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o symptoms

o vocabulary
o headache
o (pain in the head)
o earache
o (pain in the ear)
o Stomach ache
o (pain in your stomach)
o Backache
o (pain in your back)
o fever
o (high body temperature)
o Toothache
o (pain in the teeth)
o Sore throat

o Congestion
o (your nose is full. It is hard to breathe from your nose)
o Vomiting
o (to throw-up)
o Constipation

o (your stool (poo) is too hard. It does not come out)

o Diarrhea (watery poop/stool)

o (watery poop/stool)

o Rash
o (irritation of the skin)
o sunburn
o .
o To have a cramp
o .
o anorexia
o .
o An allergy
o .
o Eg.
o Can you tell what signs show that someone has the flu?
o Can you tell what signs show that someone has a stomach
o Symptoms can be:

o Vomiting (to throw-up)
o Swelling (puffed up)
o Bleeding (loss of blood)
o Fever (high body temperature)
o Earache (pain in the ear)
o Toothache (pain in the teeth)
o Headache (pain in the head)
o Rash (irritation of the skin)
o Numbness (to not feel)
o Drowsiness (sleepy)
o Diarrhea (watery poop/stool)
o Symptoms can be:

o Trouble breathing (cannot breath well; shortness of breath)
o Tingling (feeling pins and needles in your body or skin)
o Passing gas (bad smelling air from bowels)
o Congestion (your nose is full. It is hard to breathe from your nose)

o Symptoms can be:

o Stomach ache (pain in your stomach)
o Backache (pain in your back)
o Runny nose (nose dripping watery)
o Cough (quick noisy push of air from mouth)
o Dizziness (feeling wobbly/faint; to loose balance; not steady)
o Nausea (to feel like throwing up; feeling sick in the stomach)
o Symptoms can be:

o Itching (you want to rub or scratch your skin)
o Fatigue (you feel tired/weak)
o Constipation (your stool (poo) is too hard. It does not come out)
o Sneezing (a quick push of air out of your nose and mouth)
o Symptoms can be:

o Flu (an illness that affects breathing or stomach)
o Colds (illness which affects the nose and throat - coughing,
o sore throat, runny nose)
o Cough (quick noisy push of air from mouth)
o symptoms
o Symptoms are signs our body uses to tell us that there are health
problems. Symptoms can help tell us what is wrong in our body.
Symptoms tell you that there are changes in how your body is
working. When you visit a doctor, you should tell your doctor how
you feel. If you do not feel normal, this can mean that something is
wrong with your health. If you do not feel good, you should go to a
o Symptoms can be a sign that you have different diseases or illnesses
o Malaria (fever caused by infected mosquitoes)
o Tuberculosis/TB (infectious disease that affects your lungs and
other parts of your body)
o Cancer (cells that grow uncontrollably. Cells are what our bodies
are made up of.)
o Symptoms can be a sign that you have different diseases or illnesses
o Heart problems
o Kidney problems
o Digestive problems (problems with how the body deals with food
and uses it for energy/power)
o Flu (an illness that affects breathing or stomach)
o Symptoms can be a sign that you have different diseases or illnesses

o Colds (illness which affects the nose and throat)
o Liver problems (illnesses such as cirrhosis: liver cells get hurt and
replaced by scar tissue) Hearing problems
o Eye problems Hearing problems
o Some different problems you might have are:
o Heart attack (the heart gets damaged/ hurt)
o Stroke (sudden loss of brain function caused when the supply of
blood to the brain stops)
o Asthma (disease that makes it hard for people to breathe)
o Other symptoms and illnesses:
o Unconscious (person is not awake but not asleep and will not wake
up; does not respond)
o Giving birth/ labour; pregnancy (baby is growing inside a woman for
9 months)
o Eg.
o Where would you go when you have toothache/ flu/ an broken arm ?
o If I have a toothache I will phone a dental clinic.
o The receptionist will book me an appointment.
o The dentist would check my teeth.
o Describing feelings
o How do you feel today ?
o angry
o lonely
o sad
o tired
o stressed
o afraid
o TO FEEL sick
o dizzy
o Eg.
o Are you happy when you are lonely? Do you have a lot of
friends when you are lonely?
Do you have someone to talk to when you are lonely?

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