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Vol. III No. 19AUnivel Community's Weekly Feature Paper@ Thurs.. oil 22. 1982

Senate Takes
*:~:~ Action
EO/AA bill passes

page 3

Publish or Perish
Prof denied tenure

by Jane Rupert point where they actually had to tell me I

To the disappointment of many Stony was being denied renewal.
Brook students, a very popular professor Since the department was recommend-
in the Political Science department will ing against my renewal, I was certain that
not return to the University in Septem- the administration would not renew me.
ber. Professor Bill Linehan's contract was So I told the chairman of the department
not renewed. In view of the fact that he then that I would withdraw my name
was voted Outstanding Professorof Polit- from consideration. About five minutes
ical Science by the class of 1981, and later he handed me a type-written memo-
i: "F
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nominated for the SUNY Chancellor's randum to him which said that I would
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Award for Excellence in Teaching in like not to be considered for tenure, and I
1980, his departure raises many questions
concerning the tenure system in general
initialed it.
So technically I resigned, but I did so

-a : r ·.-
and its application in this case. In an because the alternative was not to be re-
effort to clarify the situation, the Press newed. It has been pointed out to me
interviewed Professor Linehan. that technically not being renewed is not
exactly the same as being fired. Whatever
Press: There are a lot of different stories semantics you choose, that's what
going around as to why you are not going happened.
to be at Stony Brook next fall. Would
you please give some background infor-
Press: How exactly does tenure fit into
this? When the Political Science depart-
English department
mation and explain why you aren't mental committee reviewed you for the
returning? one-year contract renewal, they were also
Linehan: Last year I was due to be con-
sidered for a one-year contract renewal
considering whether they would recom-
mend you for tenure, weren't they?
offers creative
which would have followed upon the ex- Linehan: As far as I know, the recom-
piration of my contract at the end of this mendation against the one-year renewal
year. The Political Science departmental
committee recommended against renew-
ing it for that year. The Chairman of the
of my contract had nothing to do with
tenure. However, because the departmen- writing degree
tal committee was recommending against
department told me that the department my renewal, under University procedure,
was going to recommend to the Univer- the administration, had the procedure
sity administration that my contract not
gone that far, would have had to consider
be renewed for one year. He also pointed
me for tenure in my fifth year, one year page 9
out to me that it would loo_ better on
early. As far as I know, that's the only
my record as I applied for jobs elsewhere
if the process were not carried to the (continued on page 5)
- The Fourth Estate: Editorial

For the first time since the early 70's, Stony

R.O.C. on its larger goals of social change. When the war
fight one another, we will all lose. Raise your
Brook students decided that an external issue voice for your cause and raise your voice for ended so did the movement, but th . under-
was more important than their studies and other causes." lying issues that caused the Vietnam war re-
decided to protest against it.The issue was the The rationale behind this is two-fold: First, mained. This is evidenced by the prekence of
proposed Reagan and Carey budget cuts and By ailing itself with other budget-protesting R.O.T.Cs on college campuses and the return
the response was overwhelming. Over 6,000 movements, each grove will gain through a of defense department research at major univer-
students and faculty made last week's rally stronger and more unified voice. This may force sities. If they had stuck to their original goals
the biggest since the 1971 rally against Depart- the administration to back off on the whole we would not be faced with these problems
ment of Defense research on campus. The rally budget-cutting idea, if failing to change their today.
received all-important coverage on all three idea that poverty is deserved. Victory against The movements of today must go further
local network stations. Dave Gamberg, the one cut will mean next to nothing if all the than those of the past. They should be based
Polity Sophomore Rep who coordinated the other cuts go through. Little will be gained if on strong well balanced platforms which address
event, summed up the mood best by saying, Joe Student is allowed to get a college educa- themselves to the underlying reasons behind
"This is the begining of something incredible." tion and is then denied unemployment insur- legislation in an attempt to attack the cause
But as the applause and cheers die down, the ance, and other essential social services. and not the effect of an issue. All the voices
movement must not. The rally was strong b The Reagan Administration is trying to should speak as one; those fighting against
beginning, but only a beginning. If an end is fragment the protest groups, by trying to turn budget cuts should fight against all budget
to be brought to cuts to education, continued one group against the other. They claim that cuts and those fighting for human rights should
pressure must be applied to legislators through the reason education is being cut is that since fight for all human rights.
more rallies and other lobbying activities. Just too much money is being wasted on welfare, Stony Brook's rally was a strong step in the
as important is to make sure that the movement the government must balance the budget and right direction, but we must fight for another.
is aimed at the u derlying reasons behind the all must suffer. It is hoped that the education remain devoted to our ideals and demand
education cuts, namely the current administra- lobby will turn on the welfare lobby and in the responsiveness from our government. With
tion's tendency to blame the victim, that if insuing in-fighting the total budget cut move- persistence, victory can be ours.
people are poor "it's there fault." In these ment will halt. If groups unite, this tactic
tough economic times the only sure thing is will not work.
that we are all fast becoming poor, and therefore Another point that budget-protest groups
financial aid and social services are needed more should take into account is the politician's This is the second to last issue of the
than ever before. willingness to make deals. It is the nature of Stony Brook Press for the 1981-1982
Organizers and protesters should fight against all the beast. The administration might be willing Academic Year. Next week will be the
the proposed cuts to social services. As Micheal to concede education cuts--the most contro- last issue. Good thing we said something
Harrington stated so aptly during the rally, versial---in favor of keeping other parts of the now, huh?
"If you only are concerned about yourself, program intact. Through a trade-off, the govern-
you're going to lose. If all the people being cut too involvewd with ending the war and abandoned

Stony Brook Press
Executive Editor.......... . . . Scott Higham
Managing Editor ........... S.Paul DiLorenzo
Associate Editor .......... .... Debra Silver
News Editor ............ . .Ned Goldreyer
Assistant News Editors ... ..... Joe Caponi
Gregory Scandaglia
Senior Photo Editor ........ . Eric A. Wessman
Photo Editor ............ . .Lois Mingalone
Arts Editor.............. .. . Audrey Arbus
Assistant Arts Editor ....... .. Blair Tuckman
Business Manager.......... ...... John Tom

News and Feature: Rose Cianchetti, Dawn DuBois,

Henry Ellis, Robert Fox, Frank Giovinazzi, Janine
Kao, Barbara Marcos, Barry Ragin, Jane Ruppert,
Corinne Schrul, P.A. Scully.
Arts: Sharon Alpert, Nicole Bokat, Alysa Chadow,
Ron Dionne, Kathy Esseks, Larry Feibel, Laura
Forman, Richard Giambrone, Ron Goldberg,
David Gresalfi, Tom Neary, Maria Perez, Jeff
Photo: Valerie Bicker, Steve Daly, Stu Davis, Lee
Edelson, Sam Glass, Dave Morrison, Bob Romnro,
Cindy Scotto, Bruce Tasoff, Shirley Zrebiec.
Advertising Director: Robert J. Kurtz.
Advertising Design: Eric Brand, Ken Copel.

