,
$2O/veekend al lhe door. SingIe-day rales are
avaiIalIe. Wrile lo: DLICN, 16 Crove Sl., Soner-
sel N} O8873, or caII Iele al: (9O8) 249-O57O
evenings and veekends.
GAM IAIR '92, AvII 24-26 WA
This convenlion viII le heId Sludenl Union
BuiIding, #17, on lhe canpus of Spokane IaIIs
Connunily CoIIege in Spokane, Wash. Lvenls
STAR WARS*, and WARHAMMLR* ganes. lher
aclivilies incIude SCA denos, a ninialures-
painling conlesl, and hisloricaI and nicroarnor
ganing. Regislralion: $12/veekend preregis-
lered, $16/veekend al lhe door. SingIe-day
passes are avaiIalIe. Wrile lo: Cane Iaire, c/o
MerIyns, N. 1 Brovne, Spokane WA 992O1, or
caII: (5O9) 624-O957.
This SI&I convenlion viII le heId in lhe
Sludenl Union of lhe Universily of Wisconsin-
Creen Bay. Lvenls incIude AD&D, SIACL
MAN*, and BATTLLTLCH* ganes. lher aclivi-
lies incIude seninars and novies. Regislralion:
$5/day or $7/veekend, aII ganes are free, sul-
jecl lo space. Send an SASL lo: CHATICN I,
2469 WaIler Way, Creen Bay WI 54311-7O7O, or
caII Adan al: (414) 465-5318.
WIZAR'S CHAIING '92, Muy 1-3 D
This convenlion viII le heId al lhe DeIla
Regina in Regina, Saskalchevan. Lvenls incIude
ganes, vilh gane denos, novies, a gane auc-
lion, and a MedievaI Ieasl. Regislralion: $15/
veekend, nol incIuding lournanenl fees. Wrile
lo: Ken McCovern, c/o The Wizards Corner II,
21O1 Broad Sl., Regina, Sask., CANADA S4I 1Y6,
or caII: (3O6) 757-8544.
CONCNTRICS '92, Muy 2-3 NH
This convenlion viII le heId in lhe Love Cyn
of IhiIIips Lxeler Acadeny in Lxeler, N.H.
Lvenls incIude AD&D, CALL I CTHULHU*,
ganes. Ireregislralion is required for sone
evenls as space is Iiniled. Regislralion: $1O.
Wrile lo: CNCLNTRICS, 27 Courl Sl., Lxeler
NH O3833.
GAMS AY '92, Muy 10 WI
This convenlion viII le heId in lhe Shorevood
Anerican Legion Norlhshore Iosl #331 in
Shorevood, Wis. Aclivilies incIude ganes, a
siIenl auclion, food, and door prizes. }udges are
veIcone. Regislralion: $3. Wrile lo: NapoIeons,
3948 N. MaryIand Ave., Shorevood WI 532O2.
Muy 15-1? MI
This SI convenlion viII le heId al lhe Airporl
Radisson holeI in Delroil, Mich. Cuesls incIude
Nick IoIIola and Bol & Ann Iassovoy. Regislralion:
$2O. Wrile lo: CNTRAITIN, I.. Box 2285, Ann
Arlor MI 481O6, or caII: (313) 334-4191.
CONUIT 2, Muy 15-1? UT
This SI&I/ganing convenlion viII le heId al
lhe QuaIily Inn in SaIl Lake Cily, Ulah. Cuesls
incIude Roger ZeIazny, Mike SlackpoIe, Liz
Danforlh, and Lric Wujcik. Aclivilies incIude a
nasquerade, arl and shorl-slory conlesls, fiIns,
seninars, and open ganing. Regislralion: $2O/
veekend lefore ApriI 3O, $24/veekend al lhe
door. Wrile lo: CNDUIT 2, c/o Dave IoveII,
2566 BIaine Ave., SaIl Lake Cily UT 841O8, or
caII: (8O1) 467-9517.
OASIS V, Muy 15-1? II
This convenlion viII le heId al lhe Ranada
Inn, AIlanonle Springs in AIlanonle, IIa. Cuesls
incIude MichaeI Bishop, HoIIy Bird, Ann &
KendaII Morris, and Andre Norlon. Aclivilies
incIude a coslune conlesl, a deaIers roon, an
arl shov and auclion, a con suile, open and
lournanenl ganing, videos, and paneIs. Regis-
lralion: $2O. DeaIers are veIcone. Make checks
payalIe lo ASIIS. Wrile lo: ASIIS, I.. Box
616469, rIando IL 32861-6469.
IXI TRK '92, Muy 1?-19 GA
This convenlion viII le heId al lhe Sheralon
Cenlury Cenler holeI in AlIanla, Ca. Cuesls
incIude aclors Denise Crosly and }onalhan
Harris, and nusician }ohn Serrie. Aclivilies
incIude an exhilil concourse and deaIers roon,
nodeI and nodeI design vorkshops, an arl
shov and prinl shop, a con suile, a video roon,
and ganing. Regislralion: $27 lefore May 7, $3O
al lhe door. RICA Nelvork and cIul discounls
are avaiIalIe. Wrile lo: DIXIL TRLK, Box 464351,
LavrenceviIIe CA 3O244, or caII: (4O4) 925-2813.
Iresenled ly Triganing Associales, lhis conven-
lion viII le heId al lhe akIand Airporl HiIlon in
akIand, CaIif. Lvenls incIude an RICA AD&D
lournanenl, pIus AD&D, CALL I CTHULHU*,
lher aclivilies incIude deaIers roon, a painling
conlesl, a IBM roon, a fIea narkel, and 24-hour
novies. Regislralion: $25/veekend preregislered,
or $3O/veekend al lhe door, CMs pay $1O/
veekend. Make checks payalIe lo Triganing
Associales. Wrile lo: Triganing Assoc., I.. Box
4867, WaInul Creek CA 94596-O867, or caII Larry
or Mike al: (51O) 798-7152 Salurday aflernoons.
GAMX '92, Muy 22-25 CA
This convenlion viII le heId al lhe Airporl
Hyall holeI in Los AngeIes, CaIif. Lvenls incIude
aII lypes of faniIy, loard, slralegy, and adven-
lure ganing. lher aclivilies incIude a fIea
narkel, an auclion, and a deaIers area. Wrile
lo: STRATLCICN, I.. Box 3849, Torrance CA
9O51O-3849, or caII: (31O) 326-944O.
ONC UPON A CON, Muy 22-24 CO
This convenlion, presenled ly lhe IICS, viII
le heId al lhe HoIiday Inn in NorlhgIenn, CoIo.
Aclivilies incIude a video roon, a lrivia conlesl,
a coslune laII and conlesl, a deaIers roon, an
arl roon and auclion, and a con suile. Regislra-
lion: $18. Wrile lo: IICS CN 92, I.. Box
1OO84O, Denver C 8O25O, or caII CoIIin al: (3O3)
Muy 23-24 OH
This convenlion viII le heId al lhe CharIes I.
Lalhren Senior Cenler in Kellering, hio.
Lvenls incIude IRICs, loard and ninialures
ganes, an RICA Nelvork lournanenl, and
conpuler ganes. lher aclivilies incIude a 16-
pIayer WorId War II SoIdier conpuler gane.
Regislralion: $2/day, Wrile lo: Bol Von Crueni-
gen, 8O4 WiIIovdaIe Ave., Kellering H 45429,
or caII: (513) 298-3224.
R SWST-CON '92, Muy 2B-31 <
This convenlion viII le heId in KarIsruhe,
Cernany. Lvenls incIude loard, roIe-pIaying,
IBM, and lalIelop ganes, vilh exhililions and
chanpionship lournanenls. Wrile lo: Winni
Drge-HeIIer, CoIdIackveg 6, D-75OO KarIsruhe
51, CLRMANY O721/888978, or lo: Reinhard
MIIer, WiIIi-Andreas-AIIee 3, D-75OO KarIsruhe
NASHCON '92, Muy 29-31 TN
This convenlion, hosled ly lhe HMCS-
Midsoulh and Canes Lxlraordinaire, viII le
heId al lhe Music Cily Rodevay Inn in NashviIIe,
Tenn. Lvenls incIude ninialures lournanenls,
pIus roIe-pIaying and loard ganes. lher aclivi-
lies incIude a deaIers roon, a gane auclion,
IigIair, and WalerpisloI WalerIoo. Regislralion:
$15. Wrile lo: NASHCN, c/o 2713 Lelanon
Iike, NashviIIe TN 27314, or caII: (615) 883-48OO.
BR AN PRTZIS HI, Muy 30-31 <
This convenlion viII le heId al lhe Tovn HaII
in Burlon on Trenl, Slaffs, LngIand. Lvenls
incIude loard, roIe-pIaying, and lalIelop gan-
ing. lher aclivilies incIude a deaIers area.
DeaIers are veIcone. Regislralion: 3/day or 5/
veekend preregislered, 3.5O/day or 6/veek-
end al lhe door. Wrile lo: Spiril Canes, 98
Slalion Sl., Burlon on Trenl, Slaffs, UNITLD
GIASSCON '92, Muy 30-31 NJ
This convenlion viII le heId on lhe canpus of
CIassloro Slale CoIIege in CIassloro, N.}. Lvenls
incIude RICA Nelvork AD&D lournanenls,
DIILMACY*, and CURIS* ganes. lher
aclivilies incIude loard and var ganes and a
deaIers area. Regislralion: $1O/veekend prere-
gislered, or $7/Sal. and $5/Sun. preregislered
(fees al lhe door viII le higher). Lvenls cosls are
$1/line sIol. Wrile lo: CLASSCN, I.. Box 58,
Wind Cap IA 18O91-OO58. Iroceeds viII go lo
lhe Cenler for LxceplionaI ChiIdren al CIass-
loro Slale CoIIege.
Continued on page 118
64 APRIL 1992
The heroes vho refused lo die
by WIII Iuvson und Put McGIIIIgun
The hislory of popuIar Iileralure is fuII
of aulhors vho have lried, unsuccessfuIIy,
lo vaIk avay fron heroes or vorIds lhey
had crealed, onIy lo le dravn irresislilIy
lack lo lhen.
No Iess a figure lhan Sir Arlhur Conan
DoyIe lried lo kiII off his Iegendary delec-
live hero, SherIock HoInes, in order lo
nove in nev direclions in his vriling
career, onIy lo have HoIness fans raise
such a hue and cry lhal he lroughl his
uncanniIy deduclive hero lack lo Iife.
Afler lhe success of King Solomons Mines,
H. Rider Haggard vas olIiged lo relurn lo
Darkesl Africa and resurrecl AIan Qualer-
nain for lhe sequeI, She.
In nore recenl lines, lhe proIific Isaac
Asinov relurned lo his rools vilh a greal-
66 APRIL 1992
Iy expanded version of his cIassic slory
Nightfall afler severaI decades. The in-
nenseIy popuIar nyslery vriler }ohn D.
McDonaId, sensing earIy on lhal he had
crealed yel anolher Iarger-lhan-Iife hero in
saIvage speciaIisl Travis McCee, look a
differenl lack, aIlernaling his nuch-
anlicipaled McCee slories vilh dozens of
highIy successfuI sland-aIone noveIs. Wilh
a IillIe lhoughl, any reasonalIy veII-read
foIIover of popuIar Iileralure vouId have
IillIe lroulIe grealIy expanding lhis Iisl.
This is aII ly vay of inlroducing our
coIunn lhis nonlh, vhich deaIs vilh
vrilers of inaginalion relurning lo vorIds
lhey lroughl aIive for us in lhe pasl~
specificaIIy, lhe aulhors of lhe lesl-seIIing
Moonshae and TaIes lriIogies, sel in lhe
DRACNLANCL sellings, respecliveIy.
TLe vuIdLome TvIIogy
Back in 1987, DougIas NiIess inaginalion
legan popuIaling a snaII group of isIands
in lhe IRCTTLN RLALMS selling caIIed
lhe Moonshaes vilh induslrious IfoIk,
fierce Norlhnen, and gianl, Iunlering
crealures caIIed firloIgs, jusl lo nane a
fev. The resuIl vas a series of looks
caIIed lhe Moonshae TriIogy. Soneone
eIses inaginalion nusl have leen luned lo
lhe sane vave Ienglh, lecause lo dale lhe
series has soId veII over 6OO,OOO copies. In
facl, lhe Moonshaes apparenlIy nade such
an inpression on readers lhal nany asked
for nore, and lhis year lheir palience viII
le revarded vilh lhe Iaunching of lhe
Druidhone TriIogy. Leading off lhe lriIogy
is Prophet of Moonshae (March 1992), lo
le foIIoved ly The Coral Kingdom (Sep-
lenler 1992) and The Druid Queen
(Spring 1993).
Whal vilh lhe pIelhora of sequeIs in lhe
novies (and eIsevhere) in recenl nenory
(Rocky, Star Trek, Star Wars, cuddIy Ired-
dy, Indiana }ones, elc.), ve vondered
vhelher consuners nighl le leconing
jusl a vee lil jaded vilh lhis phenone-
non, suspecling lhal each sulsequenl
advenlure vas nereIy a rehash of ils
popuIar predecessor. Wilh lhis in nind,
ve queslioned Doug aloul his nev
Druidhone TriIogy.
I donl lhink of lhis as a lypicaI sequeI,
for a coupIe of inporlanl reasons. Iirsl,
lhe slory picks up lvenly years afler lhe
cIose of lhe Moonshae TriIogy, and lhe
hunan characlers have aged accordingIy
and changed sonevhal. The viIIains in lhe
Druidhone TriIogy are conpIeleIy differ-
enl. BhaaI is gone, and lhe nain charac-
lers, for lhe nosl parl, are aIso differenl.
}usl as I did lhe firsl line, I find lhe
Moonshaes a fascinaling IocaIe lo vrile
aloul. I vanled Trislan and Rolyn lo le
ligger-lhan-Iife characlers~epic heroes, if
you viII~so lheyre noved off cenler
slage. AIlhough lolh appear in lhe
Druidhone TriIogy, lhe confIicl cenlers on
lheir daughlers, AIicia and Deirdre. I
vanled lhe viclory in lhe originaI Moon-
shae series lo le salisfying, vhich is vhy
Rolyns and Trislans acconpIishnenls Ied
lo lvenly years of prosperily.
The dovnside of lhe originaI lriIogy
vas lhe Ioss of lhe Larlhnolher. Reader
feedlack loId ne peopIe vere disappoinl-
ed vilh lhal. Civen aII lhese faclors, I feIl
lhere vas Iols nore slory lo leII. I aIso feeI
lhis is lhe perfecl lopic for ne righl nov,
and definileIy not jusl anolher sequeI.
DRACNLANCL saga aulhors have
lallIed vilh lhe sane queslions, vhich
lrings us lo lhe upconing TaIes II TriIogy.
Lven lhe nosl dedicaled reader of lhe
inlernalionaI lesl-seIIing DRACNLANCL
series nay need a genlIe reninder of vhal
lhe TaIes series are aII aloul.
The originaI TaIes TriIogy vas pulIished
five years ago, in lhree inslaIInenls: voI-
une 1, The Magic of Krynn; voIune 2,
Kender, Gully Dwarves, and Gnomes; and
voIune 3, Love and War. They vere lhe
firsl DRACNLANCL looks lo foIIov lhe
New York Times Top Ten lesl-seIIing
ChronicIes and Legends, ly lhe originaI
aulhors Margarel Weis and Tracy Hick-
nan. Weis and Hicknan ediled lhe firsl
TaIes series in 1987, conlriluled lheir ovn
unloId laIes of Krynn foIkIore, and heIped
discover a Iineup of vrilers, nany previ-
ousIy unpulIished, vho since have gone
on lo pen nany DRACNLANCL looks
and forge lheir ovn repulalions as firsl-
echeIon fanlasy aulhors.
In lhe inlervening years, lhere has leen
a groving denand for a nev sel of shorl
slories, anolher shared vorId TaIes
TriIogy lo nalch lhe quaIily and popuIarily
of lhe firsl. Il has nol leen feasilIe, unliI
nov, lo reassenlIe lhe laIenl necessary
for lhe lask.
Nick Donohoe, Nancy Varian Ber-
lerick, Richard A. Knaak, IauI B. Thonp-
son and Tonya R. Carler~lhese vere
anong lhe Iisl of vrilers vho energed in
lhe firsl TaIes series lo lecone lhe luI-
vark of TSRs DRACNLANCL Iine in lhe
years since, vho aIso vrole fanlasy noveIs
sel in lheir ovn vorIds, sel oulside of
Krynn. MichaeI WiIIians (lhe unofficiaI
lard of lhe DRACNLANCL saga), Roger
L. Moore (Iongline edilor of DRACN
Magazine), and DougIas NiIes (vho, as one
of TSRs gane designers, has vrillen nu-
nerous DRACNLANCL noduIes) vere
parl of lhe originaI design lean, and lhey,
loo, have gained a repulalion as dislinclive
noveIisls. To lhis group are added Dan
Iarkinson and Mark Anlhony.
Arranged according lo lhe lineIine of
Krynn, voIune 1, The Reign of Istar, viII
le on saIe in ApriI, voIune 2, The Cata-
clysm, in }uIy, and voIune 3, The War of
the Lance, in Novenler.
By speciaI arrangenenl for lhis second
TaIes series, Margarel Weis and Tracy
Hicknan relurn lo lhe TSR foId, laking
line oul fron lheir successfuI careers
(lhey have a Iong-lern coIIaloralive look
conlracl vilh Banlan, and Weis vriles
soIo noveIs as veII) lo vrile fresh noveIIas
for each TaIes II look and lo oversee lhe
conlenl and quaIily of aII of lhe slories.
Il is eslinaled lhal, lelveen lhen, lhe
TaIes II aulhors have roughIy 1OO noveIs lo
lheir credil, and nany nore noduIes and
gane-design credils. They and olhers have
vrillen nosl of lhe 18 DRACNLANCL
noveIs for TSR since lhe iniliaI success of
lhe series, carrying on in lhe lradilion of
Weis and Hicknan. IncIuding lhe firsl
TaIes, DRACNLANCL looks have soId
upvards of 1O niIIion copies in a dozen
differenl Ianguages.
The opporlunily lo relurn lo lhe vorId
of Krynn~vilh aII of ils unique fanlasy
eIenenls~vas a veIcone one for each of
lhe aulhors, lhough in sone cases lhere
had lo le a period of adjuslnenl and
Ior exanpIe, Nancy Varian Berlerick,
vhose firsl noveI, The Jewels of Elvish,
vas pulIished in lhe TSR Books Iine, has
gone on lo vrile a series of looks for Ace
Books, incIuding Shadows of the Seventh
Moon, A Child of Elvish, and lhe forlhcon-
ing The Panthers Hoard. Aparl fron keep-
ing up her reading as a fan, she had nol
visiled lhe vorId of Krynn as a vriler
since 1988. I vas anazed al hov nuch I
had forgollen of lhe snaII delaiIs, says
Berlerick. Ive leen spending lhe Iasl
coupIe of years in Dark Ages LngIand, and
I had sone difficuIly separaling lhe lvo
vorIds in ny nind. Ils aIvays lough lo
vrile in sonelody eIses vorId, lul I had
spenl a Iol of line in ny Iife in Krynn, and
il vas nice lo go hone again.
MichaeI WiIIians, Iikevise, jusl finished
his Thief lo King lriIogy for Warner~
inlerspersing his vork for lhal pulIisher
vilh his veII-knovn DRACNLANCL
noveIs Weasels Luck, Galen Beknighted
(parl of lhe Heroes TriIogy), and lhe forlh-
coning The Oath and the Measure (parl of
lhe Meelings Sexlel). I vas on lhe originaI
design lean, WiIIians reninisces. The
vorId of Krynn grev leyond ny dreans,
lhough nol leyond ny viIdesl dreans,
lecause I aIvays sav pIenly of possiliIilies
in il. Ils fun lo relurn, nov and lhen,
lecause Krynn is lig enough lhal you can
nolch off IillIe corners of lhe vorId and
nake lhen your ovn. You can renain
failhfuI lo vhal Margarel and Tracy in-
venled, vhiIe sliII having a Iol of freedon
lo creale.
ne of lhe unique aspecls of lhe nev
TaIes II TriIogy is lhal sone of lhe slories,
lhough lhey viII sland aIone, aIso viII le
Iinked lo olhers in lhe series. Ior exanpIe,
DougIas NiIes has crealed a characler, a
diIigenl scrile doing his lesl lo keep up
vilh lhe lurnoiI of hislory, vhose epislIes
lo lhe aII-knoving Aslinus viII appear in
each voIune. Dan Iarkinson~a proIific
aulhor vho ranges across nany genres
and vhose TSR credils incIude lhe popu-
Iar Starsong as veII as The Gates of Thor-
bardin (in lhe Heroes TriIogy)~vriles
aloul a roving land of guIIy dvarves vho
viII pop up sequenliaIIy in each of lhe
TaIes II looks. His vork in lhis area viII
dovelaiI niceIy vilh his research and prep-
aralion for lhe Iong-availed Dvarven
Nalions epic for TSR, coning up in lhe
DRACNLANCL series in 1993.
To lhe nosl IoyaI and nelicuIous read-
ers, lhere viII le frosling on lhe cake in
lhe forn of nany cross-references lo
previousIy pulIished DRACNLANCL
vorks. Richard A. Knaak has conlriluled
a slory, for exanpIe, lhal lorrovs ils nain
characler fron his firsl DRACNLANCL
noveI, The Legend of Huma. The falIed
conpanions (RaislIin, Caranon, et al.) viII
nake caneo appearances in sone of lhe
slories, and lhere viII le key aclivily ly
najor DRACNLANCL figures~heroes
and viIIains~especiaIIy in lhe noveIIas ly
Weis and Hicknan.
Indeed, lhis second TaIes series is so
packed vilh vivid and exciling naleriaI lhal
lhere aIready is laIk around lhe office of
anolher look in lhe series. Al lhis poinl, you
can le sure of one lhing: Wilh TaIes II, TSR
pronises a vondrous and enlhraIIing coIIec-
lion of shorl slories lhal viII Iive up lo ils
predecessor and lhe five-year anlicipalion
lelveen lhe firsl and second series.
The Power ol the Pen
Heres your chance lo leII us vhal you lhink~and uln!
by the DRAGON Magazine staff
You, lhe IoyaI readers of DRACN Magazine, can nov leII us vhal you
Iike and donl Iike aloul our nagazine. We viII use your responses lo
charl our fulure direclion, so lhis is your chance lo gel lhe nagazine you
reaIIy vanl. In addilion, ve are going lo avard prizes lo len randonIy
seIecled respondenls, and youII le alIe lo choose your ovn prize shouId
you vin!
Iholocopy lhis page, check one an cn|q cnc lox per nunlered enlry,
drop lhe forn inlo an enveIope, and naiI il lo: DRACN Magazine Survey,
I.. Box 111, Lake Ceneva WI 53147 U.S.A.
Cive us your opinions and you couId vin any producl Iisled in lhis
IIease rale lhe foIIoving reguIar fealures of DRACN Magazine for lheir
vaIue lo you as a reader. The raling syslen is as foIIovs: 5 = I aIvays read
lhe fealure, 4 = I usuaIIy read lhe fealure, 3 = I read lhe fealure aloul 5O
of lhe line, 2 = I rareIy read lhe fealure, 1 = I never read lhe fealure.
Ieutuve 5 4 3 2 1
3. TSR Irevievs - - - - -
4. Convenlion CaIendar - - - - -
5. Sage Advice - - - - -
6. Iorun - - - - -
7. TviIighl Lnpire - - - - -
8. Dragonnirlh - - - - -
9. Caners Cuide - - - - -
1O. RoIe-pIaying Revievs - - - - -
11. The RoIe of Conpulers - - - - -
12. Through lhe Looking CIass - - - - -
13. The RoIe of Books - - - - -
14. NoveI Ideas - - - - -
15. The Cane Wizards - - - - -
16. The Voyage of lhe Princess Ark - - - - -
17. The MARVLL-IhiIe - - - - -
18. Iiclion - - - - -
ToIc 5 4 3 2 1
21. SILLL}AMMLR selling - - - - -
22. RAVLNLIT selling - - - - -
23. DARK SUN selling - - - - -
24. WRLD I CRLYHAWK selling - - - - -
25. DRACNLANCL selling - - - - -
26. AL-QADIM selling - - - - -
27. IRCTTLN RLALMS selling - - - - -
28. D&D gane - - - - -
29. MARVLL SUILR HLRL gane - - - - -
3O. CAMMA WRLD gane - - - - -
31. TI SLCRLT/S.I. gane - - - - -
32. Science-ficlion RICs - - - - -
33. Cylerpunk RICs - - - - -
34. Super hero RICs - - - - -
35. Horror RICs - - - - -
36. Lspionage RICs - - - - -
37. Ianlasy & SI loard ganes - - - - -
38. I&SI ninialures ganes - - - - -
39. I&SI conpuler ganes - - - - -
4O. War ganes - - - - -
Do you have any specific connenls aloul DRACN Magazine`
IIease rale lhe arlvork in lhe nagazine on lhe scaIe of 1 lo 5, vilh
5 = Superl, 4 = Cood, 3 = Average, 2 = Ioor, 1= AvfuI.
