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i; a man; jordan:

Beneficiary of
enera! "ost office; judicia! district
Notice; #!aim: $ro"riety
Notice to Respondeat Inferior is Notice to Respondeat Superior
Notice is Law; ignorance of the law is no excuse; as it is written; it shall be done;
This is a private international communication and put in public to protect i; a man; jordan;
i; a man claim: an !wo"man or #erson whom alter or restle this; m $ase; does so under penalt and compensation to i;
Susan %& Stron and'or Successor %: &mail'(ail
c'o S)S*N I+ STR,N-. /)0-& 1presiding2
343 S+ 56th Street
Lincoln. N& 78368
Jo(n #o!)orn and'or Successor
c'o /,9N $,L%,RN. /)0-&
343 S+ 56th Street
Lincoln. N& 78368
Jon Brunin and'or Successor
c'o /,N %R)NIN- and'or Successor under the ,ffice1s2 of:
$o:Trustee: /,R0*N %9,L* &S;& Trust
,ffice of the *ttorne -eneral
<553 State $apitol
Lincoln. Nebras=a 7836> ;
#(ris Beut!er and'or Successor;
c'o $9RIS %&)TL&R. (aor $hris %eutler
333 South 56th St+. Suite ?65.
Lincoln. N& 78368
James $esc(on* and'or Successor and in relationship1s2 with'together'through $IT@ ,A LIN$,LN #,LI$&
0&#*RT(&NT. LIN$,LN #,LI$& 0&#*RT(&NT. L*N$*ST&R $,)NT@. $,)NT@ $,)RT ,A
L*N$*ST&R $,)NT@. N&%R*S;*. $,)NT@ ,A L*N$*ST&R. $IT@ ,A LIN$,LN. L*N$*ST&R
$,)NT@ 0&#*RT(&NT ,A $,RR&$TI,NS. #,LI$&. N&%R*S;* ST*T& #*TR,L. #,LI$& 0&#*RT(&NT
$IT@ ,A LIN$,LN. ST*T& ,A N&%R*S;*. N&%R*S;* ST*T&. ST*T& N&%R*S;*;
c'o /*(&S #&S$9,N-.$hief ,f #olice
343 S 56th St
Lincoln. N& 78368 ;
Bec+y ,& Bruc+ner and'or Successor ;
c'o %&$;@ -+ %R)$;N&R. /udicial *dministrator
Lancaster $ount $ourt
/ustice and Law &nforcement $enter
343 S 56th St. <nd Aloor
Lincoln. Nebras=a 78368
Dan No!te and'or Successor
c'o 0*N N,LT&. $ount $ler=
333 South 56th Street. Room 568.
Lincoln. N& 78368
Troy L& Ha-+ and'or Successor ;
c'o TR,@ L+ 9*B;
/ustice and Law &nforcement $enter
343 S 56th St. ?rd Aloor
Lincoln. Nebras=a 78368 ;
Ri!ey* He!!ins
c'o 9&LLIN-S . RIL&@
343 S 56th St. <nd Aloor
Lincoln. Nebras=a 78368 ;
hereinafter. Respondeat Inferior.
IN R&: /,R0*N %9,L* &S;& Trust. LIN$,LN #,LI$& 0&#*RT(&NT )NIA,R( $IT*TI,N *N0
$,(#L*INT: L%D<384?
i; a man; am at peace with all man=ind;
i; a man; affirm: m word is m bond;
i; a man; affirm: no consent to constructive trust stled: LIN$,LN #,LI$& 0&#*RT(&NT )NIA,R(
$IT*TI,N *N0 $,(#L*INT: L%D<384?
