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Remarks on the Dirac oscillator in (2 + 1) dimensions

Fabiano M. Andrade1, ∗ and Edilberto O. Silva2, †

Departamento de Matemática e Estatı́stica, Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa, 84030-900 Ponta Grossa-PR, Brazil
Departamento de Fı́sica, Universidade Federal do Maranhão,
Campus Universitário do Bacanga, 65085-580 São Luı́s-MA, Brazil
(Dated: June 13, 2014)
In this article the Dirac oscillator in (2 + 1) dimensions is considered. We solve the problem
in polar coordinates and discuss the dependence of the energy spectrum on the spin s and angular
momentum quantum number m. We observe that the degeneracy of the energy spectrum can occurs
for all possible values of sm.
arXiv:1406.3249v1 [hep-th] 12 Jun 2014

The Dirac oscillator, first introduced in [1] and af- The γ matrices are conveniently defined in terms of the
ter develop in [2], has been an usual model for study- Pauli matrices [14]
ing the physical properties of physical systems in various
branches of physics. In the context of theoretical con- βγx = σx , βγy = sσy , β = σz , (4)
tributions, the Dirac oscillator has been analyzed under
different aspects such as the study of the covariance prop- where s is twice the spin value, with s = +1 for spin
erties and Foldy-Wouthuysen and Cini-Touschek trans- “up” and s = −1 for spin “down”. In this manner, Eq.
formations [3], as a special case of a class of chiral so- (3) can be written as
lutions to the automorphism gauge field equations [4], (σx πx + sσy πy + σz M ) ψ = Eψ, (5)
and hidden supersymmetry produced by the interaction
iM ωβr, where M is the mass, ω the frequency of the where πj = pj − iM ωσz rj .
oscillator and r is the position vector, when it plays a As usual, we write Eq. (5) in polar coordinates (r, φ)
role of anomalous magnetic interaction [5] (see also Refs.   
[3, 6]). s
Recently, the Dirac oscillator had its first experimen- eisσz φ σx ∂ρ + σy ∂φ − iM ωρ ψ = i(E − M σz )ψ.
tal realization [7], which made the system more attrac- (6)
tive from the point of view of applications. The Dirac If one uses the spinor in the standard representation
oscillator in (2 + 1) dimensions, when the third spatial  
coordinate is absent, has also been studied in Refs. [8– ψ1
ψ= , (7)
10]. Additionally, this system was proposed in [11] to ψ2
describe some electronic properties of monolayer an by-
layer graphene. For a detailed approach of the Dirac Eq. (6) leads to
oscillator see the Refs. [12, 13].  
In this article, we address the Dirac oscillator in (2 + s
∂ρ − i ∂φ − M ωρ ψ2 = ieisφ (E − M )ψ1 , (8a)
1) dimensions. We obtain the energy spectrum, wave ρ
functions and clarify its physical implications.
We begin by writing the Dirac equation in (2 + 1) di- 

mensions (~ = c = 1) ∂ρ + i ∂φ + M ωρ ψ1 = ie−isφ (E + M )ψ2 . (8b)
(βγ · p + βM ) ψ = Eψ, (1)
By manipulation of Eq. (8), we can decouple them and
where p = (px , py ) is the momentum operator and ψ is a obtain the following set of equations for the spinor com-
two-component spinor. The Dirac oscillator is obtained ponents
through the following nonmininal prescription [2]
p2 + M 2 ω 2 r2 − 2M ω − 2M ωsLz ψ1 = (E 2 − M 2 )ψ1 ,

p → p − iM ωβr, (2) (9a)

p2 + M 2 ω 2 r2 + 2M ω − 2M ωsLz ψ2 = (E 2 − M 2 )ψ2 ,

where r = (x, y) is the position vector and ω stands for
the Dirac oscillator frequency. Thus, the relevant equa- (9b)
tion is where Lz = −i∂φ . We decomposes the spinor as
[βγ · (p − iM ωβr) + βM ] ψ = Eψ. (3) ψ1 m f m (r) e
ψ= = P i(m+s)φ , (10)
ψ2 m igm (r) e

where m = 0, ±1, ±2, ±3, . . . is the angular momentum

∗ quantum number. The factor i on the lower spinor com-
† ponent is included for convenience. By replacing Eq. (10)

into Eq. (9), we can write the radial equation for fm (r) HaL
 2  n
′′ 1 ′ m 6
− fm (r) − fm (r) + + M ω r fm (r) = k 2 fm (r),
2 2 2 0 1 2 3 4 5
r r2

Energy HauL
2 2 2
k = E − M + 2M ω(sm + 1). (12) 3
A similar equation for gm (r) there exists. Using the 2
change of variable ρ = M ωr2 , Eq. (11) assumes the
form 1