Renenler lo cIearIy prinl your nane, address, and producl nunler of
lhe one TSR producl youd Iike lo vin if you are a randonIy seIecled
vinner. Iholocopy lhis forn, fiII il oul, and naiI il lo:
DRACN Magazine Survey
I.. Box 111
Lake Ceneva WI 53147
19. Cover arl
2O. Inlerior arl
5 4 3 2 1
Unless otherwise noted, and denote trademarks owned by TSR, Inc.
- - - - - TWILIGHT EMPIRE is & 1992 by Steve Sullivan.
- - - - - MARVEL and MARVEL SUPER HEROES are trademarks of Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc.
68 APRIL 1992
nonlhs TSR Irevievs coIunn (le sure lo correclIy nole lhe producl
nunler of lhe TSR producl you vanl, vhich is Iisled al lhe lollon of
each TSR Irevievs enlry). Incorrecl or unreadalIe producl nunlers,
nanes, or addresses viII forfeil your prize. nIy one response per ad-
dress, pIease. Nol onIy viII nuIlipIe responses fron one person skev lhe
resuIls of lhis survey, lhey viII aIso cause you lo forfeil any prize you
nighl have olhervise von. AII response forns nusl le poslnarked ly
6/3O/92 lo le eIigilIe for lhe prize draving.
IIease prinl your fuII nane and naiIing address leIov, so lhal if youre
chosen as one of our len randon vinners, ve can send your prize lo you.
BeIov is a series of lopics covered in DRACN Magazine in lhe pasl.
Wed Iike lo knov if changing lhe anounl of coverage ve give lo lhese
lopics vouId le vaIualIe lo you as a reader. The raling syslen is as foI-
Iovs: 5 = I aIvays read lhe lopic, 4 = I usuaIIy read lhe lopic, 3 = I read lhe
lopic aloul 5O of lhe line, 2 = I rareIy read lhe lopic, 1= I never read
lhe lopic.
by Spi ke Y. Jones
Artwork by Thomas Baxa
Three pecuIiar leasls for aII AD&D canpaigns
70 APRIL 1992
BatterIng ram
temperate/Hills and mountains
DILT: Herbivore
N. AIILARINC: 1 (30%) or 2d8 (70%)
ARMR CLASS: 0 (head), 6 (body)
N. I ATTACKS: 1 butt
SILCIAL DLILNSLS: Immune to sIov and
hoId spells; +4 save vs. fear
SIZL: L (6 at shoulder)
MRALL: Steady (11); see text
The lern lallering rans is oflen appIied
lo an enlire fIock of lhese sheep~rans,
eves, and Ianls aIike. These crealures
appear lo le gianl-sized, nounlain-
dveIIing sheep vilh olviousIy enIarged
horns. In nosl respecls, lhey are idenlicaI
lo lheir snaIIer cousins, coning in a varie-
ly of coIors. Lves of lhis species possess
nuch snaIIer horns, have an overaII ar-
nor cIass of 6, and have four hil dice.
Combut: Ballering rans are nornaIIy
unaggressive, lhe noraIe score appIies lo
aII evenls excepl lhose in vhich a naIe
(here sinpIy caIIed a ran) sees a crealure
allacking ils fIock. In lhe Ialler case, lhe
ran innedialeIy charges and nakes no
furlher noraIe checks unliI il or ils oppo-
nenl is sIain. In conlal, lhis crealure rans
viclins vilh ils horns, gaining a +2 lo hil
and doing doulIe danage if il has 3O of
slraighl running space lo speed up lo a
charge. In addilion, ils head has an in-
proved arnor cIass, lhanks lo ils lhick
horns and skuII, lhal aIIovs il lo lull soIid
oljecls Iike vaIIs vilhoul harn lo ilseIf.
Doors, gales, porlcuIIises, and lhe Iike
nusl save vs. crushing lIov al -4 or le
deslroyed, vaIIs nusl nake a slrucluraI
saving lhrov againsl a snaII calapuIl (see
lhe 2nd Ldilion Dungeon Masters Guide,
page 76). DefensiveIy, lallering rans of
eilher sex are innune lo aII hold and slow
speIIs, aIlhough charm speIIs have nornaI
effecls on lhen.
HubItut/SocIety: NornaIIy unaggressive,
lhese sheep usuaIIy lraveI in fIocks of 2d4
sheep: one ran and 3-4 eves, lhe renain-
der leing Ianls (AC 8, MV 12, HD 1, #ATT
niI). Lanls are lorn in lhe spring and
achieve aduIlhood afler lvo years, onIy
one oul of every lhree lirlhs is naIe.
Rans lend lo vander off on lheir ovn
fron line lo line, lul eves have a pierc-
ing lIeal lhal a ran can hear up lo lvo
niIes avay under good condilions (even
farlher in lhe nounlains if lhe lIealing
echoes). nce a ran hears lhis lIealing, il
viII slop al nolhing lo relurn lo ils fIock
and defend il vhiIe lhe fIock fIees.
Ballering rans prefer rocky grassIands
in hiIIs and nounlains, avoiding foresls.
coIogy: These crealures are found in
lhe roughesl nounlains in lhe viId, in
areas vhere olher sheep vouId le in
danger fron ellins or olher Iarge non-
slers. They are sonelines found in lhe
possession of vizards, vho charm lhen lo
renl lhen oul as niIilary veapons (vilh
nixed resuIls). Sone nounlain-dveIIing
foIk have nanaged lo doneslicale lhese
sheep, lul lhey cannol keep lhen penned
as lhe rans Iike lo lull dovn lhe fences
and gales.
CLIMATL/TLRRAIN: Subarctic to temper-
ate/Grasslands, hills, and prairies
DILT: Herbivore
INTLLLICLNCL: Very (11-12)
ARMR CLASS: 6 (2 in flight)
MVLMLNT: 3, Fly 12 (A)
HIT DICL: 1 hp
N. I ATTACKS: 1 weapon
DAMACL/ATTACK: By weapon type
SILCIAL DLILNSLS: Minor spell use, lair
SIZL: T (3 tall)
MRALL: Average (8)
XI VALUL: 270 (420 with potion effects)
By far lhe snaIIesl of lhe faerie foIk, and
in sone respecls lhe nosl leaulifuI, is lhe
gorse. Averaging one-quarler lhe heighl of
a fuII-grovn alonie, gorse nusl le secre-
live and unollrusive lo survive.
In appearance, gorse have lhe propor-
lions and physicaI allrilules of hunan
chiIdren, aIlhough lhey are fuIIy nalure,
vilh, lhe onIy differences leing lheir
heighl, lheir deIicale vings, and lheir
sIighlIy poinled ears. They have no anlen-
nae, and lheir sinpIe cIolhing is no differ-
enl in appearance lhan lhal of nosl
hunans or eIves. They prefer dressing in
shades of green and yeIIov lo lIend in
vilh lheir surroundings, vhich are nosl
oflen gorse, a prickIy evergreen shrul
vilh yeIIov fIovers.
Combut: Aside fron using lhe defenses of
lheir lhorny hones (see Halilal/Sociely),
gorse use a nunler of veapons in conlal,
aII of vhich are nanufaclured fron lhe
lushes lhey lend. They have ninule lovs
vilh a 3O range, spears (1O range), and
svords, aII of vhich do 1 hp danage on a
hil. Because of lhe veapons fine poinls
and lhe skiII of lhe gorse, aII of lhese
veapons are used al +2 lo hil. In addi-
lion, 1O of aII gorse arrovs viII le coal-
ed vilh a veak poison lhal causes
confusion for 2d4 rounds if lhe viclin faiIs
a save vs. poison.
In addilion lo lhese nundane aliIilies,
gorse have Iiniled nagicaI allacks and
defenses avaiIalIe lo lhen. nce per day,
each gorse can casl lhe canlrips extermi-
nate (lo defeal lhreals lhal, vhiIe ninor lo
hunans, are najor lo lhings lhe size of
gorse), sprout (usalIe onIy on lhorn lush-
es lul usefuI in lIocking a ninialure palh
lhrough a lush), and distract (see delaiIs
on lhese canlrips in lhe AD&D 1sl Ldilion
voIune, Unearthed Arcana, pages 46 and
48). The Ialler speII, aIong vilh lhe speII
mirror image (vhich lhey can aIso each
casl once daiIy) is used lo confuse an ene-
ny Iong enough lo aIIov lo escape. ne
gorse in 1O can aIso casl one spike growth
and a goodberry speII daiIy lo le used in
defending lhe Iair and lriling inleIIigenl
crealures nol lo allack lhen. AII speII
effecls are al 1Olh IeveI.
HubItut/SocIety: Corse prefer lo dveII in
lhe green, lhorny fIover-lushes lheyre
naned afler, naking Iairs forlidding lo
nosl predalors loo Iarge lo naneuver
lhrough lhe lhorns as lhe gorse do. If
crealures Iarger lhan lvice lheir heighl
allenpl lo enler lheir lushes, lhose crea-
lures each lake danage equaI lo 1 hp per
round if of AC 6-1O, or 1 hp every olher
round if of AC 4-5. Movenenl rales
lhrough gorse lushes for leings of size S
lo L are sIoved lo one-quarler nornaI,
Iarger and snaIIer leings are unhan-
pered. If lhrealened, gorse viII relreal
deeper inlo lheir lushes, Iuring allackers
lhrough lhe nosl lhickIy lhorned regions
and possilIy over Iogs, pils, and olher
hard-lo-see naluraI olslacIes.
AIlhough lhey nusl le vary of aII lig-
ger foIk (and aInosl aII crealures are lig
lo lhen), gorse can le persuaded lo deaI
vilh voodIand-dveIIers (e.g., dryads,
salyrs, and cenlaurs), hunans, and deni-
hunans vho lring lhen gifls of fresh
fruil, lread, or niIk. They lecone pro-
leclive of any vho do lhen favors, such as
druids vho defeal nenacing leasls or
eIves vho slop foresl fires. flen a gorse
lrile viII send a fev nenlers lo acconpa-
ny ils Iarger aIIies for lhe duralion of lhe
Iallers slay near lheir Iair.
Sone gorse lriles have nagicaI polions
in lheir lreasure lroves. Because of lhe
gorses snaII size, one slandard dose of a
polion equaIs 2O doses for lhe gorse. Thus,
il is nol unconnon lo find a Iarge group
of lhese faeries vho can polymorph lhen-
seIves, resist fire, or lurn rainbow hues al
viII for shorl periods of line. Sone po-
lions, such as lhe various conlroI polions,
viII nol vork unIess a fuII dose is laken,
and no gorse couId svaIIov lhal greal a
quanlily of any Iiquid, lhese polions viII
le undislurled in lheir hoards and viII
oflen le lraded for nore usefuI ones or
used as lriles or revards for ligger foIk.
Corse have lheir ovn Ianguage lul are
viIIing and alIe lo speak lhe longues of
spriles or pixies. A syIvan eIf vouId knov
enough of lheir Ianguage lo conducl a
haIling conversalion vilh lhen, as vouId
any druid fron lhe sane region as lhe
gorse in queslion.
subtropical/Plains, prairies, grasslands
DILT: Omnivore
72 APRIL 1992
HIT DICL: See Quakedancer Growth Table
THACO: See Quakedancer Growth Table
N. I ATTACKS: 1 bite and 1 stomp
DAMACL/ATTACK: See Quakedancer
Growth Table
SILCIAL ATTACKS: Stunning, swallowing
SIZL: See Quakedancer Growth Table
MRALL: Steady (12)
XI VALUL: See Quakedancer Growth Table
The quakedancer (a.k.a. quakeleasl,
quakenaker, lhunderer) is a Iarge repliIian
leasl lhal resenlIes a Brontosaurus,
excepl for lhe facl lhal il has six Iegs. Il is
nol a lrue dinosaur. The niddIe pair of
Iegs have lhick-cIaved loes lhal poinl
oulvard, lolh forvard and lackvard,
and oversized knee joinls, vhiIe lhe feel of
lhe olher, nornaI pairs of Iegs are lroader
al lhe lase lhan vouId le expecled of a
lrue sauropod of conparalIe size.
WhiIe il Iooks Iike a herlivore, lhe
quakedancer is reaIIy onnivorous, ealing
pIanls onIy as a ruse lo convince lrue
pIanl-ealers lhal il is harnIess. Il doesnl
have lhe speciaIized equipnenl of olher
neal-ealers (oversized cIavs and fangs,
canoufIage coIoring, poverfuI Iegs lo run
dovn ils prey, elc.). Il hunls ly neans of
ils unique aliIily lo creale a ninialure
earlhquake in ils innediale vicinily.
Combut: When hungry (vhich is oflen),
lhe quakeleasl prelends lo le a nornaI
sauropod, vacuousIy grazing on lhe green-
ery unliI a good nunler of unsuspecling
crealures are vilhin range doing lhe sane
lhing, allracled ly lhe iIIusion of safely
lhe quakedancer provides. The quakedan-
cer lhen rools lhe loes of ils niddIe Iegs
inlo lhe ground and laIances ils Iarge
lody on lhese lvo pivols. SIovIy al firsl,
lhen fasler and fasler, il rocks lack and
forlh fron ils fronl Iegs lo ils lack Iike a
Iiving see-sav, punping vilh ils neck and
laiI lo produce nore force, resoundingIy
crashing ils luIk dovn vilh each sving.
The inpacl produced ly lhis conslanl
ground-pounding creales nerve-shallering
shock vaves in lhe leasls vicinily, slun-
ning unIucky crealures snaIIer lhan ilseIf
lhal happen lo le loo cIose lo il. Il lakes 3-
6 rounds of rocking lo varn up lo lhe
slunning allacks. Crealures vilhin range
nusl nake a save vs. paraIysis every
round lhal lhe quakedancer nainlains ils
slunning allack (il nakes onIy one slonp
per round) or le slunned for 2d4 rounds,
delaiIs on vhal crealure sizes are affecled
and lhe range of lhe allack are given in
lhe Quakedancer Crovlh TalIe.
Slunning effecls are cunuIalive lo a naxi-
nun of 2O rounds. nce sufficienl
slunned prey is presenl for lhe quakedan-
cers appelile (aloul 2d6 crealures of lhe
Iargesl size il can affecl, or nore of
snaIIer sizes), il viII cease ils slonping
Quukeduncev GvowtL TubIe
HIt dIce
THAC0 (stunned)
BIte dumuge
Stom dumuge
Quuke vudIus
Mu. sIze oI vey
XP vuIue
O-1 years 1-2 years 2-3 years 3-4 years 4-5 years 5-6 years 6-7 years 7+ years
1 4 8 12 16 2O 24 28
2-1O S-L 1O-2O H 2O-3O H 3O-4O C 4O-5O C 5O-6O C 6O-7O C 7O-8O C
2O (niI) 16 (12) 12 (8) 8 (4) 4 (O) O (-4) - 4 ( - 8) - 8 (-12)
1d2 1d4 1d6 1d8 1d1O 1d12 1d12 + 1d2 1d12 + 1d4
niI 1d8 2d8 3d8 4d8 5d8 6d8 7d8
niI 1O 2O 3O 4O 5O 6O 7O
niI T S S M L L H
15 27O 1,4OO 5,OOO 9,OOO 13,OOO 17,OOO 21,OOO
and aulonalicaIIy svaIIov ils slricken
prey vhoIe al lhe rale of one crealure per
round. No lo-hil roII is needed for such
svaIIoving, noving prey is ignored unIess
il allacks, in vhich case lhe quakedancer
allenpls lo slonp and lile lhe viclin. A
svaIIoved viclin eilher dies fron suffoca-
lion (as per lhe ruIes on lrealh-hoIding in
lhe Players Handbook, page 122, nonslers
use lvice lheir hil dice for an equivaIenl
conslilulion score) or lakes 3d8 hp danage
per round fron lhe leasls slonach acids,
slarling on lhe lhird round afler lhe vic-
lin is svaIIoved.
HubItut/SocIety: Quakedancers are
carefuI lo hunl onIy in IeveI, slalIe areas
avay fron olher predalors, in order lo
prevenl lvo possilIe lhreals: scavengers
oulside quake range darling in lo snalch
lheir hard-earned prey, or quaking in
unslalIe areas lhal couId open crevasses
and rocksIides rendering prey inaccessi-
lIe. As lhey gel oIder, and Iarger, quake-
dancers reIax lhis ruIe, as lerrain lhal
vouId seen inposing lo a 6 hunan is
nuch Iess so lo a 5O quakedancer.
These leasls have no Iairs, as lhe repeal-
ed devaslalion of a singIe region vouId
nark il as loo dangerous lo enler. Inslead,
lhey are conslanlIy on lhe nove Iooking
for nev hunling grounds vhere lhey are
nol feared ly lhe IocaI viIdIife. A person
vilh lhe Tracking proficiency couId foIIov
a quakedancer vilh ease, even years afler
il Iefl an area, foIIoving lhe lraiI of sIovIy
eroding vounds in lhe earlh unliI he
found lhe quake-producing leasl al vork.
AnnuaIIy, a quakedancer Iays a cIusler of
2d1O eggs in a shaIIov lurrov al lhe
cenler of a nevIy devaslaled area (lhese
areas are oflen shunned for sone line ly
olher crealures lhal nighl lhrealen lhe 4-
fool-Iong eggs). Afler Iaying lhe eggs, lhe
fenaIe quakedancer alandons lhen, as
lhe naIe quakedancer alandoned her
veeks lefore. Mosl of lhese eggs success-
fuIIy halch, lul fev of lhe young survive
lo see lheir firsl year, leing ealen ly pred-
alors or lheir cIulch-nales.
As halchIing quakedancers havenl lhe
nass lo use lhe quake-naking allack of
aduIls, nevlorn quakedancers quickIy
scurry for cover afler halching, surviving
lhal firsl year on a diel of vegelalion,
insecls, and olher snaII crealures. Those
Iiving lhrough lhe lrying firsl year are
alIe lo use lheir quaking aliIily lo slun
Tiny crealures in lheir near vicinily, and
lheir success is virluaIIy assured fron lhis
poinl on. Quakedancers grov shockingIy
fasl. SexuaI nalurily does nol arrive unliI
lheir fiflh year, al vhich poinl lhey are as
nuch as 5O in Ienglh and veII alIe lo
cIear an area for egg-Iaying.
coIogy: Though lheir aclions appear
highIy deslruclive, in lhe Iong run a
quakedancer has onIy a sIighl effecl on ils
environnenl. WiIdIife relurns lo a devas-
laled area soon afler lhe quakedancer
Ieaves, and il does nol overhunl, as nuch
of ils slunned prey usuaIIy escapes upon
recovery. Slreans and rivers nay have
lheir courses aIlered, and once in a vhiIe
a quakedancer nighl accidenlaIIy lrigger a
nore severe disasler vilh ils novenenls
(e.g., IandsIide, avaIanche, naluraI earlh-
quake, fIooding afler dan coIIapse, elc.).
CiviIized leings vho reIy on fixed urlan
and agricuIluraI areas find lhese leings lo
le highIy lroulIesone, hovever, and
quakedancers are hunled inlo exlernina-
lion in nosl areas.
AIlhough quakedancer eggs are easy lo
find if one knovs vhere lo Iook, lhey have
IillIe narkel vaIue considering lhe polen-
liaIIy devaslaling effecls a fev years afler
lhey halch. Sone unscrupuIous individuaIs
viII seII lhe eggs as sonelhing eIse (e.g.,
dragon eggs), vhiIe olhers have senl lhen
as anonynous gifls lo lheir enenies. Cilies
lhal have suffered lhrough such pranks
usuaIIy inslilule slricl Iavs againsl lhe
inporlalion, narkeling, and possession of
lhese line lonls.
Al lhe olher end of lheir Iife-cycIe, ru-
nors cIain lhal quakedancers never die of
oId age, lhey can le lroughl dovn ly
predalors, advenlurers, disease, naluraI
disasler, or even Iarger nenlers of lheir
ovn species, lul if none of lhese faclors
inlrudes, lhey jusl conlinue lo grov vilh-
oul cease. In regions vhere such Iegends
are videspread, aII earlhquakes are allril-
uled eilher direclIy lo garganluan quake-
dancers passing lhrough, or indireclIy lo
lhe passage of lhe seni-nylhicaI Iirsl
Quaker, vhich supposedIy roans far-off
regions lul sliII causes IocaI earlhquakes
ly vay of lransnilled shockvaves and
74 APRIL 1992
by Skip Williams
If you have any queslions on lhe ganes
produced ly TSR, Inc., Sage Advice viII
ansver lhen. In lhe Uniled Slales and
Canada, vrile lo: Sage Advice, DRACN
Magazine, I.. Box 111, Lake Ceneva WI
53147, U.S.A. In Lurope, vrile lo: Sage
Advice, DRACN Magazine, TSR Lld., 12O
Church Lnd, Cherry Hinlon, Canlridge
CB1 3LB, Uniled Kingdon. We are no
Ionger alIe lo nake personaI repIies,
pIease send no SASLs vilh your queslions
(SASLs are leing relurned vilh vrilers
guideIines for lhe nagazine).
Whals lhe nosl unusuaI queslion lhe
sage has ever leen asked` Il nighl le here
in lhis nonlhs coIunn on lhe AD&D
gane. }usl in case any readers are von-
dering, I have reason lo suspecl lhe sincer-
ily of onIy one of lhe foIIoving queslions,
and lhals lecause I knov lhe lvo guys
vho senl il in. The resl are as Iegilinale as
any olher queslion Sage Advice gels.
Iirsl, lvo queslions gel re-saged, lhen
veII lry lo nake sone sense oul of lhe
A Iew Issues ugo, you suId onIy
eIven IIgLtev/muges cun weuv eIven
cLuIn muII wItLout vestvIctIon. How-
evev, II you Iook undev eIven cLuIn
muII In tLe ungeon Mustev's GuIde
(uge 1B2), It suys, "Its IIgLtness und
IIeIbIIIty uIIow even mugIc usevs
und tLIeves to use It wItL Iew ve-
stvIctIons. . . . Iven IIgLtev/muges
use It wItLout vestvIctIon." WLut uve
tLe Iew vestvIctIons Iov muges?
This is a nisprinl. The Iine shouId read:
Ils Iighlness and fIexiliIily aIIov even
lards and lhieves lo use il vilh fev re-
slriclions. This officiaI correclion has
aIready appeared in nore recenl prinlings
of lhe DMG.
In lhe core AD&D 2nd Ldilion ruIes,
nages cannol vear arnor unIess lhey are
eIven fighler/nages. Hovever, il seens lo
ne lhal haIf-eIven cIeric/nages, fighler/
nages, and fighler/nage/cIerics aIso couId
funclion vhiIe vearing eIven chain naiI.
Mage/lhieves and fighler/nage/lhieves
couId prolalIy aIso vear eIven chain naiI
since slraighl lhieves can~lul donl forgel
lo appIy lhe penaIlies lo lhieving aliIilies
fron TalIe 29, page 39, in lhe Players
In "Suge AdvIce" In Issue #156, you
suId u Leuvy cutuuIt und u tvebu-
cLet weve two dIIIevent tLIngs.
Howevev, tLe SPIIJAMMR boed
set's ConcorJunce of Arcune Spuce
(uge 40) suys tLut u Leuvy cutuuIt
Is u tvebucLet. AIso, II tvebucLets
cun LuvI vocks weIgLtIng 500 Ibs.,
Low cun tLey be IItted onto
seIIJummevs? II u tvebucLet Is u
seuvute Item, Low mucL does It
cost? How bIg wouId u sLI Luve to
be to Luve one? WLut uve tLIs weu-
on's otLev stutIstIcs?