The Stony Brook Press is published every

Letter Thursday during the academic year by The
Stony Brook Press Inc., a student-run and
student -funded, not-for-profit corporation.
The Press apologizes for erroneously Advertising policy does not necessarily reflect
To the Editor: easy to get rid of it. Recent reporting in last week's issue that editorialpolicy.
events in Poland should demon. Congressman William Carney made The opinions expressed in letters and view-
In your editorial of March 18 trte that. A totalitaran regime several statements at the budget rally.
points do not necessarily reflect those of the
you say that no one in their has both an effective secret These remarks should rightfully have staff. Please send letters and viewpoints to
right mind will choose Totalita- police and an indoctrnation ap- been attributed to Congressman Tom our campus address.
ranasm over freedom. Recnt paratus which together make the Downey.
history disproves thaat The people's mistakes irretrievable.
Gennmns chose HlUer rather As Abraham Lincoln said, "you Phone: 246-6832.
than democracy, the ranians can fool all of the people some Office: 020, Old Biology Building
brought in the Ayatallah, for ex- of the time." And that's enough. Mailing Address:
ample. Also, once the toitalri- Cover photo of Senate courtesy of
P.O. Box 591, East Setauket, New York,
an rep e is stalled, it is not so Name Withhed by Rquet Did Jaorss/Stn b Sam
June Jordan by Sam Glass
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Senate Takes Affirmative Action

Polity Passes EO/A A Bill for second time
by Debra Silver someone." Committee member and Freshman Represen- IEmployment Practices" were adopted by Polity.
tative Belina Anderson concurs that a memo was sent These guidelines that assure Polity's adherence to
Despite protests from Polity council members de- to Tommy Lim of the Asian Student Association, but equal opportunity/affirmative action in its hiring pra-
manding the issue be studied further, as well as an she didn't know what happened with it. One must also ctice, were meticulously worked out over a period of
opinion that it may not be a sound piece of legislation, question the abscence of a representative of the gay imonths by acting Affirmative Action Officer Alan
the 1982 Polity Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action community since a source estimates their number on 1Entine and Polity lawyer Camille Giannattasio. The
Act passed in Monday night's Senate meeting by an the campus to be between 1500-2000. fguidelines called for "public searches for vacant Dosi-
almost unanimous vote, unifying a body generally The Committee met twice with EO/AA officer Luis tions...appointment of the Polity Equal Employment
charactized foremost by its stupefying rancor and Ramos. The first time, according to Anderson, "we ()pportunity-Affirmative Action Committee to be
dissent. talked about our proposal. At the second meeting, we appointed by the Polity President ..... to advise em-
The need for a EO/AA bill in Polity was made evident were given a copy of the proposal. At the same meeting ployers on the adequacy of a search submit
in the fall of 1980 when a perfunctory Federal Office without having had sufficient time to read the 30 page a form to the University Affirmative Action Officer..."
of Civil Rights (OCR) review revealed that Polity lacked proposal, we were asked to vote to recommend it to and other provisions to promote Affirmative Action
institutional mechanisms for affirmative action. At the the Senate. I abstained from the vote. Anderson also was policies within the Polity hiring structure. The first
time of the review, President Marburger prematurely not told of last year's EO/AA act by the officer Luis Committee was appointed by Richard Zuckerman on
froze Polity's budget because of an outside chance Ramos who had fudl knowledge of it. According to Levy, May 11, 1981.
that Stony Brook might lose federal funding. "Not sharing the information with the committee is a Because of the number of people who wanted to speak
In September 1982, and the start of his term as presi- terrible negiigence of dugy." Ramos was responsible for at the Monday's Senate meeting which was attended by
dent, Jim Fuccio did not appoint a Polity EO-AA the writing of the proposal, as directed by the Senate. approximately 100 people, Ellen Brounste was in favor
Committee because of problems filling all committees, He has been trained in dealing with and has conferred of emotion to table the proposal since it was apparent
explained Fuccio. Consequently, no policing of Polity's with Dr. Beverly Harisson Affirmative Action Officer that not all Senators and others would be allowed to
hiring practices took place. In a memo to dated April for Stony Brook courses with her. Along the lines the speak. Brown had two reasons for not tabling the
16, 1982, Polity Vice President Van Brown alerted the committee not taking ample time to review the proposal, proposal (the motion failed). "First, the Senators were
campus community of "non-adherence to Equal Oppo- neither Harrison nor Giannattasio formally reviewed told the week before that the proposal would be in their
rtunity/Affirmative Action procedures..." Because the proposal. Although based on a cursory review, box and were strongly urged to read it and havw
"most of the elected Polity executive officials and appo- Giannattasio has stated that it's legal he is concerned questions ready. I saw Senators who hadn't been to
inted administrative agents have looked the other way "that the committee is toe-notch. This proposal is so Polity all week. Secondly, the budget was coming up
been dis-
to such actions....the Polity Senate initiated and passed exacting that it could be abused." Both Brown and next week. I think the proposal would have
budget hearings missed because of lack of time." When asked about
legislations creating a Polity Equal Opportunity/Affir- Anderson have cited the fact that the
are next week as a reason for the lack of preparation people didn't have a chance to voice their opinion or
mative Action Committee "independent' of the Polity
time. ask questions, Brown, replied, "people were given the
Executive branch..." This followed Jim Fuccio's hiring
In 1980, one of the OCR team that investigated Stony chance to talk about the proposal instead they gave
(under directive of the Senate) of an Affirmative Action own personal view of myself or SAB." Brown
officer without using EO/AA guidelines in the process. Brook explained that the central problem did not deal their added, "if they'd done their homework, they would
The Senate Committee elected Luis Ramos as its EO/AA with discrimination and not was uncovered in the areas
written down."
officer, and he was approved by the Senate. The purpose investigated, including Polity. OCR drafted a letter have their questions
Brounstein cites a number of problems with the
of this committee and officer was "to come up with a outling what Stony Brook had promised to do as a
proposal, especially the power that the AA/EO officer
significant and effective EO/AA plan." result of the review. There were five noints relevant to
wields. The officer had the power to reject any ap-
What everyone seemed to ignore was that an EO/AA student student organizations. They are as follows: .
pointed or hired positions or void an election or freeze
plan already existed that, according to Giannattasio, 1. Bylaws and charters of all student organizations Affirmative action poli-
if he or she feels they violate
"could have been implemented fairly. The one problem should contain statements of non-discrimination.
2. .The umbrella student organization should maintain cies.
with the plan concerned a clause exempting; temporary Among the duties of the officer are to "work the
non-recurring short-term appointments of students and records on their membership, broken down by race,
sex and handicap as applicable. Election Board Chairperson to agressively recruit mino-
non-students to Polity employment which does not rity and women students and to work with Polity em
exceed $250...' This exempted many jobs provided by 3. Gender-neutral pronouns should be used in constitu-
tions and bv4aws of all student organizations as they employers to ensure that job searches are wide ad
COCA and SAB which many say were the least deep enough to generate an appropriate pool
of mino-
compliant with EO/AA guidelines. This could have been are rewritten or amended.
4. Recruitment practices for all organizations should be rity and female candidates..."
easily remedied by amending the guidelines." Assistant Affirmative Action Officer Steve Isaacs
Ignoring perfectly workable guidelines, especially in kept on file.
hold maintains that a student can fill the AA/EO position
the light of themmany intricacies of the new amendment 5. The representative student organizations should
their general meetings in locations accessible to all because the officer "should be reviewing only the final
is inexcuseable. From the formation of the Senate Com- processes", adding that raw data should be collected by
mittee to devise the plan, disorder prevailed. The commi- students.
Polity agreed to comply with the request to follow the job searchers.
ttee had women, blacks and Hiaspanics represented. One As Giannattasio stated, "this proposal would put
these practices in fall 1980 after condemning them
seat was designated for a member of the Asian Stony Brook in the avant-guard as far as Affirmative
during the previous spring semester. Polity also agree
community, but according to Polity Director Lou Levy, Action goes". Whether this proposal is entirely success-
to comply with requests to be negotiated with Stony
"No one spoke to any representative of the Asian concerning hiring ful or not, Stony Brook is making an effort to
Brook's affirmative action officer
students. A memo was sent through inter-campus practices and budget process. In spring of 1981 "Guide- compensate for racial inequities that have plagued this
mail but I don't consider that a reliable method for campus since its opening.
lines of Application of Affirmative Action Process
giving a message. Someone should have spoken to some
J ---

