You are on page 1of 55

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><Results BV="1.

Date="26/12/2013" Time="5:27:43 PM" TotalTC="7"><TC ID="My
ActualResult="Registered user is able to signin as a return user
and Field verification and validation is done successfully in
Signin page and Account Profile page" Content=""
ExpectedResult="Registered user should be able to signin as a
return user and Field verification and validation should be done
successfully in Signin page and Account Profile page"
Result="Pass" TCTime="86 Sec"/><Step ActualResult="Clear Cookies'
deleted all visible cookies " Content="Delete Clear Cookies'"
ExpectedResult="Clear Cookies should delete all visible cookies"
Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="11 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Open
action is performed on 'Labseries KR Stage URL'" Content="Open
'Labseries KR Stage URL' " ExpectedResult="Open action should be
performed on 'Labseries KR Stage URL'" Path="" StepResult="Pass"
Time="21507 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'id=mobile_link' element
is present" Content="To verify 'id=mobile_link' element is
present" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'id=mobile_link'
element should be present" Path="" Time="21507 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'Mobile toggle link'"
Content="Click on 'Mobile toggle link' " ExpectedResult="Click
action should be performed on 'Mobile toggle link'" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="219 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'you are
currently browsing the MOBILE site.' text is present" Content="To
verify 'you are currently browsing the MOBILE site.' text is
present" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'you are currently
browsing the MOBILE site.' text should be present" Path=""
Time="219 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'link=home page' element
is present" Content="To verify 'link=home page' element is
present" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'link=home page'
element should be present" Path="" Time="219 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'Home page link in
toggle'" Content="Click on 'Home page link in toggle' "
ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on 'Home page
link in toggle'" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="12497
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'css=img[alt=&quot;
C&quot;]' element is present" Content="To verify
'css=img[alt=&quot; C&quot;]' element is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'css=img[alt=&quot;
C&quot;]' element should be present" Path="" Time="12497
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'link=' element is present"
Content="To verify 'link=' element is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'link=' element should
be present" Path="" Time="12497 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click
action is performed on 'Signin link'" Content="Click on 'Signin
link' " ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on
'Signin link'" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="6190
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'id=form--signin--field--
EMAIL_ADDRESS' element is present" Content="To verify 'id=form--
signin--field--EMAIL_ADDRESS' element is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'id=form--signin--field--
EMAIL_ADDRESS' element should be present" Path="" Time="6190
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'css=input.form-signin' element is
present" Content="To verify 'css=input.form-signin' element is
present" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'css=input.form-signin'
element should be present" Path="" Time="6190 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'id=form--signin--field--PASSWORD' element is
present" Content="To verify 'id=form--signin--field--PASSWORD'
element is present" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'id=form--
signin--field--PASSWORD' element should be present" Path=""
Time="6190 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'id=form--
signin_new_user--field--NEW_USER_EMAIL_ADDRESS' element is
present" Content="To verify 'id=form--signin_new_user--field--
NEW_USER_EMAIL_ADDRESS' element is present" ExpResult="Pass"
NEW_USER_EMAIL_ADDRESS' element should be present" Path=""
Time="6190 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click action is performed on
'Return user Submit button'" Content="Click on 'Return user
Submit button' " ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed
on 'Return user Submit button'" Path="" StepResult="Pass"
Time="2069 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="',C` z. -
,s.' text is present" Content="To verify
',C` z. - ,s.' text is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="',C` z. -
,s.' text should be present" Path="" Time="2069
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="' | z. -
,s.' text is present" Content="To verify '
| z. - ,s.' text is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="' | z. - ,s.' text
should be present" Path="" Time="2069 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="'' is displayed in Return
user email address signin page field" Content="Enter Return user
email address signin page textbox with value
ExpectedResult="'' should be displayed
in Return user email address signin page field" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="11 ms"/><Step ActualResult="'123456' is
displayed in Password field in Signin page field" Content="Enter
Password field in Signin page textbox with value '123456'"
ExpectedResult="'123456' should be displayed in Password field in
Signin page field" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="17 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'Return user Submit
button'" Content="Click on 'Return user Submit button' "
ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on 'Return user
Submit button'" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="2414
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="' -
, ` |S`. -,s.' text is
present" Content="To verify ' -
, ` |S`. -,s.' text is
present" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'
- , ` |S`. -
,s.' text should be present" Path="" Time="2414
ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'New User
submit button'" Content="Click on 'New User submit button' "
ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on 'New User
submit button'" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="1902
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="' | z. -
,s.' text is present" Content="To verify '
| z. - ,s.' text is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="' | z. - ,s.' text
should be present" Path="" Time="1902 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="The value is stored in 'emailid'" Content="Store
the value in 'emailid' " ExpectedResult="The value should be
stored in 'emailid'" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="0 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="'' is displayed in
New User Email address field" Content="Enter New User Email
address textbox with value ''"
ExpectedResult="'' should be
displayed in New User Email address field" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="14 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click action
is performed on 'New User submit button'" Content="Click on 'New
User submit button' " ExpectedResult="Click action should be
performed on 'New User submit button'" Path="" StepResult="Pass"
Time="2642 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'css=input[type=&quot;image&quot;]' element is
present" Content="To verify 'css=input[type=&quot;image&quot;]'
element is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'css=input[type=&quot;image&quot;]' element
should be present" Path="" Time="2642 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'id=bypass_submit' element is present" Content="To
verify 'id=bypass_submit' element is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'id=bypass_submit' element should be present"
Path="" Time="2642 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click action is
performed on 'Bypass stage link'" Content="Click on 'Bypass stage
link' " ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on
'Bypass stage link'" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="2609
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'s-C -.-
s Cz. CS-`.' text is present" Content="To
verify 's-C -.- s Cz.
CS-`.' text is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'s-C -.- s Cz.
CS-`.' text should be present" Path="" Time="2609
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="' - -.
-.- s Cz. CS-`.' text is
present" Content="To verify ' - -.
-.- s Cz. CS-`.' text is
present" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="' -
-. -.- s Cz. CS-`.'
text should be present" Path="" Time="2609 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="Checkbox Terms conditions checkbox is in 'ON'
state" Content="Check Terms conditions checkbox Checkbox"
ExpectedResult="Checkbox Terms conditions checkbox should be in
'ON' state" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="14 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="Checkbox Privacy Policy Checkbox is in 'ON' state"
Content="Check Privacy Policy Checkbox Checkbox"
ExpectedResult="Checkbox Privacy Policy Checkbox should be in
'ON' state" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="31 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'Bypass stage link'"
Content="Click on 'Bypass stage link' " ExpectedResult="Click
action should be performed on 'Bypass stage link'" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="2106 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'' text is present"
Content="To verify '' text is
present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'' text should be
present" Path="" Time="2106 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'id=form--registration_mb--field--PASSWORD' element
is present" Content="To verify 'id=form--registration_mb--field--
PASSWORD' element is present" ExpResult="Pass"
element should be present" Path="" Time="2106 ms"/><Expected
element is present" Content="To verify 'id=form--
registration_mb--field--PASSWORD2' element is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'id=form--registration_mb--
field--PASSWORD2' element should be present" Path="" Time="2106
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'id=form--registration_mb--field--
PASSWORD_HINT' element is present" Content="To verify 'id=form--
registration_mb--field--PASSWORD_HINT' element is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'id=form--registration_mb--
field--PASSWORD_HINT' element should be present" Path=""
Time="2106 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'id=form--address--
field--POSTAL_CODE' element is present" Content="To verify
'id=form--address--field--POSTAL_CODE' element is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'id=form--address--field--
POSTAL_CODE' element should be present" Path="" Time="2106
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'id=form--address--field--ADDRESS1'
element is present" Content="To verify 'id=form--address--field--
ADDRESS1' element is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'id=form--address--field--ADDRESS1' element
should be present" Path="" Time="2106 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'id=form--address--field--ADDRESS2' element is
present" Content="To verify 'id=form--address--field--ADDRESS2'
element is present" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'id=form--
address--field--ADDRESS2' element should be present" Path=""
Time="2106 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'id=form--address--
field--PHONE1_AREA_CODE' element is present" Content="To verify
'id=form--address--field--PHONE1_AREA_CODE' element is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'id=form--address--field--
PHONE1_AREA_CODE' element should be present" Path="" Time="2106
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'id=form--address--field--
PHONE2_AREA_CODE' element is present" Content="To verify
'id=form--address--field--PHONE2_AREA_CODE' element is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'id=form--address--field--
PHONE2_AREA_CODE' element should be present" Path="" Time="2106
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'on' value is displayed on id=form--
registration_mb--field--PC_EMAIL_PROMOTIONS'" Content="To verify
whether 'on' is displayed on'id=form--registration_mb--field--
PC_EMAIL_PROMOTIONS'" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'on' value
should displayed on id=form--registration_mb--field--
PC_EMAIL_PROMOTIONS'" Path="" Time="2106 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'on' value is displayed on id=form--
registration_mb--field--SMS_PROMOTIONS'" Content="To verify
whether 'on' is displayed on'id=form--registration_mb--field--
SMS_PROMOTIONS'" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'on' value
should displayed on id=form--registration_mb--field--
SMS_PROMOTIONS'" Path="" Time="2106 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'Submit button in
Bypass page'" Content="Click on 'Submit button in Bypass page' "
ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on 'Submit
button in Bypass page'" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="3286
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'|,| z. -
,s.' text is present" Content="To verify '|,|
z. - ,s.' text is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'|,| z. - ,s.' text
should be present" Path="" Time="3286 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'S 6z | 12z - z.
- ,s.' text is present" Content="To verify
'S 6z | 12z - z. -
,s.' text is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'S 6z | 12z - z.
- ,s.' text should be present" Path="" Time="3286
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'- ` z. -
,s.' text is present" Content="To verify '-
` z. - ,s.' text is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'- ` z. - ,s.' text
should be present" Path="" Time="3286 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'|` ,C` z. - ,s.'
text is present" Content="To verify '|` ,C`
z. - ,s.' text is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'|` ,C` z. - ,s.'
text should be present" Path="" Time="3286 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="',C` zS z. - ,s.' text
is present" Content="To verify ',C` zS z. -
,s.' text is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="',C` zS z. - ,s.'
text should be present" Path="" Time="3286 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="'1234567' is displayed in Password field in Create
an account page field" Content="Enter Password field in Create an
account page textbox with value '1234567'"
ExpectedResult="'1234567' should be displayed in Password field
in Create an account page field" Path="" StepResult="Pass"
Time="10 ms"/><Step ActualResult="'1234567' is displayed in
Verify Password field in Create an account page field"
Content="Enter Verify Password field in Create an account page
textbox with value '1234567'" ExpectedResult="'1234567' should be
displayed in Verify Password field in Create an account page
field" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="14 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="'1234567' is displayed in Password Hint in Create
an Account field" Content="Enter Password Hint in Create an
Account textbox with value '1234567'" ExpectedResult="'1234567'
should be displayed in Password Hint in Create an Account field"
Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="24 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'id=form--address--field--POSTAL_CODE' element is
present" Content="To verify 'id=form--address--field--
POSTAL_CODE' element is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'id=form--address--field--POSTAL_CODE' element
should be present" Path="" Time="24 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="'442-070' is displayed in Postal code field"
Content="Enter Postal code textbox with value '442-070'"
ExpectedResult="'442-070' should be displayed in Postal code
field" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="24 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="'751-804,Shinmyung Apartment(Apt.), Cheoncheon-
dong, Gyeonggi-do' is displayed in Address1 field" Content="Enter
Address1 textbox with value '751-804,Shinmyung Apartment(Apt.),
Cheoncheon-dong, Gyeonggi-do'" ExpectedResult="'751-804,Shinmyung
Apartment(Apt.), Cheoncheon-dong, Gyeonggi-do' should be
displayed in Address1 field" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="14
ms"/><Step ActualResult="'Jangan-gu, Suwon,' is displayed in
Address2 field" Content="Enter Address2 textbox with value
'Jangan-gu, Suwon,'" ExpectedResult="'Jangan-gu, Suwon,' should
be displayed in Address2 field" Path="" StepResult="Pass"
Time="20 ms"/><Step ActualResult="'011' is displayed in Phone
number Areacode listbox" Content="Select Phone number Areacode
with value '011'" ExpectedResult="'011' should be displayed in
Phone number Areacode listbox" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="21
ms"/><Step ActualResult="'1234' is displayed in Phone number-
part1 field" Content="Enter Phone number-part1 textbox with value
'1234'" ExpectedResult="'1234' should be displayed in Phone
number-part1 field" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="17 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="'5678' is displayed in Phone number-part2 field"
Content="Enter Phone number-part2 textbox with value '5678'"
ExpectedResult="'5678' should be displayed in Phone number-part2
field" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="11 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'Submit button in
Bypass page'" Content="Click on 'Submit button in Bypass page' "
ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on 'Submit
button in Bypass page'" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="3600
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'z, ,C` |`
,C` C -- ` |S`.
,C` z. - ,s.' text is displayed on
id=distinct.password.password_hint'" Content="To verify whether
'z, ,C` |` ,C` C -- `
|S`. ,C` z. - ,s.' is
displayed on'id=distinct.password.password_hint'"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'z, ,C` |`
,C` C -- ` |S`.
,C` z. - ,s.' text should displayed on
id=distinct.password.password_hint'" Path="" Time="3600
ms"/><Step ActualResult="'12' is displayed in Password field in
Create an account page field" Content="Enter Password field in
Create an account page textbox with value '12'"
ExpectedResult="'12' should be displayed in Password field in
Create an account page field" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="13
ms"/><Step ActualResult="'12' is displayed in Verify Password
field in Create an account page field" Content="Enter Verify
Password field in Create an account page textbox with value '12'"
ExpectedResult="'12' should be displayed in Verify Password field
in Create an account page field" Path="" StepResult="Pass"
Time="20 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click action is performed on
'Submit button in Bypass page'" Content="Click on 'Submit button
in Bypass page' " ExpectedResult="Click action should be
performed on 'Submit button in Bypass page'" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="4207 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'S 6z | 12z - z.
- ,s.' text is present" Content="To verify
'S 6z | 12z - z. -
,s.' text is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'S 6z | 12z - z.