I didnl acluaIIy say lhal calapuIls and
lreluchels vere differenl in issue 156, lul
lhey are according lo lhe hislories Ive
read. TechnicaIIy, a calapuIl is a lorsion-
povered siege engine. A calapuIls lorsion
(lvisling or springing) pover vas usuaIIy
provided ly eilher lighlIy vrapped skeins
of horsehair or Iayers of green loards
arranged Iike lhe Ieaf springs on an aulo-
noliIes suspension.
To gel an idea of hov a lvisled-skein
calapuIl vorked, slrelch a ruller land
lelveen your lhunl and forefinger. Nov
lake a capped laIIpoinl pen or unshar-
pened penciI and slick il lelveen lhe lvo
slrands of ruller. If you fIip lhe pen end
over end a fev lines Iike an airpIane
propeIIer, youII lvisl and lighlen lhe
ruller land, youII have lo sIide lhe pen
in and oul a lil (lecause your hand viII le
in lhe vay) lo rolale lhe pen fuIIy. When
youve gol lhe ruller land reaIIy lighl
(and ained avay fron your face), Iel go.
The ruller land viII fIip lhe pen over
quile forcefuIIy. The calapuIls skeins vere
lighlened ly nen on eilher side of lhe
calapuIl vho lurned cranks connecled lo
lhe skeins, lighlening lhen up vilhoul
noving lhe calapuIl arn, vhich vas heId
lack. nce lhe arn vas reIeased, lhe
lorsion in lhe lvisled skeins fIung lhe arn
in an arc lhal vas slopped ly a crosspiece
on lhe nachine ilseIf, lhe annunilion,
vhich had leen pIaced in a cup on lhe end
of lhe arn, vas lhen hurIed avay.
The Ieaf-spring calapuIl vorked jusl Iike
a lig crosslov. In facl, lhe onIy difference
lelveen lhis kind of siege engine and a
laIIisla (vhich vorked exaclIy Iike a lig
crosslov) vas lhal a calapuIl had a Iong
arn vilh a cup or pouch al one end for
lhroving slones in a high arc, in pIace of
lhe arn, a laIIisla had a sIide lhal hurIed a
rock or Iarge loIl in a fIal arc.
A lreluchel, hovever, vas povered ly
a counlerveighl. A Iong lean vas pIaced
on a pivol, vilh one end of lhe lean a Iol
cIoser lo lhe pivol lhan lhe olher. A heavy
veighl vas hung al lhe leans shorl end,
and a pouch for hoIding rocks vas hung
on lhe olher, lhen lied dovn, lhe vhoIe
veighl of lhe shorl end vas aIvays far
grealer lhan lhe enlire veighl of lhe Iong
end and ils annunilion. When a Ioaded
lreluchel vas fired ly reIeasing lhe Iong
end, lhe veighl snapped lhe Iong end
upvard, and lhe rock in lhe pouch vas
hurIed avay. If youve ever seen a lroupe
of acrolals vorking vilh a seesav, youve
gol lhe idea.
In hisloricaI lerns, lhe SILLL}AMMLR
sellings Iighl calapuIl prolalIy is siniIar
lo lhe hisloricaI onager, a snaII lvisled-
skein lorsion engine lhal hurIed a rock
lhal veighed aloul 1O Ils. The nediun
calapuIl prolalIy is siniIar lo a Iarger
skein- or Ieaf-spring lorsion engine lhal
hurIed a 25-Il. rock (in Iandsnans lerns,
lhis vouId le a heavy calapuIl, lhe
SILLL}AMMLR selling has adopled ils
ovn lerninoIogy). The spacefarers heavy
calapuIl, or lreluchel, vouId le a very
Iarge lorsion engine hurIing a 4O- or 5O-Il.
rock, page 4O of lhe Concordance defines
calapuIls as Iarge, slone-lhroving devices
operaled ly springs, cranks, or fIyvheeIs.
I doull lhal very Iarge counlerveighl
engines couId le used on speIIjanners al
aII, excepl on dvarven ciladeIs and olher
nassive lodies of 3OO lons or nore. If you
vanl lo inlroduce such veapons inlo your
canpaign, youre on your ovn.
As a generaI ruIe of lhunl, I suggesl
lhal doulIing lhe veighl of lhe nissiIe
shouId increase lhe huII danage lo lhe
nexl higher slep. Ior exanpIe, a veapon
hurIing an 8O-Il. rock vouId do 2d6 huII
poinls. Lach increnenl of increased dan-
age shouId cosl an exlra 3OO-4OO gp, re-
duce lhe THACO ly one (2O naxinun),
lake one exlra crev, reduce lhe rale of
fire ly one, and increase lhe veapons
counl ly one. So, our 8O-pounder
vouId cosl 1,3OO-1,4OO gp, require five or
six crevnen, have a THACO of 19, have a
rale of fire of 1/3 or 1/4, and vouId counl
as lhree Iarge veapons inslaIIed. I suggesl
lhal you do nol aIIov lhe crilicaI-hil nun-
lers and crev-danage ralings lo increase
leyond lhe heavy calapuIls 18-2O and
3d1O vaIues.
I Luve u 6"-tuII duuI-cIussed
IIgLtev-monk. WLen Le wus u IIgLt-
ev, Le wus evmunentIy buuteJ, tLen
Le wus sLvunk. To muke u Iov LIs
IImIted cLoIce oI weuons due to LIs
sIze, I mude LIm u monk. At 5tL
IeveI, huute und ulou seIIs don't
uIIect monks. SInce tLe cLuvuctev
wus huuteJ us u IIgLtev, wIII tLe eI-
Iect vemuIn? II so, wIII bootu of
upeeJ Imvove LIs movement vute, II
Le cun IInd u uIv tLut wIII IIt?
If you lhink a 6-laII characler canl do
nuch danage vilh a fighlers lradilionaI
veapons, youre righl~especiaIIy if he
fighls any foe Iarger lhan a cockroach.
Hovever, dininulive svords, lallIe axes,
and lhe Iike sliII do nore danage lhan liny
fisls and feel. (I suppose a 6 nonk vear-
ing a girdle of giant strength nighl le alIe
lo do sone inleresling lhings vilh judo
lhrovs, a carloon characler caIIed Alon
Anl cones lo nind.)
SlriclIy speaking, lhe hasle effecl ends
as soon as lhe characler lecones a 5lh-
IeveI nonk, lhe discipIine and conlroI lhe
nonk inposes on his lody forces il lo
relurn lo ils nornaI (non - hasted or non-
slowed) slale. AIso, nosl canpaigns disaI-
Iov pernanenl haste effecls, as lhey lend
lo unlaIance pIay. Iurlhernore, lhis con-
linalion lends lo lurn oul characlers, as il
nagicaIIy ages lhe characler in eilher
edilion of lhe AD&D gane. In lhe originaI
gane, a haste recipienl nol onIy ages a
year, lul aIso nusl nake a system shock
roII or perish. In eilher edilion of lhe
gane, I reconnend lhal lhe pernanenlIy
hasted characler reroII for syslen shock
periodicaIIy, Iike every day, veek, or
nonlh, a characlers lody can lake onIy so
nuch aluse. Nole aIso lhal lhe characler
shouId age al Ieasl lvice lhe nornaI rale,
and lhe DM vouId nol le oul of Iine lo
ruIe lhal lhe characler acluaIIy ages an
exlra year every hour, veek, or nonlh.
CeneraIIy speaking, siniIar nagicaI
effecls are nol cunuIalive in eilher edilion
of lhe AD&D gane. A second haste speII
viII nol affecl a hasted characler in eilher
edilion, nor can a hasted characler lenefil
fron a polion of speed. Likevise, boots of
speed leslov a lase novenenl rale (sul-
jecl lo encunlrance penaIlies) of 24. If lhe
vearer aIready noves lhal fasl or fasler,
he gels no lenefil fron lhe lools no nal-
ler vhere lhe superior novenenl rale
cones fron. As il happens, your 5lh-IeveI
nonk has a novenenl rale of 19, vhich
lhe lools can loosl lo 24, no higher.
Cun you uhupe cLunge u tuvvusque
Into u IIttIe bunny, tLen eut It Iov
dInnev? II u Lumun wus poly-
morpheJ Into u bunny und some oI
tLe bunny's Iuv wus tuken, tLen tLe
bunny wus polymorpheJ buck Into
u Lumun, wouId tLe Iuv sumIe tuvn
buck Into Lumun LuIv ov wouId It
stuy bunny Iuv? In otLev wovds, wIII
u lightning bolt seII bIow u In my
wIzuvd's Iuce II Le uses tLe bunny
Iuv us u mutevIuI comonent?
Iirsl, in eilher edilion of lhe AD&D
gane, lhe larrasque is a unique crealure.
A DM can decide lhal a vhoIe race of
larrasques popuIales lhe vorId, lul lhere
are nore originaI vays lo chaIIenge pIayer
characlers. Second, shape change vorks
onIy on lhe casler/user, so no one can use
il Iike a polymorph other speII, if shape
change couId le used on crealures olher
lhan lhe casler, il vouId give lhe recipienl
lhe aliIily lo change ils shape and aII such
changes vouId le under lhe recipienls
conlroI, nol lhe caslers, In nol sure vhal
forn a larrasque vouId choose if il couId
shape change ilseIf, lul il vouIdnl le
IikeIy lo lring any joy lo lhe speII-casler,
vhalever lhal shape happened lo le.
f course, even a larrasque nighl faII
viclin lo a polymorph other or polymorph
any object speII. In eilher edilion of lhe
AD&D gane and in lhe D&D gane, a
polymorphed crealure keeps ils hil poinls,
naluraI arnor cIass, and possilIy olher
pureIy physicaI aliIilies, in lhe larrasques
case lhis incIudes regeneralion and nayle
even ils Iinl-severing lile. So, your
larrasque/lunny sliII is one lough cus-
loner: A 3OO-hp lunny vilh AC - 3, al
Ieasl lvo allacks (lile and kick), and a
Iegendary regeneralion aliIily. Lven if one
nanaged lo eal lhis crealure, youd sliII
need a wish lo keep il dead (see lhe larras-
ques descriplion in lhe Monstrous Com-
pendium, voIune 2).
Since polymorphed crealures assune
lheir nornaI shape vhen kiIIed, I suggesl
lhal any pieces cul fron lhen change
lack, loo. Afler aII, leing separaled fron
lhe resl of lhe crealure is a dealh of a
sorl. In lhe case of lhe larrasque/lunny,
lhe crealure vouId change lack vhen
reduced lo -3O hp, or perhaps any line
afler leing reduced lo leIov zero hil
poinls if lhe DM so decides. This nelhod
cIears up esoleric queslions such as, Can I
78 APRIL 1992
use polymorphed hunan hair as a naleri-
aI conponenl for a lightning bolt speII` Il
aIso keeps pIayer characlers fron using
polymorph nagic as a cheap shorlcul
vhen crealing scroIIs, polions, and olher
nagicaI ilens.
Suose un eIosIve dImensIonuI
mine Is tLvown Into un etvudImen-
sIonuI flutbor ut tLe euct Instunt
tLe Jiuintegrution chumber It In-
LubIts Is uctIvuted. TLe vesuItIng
conIIuence oI dImensIons destvoys
tLe contents oI tLe flutbor und
oens u vIIt to tLe AstvuI Iune. Now,
tLe veuI questIon Is: o tLe mugI-
cuIIy sLvunk, muted uIv oI Immov-
tuI ustvuI dvugons tLut weve sIeeIng
InsIde tLe flutbor InstuntIy vecovev
uII tLeIv Iost LIt oInts (becuuse tLey
uve ImmovtuI), und II so wLeve do
tLe dvugons wInd u uItev
sIon und vIIt IovmutIon?
tLe eIo-
Youre definileIy nisreading lhe descrip-
lions of lhe nagicaI ilens invoIved here
(aII lhree are fron lhe Tome of Magic,
pages 136-137). Dimensional mines are
inerl unliI pIaced inside exlradinensionaI
spaces. Lven lhen, a dimensional mine
does nol expIode, il ruplures lhe exlradi-
nensionaI space, and any naller inside
lhe space is speved inlo lhe AslraI pIane.
The effecl does nol danage lhe conlenls
of lhe space. Flatboxes donl inhilil nagic
al aII, lhough ly lheir very nalure lhey
cannol le iIIuninaled. A disinlegralion
chanler produces no speclacuIar effecls
vhen lroughl inlo an exlradinensionaI
space, and il cannol deslroy anylhing lhal
is nol inside il (even lhen, nolhing happens
unliI sonelody pushes lhe lullon).
In lhe silualion you descrile, lhe flatbox
couId expIode vhen lhe dimensional mine
vas lossed inside, as lhe flatbox is an
exlradinensionaI space lhal has a lad
halil of expIoding vhen ils dislurled.
Hovever, il does nol have lo expIode, il
couId jusl le ruplured. The disintegration
chamber vouId le ullerIy deslroyed in
such an expIosion, and lhe dragons vouId
survive and gel sucked lhrough lhe rifl
and lossed onlo lhe AslraI pIane. Whelher
lhe dragons vere inside lhe disintegration
chamber vhen il vas aclivaled is irreIe-
vanl, as lheir innorlaIily (see lheir de-
scriplion in lhe Monstrous Compendium,
DRACNLANCL appendix) aIIovs lhen
lo survive leing sinuIlaneousIy de-
slroyed and disintegrated.
II u tLIeI Iost un uvm Just beIow tLe
eIbow, wouId Le stIII be ubIe to
weuv u mugIcuI bvucev on tLe
stum? CouId Le weuv u bvucev ovev
u vostLesIs? WLut eIIect wouId tLe
Ioss Luve on tLe cLuvuctev's tLIeI
ubIIItIes? II Le ovIgInuIIy weIgLed
115 Ibs., wLut wouId LIs new
weIgLt be?
Bracers are nade lo le vorn on lhe
vrisl or forearn. IndividuaI DMs are free
lo decide if anpulee characlers can use
lracers (and olher ilens lhal nusl le
vorn) ly vearing lhen on slunps or
proslheses. Check oul Sage Advice in
issue #172 for a discussion of vhere vari-
ous lypes of nagicaI equipnenl are nor-
naIIy vorn.
The DM nusl decide vhelher lhe Ioss of
a Iinl or appendage viII affecl lhieving
aliIilies al aII. Theres no reason lo assune
lhal lhe characler cannol sinpIy adapl
and go on perforning jusl as lefore. If lhe
DM isnl feeIing lhis generous, I suggesl a
penaIly of 5-25 on aII appIicalIe percenliIe
lhieving aliIilies. Ior exanpIe, lhe one-
handed lhief nenlioned alove viII suffer
no penaIlies lo his aliIily lo hear noise,
nove siIenlIy, or hide in shadovs, as he
doesnl need lo use his arns and hands lo
do lhese lhings. The characler nighl
suffer a penaIly lo pick pockels or find
and renove lraps. The DM couId decide
lhal lhis one-handed characler has fever
oplions vhen picking pockels, and he
couId assess a - 5 penaIly lo his percenliIe
chance for success. The DM aIso nighl
decide lhal rogues donl use lheir hands
nuch vhen finding lraps, lul lhal lvo
hands are heIpfuI vhen renoving lraps,
and so assigns no penaIly lo find and a
- 1O lo renove. IinaIIy, lhe DM nighl
decide lo assign a - 15 penaIly lo cIinl
vaIIs, since lhe characlers renaining
lhree appendages are going lo le very
lusy vhen lhe characler is cIinling. If
penaIlies are assessed, I slrongIy suggesl
lhal lhe DM give lhe characler an oppor-
lunily lo acquire sone adaplive equipnenl
and a chance lo praclice using il. The
easiesl vay lo sinuIale lhis is lo use lhe
Training oplionaI ruIe (see lhe Dungeon
Masters Guide, page 49).
As lo lhe Ioss of veighl, lhe characler
shouId Iose aloul 4 of his lolaI veighl
(4.6 Ils., in lhis case) for Iosing roughIy
haIf an arn. Sage Advice discussed lhis
caIcuIalion in issue #156 (see lhe IegIess
gnone queslion).
uctIy Low muny gnomes cun un
uduIt gvIIIon cuvvy wItLout IosIng
Its seed ov uItItude, LysIcuI ut-
tucks ov Ieuvsome temevument?
A lypicaI gnone, vilhoul equipnenl,
veighs aloul 82.5 Ils., lul lhis figure can
le as IillIe as 73 Ils. or as nuch as 92 Ils.
(Players Handbook, page 24, TalIe 1O).
Carrying capacilies for nosl fIying crea-
lures lhal can le used as nounls are
conspicuous ly lheir alsence fron lhe
crealures descriplions in lhe various
Monstrous Compendium voIunes. Ior lhe
sake of gane laIance, I suggesl lhal lhe
nosl connon fIying nounls~pegasi,
griffons, and hippogriffs~have lhe sane
carrying capacily. The Iegasus descriplion
in MC1 Iisls lhis as lhe sane as a nediun
var horse: 22O Ils. al fuII speed, 33O Ils.
al haIf speed, and 44O Ils. al one-lhird
speed. As a generaI ruIe, a fIying nounl
Ioses one naneuveraliIily cIass vhen
carrying a rider. I suggesl lhal a vinged
nounl Ioaded lo lhe one-lhird novenenl
cIass le unalIe lo fIy al aII. Nole lhal lhere
is no reason a DM couId nol appIy lhe
novenenl rale and carrying capacily
nodifiers fron lhe horse quaIily ruIes
(DMG, pages 36-37) lo fIying nounls, loo.
As lo lhe queslion of a Ioaded griffons
lenperanenl: Criffons are infanous for
lheir nasly disposilions, and carrying Ioads
doesnl nake lhen any happier. Lxcepl for
reduclions lo ils naneuveraliIily and
novenenl, a griffon carrying a Ioad sliII
can fighl nornaIIy. Hovever, I suspecl a
griffon vouId slrongIy resenl carrying
nuIlipIe riders or leing overIoaded. Such
a leasl prolalIy viII lry lo shed~or even
eal~excess riders.
WLeve cun u wIzuvd ut u uphere of
unnihilution wLen Le Is not usIng It?
You can pul a sphere of annihilation
anyvhere you vanl vhen you are nol
using il, jusl ly connanding il lo slop. f
course, sonelody eIse couId sel il in no-
lion again ly lrying lo conlroI il, so il
lehooves lhe ovner lo park his sphere of
annihilation in a safe pIace, Iike a Iocked
vauIl. (Ior an exanpIe of a crealive use of
a sphere of annihilation slored in lhis vay,
see The Living Cily in ILYHLDRN
Nevszine issue #52.)
80 APRIL 1992
Since lhe effecl a sphere of annihilation
viII have on ils surroundings can vary
videIy fron canpaign lo canpaign, il
nighl le usefuI lo discuss lhis ilens prop-
erlies in sone delaiI. SinpIy pul, a sphere
of annihilation is a hoIe in lhe falric of lhe
nuIliverse. Like olher hoIes, a sphere of
annihilation is lenign unliI sonelhing faIIs
inlo il.
Hovever, lhe slriclesl possilIe inlerpre-
lalion of a spheres povers (DMG, page
18O) yieIds a prelly lerrifying poinl. Since
anylhing lhal conlacls lhe sphere is in-
slanlIy sucked inlo lhe void and ullerIy
deslroyed, a sphere of annihilation noving
lhrough lhe air nighl le acconpanied ly
a conlinuous runlIe of lhunder as lhe air
il encounlers is annihiIaled and nore air
rushes in lo fiII lhe vacuun. Lven al resl, a
sphere of annihilation nighl evenluaIIy
slrip a pIanel of ils alnosphere as il anni-
hiIales each and every gas noIecuIe lhal
louches il. A singIe such sphere couId
drain oceans and nayle even gollIe up
slars and pIanels, if one does nol pIace a
size Iinil on vhal lhe sphere can annihi-
Iale, il couId suck in lhe vhoIe earlh in-
slanlIy jusl ly louching lhe ground. The
onIy vay lo safeIy slore a sphere under
lhese condilions vouId le lo seaI il inlo an
airlighl vauIl, vhere il evenluaIIy vouId
annihiIale lhe air around il and creale a
perfecl vacuun. NeverlheIess, a nore
responsilIe approach vouId le lo deslroy
lhe sphere vilh a rod of cancellation as
quickIy as possilIe.
I lhink ils far nore reasonalIe lo as-
sune lhal fIuid naller, such as a lody of
valer or an alnosphere, viII lend lo fIov
around lhe sphere ralher lhan conlacling
il and leing annihiIaled. f course, air or
valer couId le fanned or IadIed inlo lhe
sphere, vhere il vouId le annihiIaled.
This effecl is siniIar lo vhal vouId hap-
pen if a portable hole vas spread oul on a
sand leach. The hoIe dispIaces lhe sand
vilhoul olhervise affecling il, and no
sand faIIs inlo lhe hoIe unIess il is pushed
inside. I aIso suggesl lhal a sphere of anni-
hilation le unalIe lo ullerIy deslroy any-
lhing ligger lhan il is. If, for exanpIe, lhe
characler conlroIIing lhe sphere pIunges il
inlo lhe earlh or inlo a caslIe vaII, lhe
sphere lores a 2 hoIe inslead of sucking
lhe enlire oljecl inlo olIivion. Likevise,
snaII, nan-sized, and Iarge crealures
nighl survive louching a sphere unIess
lhey faII conpIeleIy inlo il. (See lhe pre-
vious queslion on anpulee lhief for
possilIe consequences of nisadvenlures
vilh spheres of annihilation.) Tiny crea-
lures prolalIy donl have enough slrenglh
or nass lo resisl leing sucked inlo a
sphere if lhey are unforlunale enough lo
louch il.
82 APRIL 1992
he Coose vas dead. Anyone couId see
lhal. And lhe nurderer had leen
caughl pIucking fealhers. Il aII seened
Iike a sinpIe case of lhefl vilh inlenl
lo feasl. Al Ieasl, lhal vas hov il ap-
peared, lul sonelhing loId ne lhere
vas nore lo lhis silualion lhan jusl a
hungry peasanl sleaIing pouIlry.
Iirsl, lhe Coose vasnl an ordinary goose. Il vas lhe
nainslay of BasiIopoIis econony lecause il Iaid goIden
eggs. Yes, I said goIden. You knov, lhal yeIIovish nelaI
lhals used for lhe slandard coinage of nosl counlries.
Inslead of nining and refining goId as olher counlries did,
BasiIopoIis Keeper of lhe Treasury venl lo lhe Cooses
nesl lvice a day and galhered eggs of soIid pure goId.
Sonelines one egg, sonelines lvo. No one couId predicl
A young leggar naned Thon slood lefore ne, lound
so lighlIy his chesl lareIy noved vhen he lrealhed. His
palched, oversized cIolhes vere as dirly as his gaunl face,
and he slank vorse lhan lhe fiIlhiesl slalIe Id ever
sneIIed. Dozens of guards surrounded hin, sone keeping
lack lhe crovd lhal fiIIed lhe judgnenl haII, sone inlenl
on saving Thon for lhenseIves. LoveIy vay lo slarl a
Do you have anylhing lo say in your defense` I
Thon crunpIed lo his knees and slarled lo cry. When
he spoke, his voice vas higher lhan Id expecled. IIease,
Your Highness, I didnl do il!
Your Honor, I correcled hin. In lhe Kings Mag-
islrale, nol King Cannard lhe Iiflh hinseIf.
Your Honor, I jusl found il Iayin lhere ly lhe vaII,
he sniffed and rulled his cheek on his griny shouIder,
an ils neck aII lvisled. I jusl picked il up an look il
lack lo ny house an slarled pIuckin il cause I vas hun-
gry an I didnl do anylhing! I didnl, I didnl! He slarl-
ed lIullering.
SiIence, I said, frovning. He sniffed lack severaI
sols and gazed al ne, lrenlIing. Thals leller. Nov,
vhal is lhe evidence againsl hin`
ne of lhe kings guards opened a lurIap sack and
dunped lhe conlenls on lhe slone fIoor lefore lhe dais
vhere I sal. A fev fealhers~Iong, vhile, and narked
vilh a svirI of lIack~fIoaled dovn leside a crude knife.
These vere leside lhe prisoner vhen ve found hin,
Your Honor, I sav hin pIucking lhe Coose nyseIf. Hes
guiIly, no doull.
I Iooked al lhe fealhers, lhen al lhe dead Coose, ils neck
lroken. nIy one goose in lhe kingdon, or in lhe vorId,
had lhose lIack svirIs on vhile vings. Il vas lhe royaI
goIden-egg-Iaying Coose.
Where vas lhis nan found` I asked.
}usl leyond lhe norlh vaII, cIose lo Iern Wood.
Bunch of lhieves. The guard kicked Thon.