Polity Elections
Knapp - currently a commuter sena-
all on-campus bars into one centralized and finally concluding with his original Jeff
Elections for Polity Council, class in- tor was involved in organizing the letter
location. premise that "it is necessary special
representatives, and Judiciary will be groups are supported writing campaign.
Pat Hilton - currently President Haitian terest and service
held on Tuesday, April 27. The candi- Class President
Student Association. financially." Each of the eight points Senior
dates and offices are: Collette Babion
Among other programs, Hilton intends contain similar vaccilation.
President Robert Bryan
to begin a study of campus apathy, Vice President
Adina Finkelstein - currently Polity sophmore Jean Partridge
proposing a solution to the problem by Dave Gamberg - currently
Secretary. representative, was instrumental in Senior Class Representative
redefining the "measurement" of student class
Finkelstein regards frequent and reliable organizing the student letter writing Jim Burto - served as co-chairman of
participation in campus events and
communication between Polity and the campaign and mass rally to protest cuts Polity/Election Board, Treasurer of
activities, •jilton lists eight relationships
students as the most integral aspect of to government subsidized educational Douglas College.
that he feels require either redefining or
effective student government. "If you Judiciary - Ten positions are available
restructuring in order to facilitate the funds.
improve the communication network that Gil Ripp - currently a commuter senator Victoria Chevaler Virginia Baxter
improvement of "co-operative relation-
binds the government and its con- DeWayne Briggins
ships that exist and to establish therr Secretary
stituency, you can't help but improve Barry Ritholtz - currently a commuter Thomas T Ng
when they do not exist.
Polity's ability to create a positive impact senator, running unopposed. Steve Mullaney
In regard to the relationships between
on the quality of campus life." She also Senior Class Representatives Martin Krasnoff
Polity and special interest and service Ellen Brounstein
voiced strong opposition to increases groups, Hilton suggests the student Brian Kohn - currently involved in
in the dormatory cooking-fees, which government should take into account Polity hotline. Van Brown
she sees as "the Administration's way the importance of these groups and Belina Andersa - currently freshman Gail Langille
to force more people onto the meal- class representative, was deeply involved Ron Macklin
Public provide them with sufficient funding. Sharon King
plan," the prospect of arming in letter writing campaign and mass
later remarking that such groups must
Safety Officers, and the Administration's
current perceived trend to consolidate
I take into account Polity's limited budget, rally.
Chryl Batner
Ap· 22 198 pae
April 22,1982 page 3
NYIRG is having a Local
Board Meeting and
Elections on April 27 at
7:30 pm in
Union Rm. 236

Elections will be held for

Three NYPIRG State Board
Anyone interested in running

v v
for a Local Board position must
ib '
/ -, :
l C ,t"* -
trbC 1i
attend the meeting.
All welcome.
\ w .^
** 4

A A A A A A A A A A r AA A - IA A L A A
I ,t I
I .

..... L



S NEW CAMPUS NEWSREEL is looking for
interesting people interested in filmmaking.
» That's right, we're SB's Polity-funded film-
. T
making club (did you see us at the rally?), and
we're looking for you. We will be meeting
tonight at 7:30 in Room 3022 of the Fine Arts
|The Player's lmprovisational | Center (just above the bridge entrance). Come
on out and get into the...
ITheatre, a Polity sponsored S ACTION!
:club, will meet FRIDAY at 1 pm :
:: in Lecture Hall 108. We will :
adjourn Intime for all Involved :
I to see "DARK SHADOWS."
4 There will be an important meetingfor all those
* 4
* <
ub RI~ t1p
interested in running next year's
* 4
* a

4•SCall Mike at 246-7452 for more 4

Student Blood Drive

•" details.
Monday, April 26
8:30 PM Union 214
I 4
For more info: Mitch 6-5818

page 4
The Stony Brook Prem

'III ~-own

Poll Sci Prof Submits forced Resignation

Continued from page 1 ments for tenure. As far as a specific in the Political Science departmlent, the ing and teaching. I think that a require-
thing tenure had to do with it, the fact number needed to meet [these] require- departmental committee believes publish- ment for employment at any quality
that the administration would have had ments, or specific quality--there is none. ing to be more important than tteaching. university should be that the professors
to consider me for tenure a year early. The departmental committee sits down, Different professors have differ ent atti- do some research, some publishing, and
Press: According to the chairman of the looks at the record, and makes a sort of tudes toward this. Where do you stand on that the publishing be intellectually
Political Science department, during your gut judgmentas to whether or not it is a this issue? sound stuff. But I also think that we
fifth year when the departmental com- good record. None of my articles are pub- Linehan: First of all, it's not my job to should be good teachers. I think that if I
mittee recommtnded against your one- lished in extraordinarly prestigious jour- set the department's standards. But I do were completely inept at research and
year contract renewal, they also recom- nals, though they are published in the set my own standards. My valiues hold publishing or at teaching, that I would
mended against your tenure. The chair- journal of my specialty. There are not that I should be good at both creating not be meeting my own personal stan-
man seemed to think that the committee enough to meet the department's usual and disseminating knowledge. Ycou create dards. But God has never told me that my
reviewed your record unfavorably for tenure requirements. knowledge by thinking and by doing re- personal standards should be the Univer-
tenure because of your lack of ulhlishina Press: W.hen reviewing a record for -enure search, and you disseminate it by ubish- sity's. And I'll not necessarily hold that
He also said, however, that there are no that's true, although I'd like it to be.
specific standards which the committee Press: Would you say then that a big part
uses to judge the quality and quantity of of this is just a difference between your
publications. How, then, was your pub- standards and the University's?
lishing record judged? Linehan: I don't want to say that I'm not
Linehan: Quality, I think, is judged not being renewed because I refuse to violate
really by the quality of the paper but by my own standards. It would certainly not
the prestige of the journal in which it is be a violation of my standards to be a
published. The American PoliticalScience hAI^-2 dI-A.^lr
tej ha atlj t
driarirl; vl'
·: gooUU tieAcLlt er an•l.o l e .euJii.aaiAutcl.j

Review, a general journal in which a pro- successful at publishing. I'll just settle for
fessor in any field of political science can saying that my standards are not exactly
publish, is the most prestigious journal in the same as the University's.
political science. However, intellectual Press: Speaking for all students who
quality and prestige don't necessarily go know you, we're going to miss you when
together. I think you would find that you leave Stony Brook. What are your
every member of this department would
~iu plans for next year?
... - T.inehan: Verv few of the institutions to
agree that there have been some awful ar-
h1d inTho A-oriw
pu-bItlips e€e LIIi
Science Review, as well as some very
good ones.
raiUm t o aru€SU

