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Life Events

This is when an event happens in your life that you dont know will happen or cant
plan for it e.g.
Illness or disease
Sudden death

These are events that you know are going to happen and are common in most
peoples lives e.g.

Place all these life events in your table. Clearly think if they are expected or unexpected.

Having a baby
Getting your first job
Death of a friend
Buying a house
Moving house
Leaving home
Going to college

We are learning about life events and the experiences that people go through in their
lives. Everyone experiences major events that they must work through. Sometimes we
know these things will happen, they are expected and sometimes we know they are not
expected but cope none the less. You need to be able to tell which life events are
expected or unexpected when you are presented with this information in the exam.

Being diagnosed with cancer
Not passing your GCSEs
Getting arrested
House fire
Leaving school
Starting school
Accident or injury
Moving schools
*Dropping school
* Exclusion
*Being employed
*Civil Partnership
*Being in

1. Add some more life events of your own.
2. What things have happened in your life that were expected or unexpected?
3. How do people cope with unpredictable life events?
4. Pick 5 of the events from the list and explain how people cope?


Understanding how to manage the changes caused by life events

Support Definition
Formal Advice, help and guidance from people who are properly trained and qualified e.g. doctors
Informal Advice, help and support from people who are close to you e.g. friends/family
Emotional Help to deal with your feelings and mental state. This can be offered through counselling to
let people talk through their feelings or friends/family giving love and support.
Physical Help to deal with any health issues due to illness or being uneducated on how to look after

1. A school is a type of formal support. Describe how you think they would help Joanna?
2. Friends, family and partners is a type of informal support. How do you think they can help?
3. Where can Joanna get access to emotional support and how?
4. She can get physical support from professional carers like Sexual Health Clinics. Describe
what support they would offer?
5. A district nurse and a social worker is a type of what support?
6. Community groups and voluntary and faith based organisations
7. How can Joanna manage her expectations of what she thinks she has to do in the future?

We have now covered all of Unit 1 and we will be leaving this topic for a few months in order to start
producing your coursework. The exam is worth 25% of your final grade.
Go back through your book and begin to revise. I am going to test you on what you have learnt this
half term. You can revise by doing the following tasks

1. Create a mind map for each of the 3 What needs to be learnt sheets you have stuck in your
2. Create flash cards for the major key words
3. Go back and finish, complete and provide further explanations on your work.

Continue to revise for your examination, ready for you mock exam on the first Friday 8

Joanna, 14, is a normal girl, wanting to grow up too fast in order to impress
her friends. She is experiencing normal life events for a girl of her age,
however she has recently started to do things people wouldnt expect of
her like staying out, smoking, drinking and hanging around with older boys.
After being in hospital, her mum and school decided Joanna needed some
support to help her understand her recent behaviour.

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