I gIared al lhe guard. Donl louch hin, soIdier, unIess
I leII you lo.
The guard paIed and svaIIoved visilIy. Being haIf-
lrolher lo lhe king does have ils advanlages. Makes peo-
pIe very poIile and civiI.
I sludied Thon. He Iooked as if he leIonged in lhal
Mnst Fnw!
by Dcbnrah MI!!Itc!!n
Illustrations by Bob Lessl
nesl of hoveIs huddIed lelveen lhe caslIe and Iern Wood.
Hov did he gel inlo lhe caslIe` I asked.
The guard Iooked puzzIed. WeII, he, uh, nuslve
snuck in lhe gale.
Have you checked vilh lhe gale vardens`
Un, no.
Then I suggesl you check vilh lhen.
The guard spoke lo anolher soIdier, vho aInosl ran
fron lhe roon, lhen he lurned lack lo ne. Lven if he
didnl cone in lhe gale, he couIdve cIinled lhe vaII.
Hov` Wilh vhal` Did you find any grappIing hooks
and rope in his house` Any Iadders laII enough lo reach
lhe lop`
WeII . . . no. Bul ve didnl search everyvhere. Be-
sides, hes guiIly. He drev his fool lack lo kick Thon
again, lhen slopped dead sliII, gIanced al ne, and pul his
fool on lhe fIoor. The king knovs il, lhe peopIe knov il,
I knov il. Thal guller rals a lrailor! I say hang hin and
le done vilh il. The resl of lhe crovd cheered hin.
I sighed, lIinked ny aching eyes, and ran ny fingers
lhrough ny shorl, graying hair. An hours sIeep vasnl
enough for anyone, especiaIIy afler an aII-nighl feasl. And
Id sIipped avay earIy. Who discovered lhe Coose vas
I did, Your Honor. A luxon vonan vilh nasses of
red curIs slepped fron lhe earIy norning shadovs lhal
darkened lhe haII. Her noulh vas a IillIe loo narrov, her
eyes a IillIe loo vide lo le caIIed leaulifuI, lul she vas
allraclive in a rough sorl of vay. And she vas vagueIy
Who are you` I asked, lrying lo renenler vhere Id
seen her lefore.
She loved Iov. Marnie SieIer, Keeper of lhe RoyaI
Coose, Your Honor.
Ah, yes, lhe originaI ovner of lhe Coose. Were you
vilh lhe Coose vhen il vas sloIen`
She hesilaled for a nonenl, lhen said, No, Your
Where vere you`
I venl lo speak vilh lhe huslandnan aloul sone nev
slrav for lhe Cooses nesl.
Slrav` I cIosed ny eyes and rulled lhe Iids. Al
Hes lusy during lhe day, valching afler lhe royaI
herds and fIocks.
I slared al her siIenlIy, jusl slared, Ielling lhe line pass.
She Iooked avay, lack al ne, al lhe ceiIing, al ne, al her
hands, al ne, shifled her veighl fron one fool lo lhe olh-
er. I knev she vas Iying, and she knev I knev. Is lhere
anylhing eIse you have lo say, Mislress Marnie`
She scrunched her Iips, gIanced Iefl and righl, lhen
shook her head. She knev nore lhan she vas saying. Id
have lo laIk lo her again~afler Id laIked vilh lhe
I gIanced across lhe soIdiers in lhe roon. Are lhe Roy-
aI Coose Cuards vho vere on duly Iasl nighl presenl`
Tvo soIdiers slepped forvard, vearing red lalards vilh
goIden eggs enlroidered in lhe cenler of each. ne nans
Iefl eye vas svoIIen shul. He had scralches on his face and
heId his side. The olher nans head vas vrapped vilh
vhile cIolh. His nose vas lenl and lvice lhe size il shouId
84 APRIL 1992
le, and he vaIked vilh a Iinp. They lried lo saIule and
TeII ne exaclIy vhal happened, I said.
The one-eyed soIdier spoke firsl. We vas slanding
duly Iike aIvays, vhen I heard a noise. Hernan and ne,
ve knev Mislress Marnie vasnl lhere, so ve crepl inlo
lhe Cooses roon and Iooked around, lul il vas dark,
see` I nean ve couIdnl see loo good, lul lhe garden door
vas open, and ve hurried quiel as nice lo lhe door and
Iooked oul.
An ve donl sees nolody al firsl, does ve, Ceorge`
Hernan lroke in.
Shul up, Hernan, Ceorge grovIed, lhen conlinued.
We didnl see anyone al firsl, lhen I sav a shadov run-
ning for lhe vaII. We ran afler il, and suddenIy ve vas
allacked ly lvo or lhree nen . . .
r Iive or six, Hernan said.
Ceorge gIared al his conrade. Three or four, counling
lhe firsl one ve spolled. We foughl and kicked and lried lo
slop lhen.
I shook ny head sIighlIy, disgusled. Which vas il:
lvo, lhree, four, five, or six`
Iour, said Ceorge.
Six, said Hernan.
WonderfuI. The guards vere as honesl as Mislress Mar-
nie. Why didnl you caII for heIp`
I slarled lo, Ceorge said, gIaring al Hernan again,
lul one of lhen gralled ne around lhe neck and cul off
ny lrealhing. I passed oul nol Iong afler.
An I lries lo slop lhen, Hernan said, lolling his
head, lul lhey hils ne on lhe head and knocks ne oul. I
voked up vhen Mislress Marnie vas shaking ne and
screaning lhe Coose vas gone.
I gIanced around lhe haII unliI I spolled Marnie sland-
ing leside lhe courl vizard, Arcus Magnus. Mislress
Marnie, vhere did you find lhe guards`
n lhe porch Ieading fron lhe Coose Chanler lo lhe
And hov Iong vere you alsenl, I paused, a haIf sniIe
lhrealening lo escape ny pracliced delachnenl, laIking
lo lhe huslandnan aloul . . . slrav` I lhink her face
reddened, lul I vasnl cerlain.
An hour, nayle lvo, she said as she gIanced al lhe
vizard nexl lo her. Three al lhe nosl.
Hah! Hernan said vilh a sIy grin. Shed leen gone
al Ieasl four or five hours lefore lhe fighl.
Mislress Marnie slarled lo repIy lul gIanced al Arcus
firsl. Inleresling. I . . . nayve leen gone lhal Iong, she
I didnl speak for severaI ninules, nereIy Iooked across
lhe crovd. The peopIe shuffIed, joslIed, grunlIed lo each
olher unliI al Iasl I said, So lhe Coose couId have leen
sloIen anyline during lhe nighl.
She nodded sIovIy. I suppose lhals so.
There vere loo nany secrels, loo nany 'hovs and
'vhys lo sellIe lhe case righl lhen. I needed lo check sev-
eraI lhings lefore I vas salisfied I knev vho had kiIIed lhe
Coose. I nusl lhink on lhis for a line, I said as inpas-
siveIy as I couId. Take lhe prisoner avay unliI I render
ny verdicl.
The guards fairIy grinned al lhal.
And . . . I said snovfIake sofl, he viII le unharned
unliI I delernine his guiIl or innocence. Do you under-
The guards nullered sonelhing lul saIuled ne and
dragged Thon fron lhe haII. A servanl sluffed lhe dead
Coose, fealhers, and knife in lhe lurIap sack and carried
il lo lhe guarded chanler vhere I keep evidence during
lriaIs. The crovd vavered a fev nonenls, lhen drifled
oul of lhe judgnenl haII.
I slood, slrelched, and vished Id had nore sIeep. My
slonach churned, reninding ne Id ealen very IillIe al
lhe lanquel and lhal il vas pasl sunrise. Mayle afler Id
checked oul a fev lhings, Id go lo lhe kilchen and see
vhal WiId BiII couId find for ny lreakfasl.
I shuffIed fron lhe haII and headed lovard lhe Coose
Chanler. I vanled lo see vhere lhe nurder look pIace
and nayle find sonelhing, anylhing, lo confirn ny sus-
picions. If Thon had crepl inside and kiIIed lhe Coose,
lhere vouId le sone sign of his presence. My slonach
grovIed insislenlIy, and I decided lo visil lhe kilchen firsl.
Id Iefl lhe nain corridor and lurned lovard lhe kilchen
vhen suddenIy Arcus Magnus slepped fron a doorvay.
He vas nearIy a head shorler lhan I and slringy as a
vinler-slarved deer. He noved Iike a shadov, siIenlIy, as
if he had no lrue sulslance.
Your Honor, he said in his Iov, oiIy voice, if I couId
speak lo you on a naller of inporlance`
Whal~ ny voice cracked sIighlIy as I svaIIoved ny
surprise, vhal naller`
Whal is lo le done vilh lhe Coose` I nean, vhal viII
happen lo ils lody` SureIy, il viII nol le roasled and eal-
en, nol lhe royaI Coose. Il vas unique, a lreasure nov
Iosl for aII line. If onIy I had leen aIIoved lo sludy il
vhiIe il vas aIive, if I couId have discovered vhal forces
had conlined lo creale such a narveIous lird. Bul no, I
vas never aIIoved lo exanine il, and nov il is gone! Such
fooIishness, such vasle! His hands lvilched Iike junping
spiders, and his saIIov face vas laul.
Il vas severaI nonenls lefore he Iooked al ne again,
his graying lrovs furroved. I an sorry for ny oullursl,
Your Honor. I an dislraughl al lhe Ioss of so greal a lrea-
sure lo our cily and our king. I knov lhal I an leing
loId, lul I requesl lhe Cooses lody for sludy. He
paused, lhen loved a lil loo quickIy, as if he vere ner-
vous. Thal is, if you vouId granl ne lhis nosl exlraordi-
nary priviIege. I shouId le exceedingIy gralefuI. He gave
ne haIf a sniIe as his fingers pIayed vilh a snaII lul luIg-
ing Iealher pouch lied lo his voven leIl. The nan had aII
lhe sullIely of a hanner.
I viII inforn you of lhe kings vishes in lhis naller, I
said, giving hin ny nosl daunling slare.
He cringed, shrank lack, lolled a lov, and hurried
avay. I donl lhink he vanled lhe king lo knov aloul lhe
requesl. Hnn. Arcus, a suspecl` IossilIe. Id keep hin
in nind.
I vaIked lovard lhe kilchen and paused al lhe doorvay,
hoping lo spol sonelhing for lreakfasl. WiId BiII vas
propped on his slurdy slooI, guIping a nug of sonelhing.
Creenish-goId nead lrickIed fron lhe sides of his vide
noulh and added anolher Iayer of slains lo his lroad
apron. Il aIvays surprised ne lhal lhe nan couId drink
haIf a larreI ly hinseIf and sliII lurn oul a neaI Iil for a
king. And BiII had leen doing il for years, since lhe can-
paign againsl lhe WiIdnen of lhe Weslern Sleppes. Thal
vas vhen hed earned his nicknane, fighling vilh a svord
in one hand and an iron skiIIel in lhe olher, hovIing Iike a
In hungry, I said.
BiII choked, dropped lhe nearIy enply nug, lhen lurn-
ed paIe vhen he sav ne. Whal` he croaked. His lrealh
forced ne lack a slep.
In hungry, I repealed. Is lreakfasl ready yel`
He gIanced around lhe kilchen sIovIy, his eyes vide as
if hed jusl lhal nonenl reaIized vhere he vas. Break-
fasl` No. I nean, yes. Theres sone honeyed lread in lhe
oven, shouId le done ly nov.
He slaggered lo lhe lrick oven in lhe vaII leside lhe
greal hearlh and opened lhe iron door. Heal fIooded lhe
roon, and vilh il cane lhe fragrance of yeasl and honey
and spice. Using a vooden paddIe, BiII renoved lvo fIal-
lened rounds of goIden lread, sIid lhen onlo a lalIe lop,
venl lack, and kepl laking oul rounds unliI a dozen Iay
cooIing on lhe vooden lalIe. He lroke one of lhe firsl
rounds in haIf and gave il lo ne.
I look a lile and sniIed. DeIicious as aIvays. Id never
leen dissalisfied vilh his cooking, excepl Iasl nighl al lhe
lanquel. The leef had leen roasled lo lender perfeclion,
lul lhe sluffing hed served vilh il vas, veII, inappro-
priale. Made vilh appIes, raisins, and no sage. In very
parliaI lo sage. And no pouIlry had leen served, aIlhough
lhe venison had leen exceIIenl. I suppose one disappoinl-
nenl in lvenly years vasnl lad.
I Iefl, nillIing on lhe lread. Inslead of heading for lhe
Coose Chanler, I venl up lo ny roon on lhe second
fIoor. I needed lo laIk lo ny servanl, DaIe. The fiflh son
of a ninor nolIe, DaIe vas nore inleIIigenl lhan aII his
lrolhers logelher. I depended on hin for infornalion and
insighl. Sonelines, he loId ne lhings, gossip vhispered
anong servanls, lhal Id never hear olhervise.
DaIe vas vailing for ne vilh a cup of vine. Mayle nol
lhe lesl lhing lo have vilh lhe honey lread, lul ny lhroal
vas so dry, I vouIdnl have lurned dovn anylhing vel.
Whals lhe Ialesl gossip anong lhe servanls` I asked,
lhen sluffed anolher chunk of lread in ny noulh.
Whal kind of gossip, Masler` he asked as he cocked
his head. His hair and eyes vere cheslnul lrovn, and he
vas scarecrov Iean.
Anylhing recenl~surprising, unusuaI, I nunlIed
around ny lreakfasl. Anylhing aloul anyone connecled
vilh lhe Coose.
Ah. DaIe nodded. Runor has il lhal one of lhe
RoyaI Coose Cuards recenlIy narried and loughl prop-
erly jusl oulside lhe cily.
I haIled in nid-lile and slared al DaIe. A guard`
When` Who`
ne naned Hernan. He narried aloul a nonlh ago,
a fev days afler luying Squire IIanluss Iand.
Bul lhal eslale is vorlh nore lhan a guard nakes in
severaI years!
DaIe sniIed and nodded.
Id leller check inlo Hernans sudden veaIlh. Any-
lhing eIse`
86 APRIL 1992
f course, Lnperor Cenyoofar has nade no secrel he
vanled lhe Coose or one Iike il. He envies our veaIlh.
Yes, I lhoughl. Cenyoofar hap Igdon of lhe Sevenlh
Dynasly of lhe DivineIy BIessed Lnpire of KoIlindi~a
grand lilIe for lhe puny ruIer of an even punier reaIn~
had lried lo vheedIe infornalion aloul lhe Coose for a
Iong line. Al lhal nonenl, Cenyoofar vas in BasiIopoIis
for a neeling lo discuss lhe lhreal posed lo lolh our coun-
lries ly lhe WiIdnen. Lasl nighls lanquel had leen in
his honor.
Anylhing eIse` I asked.
DaIe grinned. Masler Magnus is ledding Marnie
SieIer. I heard shes having a vedding dress nade, vhich
she expecls lo use soon.
The Wizard and lhe Keeper of lhe RoyaI Coose. An-
olher Iink lelveen lhe Coose and Arcus.
ne nore lhing, DaIe said. ne of lhe servanls al
lhe lanquel loId ne lhal Morganslern CIel Iaughed and
drank a loasl vhen he heard lhe Coose vas dead. His
hands have dozens of scars, lhe Coose nipped hin every
line he coIIecled lhe eggs.
Morganslern CIel, Keeper of lhe RoyaI Treasury. I
hadnl considered hin a suspecl lefore. Id heard hin
grunlIe lecause hed had lo coIIecl eggs Iike sone farn
loy. Mayle hed leen lillen once loo oflen, his pride
danaged ly his neniaI lask. Add hin lo ny Iisl.
AII righl, I said as I vashed ny slicky hands and
dried lhen, I vanl you lo laIk lo lhe huslandnan. Iind
oul if Mislress Marnie laIked lo hin during lhe nighl, and
if so, hov Iong she vas vilh hin. AIso, lring lhe sergeanl
of lhe nighl valch and lhe Caplain of lhe Cuard vhen you
Yes, Masler, DaIe loved and Iefl.
I Iooked al ny refIeclion in lhe poIished nirror and
vinced. A niddIe-aged nan vhod leen up nosl of lhe
nighl vasnl a pIeasing sighl. Mirrors shouId le covered
unliI nidday al Ieasl.
The Coose Chanler vas ny nexl deslinalion. I venl
dovnslairs, passed lhe kilchen, and lurned lhe corner. No
guards lrackeled lhe door. No reason for lhen, nov. I
pushed lhe door open and venl inside.
Mislress Marnie vas lhere, sparring vilh anolher
goose, lhe conpanion of lhe dead Coose. Ceese need lo
le vilh lheir ovn kind or lhey die of IoneIiness~al Ieasl,
lhals vhal Marnie had loId lhe king. So a second goose
had leen purchased al lhe sane line lhe Coose had leen
decIared royaI properly and noved fron Marnies farn lo
lhe caslIe.
The conpanion~a sIeek, gray fenaIe~vas nipping al
Marnie, fIapping viIdIy, and squavking and hissing vhiIe
lhe Keeper lried lo Ioop a rope around lhe lirds neck.
Marnie svore al lhe goose and kicked al il, and lhe goose
fIev oul lo lhe garden.
A nosl genlIe lechnique, I said, lrying nol lo grin.
Marnie junped, cursed again, lhen lurned as red as her
hair vhen she sav ne. Your Honor, I vas lrying lo re-
nove lhal . . . leasl fron lhe caslIe, since ils nol needed
Noisy lird. I nassaged lhe lack of ny neck. Does il
aIvays acl Iike lhis`
No, Marnie said as she lhrev lhe rope lo lhe fIoor,
Ive never seen il acl Iike lhis lefore. Ils usuaIIy good
lenpered, excepl vhen slrangers are presenl.
Why didnl anyone hear lhe conpanion vhen lhe
Coose vas sloIen`
Marnie slarled. I . . . donl knov. I vondered if her
surprise vas genuine.
I scanned lhe roon. The paIe gray vaIIs and fIoor vere
aII snoolh slone. There vere lhree doors: one lo lhe corri-
dor, one lo lhe garden, and one lo Marnies ovn led-
chanler. Tvo Iarge loxes fiIIed vilh slrav sal in lhe
cenler of lhe roon. Nearly vas a feed lin and a lul of
valer. Slrav vas scallered across lhe fIoor, prolalIy fron
lhe deadIy slruggIe.
I searched lhe fIoor, Iifling Iarge cIunps of slrav, nov-
ing snaIIer ones aside vilh ny fool. There vere no eggs
in lhe nesl, goIden or olhervise, lul I found sone crushed
and nearIy dried Ieaves in one. I rulled lhen lelveen ny
fingers and sniffed. Herls of sone kind.
I vaIked oul lo lhe square, vaIIed grassy garden. A
dark purpIish-red spIolch slained lhe slone porch, prola-
lIy vhere Hernan had hil his head. The grass Iooked
lranpIed, lul lhal couIdve leen fron lhe geese. A snaII
pond look up lhe soulhveslern corner, sliII shaded ly lhe
caslIe. The snoolh slone vaIIs vere high and cIear of
vines. Any lhief vouIdve had lo cIinl over lhe ouler
vaII, cross lhe surrounding courlyard vilhoul leing spol-
led ly palroIs, cIinl lhe inner vaII lo lhis garden, kiII lhe
goose, and gel oul lhe sane vay. No, I decided, nol IikeIy,
especiaIIy for severaI nen, if lhe guards vere leIIing lhe
lrulh~vhich I vas cerlain lhey verenl.
To lhe righl, lhere vas a door in lhe garden vaII. I
lugged on lhe iron ring, lhen pushed on lhe door, vhich
didnl ludge. Looking over ny shouIder al Marnie, I
asked, This Ieads lo lhe kilchen garden, doesnl il`
She nodded. Sonelines I Iel lhe geese go in lhere.
The king insisled lhey gel lo eal vhal lhey vanl fron lhe
Was il usuaIIy unIocked`
No. nIy vhen lhe geese vere feeding. Il vas Iefl
open so lhey couId cone and go vhen lhey vanled.
Who lesides you has a key`
Marnie sIid her forefinger lack and forlh across her
Iover Iip as she gazed al lhe door. ne for lhe kilchen
and one for lhe Coose Cuards.
Three keys. Thal cul dovn lhe possiliIilies. You had
yours vilh you aII nighl`
WeII . . . no. She slared al lhe grass. I Iefl il on a
peg in ny roon excepl vhen I vas using il.
Cel il.
She hurried lack inside lhe Coose Chanler vhiIe I
exanined lhe door for evidence of force. There vas none:
no spIinlered vood, no pry narks, nolhing. If anyone had
cone lhrough lhis vay, lhey hadnl lroken in. Marnie
relurned nonenls Ialer vilh an iron key. I look il fron
her, unIocked lhe door, and pushed il open.
The kilchen garden vas lhe Iargesl open area inside lhe
caslIe vaIIs, excepl for lhe courlyard. SeveraI gardeners
vere hoeing and valering rovs of leans, callages,
greens, and herls. Al lhe far end, a pair of loys picked
pIuns and peaches fron lhe snaII orchard, and lvo von-
en carried laskels of vegelalIes lo lhe open kilchen door. I
shook ny head and sighed. I vouIdnl find signs of any
inlruders here. Lven if lhere had leen foolprinls, lhey
vere prolalIy Iosl in lhe passing of aII lhe servanls.
I vaIked lo lhe kilchen and found WiId BiII grovIing
orders lo lhe olher cooks and scraping Ieflover sluffing
inlo lhe conposl larreI. Where do you keep lhe key lo
lhe Coose garden` I asked.
BiII nearIy dropped lhe lovI he vas hoIding. Donl
creep up on ne Iike lhal! If Id leen hoIding a knife,
youd le dead nov!
In sorry, I said, slepping lack a lil. BiII Iooked as if
hed leen drinking ever since Id Iefl hin. He vas forni-
dalIe soler. I didnl vanl lo knov hov dangerous he vas
vhen drunk. Where do you keep lhe key lo lhe Coose
He poinled lo a peg leside lhe door.
Anyone couId lake il fron lhere, I said.
He kepl scraping. nIy if I didnl see 'en do il.
Bul anyone couId, if you verenl here.
I suppose.
Hov nany had lhe opporlunily`
He vas siIenl a nonenl. Lels see~six undercooks,
four gardeners, lvo loys, seven serving vonen, four
drudges, and ne.
Tvenly-four peopIe. WonderfuI. Thal narroved lhe
possiliiilies. Hov nany of lhose vere in lhe kilchen Iasl
AII of en, he said as lhe Iasl scrap of sluffing feII inlo
lhe larreI. Because of lhe lanquel. We vere vorking aII
Did you see anyone cone lhrough vho shouIdnl have
leen here`
He paused, lhen shook his head.
Did anyone here go lo lhe Coose garden reguIarIy`
BiII dropped lhe vooden spoon he heId, lhen cursed as
he had lo fish il oul of lhe larreI. h, uh, yeah. I look
greens and sluff lo lhe geese sonelines, or I senl one of
lhe loys in ny pIace. lher lhan lhal, no one.
I sighed and venl lack lhrough lhe gardens lo lhe
Coose Chanler. I vanled lo see lhe Coose Cuards and
ask aloul lheir key. The conpanion goose vas vandering
aloul lhe garden, honking and fIapping. Noisy crealure.
}usl as I reached lhe door, I heard arguing.
HeII le lack any nonenl! Nov Ieave! Marnie
Bul lhe Coose~I nusl have ils lody! I nay le alIe
lreed a nev one, and lhen ve viII le veaIlhy leyond
even your dreans. I recognized lhe nans voice: Arcus
Whal good vouId anolher goIden goose le if lhe king
lakes lhal one, loo` In aInosl gIad lhe lhings dead. Il
serves lhe king righl, lhief lhal he is! He sloIe il fron ne!
Il vas nine, he had no righl lo lake il!
Kings have lhe righl lo do as lhey vish, ny dear,
Arcus repIied. Hovever, if I can relrieve lhe Cooses
lody, I nay le alIe lo creale anolher, perhaps lreed an
enlire race of goIden-egg-Iaying geese. Lvery ruIer in lhe
vorId vouId pay lo ovn one. And ve vouId le richer
lhan any of lhen.
I slepped inlo lhe roon. Marnie and Arcus junped
guiIliIy and gIanced al each olher.
So, I said as I valched lhen shifl nervousIy. Mar-
nie, you resenled lhal lhe Coose vas laken fron you ly
royaI decree.
Marnie didnl say anylhing.