. ...
. -- ,•


.. .. ~1
aim which I've applied have yet made selec-
tions. So, although I haven't been offered
any jobs, I haven't been turned down for
I have never known anyone to question
.. ;.
·~ ~
: :,.
+ .,I
Svery many yet either. I expect that by the
-^^^ -:",, :. ,-
the intellectual quality of my work. Much Bill Linehan, '
Politica Scec r - middle of May, virtually every place will
of it is in the field of political methodol- 4
Shave made its hiring decisions for next
ogy, and therefore it is published in a 2 year. So right now I don't know what I'm
journal called PoliticalMethodology. Pol- > going to be doing next year. I hope '11 be
" teaching at a university.
itical Methodology is not a prestigious
journal, but it is the only methodology S I've also applied for a government job,
journal in political science. but I'd prefer a university position. If by
a the middle of May I haven't got a univer-
As far as the quantity, I think I have
sity position, then I'll start looking for
sufficiently few articles that unless they
jobs with business and government, and
were published in very prestigious jour-
anybody else who pays green money.
nals, they would not meet the require- Bill Linehan, Political Science Professor

The Politics of Tenure

fifth year for contract renewal, apparent- yardstick by which a professor's "scholar- port, in the last ten years one of the sen-
According to Bernard Tursky, chairman
ly judged his record by tenure standards. ly productivity or the producing of new ior members of the Political Science de-
of the Political Science department, ten-
As well as not recommending him for thought" is measured. Although it varies partment has published one article.
ure in the department works in the fol-
contract renewal last year, the depart- from department to department, publish- Another senior member has had two arti-
lowing way:
mental committee and the senior faculty ing in the Political Science department cles published in the last decade. None of
Political Science professors are usually
recommended last year that his record consists mainly of articles judged by peer these three articles was published in the
given three-year contracts. During a pro-
was not worthy of tenure in the depart- review for publication in different jour- prestigious American PoliticalScience Re-
fessor's sixth year, he or she compiles a
ment. Had Linehan continued the process nals. The standards for evaluating publi- view, These two publishing records sug-
folder to be reivewed for tenure. The first
and submitted his folder for judgment by cations are quite vague. gest that in some cases, "the state of the
committee to review the folder is com-
the PPC, that committee would have been There is no set number of publications art" in the Political Science department is
posed of three senior tenured faculty
forced to evaluate him for tenure one needed for tenure. In his last five years not "moving forward," but is a bit stag-
members in the department. The areas of nant.
the professor's record reviewed by the de- year early. at Stony Brook, Linehan has had five
It is natural to wonder why Linehan did articles published in various journals. Ac- To most students, a professor's teaching
partmental committee are his or her ability is extremely important. Students
teaching ability, publishing and product- not continue the process. However, Turs- cording to Tursky there is no list of the
ky answered the question by explaining publications of all other department are benefited by a professor's publishing
ivity, and participation in University acti- through the professor's teaching ability.
vities and affairs. Teaching ability and that usually, if a candidate's folder members, and he recommended that I try
"couldn't get through the faculty com- to obtain the information by asking indi- It is hard for students to see why the Pol-
publishing are the two most important itical Science department considers pub-
considerations. The committee makes a mittee, it would never make it through vidual professors for their publishing
The first professor I approached refused lishing more important than teaching.
recommendation which is then voted the PPC." Linehan's case never got out of
the department. The question remains: to give me a list, but suggested that I And it is only natural for students to raise
upon by all of the senior faculty in the questions regarding the way the depart-
Why did the department evaluate Bill could find his major works listed in Who's
department. This process is called "peer mental committee evaluates a professor's
Linehan's folder by tenure standards in Who in America. Fortunately, while in
review." Whether or not the departmental teaching ability. According to an official
his fifth year? the library I found the President'sAnnual
committee and senior faculty recommend Report (Faculty and Staff Publications) in the Political Science department, the
Two other major questions which the
the candidate for tenure, he or she has 1965-80, which lists each faculty mem- results of student evaluations of profes-
tenure system raises apply to the system
the opportunity to bring the case to the ber's publications year by year. It appears sors and classes are not available for
in general, but are well exemplified by
University Personnel and Policy Commit- that publishing or scholarly productivity, student use.
this case. Tursky explained that the de-
tee (PPC) for consideration. However, if a which is weighed more heavily than It would seem to many students that
partmental committee, when evaluating a
professor is turned down by the depart- teaching and is "the most important outstanding ability to teach and inspire
folder for tenure, places more emphasis
mental committee, it is highly unlikely single point" in the departmental tenure students to learn should compensate for
on publishing or productivity than on
that the PPC would recommend him/her teaching. While discussing Professor Line- process, loses some of its importance fewer or less prestigious publications. Un-
for tenure. after a orofessor has been granted tenure. fortunately, it seems that it is possible for
han's case, Dr. Turksy said that "It is not
This system raises obvious questions. Tursky said that, granting equal prestige the current tenure system in the Political
enough to be a good professor. A univer-
The first question pertaining to Professor Science department to benefit neither the
sity is not just a place where people of journals, "If someone had fewer publi-
Linehan's case involves the timing of the students' interests nor those of worthy
teach. It is a place where the state of the cation articles than Bill Linehan, that pro-
tenure process. Linehan normally would teachers.
art moves forward, and the tenure system fessor would not be reviewed favorably
have been considered for tenure during for tenure in the department." Yet, -Jane Rupert
is designed keeping this in mind."
his sixth year. But the departmental com- Saccording to The President's Annual Re-
Tursky called publishing a necessary
mittee, when reviewing him during his
nage 55 April 22, 1982
- il22,198
: g m i

"All the fun
that's fit to print." Iie ^'1ngt %rtnk ltian ^eU jgCAMPUS

Vol. I, No. 6 Stony Brook _Thursday, April 22 Fr'ee

I l /fillm

U -i i -i

I Free I
/ di a Better Union Free I
Located on the
\2nd Floor of the
appy 3 sprinkles I
Student L'nion Building H our
Need ajob this summer' Will you need a job inthe
Fall of '82' Applications for jobs in the Stony I
2 for I Looking Ahead Cale m dar of E ve ts
da Eof ents =
Brook Union will be accepted during the week of
April 26-30. Interviews will be scheduled at the
time of applications, on afirst-come-first-serve CC reair I
Drink Specials o--FallFall
To ______________________________ basis. We expect to conduct .interviews during. the
,J_., :m- *I.-. .-
week of May 3.
. . , ,. . I
"1 we anticipate openings in mese areas: I he in- 1-" ^ " ...
____ by Lorraine Hammerslag Thursday, April 22 I
Office. We would like you to know a little more exp 4/29/82 U lllll--4
iWould you like to plan the Fall '82 the jobs
that we offer here, so we have
Egg Painting. Eastern European Festival, Birm.. 11 AM: Over abdevelopedut
opening activities? A committee of Affirmative Action Handicapped Seminar, rm 236. 9 AM: L..aran Easter v
231,6 PM; Campus Crusadefor Christ Mg..
I Eaters Anonymous, rm. 223. 4 PM:Sima Beta Mfg.. rm. 213.5 PR;Filmmaking Club Mtg., rm.
students, supported by the Offices of
Student Activities. Residence Life and , r 216, 7 PM; Panhellenic Council Steering ( :ommittee. rm. 229.7 PM: Korean ChristianFellowship Mtg., rm. 223. 7 PM; SAINTS Mtg..
g limatress I
237. 7 PM: Inter-Vasi Christian Fellow Fhip Mtg., rm. 226. 7:30 PM; L-A.S.O. Mtg.. rm. 236,8 PM: GSUMtg., rm. 214, 8 PM; Ke•iy Information Assistants - operate the Intormauon
I * Orientation, has been formed this sem- Center, seven days a week, from early morning k Blow-dry I
1 ester to develop programs for the opening until late at night. The Information Center is often