- ,s.' text should be present" Path="" Time="4207
ms"/><Step ActualResult="'1234567' is displayed in Password field
in Create an account page field" Content="Enter Password field in
Create an account page textbox with value '1234567'"
ExpectedResult="'1234567' should be displayed in Password field
in Create an account page field" Path="" StepResult="Pass"
Time="12 ms"/><Step ActualResult="'1234567' is displayed in
Verify Password field in Create an account page field"
Content="Enter Verify Password field in Create an account page
textbox with value '1234567'" ExpectedResult="'1234567' should be
displayed in Verify Password field in Create an account page
field" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="14 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="'123456' is displayed in Password Hint in Create an
Account field" Content="Enter Password Hint in Create an Account
textbox with value '123456'" ExpectedResult="'123456' should be
displayed in Password Hint in Create an Account field" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="12 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click action
is performed on 'Submit button in Bypass page'" Content="Click on
'Submit button in Bypass page' " ExpectedResult="Click action
should be performed on 'Submit button in Bypass page'" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="2280 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'css=img.topbtn' element is present" Content="To
verify 'css=img.topbtn' element is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'css=img.topbtn' element should be present"
Path="" Time="2280 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'' text is present"
Content="To verify '' text is
present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'' text should be
present" Path="" Time="2280 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click action
is performed on 'Account Profile button'" Content="Click on
'Account Profile button' " ExpectedResult="Click action should be
performed on 'Account Profile button'" Path="" StepResult="Pass"
Time="3145 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'id=form--
registration_mb--field--DOOR_ID1' element is present" Content="To
verify 'id=form--registration_mb--field--DOOR_ID1' element is
present" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'id=form--
registration_mb--field--DOOR_ID1' element should be present"
Path="" Time="3145 ms"/><Step ActualResult="'
` ' is displayed in Door number listbox" Content="Select
Door number with value ' ` '"
ExpectedResult="' ` ' should be displayed
in Door number listbox" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="28
ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'Submit
button in Bypass page'" Content="Click on 'Submit button in
Bypass page' " ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed
on 'Submit button in Bypass page'" Path="" StepResult="Pass"
Time="4747 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'id=account_updated..'
element is present" Content="To verify 'id=account_updated..'
element is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'id=account_updated..' element should be present"
Path="" Time="4747 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'css=a[title=&quot;logout&quot;]' element is
present" Content="To verify 'css=a[title=&quot;logout&quot;]'
element is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'css=a[title=&quot;logout&quot;]' element should
be present" Path="" Time="4747 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click
action is performed on 'Logout link'" Content="Click on 'Logout
link' " ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on
'Logout link'" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="4541
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'-,| `S`.' text
is present" Content="To verify '-,| `S`.'
text is present" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'-,|
`S`.' text should be present" Path="" Time="4541
ms"/><Step ActualResult="'' is
displayed in Return user email address signin page field"
Content="Enter Return user email address signin page textbox with
value ''"
ExpectedResult="'' should be
displayed in Return user email address signin page field" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="27 ms"/><Step ActualResult="'1234567' is
displayed in Password field in Signin page field" Content="Enter
Password field in Signin page textbox with value '1234567'"
ExpectedResult="'1234567' should be displayed in Password field
in Signin page field" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="15
ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'Return
user Submit button'" Content="Click on 'Return user Submit
button' " ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on
'Return user Submit button'" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="2187
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="''
text is present" Content="To verify
'' text is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="''
text should be present" Path="" Time="2187 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'Logout link'"
Content="Click on 'Logout link' " ExpectedResult="Click action
should be performed on 'Logout link'" Path="" StepResult="Pass"
Time="2285 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'-,|
`S`.' text is present" Content="To verify '-,|
`S`.' text is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'-,| `S`.' text should be
present" Path="" Time="2285 ms"/></TC><TC ID="My
ader ActualResult="Password accepts special characters when
creating an account for a user." Content=""
ExpectedResult="Password should accept special characters when
creating an account for a user." Result="Pass" TCTime="24
Sec"/><Step ActualResult="Clear Cookies' deleted all visible
cookies " Content="Delete Clear Cookies'" ExpectedResult="Clear
Cookies should delete all visible cookies" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="31 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Open action
is performed on 'Labseries KR Stage URL'" Content="Open
'Labseries KR Stage URL' " ExpectedResult="Open action should be
performed on 'Labseries KR Stage URL'" Path="" StepResult="Pass"
Time="299 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'id=mobile_link' element
is present" Content="To verify 'id=mobile_link' element is
present" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'id=mobile_link'
element should be present" Path="" Time="299 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'Mobile toggle link'"
Content="Click on 'Mobile toggle link' " ExpectedResult="Click
action should be performed on 'Mobile toggle link'" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="192 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'you are
currently browsing the MOBILE site.' text is present" Content="To
verify 'you are currently browsing the MOBILE site.' text is
present" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'you are currently
browsing the MOBILE site.' text should be present" Path=""
Time="192 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'link=home page' element
is present" Content="To verify 'link=home page' element is
present" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'link=home page'
element should be present" Path="" Time="192 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'Home page link in
toggle'" Content="Click on 'Home page link in toggle' "
ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on 'Home page
link in toggle'" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="2991
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'css=img[alt=&quot;
C&quot;]' element is present" Content="To verify
'css=img[alt=&quot; C&quot;]' element is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'css=img[alt=&quot;
C&quot;]' element should be present" Path="" Time="2991
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'link=' element is present"
Content="To verify 'link=' element is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'link=' element should
be present" Path="" Time="2991 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click
action is performed on 'Signin link'" Content="Click on 'Signin
link' " ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on
'Signin link'" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="2253
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'id=form--signin--field--
EMAIL_ADDRESS' element is present" Content="To verify 'id=form--
signin--field--EMAIL_ADDRESS' element is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'id=form--signin--field--
EMAIL_ADDRESS' element should be present" Path="" Time="2253
ms"/><Step ActualResult="The value is stored in 'emailid'"
Content="Store the value in 'emailid' " ExpectedResult="The value
should be stored in 'emailid'" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="0
ms"/><Step ActualResult="'' is
displayed in New User Email address field" Content="Enter New
User Email address textbox with value
ExpectedResult="'' should be
displayed in New User Email address field" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="27 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click action
is performed on 'New User submit button'" Content="Click on 'New
User submit button' " ExpectedResult="Click action should be
performed on 'New User submit button'" Path="" StepResult="Pass"
Time="2448 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'css=input[type=&quot;image&quot;]' element is
present" Content="To verify 'css=input[type=&quot;image&quot;]'
element is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'css=input[type=&quot;image&quot;]' element
should be present" Path="" Time="2448 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'id=bypass_submit' element is present" Content="To
verify 'id=bypass_submit' element is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'id=bypass_submit' element should be present"
Path="" Time="2448 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Checkbox Terms
conditions checkbox is in 'ON' state" Content="Check Terms
conditions checkbox Checkbox" ExpectedResult="Checkbox Terms
conditions checkbox should be in 'ON' state" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="19 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Checkbox
Privacy Policy Checkbox is in 'ON' state" Content="Check Privacy
Policy Checkbox Checkbox" ExpectedResult="Checkbox Privacy Policy
Checkbox should be in 'ON' state" Path="" StepResult="Pass"
Time="11 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click action is performed on
'Bypass stage link'" Content="Click on 'Bypass stage link' "
ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on 'Bypass stage
link'" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="1959 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'' text is present"
Content="To verify '' text is
present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'' text should be
present" Path="" Time="1959 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'id=form--registration_mb--field--PASSWORD' element
is present" Content="To verify 'id=form--registration_mb--field--
PASSWORD' element is present" ExpResult="Pass"
element should be present" Path="" Time="1959 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="'pwd12$$' is displayed in Password field in Create
an account page field" Content="Enter Password field in Create an
account page textbox with value 'pwd12$$'"
ExpectedResult="'pwd12$$' should be displayed in Password field
in Create an account page field" Path="" StepResult="Pass"
Time="13 ms"/><Step ActualResult="'pwd12$$' is displayed in
Verify Password field in Create an account page field"
Content="Enter Verify Password field in Create an account page
textbox with value 'pwd12$$'" ExpectedResult="'pwd12$$' should be
displayed in Verify Password field in Create an account page
field" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="20 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="'hint12$' is displayed in Password Hint in Create
an Account field" Content="Enter Password Hint in Create an
Account textbox with value 'hint12$'" ExpectedResult="'hint12$'
should be displayed in Password Hint in Create an Account field"
Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="12 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'id=form--address--field--POSTAL_CODE' element is
present" Content="To verify 'id=form--address--field--
POSTAL_CODE' element is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'id=form--address--field--POSTAL_CODE' element
should be present" Path="" Time="12 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="'442-070' is displayed in Postal code field"
Content="Enter Postal code textbox with value '442-070'"
ExpectedResult="'442-070' should be displayed in Postal code
field" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="16 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="'751-804,Shinmyung Apartment(Apt.), Cheoncheon-
dong, Gyeonggi-do' is displayed in Address1 field" Content="Enter
Address1 textbox with value '751-804,Shinmyung Apartment(Apt.),
Cheoncheon-dong, Gyeonggi-do'" ExpectedResult="'751-804,Shinmyung
Apartment(Apt.), Cheoncheon-dong, Gyeonggi-do' should be
displayed in Address1 field" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="20
ms"/><Step ActualResult="'Jangan-gu, Suwon,' is displayed in
Address2 field" Content="Enter Address2 textbox with value
'Jangan-gu, Suwon,'" ExpectedResult="'Jangan-gu, Suwon,' should
be displayed in Address2 field" Path="" StepResult="Pass"
Time="15 ms"/><Step ActualResult="'011' is displayed in Phone
number Areacode listbox" Content="Select Phone number Areacode
with value '011'" ExpectedResult="'011' should be displayed in
Phone number Areacode listbox" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="31
ms"/><Step ActualResult="'1234' is displayed in Phone number-
part1 field" Content="Enter Phone number-part1 textbox with value
'1234'" ExpectedResult="'1234' should be displayed in Phone
number-part1 field" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="12 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="'5678' is displayed in Phone number-part2 field"
Content="Enter Phone number-part2 textbox with value '5678'"
ExpectedResult="'5678' should be displayed in Phone number-part2
field" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="23 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'Submit button in
Bypass page'" Content="Click on 'Submit button in Bypass page' "
ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on 'Submit
button in Bypass page'" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="5272
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="''
text is present" Content="To verify
'' text is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="''
text should be present" Path="" Time="5272 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'css=a[title=&quot;logout&quot;]' element is
present" Content="To verify 'css=a[title=&quot;logout&quot;]'
element is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'css=a[title=&quot;logout&quot;]' element should
be present" Path="" Time="5272 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click
action is performed on 'Logout link'" Content="Click on 'Logout
link' " ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on
'Logout link'" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="3712
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'-,| `S`.' text
is present" Content="To verify '-,| `S`.'
text is present" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'-,|
`S`.' text should be present" Path="" Time="3712
ms"/><Step ActualResult="'' is
displayed in Return user email address signin page field"
Content="Enter Return user email address signin page textbox with
value ''"
ExpectedResult="'' should be
displayed in Return user email address signin page field" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="72 ms"/><Step ActualResult="'pwd12$$' is
displayed in Password field in Signin page field" Content="Enter
Password field in Signin page textbox with value 'pwd12$$'"
ExpectedResult="'pwd12$$' should be displayed in Password field
in Signin page field" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="20
ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'Return
user Submit button'" Content="Click on 'Return user Submit
button' " ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on
'Return user Submit button'" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="2489
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="''
text is present" Content="To verify
'' text is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="''
text should be present" Path="" Time="2489 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'Logout link'"
Content="Click on 'Logout link' " ExpectedResult="Click action
should be performed on 'Logout link'" Path="" StepResult="Pass"
Time="1951 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'-,|
`S`.' text is present" Content="To verify '-,|
`S`.' text is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'-,| `S`.' text should be
present" Path="" Time="1951 ms"/></TC><TC ID="My
ActualResult="Resetting password is done successfully using temp
password from mail" Content="" ExpectedResult="Password should
be reset using Temp password from Mail." Result="Pass"
TCTime="100 Sec"/><Step ActualResult="Clear Cookies' deleted all
visible cookies " Content="Delete Clear Cookies'"
ExpectedResult="Clear Cookies should delete all visible cookies"
Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="58 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Open
action is performed on 'Labseries KR Stage URL'" Content="Open
'Labseries KR Stage URL' " ExpectedResult="Open action should be
performed on 'Labseries KR Stage URL'" Path="" StepResult="Pass"
Time="13986 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'id=mobile_link' element
is present" Content="To verify 'id=mobile_link' element is
present" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'id=mobile_link'
element should be present" Path="" Time="13986 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'Mobile toggle link'"
Content="Click on 'Mobile toggle link' " ExpectedResult="Click
action should be performed on 'Mobile toggle link'" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="389 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'you are
currently browsing the MOBILE site.' text is present" Content="To
verify 'you are currently browsing the MOBILE site.' text is
present" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'you are currently
browsing the MOBILE site.' text should be present" Path=""
Time="389 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'link=home page' element
is present" Content="To verify 'link=home page' element is
present" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'link=home page'
element should be present" Path="" Time="389 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'Home page link in
toggle'" Content="Click on 'Home page link in toggle' "
ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on 'Home page
link in toggle'" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="12416
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'css=img[alt=&quot;
C&quot;]' element is present" Content="To verify
'css=img[alt=&quot; C&quot;]' element is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'css=img[alt=&quot;
C&quot;]' element should be present" Path="" Time="12416
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'link=' element is present"
Content="To verify 'link=' element is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'link=' element should
be present" Path="" Time="12416 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click
action is performed on 'Signin link'" Content="Click on 'Signin
link' " ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on
'Signin link'" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="4804
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'id=form--signin--field--
EMAIL_ADDRESS' element is present" Content="To verify 'id=form--
signin--field--EMAIL_ADDRESS' element is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'id=form--signin--field--
EMAIL_ADDRESS' element should be present" Path="" Time="4804
ms"/><Step ActualResult="'' is displayed in
Return user email address signin page field" Content="Enter
Return user email address signin page textbox with value
ExpectedResult="'' should be displayed in
Return user email address signin page field" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="20 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'id=forgot-password' element is present"
Content="To verify 'id=forgot-password' element is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'id=forgot-password' element
should be present" Path="" Time="20 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'Forgot Password'"
Content="Click on 'Forgot Password' " ExpectedResult="Click
action should be performed on 'Forgot Password'" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="2026 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'123456' text is present" Content="To verify
'123456' text is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'123456' text should be present" Path=""
Time="2026 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'id=pwd-reset' element is
present" Content="To verify 'id=pwd-reset' element is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'id=pwd-reset' element should be
present" Path="" Time="2026 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click action
is performed on 'Reset Password'" Content="Click on 'Reset
Password' " ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on
'Reset Password'" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="7856
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'' text is
present" Content="To verify '' text is
present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'' text should be present"
Path="" Time="7856 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click action is
performed on 'Reset password - Submit button'" Content="Click on
'Reset password - Submit button' " ExpectedResult="Click action
should be performed on 'Reset password - Submit button'" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="4541 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'' text is present"
Content="To verify '' text is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'' text
should be present" Path="" Time="4541 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'css=p.mt15 &gt; a &gt; img' element is present"
Content="To verify 'css=p.mt15 &gt; a &gt; img' element is
present" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'css=p.mt15 &gt; a &gt;
img' element should be present" Path="" Time="4541 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'Back to Login '"
Content="Click on 'Back to Login ' " ExpectedResult="Click action
should be performed on 'Back to Login '" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="2042 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'id=form--signin--field--EMAIL_ADDRESS' element is
present" Content="To verify 'id=form--signin--field--
EMAIL_ADDRESS' element is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'id=form--signin--field--EMAIL_ADDRESS' element
should be present" Path="" Time="2042 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="'' is displayed in Return
user email address signin page field" Content="Enter Return user
email address signin page textbox with value
ExpectedResult="'' should be displayed in
Return user email address signin page field" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="16 ms"/><Step ActualResult="'9AnaaarJ' is
displayed in Password field in Signin page field" Content="Enter
Password field in Signin page textbox with value '9AnaaarJ'"
ExpectedResult="'9AnaaarJ' should be displayed in Password field
in Signin page field" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="24237
ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'Return
user Submit button'" Content="Click on 'Return user Submit
button' " ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on
'Return user Submit button'" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="3466
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'id=form--password_reset--field--
EMAIL_ADDRESS' element is present" Content="To verify 'id=form--
password_reset--field--EMAIL_ADDRESS' element is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'id=form--password_reset--
field--EMAIL_ADDRESS' element should be present" Path=""
Time="3466 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="''
value is displayed on id=form--password_reset--field--
EMAIL_ADDRESS'" Content="To verify whether
'' is displayed on'id=form--
password_reset--field--EMAIL_ADDRESS'" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'' value should displayed
on id=form--password_reset--field--EMAIL_ADDRESS'" Path=""
Time="3466 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'id=form--
password_reset--field--NEW_PASSWORD' element is present"
Content="To verify 'id=form--password_reset--field--NEW_PASSWORD'
element is present" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'id=form--
password_reset--field--NEW_PASSWORD' element should be present"
Path="" Time="3466 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'id=form--
password_reset--field--NEW_PASSWORD_VERIFY' element is present"
Content="To verify 'id=form--password_reset--field--
NEW_PASSWORD_VERIFY' element is present" ExpResult="Pass"
NEW_PASSWORD_VERIFY' element should be present" Path=""
Time="3466 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'id=form--
password_reset--field--PASSWORD_HINT' element is present"
Content="To verify 'id=form--password_reset--field--
PASSWORD_HINT' element is present" ExpResult="Pass"
element should be present" Path="" Time="3466 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'Reset password -
Submit button'" Content="Click on 'Reset password - Submit
button' " ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on
'Reset password - Submit button'" Path="" StepResult="Pass"
Time="3059 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="',C` zS
z. - ,s.' text is present" Content="To verify
',C` zS z. - ,s.' text is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="',C` zS z. -
,s.' text should be present" Path="" Time="3059
ms"/><Step ActualResult="'1234567' is displayed in Password -
Reset page field" Content="Enter Password - Reset page textbox
with value '1234567'" ExpectedResult="'1234567' should be
displayed in Password - Reset page field" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="11 ms"/><Step ActualResult="'1234567' is
displayed in Verify Passowrd - Reset page field" Content="Enter
Verify Passowrd - Reset page textbox with value '1234567'"
ExpectedResult="'1234567' should be displayed in Verify Passowrd
- Reset page field" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="17 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="'1234567' is displayed in Password Hint-Reset page
field" Content="Enter Password Hint-Reset page textbox with value
'1234567'" ExpectedResult="'1234567' should be displayed in
Password Hint-Reset page field" Path="" StepResult="Pass"
Time="14 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click action is performed on
'Reset password - Submit button'" Content="Click on 'Reset
password - Submit button' " ExpectedResult="Click action should
be performed on 'Reset password - Submit button'" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="2063 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="',C` zSS ,C`C -
` |S`. C , ,- ,s.' text is
present" Content="To verify ',C` zSS
,C`C - ` |S`. C ,
,- ,s.' text is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="',C` zSS ,C`C -
` |S`. C , ,- ,s.' text
should be present" Path="" Time="2063 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="'12' is displayed in Password - Reset page field"
Content="Enter Password - Reset page textbox with value '12'"
ExpectedResult="'12' should be displayed in Password - Reset page
field" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="10 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="'12' is displayed in Verify Passowrd - Reset page
field" Content="Enter Verify Passowrd - Reset page textbox with
value '12'" ExpectedResult="'12' should be displayed in Verify
Passowrd - Reset page field" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="16
ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'Reset
password - Submit button'" Content="Click on 'Reset password -
Submit button' " ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed
on 'Reset password - Submit button'" Path="" StepResult="Pass"
Time="2053 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'S 6z
| 12z - z. - ,s' text is present"
Content="To verify 'S 6z | 12z -
z. - ,s' text is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'S 6z | 12z - z.