The king shouIdnl have laken lhe Coose, shouId he`
Il vas your Coose, your properly. You vouIdve leen
rich, a queen yourseIf. He had no righl lo lake vhal le-
Ionged lo you.
No, he didnl! Marnie shouled, lhen cIapped her
hand over her noulh. I nean, yes. Yes, he did. Hes lhe
I didnl slop. Il vasnl fair, vas il` The king sloIe lhe
Coose fron you. And lhen he nade you ils keeper, a ser-
vanl lo a goose! Bul you found a vay lo pay hin lack,
didnl you` KiII lhe Coose, lake avay vhal hed laken
fron you. You kiIIed lhe Coose and lhrev il over lhe vaII,
didnl you` Didnl you`
No! Marnie shouled. I didnl! Bul I vish I had! Il
nighl have leen vorlh seeing lhe kings face vhen I ad-
nilled il! Bul I didnl!
Where vere you aII nighl` I heId up a hand. And
donl leII ne you vere vilh lhe huslandnan. I didnl
leIieve you lhe firsl line.
She vas vilh ne, Arcus lroke in. I donl lhink Id
ever seen so nuch coIor in his face. He aInosl Iooked
AII nighl`
Did anyone eIse see you`
I doull lhal anyone espied her enlering ny chanlers.
We vere nosl discreel.
I aInosl sniIed. So discreel lhal every servanl in lhe
caslIe knev aloul lhe affair. You vere logelher aII
I lurned lo Marnie. And vhen you relurned, you
found lhe Coose gone and lhe guards unconscious on lhe
She gIared al ne. Yes.
She nighl le leIIing lhe lrulh, lul Id keep her~and
Arcus ~on ny Iisl. You are lolh under arresl for dereIic-
lion of duly. Donl lry lo Ieave lhe caslIe.
In nol cerlain vhal Marnie nunlIed under her lrealh
as I Iefl lhe roon, lul In sure il vasnl conpIinenlary.
I headed lack lo ny roon, hoping DaIe had relurned. I
vas cIinling lhe slairs lo ny fIoor vhen I sav lhe shadov
of soneone liploeing up lhe spiraI slair lo lhe nexl fIoor,
lhe guesl fIoor. I foIIoved, I couIdnl heIp leing curious.
As I reached lhe dinIy Iil lop, I fIallened againsl lhe
cooI slone and peeked around lhe corner. Ceorge lhe
Coose Cuard vas jusl enlering Lnperor Cenyoofars
roon. I slepped oul inlo lhe corridor, vaIked pasl lhe
door guards, and enlered lhe roon nexl lo lhe enperors.
Being Minisler of }uslice and haIf-lrolher lo lhe king, I
knev aII lhe secrel passages in lhe caslIe. There vas one in
lhe roon nexl lo lhe guesl quarlers occupied ly Cen-
yoofar. I opened a vardrole door, enlered, and eaves-
dropped lhrough a disguised opening.
You fooI! Nov lhe Coose is dead, and I have nolh-
ing! Cenyoofars voice vas as puny as his slalure, aInosl
a vhine. I shouId expose your slupidily lo King
spear slraighl. DaIe loved. As you requesled, Masler.
The sergeanl of lhe nighl valch has leen senl for. He Iefl
lhe caslIe grounds for his hone in lhe lovn.
The caplain saIuled. You vished lo queslion ne`
I nodded. You have lhe key lo lhe door lelveen lhe
kilchen garden and lhe Coose garden`
Yes, Your Honor.
Do you keep il vilh you aIvays`
Yes, Your Honor.
Have you ever noliced il nissing`
No, Your Honor. I even sIeep vilh il around ny neck.
Il never Iefl ny possession.
Third key accounled for. Has anylhing unusuaI hap-
pened anong lhe ranks IaleIy` I lried lo sound careIess,
as if naking idIe conversalion.
88 APRIL 1992
Thal vouIdnl le snarl, Lnperor, Ceorge said as
sofl as snov. Youd have l leII hov you knov. And you
couIdnl do lhal vilhoul exposing your parl. Do you re-
aIIy vanl lo leII lhe king you paid ne lo sleaI lhe Coose` I
donl lhink youd Ieave here aIive.
Cenyoofar didnl repIy innedialeIy. Very veII, lul if
you ever reveaI any of lhis, III have DeInairin lake care
of you.
I shivered. DeInairin vas Cenyoofars vizard-assassin
and lhe onIy force keeping lhe enperor in pover. BIack
DeI he vas caIIed. Lven Arcus vas vary of hin.
And you renenler, Lnperor, Ceorge said, Ive
hidden evidence of our deaI in a safe pIace. If anylhing
happens lo ne, everyoneII knov vhal youve done.
Then ve viII keep our secrel.
Yes, ve viII.
I heard foolsleps, lhen Cenyoofars door opening and
cIosing. So, Ceorge and Cenyoofar had conspired lo sleaI
lhe Coose. Had Hernan found oul` Was lhal vhy lhe lvo
guards had foughl` IossilIe, lul nol IikeIy. Ceorge
vouIdve kiIIed Hernan lo siIence hin. r nayle Her-
nan had lIacknaiIed Ceorge vilh lhe knovIedge. Her-
nans sudden veaIlh had lo cone fron sonevhere.
Id have lo laIk lo Ceorge and Hernan separaleIy, and
Id have lo leII lhe king lhal il vas line for Cenyoofars
visil lo end. I didnl lrusl lhal inperiaI snake any farlher
lhan I couId lhrov hin.
I headed lack lo ny roon and found lhal DaIe had
relurned. Beside hin, lhe Caplain of lhe Cuard slood
I poured a cup of vine and offered il lo lhe caplain,
vho refused il. Then I look a sip. Runors, I sniIed,
gossip, anylhing slrange.
He lhoughl for a fev nonenls. No, nol lhal nighl
have anylhing lo do vilh lhe Coose . . . excepl one of lhe
Coose Cuards is Ieaving. Married aloul a nonlh ago and
decided lo lry his Iuck al farning. I heard he von a Iol of
noney ganlIing and loughl Squire IIanluss eslale.
CanlIing. I shouId have such Iuck. Thank you, Cap-
lain. IIease see lhal no one Ieaves lhe caslIe vilhoul ny
pernission. I need lo speak lo lhe sergeanl as soon as
possilIe. AIso, I vanl lo see Hernan and Ceorge, lul
separaleIy al firsl, lhen logelher. Can you arrange il`
Yes, Your Honor. He loved and Iefl.
I lurned lo DaIe and look anolher sip. Who do you
lhink kiIIed lhe Coose`
Who had lhe nosl lo gain fron ils dealh` he asked.
Lveryone, I said. Lveryone lul you, ne, and lhe
Why nol lhe king`
I gazed al DaIe, puzzIed. Why vouId lhe king vanl lo
kiII lhe Coose` Il lroughl hin nore veaIlh lhan hed ever
True, lul Ive heard hes unhappy vilh his nev
veaIlh. DaIe Ieaned cIoser and vhispered, Ive heard
Treasurer CIel has shovn lhe king evidence lhal BasiIopo-
Iis lreasury vas leing depIeled aInosl as fasl as lhe Coose
Iaid eggs, vhal vilh aII lhe exlra guards needed lo prolecl
lhe kingdon fron invasion. And goods fron olher reaIns
are leconing so inexpensive, nerchanls and craflsnen of
our counlry are leing driven oul of lusiness. CoId is loo
connon here, and ils vaIue is dropping.
I considered vhal hed said. Lcononics had never leen
ny slrong poinl. Id leen reIieved vhen Id leen appoinl-
ed Minisler of }uslice inslead of Keeper of lhe Treasury.
So you lhink lhe king couIdve leen lehind a pIol lo
deslroy lhe Coose`
DaIe shook his head. In saying he had reason lo vanl
lhe Coose dead. Bul so did nany olhers. Lvery ruIer in
lhe vorId vanled lhe Coose or vanled il dead.
More suspecls. }usl vhal I needed.
h, lhe huslandnan said Mislress Marnie did cone
lo laIk lo hin aloul slrav, lul il vas jusl afler sunsel and
onIy for a fev ninules.
I sniIed lo nyseIf. A knock al lhe door slarlIed ne.
DaIe opened il, and Ceorge slrode in.
He saIuled. You senl for ne`
Yes, I slannered. In surprised lo see you so
I nel lhe caplain dovnslairs. He said you vanled lo
see ne, so I cane slraighl here.
Ah. I nodded al DaIe, vho loved and relrealed lo
lhe inner chanler. Nov . . . hov Iong has Hernan leen
lIacknaiIing you`
Ceorge jerked. BIacknaiIing ne` Why vouId he do
He found oul you vere vorking for lhe Lnperor of
The guard lurned niIk vhile. He slarled lo say sone-
lhing, lul no sound cane.
Hernan found oul, didnl he` And he lhrealened lo
lurn you in if you didnl pay hin. Youve leen giving hin
noney lo keep quiel. Thals hov he had lhe noney lo luy
lhe Iand and narry. Whal happened` Did you slop pay-
ing` Is lhal vhy you foughl`
No . . . I . . .no. Ceorge slarled lo sveal. Il vasnl
Iike lhal. He vasnl lIacknaiIing ne. He didnl knov
aloul lhe enperor.
Then vhere did lhe noney cone fron`
He hesilaled, lhen his shouIders sagged and he hung his
head. Iron lhe Coose.
We look eggs fron lhe Coose, he nunlIed. Nol
oflen, onIy vhen il Iaid lvo and vhen Marnie vasnl
lhere. Wed agreed nol lo spend lhe noney unliI ve re-
lired in a fev nore nonlhs. Bul Hernan vanled sone
girI fron lhe lovn. Ceorge cursed under his lrealh.
She vouIdnl narry hin if he didnl have a house and
Iand and enough noney lo keep her. So he used his parl lo
luy IIanluss Iand, lhen narried lhe girI. I loId hin he
vas a fooI.
Lasl nighl, he said he needed nore noney. I loId hin
hed have lo vail liI lhe Coose Iaid anolher egg. He said
he couIdnl vail lhal Iong. He needed lhe noney nov. I
said he couIdnl nake lhe Coose Iay anolher egg, and he
said lhal I couId give hin sone noney. I loId hin no. He
said if I didnl, hed leII lhe caplain Id leen sleaIing eggs
an Id le hanged as a lrailor.
And lhals vhen you foughl.
Ceorge nodded sIovIy. I loId hin hed hang, loo, lul
lhal didnl nake any difference lo hin. He vanled lhe
noney, lhal vas aII lhal nallered. Bul ve didnl kiII lhe
Coose. We foughl in lhe garden. He knocked ne oul, and
I donl knov vhal happened afler lhal. Marnie said she
found Hernan on lhe porch, his head lIeeding. He said
he feII and hil his head, and I guess ils lrue. I donl knov
vho kiIIed lhe Coose.
I Iooked al Ceorge siIenlIy. I didnl leIieve lhal he or
Hernan had kiIIed lhe Coose eilher, lul I didnl knov
vho had. Aloul vhal line vas il you foughl`
Soneline afler sunsel. Il vas dark.
You nay go nov. I paused as he saIuled and lurned
lo Ieave. And I lhink you and Hernan shouId resign
fron lhe guard loday. I donl vanl you here in lhe norn-
ing, or lhe king viII hear lhe vhoIe slory.
Ceorge faIlered for a nonenl, lhen proceeded oul lhe
DaIe cane lack. So, if il vasnl Hernan or Ceorge,
vho vas il`
I rulled a cranp fron ny shouIder. I sliII donl
knov. I have lo laIk lo lhe sergeanl firsl, lhen III laIk lo a
fev nore peopIe. Id Iove a fev hours of sIeep.
The corner of DaIes noulh lvilched. Ierhaps Ialer,
afler youve soIved Iifes greal nyslery.
I guIped lhe resl of ny vine and innedialeIy regrelled
il. Wine on a nearIy enply slonach is a recipe for nausea.
I vas feeIing leller ly lhe line lhe sergeanl of lhe nighl
valch arrived. He Iooked as if he feIl as good as I did.
He loved avkvardIy, as if sliff or sore. You senl for
ne, Your Honor`
Yes. Did you nolice anyone on lhe vaIIs Iasl nighl vho
vasnl supposed lo le lhere, anyone nol usuaIIy presenl`
He lhoughl for a nonenl. No . . . no one Id find
suspicious. He frovned sIighlIy, lhen conlinued. No one
I hadnl seen lefore.
No reporls of noise or shadovs or anylhing`
No, il vas quiel.
Who vaIked lhe norlh vaII Iasl nighl`
Nol, CuIIy, and ne.
You heard nolhing` Sav no one`
No one unusuaI.
WeII, did you see anyone usuaI`
He Iooked unconforlalIe. Mayle I vas gelling sone-
Who vas il` I asked.
Your Honor, I donl ral on olher soIdiers.
Ah. A soIdier. Ceorge` No response. Hernan`
SliII no response. I didnl vanl lo Iisl every soIdier in lhe
Cuard. Sergeanl, if you donl leII ne, you can expIain
yourseIf lo lhe king. And he vonl le as underslanding as
I an.
The soIdiers hands cIenched, and his eyes lurned fIinl
coId. He canl heIp hinseIf. Sonelines, he vaIks lhe
vaIIs Iike he vas sliII a reaI guard. Sonelines, hes jusl
sick and heaves his guls up over lhe vaII. Bul he canl
heIp il. Drinks gol a hoId on hin and vonl Iel go.
Who` I asked.
He Iooked al ne, his eyes aInosl pIeading. WiId BiII.
WiId BiII` He vas on lhe vaII Iasl nighl`
The sergeanl nodded.
Afler nidnighl soneline.
Afler nidnighl. The feasl vas in progress lhen. Marnie
vas vilh Arcus. Hernan and Ceorge vere unconscious.
Morganslern CIel, Lnperor Cenyoofar, and lhe king
vere al lhe lanquel. The lanquel vhere lhered leen no
pouIlry, in spile of Cenyoofars knovn preference for
goose. Where lhe sluffing had leen nade vilh appIes and
no sage and . . . I reached in ny pockel, puIIed oul lhe
herls Id found in lhe Cooses nesl, and sniffed lhen
again. Marjoran~lhe sane arona as lhe sluffing . . .
pouIlry sluffing. IouIlry sluffing vilh leef roasl. I sank
dovn inlo ny seal, slunned. My voice a vhisper, I said,
Thank you, Sergeanl. You nay go.
He vonl gel in lroulIe, viII he, Your Honor`
You nay go, I repealed.
Yes, Your Honor.
I Iefl nonenls afler lhe sergeanl did. When I reached
lhe kilchen, BiII vas dragging lhe conposl larreI oulside.
BiII, I said soflIy.
I have lo gel lhis oulside, he said, his vords sIurred
as nuch ly aIe as ly efforl.
BiII, I knov.
The cook slopped slruggIing vilh lhe larreI and Iooked
slraighl al ne. His dark eyes vere valery. Knov`
Yes, I knov. I heId oul lhe herls. IouIlry sluffing
vilh leef.
He lraced his lhick arns on lhe rin, hung his head,
and cried. I ordered everyone eIse fron lhe kilchen, lhen
pul ny arn around BiIIs shouIders. Why did you kiII
lhe Coose`
I didnl nean lo, he solled. Id leen lusy vilh lhe
lanquel, checking sauces, laking pies, sleving fruil,
roasling lhe venison and leef. Id aIready nade lhe sluff-
ing lefore I reaIized I hadnl gol a goose. Il vas loo Iale
lo gel one fron lovn. Markel vas aIready cIosed. Then I
renenlered lhe conpanion goose. Iigured I couId re-
pIace il Ialer.
I vailed liI no one vas valchin, lhen I venl lhrough
lhe garden gale. Il vas dark, and I didnl see Marnie or
anyone eIse. I crepl inlo lhe nesl. The geese vere sIeep-
ing. Thoughl I knev vhich nesl vas vhich 'cause I oflen
lroughl greens lo lhe geese . . . lul I vas drunk. Cralled
a goose and lroke ils neck quickIy, didnl vanl il lo suffer.
Wasnl liI I sav lhe goose in lhe Iighl coning fron
lhe kilchen, I reaIized vhal Id done. CouIdnl lake lhe
dead Coose inlo lhe kilchen~everyone knev vhal il
Iooked Iike. Had l gel rid of il, so I sluffed il in a lag and
hid il in lhe garden. Laler, I look lhe lag vilh ne lo lhe
vaII and dunped il over. Didnl knov ild le found so
soon. Didnl nean lo kiII il, jusl lhe conpanion. I didnl
nean il.
No grand conspiracies, no inlrigues, jusl a drunken
nislake. I slood lhere Iooking al hin, nol knoving vhal
lo do nexl. Id proved lhe peasanl loy Thon vas inno-
cenl, lul vhal aloul BiII` I couId laIk lo lhe king and
expIain lhe silualion. WiId BiII deserved leller lhan dis-
grace. Hed saved lhe kings Iife nunerous lines and had
leen lhe hero of lhe var vilh lhe WiIdnen.
Mayle I couId gel BiII a pardon, especiaIIy if I ex-
pIained il vas an accidenl and enphasized lhe lenefils lo
lhe econony, such as cullacks in spending for lhe arny.
And nov lhal I lhoughl aloul il, Squire IIanluss eslale
vouId le jusl lhe pIace for a veleran soIdier and RoyaI
Cook lo relire. I sniIed lo nyseIf. I donl lhink Hernan
vouId dare conpIain.
Yes, Id laIk lo lhe king. Afler aII, leing lhe kings haIf
lrolher does have ils advanlages.
90 APRIL 1992
Arob1on Aduen1ures
A& gume AI-QAIM vuIes set
by JeII Gvubb wItL AndvIu Huyduy
The nysleries of falIed Aralia, lhe Iands of
suIlans and djinn, cone aIive in lhis expansion
lo lhe AD&D 2nd Ldilion ruIes. The 16O-page
soflcover look inlroduces an exolic vorId
inspired ly laIes of Sinlad, AIi Bala, and olher
cIassics fron The Arabian Nights. The firsl in a
nev producl Iine, il aIso gives aII lhe speciaI
ruIes unique lo lhis vondrous selling: nev
characler cIasses Iike deserl raiders and svash-
luckIing corsairs, nev proficiencies Iike caneI-
riding, and a unique reaIn of nagic. Cel in on
lhe ground fIoor of lhe Ialesl AD&D canpaign,
lhe AL-QADIM selling, and advenlure vilh
genies, ride fIying carpels, and lrek across lhe
sands in search of lhe nexl oasis.
Suggested RetuII PvIce: $1B.00/11.99
Pvoduct No.: 2126
PHBR? 3e Comp!e1e Bord's HondbooK
A& 2nd dItIon
by BIuke MobIey
gume uccessovy
The lard is parl vandering ninslreI and parl
rogue, parl perforner and parl con nan. He is
unIike any olher characler cIass, hes lhe jack-of-
aII-lrades of lhe AD&D gane. This 128-page
look expIains lhe lards lricks, laIenls, and
secrels, il expands his nagicaI aliIily, and il
adds lrenendous deplh lo one of lhe ganes
nosl inlriguing cIasses.
Suggested RetuII PvIce: $15.00/9.99
Pvoduct No.: 212?
Wor Cop1o1n's Compon1on se1
boed set
by uIe "SIude" Henson
Nov you can face lhe deadIy periIs of ship-lo-
ship conlal in lhe SILLL}AMMLR canpaign
selling. This loxed sel incIudes a laclicaI ship-lo-
ship conlal gane, vilh ruIes on ranning,
loarding aclions, and nagic use. YouII aIso gel
nev roIe-pIaying ruIes, skiIIs, and nagicaI ilens,
pIus ruIes for designing your ovn ships and a
conpIele calaIog of aII speIIjanning ships
pulIished lo dale. In addilion, lhis sel inlro-
duces a dozen nev ship lypes for your
SILLL}AMMLR canpaign. Brave larrages of
nissiIe fire and vilhsland nagic speIIs as you
prepare lo loard lhe eneny!
Suggested RetuII PvIce: $20.00/11.99
Pvoduct No.: 10?2
GAMMA WORI gume, 4tL dItIon
RoIe-IuyIng gume vuIe book
by Bvuce NesmItL
The cIassic TSR science-fanlasy gane is lack,
and ils leller lhan ever! Ior lhe uninilialed, lhe
CAMMA WRLD gane is sel in a veird, far-
fulure vorId, cenluries afler nankind lried ils
lesl lo deslroy ilseIf. Nov slrange, senlienl
nulanls~peopIe, aninaIs, and pIanls~as veII as
rolols roan and ruIe lhis lvisled Iandscape.
Nev fealures conlained in lhe 192-page look
incIude characler cIasses and IeveIs, and a
delaiIed canpaign seclion.
Suggested RetuII PvIce: $20.00/12.50
Pvoduct No.: ?514
MHR1 X-Yoroes: 3e Mu1on1 Updo1e
MARVI SUPR HROS gume ucces-
by AntLony HevvIng und Scott uvIs
UsefuI on ils ovn, or as a suppIenenl lo TSRs
199O Uncanny X-Men Special! sel, lhis source-
lox provides delaiIed hislories of aII lhe X-leans
fron recenl slory Iines. Currenl nenlers of aII
lhe leans are delaiIed, incIuding lhe line-
lraveIing X-Man, Bishop. This sourcelox con-
lains lvo looks, nunerous characler foIdups,
and an aclion-packed posler of MarveIs nu-
lanls, done ly MarveI arlisl Ton Morgan.
Suggested RetuII PvIce: $1500/B.99
Pvoduct No.: 6905
RR4 1s!onds o] 3error
A& gume RAVNIOIT uccessovy
by CoIIn McComb und Scott BennIe
WeIcone lo lhe reaIn of dread. The
RAVLNLIT canpaign selling is a pIace of
dark lerror, lreachery, and inlrigue. And nov, il
lecones darker sliII. These nev isIand donains
are deslined lo lerrify even lhe lravesl hero.
Visil nine Iands vhere line is neasured in
pounding hearlleals, vhere fouI Iords perpelu-
ale lheir eviI crines anid lhe odor of decay.
Suggested RetuII PvIce: $10.95/6.99
Pvoduct No.: 934B
SR2 une 3roder
A& gume ARK SUN uccessovy
by AntLony Pvyov
Sone of lhe richesl nen on Alhas are ner-
chanls vho lrave ils unforgiving vasleIands. In
lhis 96-page accessory, ICs viII encounler and
deaI vilh nerchanls of every cIass, fron pover-
fuI nerchanl faniIies lo underhanded eIven
lraders vho deaI in lhings lolh IegaI and iIIegaI.
Socielies are luiIl around lrade, and Alhas is no
differenl. Iind oul hov lo nake noney lhe hard
vay~ly lracking across deserl vasles as a
dune lrader.
Suggested RetuII PvIce: $10.95/6.99
Pvoduct No.: 240?
MGR4 Mons1er Mg1o!ogg
A& 2nd dItIon gume uccessovy
by CuvI Suvgent
Lven lhe nonhunan races Iike eIves, dvarves,
drov, and lhe hunanoids have Iegendary fig-
ures and deilies. This 128-page accessory ex-
pIores lhe nurky vorIds of vilch doclors,
shanans, nonslrous avalars, and lhe cIericaI
nagic of lhese races. In addilion, lhis look is
lhe perfecl suppIenenl lo lhe AD&D 2nd
Ldilion ganes Legends & Lore look.
Suggested RetuII PvIce: $15.00/9.99
Pvoduct No.: 212B
MC14 Y1N YOI1O Append1
A& 2nd dItIon gume uccessovy
by tLe RPGA Netwovk
This appendix lo lhe popuIar Monstrous
Compendium series shovcases nany of lhe
nonslers fron lhe nov-rare originaI AD&D
ganes IILND ILI look. This 64-page, Ioose-
Ieaf suppIenenl conlains over 6O nonslers,
sone cuIIed fron lhe originaI look, and sone
nev, never-lefore-seen crealures.
Suggested RetuII PvIce: $10.95/6.99
Pvoduct No.: 2132
Assou!1 on Rouen's RuIn
& gume moduIe
by TIm BeucL
Duly caIIs! The ICs nusl recover a nagicaI
scepler, sloIen ly golIins and hidden in lhe
lrap-Iaden keep of Ravens Ruin. The golIins are
ready for visilors, hovever, and lhe ICs nusl
fighl lhe grealesl lallIe of lheir young careers!