I L Sweek of the Fall semester.

the Office of Student Activities FFriday, April 23
Sthe first contact that a newcomer to campus has
with the University, and is a prime source for all
Last year,
Eastern European Conf.. rm. 236,8:30 AM: Eastern European Festival. Birm. IIAM. Festivalat6 PM, Blrm.; ICS-MSA Mtg.. rm. 216. 12 members of the campus community. "Info'
coordinated a nine-day program that
Assistants must enjoy working with people, and
I 3 was designed to appeal to a variety of PM: Haitian Weekend, And., Bim., Lounge. Ip12 PM; Writer's Workshop. rm. 223,4 PM: SOYK Mtg., rm. 237. 7 PM; GSU. Gay Fest. rm.
Union Underground Mon. - Fri. 11 AM - 5 PM Mtg., rm. 216. 8 P0. must possess a strong desire to help others. The
r-Cutters I
25 O -------- interests.
events encouraged new
studen t. oTheean hIrI was aoun
students to learn their ways around
campus, and facilitated interaction be-
231, 2366 PM Chinese Christian Fellow

Saturday, April 24 S
job can be very rewarding, but it is also a high
S1 pressure position.
Operations: Building managers, building assistants
-0- -
LIni-sex Hair Designers
- m
j 1

2 50 O FF tween new and returning students, faculty S and setup/cleanup crews are part ofthe Operations
*NY I and staff. Transfer Orientation, Blrm., Lounge, rms. 213, Z14.216.226.8 AM;(WUSB) Long IslandMusic Conf.. Aud.. rms. 236. 231. 237.
Haitian Weekend. Aud., Brm., Lounge, 12 PNd:Bahai
Club Mtg., Lounge rm. 236 8 PM.
223. 9AM; Department. Building Managers and building
assistants basically"run the building during the
Lower Level
ANY Some of the Programs that have been times that professional staff are not available - t-shirt) SUNY Union
SHEALTH SHOP ITEM * suggested for the Fall are:
Day/City Nights parties, jazz concerts,
Country Sunday
April 25
namely evenings and weekends. They are respon-
sible for opening and closing the building, seeing
I e sr
Mon. - Fri. 10-6
Sat. 12-4
Iu ;ci0.O wine and cheese, and ice cream socials; Over Eaters Anonous. Conference all m. othatthe operations run smoothly, and they act as
rms., 8:30 AM: intat'l. Dinner, Fashion Show, Dance. Birm., 5:30 PM.
p 4/28a resident sponsored car wash for com- ' liaisons with other campus offices pertainingtothe exp 4 lll
e M il
^ ^ ...... ^ ^^
. ^

M-W 9 30 AM

A-J, sOJ4;IL
'Lro gailino
All AA6uritinou n htlo
11Fý'al " LAr, %Pf uwar
cabaret and a Let's Get Physical Day - a
/ ai 1

ionuay, tpr


S. 2
is An med
that1 cvcll
wiui tz-IW.
operation of the Union. Setup and cleanup crews

Student Activities Assistants - Work on a variety


- - - - U

I '- 1-
TH-F 9:30 AM - 1 AM
SAT 1 1 AM - AM
sort of mini-olympics; a flea market and
workshops on dorm cooking and room
Atinn i ..Aor ;prt; I
SB SailingClub. rm. 216.5:30PM; Pre-NarsingSoc. Mtg..rm.23,7PM: SBSpecii l Olympics Club Mtg.. rum. 236, 7:30 PM; SB Meditation
Club, rm. 226, 7:30 PM; Red BalLoon Marxism for Beginners n- 216. 8 PM: Intern
JACY. lecture, 8 PM, Blrm.: Polity Student Senate Mtg. rm. 237. 8 PM.
otionalAn ofJarz concert, And. 8 PM: Hillel-Masada- f i a
of projects that include programming - like the
opening week activities - workshops and the de-
velopment of brochures and other printed materials.
| Bowling
. ... . . . ... drnr .
S UN 1 AM - MID -
I , .vU. vl- d'UJ I

are some of the "new traditions" at

l.1u llc<lLn
Tuesday, April 27 ,"
S Crafts Center Assistants - Work with the
of the Crafts Center to organize the i
PI -1:q./ \a Union Underground
I S Brook - treasure and scavenger
c mp/ excorted jog and bicycle tours of
hunts, ENACT - Earth/Sun Day Celebration, Fireside Lounge, 10 AM: Iter-Varsit) Christian Fellowship Mtg.. rm. 226. 12:30 PM: Alternatives workshops and other activities. I
Union Office Assistants - work on specia