- ,s' text should be present" Path="" Time="2053
ms"/><Step ActualResult="'1234567' is displayed in Password -
Reset page field" Content="Enter Password - Reset page textbox
with value '1234567'" ExpectedResult="'1234567' should be
displayed in Password - Reset page field" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="17 ms"/><Step ActualResult="'1234567' is
displayed in Verify Passowrd - Reset page field" Content="Enter
Verify Passowrd - Reset page textbox with value '1234567'"
ExpectedResult="'1234567' should be displayed in Verify Passowrd
- Reset page field" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="10 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="'123456' is displayed in Password Hint-Reset page
field" Content="Enter Password Hint-Reset page textbox with value
'123456'" ExpectedResult="'123456' should be displayed in
Password Hint-Reset page field" Path="" StepResult="Pass"
Time="15 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click action is performed on
'Reset password - Submit button'" Content="Click on 'Reset
password - Submit button' " ExpectedResult="Click action should
be performed on 'Reset password - Submit button'" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="3053 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'css=img.topbtn' element is present" Content="To
verify 'css=img.topbtn' element is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'css=img.topbtn' element should be present"
Path="" Time="3053 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'' text is present"
Content="To verify '' text is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'' text
should be present" Path="" Time="3053 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'css=a[title=&quot;logout&quot;]' element is
present" Content="To verify 'css=a[title=&quot;logout&quot;]'
element is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'css=a[title=&quot;logout&quot;]' element should
be present" Path="" Time="3053 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click
action is performed on 'Logout link'" Content="Click on 'Logout
link' " ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on
'Logout link'" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="3054
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'-,| `S`.' text
is present" Content="To verify '-,| `S`.'
text is present" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'-,|
`S`.' text should be present" Path="" Time="3054
ms"/><Step ActualResult="'' is displayed in
Return user email address signin page field" Content="Enter
Return user email address signin page textbox with value
ExpectedResult="'' should be displayed in
Return user email address signin page field" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="15 ms"/><Step ActualResult="'123456' is
displayed in Password field in Signin page field" Content="Enter
Password field in Signin page textbox with value '123456'"
ExpectedResult="'123456' should be displayed in Password field in
Signin page field" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="11 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'Return user Submit
button'" Content="Click on 'Return user Submit button' "
ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on 'Return user
Submit button'" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="4077
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="' -
, ` |S`. -,s.' text is
present" Content="To verify ' -
, ` |S`. -,s.' text is
present" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'
- , ` |S`. -
,s.' text should be present" Path="" Time="4077
ms"/><Step ActualResult="'' is displayed in
Return user email address signin page field" Content="Enter
Return user email address signin page textbox with value
ExpectedResult="'' should be displayed in
Return user email address signin page field" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="20 ms"/><Step ActualResult="'1234567' is
displayed in Password field in Signin page field" Content="Enter
Password field in Signin page textbox with value '1234567'"
ExpectedResult="'1234567' should be displayed in Password field
in Signin page field" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="9
ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'Return
user Submit button'" Content="Click on 'Return user Submit
button' " ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on
'Return user Submit button'" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="3069
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'css=img.topbtn' element is present"
Content="To verify 'css=img.topbtn' element is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'css=img.topbtn' element should
be present" Path="" Time="3069 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'' text is present"
Content="To verify '' text is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'' text
should be present" Path="" Time="3069 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'css=a[title=&quot;logout&quot;]' element is
present" Content="To verify 'css=a[title=&quot;logout&quot;]'
element is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'css=a[title=&quot;logout&quot;]' element should
be present" Path="" Time="3069 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click
action is performed on 'Logout link'" Content="Click on 'Logout
link' " ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on
'Logout link'" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="3057
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'-,| `S`.' text
is present" Content="To verify '-,| `S`.'
text is present" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'-,|
`S`.' text should be present" Path="" Time="3057
ms"/></TC><TC ID="My
ActualResult="Resetting password is done successfully using Temp
URL from mail" Content="" ExpectedResult="Password should be
reset using Temp URL from Mail." Result="Pass" TCTime="78
Sec"/><Step ActualResult="Clear Cookies' deleted all visible
cookies " Content="Delete Clear Cookies'" ExpectedResult="Clear
Cookies should delete all visible cookies" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="31 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Open action
is performed on 'Labseries KR Stage URL'" Content="Open
'Labseries KR Stage URL' " ExpectedResult="Open action should be
performed on 'Labseries KR Stage URL'" Path="" StepResult="Pass"
Time="1059 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'id=mobile_link' element
is present" Content="To verify 'id=mobile_link' element is
present" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'id=mobile_link'
element should be present" Path="" Time="1059 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'Mobile toggle link'"
Content="Click on 'Mobile toggle link' " ExpectedResult="Click
action should be performed on 'Mobile toggle link'" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="1049 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'you
are currently browsing the MOBILE site.' text is present"
Content="To verify 'you are currently browsing the MOBILE site.'
text is present" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'you are
currently browsing the MOBILE site.' text should be present"
Path="" Time="1049 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'link=home page'
element is present" Content="To verify 'link=home page' element
is present" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'link=home page'
element should be present" Path="" Time="1049 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'Home page link in
toggle'" Content="Click on 'Home page link in toggle' "
ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on 'Home page
link in toggle'" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="4069
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'css=img[alt=&quot;
C&quot;]' element is present" Content="To verify
'css=img[alt=&quot; C&quot;]' element is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'css=img[alt=&quot;
C&quot;]' element should be present" Path="" Time="4069
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'link=' element is present"
Content="To verify 'link=' element is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'link=' element should
be present" Path="" Time="4069 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click
action is performed on 'Signin link'" Content="Click on 'Signin
link' " ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on
'Signin link'" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="4056
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'id=form--signin--field--
EMAIL_ADDRESS' element is present" Content="To verify 'id=form--
signin--field--EMAIL_ADDRESS' element is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'id=form--signin--field--
EMAIL_ADDRESS' element should be present" Path="" Time="4056
ms"/><Step ActualResult="'' is displayed in
Return user email address signin page field" Content="Enter
Return user email address signin page textbox with value
ExpectedResult="'' should be displayed in
Return user email address signin page field" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="12 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'id=forgot-password' element is present"
Content="To verify 'id=forgot-password' element is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'id=forgot-password' element
should be present" Path="" Time="12 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'Forgot Password'"
Content="Click on 'Forgot Password' " ExpectedResult="Click
action should be performed on 'Forgot Password'" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="2015 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'123456' text is present" Content="To verify
'123456' text is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'123456' text should be present" Path=""
Time="2015 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'id=pwd-reset' element is
present" Content="To verify 'id=pwd-reset' element is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'id=pwd-reset' element should be
present" Path="" Time="2015 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click action
is performed on 'Reset Password'" Content="Click on 'Reset
Password' " ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on
'Reset Password'" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="4072
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'' text is
present" Content="To verify '' text is
present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'' text should be present"
Path="" Time="4072 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click action is
performed on 'Reset password - Submit button'" Content="Click on
'Reset password - Submit button' " ExpectedResult="Click action
should be performed on 'Reset password - Submit button'" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="3103 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'' text is present"
Content="To verify '' text is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'' text
should be present" Path="" Time="3103 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'Back to Login '"
Content="Click on 'Back to Login ' " ExpectedResult="Click action
should be performed on 'Back to Login '" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="3056 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'id=form--signin--field--EMAIL_ADDRESS' element is
present" Content="To verify 'id=form--signin--field--
EMAIL_ADDRESS' element is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'id=form--signin--field--EMAIL_ADDRESS' element
should be present" Path="" Time="3056 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="'' is displayed in Return
user email address signin page field" Content="Enter Return user
email address signin page textbox with value
ExpectedResult="'' should be displayed in
Return user email address signin page field" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="31 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click action
is performed on 'Temporary URL'" Content="Click on 'Temporary
URL' " ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on
'Temporary URL'" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="42490
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'id=form--password_reset--field--
NEW_PASSWORD' element is present" Content="To verify 'id=form--
password_reset--field--NEW_PASSWORD' element is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'id=form--password_reset--
field--NEW_PASSWORD' element should be present" Path=""
Time="42490 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'id=form--
password_reset--field--NEW_PASSWORD_VERIFY' element is present"
Content="To verify 'id=form--password_reset--field--
NEW_PASSWORD_VERIFY' element is present" ExpResult="Pass"
NEW_PASSWORD_VERIFY' element should be present" Path=""
Time="42490 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'id=form--
password_reset--field--PASSWORD_HINT' element is present"
Content="To verify 'id=form--password_reset--field--
PASSWORD_HINT' element is present" ExpResult="Pass"
element should be present" Path="" Time="42490 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="'1234567' is displayed in Password - Reset page
field" Content="Enter Password - Reset page textbox with value
'1234567'" ExpectedResult="'1234567' should be displayed in
Password - Reset page field" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="9
ms"/><Step ActualResult="'1234567' is displayed in Verify
Passowrd - Reset page field" Content="Enter Verify Passowrd -
Reset page textbox with value '1234567'"
ExpectedResult="'1234567' should be displayed in Verify Passowrd
- Reset page field" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="16 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="'123456' is displayed in Password Hint-Reset page
field" Content="Enter Password Hint-Reset page textbox with value
'123456'" ExpectedResult="'123456' should be displayed in
Password Hint-Reset page field" Path="" StepResult="Pass"
Time="12 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click action is performed on
'Reset password - Submit button'" Content="Click on 'Reset
password - Submit button' " ExpectedResult="Click action should
be performed on 'Reset password - Submit button'" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="3078 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'css=a[title=&quot;logout&quot;]' element is
present" Content="To verify 'css=a[title=&quot;logout&quot;]'
element is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'css=a[title=&quot;logout&quot;]' element should
be present" Path="" Time="3078 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click
action is performed on 'Logout link'" Content="Click on 'Logout
link' " ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on
'Logout link'" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="3057
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'-,| `S`.' text
is present" Content="To verify '-,| `S`.'
text is present" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'-,|
`S`.' text should be present" Path="" Time="3057
ms"/><Step ActualResult="'' is displayed in
Return user email address signin page field" Content="Enter
Return user email address signin page textbox with value
ExpectedResult="'' should be displayed in
Return user email address signin page field" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="9 ms"/><Step ActualResult="'1234567' is
displayed in Password field in Signin page field" Content="Enter
Password field in Signin page textbox with value '1234567'"
ExpectedResult="'1234567' should be displayed in Password field
in Signin page field" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="14
ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'Return
user Submit button'" Content="Click on 'Return user Submit
button' " ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on
'Return user Submit button'" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="3061
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'css=img.topbtn' element is present"
Content="To verify 'css=img.topbtn' element is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'css=img.topbtn' element should
be present" Path="" Time="3061 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'' text is present"
Content="To verify '' text is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'' text
should be present" Path="" Time="3061 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'css=a[title=&quot;logout&quot;]' element is
present" Content="To verify 'css=a[title=&quot;logout&quot;]'
element is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'css=a[title=&quot;logout&quot;]' element should
be present" Path="" Time="3061 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click
action is performed on 'Logout link'" Content="Click on 'Logout
link' " ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on
'Logout link'" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="3083
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'-,| `S`.' text
is present" Content="To verify '-,| `S`.'