Suggested RetuII PvIce: $6.95/4.50
Pvoduct No.: 9350
3e Moe!s1rom's ge
SPIIJAMMR CIoukmustev CycIe,
VoIume TLvee
by Rogev . Moove
TeIdin Moore Iearns nore aloul his cIoaks
pasl and ils polenliaI povers fron an eIven
adniraI al lhe Rock of BraI~lul he doesnl
counl on leing caughl up in lhe hurricane of
lhe second Unhunan War. VengefuI hunanoids
ranpage lhrough lhe spheres on Moores lraiI.
Suggested RetuII PvIce: $4.95/3.99
Pvoduct No.: B032
3e Oo1 ond 1e Meosure
RAGONIANC Sugu MeetIngs Setet,
VoIume Iouv
by MIcLueI WIIIIums
This noveI focuses on lhe earIy advenlures of
lhe enignalic SoIannic knighl, Slurn Brighl-
lIade, laking up afler he lecones acquainled
vilh lhe lvins, Caranon and RaislIin, vhiIe
lhey aII are Iiving in SoIace. This is an aclion-
packed slory vilh a unique hero.
Suggested RetuII PvIce: $4.95/3.99
Pvoduct No.: B343
Unless otherwise noted:
designates registered trademarks owned by TSR, inc.
designates trademarks owned by TSR, Inc.
1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
MARVEL SUPER HEROES and all Marvel characters and
the distinctive names and likenesses thereof are trademarks
of Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc. and are used with
92 APRIL 1992
9A=H ;KH
by JustIn MoLuveb
Color by Steve Sullivan
Advanced arnored lallIesuil ruIes for lhe
Scenario one (fron lhe Iron Man conic
look): Tony Slark, as Iron Man, fighls
Iirepover and receives severaI danaging
lIovs. Tony is lealen senseIess and has his
arnor nearIy deslroyed, so he has lo fIy
variIy lo his nearly heIicopler.
Scenario two (fron lhe MARVLL SUILR
HLRLS gane): Tony Slark, as Iron Man,
fighls Iirepover and receives severaI
danaging lIovs. Tony is lealen senseIess
and fIies his undanaged arnor al lop
speed lo his nearly heIicopler.
Nolice lhe difference` In lhe MARVLL
SUILR HLRLS gane, arnored lallIesuil
conlal shouId le handIed differenlIy lo
refIecl danage incurred lo lhe arnor
during conlal, and lo leller represenl
lhe unusuaI aliIilies of an arnored hero.
The syslen in lhis arlicIe shovcases an
aIlernale nelhod of generaling and pIay-
ing high-lech arnored characlers.
CveutIng uvmoved Levoes
This arlicIe assunes lhal you have MA3
The Ultimate Powers Book. If you donl,
sinpIy use lhe Players Book fron lhe
Advanced Sel ruIes, seIecling lhe povers
you lhink are reproducilIe ly nachinery
or eIeclronics. Using lhis syslen, arnored
heroes are roIIed up using coIunn 2 (Nor-
naI IoIks) of lhe characler-generalion
lalIe, nol coIunn 3 (High TechnoIogy) as
in lolh lhe Ultimate Powers Book or lhe
Advanced Sel ruIes). These aliIilies are lhe
characlers nornaI IeveIs. This is lo refIecl
lhal lhe characler is a nornaI hunan
vearing an arnored suil lhal suppIies hin
vilh his super povers.
}udges nay vish lo aIIov a characler lo
increase his physicaI slals vhen vearing
lhe arnor ly roIIing once on TalIe 1 here,
lhen dividing lhe resuIls anong lhe heros
four physicaI aliIilies (IASL). Nole lhal lhe
aliIily scores indicaled vhen lhe charac-
ler adds lhe nodifiers lo his personaI
allrilules refIecl lhe lenefils of lhe arnor
onIy vhen il is leing vorn. Ior exanpIe, a
characler vhose Slrenglh is TypicaI (6),
vilh a + 3CS nodifier for lhe arnor,
nighl add +1CS, +2CS, or +3CS lo his
Slrenglh, or he nighl nol increase his
Slrenglh al aII, preferring lo divide + 3CS
anong his olher lhree physicaI slalislics.
If lhe characler crealed his ovn arnor,
he aIso receives a + 1CS lo his Reason, a
+ 1CS lo his LIeclronics laIenl, and an-
olher + 1CS lo repair and nodify his
personaI arnor. If lhe characler receives
lhe arnor fron soneone eIse, il is as-
suned lhal lhe originaI ovner or peopIe
he knovs (aII NICs) can repair il. In lhe
Ialler case, lhe hero vouId nol receive any
of lhe Reason lonuses alove, lhough he
couId receive lraining Ialer on, al lhe
}udges discrelion.
The characler lhen roIIs up lhe nunler
of his arnored suils povers, using lhe
usuaI lalIes in lhe Ultimate Powers Book
or lhe Advanced Sel ruIes. This characler
aulonalicaIIy has Body Arnor al LxceIIenl
(2O) rank, lhough lhis can le increased
(see lhe nole under Defensive povers,
vhich foIIovs). When lhe characlers
povers are delernined, a speciaI pover
rank caIIed Arnor Lndurance is aIso cre-
aled. This is usuaIIy caIIed LCM (eIeclronic
counlerneasures) and is used againsl
allenpls lo conlroI lhe arnor fron oul-
side sources.
Because of lheir nalure, arnored heroes
can use onIy cerlain povers lhal couId le
lechnoIogy lased. A suggesled Iisl of lhese
povers, fron lhe Ultimate Powers Book, is
given here:
Defensive powers: Body Arnor (aIready
laken lul can le laken again, + 1CS each
line lhis is chosen as a pover), Iorce
IieId, RefIeclion, Resislance lo Lnergy
Allacks, Resislance lo IhysicaI Allacks.
Detection powers: CircuIar Vision, Ln-
ergy Deleclion, Hypersensilive Hearing,
Hypersensilive Touch, Life Deleclion
Microscopic Vision, Ienelralion Vision,
Radarsense, Sonar, TeIescopic Vision, Ther-
naI Vision, UIlravioIel Vision.
Energy Control powers: LIeclricaI Con-
lroI, Lnergy Sponge, Hard Radialion Con-
lroI, Magnelic ManipuIalion.
Energy Emission powers: AII excepl for
Lnergy DoppeIganger.
Fighting powers: Weapons Crealion.
Illusory powers: IIIusion-Casling, IIIusory
Life Control powers: SIeep~Induced.
Magical powers: None.
Matter Control powers: Bonding,
Machine Aninalion.
Matter Conversion powers: Disinlegra-
Matter Creation powers: MissiIe Crea-
lion, Spray, Welcasling.
Mental Enhancement powers: CIairaudi-
ence, CIairvoyance, Connunicale Wilh
Cylernelics, Danger Sense, Speech-
lhroving, TolaI Menory. (These povers
are nol nenlaI povers per se, lul are
lechnoIogicaI versions of nenlaI povers.)
Physical Enhancement powers: Hyper-
Speed, Lung AdaplaliIily, SleaIlh,
Walerlrealhing, Waler Ireedon.
Power Control powers: None.
Self Alteration powers: BIending,
Travel powers: CIiding, Hyper-Digging,
Hyper-Leaping, Hyper-Running, Hyper-
Svinning, and Rockel.
IIayers can choose lheir arnors povers
fron lhis Iisl. If you find lhis Iisl lo le loo
Iiniling, jusl use your inaginalion, The
cornerslone of super-hero ganing is lhe
use of povers in nev vays,
nce lhe povers for lhe lallIesuil have
leen seIecled, roIIs are nade on TalIe 2
for lhe pover rank of each pover. These
roIIs are nol nodified, vilh lhe exceplion
of Body Arnor (as previousIy noled). AIso
generale a pover rank for Arnor Lndur-
ance al lhis poinl.
umugIng uvmov
To add deplh lo arnored conlal, each
pover~incIuding Body Arnor~and each
of lhe IASL aliIily nodifiers is lhen as-
signed a nunler as parl of a randon-roII
lalIe. These nunlers viII delernine
vhich of lhe arnors syslens are danaged
vhen an allack exceeds lhe suils Body
Arnor (or appIicalIe Iorce IieIds, elc.) ly
nore lhan + 1CS, as noled Ialer. The nun-
lers shouId le arranged so as lhey can le
roIIed on a sinpIe die: 1d8, 1d1O, 1d12,
elc. plionaIIy, assign lvo or nore nun-
lers on such a lalIe lo a pover lhal vouId
have a grealer chance of leing danaged,
Iike Body Arnor or IIighl, depending on
your vision of lhe characlers arnored suil
and lhe pIacenenl of his veaponry and
We nov gel lo lhe raison detre for lhis
expanded syslen: arnored suil conlal.
Lvery line lhe characler is in conlal and
receives a lIov lhal infIicls nore danage
lhan his Body Arnor rank, lhe characler
lakes danage equaI lo lhe anounl of
danage ninus lhe anounl alsorled ly his
lody arnor. Ior exanpIe, if a hero has
RenarkalIe (3O) Body Arnor and is hil ly
an IncredilIe (4O) rank Iorce loIl, lhe
hero lakes 1O poinls of danage (4O -
3O = 1O). This is per lhe nornaI ruIes.
If lhe danage is 2CS or nore lhan lhe
Body Arnor rank, lhe characler lakes lhe
appropriale danage, and percenliIe dice
are lhen roIIed on lhe rank of lhe allack
- 4CS lo delernine if lhe characlers ar-
nor vas danaged ly lhe allack. Ior ex-
96 APRIL 1992
anpIe, if lhe hero as alove vilh
RenarkalIe (3O) Body Arnor vas punched
ly a viIIain possessing Anazing (5O)
Slrenglh, lhe hero vouId lake 2O poinls of
danage and vouId roII 1d1OO on lhe Cood
(1O) coIunn (5O -4CS = 1O). If lhe resuIl is
red, lhen roII on TalIe 3.
Lnergy allacks are a speciaI case, as
Body Arnor is 2O poinls Iess effeclive
againsl energy allacks lhan againsl physi-
caI ones. When a hero is hil ly an Lnergy
allack capalIe of lreaching lhe arnors
reduced rank vs. Lnergy allacks, lhe char-
acler nusl foIIov lhe procedure for deler-
nining arnor danage fron physicaI
allacks as lefore. Arnored heroes can
lake Resislance lo Lnergy Allacks lo cover
lhis veakness.
ReuIvIng dumuge
Iixing danaged arnor is reIaliveIy sin-
pIe. The hero nusl nake a Reason ILAT
roII lo nake lhe proper repairs correclIy.
A Resources ILAT roII nighl le caIIed for
as veII, lo see if lhe hero can afford lo
nake lhe repairs. lher slriclures can le
appIied lo lhe roII al lhe }udges vhin.
Il is oflen a good idea for lhe }udge lo
nake lhe Reason ILAT roII for lhe hero in
secrel. Thal vay, if lhe roII is a faiIure ly a
narrov nargin~say, vilhin five poinls of
lhe nunler needed for success~lhe hero
nay nislakenIy leIieve lhal his arnor is
repaired vhen il acluaIIy nighl faiI al an
inporlanl nonenl. This is a nasly lhing lo
do, lul I Ieave lhe decision vhelher or nol
lo use lhis up lo each }udge.
Avmoved udvuncement
The pIayer nay, al sone poinl in his
heros career, allenpl lo nodify lhe heros
arnor ly adding nev povers. Arnor
TabIe 1
Armor ModIIIers Ior FASE
1d100 ResuIt
O1-1O Unchanged
11-2O +1CS
21-45 +2CS
46-75 +3CS
76-95 +4CS
96-OO +5CS
TabIe 2
Power Rank GeneratIon TabIe
1d100 Power rank
O1-O5 IeelIe (2)
O6-1O Ioor (4)
11-2O TypicaI (6)
21-4O Cood (1O)
41-55 LxceIIenl (2O)
56-8O RenarkalIe (3O)
81-95 IncredilIe (4O)
96-OO Anazing (5O)
povers can le added, up lo lhe naxinun upping appropriale povers and IASL
nunler lhal vas delernined al crealion, aliIilies one rank, or adding nev lhings.
ly spending 3,OOO Karna for each, pIus 1O This shouId cosl a greal deaI: aloul 1O,OOO
lines lhe slarling rank nunler for lhal Karna poinls, a high Resource ILAT roII
pover (lhis is aIso lhe fornuIa ly vhich (Anazing or leller), and access lo high-
rolols can add povers). Iover advance- lech equipnenl or a high (IncredilIe or
nenl is done nornaIIy, ly spending 1O leller) Reason ILAT roII. (This is, of
poinls lines lhe currenl rank pIus 5OO course, up lo lhe individuaI }udge.) AII
poinls for cresling fron one rank lo olher forns of advancenenl are per-
anolher. forned nornaIIy.
A Reason ILAT roII shouId le caIIed for,
vilh lhe difficuIly equaI lo lhe nev rank,
if an oId pover is leing advanced lo a
nev, higher rank or if a nev pover is sel
al ils slarling IeveI. A Resource ILAT roII
nighl aIso le needed lo see if lhe hero has
lhe cash lo perforn lhe nodificalions.
Crealivily is lhe key lo any successfuI
and enjoyalIe roIe-pIaying gane. This
syslen can onIy gel you slarled on lhe
vay. Where you go nov is up lo you.
The }udge shouId nake his ovn ruIings
on hov lo do lhe lolaI nakeover lhals so
popuIar vilh arnored heroes, incIuding
such lhings as reselling IopuIarily lo zero,
Marvels characters and the distinctive names and likenesses
thereof are trademarks of Marvel Entertainment Group. Inc.
and are used with permission. Copyright 1992 Marvel
Entertainment Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
TabIe S
Armor Damage TabIe
Danage resuIl
ne pover is al - 2CS
ne IASL aliIily nodifier is al - 2CS
ne pover is inoperalive
AII povers are al - 1CS
AII IASL aliIily nodifiers are - 1CS
AII IASL aliIily nodifiers and povers are al -2CS
Massive syslens overIoad. AII IASL aliIily nodifiers are al - 2CS,
and aII povers, vilh lhe exceplion of one (of lhe pIayers choice) are
98 APRIL 1992
A ncw way tn rn!! fnr randnm cncnuntcrs
The slandard vays of naking a vander-
ing nonsler encounlers lalIe~lhe 2d1O
and lhe 1d1OO nelhods~oflen require a
Iol of figure juggIing lo nake sure lhal no
encounler appears loo oflen or nol oflen
enough. They donl provide nuch variely
in encounler, eilher, and il can le very
hard lo sinpIy Iook al such lalIes and
knov vhal crealures inhalil lhe area.
I deveIoped a nev nelhod of crealing
vandering nonsler lalIes lo aIIeviale
lhese prolIens. Iirsl, I divided up en-
counlers inlo lhe foIIoving lypes:
~CiviIized peopIes
~Hunanoid crealures
~HarnIess encounlers
~Ianlaslic crealures
Lels fiII oul a sanpIe encounlers lalIe.
These divisions depend heaviIy upon lhe
nindsel of lhe najor IocaI cuIlures. The
dislinclion lelveen civiIized peopIes (hu-
nans, eIves, dvarves, elc) and hunanoid
crealures (orcs, golIins, lroIIs, elc) is a
good exanpIe of lhis. If you are crealing
lalIes for a cuIlure lhal does nol nake
lhal dislinclion, your lalIe shouId nol
nake lhe dislinclion eilher.
TubIe 1
RuvuI Aveu ncountevs
1d100 ncountev
O1-1O CiviIized peopIes (see TalIe 2)
11-3O Hunanoids (see TalIe 5)
31-46 HarnIess encounlers (see
TalIe 7)
47-91 AninaIs (see TalIe 8)
92-OO Ianlaslic crealures (see
TalIe 1O)
TubIe 4
1d100 ncountev (numbev)
O1-5O WerevoIf (1)
51-68 Werelear (1)
69-88 Wereral (1)
89-95 WereIeopard (1)
96-97 Vanpires (1d4 -2*)
98-99 DoppIegangers (1d8 - 4*)
OO CoId dragon (1)
* Mininun of 1.
by JevoId M. Stvutton
Artwork by Mark Doney
TalIe 1 is for a ruraI area in ny canpaign,
lelveen lhe Lov Road and lhe Long
Lakes. I can see al a gIance vho Iives here.
The advenlurers are lvice as IikeIy lo
neel a hunanoid lhan nenlers of a
civiIized race, and nosl of lheir encounl-
ers viII le vilh nornaI aninaIs.
Lels go furlher and fiII oul TalIe 2 for
civiIized peopIes. This lalIe slores a Iol of
infornalion. When I Iook al il a nonlh
afler crealing il, I viII renenler lhese
saIienl facls:
1. Advenlurers are very rare.
2. nIy hunans have sellIenenls in lhis
3. HaIfIings, eIves, and dvarves do nol
reside here. They lraveI lhrough oflen,
lhough, in groups of 1-2O. HaIfIings and
eIves are nore connon lhan dvarves.
Whal nasqueraders Iive in lhe area` We
The hunan sullalIe, TalIe 3, cones
nexl. Iron lhis lalIe, I see lhal nosl of lhe
inhalilanls of lhe area Iive in groups~a
coupIe of farns or a viIIage. Thieves are
presenl lul nol connon. There are shape-
changers in lhe area, nasquerader is
IocaI Iingo for supernaluraI crealures
disguised as hunans.
TubIe 2
CIvIIIzed PeoIes
1d100 ncountev (numbev)
O1-65 Hunans (see TalIe 3)
66-78 HaIfIings (1d2O)
79-9O LIves (1d2O)
91-97 Dvarves (1d2O)
98-OO Advenlurers (2d6 - 1)
TubIe 5
1d100 ncountev (numbev)
O1-35 ColIins (2d2O)
36-67 HolgolIins (1d2O)
68-73 TroIIs (1d6 -2*)
74-78 rcs (1d2O)
79-89 Cianls (see TalIe 6)
9O-OO CycIopskin (1d6)
* Mininun of 1.
check TalIe 4. Mosl of lhese encounlers
are vilh Ione crealures. Lven vanpires
and doppIegangers usuaIIy lraveI aIone.
The advanlages of lhis lype of lalIe are
olvious, as each lalIe hoIds infornalion. If
I vanl lo knov aloul hunans in an area, I
Iook al lhe hunan lalIe. If I vanl lo knov
vhich gianls are in lhe area, I Iook al lhe
gianls lalIe. I donl need lo search lhrough
one Iisl and hope lhal I spol aII of lhen,
nor do I need lo keep a separale reference
expIaining vhich crealures are in lhe area.
The lalIe suffices.
I can aIso creale one of lhese lalIes
quickIy. WhiIe I nighl nol knov hov oflen
I vanl pegasi shoving up, I do have a
good idea hov oflen I vanl fanlaslic
crealures shoving up, so I can creale lhe
nain lalIe very easiIy and vork dovn. In
lhe end, lhere is grealer variely vilh lhese
lalIes lhan vilh sinpIer lalIes.
Ive reproduced lhe resl of lhis sel of
lalIes as a guideIine. Renenler lhal I
designed lhese lalIes specificaIIy for ny
ovn canpaign, you viII vanl lo design
your ovn lalIes for your canpaign
TubIe 3
1d100 ncountev (numbev)
O1-3O 1d8 farns (2d4 peopIe each)
31-55 SnaII viIIage (1d6 x 1O
56-62 Large viIIage (1d1OO + 3O
63-64 Inn/lavern (1d8 vorkers)
65-71 Brigands (1d2O lrigands)
72 Caravan (5d1O nerchanls
and guards)
73-76 Merchanls (1d1O nerchanls
and guards)
77-98 TraveIers (1d1O peopIe)
99-OO Masqueraders (see TalIe 4)
TubIe 6
1d100 ncountev (numbev)
O1-7O HiII gianls (1d1O)
71-99 Slone gianls (1d4)
OO Slorn gianl (1)
TubIe ? TubIe 10
HuvmIess ncountevs IuntustIc Cveutuves
1d100 ncountev
O1-3O SnaII slrean in palh
(1d6 +4 feel vide)
31-48 Svarn of insecls/fIock of
49-59 Slrange noise
6O-65 No noise
66-9O Lake/pond ((5d1O) x 1OO
feel across)
91-94 Unnarked lonl
95 Iarl of aninaI skeIelon
96 Hunan skeIelon
97-OO Renains of snaII sellIenenl
1d100 ncountev (numbev)
O1-O7 Criffon (1)
O8-16 Hippogriffs (1d2)
17-23 Wyverns (1d6)
24-25 Chinera (1)
26-27 Unicorns (1d6 - 4)
28-31 HeIIhounds (1d4)
32-34 Iegasi (1d2)
35-42 Ierylons (1d6)
43 BehoIder (1), fron soulh
44-47 Carrion cravIer (1d2O - 1O),
fron Deep Ioresl
48-54 Cianl spiders (1d1O)
55-6O Cianl lals (1d2O)
61-84 Undead (see TalIe 11)
85-99 Iaerie foIk (see TalIe 13)
OO Dragon (see TalIe 14)
TubIe B
1d100 ncountev (numbev)
O1-O5 Badgers (1d8 -4*)
O6-O7 BuII (1)
O8-1O CallIe (1d2O)
11-15 Dogs (1d8 -2*)
16-26 Herd aninaIs (1d2O)
27-29 Horses (1d6)
3O-36 Slags (1d4)
37-45 WoIves (2d6)
46-47 WoIverines (1d1O)
48-5O Bals* * (1d1OO)
51-52 LagIes (1d1O)
53-54 Coals (2d1O)
55-6O vIs (1d2)
61-63 Ravens (1d6)
64-68 Rals (2d1O - 1*)
69-7O Rans (1d4 - 1*)
71-75 Skunks (1d4 - 2*)
76-8O Snakes (see TalIe 9)
81-88 SquirreIs (1d2O)
89 VuIlures (1d4)
9O-91 WeaseIs (1d2)
92-93 Leopards (1)
94-95 WiIdcals (1d3)
96-99 BIack vidovs (1d8)
OO Dire voIves* * * (2d4)
* Mininun of 1.
* * Al nighl onIy, nornaI fIock of lirds
in dayline.
* * * Al nighl or in vinlerline onIy,
nornaI pack of dogs olhervise.
TubIe 9
1d100 ncountev (numbev)
O1-2O BIue racers * (1d4 - 2 * *)
21-29 Copperheads* (1d8 - 4 * *)
3O-8O Carler snakes* (1d4)
81-94 Waler snakes* (1d2O - 1O * *)
95-99 RallIers* (1d1O - 6**)
OO Huge snake* (1), fron soulh
* SpeciaI crealure of aulhors crealion.
* * Mininun of 1.
TubIe 11
1d100 ncountev (numbev)
O1-O2 Croaning spiril (1)
O3-O5 Vanpires (1d8 - 6*)
O6-15 ChouIs (1d2O)
16-17 Zonlie, on nission (1)
18-2O Speclre (1)
21-24 Wrailh (1)
25-39 Werecrealure (see TalIe 12)
4O-44 Wighl (1d6)
45-49 Chosl (1)
5O-69 IoIlergeisl (1)
7O-OO Ihanlon (1d1OO - 8O*)
* Mininun of 1.
TubIe 12
TubIe 13
IuevIe IoIk
1d100 ncountev (numbev)
O1-13 Iossergrin* (3d4)
14-2O SyIphs (1d2)
21-31 Brovnies (1d2O)
32-36 Dryads~Tree* (1d6)
37-38 Dryads~Rock* (1d4)
39-44 Nynphs (1d1O), salyrs
nearly 6O of lhe line
45-58 Iixies (1d1OO)
59-67 Salyr (1d8), nynphs nearly
1O of lhe line
68-79 Leprechauns (1d6 - 2 **)
8O-89 Spriles (1d1O - 6**)
9O-OO Nereids (1d1O)
* SpeciaI crealure of aulhors crealion.
* * Mininun of 1.
TubIe 14
1d100 ncountev (numbev)
O1-48 Creen dragon (1)
49-7O Red dragon (1)
71-9O While dragon (1)
91-98 CoId dragon (1)
99 BIack dragon (1)
BIue dragon (1)
1d100 ncountev (numbev)
O1-5O WerevoIf (1d6 -4*)
51-7O Wereral (1d1O- 4 *)
71-9O Werelear (1d2)
91-OO WereIeopard (1d8 - 6 *)
* Mininun of 1.
102 APRIL 1992
By Barbara Manui & Chris Adams
By Larry F. Schoettmer
104 APRIL 1992
108 APRIL 1992
110 APRIL 1992
By Elizabeth Hurlbut
1992 by Robevt BIgeIow
Photos and painting by Mike Bethke
LillIe deceplions:
decoys in ninialures var ganes
ReuI Scud ov Iuke Scud?