FF 4:30 PM; Kundalini Yoga Class. rm. 226, 5 PM Friends of

ication Procedures Mtg.. rm. 237, 0.
campus, and parent orientation. After Graduation, rm. 236,3 PM; Teacher Certj and assist with general clerical duties.
Freedom Club. rm. 216. 6 PM; NYPIRG MRg., nn. 236, 7 PM; Tues. Flicks -Peter Sellers Night - "'I'mAlrightack ""at7 PM. "-ft erthe Fox" 0
S2 The committee still needs people to The Union staff considers student staff ex
23 8PM; n y er PM.
5 And.; afety Services-Amer Red Cross Instructor courses, rm. 237, 7 PM; SB Outing Club Mtg., rm.
HS 0
2 O develop and to stage these programs. If 223, 8 PM Womyn's Center -5 PMS -Helen Lt way, 8 PM Lesbian M4others, rm. 23 1; Overeaters Anonymous Mrg., rm. 213, 8 PM; Pre-Law of the professional staff. Many of the 1 I
rm. 226. 9:30 PM. enable students to gain valuable experi
ANY you would like to participate in the
development of these programs, visit the
Society Mtg., rm. 216, 8 PM; Potography C b, rm. 214, 8:30 PM; Chinese Christian Fellowship Mtg.. Swill contribute to their professional deve I
:I COLD CUT Office of Student Activities, located in W ednesday, April 28
If you would like to apply for any
positions, or if you would like to know m( I
*I SANDWIH room 266 of the Stony Brook Union, or ENACT - Earth/Sun Day Celebration, Fireside L,ounge, 10 AM: SAIN'SMtg., rm. 237, 7PM; Martin Luther King Club Mtg., rm. 231,7 PM; jobs in the Union, visit the Union office, 1 I
SANUWICH call 246-7109. The office is open Mon- 3
Circle K Clb Mtg.. rm. 226, 7PM: Israeli Da ing, Birm., 7: 0 PM: Iater- Varsity Christian Fellowshipplay, rm. 236, 8 PM; SB Riding Club room 226, Monday - Friday, between the
8:30 am - 5 pm. I
I(hal, eft, tJtkyl day - Friday, between the hours of 8:30 Mtg. rm. 214, 8 PM; frk Cltb Mtg.. rn. 223r,8:30 PM.
Sw/oupon I am - 5 pm.
The Stony Brook Union is an equal opl
employer. I
1 '4p- 4/28/82
wwwwwwmmwwl Iw"-Wrnel SIlllll lllll
- 1~ ~ -- I
S I I -"ttalat)ExprgSss
I (I
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A Nuclear
by Rose Cianchetti independent audit and inspection of the
The first of two public hearings to construction work, and asked how
determine whether LILCO's Shoreham 1319 differs from that.
nuclear plant should be granted a license Blass replied, "It differs in that it
to operate took place on April 13th at provides not only for an independent
the Legislative auditorium in Riverhead. inspection of all (32 or more) critical
An unexpected crowd of over 300 safety systems, but also for the funding
jammed the courtroom, overflowing into of it."
the hallway, with many spectators Prospect said that although NRC
seating themselves on the floor before the Chairman Nunzio Palladino had told
three judges. The New York Times " "The NRC will
County Executive Peter Cohalan led the not cave in to the pressure from the
speakers only a few hours after the legi- utilities,' " the NRC has ignored the
slature unanimously passed resolution advice of its chairman. He reminded the
1319, authorizing the county to spend board that in 1979 the President's Com-
up to $3 million for a complete design mision concluded that neither the NRC
review and physical inspection of nor the nuclear industry could be trusted
Shoreham plant. Cohalan assured the to police themselves.
panel that Suffolk county is united as Repeatedly, opponents of the Shore-
a community to make certain that the ham plant questioned the feasibility
plant will be licensed to operate only of the 10 mile emergency planning
if it is safe. "We are a tenacious, skeptical zone set up by the NRC' Sylvia Benton
community which has learned the lessons of St. James asked, "Does the NRC
of Three Mile Island," he said. "If LILCO believe that only a low level accident is
does not agree to a complete design re- possible?" Benton explained that every
view and physical inspection, then the plant in New York state has been licen-
NRC should order to have such a review sed by the NRC, and every one has been
and inspection." shut down at one time due to malfunc-
Cohalan noted the unique configura- tion. "As a matter of fact," she said,
tions of Long Island's topography and "a couple of weeks ago not one of them
demography and suggested the Nuclear was in operation."
Regulatory Commission (NRC) proceed Virginia Moore, who identified herself
cautiously in licensing Shoreham, warning as a professional science writer, advised
against hasty conclusions on emergency the board of the unpredictable wind
planning and preparedness. Alluding to patterns on Long Island. "The ten-mile
past NRC hearings where intervenors boundary ignores the fact that my own
were allegedly denied their fair day in community on the Sound, twenty miles
court, Cohalan said, "We are determined northeast of Shoreham, will be directly
to make sure that due process is not in its wind path every spring and summer.
lost in court." His comments were When the wind shifts, every fall and
followed by a roaring ovation from the winter, all the Hamptons will be in its
constituents. path."
The objections of Eastern Long Island Carol Granneshan challenged previous
residents and officials to building the statements made at other hearings that
nuclear plant on Long Island officials ice conditions on Long island could
nuclear plant on Long Island were well be predicted. Noting the rare April
represented. Wayne Allen, Deputy snowstorm which had occurred the pre-
Supervisor of the town of Southampton, vious week, she said, "We could not get
expressed concern that the NRC would out of our driveway from mid-day
not take a careful look at the numerous Tuesday until mid-afternoon Wednesday.
safety issues raised by Suffolk County Roads were officially closed." She
and t e intervenors in its determination added, "You're not talking about evacu-
to rush a decision by the end of this ation, you're talking about notification."
summer. Allen quoted from the Presi- Moore urged the board to investigate
dent's Commission which studied Three terminating Shoreham as a nuclear
Mile Island, "To prevent nuclear ac- facility and substituting another means
cidents as serious as TMI' governmental of generating electricity, further advising
changes will be necessary in the organi- that this would avoid a possible ratepayer
zation, procedures, and practices, and revolt. "You are not doctors who can
above all in the attitude of the revive a dying industry, you will be more
NRC...' " like morticians," she said.
Speaker after speaker agreed with Allen Inna May France, a nuclear chemist,
that in the event of an accident at Shore. was one of three speakers in favor of
ham, people on the east end have only operating the plant as soon as possible.
one way to travel-west towards New "If radiation is dealt with property, there
York City and through the 10-mile is nothing to be afraid of," she said.
evacuation zone. Recently the town Vance Sailor, a senior physicist at Brook-
board of Southampton unanimously pas- haven National Laboratory, said that
sed and presented to the NRC a reso- the plant has been constructed to meet
lution to include Southampton in any NRC safety standards and that in his
evacuation plan. Allen stressed, If the opinion it can be operated "without
county and the NRC cannot demonstrate significant risk to the public health and
the feasibility of evacuating residents safety." Sailor believes that an in-
who live east of Shoreham, then Shore- dependent physical inspection will "serve
ham should not be permitted to op - no purpose" and that further delay in
ate." operating the plant will be very costly
Co-sponsors of resolution 1319, to the public, "who has to pay the bill."
Gregory Blass (R-Jamesport) and Wayne Sophia Adler's suggestion to let the
Prospect (D-Dix Hills), underscored the people of Long Island vote on whether
importance of a full, independent inspe- Shoreham should go on line met with
ction of Shoreham, which the NRC must overwhelming approval from the crowd.
approve. Judge Brenner noted a prior She said the residents were never
agreement between the county and consulted about Shoreham. "We are
LILCO, which also provided for an suffering from an intolerable tyrrany, and
(continued on page 9)
page 8 The Stony Brook Press
Crediting the Muse
Masters in creative writing starts at S. B.
by Rich Giambrone script suitable for publication. Writing depends on the answers to several as it applies to a poem or story is a non-
Although the English department has questions: First, what is creative writing? descriptive adjective. It doesn't say any-
Budget cuts and threats of more cuts are offered graduate level courses in creative Second, Can it be taught? And finally, thing. She prefers to say that this is
forcing humanities students to strengther writing for several years, the M.A. pro- does a graduate of this program possess "cohesive, has a singular voice, vision,
their defense of why they study art gram, begun in . Fall 1981, enables another interesting but impractical or language, or is persuasive." When the
music, drama or literature. After all students to work intensively on creative degree, or something very useful? student realizes .what is good in his
one can indulge in a degree in compute; writing itself, rather than as a course in June Jordan, a poet and professor in writing, he can expand that, and
science, but really, how can anyone the pursuit of a master's or doctor's the English Department, defines crea- strengthen his weaknesses.
degree in English Literature. Students in . t ( . ,I & - .&- -. . A-
justify a Master's Degree in creative tiivity as, "A tunction o01 eing aive. A After all the writing and revising and
writing? Yet in brass defiance to the the M.A. program have an advantage over ray of being in the world. An active, after the student completes the work-
dismal job market, the English Depart Ph.D students who take the workshops SAelf-conscious, and purposeful self-expre- shops, literature courses and individual
ment is about to complete the first year as electives. As Ph.D. candidate Lenny s&sion." By this definition then, creative project, he or she is rewarded with a
of its Master's Degree in Creative Writing Hort relates, "The Ph.D. student cannot riting would be any writing that enables Master's Degree in Creative Writing.
Program. And if this year is an indication use the workshops as credits towards one to develop that "self-expression" Everyone knows where that and seventy-
of what is to follow, the program will his degree. As a result, the necessary The professors and the students agreed five cents will get you. To the Professors
get stronger and larger. Though the academic and critical writing competes t hat the teachers could not train the and students however the degree is proff
economy may fail, at least there will with the creative writing." Unfortunately, students to write creatively. Even so, no of the student's commitment to the
be poets and writers and dramatists to one often finds there is not time for both, (mne disagreed that the students could
immortalize it. according to Hott. r lot learn to become better creative w
discipline of writing. But more than
that, the student also has a manuscript
The Master's Degree in Creative Writing The workshops are the core of the "No one
writersn. "No
writers. one cancan teach another
teach another that, the student
for himself or herself and a to
also has manuscript
show to
is a thirty credit, two semester program. program. Professor Ludwig explains that, person to write creatively," says Professor editors and publishers. He or she can sa
According to the director, Professor Jack they force the students to write and Cooper, "but 'creativity' is only 1% of that he or she is a writer d allow his
Ludwig, the only requirements are rewrite; to evaluate their own writing lcreative writing, the other
99% is the - -h
"talent and energy." Students who apply and that of their classmates. The exub- labor of writing and revising, the sweat or her manuscript to speak for him or
to the program must submit writing erance of the students, the respect they and toil. And that is what we teach." her. This does not mean that all doors
A ol h i will open for him or her, but a few may.
samples, once accepted, they are assigned have for each other, and the demands Professor dCooper encourages students to will open for him or her, but a few may.
an academic advisor and project coor- they make upon themselves and each eliminate "the o f the
e r ed n ess of
sacredness t first
f As the program expands, Professor
raf."t f it h sac ervise Ludwig hopes to include non-fiction
dinator. The ages and backgrounds of other, determine the success or failure draft." If it is written, it can be revised writing of book, drama, and rt and
the estimated twenty-seven full and of a workshop, asserted Ludwig. She stimulates her students to discover music reviews, to ~ve a student a sell-
part-time students vary from early The format of each workshop varies "their obsessions," that is, the themes music ris to e students the
twenties to fifty and over; from students with professor. Some professors require which they focus on, the imagery they abpr sekll.s itself, b offsden them
to homemakers to social workers. the students to read 'fiction, poetry, etc.,. use. The task of teaching is to craft a chance to develop skills for a writing
The rigorous program breaks up into of recognized authors in addition to
that obsession , careers and self-expression through
three segments of twelve, nine, and nine weekly writing assignments. A professor For June Jordan, the word creative writing "
credits.: four workshops in fiction, may hand out writing exercises to dev-
poetry, drama, and non-fiction; and elop the students' technique. Other
professors require the students to revise
p I I I I r--lq, · I " I ,

