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People who have a musical ear can easily distinguish the musical tones of
different frequencies, but the sense of sight cannot perceive the various
components of sensation nuanced. Each color is uniform sensation, and
indivisible, most important properties that each color has are: Hue, Intensity,
brightness and clarity. Let us a simple question, What is the world without
color?,. The world is colorful, where no light, no color, form perception, depth of
chiaroscuro are closely related to color perception, color is incredible that
different expressions can be detached from the environment, that can convey
the feeling calm, fulfillment, joy, violence, evil
Understanding how humans see color and phenomena is a process. Like, is
that the spectrum of white light from the sun we see is actually composed by a
variety of primary colors and that this range is just a small part of the
electromagnetic spectrum received by the man.
In the natural classification of colors is systematized their description: each
color occupies in the body called chromatic, a particular location depends on
the equality or inequality of color about six of reference, these colors are
colors are arranged in a cross at right angles so that each arm of the cross has
at its ends a color.
The colors we produce many sensations, feelings, different moods, conveys
messages, we expressed values, situations and yet there beyond our visual
perception The color has been studied by scientists, physicists, philosophers
and rtistas. Each u is not his field and in close contact with the phenomenon of
color, came to different conclusions, well matched in some respects or that
were very successful and as a starting point for further study Each color has on
the person who observes a triple action: - Impress the perceiver, in that the
color looks and attention. - It is capable of expression, because each color,
manifest, express a meaning and provokes a reaction and emotion. - Build, full
color has its own meaning, and takes the value of a symbol, therefore able to
communicate an idea. The colors are often associated with moods or emotions.
The colors affect us psychologically and we produce certain sensations. We
need to acknowledge these emotions, feelings are associated with Western
culture, as in other cultures, the same colors, totally opposite feelings can be
expressed for example in Japan and in most Islamic countries, the white color
symbolizes Death.
The Red: is the symbol of ardent and unbridled passion, sexuality and
eroticism, but also of danger. It is the warmest of warm colors. It is the color of
fire and blood, vitality and action, exercises a powerful influence on mood and
impulses of human beings, produces heat. The downside is that red can
uncover aggressive attitudes.
The Orange: Represents joy, youth, hot summer. Share with red being a color
aspects burning bright. Increased optimism, trust, confidence, balance, reduces
fatigue and stimulates the respiratory system. It is ideal for use in places where
families gather to chat and enjoy the company.
Yellow: In many cultures, is the symbol of the deity and the color is brighter,
warmer, hot and expansive, is the color of sunlight. Generates heat, causing the
good humor and joy. It stimulates the eye and acts on the nervous system. It is
linked to mental activity and creative inspiration and awakening the intellect and
act as anti-fatigue. The warm yellow tones can ease certain states of nervous
excitement, so this color is used in the treatment of psychoneurosis.
Green: It symbolizes hope and fertility, the goods to come, the desire of
eternal life. Color is a sedative, hypnotic, anodyne. Attributed virtues such as
being soothing and relaxing, proving effective in cases of nervous excitability,
insomnia and fatigue, lowering blood pressure, low heart rate, relieves neuralgia
and headaches. It is used to neutralize the warm colors.
The Blue: is the symbol of the depth atrubuyen is calming and is used in
environments that invite to rest. Blue is the most sober of cool colors, conveys
seriousness, confidence and tranquility. Is the power attributed to disintegrate
negative energies. It promotes kindness and patience, serenity, even
overexposure to the same causes fatigue or depression. It is also advisable to
balance the use of warm colors.
Purple: Represents the mystery, is associated with intuition and spirituality,
influencing emotions and moods. It is also a color something melancholic. It
acts on the heart, reduces anxiety, phobias and fear. Streamlines the creative
power. For its high price became the color of royalty.
White: Its meaning is associated with purity, faith, peace. Joy and neatness. In
Eastern cultures, symbolizing the afterlife, represents the divine love, humility
and stimulates the creative imagination.
The Black: black is traditionally associated with darkness, pain, despair,
formality and solemnity, sadness, melancholy, unhappiness and misery, anger
and irritability and may represent what is hidden and veiled. This color also
denotes power, mystery and style. In our culture is also the color of death and
mourning, and is reserved for the masses for the dead and Good Friday.
Gray: Match all things and does not affect the other colors. You can express
elegance, respect, grief, boredom, old age. It is a neutral color and somewhat
gloomy. Helps to emphasize the spiritual and intellectual values.
It is a fact that in order to see the color of things humans depend on the light,
which is composed of electromagnetic waves ranging from radio waves to
gamma rays up to. Man alone has the ability to see a very small part of the
spectrum which corresponds to the color range, this could prove it with
experiments ISAAC NEWTON, by passing a beam of white light from the sun
through a prism note that this was broken down into a range of colors the same
as observed in the rainbow and each color was unique and that all these colors
alconcentrar again in a prism is recomposed in a beam of white light. With these
observations as we realize that thanks to the light and the ownership of the
materials, we can see colors in objects because when the light hits this material
breaks down and wave at x reflects a certain color which sees our vision.
The color is like magic, has the characteristic, the power to change, alter and
embellish and to cancel this last of all that surrounds us. So the color is so
important and that goes unnoticed most of the time.
The color is art, color is a medium because it also conveys feelings and
behaviors. We live in a world full of colors and affect our feelings in a very
intense. Color plays a very important area of science, the arts, psychology and
I think the color is a bright part of the spirit, and the vibrational energy becomes.
And this energy affects the human differently, depending on its wavelength
producing different sensations that normally are not aware.
But people working in marketing agencies and advertising, corporate image
consultants, designers and fashion industry, etc.., Are well aware of it, and use
colors consistently to associate the type of product you want to get .
Clarity is also an important guideline for using color. Experiments have shown
that the search time to find a piece of information is diminished if the color of
this piece is known in advance, and if the color is applied only to that part.
Standardized interface colors should be established and used throughout the
development. The clear, concise use of color can help users to find pieces of
information faster and more efficiently. Learning can be greatly increased with
the color. The color has proven to be superior to white and black for the
effectiveness of information processing time and memory performance. The
aesthetics and attractiveness of the interface are inherently increased by the
use of color.

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