The air canpaign over Iraq during lhe
Iersian CuIf var vas crediled vilh leing
lhe najor reason lhal lhe ground var vas
so shorl and reIaliveIy lIoodIess for CoaIi-
lion forces. Hovever, lhis nassive efforl
raised a nunler of queslions. Why did lhe
U.S. Air Iorce dovnpIay ils success haIf-
vay lhrough lhe canpaign, afler shoving
us video afler video of successfuI largel
slrikes` Why did lhe eslinales of largel
deslruclion and nunlers of deslroyed
vehicIes decrease, vilh reporls leconing
nore guarded as lhe sorlies increased`
ne Iasl queslion vas paranounl in nany
peopIes ninds: If CoaIilion pIanes are
deslroying aII lhose Scud nissiIes,
Iaunchers, and siles, hov are lhe Iraqis
sliII nanaging lo Iaunch Scuds in areas
vhere CoaIilion aircrafl ruIe lhe skies`
The ansver lo nosl of lhese queslions can
le ansvered in one vord~decoys!
The Iraqi niIilary proved lo le nuch
nore sophislicaled in lhe arl of canou-
fIage and decoy-use lhan anyone in lhe
CoaIilion had previousIy lhoughl. Decoys
can le nade lo resenlIe any prine niIi-
lary largel in exislence loday. Wilh
healers and veak eIeclronic enillers,
decoys give off a signalure lhal can fooI
lhernaI and eIeclronic sensors and give
lhe eneny readings expecled of a reaI
largel. Il is especiaIIy difficuIl for nodern
jels lo dislinguish decoys fron reaI vehi-
cIes, as lhe jels lraveI so fasl lhal visuaI
sighling is useIess and onIy heal or eIec-
lronic inaging is avaiIalIe. Lven sIov
aircrafl lhal lraveI under lhe speed of
sound have lroulIe, as nany decoys are
indislinguishalIe fron lhe reaI lhings
excepl on cIose inspeclion.
In nany cases, very good decoys cosl
under $5O,OOO. WhiIe lhis nay sound
expensive lo you or ne, conpare lhis lo a
MInIaturcs' prnduct ratIngs
* Ioor
* * BeIov average
* * *
* * * *
Alove average
* * * * *
AddilionaIIy, decoys are reIaliveIy cheap.
lank lhal can cosl over a niIIion doIIars
even for a poor one, or lo arliIIery pieces
lhal nay cosl severaI hundred lhousand
doIIars each. There is a sulslanliaI savings
vhen lhese decoys are deslroyed ly veap-
ons cosling nearIy as nuch as lheir lar-
gels. Worse, even saleIIiles frequenlIy
cannol leII lhe difference lelveen decoys
and reaI vehicIes. You lhus have reasons lo
hesilale lefore naking cIains aloul largel
deslruclion~and vhen equipnenl seens
lo pop up innedialeIy afler leing de-
slroyed, slicking your neck oul vilh
cIains of equipnenl kiIIs seens Iike a
reaIIy lad idea.
The Iraqi lroops aIso nade good use of
falric, painl, and vood franing lo creale
iIIusions of danage vhere lhere vasnl
any and lo cover danage vhere lhere
vas. This canoufIage forced piIols lo hil
largels, even lhose previousIy hil nuIlipIe
lines and deslroyed, lo nake sure lhal
lhose largels vere reaIIy oul of aclion.
Iainl jols depicling cracks and lonl
cralers aIso nade luiIdings or runvays
appear lo le seriousIy danaged. The per-
ceived danage caused nission lriefers lo
cIassify a largel as deslroyed even lhough
il vas lareIy danaged and sliII funclionaI.
There is nov evidence lhal lhis occurred
on a Iarge scaIe and lhal Iraq Iearned ils
Iessons fron oulside sources and lhe
conlalanls of WorId War II. During WorId
War II, vhoIe cilies, induslries, and niIi-
lary largels in Brilain, Cernany, }apan,
and lhe U.S.A. disappeared lhrough lhe
nagic of painl and screens. These largels
lurned inlo lIocks of housing, parks,
rivers, or even Iakes lo confuse polenliaI
lonlers or recon fIighls.
We see nov lhal inleIIigence officers and
pholo readers did nol have an easy jol
confirning lhe deslruclion of acluaI lar-
gels. Wilhoul Iarge inleIIigence nelvorks
or fiflh coIunns in pIace, such as lhe
resislance novenenls in nany occupied
nalions in WorId War II, success is difficuIl
lo confirn vilhoul cIose visuaI inspeclion.
This cannol le heId againsl anyone and
jusl neans lhal you have lo hil lhe largels
over and over again and force your piIols
lo lake higher and higher risks as lhey fIy
in Iover for a confirned kiII.
Ienging for lolh pIayers and CMs.
The use of decoys and lhe need lo galh-
er accurale conlal inleIIigence can serve
as lhe lasis for a ninialures or roIe-
pIaying gane using TSRs TI SLCRLT/
S.I. or SNIILR ganes, CDWs
TWILICHT: 2OOO* ruIes, or nany olher
niIilary ganes. The CM shouId sel up a
lase lhal has severaI idenlicaI veapon
siles and hard poinls, of vhich onIy a fev
are acluaI unils and lhe resl are decoys.
These unils can le dislinguished onIy ly
conlacl vilh lhe unil or fron very cIose
proxinily. AII lhe posilions shouId le
covered ly guards and veapon pils. The
parly of infiIlralors has lhe jol of deciding
vhich unils are reaI in preparalion for an
air slrike lo cone Ialer. This can le chaI-
112 APRIL 1992
Iunce & Iusev ModeIs Inc.
I.. Box 14491
CoIunlus H 43214
Lance & Laser is a snaII conpany lhal
produces a nunler of veII-done figures
lhal appeaI lo a Iol of peopIe. Il seens lo
aIIov ils scuIplors a vider scope lhan
nosl conpanies, and a nunler of ninia-
lures have leen produced. lhal appear lo
have Iiniled uses or are differenl fron
vhal ve are used lo. I purposeIy said
appear lo have Iiniled uses, lecause on
cIoser exaninalion a vide variely of uses
can le found. To prove lhis, Iels exanine a
coupIe of lhe pieces.
1S4 WaII oI SkuIIs
* * * * *
This vouId definileIy appear lo le a
Iiniled-use figure. The ninialure consisls
of a 38 nn 11 nn 2O nn piIe of skuIIs
carefuIIy piIed one on lop of anolher, vilh
vacanl eye sockels slaring oulvard. The
piIe is lhree lo five skuIIs in heighl, and
lhe skuIIs go aII lhe vay around in an Iong
ovaI shape. The ends are heId in pIace ly
lones and vooden slakes lied vilh rope
and lraced ly nore lones. No Iover javs
are on any of lhe skuIIs.
No noId Iines are visilIe excepl on lhe
sides of lhe lase, and lhe skuIIs are veII
defined and separale fron each olher
excepl vhere lhey are joined inlo lhe
vaII. The skuIIs have varying degrees of
danage, ranging fron denls and cracks lo
hoIes of lhe kind infIicled ly Iarge lIunl
oljecls and crosslov loIls. AII of lhe
skuIIs vhose crovns are visilIe have
ridges and cracks lypicaI of hunan analo-
ny, and a fev have ridges such as vouId
le connon for a fanlasy orc.
This vaII can le used as a loundary
narker al lhe edge of a forlidden or
nyslerious counlry. Il couId serve as a
good anchor for a gale lo a necronancers
keep or lhe enlrance lo a graveyard. A
gane nasler couId spread panic anong
pIayers vhose characlers discover lhis
vaII oulside lhe enlrance lo a dungeon
lhal lhey have visiled, Ielling lhe adven-
lurers figure oul vho or vhal couId have
sel lhe skuIIs oul so nealIy. Il couId aIso le
a lackdrop for an undead diorana. This
piece is reconnended al $1.75.
1SS Ghost
* * * *
Chosls hoId a parlicuIar fascinalion for
nosl peopIe and a lerror for nosl pIayer
characlers. IorlunaleIy, you donl run inlo
nany of lhese crealures in a fanlasy roIe-
pIaying gane, lul lhis is a good exanpIe of
one lhal you nighl soneday neel.
This ghosl rises fron an ovaI lase lhal
represenls a grave sile. In lhe rear corner
is a cracked and vealhered lonlslone
vilh a seniIegilIe epilaph. A fringe of
grass surrounds lhe lonlslone and gives
vay lo hard, fIal Iand. The ghosl rises
fron his grave in a svirI of roles, sland-
ing over 4O nn laII and Iooking Iike an
undead lornado. A skeIelaI ril cage shovs
lhrough lhe roles, lony hands prolrude
fron lhe sIeeves, and a grinning skuII
shovs fron lenealh an overhanging hood.
This figure viII require a IillIe vork.
The lollon of lhe lase is uneven, causing
il lo rock sIighlIy. This can le easiIy fixed
ly fiIing lhe lase, lul youII have lo le
carefuI nol lo lrin loo nuch. A very evi-
denl noId Iine runs around lhe figures
fronl and lack haIves (lhe noId Iine in lhis
case vas nore of a groove), lul lhis is aIso
easiIy cIeaned up vilh a sharp knife and a
IillIe fiIing.
The figure has sone reslriclions in Ioca-
lion lecause of lhe lonlslone, lul you
can ignore il and use lhe figure anyvhere.
This is reconnended al $1.4O each.
TLundevboIt MountuIn
656 Lasl McMiIIan
Cincinnali H 452O6-1991
TLundevboIt MountuIn
7O Harcourl Slreel
Nevark, Nollinghan
1012 RampagIng Red Dragon * * * * *
Anong lhe nevesl reIeases fron Thun-
derloIl Mounlain is a nev series of drag-
ons done in ThunderloIls unique slyIe.
Iirsl in lhis nev series is a red dragon
lhroving a lenper lanlrun. The figure is
nade of Iead and scaIed for 25 nn. The
kil conlains 11 pieces, incIuding lhe one-
piece lase, aII of vhich nusl le assenlIed
using lhe inslruclions and a IillIe care. The
ninialure neasures over 21O nn fron
nose lo laiI, and each ving is over 15O
fron ving rool lo lhe firsl oulside cIav.
The lase is 58 nn 8 nn and has a
larren-rock fornalion noIded onlo lhe
lop, incIuding sone rocks lhal acl as lhe
supporl for lhe dragon. No vegelalion is
This dragon presenls lhe inage of leing
lruIy upsel in every vay. Il is perched on
ils righl rear Ieg and lhe lase of ils laiI as
if Iunging forvard lo allack vilh aII lhree
renaining feel. The fronl feel have lhe
cIavs nearIy fuIIy exlended, vhiIe lhe
lack fool nakes a sviping naneuver. The
noulh is open, vilh ils longue fuIIy ex-
lended and leelh cIearIy visilIe. The nos-
lriIs are fIared, and lony cresls prolecl
sIilled eyes jusl lehind lhe lvisling horns.
This figure has exceIIenl scaIe delaiI, vilh
cIearIy defined edge separalions and de-
pressions. SpinaI ridges exlend fron head
lo nid-laiI, vilh sone rising lo very Iong
poinls. The Iarge vings are parliaIIy foId-
ed and svepl lack, lul appear lo le
poised for inslanl use
The nodeI assenlIes fairIy easiIy. No
fIash vas presenl excepl for snaII lils of
Iead, al lhe lips of sone of lhe cIavs, lhal
aInosl feII off on lheir ovn. The fil on lhe
parls is very good excepl for lhe rear Iegs,
vhich need Iighl lrinning in lhe sockel
and a IillIe fiIIing vhen done. The vings
required a IillIe fiIIing afler lhey have
leen pul on, and I reconnend lhe use of
epoxy or snaII pins in lhe laII joinl on lhe
vings for added slrenglh, Ielling each parl
dry conpIeleIy lefore noving on.
This is an exceIIenl nodeI. I leIieve lhe
snaII prolIens on ny nodeI nighl nol
exisl on olhers, and lhis nay le due lo lhe
sIighl shrinkage of sone parls. You shouId
have sone experience vilh nelaI kils if
you vanl a high-quaIily finished nodeI,
lul lhis kil is suilalIe for leginners lhanks
lo lhe cIose fil of nosl parls. A good kil,
lhis is highIy reconnended even al
Wuvgumes Inc.
Box 278
TriadeIphia WV 26O59
This nonlh, ve veIcone anolher Iine of
figures lo lhe reviev coIunn~MelaI Mag-
ic. This Iine is produced in Cernany and
incIudes a Iarge nunler of differenl fanla-
sy and SI figures lhal are narkeled in lhe
U.S. ly Warganes Inc., vhich nany of you
have prolalIy seen al najor ganing con-
venlions. This nonlh, veII reviev lvo
figures fron lhis Iine.
C10S?a Monster (FemaIe Centaur
wIth Bow)
* * * *
This figure is nade of Iead and is in lrue
25 nn scaIe. The horse lody neasures 2O
nn laII and 25 nn Iong fron chesl lo
fIank, vilh a laiI exlending leyond lhal.
MuscIe delaiI is good, vilh onIy a fev
anguIar areas. }oinl and vein delaiI is
visilIe on lhe Iegs, vilh a fringe of Iong
curIy hair jusl alove lhe hooves. The laiI
hangs dovn and curIs sIighlIy al lhe end,
and individuaI slrand delaiI is good. The
horse lody is sIighlIy undersized for a
cenlaur, lul nol olviousIy so, lhis couId le
expIained ly lhe facl lhal lhis is a fenaIe
114 APRIL 1992
A very nolicealIe noId Iine across lhe
lack can le renoved ly a heaIlhy finger-
naiI vilhoul danage lo lhe nodeI. Sone
noId Iines are aIso on lhe inside of lhe
rear Iegs, and care shouId le laken vhen
cIeaning and snoolhing lhese areas.
The hunan haIf exlends anolher 16 nn
up fron lhe horse lody. A fur-lrinned
quiver of arrovs on her righl side is heId
ly a chain leIl, in her righl hand she
carries a shorl lov, and her Iefl arn is
covered ly a delaiIed guard. Her Ioose
lIouse is cinched ly chains and a leIl vilh
an ornale luckIe, a veII-done neckIace
and pendanl are presenl. Her face is
slrange, as nosl of us al lhe shop nolice
ils siniIarily lo lhe CovardIy Lion fron
lhe novie, Tnc lizar cf Oz, conpIele
vilh overhanging Iip. Hair delaiI is very
good, vilh enough vaves and curIs lo
conpIicale any painlers day.
The lad poinls on lhis figure are lhe
noId Iines. ne sIighlIy raised Iine runs
lhrough lhe forehead on lhe Iefl and goes
on lo lhe chin, aIso passing lhrough lhe
arn guard and lhe lov. The good nevs is
lhal lhe noId Iine is cIeaned off easiIy vilh
a IillIe care. Lven vilh lhe sIighlIy snaII
horse lody, lhis figure is veII recon-
nended al $2.89. Nole lhal lhis figure is
nade of very sofl Iead, so care nusl le
laken vilh il.
C1002b CIerIc wIth StaII
* * * *
This figure, vhich slands sIighlIy laII al
26 nn, is an exceIIenl represenlalion of a
nedievaI CalhoIic lishop. He has Iong
roles, a voven leIl, a niler vilh a cross
in las-reIief, and a shepherds crook, lhe
Ialler in his righl hand (he is deIivering a
lIessing vilh his Iefl). The sash of office
hangs fron his neck on lolh sides, en-
lroidered vilh lhe cross and lrinned
vilh fringes. A kindIy, niddIe-aged face
vilh a pug nose conpIeles lhe figure.
This figure is very veII done. ne visilIe
fauIl invoIves lhe Iefl hand, vhere lhe
curIed-over fingers are sIighlIy fIal. Thal
hand and lhe nilers cross aIso Iack lhe
delaiI presenl on lhe resl of lhe figure.
The slaff is joined lo lhe roles, and you
viII prolalIy have lo painl in a separalion.
This is nol an advenlurer-lype figure in
fanlasy ganing, represenling inslead a
high-IeveI cIeric vilh his ovn church,
keep, and Iand. He vouId le al hone in
Chaosiuns ILNDRACN* gane or in
nodern scenarios sel up lo lhe earIy
197Os. Care shouId le laken vilh lhis
figure, as il is nade vilh a very sofl Iead.
This is reconnended al $1.69 each, in-
cIuding a snaII, square, pIaslic lase.
GrenadIer ModeIs
I.. Box 3O5
SpringfieId IA 19O64
GrenadIer ModeIs UK Ltd.
25 Ballage Rd, Deeside, CIvyd, WaIes
S601 WItch
* * * *
This nev ninialure fron Crenadier
sleps slraighl oul of HanseI and CreleI.
ScuIpled ly Nick Lund, lhis figure is very
cIose lo hov I had aIvays envisioned a
vilch lo Iook. The figure is nade for lrue
25-nn scaIe and slands 22 nn fron feel
lo eyes. The vilch is a IillIe oId Iady sland-
ing slraighl vilh her head lenl sIighlIy
forvard. She vears a sinpIe, Iong dress
vilh a hen sveeping lhe ground and an
open ovaI fronl. In her righl hand she
hoIds a Iong, inlricaleIy carved slaff lear-
ing vhal Iooks Iike a parliaI skuII al lhe
lop and inlerlvining lranches. Her Iefl
hand is cIosed vilh lhunl exlended, so
she is eilher hilchhiking or has her speII
conponenls cIulched lighlIy. She has a
sinpIe leIl, and a second slrap secures a
Iarge conponenls lag al her Iefl hip.
Hanging fron lhe leIl are a coupIe of
anuIels and lags secured ly Iong drav-
slrings. Around her neck is anolher anu-
Iel, one lhal Iooks Iike a cryslaI.
Her face is good, vilh high, gaunl cheek-
lones and skin puIIed lighl vilh age,
lhough she seens lo le grinacing. n
very cIose olservalion, leelh nay le seen
in her noulh, a chaIIenge for lhe lesl of
painlers. Her hairIine has receded far
lack, and sparse, Iong slrands faII pasl her
shouIders. LxceIIenlIy done vrinkIes
adorn her forehead and upper face.
The figure deIivered lo ne is good, lul il
had an excessive anounl of fIash. The
space lelveen lhe lody and slaff vas
aInosl lolaIIy fiIIed, vilh sone heavy fIash
cIose lo lhe lody and slaff lhal viII re-
quire sone carefuI vork vilh a knife lo
renove. The noId Iines under lolh arns
vere aIso raised and needed lrinning, as
did lhe Iines on lhe shouIders lo a Iesser
exlenl. A cal al lhe rear of lhe lase Iooks
as if il is rulling againsl lhe vilch. This
feIine is a good louch lul has sone pilling
and an indislincl, lIolly face lhal cones
cIose lo delracling fron lhe figure. YouII
have lo Iook lhe figure over carefuIIy
lefore going lo vork on il.
This figure couId le used as a vilch or
couId pIay lhe parl of a gypsy in lhe AD&D
RAVLNLIT selling. Lven vilh lhe vork
needed lo inprove il, lhis is reconnended
al $1.75 each for ils uniqueness.
S1SS DwarI wIth Crossbow * * * * *
Dvarves are rapidIy leconing one of
lhe nosl nodeIed of fanlasy-gane races,
regardIess of lheir ganing scaIe. WhiIe
lhis dvarf fron }uIie Culhrie couId le
lerned jusl anolher dvarf, a nunler of
inleresling delaiIs nake lhis one unique.
The figure is scaIed lo lrue 25 nn and
slands 18 nn lo lhe eyes. The ninialure is
nade of Iead and has lhe lradilionaI high
ovaI lase connon lo Crenadier figures.
There vas no fIash, and lhe noId Iine vas
veII canoufIaged and did nol shov up lo
any degree even afler prining. The delaiI
is cIear and deeper lhan usuaI.
This dvarf figure is arnored lul nol in
lhe vaIking-lank slyIe so connon lo
dvarven ninialures. The figure is dressed
nuch as a supporl lroop or niddIe-cIass
dvarf. His feel are cIad in Iarge lools
vhich have lhe fainlesl lraces of a noId
Iine. His upper lody is prolecled ly lreasl
and lack pIales, lhe resl of his lody is
covered ly IaneIIar arnor lhal covers lhe
arns lo lhe eIlov, runs under lhe pIale,
lhen faIIs lo lhe lops of lhe lools. A spIil
in lhe fronl of lhe arnor exposes an un-
dergarnenl lhal covers lhe resl of lhe
lody, incIuding lhe Iover arns lul nol lhe
head. A sinpIe leIl and luckIe secure a
ralion pouch on his Iefl side, and a chesl
slrap secures a Iarge lallIe axe lo his lack
as a lack-up veapon. His prinary veapon
is a veII-noIded crosslov in a Ioading
posilion on his Iefl arn. This crosslov
incIudes a visilIe lrigger, a loIl lhal rides
sIighlIy higher lhan lhe grooved palh lhal
il is fired aIong, and an upper Iever for
selling lhe slring. In his righl hand he
hoIds a loIl ly lhe shafl, as if preparing lo
Ioad il. His head is covered ly a sinpIe
heInel, and his hair vaves oul in lhe lack
as if vindlIovn. A veII-lrinned leard
116 APRIL 1992
faIIs dovn his face. The chesl is good
incIuding a sIighl grinace and a luIlous
This is a good supporl figure for an
arny and aIso a greal advenlurer. CarefuI
painling viII give you a figure you can le
proud of. A singIe hair fron your conl
viII provide a slring for lhe crosslov. Ils
reconnended al $1.5O each.
RuI PuvtLu ntevvIses
5938 Carlhage Courl
Cincinnali H 45212
RuI PuvtLu ntevvIses
c/o Minifigs
1/5 Crahan Road, Soulhanplon
This nonlh ve reviev a nunler of
Mechs and vehicIes connonIy used in
IASAs BATTLLTLCH* gane. Mosl of lhe
Mech nodeIs on lhe narkel loday are
lelveen 5 nn and 7 nn scaIe, vhich
nakes 1 nn equaI lo 1-1. AII figures
are nade of Iead.
20-S2S Savannah Master
* * * * *
The Savannah Masler is a five-lon recon
and Iighl allack vehicIe, descriled on page
6 of IASAs Technical Readout 3026. The
ninialure ilseIf cones four lo a pack, each
neasuring aloul 13 nn Iong 7 nn
vide 6.5 nn laII. CIose exaninalion of a
vehicIe shovs il lo le an aInosl exacl
dupIicale of lhe iIIuslralion, excepl for lhe
piIol and a snaII increase in lhe size of lhe
sleering vane lhal vas prolalIy done lo
nake lhe casling easier. AII vanes, sensor
loxes, veapon nounls, and headIighls are
in lhe correcl pIaces. Areas lhal appear lo
le noId defecls lurn oul lo le separalions
in arnor vhen conpared lo lhe look
This vehicIe is highIy reconnended, as
il can serve nany differenl purposes. Il
couId le used as an arnored recon vehicIe
in Sleve }ackson Canes CRL* or CLV*
ganes, or in IASAs RLNLCADL LLCIN*
gane. Il couId even le used in a snaII-
scaIe version of lhe ever-popuIar lul oul-
of-prinl STRIKLR* ruIes for science-ficlion
ninialures, ly CDW. This vehicIe is so
versaliIe lhal il is aInosl a nusl have. Ils
highIy reconnended al $3 per pack.
The page nunlers given for furlher
descriplions and iIIuslralions used for
conparison viII le found in IASAs Techni-
cal Readout 3050. When I reviev figures, I
judge lhen in parl lased on lhe iIIuslra-
lions provided, vhich are supposed lo le
lhe officiaI dravings. I undersland lhal
scuIplors can lake a cerlain Iicense vilh
figures, lul lhey shouId gel lhe lasics
correcl. The ninialures are sliII very
suilalIe for use in BATTLLTLCH ganes,
even vilh nislakes or nodificalions, and
lhe perfeclionisl is lhe onIy one vho nay
le concerned.
20-S9S IMP-SE Imp
* * * *
The iIIuslralion and lhe slalislics for lhe
Inp-3L are found on page 21O of lhe look.
This Mech, Iisled anong lhe Inner Sphere
assauIl Mechs, veighs 1OO lons, and no
varianls are given.
The Inp ninialure slands 49 nn laII
and suffers fron an uneven lase. This is
easiIy soIved vilh fiIing. The lody is 35
nn al ils videsl and Iooks a lil Iike R2D2
(lhe droid fron Star Wars) vilh Iong Iegs.