individual writing project; and three I

their work each week, and if they can't

courses in literature at the Master's level.
A typical students schedule would write any thing for a week, they must
co;nist of two workshops, two literature at least write a journal entry explaining
courses, and the individual project in their block.
the first semester; two workshops, a
literature course, and the completion
of the individual project in the second
However the workships may differ in
format, students and teachers agree that
one of the most beneficial aspects of the
semester. program, student appraisal of writing, can
Whether a full-time student can com-
plete the M.A. in one year is still to be
be found in every class.
"A student learns to accept criticism
Great Jazz with Equinox
determined since this is the first year
of the program. The program is flexible
and to apply that which he or she thinks
is valid and to reject that which is in-
ITues.-E. O.B. 'svery own
enough to allow students to remain more
than a year and to tailor it to their own
valid," explains M.A. student Ed Belfar.
The students strive to be fair and helpful
Joanne Wakez
needs. Students can take courses beyond in their evaluations. If they were to back-
the required thirty credits if they desire. pat each other and politely clap no one
The focus of the program is to inter- would benefit," added Hort. "It's not
wed. 24 Beer
grate the workshops with the literature whether I like this or I don't like this,'
courses and the individual projects. By relates English Professor Helen Cooper,
Thurs. -Bob Shann Jazz Quartet
studying literature, the student increases "but whether this poem or story fulfills
his or her critical faculties as well as his the reader's and the writer's expecta ri..- Rock with the LISTNERS!
or her appreciation of established writers.
The workshops allow the students to
tion." Cooner suggested result of such ; )
judgement is to explore wny the pertor-
exercise and develop these skills in
mance is less than the promise and to
fiction, poetry, drama, and non-fiction.
Finally, the student applies all he has munep
suggest ways to improve that

learned to produce a complete manu- * Success of the M.A. Degree in Creative

The End of The Bridge
is open 5 days a week
Citizens voice concerns at for lunch and dinner!
Shoreham hearing
To accomodate the many people who
did not get a chance to speak, Brenner
the imposition into our community of said that begnining on May 26th at 5 PM
this dangerous plant." in Riverhead, four or five people will get
Against a background of posters pro - a chance to speak each day of the NRC With Brunch served
claiming "Care for the people, not hearings.
LILCO" and "Remember 3 Mile Island," One of the last speakers Tuesday night on the weekends!
Jock McCrystal of Shoreham read a long was Bob Kennedy, a steam fitter at the
list of flaws in the plant which he claimed Shoreham plant. Kennedy described his
are well documented. Brenner asked him long experience in the field and said,
to make the list available to the board "Give us a chance to light it off and show
and to the experts who will testify for you what nuclear power can do."
the county.

age 9
A~pril 22, 1982 IP'
ho A&,,y,/r
dho m A^M
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Thurs4day, April 29, at 8 pm 4,

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Tickets nnay be purchased from Gospel
Choir m(Mmbers or at the Fine Arts Box . 4,

÷ Office thie night of the event. 4,

÷ $2 - per tick:et for Stony Brook Students with I.1 ,· 4,
÷ $3 - per tickiet for the General Public
,, ^
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* -."
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C;4 ^/'1
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t-- -. -pi- --, Time:
8:00 am - 5:00
"- - .
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- --.
e -- - -
Sg::i',l (tv, 1; V t:r l FCClISRA TtlfTr',
4w Date: FRIDAY, 30 APRIL
ijftntt ____ ____ ------------
Place: Commuter College
PHG*.C: __ AE_
Union Rm 080
Candidate Petitions Due Thursday
.- -- 4 v------
"~' -


April 29 at 3:30


4/26/82 8:00 p:
Info available in Commuter College
PRC[aREt£Cc: CLI.:;IC . UNION1RM 236
Union Rm 080
-- - -