text is present" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'-,|
`S`.' text should be present" Path="" Time="3083 ms"/></TC><TC
I="!" #$$ount.TC00%&#dd&'dit&(padte&e)ault*hippin+#ddress"><,eader
#$tual-esult="The ne.l" added address $ould not be made as de)ault shippin+ address
and also update and delete the de)ault *hippin+ address is not possible" Content=""
'xpe$ted-esult="The ne.l" added address should be made as de)ault shippin+ address
and also update and delete the de)ault *hippin+ address should be possible" -esult="/ail"
TCTime="018 *e$"/><*tep #$tual-esult="Clear Coo2ies' deleted all 3isible $oo2ies "
Content="elete Clear Coo2ies'" 'xpe$ted-esult="Clear Coo2ies should delete all
3isible $oo2ies" Path="" *tep-esult="Pass" Time="0 ms"/><*tep #$tual-esult="4pen
a$tion is per)ormed on '5abseries 6- *ta+e (-5'" Content="4pen '5abseries 6- *ta+e
(-5' " 'xpe$ted-esult="4pen a$tion should be per)ormed on '5abseries 6- *ta+e
(-5'" Path="" *tep-esult="Pass" Time="808% ms"/><'xpe$ted
#$tual-esult="'id=mobile&lin2' element is present" Content="To 3eri)" 'id=mobile&lin2'
element is present" 'xp-esult="Pass" 'xpe$ted-esult="'id=mobile&lin2' element should
be present" Pat
="" Time="808% ms"/><*tep #$tual-esult="Cli$2 a$tion is per)ormed on '!obile to++le
lin2'" Content="Cli$2 on '!obile to++le lin2' " 'xpe$ted-esult="Cli$2 a$tion should be
per)ormed on '!obile to++le lin2'" Path="" *tep-esult="Pass" Time="788
ms"/><'xpe$ted #$tual-esult="'"ou are $urrentl" bro.sin+ the !49I5' site.' text is
present" Content="To 3eri)" '"ou are $urrentl" bro.sin+ the !49I5' site.' text is
present" 'xp-esult="Pass" 'xpe$ted-esult="'"ou are $urrentl" bro.sin+ the !49I5'
site.' text should be present" Path="" Time="788 ms"/><'xpe$ted
#$tual-esult="'lin2=home pa+e' element is present" Content="To 3eri)" 'lin2=home
pa+e' element is present" 'xp-esult="Pass" 'xpe$ted-esult="'lin2=home pa+e' element
should be present" Path="" Time="788 ms"/><*tep #$tual-esult="Cli$2 a$tion is
per)ormed on ',ome pa+e lin2 in to++le'" Content="Cli$2 on ',ome pa+e lin2 in to++le' "
'xpe$ted-esult="Cli$2 a$tion should be per)ormed on ',ome pa+e lin2 in to++le'"
Path="" *tep-esult="Pass" Time="700:3 ms"/><'xpe$ted
#$tual-esult="'$ss=im+;alt=<=uot> C&quot;]' element is
present" Content="To verify 'css=img[alt=&quot;
C&quot;]' element is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'css=img[alt=&quot; C&quot;]'
element should be present" Path="" Time="10043 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'link=' element is present" Content="To
verify 'link=' element is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'link=' element should be present"
Path="" Time="10043 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click action is
performed on 'Signin link'" Content="Click on 'Signin link' "
ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on 'Signin
link'" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="4306 ms"/><Expected
NEW_USER_EMAIL_ADDRESS' element is present" Content="To verify
'id=form--signin_new_user--field--NEW_USER_EMAIL_ADDRESS' element
is present" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'id=form--
signin_new_user--field--NEW_USER_EMAIL_ADDRESS' element should be
present" Path="" Time="4306 ms"/><Step ActualResult="The value is
stored in 'emailid'" Content="Store the value in 'emailid' "
ExpectedResult="The value should be stored in 'emailid'" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="0 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="'' is displayed in
New User Email address field" Content="Enter New User Email
address textbox with value ''"
ExpectedResult="'' should be
displayed in New User Email address field" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="15 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click action
is performed on 'New User submit button'" Content="Click on 'New
User submit button' " ExpectedResult="Click action should be
performed on 'New User submit button'" Path="" StepResult="Pass"
Time="2527 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'css=input[type=&quot;image&quot;]' element is
present" Content="To verify 'css=input[type=&quot;image&quot;]'
element is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'css=input[type=&quot;image&quot;]' element
should be present" Path="" Time="2527 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'id=bypass_submit' element is present" Content="To
verify 'id=bypass_submit' element is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'id=bypass_submit' element should be present"
Path="" Time="2527 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Checkbox Terms
conditions checkbox is in 'ON' state" Content="Check Terms
conditions checkbox Checkbox" ExpectedResult="Checkbox Terms
conditions checkbox should be in 'ON' state" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="16 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Checkbox
Privacy Policy Checkbox is in 'ON' state" Content="Check Privacy
Policy Checkbox Checkbox" ExpectedResult="Checkbox Privacy Policy
Checkbox should be in 'ON' state" Path="" StepResult="Pass"
Time="31 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click action is performed on
'Bypass stage link'" Content="Click on 'Bypass stage link' "
ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on 'Bypass stage
link'" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="2309 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'' text is present"
Content="To verify '' text is
present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'' text should be
present" Path="" Time="2309 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'id=form--registration_mb--field--PASSWORD' element
is present" Content="To verify 'id=form--registration_mb--field--
PASSWORD' element is present" ExpResult="Pass"
element should be present" Path="" Time="2309 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="'1234567' is displayed in Password field in Create
an account page field" Content="Enter Password field in Create an
account page textbox with value '1234567'"
ExpectedResult="'1234567' should be displayed in Password field
in Create an account page field" Path="" StepResult="Pass"
Time="16 ms"/><Step ActualResult="'1234567' is displayed in
Verify Password field in Create an account page field"
Content="Enter Verify Password field in Create an account page
textbox with value '1234567'" ExpectedResult="'1234567' should be
displayed in Verify Password field in Create an account page
field" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="16 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="'123456' is displayed in Password Hint in Create an
Account field" Content="Enter Password Hint in Create an Account
textbox with value '123456'" ExpectedResult="'123456' should be
displayed in Password Hint in Create an Account field" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="15 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'id=form--address--field--POSTAL_CODE' element is
present" Content="To verify 'id=form--address--field--
POSTAL_CODE' element is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'id=form--address--field--POSTAL_CODE' element
should be present" Path="" Time="15 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="'442-070' is displayed in Postal code field"
Content="Enter Postal code textbox with value '442-070'"
ExpectedResult="'442-070' should be displayed in Postal code
field" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="16 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="'751-804,Shinmyung Apartment(Apt.), Cheoncheon-
dong, Gyeonggi-do' is displayed in Address1 field" Content="Enter
Address1 textbox with value '751-804,Shinmyung Apartment(Apt.),
Cheoncheon-dong, Gyeonggi-do'" ExpectedResult="'751-804,Shinmyung
Apartment(Apt.), Cheoncheon-dong, Gyeonggi-do' should be
displayed in Address1 field" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="15
ms"/><Step ActualResult="'Jangan-gu, Suwon,' is displayed in
Address2 field" Content="Enter Address2 textbox with value
'Jangan-gu, Suwon,'" ExpectedResult="'Jangan-gu, Suwon,' should
be displayed in Address2 field" Path="" StepResult="Pass"
Time="15 ms"/><Step ActualResult="'011' is displayed in Phone
number Areacode listbox" Content="Select Phone number Areacode
with value '011'" ExpectedResult="'011' should be displayed in
Phone number Areacode listbox" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="16
ms"/><Step ActualResult="'1234' is displayed in Phone number-
part1 field" Content="Enter Phone number-part1 textbox with value
'1234'" ExpectedResult="'1234' should be displayed in Phone
number-part1 field" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="16 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="'5678' is displayed in Phone number-part2 field"
Content="Enter Phone number-part2 textbox with value '5678'"
ExpectedResult="'5678' should be displayed in Phone number-part2
field" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="15 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'Submit button in
Bypass page'" Content="Click on 'Submit button in Bypass page' "
ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on 'Submit
button in Bypass page'" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="2745
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="''
text is present" Content="To verify
'' text is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="''
text should be present" Path="" Time="2745 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'442-070' text is present" Content="To verify '442-
070' text is present" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'442-070'
text should be present" Path="" Time="2745 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'751-804,Shinmyung Apartment(Apt.), Cheoncheon-
dong, Gyeonggi-do' text is present" Content="To verify '751-
804,Shinmyung Apartment(Apt.), Cheoncheon-dong, Gyeonggi-do' text
is present" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'751-804,Shinmyung
Apartment(Apt.), Cheoncheon-dong, Gyeonggi-do' text should be
present" Path="" Time="2745 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'Jangan-
gu, Suwon,' text is present" Content="To verify 'Jangan-gu,
Suwon,' text is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'Jangan-gu, Suwon,' text should be present"
Path="" Time="2745 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'011-1234-5678'
text is present" Content="To verify '011-1234-5678' text is
present" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'011-1234-5678' text
should be present" Path="" Time="2745 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'//img[@alt='| C-']' element is
present" Content="To verify '//img[@alt='| C-']'
element is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'//img[@alt='| C-']' element should
be present" Path="" Time="2745 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click
action is performed on 'View Address Book link'" Content="Click
on 'View Address Book link' " ExpectedResult="Click action should
be performed on 'View Address Book link'" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="2606 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'link=` -' element is present" Content="To
verify 'link=` -' element is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'link=` -' element should be present" Path=""
Time="2606 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click action is performed on
'Registration address Edit link'" Content="Click on 'Registration
address Edit link' " ExpectedResult="Click action should be
performed on 'Registration address Edit link'" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="2028 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'id=form--address--field--ADDRESS1' element is
present" Content="To verify 'id=form--address--field--ADDRESS1'
element is present" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'id=form--
address--field--ADDRESS1' element should be present" Path=""
Time="2028 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'bypassAccount' value is
displayed on id=form--address--field--FULL_NAME'" Content="To
verify whether 'bypassAccount' is displayed on'id=form--
address--field--FULL_NAME'" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'bypassAccount' value should displayed on
id=form--address--field--FULL_NAME'" Path="" Time="2028
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'751-804,Shinmyung Apartment(Apt.),
Cheoncheon-dong, Gyeonggi-do' value is displayed on id=form--
address--field--ADDRESS1'" Content="To verify whether '751-
804,Shinmyung Apartment(Apt.), Cheoncheon-dong, Gyeonggi-do' is
displayed on'id=form--address--field--ADDRESS1'" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'751-804,Shinmyung Apartment(Apt.), Cheoncheon-
dong, Gyeonggi-do' value should displayed on id=form--address--
field--ADDRESS1'" Path="" Time="2028 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'Jangan-gu, Suwon,' value is displayed on id=form--
address--field--ADDRESS2'" Content="To verify whether 'Jangan-gu,
Suwon,' is displayed on'id=form--address--field--ADDRESS2'"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'Jangan-gu, Suwon,' value should
displayed on id=form--address--field--ADDRESS2'" Path=""
Time="2028 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'off' value is displayed
on id=form--address--field--DEFAULT_SHIPPING'" Content="To verify
whether 'off' is displayed on'id=form--address--field--
DEFAULT_SHIPPING'" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'off' value
should displayed on id=form--address--field--DEFAULT_SHIPPING'"
Path="" Time="2028 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click action is
performed on 'Submit button in Add address overlay'"
Content="Click on 'Submit button in Add address overlay' "
ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on 'Submit
button in Add address overlay'" Path="" StepResult="Pass"
Time="2028 ms"/><Expected
element is present" Content="To verify
'//div[@id='mypage']/div[2]/div/div[2]/h3/a[2]' element is
present" ExpResult="Pass"
element should be present" Path="" Time="2028 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'Default address Edit
link'" Content="Click on 'Default address Edit link' "
ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on 'Default
address Edit link'" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="2028
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'class=toptit' element is present"
Content="To verify 'class=toptit' element is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'class=toptit' element should be
present" Path="" Time="2028 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click action
is performed on 'Address book page link'" Content="Click on
'Address book page link' " ExpectedResult="Click action should be
performed on 'Address book page link'" Path="" StepResult="Pass"
Time="7020 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'true' value is displayed
on id=form--address--field--FULL_NAME'" Content="To verify
whether 'bypassAccount' is displayed on'id=form--address--
field--FULL_NAME'" ExpResult="Fail"
ExpectedResult="'bypassAccount' value should be displayed on
id=form--address--field--FULL_NAME'" Path="Screenshot\screenshot-
TC-My Account.TC006_Add_Edit_Upadte_DefaultShippingAddress-
Expected-26.png" Time="7020 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'true'
value is displayed on id=form--address--field--ADDRESS1'"
Content="To verify whether '751-804,Shinmyung Apartment(Apt.),
Cheoncheon-dong, Gyeonggi-do' is displayed on'id=form--address--
field--ADDRESS1'" ExpResult="Fail" ExpectedResult="'751-
804,Shinmyung Apartment(Apt.), Cheoncheon-dong, Gyeonggi-do'
value should be displayed on id=form--address--field--ADDRESS1'"
27.png" Time="7020 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'true' value is
displayed on id=form--address--field--DEFAULT_SHIPPING'"
Content="To verify whether 'on' is displayed on'id=form--
address--field--DEFAULT_SHIPPING'" ExpResult="Fail"
ExpectedResult="'on' value should be displayed on id=form--
address--field--DEFAULT_SHIPPING'" Path="Screenshot\screenshot-
TC-My Account.TC006_Add_Edit_Upadte_DefaultShippingAddress-
Expected-28.png" Time="7020 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Checkbox Use
this as my Default shipping address is in 'OFF' state"
Content="Check Use this as my Default shipping address Checkbox"
ExpectedResult="Checkbox Use this as my Default shipping address
should be in 'ON' state" Path="Screenshot\screenshot-TC-My
StepResult="Fail" Time="344 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click action
is not performed on 'Submit button in Add address overlay'"
Content="Click on 'Submit button in Add address overlay' "
ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on 'Submit
button in Add address overlay'" Path="Screenshot\screenshot-TC-My
StepResult="Fail" Time="327 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'
|C |C , - z`C -SS`. |C
| ` - |C | , ---
.' text is present" Content="To verify ' |C
|C , - z`C -SS`. |C | `
- |C | , --.' text
is present" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="' |C
|C , - z`C -SS`. |C | `
- |C | , --.' text
should be present" Path="" Time="327 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'link=`C' element is present"
Content="To verify 'link=`C' element is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'link=`C' element
should be present" Path="" Time="327 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'My Account link'"
Content="Click on 'My Account link' " ExpectedResult="Click
action should be performed on 'My Account link'" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="1950 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'
|C |C , - z`C -SS`. |C
| ` - |C | , ---
.' text is present" Content="To verify ' |C
|C , - z`C -SS`. |C | `
- |C | , --.' text
is present" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="' |C
|C , - z`C -SS`. |C | `
- |C | , --.' text
should be present" Path="" Time="1950 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'Address book page
link'" Content="Click on 'Address book page link' "
ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on 'Address book
page link'" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="32667 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'xpath=(//a[contains(text(),'` -')])[2]' element
is present" Content="To verify
'xpath=(//a[contains(text(),'` -')])[2]' element is present"
ExpectedResult="'xpath=(//a[contains(text(),'` -')])[2]'
element should be present" Path="" Time="32667 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'Default address Edit
link'" Content="Click on 'Default address Edit link' "
ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on 'Default
address Edit link'" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="2028
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'bypassAccount' value is displayed
on id=form--address--field--FULL_NAME'" Content="To verify
whether 'bypassAccount' is displayed on'id=form--address--
field--FULL_NAME'" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'bypassAccount' value should displayed on
id=form--address--field--FULL_NAME'" Path="" Time="2028
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'off' value is displayed on
id=form--address--field--DEFAULT_SHIPPING'" Content="To verify
whether 'off' is displayed on'id=form--address--field--
DEFAULT_SHIPPING'" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'off' value
should displayed on id=form--address--field--DEFAULT_SHIPPING'"
Path="" Time="2028 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Checkbox Use this as
my Default shipping address is in 'ON' state" Content="Check Use
this as my Default shipping address Checkbox"
ExpectedResult="Checkbox Use this as my Default shipping address
should be in 'ON' state" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="32
ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'Submit
button in Add address overlay'" Content="Click on 'Submit button
in Add address overlay' " ExpectedResult="Click action should be
performed on 'Submit button in Add address overlay'" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="2028 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'xpath=(//a[contains(text(),'` -')])[2]' element
is present" Content="To verify
'xpath=(//a[contains(text(),'` -')])[2]' element is present"
ExpectedResult="'xpath=(//a[contains(text(),'` -')])[2]'
element should be present" Path="" Time="2028 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'Default address Edit
link'" Content="Click on 'Default address Edit link' "
ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on 'Default
address Edit link'" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="2028