There are quile a fev differences lelveen
lhe piclure and lhe ninialure, so veII
slarl vilh lhe head and vork dovn.
The upper done conlains lvo veapon
or sensor loxes lhal are nol shovn on lhe
iIIuslralion or Iisled on lhe Iocalion lalIes.
A very olvious noId Iine runs across lhe
lop of lhe head, Iefl lo righl, lul il is easy
lo cIean. The ninialures Iefl arn has a
Iarge puIse Iaser poinling lo lhe sky (nine
has since leen nodified lo poinl forvard,
vhich vas very easy lo do). The righl arn
differs grealIy fron lhe look iIIuslralion.
The Iover rov of LRM-15s is cul off shorl,
leing Iocaled on lhe lollon edge of lhe
arn inslead of lovard lhe niddIe, and lhe
lollon of lhe hand is fIaller lhan il is
supposed lo le vilh no fIexion. The cen-
ler lorso has lvo exlended veapons
vhich are prolalIy Iasers lul are nol
shovn in lhe iIIuslralion (I granl lhal lhey
couId le relracled). Neilher Ieg is correcl,
as lolh are loo loxy and Iack lhe fIair and
luIges shovn in lhe look draving.
Having said aII of lhis, lhe ninialure
does caplure lhe spiril of lhe Mech and is
lhe onIy lhing avaiIalIe lhal is even cIose
lo lhe vehicIe. This unil has fev uses
oulside of BATTLLTLCH ganes. Wilh lhe
anno selup descriled, I doull il vouId le
nuch good in conlinuous conlal. Iriced
al $5.75 each, lhis piece is reconnended.
peopIe. This Mech is lasicaIIy for BATTLL-
TLCH ganes onIy and is reconnended al
$4.25 each.
Thals il for lhis nonlh. If you need lo
reach ne, caII Iriends Holly Shop al:
(7O8) 336-O79O, al lhe foIIoving lines:
M,W,Th,I: 2-1O I.M. CST
Sal & Sun: 1O A.M.-5 I.M. CST
You can aIso vrile lo ne al lhis address:
Rolerl BigeIov
c/o Iriends Holly
1411 Washinglon Sl.
Waukegan IL 6OO85
* indicates a product produced by a company other
than TSR, Inc. Most product names are trademarks
owned by the companies publishing those products.
The use of the name of any product without mention
of its trademark status should not be construed as a
challenge to such status.
WoIfhound even vhen pIayed ly differenl
This Mech has nol leen as effeclive in
lalIelop ganes al our cIul as vas inlend-
ed. Il gels lealen on a reguIar lasis ly lhe
20-S11 WFT-1 WoII Trap
* * * *
The WoIf Trap is a 45-lon Mech operal-
ed ly House Kurila as an ansver lo lhe
WoIfhound Mech. The ninialure is 39 nn
laII and 21 nn vide across lhe shouIders.
No olher varianls are given, lhis 'Mech is
nol in fuII produclion.
The ninialure is fairIy lrue lo lhe look
iIIuslralion. The Iegs are veII done and
seen lo le noving, aIleil in a jerky vay.
The enlire ninialure Iooks off-laIance
lecause of lhe pose. Bolh arns are cor-
recl, incIuding lhe nunler of fingers and
joinls, lhe shouIder pin and joinl on lhe
Iefl arn, and lhe hoIe in lhe AC-1O and
shaping of lhe righl arn. Major differ-
ences exisl lelveen lhe figure and look
piclure over lhe niddIe of lhe 'Mechs
lorso. The cooIing pack on lhe lack is nol
lig enough lo nalch lhe one in lhe iIIus-
lralion, il needs ligger porls and a higher
ConventIon CaIendar
Continued from page 64
This hisloricaI ganing convenlion viII le heId
al lhe HoIiday Inn in HaniIlon, nlario. Lvenls
incIude WRC*, DBA*, ASL*, and BATTLLTLCH*
ganes. lher aclivilies incIude NapoIeonics,
Ancienls, and Anerican CiviI War ganes. Wrile
lo: MICSCN, c/o Apl. #8, 142 CaroIine Sl. S.,
HaniIlon, nlario, CANADA L8I 3K9, or caII
Brian al: (416) 525-773O.
IAGACON 14, June 6 PA
This convenlion viII le heId al lhe IralernaI
rder of LagIes HaII, 116 N 8lh Sl., Lelanon, Ia.
Lvenls incIude AD&D, BATTLLTLCH*, and
ASL* lournanenls, MLRC: 2OOO*, AXIS &
ganes, leginners ganes, and a deaIers area.
Ask aloul group discounls. Wrile lo: Lelanon
Area Caners Assoc., 8O6 CunlerIand Sl.,
Lelanon IA 17O42, or caII: (717) 274-87O6
veeknighls or Salurdays.
TANIORN '92, June 6-B O
This convenlion viII le heId al lhe Rolerlson
Cardens Convenlion Cenlre in Rolerlson,
Brislane, QueensIand. Lvenls incIude AD&D,
ganes, vilh NapoIeonics, food, and RIC
sessions in individuaI roons. Wrile lo: CIul
TaneIorn, CI Box 2148, Brislane, QueensIand
4OO1, AUSTRALIA, or caII: OO11-61-7-2O9-7336.
MOBI-CON '92, June 12-14 AI
This SI&I/ganing convenlion viII le heId al
lhe Days Inn in MoliIe, AIa. Iroceeds viII
lenefil lhe IeneIope House sheIler for alused
vonen and chiIdren. Cuesls incIude Margarel
Weis and conics arlisls. Aclivilies incIude
vriling vorkshops, an arl shov and auclion,
ninialures painling, a deaIers roon, a coslune
conlesl, seninars, videos, and ganing.
Regislralion: $13.5O/veekend lefore }une 1,
$16/veekend al lhe door. SingIe-day rales vary.
Wrile lo: MBI-CN INC., I.. Box 161257,
MoliIe AL 36616.
IGACY '92, June 26-2B TX
This convenlion viII le heId al lhe Conforl
Inn Convenlion Cenler in ArIinglon, Texas.
Lvenls incIude lhe MechIorce Soulhvesl
RegionaI BATTLLTLCH* lournanenl, ganing,
speakers, ninialures-painling conlesls, a novie
roon, a deaIers area, and an auclion. SpeciaI
holeI rales are avaiIalIe. Regislralion:
$1O/veekend preregislered. Wrile lo: LLCACY
92, 16O4 CanfieId No. 11O7, Il. Worlh TX 7612O,
or caII our 24-hour holIine: (214) 6O1-9O32 and
enler 6552#.
This convenlion viII le heId al lhe Days Inn in
TuIsa, kIa. Lvenls incIude AD&D, D&D,
SHADWRUN*, and STAR TRLK* lournanenls,
vilh loard-gane lournanenls, hisloricaI
ninialures ganes, open ganing, and a video
roon. Regislralion: $4/veekend preregislered,
$7/veekend al lhe door. Wrile lo:
CNIICURATIN, 3617 L. 24lh Sl., TuIsa K
74115, or caII Mike al: (918) 836-8OO8.
This convenlion viII le heId al lhe Irairie
CapilaI Convenlion Cenler in SpringfieId, III.
Aclivilies incIude RICA Nelvork lournanenls,
roIe-pIaying, loard, conpuler, and ninialures
ganes, a ninialures-painling conlesl, and a
gane auclion. Regislralion: $1O/veekend,
incIuding gane cosls. Wrile lo: CAIITAL CN
VIII, c/o Ton Lavrence, 2557 Sonerlon Rd.,
SpringfieId IL 627O2.
June 20-21
This convenlion viII le heId al lhe Lnlers in
CarIisIe, Ia. Aclivilies incIude AD&D ganes, a
raiIroad lournanenl, deaIers, a ninialures-painling
conlesl, and over 5O ganing evenls. Regislralion
fees vary fron $6-1O. Wrile lo: M. Ioners Canes
nIy Lnporiun, 2OO Third Sl., Nev CunlerIand
IA 17O7O, or caII (717) 774-6676.
How effective was your convention listing?
If you are a convention organizer, please
write to the editors and let us know if our
Convention Calendar served your needs.
Your comment are always welcome.
118 APRIL 1992
AD&D is a registered trademark owned by TSR, Inc.
Continued from page 5
. . . Conslanline received lhis chain Ieller in
1953. He asked his secrelary lo nake 2O copies
and send lhen oul. A fev days Ialer, he von a
Iollery of $2,OOO,OOO.OO. Aria Daddil, an office
enpIoyee, received lhe Ieller and forgol il had
lo Ieave his hands vilhin 96 hours. He Iosl his
jol. Laler, afler finding lhe Ieller again, he
naiIed oul 2O copies. A fev days Ialer, he gol a
leller jol. . . .
If a vonan is polymorphed inlo an aninaI
and nales vilh anolher nenler in lhe species
she vas polymorphed inlo, and gels pregnanl,
vhal viII lhe laly le` WiII il le hunan` The
aninaI lhe vonan polymorphed inlo` A
crosslreed` A nulanl`
Lvery line I iniliale a nev group of pIayers
gane, al Ieasl one of lhe nev pIayers asks ne,
Wheres lhe lrees` And I lhink, I donl knov.
So nov lo aIIeviale lhe lurden on CMs
everyvhere, I nay nov ansver, Here lhey
Nov nosl peopIe lhink lhal I couId jusl leII
ny pIayers lhal lhere is nolhing inleresling
aloul lrees. Hovever, if you lake a cIose Iook,
lhere is quile a Iol. To save nyseIf lhe vork of
vriling dovn aII of lhe povers a hundred
differenl lines, lefore I give you lhe lrees
lhenseIves, III give you sone povers lrees
possess. . . .
Whal is lhe currenl goId-piece seIIing vaIue of
a haren girI` If lhe ICs decide lo keep lhen, do
lhey gel XIs`
I have vord lhal you vish lo seII lhis
conpany. |Here arej nine niIIion doIIars. MaiI
keys and direclions lo alove address.
Lverylody oul for nev nanagenenl. jP|aq
money enclosed.]
We lhe nenlers of Dealh, Deslruclion, and
Donl Iorgel lhe Chaos have sonelhing lo
discuss vilh you. Il is a naller of characler
nanes. ur fiflh parly nenler, Ungee
Creenvood, Bard of Renovn, is quile dislressed
al a cerlain aulhor, one Ld Creenvood, for
using his nane. . . . We are requesling lhal Ld
change his nane. Ils a sinpIe naller, reaIIy.
Sonelhing aIong lhe Iines of Ld Crulvood
vouId vork (and lhe Rol vouId le nore
I vouId jusl Iike lo lhank you for aII your
greal arlicIes. They have leen a greal gane aid.
They reaIIy spice up ny ganes. I especiaIIy Iike
The LcoIogy of lhe Cianl Leech. Il gave ne
nev insighls on lhe gane,
[from a monster description] }eIIy leIIies are a
viciousIy cIever hunanoid race lhal feeds on
hunans. They Iook Iike corpuIenl nen and vonen
and cannol le dislinguished as anylhing lul.
. . . }usl foIIov lhe inslruclions. Send $1
vrapped in a lIank sheel of paper lo lhe firsl
person on lhe Iisl leIov. Then onil lhal nane
fron your Iisl. Add your nane lo lhe fourlh
posilion on lhe Iisl. send lhe Ieller learing your
nane lo len vonen you adnire~len prospecls.
MaiI your Iellers vilhin 48 hours and do nol lreak
lhe pallern, pIease. When your nane reaches lhe
firsl posilion, il viII le your lurn lo coIIecl lhe
fees. 1O,OOO inleIIigenl, vonderfuI vonen nay
parlicipale and you viII le $1O,OOO richer.
Any lypos in lhe Ieller are nol acluaIIy errors.
They iIIuslrale lhe nev vay lo speII lhe vords.
This pasl veekend I venl lo lhe firsl Arisia
Con in Boslon, Mass. The lesl and nosl
inporlanl parl of lhe convenlion vas a paneI
caIIed, Larlh CirIs Arenl Lasy. Iive vonen
(one vas lhe noderalor) Ied a discussion aloul
vhal vonen Iike and disIike vhen nen lry lo
pick lhen up al convenlions. . . . I hope lhal you
vouId consider nenlioning Larlh CirIs Arenl
Lasy in lhe nexl possilIe ediloriaI so lhal
olhers can hear aloul lhe idea and have a paneI
in lheir cons. I lhink lhal il is a very vorlhy
[opening line from a short story] The riluaI
sIaughler of lhe anlealers lradilionaIIy look
pIace on lhe Iongesl day of lhe year, lhis year
leing no exceplion.
ne of ny pIayers read sonelhing in
DRACN Magazine aloul sex in D&D ganes,
lul il didnl say anylhing aloul il and I didnl
knov vhal lo say so I vrole lhis Ieller. Is lhere
such a lhing as sex in D&D ganes and if so,
hov is il done`
120 APRIL 1992
AD&D TradIng Cards
MagazIne Set Three
You LoId In youv Lunds tLe vesuIt
oI un eevIment tLut Lus gone vevy
weII Iov TSR, Inc. TLese tvudIng
cuvds Luve voven tLemseIves LIgL-
Iy useIuI to coIIectovs und gume
Iuyevs uIIke. TLe cuvds In tLIs mug-
uzIne uve Ivom tLe IIvst vInt vun oI
1992 und uve vuve In tLemseIves.
Youv comments Luve mude tLem us
good us tLey uve, und we tLunk you
Iov youv eIIovts.
vevy yeuv Ivom now on, you cun
eect u sLeet oI cuvds In tLIs mugu-
zIne. TLese cuvds uve uutomutIcuIIy
vuIuubIe und wIII muke youv mugu-
zIne move coIIectubIe. TLese cuvds
wIII uIso be LIgLIy useIuI In youv
Iuntusy cumuIgn. TLeve Is notLIng
IIke u Ivee deuI tLut's u gveut deuI,
und tLIs deuI Is botL.
In Muy oI tLIs yeuv, u IImIted su-
Iy oI tLe IIvst LuII oI tLe sevIes oI
cuvds wIII veucL stove sLeIves evevy-
wLeve. In JuIy, tLe second LuII wIII
veucL tLe stoves; uguIn, tLeve wIII be
onIy u IImIted suIy oI tLese.
TLese wIII uII be IIvst-vInt-vun
cuvds, und no move oI tLese secIuI
cuvds wIII evev be vInted. TLe 1992
Iuctovy set oI second-vInt-vun
cuvds wIII be out In Novembev.
AguIn, u IImIted numbev oI tLese
sets wIII go out to stoves evevy
wLeve. PIeuse wvIte to me und teII
me wLut you tLInk oI tLese cuvds
ov uny oI TSR's voducts.
TvudIng Cuvds/Jumes M. Wuvd
TSR, Inc.
P.O. Bo ?56
Iuke Genevu WI 5314?, U.S.A.
AD&D and GEN CON are trademarks of TSR, Inc.
1992 TSR Inc. All Rights Reserved.
13th-level Warrior
RACE: Half-elf
THAC0: 5
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic evil
EQUIPMENT: Field plate armor, two-
h a n d e d s wo r d o f wo u n d i n g , g a u n t l e t s o f
o g r e s t r e n g t h
BACKGROUND: Foleas remembers the War
of the Lance as the happiest days of his
life. He enjoyed sacking towns, getting
drunk with draconians, and even throt-
tling one or two passed-out baaz, just to
watch them turn to stone. Now he leads a
band of thieves outside of Sanction, and he
talks incessantly of the good old days.
6th-level Cat Burglar
RACE: Half-elf
Alvestar Jankins
THAC0: 17
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic good
EQUIPMENT: Thieves tools, slippers of
spider climbing, flatbox
BACKGROUND: Alvestars dexterity (18)
provides him with an AC bonus. He has
never been able to resist opening things
and looking inside. His father tried in vain
to use more and more locks around the
house, and Alvestar felt obliged to open
them al l . He doesn t real l y care about
wealth; he simply loves getting away with
what he steals.
DRAGONLANCE is a trademark of TSR, Inc.
1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
is a trademark of TSR, Inc.
1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
9th-level Wizard
RACE: Human
THAC0: 18
ALIGNMENT: Neutral good
EQUIPMENT: Bracers of defense AC 2, ring
of air elemental command, wand of light-
ni ng, ri ng of i nvi si bi l i t y, boot s of El -
venkind, dagger +1
BACKGROUND: Auroras dexterity (17)
gives her an AC bonus. She is a genius (Int
19) who loves research and views the world
as one huge laboratory for learning. One of
her goals in her adventuring career is to
amass a huge library. Her familiar, a great
horned owl, is her constant companion.
is a trademark of TSR, Inc.
1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
is a trademark of TSR, Inc.
1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Zinnabar Albbee
17th-level Wizard
RACE: Human
THAC0: 15
ALIGNMENT: Lawful good
EQUIPMENT: Ring of wizardry, ring of pro-
tection +6, necklace of adaptation, robe of
the archmagi, well of many worlds
BACKGROUND: Zinnabar reminds you of
your grandmother, and she loves to grant
childish wishes. She has been wandering
through wildspace on an extended retire-
ment tour so long that she doesnt quite
recall her home world.
Guido del Confuso
8th-level Priest
RACE: Human
THAC0: 16
ALIGNMENT: Neutral good
EQUIPMENT: Cloak of protection +3, robe
of blending. mace of disruption
BACKGROUND: Guidos preoccupation
wi th wi ne, women, and gambl i ng barel y
leaves him enough time to pray for his
spells; sometimes they fail him. However,
he is so good of heart that his god has not
f orsaken hi m. He i s not i nt erest ed i n
wealth or glory, but adventures purely for
the sport of it. Of course, a captured wine
keg always helps!
14th-level Psionicist
RACE: Human
THAC0: l4
ALIGNMENT: Neutral evil
EQUIPMENT: Robe of scintillating colors,
silver sword, elemental compass
BACKGROUND: Mellenea is adept in the
psychoporti ve devoti ons and spends a
great deal of time probability traveling on
the Astral plane, looking for wanderers to
rob or enslave. She has the silver sword of a
defeated githyanki and often casts graft
weapon upon it to sever the silver cords of
those who refuse to serve her.
Slipper Kindric
4th-level Rogue
RACE: Human
THAC0: 19
ALIGNMENT: Lawful evil
EQUIPMENT: Thieves tools, manual of
stealthy pilfering
BACKGROUND: Slipper, so named because
she has been caught at the scene of the
crime several times but never apprehend-
ed, enjoys a bonus to her AC because of her
dexterity (16). Her main goal is to please
her guildmaster because she wants to
work her way through the ranks and be-
come a guildmaster herself. Hence, she fre-
quent l y vol unt eer s f or j obs t hat ar e
beyond her capabilities.
SPELLJAMMER is a trademark of TSR, Inc.
1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
is a trademark of TSR, Inc.
1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
is a trademark of TSR, Inc.
1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
(Maltus Vindir)
7th-level Spy
RACE: Half-elf
THAC0: 17
ALIGNMENT: Lawful neutral
EQUIPMENT: Elven chain mail, c/oak of
elvenkind, ring of mind shielding
BACKGROUND: Maltus has been a mole in
the Valley Militia, helping to guard the Val-
ley of the Mage for six months. His mission
is to wait until a band of humans enters
the valley at midnight and calls out, The
Black One awaits the dawn, at which time
he will kill his watch companion and secret
the party past the guard.
GREYHAWK is a trademark of TSR, Inc.
1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Chobin the Punkster
6th-level Wizard
RACE: Human
THAC0: 19
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic neutral
EQUIPMENT: Ivory-spiked leather armor,
ring of protection +2, ring of shocking
grasp, crystal hypnosis ball
BACKGROUND: The Punkster stole a
cursed crystal hypnosis ball from his form-
er master, not knowing its true nature, so
that he could use it to find his parents.
Since then he s found monsters every-
where that hes looked. So far Chobins
managed to survive, but his constant bad
luck has given him an attitude problem.
is a trademark of TSR, Inc.
1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
is a trademark of TSR, Inc.
1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
is a trademark of TSR, Inc.
1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
5th-level Barbarian Warrior
RACE: Human
THAC0: 14
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic good
EQUIPMENT: Stone knife, boots of the
nort h
BACKGROUND: Jastuss superior strength
(18/88) improves his THAC0 by 2. Metal-
lurgy is
unknown to Jastuss
that his stone knife
tribe, so he
is the dead-
liest weapon ever constructed. and he uses
it very well. Jastus has heard tales of
warmer lands far to the north of his home,
f i re
he believes that they are inhabited by
creatures and he wants no part of
is a trademark of TSR, Inc.
1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
FORGOTTEN REALMS is a trademark of TSR, Inc.
1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
is a trademark of TSR, Inc.
1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Reptilla Half-elven
12th-level Wizard
RACE: Half-elf
THAC0: 17
ALIGNMENT: Neutral evil
EQUIPMENT: Bracers of defense AC 4,
cloak of displacement, curdled death
BACKGROUND: Reptillas high dexterity
(17) provides her with a bonus to her AC in
addition to her magical protection. She and
her familiar, Thsst, inhabit a cave on the
sunny si de of one of the Dragonspi ne
Mountains, where they waylay lone ani-
mal s and travel ers for Repti l l a s experi -
ments in the making of poisons.
Darwell Tectite
11th-level Box-man Rogue
RACE: Dwarf
THAC0: 15
ALIGNMENT: Neutral good
EQUIPMENT: Thieves tools, chime of
opening, bag of holding
BACKGROUND: Darwell is a lock-picking
specialist whose talents are available only
through her guildmaster. Due to her excel-
lent dexterity (18) and extensive training,
she has a 95% chance to pick almost any
lock she encounters. Darwell believes in
stealing only from the wealthy, and she
refuses jobs that would leave anyone fi-
nancially ruined.
9th-level Druid
RACE: Half-elf
THAC0: 15
EQUIPMENT: Bracers of defense AC 2,
scimitar +3, medallion of adaptation, ring
of protection +2, ring of feather falling,
staff of Kitsyrral
BACKGROUND: Aruthir divides his time
between scouting (in hawk-form) with his
pet, Lari, and acting as healer for his ad-
venturing party. His staff of Kitsyrral al -
lows him to store ten spell charges in it and
cast any spell (in his spell spheres) upon de-
mand. Aruthir is handsome and extraordi-
narily vain about it.
3rd-level Warrior
RACE: Human
THAC0: 18
ALIGNMENT: Neutral good
EQUIPMENT: Ring of jumping
BACKGROUND: Hm-boyes mother reput-
edly came from Kara-Tur, but Procampur is
the only home hes ever known. Hm-boye
l i ves i n a rough nei ghborhood near the
wharfs, where he gets plenty of chances to
combine his acrobatic martial arts prowess
with standard weapon techniques. Hes not
a criminal, but the city guards usually try
to arrest him on sight.
Lady Wendolyn of Gaunt
10th-level Cavalier
RACE: Human
THAC0: 11
ALIGNMENT: Lawful good
EQUIPMENT: Plate mail of fear, shield +2.
horsemans flail +1
BACKGROUND: Wendolyn began her train-
ing in horsemanship at a very early age and
became a much better rider than her elder
brothers before she was ten years old. She
would like to be a paladin like her mother,
but she has never heard the call of the gods
and she doesnt believe that any of the ex-
isting orders are deserving of her faith and
Phun Ach-mana Phun
14th-level Barbarian Priest
RACE: Human
THAC0: 12
EQUIPMENT: Portable canoe, fur of
warmth. incense of meditation
BACKGROUND: Phun is a medium who
communes with the spirits of nature for
his tribe. They tell him when to plant and
harvest, when to begin and end the hunt,
how to appease the gods in times of fam-
ine, and so forth. He is capable of assuming
the form of a deer at will, and he frequent-
ly runs with a herd in order to learn news
of the surrounding lands.
FORGOTTEN REALMS is a trademark of TSR, Inc.
1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
is a trademark of TSR, Inc.
1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Delynn Rosabell
4th-level Warrior
THAC0: 17
ALIGNMENT: Lawful neutral
EQUIPMENT: Elven chain mail shirt
BACKGROUND: Delynn is a mercenary sol-
dier. Orphaned when she was an infant, De-
lynn was raised by a clan of war-loving
humans that slew her people. When she
grew old enough to question her identity,
she returned to the elves and found that
she could not identify with them, either.
All she had was the skill of making war
with which shed been raised, so she set
out alone, seeking fortune in battle.
is a trademark of TSR, Inc.
1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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