- -- _Ir---
--- -- I -II
-- -- I I II · · ' 1 '·

pa 1it
O The Stony Brook Pre
a L a MilllllW

The Music of Marvelous Marsalis

by Jeff Zoldan gers, a group that has spawned Clifford prowess in "Hesitation," where he and Charles Fambrough's lucid bass.
In this age, when we are besieged with Brown, Lee Morgan, Freddy Hubbard and brother Branford improvise and trade off Wynton Marsalis' arrival has come at a
child prodigies, we often entertain Woody Shaw. Marsalis soon became the perfectly formed jazz progressions while time when many feel there is a vacuum in
thoughts of Brooke Shields' school of talk in jazz circles because it is not often Carter travels up and down the bass. jazz. His expertise and advanced level of
comic adult posturing, where child tries that such a young, gifted musician arrives Herbie Hancock's carefully textured musical maturity are a unique and wel-
to act like mature, well-heeled adult way in the heartland of pure jazz, what with production comes to life as the brothers come addition to the often sordid world
before the senior prom. Especially in most young musicians going off to one swing into a melodic framework with of heavily layered, going-nowhere, free-
music, where teenagers in the guise of pop fad or another. After securing his "Sister Cheryl," a beautiful work written form jazz. Wynton Marsalis will prove to
musicians are becoming more popular, own recording contract with CBS, Marsal- by Williams. Closing off side two is a be the greatest jazz trumpeter of our
does this trend of thought hold true. is found himself playing with the likes of haunting "Twilight," where the brothers time. His debut LP gives us every reason
While Wynton Marsalis might not be a Herbie Hancock, Ron Carter and Tony create an eerie gloom accentuated by to believe that he is just about there.
child prodigy at the age of 20, he is a Williams, all of whom appear on this-
prodigy nonetheless, having surpassed all debut IP. These three jazz giants enrich
levels of musicianship that most musi- Marsalis' style with their own pacesetting
cians, let alone 20-year-olds, ever reach.
Marsalis blows his trumpet in the same
vein as Miles Davis, and the comparison
ideas and as former members of Miles
Davis' group, their accompaniment here is Barking up
more than coincidental.
to the great Davis is in no way The choice of Branford Marsalis, Wyn-
Wynton Marsalis, the debut LP from
ton's older brother by a year, as saxo-
phonist is also more than a coincidence. the Right Tree
this immensely talented trimnpeter, is the They play off each other as only two
hallmark of a new force in jazz music. brothers who have played together for
The selections on this LP mark the young years can. They know each others' by Kathy Esseks things to the feet. They start dancing
Marsalis' precocious maturity in a field bounds and capabilities, and to hear them You've heard of the severe unemploy- without the go-ahead from your brain.
where age is often a standard of excel- i improvise and trade off riffs is to hear a ment problem in Britain and also the one The music possesses a driving, rhythmic
lence. It will satisfy the most discriminat- text book lesson on the beauty and grace under way here in the U.S.? Well, one al- beat which is pleasantly hard to resist. Lu
ing and demanding jazz purists. of free-flowing jazz. On "Father Time," ternative to facing years of boredom is to Win sings in a highly inflected, little girl/
Hailing from New Orleans, Marsalis has the brothers sail through scales as Jeff form a hit rock 'n' roll band. The idea is woman voice. At times she reaches
notched many distinctive achievements in Watts' double time drumming and seductively enticing. Many teenagers beyond her ability but usually her singing
his young but illustrious career. At ages Clarence Seays' bass cement the piece (many non-teenagers, too) play their is perfectly suited to the material. A great
14 and 16 he performed with the New together. Kenny Kirkland proves to be an albums and dream of being rock 'n' roll deal of enthusiasm and naive artifice
Orleans Philharmonic, and at 17 became able accompanist on piano as he rounds stars, complete with the glitter, the mon- make up for any lack of technical skill.
the youngest student in the impressive out the smooth edges with pulsating ey, the hangers on, and ultimately, an ex- She's a lot of fun.
Berkshire Music Center in Tanglewood. chords. pose in People Magazine. Of course, you None of the songs on See Jungle ... are
This strong classical training has obvious- "RJ," the first of the four songs that need a lucky break to accomplish all this. quite as outspoken as their first hit a
ly been a major source of Marsalis' versa- feature the Hancock-Carter-Williams bat- If you're spotted on the street, offered a couple of years back, "C-30, C-60, C-90,
tile and mature ear for jazz. As Marsalis tery, is a powerhouse song written by place in a band, and have the infamous Go," but the group heads into the area of
has said, he is a "jazz musician who can Carter and marvelously displays Wynton Malcolm McLaren (manager of The Sex Freudian Psychology ("blame it on your
play classical music." soaring through licks with an equally im- Pistols), managing your group, then parents") with "Hello, Hello Daddy (I'll
In the summer of his 18th year, Marsal- pressive sax break from Branford. Marsal- you're on your way to the top. Sacrifice You)" in which the daughter
is joined Art Blakely and the Jazz Messen- is shows off his maturity and unique Bow Wow Wow is this group, and See cheerfully relates how she's going to
Jungle! See Jungle! Go Join Your Gang make life tough for Dad. Not bad. The
a IIIIC_'-·IL·I L Ld II I I II ,, L · · II Yeah! City All Over, Go Ape Crazy is the lyrics are fairly simple and not phi-
name of their new album. Guitarist Matt- losophy-ridden, but Lu Win's vocals and
hew Ashman, bassist Leroy Gorman, and the band's insistent music bring it all
drummer Dave Barbarossa (all formerly together.
of Adam and the Ants) are joined by six- Bow Wow Wow may be a rather calcu-
THE MOFFETT teen-year-old Annabella Lu Win to form a
purely commercial and entirely diverting
group. Perhaps you're thinking, "buncha
lated commodity, but they have a
decided appeal to plain old fun. Once you
get past the ponderous title and fairly

FAMILY! kids playing at being a band, right?" Well,

The sound is sort of a frantic Afro-punk
exploitative cover picture, See Jungle! ...
is a good party album. They make no pre-
tensions to being cerebral; they're in this
which does strange and inexplicable to avoid the bread lines and to have fun.
I175 ^ \ TIF

Solo Album
a Deadbeat
by Ron Goldberg Another major flaw in this album is its
There is a saying in rock music to the overall sound. Carmine's band, the Rock-
ffect that drummers should stay away ers (made up of unknowns), plays with
rom singing and/or making solo albums. absolutely no originality or sense of spon-
Thile there are a handful of exceptions to tenaeity, and what's worse, the guitars are
his, an album such as drummer Carmine given way too little volume in the mix.
Ippice's self-titled solo debut certainly Drums are the most prominent instru-
rovides adequate support for this ment on the record, not surprisingly, and
heory. Appice, best known for his work it is the numbers that serve mainly as an
rith Rod Stewart and Jeff Beck, among excuse for drumming that prove to be the
thers, has given us a disc which fails on most interesting. First, there is an instru-
II levels and can only serve as a guide to mental cover of the Rolling Stones'
ow not to make a record album. "Paint It Black," which seems best suited
This man is a drummer of considerable for a new wave dance floor. Then there
alent, and yet he's put out a real clinker are the instrumentals, "Drum City
rith this one. His drumming can't be Rocker," and the even more cleverly
aulted, but it's unfortunately the only titled "Drums Drums Drums," which
hing this album has going for it. seem especially good due to the fact that
Songwriting certainly isn't one of them. Carmine doesn't sing on them.
kppice's originals on the album, with Overall, I can see no reason or excuse
itles such as "Have You Heard" and for this album, save for satisfying this
Hollywood Heartbeat," are mediocre at- man's ego. He's a respected drummer, but
empts at the type of material being done he should be made aware of his limita-
)y groups like Foreigner, with forgettable tions. Behind the drums supporting some-
nelodies and lyrics that make these one else is where he belongs, not putting
roups seem positively literate by out trash like this. Truly, a must to avoid.
omparison. I- --I
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