ms"/><Step ActualResult="'Css tester' is displayed in Full name
field" Content="Enter Full name textbox with value 'Css tester'"
ExpectedResult="'Css tester' should be displayed in Full name
field" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="1 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'Submit button in Add
address overlay'" Content="Click on 'Submit button in Add address
overlay' " ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on
'Submit button in Add address overlay'" Path="" StepResult="Pass"
Time="2044 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click action is performed on
'Default address Edit link'" Content="Click on 'Default address
Edit link' " ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on
'Default address Edit link'" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="2029
ms"/><Step ActualResult="'221-804,Shinmyung Apartment(Apt.),
Cheoncheon-dong, Gyeonggi-do' is displayed in Address1 field"
Content="Enter Address1 textbox with value '221-804,Shinmyung
Apartment(Apt.), Cheoncheon-dong, Gyeonggi-do'"
ExpectedResult="'221-804,Shinmyung Apartment(Apt.), Cheoncheon-
dong, Gyeonggi-do' should be displayed in Address1 field" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="1 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'on' value
is displayed on id=form--address--field--DEFAULT_SHIPPING'"
Content="To verify whether 'on' is displayed on'id=form--
address--field--DEFAULT_SHIPPING'" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'on' value should displayed on id=form--address--
field--DEFAULT_SHIPPING'" Path="" Time="1 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'Submit button in Add
address overlay'" Content="Click on 'Submit button in Add address
overlay' " ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on
'Submit button in Add address overlay'" Path="" StepResult="Pass"
Time="2013 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'xpath=(//a[contains(text(),'` -')])[2]' element
is present" Content="To verify
'xpath=(//a[contains(text(),'` -')])[2]' element is present"
ExpectedResult="'xpath=(//a[contains(text(),'` -')])[2]'
element should be present" Path="" Time="2013 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'Css tester' text is present" Content="To verify
'Css tester' text is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'Css tester' text should be present" Path=""
Time="2013 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'221' text is present"
Content="To verify '221' text is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'221' text should be present" Path="" Time="2013
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'link=`C' element is
present" Content="To verify 'link=`C' element is
present" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'link=`C'
element should be present" Path="" Time="2013 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'My Account link'"
Content="Click on 'My Account link' " ExpectedResult="Click
action should be performed on 'My Account link'" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="1857 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'//img[@alt='| C-']' element is
present" Content="To verify '//img[@alt='| C-']'
element is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'//img[@alt='| C-']' element should
be present" Path="" Time="1857 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'Css
tester' text is present" Content="To verify 'Css tester' text is
present" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'Css tester' text
should be present" Path="" Time="1857 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'442-070' text is present" Content="To verify '442-
070' text is present" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'442-070'
text should be present" Path="" Time="1857 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'221-804,Shinmyung Apartment(Apt.), Cheoncheon-
dong, Gyeonggi-do' text is present" Content="To verify '221-
804,Shinmyung Apartment(Apt.), Cheoncheon-dong, Gyeonggi-do' text
is present" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'221-804,Shinmyung
Apartment(Apt.), Cheoncheon-dong, Gyeonggi-do' text should be
present" Path="" Time="1857 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'Jangan-
gu, Suwon' text is present" Content="To verify 'Jangan-gu, Suwon'
text is present" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'Jangan-gu,
Suwon' text should be present" Path="" Time="1857 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'011-1234-5678' text is present" Content="To verify
'011-1234-5678' text is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'011-1234-5678' text should be present" Path=""
Time="1857 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click action is not performed
on 'Address book page link'" Content="Click on 'Address book page
link' " ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on
'Address book page link'" Path="Screenshot\screenshot-TC-My
StepResult="Fail" Time="150371 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'css=a.add-address &gt; img' element is not
present" Content="To verify 'css=a.add-address &gt; img' element
is present" ExpResult="Fail" ExpectedResult="'css=a.add-address
&gt; img' element should be present" Path="Screenshot\screenshot-
TC-My Account.TC006_Add_Edit_Upadte_DefaultShippingAddress-
Expected-47.png" Time="150371 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click
action is not performed on 'Add New address button'"
Content="Click on 'Add New address button' "
ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on 'Add New
address button'" Path="Screenshot\screenshot-TC-My
StepResult="Fail" Time="361 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'id=form--address--field--FULL_NAME' element is not
present" Content="To verify 'id=form--address--field--FULL_NAME'
element is present" ExpResult="Fail" ExpectedResult="'id=form--
address--field--FULL_NAME' element should be present"
48.png" Time="361 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'id=form--
address--field--POSTAL_CODE' element is not present" Content="To
verify 'id=form--address--field--POSTAL_CODE' element is present"
ExpResult="Fail" ExpectedResult="'id=form--address--field--
POSTAL_CODE' element should be present"
49.png" Time="361 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'id=form--
address--field--ADDRESS1' element is not present" Content="To
verify 'id=form--address--field--ADDRESS1' element is present"
ExpResult="Fail" ExpectedResult="'id=form--address--field--
ADDRESS1' element should be present" Path="Screenshot\screenshot-
TC-My Account.TC006_Add_Edit_Upadte_DefaultShippingAddress-
Expected-50.png" Time="361 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'id=form--address--field--ADDRESS2' element is not
present" Content="To verify 'id=form--address--field--ADDRESS2'
element is present" ExpResult="Fail" ExpectedResult="'id=form--
address--field--ADDRESS2' element should be present"
51.png" Time="361 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'id=form--
address--field--PHONE1_AREA_CODE' element is not present"
Content="To verify 'id=form--address--field--PHONE1_AREA_CODE'
element is present" ExpResult="Fail" ExpectedResult="'id=form--
address--field--PHONE1_AREA_CODE' element should be present"
52.png" Time="361 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'id=form--
address--field--PHONE2_AREA_CODE' element is not present"
Content="To verify 'id=form--address--field--PHONE2_AREA_CODE'
element is present" ExpResult="Fail" ExpectedResult="'id=form--
address--field--PHONE2_AREA_CODE' element should be present"
53.png" Time="361 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'false' value is
displayed on id=form--address--field--DEFAULT_SHIPPING'"
Content="To verify whether 'off' is displayed on'id=form--
address--field--DEFAULT_SHIPPING'" ExpResult="Fail"
ExpectedResult="'off' value should be displayed on id=form--
address--field--DEFAULT_SHIPPING'" Path="Screenshot\screenshot-
TC-My Account.TC006_Add_Edit_Upadte_DefaultShippingAddress-
Expected-54.png" Time="361 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click action
is not performed on 'Submit button in Add address overlay'"
Content="Click on 'Submit button in Add address overlay' "
ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on 'Submit
button in Add address overlay'" Path="Screenshot\screenshot-TC-My
StepResult="Fail" Time="358 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'- ` z. - ,s' text is
not present" Content="To verify '- ` z. -
,s' text is present" ExpResult="Fail"
ExpectedResult="'- ` z. - ,s' text
should be present" Path="Screenshot\screenshot-TC-My
55.png" Time="358 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'s`
z. - ,s' text is not present" Content="To verify
's` z. - ,s' text is present"
ExpResult="Fail" ExpectedResult="'s` z. -
,s' text should be present" Path="Screenshot\screenshot-
TC-My Account.TC006_Add_Edit_Upadte_DefaultShippingAddress-
Expected-56.png" Time="358 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'
,, z. -,s' text is not present" Content="To verify
',, z. -,s' text is present" ExpResult="Fail"
ExpectedResult="',, z. -,s' text should be
present" Path="Screenshot\screenshot-TC-My
57.png" Time="358 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'|,|
z. - ,s' text is not present" Content="To verify
'|,| z. - ,s' text is present"
ExpResult="Fail" ExpectedResult="'|,| z. -
,s' text should be present" Path="Screenshot\screenshot-
TC-My Account.TC006_Add_Edit_Upadte_DefaultShippingAddress-
Expected-58.png" Time="358 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'| z. - ,s' text is not
present" Content="To verify '| z. - ,s'
text is present" ExpResult="Fail"
ExpectedResult="'| z. - ,s' text should
be present" Path="Screenshot\screenshot-TC-My
59.png" Time="358 ms"/><Step ActualResult="'False' is displayed
in Full name field" Content="Full name textbox is entered with
value 'testuser2'" ExpectedResult="'testuser2' should be
displayed in Full name field" Path="Screenshot\screenshot-TC-My
StepResult="Fail" Time="351 ms"/><Step ActualResult="'False' is
displayed in Postal code field" Content="Postal code textbox is
entered with value '300-399'" ExpectedResult="'300-399' should be
displayed in Postal code field" Path="Screenshot\screenshot-TC-
My Account.TC006_Add_Edit_Upadte_DefaultShippingAddress-
Step45.png" StepResult="Fail" Time="374 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="'False' is displayed in Address1 field"
Content="Address1 textbox is entered with value 'Yuseong-gu'"
ExpectedResult="'Yuseong-gu' should be displayed in Address1
field" Path="Screenshot\screenshot-TC-My
StepResult="Fail" Time="343 ms"/><Step ActualResult="'False' is
displayed in Address2 field" Content="Address2 textbox is entered
with value '333'" ExpectedResult="'333' should be displayed in
Address2 field" Path="Screenshot\screenshot-TC-My
StepResult="Fail" Time="359 ms"/><Step ActualResult="'False' is
displayed in Phone number Areacode listbox" Content="'011' is
selected in the listbox Phone number Areacode"
ExpectedResult="'011' should be displayed in Phone number
Areacode listbox" Path="Screenshot\screenshot-TC-My
StepResult="Fail" Time="5384 ms"/><Step ActualResult="'False' is
displayed in Phone number-part1 field" Content="Phone number-
part1 textbox is entered with value '33'" ExpectedResult="'33'
should be displayed in Phone number-part1 field"
StepResult="Fail" Time="344 ms"/><Step ActualResult="'False' is
displayed in Phone number-part2 field" Content="Phone number-
part2 textbox is entered with value '123'" ExpectedResult="'123'
should be displayed in Phone number-part2 field"
StepResult="Fail" Time="359 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click action
is not performed on 'Submit button in Add address overlay'"
Content="Click on 'Submit button in Add address overlay' "
ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on 'Submit
button in Add address overlay'" Path="Screenshot\screenshot-TC-My
StepResult="Fail" Time="348 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'.
C , ` -, 3-4 z- `z z.
-' text is not present" Content="To verify '.
C , ` -, 3-4 z- `z z.
-' text is present" ExpResult="Fail"
ExpectedResult="'.C , ` -, 3-4
z- `z z. -' text should be present"
60.png" Time="348 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'C `
` ,-, 4 z- z. -' text is not
present" Content="To verify 'C ` ` ,-,
4 z- z. -' text is present" ExpResult="Fail"
ExpectedResult="'C ` ` ,-, 4 z-
z. -' text should be present"
61.png" Time="348 ms"/><Step ActualResult="'False' is displayed
in Phone number-part1 field" Content="Phone number-part1 textbox
is entered with value '3333'" ExpectedResult="'3333' should be
displayed in Phone number-part1 field"
StepResult="Fail" Time="407 ms"/><Step ActualResult="'False' is
displayed in Phone number-part2 field" Content="Phone number-
part2 textbox is entered with value '1234'"
ExpectedResult="'1234' should be displayed in Phone number-part2
field" Path="Screenshot\screenshot-TC-My
StepResult="Fail" Time="453 ms"/><Step ActualResult="'False' is
displayed in Mobile number area code listbox" Content="'02' is
selected in the listbox Mobile number area code"
ExpectedResult="'02' should be displayed in Mobile number area
code listbox" Path="Screenshot\screenshot-TC-My
StepResult="Fail" Time="5367 ms"/><Step ActualResult="'False' is
displayed in Mobile number part1 field" Content="Mobile number
part1 textbox is entered with value '12'" ExpectedResult="'12'
should be displayed in Mobile number part1 field"
StepResult="Fail" Time="375 ms"/><Step ActualResult="'False' is
displayed in Mobile number part2 field" Content="Mobile number
part2 textbox is entered with value '123'" ExpectedResult="'123'
should be displayed in Mobile number part2 field"
StepResult="Fail" Time="359 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click action
is not performed on 'Submit button in Add address overlay'"
Content="Click on 'Submit button in Add address overlay' "
ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on 'Submit
button in Add address overlay'" Path="Screenshot\screenshot-TC-My
StepResult="Fail" Time="362 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'`
, ` ` ,-, 4 z- z. -.'
text is not present" Content="To verify '` , ` `
,-, 4 z- z. -.' text is present"
ExpResult="Fail" ExpectedResult="'` , ` `
,-, 4 z- z. -.' text should be
present" Path="Screenshot\screenshot-TC-My
62.png" Time="362 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'` ,
` ` -, 3-4 z- `z z. --
.' text is not present" Content="To verify '` ,
` ` -, 3-4 z- `z z. --
.' text is present" ExpResult="Fail" ExpectedResult="'`
, ` ` -, 3-4 z- `z z.
-.' text should be present"
63.png" Time="362 ms"/><Step ActualResult="'False' is displayed
in Mobile number part1 field" Content="Mobile number part1
textbox is entered with value '1234'" ExpectedResult="'1234'
should be displayed in Mobile number part1 field"
StepResult="Fail" Time="345 ms"/><Step ActualResult="'False' is
displayed in Mobile number part2 field" Content="Mobile number
part2 textbox is entered with value '4569'"
ExpectedResult="'4569' should be displayed in Mobile number part2
field" Path="Screenshot\screenshot-TC-My
StepResult="Fail" Time="359 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Checkbox Use
this as my Default shipping address is in 'OFF' state"
Content="Check Use this as my Default shipping address Checkbox"
ExpectedResult="Checkbox Use this as my Default shipping address
should be in 'ON' state" Path="Screenshot\screenshot-TC-My
StepResult="Fail" Time="343 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click action
is not performed on 'Submit button in Add address overlay'"
Content="Click on 'Submit button in Add address overlay' "
ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on 'Submit
button in Add address overlay'" Path="Screenshot\screenshot-TC-My
StepResult="Fail" Time="347 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'testuser2' text is not present" Content="To verify
'testuser2' text is present" ExpResult="Fail"
ExpectedResult="'testuser2' text should be present"
64.png" Time="347 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click action is
performed on 'Default address Edit link'" Content="Click on
'Default address Edit link' " ExpectedResult="Click action should
be performed on 'Default address Edit link'" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="2060 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'on'
value is displayed on id=form--address--field--DEFAULT_SHIPPING'"
Content="To verify whether 'on' is displayed on'id=form--
address--field--DEFAULT_SHIPPING'" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'on' value should displayed on id=form--address--
field--DEFAULT_SHIPPING'" Path="" Time="2060 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'Css tester' value is displayed on id=form--
address--field--FULL_NAME'" Content="To verify whether
'testuser2' is displayed on'id=form--address--field--FULL_NAME'"
ExpResult="Fail" ExpectedResult="'testuser2' value should be
displayed on id=form--address--field--FULL_NAME'"
66.png" Time="2060 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click action is
performed on 'Submit button in Add address overlay'"
Content="Click on 'Submit button in Add address overlay' "
ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on 'Submit
button in Add address overlay'" Path="" StepResult="Pass"
Time="2013 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'link=`C'
element is present" Content="To verify 'link=`C'
element is present" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'link=`
C' element should be present" Path="" Time="2013
ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'My Account
link'" Content="Click on 'My Account link' "
ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on 'My Account
link'" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="2075 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'testuser2' text is not present" Content="To verify
'testuser2' text is present" ExpResult="Fail"
ExpectedResult="'testuser2' text should be present"
68.png" Time="2075 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'300-399' text is
not present" Content="To verify '300-399' text is present"
ExpResult="Fail" ExpectedResult="'300-399' text should be
present" Path="Screenshot\screenshot-TC-My
69.png" Time="2075 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'Yuseong-gu' text
is not present" Content="To verify 'Yuseong-gu' text is present"
ExpResult="Fail" ExpectedResult="'Yuseong-gu' text should be
present" Path="Screenshot\screenshot-TC-My
70.png" Time="2075 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'333' text is not
present" Content="To verify '333' text is present"
ExpResult="Fail" ExpectedResult="'333' text should be present"
71.png" Time="2075 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'011-3333-1234
-' text is not present" Content="To verify '011-3333-1234
-' text is present" ExpResult="Fail"
ExpectedResult="'011-3333-1234 -' text should be present"
72.png" Time="2075 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'02-1234-4569
' text is not present" Content="To verify '02-1234-4569
' text is present" ExpResult="Fail" ExpectedResult="'02-
1234-4569 ' text should be present"
73.png" Time="2075 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click action is
performed on 'View Address Book link'" Content="Click on 'View
Address Book link' " ExpectedResult="Click action should be
performed on 'View Address Book link'" Path="" StepResult="Pass"
Time="2341 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click action is not performed
on 'Edit link2'" Content="Click on 'Edit link2' "
ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on 'Edit link2'"
StepResult="Fail" Time="397 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'css=div.address-delete-confirm &gt; div &gt; h2'
element is present" Content="To verify 'css=div.address-delete-
confirm &gt; div &gt; h2' element is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'css=div.address-delete-confirm &gt; div &gt; h2'
element should be present" Path="" Time="397 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'css=a.delete-confirm' element is present"
Content="To verify 'css=a.delete-confirm' element is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'css=a.delete-confirm' element
should be present" Path="" Time="397 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'link=|' element is present" Content="To
verify 'link=|' element is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'link=|' element should be present" Path=""
Time="397 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'Css tester' text is