′′ ′ m ρ
ρfm (ρ) + fm (ρ) − + − fm (ρ) = 0, (13) 0
4ρ 4 4γ -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5

with γ = M ω. Studying the asymptotic limits of Eq. m

(13) leads us to the following regular solutions
fm (ρ) = ρ(|m|+1)/2 e−ρ/2 M (ρ). (14)
6 n
0 1 2 3 4 5
Substitution of Eq. (14) into Eq. (13), results
ρM ′′ (ρ) + (1 + |m| − ρ) M ′ (ρ)
Energy HauL
1 + |m| k 2
− − M (ρ) = 0. (15)
2 4γ 3

Equation (15) is a confluent hypergeometric-like equation 2

zM ′′ (z) + (b − z)M ′ (z) − aM (z) = 0, (16) 1

where M (z) is the confluent hypergeometric function 0

[15]. In this manner, the unnormalized regular solution -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
for Eq. (15) is m

fm (ρ) = ρ(|m|+1)/2 e−ρ/2 M (d, 1 + |m|, ρ) , (17) FIG. 1. (Color online) The positive energy spectrum, Eq.
(19), for the Dirac oscillator in (2+1) dimensions for different
where values of n and m with M = ω = 1 and for: (a) s = 1 and
(b) s = −1. Notice that levels with quantum numbers n ± q
1 + |m| k2 for s = 1 (s = −1) have the same energy as levels with m ± q
d= − . (18)
2 4γ (m ∓ q), with q an integer. For sm > 0, it is clear that the
energy spectrum is independent of m.
In order to find the energy spectrum of the Dirac os-
cillator, we should establish as convergence criterion the
condition d = −n, with n a nonnegative integer. Then, angular quantum number m. This behavior is depicted
the energy levels are given by in Fig. 1.
p We can also obtain the energy spectrum for the Dirac
E = ± M 2 + 2M ω(2n + |m| − sm), n = 0, 1, 2, . . . , oscillator in (2 + 1) dimensions following the standard
(19) derivation of Moshinsky and Szczepaniak [2]. Indeed,
and the corresponding unnormalized wave function is operating [σx πx + sσy πy + σz M + E] on the Eq. (5), one
fm (ρ) = ρ(|m|+1)/2 e−ρ/2 M (−n, 1 + |m|, ρ) . (20)
[p2 + M 2 ω 2 r2 − 2M ω(σz + sLz )]ψ = (E 2 − M 2 )ψ, (21)
It is important to note that, the energy levels are spin
in complete agreement with Eq. (9). Equation (21),
dependent and the energy expression yield an infinity de-
restoring the factors ~ and c, in terms of components,
generacy for all possible values of sm. Indeed, according
to Eq. (19), for sm < 0, we have: for s = 1 and m < 0 all
levels with n ± q and m ± q have the same energy, while
2 p 1 2 2
for s = −1 and m > 0 the equal energy levels are the 2M c + M ω r − ~ω − sωL3 ψ1 =
2M 2
one with n ± q and m ∓ q, being q an integer. Moreover,
for sm > 0, all the energy levels are independent of the (E 2 − M 2 c4 )ψ1 , (22a)

1 orbit coupling, which (restoring the factor ~) is of order
2M c2 + M ω 2 r2 + ~ω − sωL3 ψ2 =
2M 2 ω/~. Summarizing, the nonrelativistic limit of the Dirac
(E 2 − M 2 c4 )ψ2 . (22b) oscillator in (2 + 1) dimensions is the circular harmonic
oscillator with a strong spin-orbit coupling term with all
levels shifted by the factor ω. Indeed, the shifted energy
Equation (22), for s = 1, agreed with the expressions levels are
found in Eq. (A2) of Ref. [8] and Eqs. (9) and (22) of
Ref. [16]. E + ω = (1 + 2n + |m| − sm)ω. (24)
In order to investigate the role played by the nonmin-
imal prescription in (2) as well as their physical implica- As for the relativistic case, the infinity degeneracy is also
tions, we should evaluate the nonrelativistic limit of Eq. present.
(21). In this case, writing E = M + E, with M ≫ E, we In summary, we have shown that the energy spectrum
get of the Dirac oscillator in (2 + 1) depends on the value of
spin projection parameter s. On the other hand, it has
also shown that energy spectrum is degenerated for all
1 2 2 3
+ M ω r − ω(σ + sLz ) ψ = Eψ. (23) possible values of sm, a behavior not discussed before in
2M 2 the literature.

The first two terms on the left side of Eq. (23) are those This work was supported by the Fundação Araucária
that appear in the Hamiltonian of the nonrelativistic cir- (Grant No. 205/2013), and the Conselho Nacional de
cular harmonic oscillator [17], explaining why this system Desenvolvimento Cientı́fico e Tecnológico (Grants No.
is called Dirac oscillator. The third term is a constant 482015/2013-6 (Universal), No. 306068/2013-3 (PQ))
which shifts all energy levels. The last term is the spin- and FAPEMA (Grant No. 00845/13).

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