i; a man; claim:
$onusance; original /urisdiction in this; the jordan court;
#ropriet of this $ase; in this. the jordan $ourt;
No consent to remove #ropriet of this $ase. belonging to: i; a man;
be there an man; #erson; #&RS,N; ,ffice; or ,AAI$&; claim #ropriet of this m $ase;
absent expressed consent; it cause harm b Trespass to i; a man; b wa of interfering
with m inherent rights; and thereb agrees to be Subject to penalt and compensation
to i;
i; am sole %eneficiar: /,R0*N %9,L* &S;& Trust; evidence E%irth !Trust" $ertificateF
!issue number ?773?8"; evidence: E#ublic RecordF; evidence Bitness1es2; evidence:
EInformantF; said $ertificate; issued to i; a man;
i; am verified holder in due course of said $ertificate; in m possession; true cop
attached hereto; and incorporated herein b reference; all said evidence verified b
voice in open court;
being; sole %eneficiar: /,R0*N %9,L* &S;& Trust; i am not authoriGed to approve
an settlement'discharge of an claim upon the Trust; !onl an authoriGed $o:Trustee
or *dministrator possesses such authorit"; Respondeat Inferior holds the ,ffice of $o:
Trustee: /,R0*N %9,L* &S;& Trust; and has fiduciar dut to serve said trust;
including the settlement'discharge of claims against the Trust;
i; a man; affirm: an authoriGed $o:Trustee or *dministrator of the /,R0*N %9,L* &S;& Trust;
charged with the dut to settle'discharge a claim upon the Trust; !et" ignorant of the was and means to
settle'discharge a claim upon the Trust; must see=. find; delegate and utiliGe another $o:Trustee or
*dministrator of the Trust; s=illed in settlement'discharge of claims upon the Trust; and administer said
delegation upon another $o:Trustee or *dministrator through the execution and fulfillment of said
i; a man; affirm: failure b a $o:Trustee'*dministrator to settle and close a claim against /,R0*N
%9,L* &S;& Trust; or delegate it to a competent $o:Trustee'*dministrator for settlement'discharge and
closure within ten 1562 das after receipt of this Notice; and provide i; a man; verified proof and evidence of the
transaction; shall establish the evidence of breach of Trust; harm to i; a man. b wa of Trespass; and injur
upon /,R0*N %9,L* &S;& Trust; b wa of Trespass;
i; a man; give notice: a non:response to the claims herein; silence; is our agreement with the claims;
orders; terms and conditions set forth herein;
and on proof of claim that the other paper'leaf'leaves attached and labeled: &xhibit 5 : Reference: LIN$,LN
#,LI$& 0&#*RT(&NT )NIA,R( $IT*TI,N *N0 $,(#L*INT: L%D<384? and H&xhibit < : Reference: LIN$,LN #,LI$&
0&#*RT(&NT )NIA,R( $IT*TI,N *N0 $,(#L*INT: L%D<384?I enclosed'attached'included with the
envelope'fax'instrument'paper'email'mail where ou found this notice on proof of claim doesnJt resolve an
mis:communication and on proof of claim that using deception. non disclosure. fraud. force. abuse. =idnapping
wonJt incur to ou and each part to be processing the curse and lie against themselves of their own ma=ing for
as long as an action is done against me or the man commonl referred to as jordan and'or against m free:will
and on proof of claim that ou canJt use the signature to discharge the supposed debt with the
smbols'signs'signatures'etc with what ou alread have;
and on proof of claim continuing to pursue. engage. act. interact. trespass. commit. against in a manner
that causes fraud. =idnapping. abuse. human traffic=ing. to the account /,R0*N &S;&. /,R0*N %9,L*
&S;&. /,R0*N. /ordan &s=e. /ordan %hola &s=e. &S;&. /ordan %+ &s=e. /+%+&+. jordan. /ordan %+. %hola.
/,R0*N %9,L*. %9,L* /,R0*N. %9,L* /,R0*N &S;&. &S;&. %9,L*. &S;& /,R0*N. &s=e /ordan or
an other variation towards or in reference to the living man commonl referred to as jordan. I. me. mself. on
proof of claim ou arenJt agreeing to curse our own famil members. loved ones. spouses. partners. ourself.
our bod. all benefits and rights of an birth right ou have now and in our next life1s2 and those of our
i; a man; affirm this document was prepared b: i a man. the title holder due to the non:disclosure and
dis:information. with the cop:claim; b m free will. act. and deed. m hand and seal. do hereb establish the
facts this 55 da of /une. two thousand fourteen and effective here now toda in the event that time doesnJt exist.
%: jordan:bhola: es=e
)nderwriter'Suret Notice: this instrument is a non:negotiable unrebuttable instant claim b first name of lawful lien. seiGure. and
liKuidation 1as reKuired2 of full penal value of all Respondeat InferiorFs bonds; insurance and other securit assets. to be escrowed. b and
for the resulting breach of trust b Respondeat Inferior 1#rincipal or *gent2; until; administrative process or final jur; judgment;
)#) Treat Notice: This non:negotiable instrument constitutes Lparcel postL conveed under conditions set forth at )niversal #ostal
$onvention and #arcel #ost regulations and relevant )niversal #ostal )nion Terms and $onditions+

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