present" Content="To verify 'Css tester' text is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'Css tester' text should be
present" Path="" Time="397 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click action
is performed on 'Delete Address link'" Content="Click on 'Delete
Address link' " ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed
on 'Delete Address link'" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="2013
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'css=a.add-address &gt; img' element
is present" Content="To verify 'css=a.add-address &gt; img'
element is present" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'css=a.add-
address &gt; img' element should be present" Path="" Time="2013
ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'Add New
address button'" Content="Click on 'Add New address button' "
ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on 'Add New
address button'" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="2044
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'id=form--address--field--FULL_NAME'
element is present" Content="To verify 'id=form--address--field--
FULL_NAME' element is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'id=form--address--field--FULL_NAME' element
should be present" Path="" Time="2044 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="'testuser3' is displayed in Full name field"
Content="Enter Full name textbox with value 'testuser3'"
ExpectedResult="'testuser3' should be displayed in Full name
field" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="31 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="'800-899' is displayed in Postal code field"
Content="Enter Postal code textbox with value '800-899'"
ExpectedResult="'800-899' should be displayed in Postal code
field" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="31 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="'Ingye-dong Suwon' is displayed in Address1 field"
Content="Enter Address1 textbox with value 'Ingye-dong Suwon'"
ExpectedResult="'Ingye-dong Suwon' should be displayed in
Address1 field" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="16 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="'444' is displayed in Address2 field"
Content="Enter Address2 textbox with value '444'"
ExpectedResult="'444' should be displayed in Address2 field"
Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="15 ms"/><Step ActualResult="'011'
is displayed in Phone number Areacode listbox" Content="Select
Phone number Areacode with value '011'" ExpectedResult="'011'
should be displayed in Phone number Areacode listbox" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="15 ms"/><Step ActualResult="'3333' is
displayed in Phone number-part1 field" Content="Enter Phone
number-part1 textbox with value '3333'" ExpectedResult="'3333'
should be displayed in Phone number-part1 field" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="16 ms"/><Step ActualResult="'1234' is
displayed in Phone number-part2 field" Content="Enter Phone
number-part2 textbox with value '1234'" ExpectedResult="'1234'
should be displayed in Phone number-part2 field" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="16 ms"/><Step ActualResult="'02' is
displayed in Mobile number area code listbox" Content="Select
Mobile number area code with value '02'" ExpectedResult="'02'
should be displayed in Mobile number area code listbox" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="16 ms"/><Step ActualResult="'1234' is
displayed in Mobile number part1 field" Content="Enter Mobile
number part1 textbox with value '1234'" ExpectedResult="'1234'
should be displayed in Mobile number part1 field" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="15 ms"/><Step ActualResult="'4569' is
displayed in Mobile number part2 field" Content="Enter Mobile
number part2 textbox with value '4569'" ExpectedResult="'4569'
should be displayed in Mobile number part2 field" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="31 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'off'
value is displayed on id=form--address--field--DEFAULT_SHIPPING'"
Content="To verify whether 'off' is displayed on'id=form--
address--field--DEFAULT_SHIPPING'" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'off' value should displayed on id=form--
address--field--DEFAULT_SHIPPING'" Path="" Time="31 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'Submit button in Add
address overlay'" Content="Click on 'Submit button in Add address
overlay' " ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on
'Submit button in Add address overlay'" Path="" StepResult="Pass"
Time="2028 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'testuser3' text is
present" Content="To verify 'testuser3' text is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'testuser3' text should be
present" Path="" Time="2028 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'800-
899' text is present" Content="To verify '800-899' text is
present" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'800-899' text should
be present" Path="" Time="2028 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'Ingye-dong Suwon' text is present" Content="To
verify 'Ingye-dong Suwon' text is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'Ingye-dong Suwon' text should be present"
Path="" Time="2028 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'444' text is
present" Content="To verify '444' text is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'444' text should be present"
Path="" Time="2028 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'011-3333-1234'
text is present" Content="To verify '011-3333-1234' text is
present" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'011-3333-1234' text
should be present" Path="" Time="2028 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'link= | , --`.' element is
not present" Content="To verify 'link= |
, --`.' element is present" ExpResult="Fail"
ExpectedResult="'link= | , --`.' element
should be present" Path="Screenshot\screenshot-TC-My
86.png" Time="2028 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'xpath=(//a[contains(text(),'` -')])[2]' element
is present" Content="To verify
'xpath=(//a[contains(text(),'` -')])[2]' element is present"
ExpectedResult="'xpath=(//a[contains(text(),'` -')])[2]'
element should be present" Path="" Time="2028 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'Default address Edit
link'" Content="Click on 'Default address Edit link' "
ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on 'Default
address Edit link'" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="2044
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'off' value is displayed on
id=form--address--field--DEFAULT_SHIPPING'" Content="To verify
whether 'off' is displayed on'id=form--address--field--
DEFAULT_SHIPPING'" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'off' value
should displayed on id=form--address--field--DEFAULT_SHIPPING'"
Path="" Time="2044 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Checkbox Use this as
my Default shipping address is in 'ON' state" Content="Check Use
this as my Default shipping address Checkbox"
ExpectedResult="Checkbox Use this as my Default shipping address
should be in 'ON' state" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="31
ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'Submit
button in Add address overlay'" Content="Click on 'Submit button
in Add address overlay' " ExpectedResult="Click action should be
performed on 'Submit button in Add address overlay'" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="2028 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'css=img.subs_image' element is present"
Content="To verify 'css=img.subs_image' element is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'css=img.subs_image' element
should be present" Path="" Time="2028 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'Delete address
overlay'" Content="Click on 'Delete address overlay' "
ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on 'Delete
address overlay'" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="2855 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'My Account link'"
Content="Click on 'My Account link' " ExpectedResult="Click
action should be performed on 'My Account link'" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="3135 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'testuser3' text is present" Content="To verify
'testuser3' text is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'testuser3' text should be present" Path=""
Time="3135 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'800-899' text is
present" Content="To verify '800-899' text is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'800-899' text should be
present" Path="" Time="3135 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'Ingye-
dong Suwon' text is present" Content="To verify 'Ingye-dong
Suwon' text is present" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'Ingye-
dong Suwon' text should be present" Path="" Time="3135
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'444' text is present" Content="To
verify '444' text is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'444' text should be present" Path="" Time="3135
ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'View
Address Book link'" Content="Click on 'View Address Book link' "
ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on 'View Address
Book link'" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="3276 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'link= ' element is present" Content="To verify
'link= ' element is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'link= ' element should be present" Path=""
Time="3276 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click action is performed on
'Delete link in confirmation overlay'" Content="Click on 'Delete
link in confirmation overlay' " ExpectedResult="Click action
should be performed on 'Delete link in confirmation overlay'"
Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="2043 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'css=div.address-delete-confirm &gt; div &gt; h2'
element is present" Content="To verify 'css=div.address-delete-
confirm &gt; div &gt; h2' element is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'css=div.address-delete-confirm &gt; div &gt; h2'
element should be present" Path="" Time="2043 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'css=a.delete-confirm' element is present"
Content="To verify 'css=a.delete-confirm' element is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'css=a.delete-confirm' element
should be present" Path="" Time="2043 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'Delete Address link'"
Content="Click on 'Delete Address link' " ExpectedResult="Click
action should be performed on 'Delete Address link'" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="2012 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'link= ' element is not present" Content="To
verify 'link= ' element is present" ExpResult="Fail"
ExpectedResult="'link= ' element should be present"
97.png" Time="2012 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click action is not
performed on 'Delete link in confirmation overlay'"
Content="Click on 'Delete link in confirmation overlay' "
ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on 'Delete link
in confirmation overlay'" Path="Screenshot\screenshot-TC-My
StepResult="Fail" Time="396 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'css=div.address-delete-confirm &gt; div &gt; h2'
element is not present" Content="To verify 'css=div.address-
delete-confirm &gt; div &gt; h2' element is present"
ExpResult="Fail" ExpectedResult="'css=div.address-delete-confirm
&gt; div &gt; h2' element should be present"
98.png" Time="396 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click action is not
performed on 'Delete Address link'" Content="Click on 'Delete
Address link' " ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed
on 'Delete Address link'" Path="Screenshot\screenshot-TC-My
StepResult="Fail" Time="450 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'link=` -' element is present" Content="To
verify 'link=` -' element is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'link=` -' element should be present" Path=""
Time="450 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click action is performed on
'Registration address Edit link'" Content="Click on 'Registration
address Edit link' " ExpectedResult="Click action should be
performed on 'Registration address Edit link'" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="2064 ms"/><Step ActualResult="'updated
user' is displayed in Full name field" Content="Enter Full name
textbox with value 'updated user'" ExpectedResult="'updated user'
should be displayed in Full name field" Path="" StepResult="Pass"
Time="8 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'off' value is displayed on
id=form--address--field--DEFAULT_SHIPPING'" Content="To verify
whether 'off' is displayed on'id=form--address--field--
DEFAULT_SHIPPING'" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'off' value
should displayed on id=form--address--field--DEFAULT_SHIPPING'"
Path="" Time="8 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click action is
performed on 'Use this as my Default shipping address'"
Content="Click on 'Use this as my Default shipping address' "
ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on 'Use this as
my Default shipping address'" Path="" StepResult="Pass"
Time="2013 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click action is performed on
'Submit button in Add address overlay'" Content="Click on 'Submit
button in Add address overlay' " ExpectedResult="Click action
should be performed on 'Submit button in Add address overlay'"
Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="2012 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'updated user' text is not present" Content="To
verify 'updated user' text is present" ExpResult="Fail"
ExpectedResult="'updated user' text should be present"
101.png" Time="2012 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'
|C |' text is present" Content="To verify '
|C |' text is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="' |C |' text should be present"
Path="" Time="2012 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'updated user'
text is present" Content="To verify 'updated user' text is
present" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'updated user' text
should be present" Path="" Time="2012 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'link=`C' element is present"
Content="To verify 'link=`C' element is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'link=`C' element
should be present" Path="" Time="2012 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'My Account link'"
Content="Click on 'My Account link' " ExpectedResult="Click
action should be performed on 'My Account link'" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="2439 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'updated user' text is present" Content="To verify
'updated user' text is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'updated user' text should be present" Path=""
Time="2439 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click action is performed on
'Account Profile button'" Content="Click on 'Account Profile
button' " ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on
'Account Profile button'" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="2511
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'id=form--registration_mb--field--
PASSWORD' element is present" Content="To verify 'id=form--
registration_mb--field--PASSWORD' element is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'id=form--registration_mb--
field--PASSWORD' element should be present" Path="" Time="2511
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'updated user' text is present"
Content="To verify 'updated user' text is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'updated user' text should be
present" Path="" Time="2511 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click action
is performed on 'Submit button in Bypass page'" Content="Click on
'Submit button in Bypass page' " ExpectedResult="Click action
should be performed on 'Submit button in Bypass page'" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="1994 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'css=a[title=&quot;logout&quot;]' element is
present" Content="To verify 'css=a[title=&quot;logout&quot;]'
element is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'css=a[title=&quot;logout&quot;]' element should
be present" Path="" Time="1994 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click
action is performed on 'Logout link'" Content="Click on 'Logout
link' " ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on
'Logout link'" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="2057
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'id=signout_msg..' element is
present" Content="To verify 'id=signout_msg..' element is
present" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'id=signout_msg..'
element should be present" Path="" Time="2057 ms"/></TC><TC
ader ActualResult="Order details page is displayed properly and
Reorder from Past Purchases is done successfully" Content=""
ExpectedResult="Order details page should be displayed properly
and Reorder from Past Purchases should be done successfully"
Result="Pass" TCTime="94 Sec"/><Step ActualResult="Clear Cookies'
deleted all visible cookies " Content="Delete Clear Cookies'"
ExpectedResult="Clear Cookies should delete all visible cookies"
Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="30 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Open
action is performed on 'Labseries KR Stage URL'" Content="Open
'Labseries KR Stage URL' " ExpectedResult="Open action should be
performed on 'Labseries KR Stage URL'" Path="" StepResult="Pass"
Time="214 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'id=mobile_link' element
is present" Content="To verify 'id=mobile_link' element is
present" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'id=mobile_link'
element should be present" Path="" Time="214 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'Mobile toggle link'"
Content="Click on 'Mobile toggle link' " ExpectedResult="Click
action should be performed on 'Mobile toggle link'" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="175 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'you are
currently browsing the MOBILE site.' text is present" Content="To
verify 'you are currently browsing the MOBILE site.' text is
present" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'you are currently
browsing the MOBILE site.' text should be present" Path=""
Time="175 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'link=home page' element
is present" Content="To verify 'link=home page' element is
present" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'link=home page'
element should be present" Path="" Time="175 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'Home page link in
toggle'" Content="Click on 'Home page link in toggle' "
ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on 'Home page
link in toggle'" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="2974
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'css=img[alt=&quot;
C&quot;]' element is present" Content="To verify
'css=img[alt=&quot; C&quot;]' element is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'css=img[alt=&quot;
C&quot;]' element should be present" Path="" Time="2974
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'link=' element is present"
Content="To verify 'link=' element is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'link=' element should be
present" Path="" Time="1?8: ms"/><*tep #$tual-esult="Cli$2 a$tion is per)ormed on
'*i+nin lin2'" Content="Cli$2 on '*i+nin lin2' " 'xpe$ted-esult="Cli$2 a$tion should be
per)ormed on '*i+nin lin2'" Path="" *tep-esult="Pass" Time="3038 ms"/><'xpe$ted
element is present" Content="To 3eri)" 'id=)orm@@si+nin&ne.&user@@)ield@@
A'B&(*'-&'!#I5&#-'**' element is present" 'xp-esult="Pass"
element should be present" Path="" Time="3038 ms"/><*tep #$tual-esult="The 3alue is
stored in 'emailid'" Content="*tore the 3alue in 'emailid' " 'xpe$ted-esult="The 3alue
should be stored in 'emailid'" Path="" *tep-esult="Pass" Time="0 ms"/><*tep
#$tual-esult="'$sstestin+078?' is displa"ed in Ae. (ser 'mail address
)ield" Content="'nter Ae. (ser 'mail address textbox .ith 3alue
'$sstestin+078?'" 'xpe$ted-esult="'$sstestin+078?'
should be displa"ed in Ae. (ser 'mail address )ield" Path="" *tep-esult="Pass"
Time="73 ms"/><*tep #$tual-esult="Cli$2 a$tion is per)ormed on 'Ae. (ser submit
button'" Content="Cli$2 on 'Ae. (ser submit button' " 'xpe$ted-esult="Cli$2 a$tion
should be per)ormed on 'Ae. (ser submit button'" Path="" *tep-esult="Pass"
Time="180% ms"/><'xpe$ted #$tual-esult="'$ss=input;t"pe=<=uot>ima+e<=uot>D'
element is present" Content="To 3eri)" '$ss=input;t"pe=<=uot>ima+e<=uot>D' element is
present" 'xp-esult="Pass" 'xpe$ted-esult="'$ss=input;t"pe=<=uot>ima+e<=uot>D'
element should be present" Path="" Time="180% ms"/><'xpe$ted
#$tual-esult="'id=b"pass&submit' element is present" Content="To 3eri)"
'id=b"pass&submit' element is present" 'xp-esult="Pass"
'xpe$ted-esult="'id=b"pass&submit' element should be present" Path="" Time="180%
ms"/><*tep #$tual-esult="Che$2box Terms $onditions $he$2box is in '4A' state"
Content="Che$2 Terms $onditions $he$2box Che$2box" 'xpe$ted-esult="Che$2box
Terms $onditions $he$2box should be in '4A' state" Path="" *tep-esult="Pass"
Time="77 ms"/><*tep #$tual-esult="Che$2box Pri3a$" Poli$" Che$2box is in '4A'
state" Content="Che$2 Pri3a$" Poli$" Che$2box Che$2box" 'xpe$ted-esult="Che$2box
Pri3a$" Poli$" Che$2box should be in '4A' state" Path="" *tep-esult="Pass" Time=":8
ms"/><*tep #$tual-esult="Cli$2 a$tion is per)ormed on '9"pass sta+e lin2'"
Content="Cli$2 on '9"pass sta+e lin2' " 'xpe$ted-esult="Cli$2 a$tion should be
per)ormed on '9"pass sta+e lin2'" Path="" *tep-esult="Pass" Time="1038
ms"/><'xpe$ted #$tual-esult="'id=)orm@@re+istration&mb@@)ield@@P#**B4-' element
is present" Content="To 3eri)" 'id=)orm@@re+istration&mb@@)ield@@P#**B4-' element
is present" 'xp-esult="Pass" 'xpe$ted-esult="'id=)orm@@re+istration&mb@@)ield@@
P#**B4-' element should be present" Path="" Time="1038 ms"/><*tep
#$tual-esult="'713:0%8' is displa"ed in Pass.ord )ield in Create an a$$ount pa+e )ield"
Content="'nter Pass.ord )ield in Create an a$$ount pa+e textbox .ith 3alue '713:0%8'"
'xpe$ted-esult="'713:0%8' should be displa"ed in Pass.ord )ield in Create an a$$ount
pa+e )ield" Path="" *tep-esult="Pass" Time="70 ms"/><*tep #$tual-esult="'713:0%8' is
displa"ed in Eeri)" Pass.ord )ield in Create an a$$ount pa+e )ield" Content="'nter
Eeri)" Pass.ord )ield in Create an a$$ount pa+e textbox .ith 3alue '713:0%8'"
'xpe$ted-esult="'713:0%8' should be displa"ed in Eeri)" Pass.ord )ield in Create an
a$$ount pa+e )ield" Path="" *tep-esult="Pass" Time="70 ms"/><*tep
#$tual-esult="'713:0%' is displa"ed in Pass.ord ,int in Create an #$$ount )ield"
Content="'nter Pass.ord ,int in Create an #$$ount textbox .ith 3alue '713:0%'"
'xpe$ted-esult="'713:0%' should be displa"ed in Pass.ord ,int in Create an #$$ount
)ield" Path="" *tep-esult="Pass" Time="7: ms"/><'xpe$ted #$tual-esult="'id=)orm@@
address@@)ield@@P4*T#5&C4'' element is present" Content="To 3eri)" 'id=)orm@@
address@@)ield@@P4*T#5&C4'' element is present" 'xp-esult="Pass"
'xpe$ted-esult="'id=)orm@@address@@)ield@@P4*T#5&C4'' element should be present"
Path="" Time="7: ms"/><*tep #$tual-esult="'::1@080' is displa"ed in Postal $ode
)ield" Content="
nter Postal $ode textbox .ith 3alue '::1@080'" 'xpe$ted-esult="'::1@080' should be
displa"ed in Postal $ode )ield" Path="" *tep-esult="Pass" Time="70 ms"/><*tep
#$tual-esult="'807@80:F*hinm"un+ #partmentG#pt.HF Cheon$heon@don+F I"eon++i@do'
is displa"ed in #ddress7 )ield" Content="'nter #ddress7 textbox .ith 3alue '807@
80:F*hinm"un+ #partmentG#pt.HF Cheon$heon@don+F I"eon++i@do'"
'xpe$ted-esult="'807@80:F*hinm"un+ #partmentG#pt.HF Cheon$heon@don+F I"eon++i@
do' should be displa"ed in #ddress7 )ield" Path="" *tep-esult="Pass" Time="10
ms"/><*tep #$tual-esult="'Jan+an@+uF *u.onF' is displa"ed in #ddress1 )ield"
Content="'nter #ddress1 textbox .ith 3alue 'Jan+an@+uF *u.onF'"
'xpe$ted-esult="'Jan+an@+uF *u.onF' should be displa"ed in #ddress1 )ield" Path=""
*tep-esult="Pass" Time="77 ms"/><*tep #$tual-esult="'077' is displa"ed in Phone
number #rea$ode listbox" Content="*ele$t Phone number #rea$ode .ith 3alue '077'"
'xpe$ted-esult="'077' should be displa"ed in Phone number #rea$ode listbox" Path=""
*tep-esult="Pass" Time="10 ms"/><*tep #$tual-esult="'713:' is displa"ed in Phone
number@part7 )ield" Content="'nter Phone number@part7 textbox .ith 3alue '713:'"
'xpe$ted-esult="'713:' should be displa"ed in Phone number@part7 )ield" Path=""
*tep-esult="Pass" Time="17 ms"/><*tep #$tual-esult="'0%88' is displa"ed in Phone
number@part1 )ield" Content="'nter Phone number@part1 textbox .ith 3alue '0%88'"
'xpe$ted-esult="'0%88' should be displa"ed in Phone number@part1 )ield" Path=""
*tep-esult="Pass" Time="? ms"/><*tep #$tual-esult="Cli$2 a$tion is per)ormed on
'*ubmit button in 9"pass pa+e'" Content="Cli$2 on '*ubmit button in 9"pass pa+e' "
'xpe$ted-esult="Cli$2 a$tion should be per)ormed on '*ubmit button in 9"pass pa+e'"
Path="" *tep-esult="Pass" Time="1080 ms"/><'xpe$ted
#$tual-esult="'$ss=im+;alt=<=uot>KLMNO PQRKSTPUV<=uot>D' element is present"
Content="To 3eri)" '$ss=im+;alt=<=uot>KLMNO PQRKSTPUV<=uot>D' element is present"
'xp-esult="Pass" 'xpe$ted-esult="'$ss=im+;alt=<=uot>KLMNO PQRKSTPUV<=uot>D'
element should be present" Path="" Time="1080 ms"/><*tep #$tual-esult="Cli$2 a$tion
is per)ormed on '9rand 5o+o'" Content="Cli$2 on '9rand 5o+o' " 'xpe$ted-esult="Cli$2
a$tion should be per)ormed on '9rand 5o+o'" Path="" *tep-esult="Pass" Time="3?08
ms"/><'xpe$ted #$tual-esult="'$ss=dt.menu3' element is present" Content="To 3eri)"
'$ss=dt.menu3' element is present" 'xp-esult="Pass" 'xpe$ted-esult="'$ss=dt.menu3'
element should be present" Path="" Time="3?08 ms"/><*tep #$tual-esult="Cli$2 a$tion
is per)ormed on 'Produ$t $ate+or"'" Content="Cli$2 on 'Produ$t $ate+or"' "
'xpe$ted-esult="Cli$2 a$tion should be per)ormed on 'Produ$t $ate+or"'" Path=""
*tep-esult="Pass" Time="1013 ms"/><'xpe$ted #$tual-esult="'$ss=a;title=<=uot>P
WQPQRKTX KUQYQZ<=uot>D' element is present" Content="To 3eri)" '$ss=a;title=<=uot>P
WQPQRKTX KUQYQZ<=uot>D' element is present" 'xp-esult="Pass"
'xpe$ted-esult="'$ss=a;title=<=uot>PWQPQRKTX KUQYQZ<=uot>D' element should be
present" Path="" Time="1013 ms"/><*tep #$tual-esult="Cli$2 a$tion is per)ormed on
'*ub menu'" Content="Cli$2 on '*ub menu' " 'xpe$ted-esult="Cli$2 a$tion should be
per)ormed on '*ub menu'" Path="" *tep-esult="Pass" Time="3810 ms"/><'xpe$ted
#$tual-esult="'lin2=KU[P\MK]^ P_RYQZY`T PWQPQRKTX P a' element is present"
Content="To 3eri)" 'lin2=KU[P\MK]^ P_RYQZY`T PWQPQRKTX P a' element is present"
'xp-esult="Pass" 'xpe$ted-esult="'lin2=KU[P\MK]^ P_RYQZY`T PWQPQRKTX P a' element
should be present" Path="" Time="3810 ms"/><*tep #$tual-esult="Cli$2 a$tion is
per)ormed on 'Produ$t name'" Content="Cli$2 on 'Produ$t name' "
'xpe$ted-esult="Cli$2 a$tion should be per)ormed on 'Produ$t name'" Path=""
*tep-esult="Pass" Time="3317 ms"/><'xpe$ted #$tual-esult="'$ss=input.add&button'
element is present" Content="To 3eri)" '$ss=input.add&button' element is present"
'xp-esult="Pass" 'xpe$ted-esult="'$ss=input.add&button' element should be present"
Path="" Time="3317 ms"/><*tep #$tual-esult="Cli$2 a$tion is per)ormed on '#dd to
ba+ o3erla"'" Content="Cli$2 on '#dd to ba+ o3erla"' " 'xpe$ted-esult="Cli$2 a$tion
should be per)ormed on '#dd to ba+ o3erla"'" Path="" *tep-esult="Pass" Time="107%
ms"/><*tep #$tual-esult="Cli$2 a$tion is per)ormed on 'Close lin2 in #dd to 9a+
o3erla"'" Content="Cli$2 on 'Close lin2 in #dd to 9a+ o3erla"' " 'xpe$ted-esult="Cli$2
a$tion should be per)ormed on 'Close lin2 in #dd to 9a+ o3erla"'" Path=""
*tep-esult="Pass" Time="10%8 ms"/><'xpe$ted
#$tual-esult="'$ss=a;title=<=uot>shoppin+<=uot>D' element is present" Content="To
3eri)" '$ss=a;title=<=uot>shoppin+<=uot>D' element is present" 'xp-esult="Pass"
'xpe$ted-esult="'$ss=a;title=<=uot>shoppin+<=uot>D' element should be present"
Path="" Time="10%8 ms"/><*tep #$tual-esult="Cli$2 a$tion is per)ormed on 'Eie. $art
lin2 in Ina3'" Content="Cli$2 on 'Eie. $art lin2 in Ina3' " 'xpe$ted-esult="Cli$2
a$tion should be per)ormed on 'Eie. $art lin2 in Ina3'" Path="" *tep-esult="Pass"
Time="%10? ms"/><'xpe$ted #$tual-esult="'KU[P\MK]^ P_RYQZY`T PWQPQRKTX P a' text
is present" Content="To 3eri)" 'KU[P\MK]^ P_RYQZY`T PWQPQRKTX P a' text is present"
'xp-esult="Pass" 'xpe$ted-esult="'KU[P\MK]^ P_RYQZY`T PWQPQRKTX P a' text
should be present" Path="" Time="6209 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'Continue checkout
button in Shopping cart page'" Content="Click on 'Continue
checkout button in Shopping cart page' " ExpectedResult="Click
action should be performed on 'Continue checkout button in
Shopping cart page'" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="3148
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'xpath=(//input[@type='image'])[2]'
element is present" Content="To verify
'xpath=(//input[@type='image'])[2]' element is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'xpath=(//input[@type='image'])
[2]' element should be present" Path="" Time="3148 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'Continue checkout
button in Shipping page'" Content="Click on 'Continue checkout
button in Shipping page' " ExpectedResult="Click action should be
performed on 'Continue checkout button in Shipping page'" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="3044 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'|C |' text is present" Content="To
verify '|C |' text is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'|C |' text should be present"
Path="" Time="3044 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'bypassAccount'
text is present" Content="To verify 'bypassAccount' text is
present" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'bypassAccount' text
should be present" Path="" Time="3044 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'link=Bypass inicis processing CC' element is
present" Content="To verify 'link=Bypass inicis processing CC'
element is present" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'link=Bypass
inicis processing CC' element should be present" Path=""
Time="3044 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'` -S
' text is present" Content="To verify '`
-S ' text is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'` -S ' text should
be present" Path="" Time="3044 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click
action is performed on 'Bypass link in Order review page'"
Content="Click on 'Bypass link in Order review page' "
ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on 'Bypass link
in Order review page'" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="2022
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'css=p.btn-shopping-bottom &gt; a
&gt; img[alt=&quot;-` ,|-&quot;]' element is
present" Content="To verify 'css=p.btn-shopping-bottom &gt; a
&gt; img[alt=&quot;-` ,|-&quot;]' element is
present" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'css=p.btn-shopping-
bottom &gt; a &gt; img[alt=&quot;-` ,|-&quot;]'
element should be present" Path="" Time="2022 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="The value is stored in 'orderno'" Content="Store
the value in 'orderno' " ExpectedResult="The value should be
stored in 'orderno'" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="25
ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'Continue
Shopping button in Order Confirmation page'" Content="Click on
'Continue Shopping button in Order Confirmation page' "
ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on 'Continue
Shopping button in Order Confirmation page'" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="3598 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'css=img[alt=&quot; C&quot;]' element
is present" Content="To verify 'css=img[alt=&quot;
C&quot;]' element is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'css=img[alt=&quot; C&quot;]'
element should be present" Path="" Time="3598 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'link=`C' element is present"
Content="To verify 'link=`C' element is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'link=`C' element
should be present" Path="" Time="3598 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'My Account link'"
Content="Click on 'My Account link' " ExpectedResult="Click
action should be performed on 'My Account link'" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="2469 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'css=img.topbtn' element is present" Content="To
verify 'css=img.topbtn' element is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'css=img.topbtn' element should be present"
Path="" Time="2469 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'-||'
text is present" Content="To verify '-||' text is
present" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'-||' text
should be present" Path="" Time="2469 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'1005055851' text is present" Content="To verify
'1005055851' text is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'1005055851' text should be present" Path=""
Time="2469 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click action is performed on
'Order page button'" Content="Click on 'Order page button' "
ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on 'Order page
button'" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="2036 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'| -' text is present" Content="To
verify '| -' text is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'| -' text should be present"
Path="" Time="2036 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'1005055851' text
is present" Content="To verify '1005055851' text is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'1005055851' text should be
present" Path="" Time="2036 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'css=img[alt=&quot;Details&quot;]' element is
present" Content="To verify 'css=img[alt=&quot;Details&quot;]'
element is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'css=img[alt=&quot;Details&quot;]' element should
be present" Path="" Time="2036 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click
action is performed on 'Details link'" Content="Click on 'Details
link' " ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on
'Details link'" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="2121
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'|,- -' text is
present" Content="To verify '|,- -' text is
present" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'|,- -'
text should be present" Path="" Time="2121 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'1005055851' text is present" Content="To verify
'1005055851' text is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'1005055851' text should be present" Path=""
Time="2121 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click action is performed on
'Back to Orders page'" Content="Click on 'Back to Orders page' "
ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on 'Back to
Orders page'" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="2434 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'Reorder page'"
Content="Click on 'Reorder page' " ExpectedResult="Click action
should be performed on 'Reorder page'" Path="" StepResult="Pass"
Time="4743 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'` -S
' text is present" Content="To verify '`
-S ' text is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'` -S ' text should
be present" Path="" Time="4743 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'css=input.add_button' element is present"
Content="To verify 'css=input.add_button' element is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'css=input.add_button' element
should be present" Path="" Time="4743 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'Add to bag overlay'"
Content="Click on 'Add to bag overlay' " ExpectedResult="Click
action should be performed on 'Add to bag overlay'" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="2013 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click
action is performed on 'Close link in Add to Bag overlay'"
Content="Click on 'Close link in Add to Bag overlay' "
ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on 'Close link
in Add to Bag overlay'" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="2010
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'css=a[title=&quot;shopping&quot;]'
element is present" Content="To verify
'css=a[title=&quot;shopping&quot;]' element is present"
ExpectedResult="'css=a[title=&quot;shopping&quot;]' element
should be present" Path="" Time="2010 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'View cart link in
Gnav'" Content="Click on 'View cart link in Gnav' "
ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on 'View cart
link in Gnav'" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="3381
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'` -S '
text is present" Content="To verify '` -S
' text is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'` -S ' text should
be present" Path="" Time="3381 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click
action is performed on 'Remove product'" Content="Click on
'Remove product' " ExpectedResult="Click action should be
performed on 'Remove product'" Path="" StepResult="Pass"
Time="5107 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'css=a[title=&quot;logout&quot;]' element is
present" Content="To verify 'css=a[title=&quot;logout&quot;]'
element is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'css=a[title=&quot;logout&quot;]' element should
be present" Path="" Time="5107 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click
action is performed on 'Logout link'" Content="Click on 'Logout
link' " ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on
'Logout link'" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="2023
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'-,| `S`.' text
is present" Content="To verify '-,| `S`.'
text is present" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'-,|
`S`.' text should be present" Path="" Time="2023
ms"/></TC><TC ID="My
er ActualResult="User is able to create an account during
checkout. Verification and Validation of the fields in Checkout
registration page and Add New Address Popover is done
sucessfully" Content="" ExpectedResult="User should be able to
create an account during checkout. Verification and Validation of
the fields in Checkout registration page and Add New Address
Popover should be done sucessfully" Result="Pass" TCTime="61
Sec"/><Step ActualResult="Clear Cookies' deleted all visible
cookies " Content="Delete Clear Cookies'" ExpectedResult="Clear
Cookies should delete all visible cookies" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="27 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Open action
is performed on 'Labseries KR Stage URL'" Content="Open
'Labseries KR Stage URL' " ExpectedResult="Open action should be
performed on 'Labseries KR Stage URL'" Path="" StepResult="Pass"
Time="231 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'id=mobile_link' element
is present" Content="To verify 'id=mobile_link' element is
present" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'id=mobile_link'
element should be present" Path="" Time="231 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'Mobile toggle link'"
Content="Click on 'Mobile toggle link' " ExpectedResult="Click
action should be performed on 'Mobile toggle link'" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="198 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'you are
currently browsing the MOBILE site.' text is present" Content="To
verify 'you are currently browsing the MOBILE site.' text is
present" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'you are currently
browsing the MOBILE site.' text should be present" Path=""
Time="198 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'link=home page' element
is present" Content="To verify 'link=home page' element is
present" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'link=home page'
element should be present" Path="" Time="198 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'Home page link in
toggle'" Content="Click on 'Home page link in toggle' "
ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on 'Home page
link in toggle'" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="3018
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'css=img[alt=&quot;
C&quot;]' element is present" Content="To verify
'css=img[alt=&quot; C&quot;]' element is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'css=img[alt=&quot;
C&quot;]' element should be present" Path="" Time="3018
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'css=dt.menu3' element is present"
Content="To verify 'css=dt.menu3' element is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'css=dt.menu3' element should be
present" Path="" Time="3018 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click action
is performed on 'Product category'" Content="Click on 'Product
category' " ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on
'Product category'" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="2029
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'css=a[title=&quot;
-&quot;]' element is present" Content="To verify
'css=a[title=&quot; -&quot;]' element is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'css=a[title=&quot;
-&quot;]' element should be present" Path="" Time="2029
ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'Sub menu'"
Content="Click on 'Sub menu' " ExpectedResult="Click action
should be performed on 'Sub menu'" Path="" StepResult="Pass"
Time="2997 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'link=` -S
' element is present" Content="To verify
'link=` -S ' element is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'link=` -S
' element should be present" Path="" Time="2997
ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'Product
name'" Content="Click on 'Product name' " ExpectedResult="Click
action should be performed on 'Product name'" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="3870 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'css=input.add_button' element is present"
Content="To verify 'css=input.add_button' element is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'css=input.add_button' element
should be present" Path="" Time="3870 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'Add to bag overlay'"
Content="Click on 'Add to bag overlay' " ExpectedResult="Click
action should be performed on 'Add to bag overlay'" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="2014 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'css=img.close' element is present" Content="To
verify 'css=img.close' element is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'css=img.close' element should be present"
Path="" Time="2014 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click action is
performed on 'Close link in Add to Bag overlay'" Content="Click
on 'Close link in Add to Bag overlay' " ExpectedResult="Click
action should be performed on 'Close link in Add to Bag overlay'"
Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="2027 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'css=a[title=&quot;shopping&quot;]' element is
present" Content="To verify 'css=a[title=&quot;shopping&quot;]'
element is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'css=a[title=&quot;shopping&quot;]' element
should be present" Path="" Time="2027 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'View cart link in
Gnav'" Content="Click on 'View cart link in Gnav' "
ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on 'View cart
link in Gnav'" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="2825
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'` -S '
text is present" Content="To verify '` -S
' text is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'` -S ' text should
be present" Path="" Time="2825 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click
action is performed on 'Continue checkout button in Shopping cart
page'" Content="Click on 'Continue checkout button in Shopping
cart page' " ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on
'Continue checkout button in Shopping cart page'" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="3341 ms"/><Step ActualResult="The value
is stored in 'emailid'" Content="Store the value in 'emailid' "
ExpectedResult="The value should be stored in 'emailid'" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="0 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'id=form--
checkout_signin_new_user--field--NEW_USER_EMAIL_ADDRESS' element
is present" Content="To verify 'id=form--
checkout_signin_new_user--field--NEW_USER_EMAIL_ADDRESS' element
is present" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'id=form--
checkout_signin_new_user--field--NEW_USER_EMAIL_ADDRESS' element
should be present" Path="" Time="0 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="'' is displayed in
New user email address-Checkout Sign in page field"
Content="Enter New user email address-Checkout Sign in page
textbox with value ''"
ExpectedResult="'' should be
displayed in New user email address-Checkout Sign in page field"
Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="19 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click
action is performed on 'New User submit button'" Content="Click
on 'New User submit button' " ExpectedResult="Click action should
be performed on 'New User submit button'" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="2558 ms"/><Expected
ACCEPT_TERMS' element is present" Content="To verify 'id=form--
checkout_national_id_mobile--field--ACCEPT_TERMS' element is
present" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'id=form--
checkout_national_id_mobile--field--ACCEPT_TERMS' element should
be present" Path="" Time="2558 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click
action is performed on 'Terms conditions checkbox - Checkout reg
page'" Content="Click on 'Terms conditions checkbox - Checkout
reg page' " ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on
'Terms conditions checkbox - Checkout reg page'" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="2010 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click
action is performed on 'Privacy Policy Checkbox -Checkout reg
page'" Content="Click on 'Privacy Policy Checkbox -Checkout reg
page' " ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on
'Privacy Policy Checkbox -Checkout reg page'" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="2005 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'id=bypass_submit' element is present" Content="To
verify 'id=bypass_submit' element is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'id=bypass_submit' element should be present"
Path="" Time="2005 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click action is
performed on 'Bypass stage link'" Content="Click on 'Bypass stage
link' " ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on
'Bypass stage link'" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="2469
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'id=form--checkout_registration_mb--
field--PASSWORD' element is present" Content="To verify
'id=form--checkout_registration_mb--field--PASSWORD' element is
present" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'id=form--
checkout_registration_mb--field--PASSWORD' element should be
present" Path="" Time="2469 ms"/><Expected
PASSWORD2' element is present" Content="To verify 'id=form--
checkout_registration_mb--field--PASSWORD2' element is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'id=form--
checkout_registration_mb--field--PASSWORD2' element should be
present" Path="" Time="2469 ms"/><Expected
PASSWORD_HINT' element is present" Content="To verify 'id=form--
checkout_registration_mb--field--PASSWORD_HINT' element is
present" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'id=form--
checkout_registration_mb--field--PASSWORD_HINT' element should be
present" Path="" Time="2469 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'id=form--address--field--POSTAL_CODE' element is
present" Content="To verify 'id=form--address--field--
POSTAL_CODE' element is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'id=form--address--field--POSTAL_CODE' element
should be present" Path="" Time="2469 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'id=form--address--field--ADDRESS1' element is
present" Content="To verify 'id=form--address--field--ADDRESS1'
element is present" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'id=form--
address--field--ADDRESS1' element should be present" Path=""
Time="2469 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'id=form--address--
field--ADDRESS2' element is present" Content="To verify
'id=form--address--field--ADDRESS2' element is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'id=form--address--field--
ADDRESS2' element should be present" Path="" Time="2469
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'id=form--address--field--
PHONE1_AREA_CODE' element is present" Content="To verify
'id=form--address--field--PHONE1_AREA_CODE' element is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'id=form--address--field--
PHONE1_AREA_CODE' element should be present" Path="" Time="2469
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'id=form--address--field--
PHONE2_AREA_CODE' element is present" Content="To verify
'id=form--address--field--PHONE2_AREA_CODE' element is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'id=form--address--field--
PHONE2_AREA_CODE' element should be present" Path="" Time="2469
ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'Submit
button in Bypass page'" Content="Click on 'Submit button in
Bypass page' " ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed
on 'Submit button in Bypass page'" Path="" StepResult="Pass"
Time="2084 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'| z. -
,s. ,C` zS z. - ,s' text is
present" Content="To verify '| z. - ,s.
,C` zS z. - ,s' text is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'| z. -
,s. ,C` zS z. - ,s' text
should be present" Path="" Time="2084 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'|,| z. - ,s.
s` z. - ,s.' text is present"
Content="To verify '|,| z. - ,s.
s` z. - ,s.' text is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'|,| z. -
,s. s` z. - ,s.' text should be
present" Path="" Time="2084 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'- ` z. - ,s' text is
present" Content="To verify '- ` z. -
,s' text is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'- ` z. - ,s' text
should be present" Path="" Time="2084 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'S 6z | 12z - z.
- ,s.' text is present" Content="To verify
'S 6z | 12z - z. -
,s.' text is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'S 6z | 12z - z.
- ,s.' text should be present" Path="" Time="2084
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'|` ,C` z. -
,s' text is present" Content="To verify '|`
,C` z. - ,s' text is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'|` ,C` z.
- ,s' text should be present" Path="" Time="2084
ms"/><Step ActualResult="'1234567' is displayed in Password-
Checkout reg page field" Content="Enter Password-Checkout reg
page textbox with value '1234567'" ExpectedResult="'1234567'
should be displayed in Password-Checkout reg page field" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="9 ms"/><Step ActualResult="'1234567' is
displayed in Verify Password-Checkout reg page field"
Content="Enter Verify Password-Checkout reg page textbox with
value '1234567'" ExpectedResult="'1234567' should be displayed in
Verify Password-Checkout reg page field" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="26 ms"/><Step ActualResult="'1234567' is
displayed in Password Hint-Checkout reg page field"
Content="Enter Password Hint-Checkout reg page textbox with value
'1234567'" ExpectedResult="'1234567' should be displayed in
Password Hint-Checkout reg page field" Path="" StepResult="Pass"
Time="12 ms"/><Step ActualResult="'111' is displayed in Postal
code field" Content="Enter Postal code textbox with value
'111'" ExpectedResult="'111' should be displayed in Postal code
field" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="26 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="'Shinmyung Apartment(Apt.)' is displayed in
Address1 field" Content="Enter Address1 textbox with value
'Shinmyung Apartment(Apt.)'" ExpectedResult="'Shinmyung
Apartment(Apt.)' should be displayed in Address1 field" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="17 ms"/><Step ActualResult="'111' is
displayed in Address2 field" Content="Enter Address2 textbox with
value '111'" ExpectedResult="'111' should be displayed in
Address2 field" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="17 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="'016' is displayed in Phone number Areacode
listbox" Content="Select Phone number Areacode with value '016'"
ExpectedResult="'016' should be displayed in Phone number
Areacode listbox" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="16 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="'1234' is displayed in Phone number-part1 field"
Content="Enter Phone number-part1 textbox with value '1234'"
ExpectedResult="'1234' should be displayed in Phone number-part1
field" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="12 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="'5697' is displayed in Phone number-part2 field"
Content="Enter Phone number-part2 textbox with value '5697'"
ExpectedResult="'5697' should be displayed in Phone number-part2
field" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="11 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'Submit button in
Bypass page'" Content="Click on 'Submit button in Bypass page' "
ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on 'Submit
button in Bypass page'" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="2081
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'s` z. -
,s' text is present" Content="To verify 's`
z. - ,s' text is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'s` z. - ,s' text should
be present" Path="" Time="2081 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'z, ,C` |` ,C`
C -- ` |S`. ,C` z. -
,s.' text is present" Content="To verify 'z,
,C` |` ,C` C -- `
|S`. ,C` z. - ,s.' text is
present" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'z, ,C`
|` ,C` C -- ` |S`.
,C` z. - ,s.' text should be present"
Path="" Time="2081 ms"/><Step ActualResult="'12' is displayed in
Password-Checkout reg page field" Content="Enter Password-
Checkout reg page textbox with value '12'" ExpectedResult="'12'
should be displayed in Password-Checkout reg page field" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="15 ms"/><Step ActualResult="'12' is
displayed in Verify Password-Checkout reg page field"
Content="Enter Verify Password-Checkout reg page textbox with
value '12'" ExpectedResult="'12' should be displayed in Verify
Password-Checkout reg page field" Path="" StepResult="Pass"
Time="17 ms"/><Step ActualResult="'123456' is displayed in
Password Hint-Checkout reg page field" Content="Enter Password
Hint-Checkout reg page textbox with value '123456'"
ExpectedResult="'123456' should be displayed in Password Hint-
Checkout reg page field" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="12
ms"/><Step ActualResult="'751-804' is displayed in Postal code
field" Content="Enter Postal code textbox with value '751-804'"
ExpectedResult="'751-804' should be displayed in Postal code
field" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="27 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'Submit button in
Bypass page'" Content="Click on 'Submit button in Bypass page' "
ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on 'Submit
button in Bypass page'" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="2590
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'S 6z | 12z
- z. - ,s' text is present" Content="To
verify 'S 6z | 12z - z. -
,s' text is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'S 6z | 12z - z.
- ,s' text should be present" Path="" Time="2590
ms"/><Step ActualResult="'1234567' is displayed in Password-
Checkout reg page field" Content="Enter Password-Checkout reg
page textbox with value '1234567'" ExpectedResult="'1234567'
should be displayed in Password-Checkout reg page field" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="11 ms"/><Step ActualResult="'1234567' is
displayed in Verify Password-Checkout reg page field"
Content="Enter Verify Password-Checkout reg page textbox with
value '1234567'" ExpectedResult="'1234567' should be displayed in
Verify Password-Checkout reg page field" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="10 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click action
is performed on 'Submit button in Bypass page'" Content="Click on
'Submit button in Bypass page' " ExpectedResult="Click action
should be performed on 'Submit button in Bypass page'" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="2498 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'xpath=(//input[@type='image'])[2]' element is
present" Content="To verify 'xpath=(//input[@type='image'])[2]'
element is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'xpath=(//input[@type='image'])[2]' element
should be present" Path="" Time="2498 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'Continue checkout
button in Shipping page'" Content="Click on 'Continue checkout
button in Shipping page' " ExpectedResult="Click action should be
performed on 'Continue checkout button in Shipping page'" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="2836 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'css=img[alt=&quot; ,|-&quot;]'
element is present" Content="To verify 'css=img[alt=&quot;
,|-&quot;]' element is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'css=img[alt=&quot; ,|-&quot;]'
element should be present" Path="" Time="2836 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'` -S ' text is
present" Content="To verify '` -S '
text is present" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'`
-S ' text should be present" Path=""
Time="2836 ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'link=Bypass inicis
processing CC' element is present" Content="To verify
'link=Bypass inicis processing CC' element is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'link=Bypass inicis processing
CC' element should be present" Path="" Time="2836 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'Remove product'"
Content="Click on 'Remove product' " ExpectedResult="Click action
should be performed on 'Remove product'" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="2205 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'z-`C , z`S`' text is
present" Content="To verify 'z-`C , z`S`'
text is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'z-`C , z`S`' text should
be present" Path="" Time="2205 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'link=`C' element is present"
Content="To verify 'link=`C' element is present"
ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'link=`C' element
should be present" Path="" Time="2205 ms"/><Step
ActualResult="Click action is performed on 'My Account link'"
Content="Click on 'My Account link' " ExpectedResult="Click
action should be performed on 'My Account link'" Path=""
StepResult="Pass" Time="2007 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'css=img.topbtn' element is present" Content="To
verify 'css=img.topbtn' element is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'css=img.topbtn' element should be present"
Path="" Time="2007 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'' text is present"
Content="To verify '' text is
present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'' text should be
present" Path="" Time="2007 ms"/><Expected
ActualResult="'css=a[title=&quot;logout&quot;]' element is
present" Content="To verify 'css=a[title=&quot;logout&quot;]'
element is present" ExpResult="Pass"
ExpectedResult="'css=a[title=&quot;logout&quot;]' element should
be present" Path="" Time="2007 ms"/><Step ActualResult="Click
action is performed on 'Logout link'" Content="Click on 'Logout
link' " ExpectedResult="Click action should be performed on
'Logout link'" Path="" StepResult="Pass" Time="2041
ms"/><Expected ActualResult="'-,| `S`.' text
is present" Content="To verify '-,| `S`.'
text is present" ExpResult="Pass" ExpectedResult="'-,|
`S`.' text should be present" Path="" Time="2041

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