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Creating Binaural Beats for self help and profit.

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Brainwave Entrainment
for Self-help and Profit
By Rob Maggs
Copyright Moonfish Design 200
Creating Binaural Beats for self help and profit.
Download the Braingym Ebay Offers - Website
Thank you for purhasing this report! with this information you will be able to reate your
own Binaural beat files. "ou will e#periene le$els of Consiousness whih you wouldn%t
belie$e possible and sell your reations on line for profit.
What Are Binaural Beats?
Binaural beats are auditory brainstem responses originating in the superior oli$ary nuleus
of eah hemisphere. They result from the interation of two different separate auditory
impulses! originating in opposite ears! below &''' () and whih differ in fre*ueny
between one and +' () ,Oster! &-.+/.
0or e#ample! if a pure tone of &'' () is played to the right ear and a pure tone of &&' ()
is played simultaneously to the left ear! an amplitude modulated standing wa$e of &' ()
,the differene between the two tones/ is e#periened as the two wa$e forms mesh in and
out of phase within the superior oli$ary nulei. This binaural beat is perei$ed as an
auditory beat by the brain and any an be used to entrain speifi neural rhythms through
the fre*ueny-following response ,001/--the tendeny for ortial potentials to entrain to or
resonate at the fre*ueny of an e#ternal stimulus. 2t is therefore theoretially possible to
use a speifi binaural-beat fre*ueny as a onsiousness management tool.
How can Binaural beats benefit you?
There are many onditions where Binaural Beats an be utili)ed. 0or e#ample! Binaural
beats an be used for healing! pain relief! meditation! to inrease 23! to e#periene altered
states of onsiousness! reati$ity and self impro$ement. ,Please refer to the frequency
listing distributed with this document/.
When we perform an ati$ity our brain funtions at speifi fre*ueny aording to the
brainwa$e state that we are in. There are four brainwa$e states4
Beta ,&5 to 6'(7/
"our brain is aroused and ati$ely engaged in mental ati$ities.
8lpha ,- to &6(7/
When we reflet or meditate we are usually in 8lpha state.
Theta ,5 to 9(7/
When you daydream you are often in a theta brainwa$e state.
Delta ,&.5 to 6(7/
When you are in Delta you are in a deep state of sleep.
Creating Binaural Beats for self help and profit.
Download the Braingym Ebay Offers - Website
Brainwave Frequency Listing
The first thing you need to do is to refer to the fre*ueny listing inluded with this
doument to see whih fre*uenies you would like to reate.
The information was taken in it%s entirety from a website maintained by :ihael Triggs and
is an in$aluable resoure.
;rolling down through the fre*uenies in the fre*uey list doument! 2 find! 4-7 - Theta
Range : recall, fantasy, imagery, creativity, planning, dreaming, switching thoughts, en
2 personally ha$e an interest in altered states and notie that fre*uenies in the <6-.(7=
range enable a person to ahie$e deep states of meditation. 2n this tutorial 2 will reate a
&''(7 arrier wa$e and a 6.5(7 binaural beat. The trak will be sa$ed as an :>+ and
also on$erted to CD 8udio.
The trak an then be sold on Ebay as a CD or digital download. 2 regularly sell CDs
reated with this method on Ebay and harge ?@' per CD in my shop or 2 start an aution
at ?&'. 2 regularly make ?A' a week for an hours work! it really is that easy. 2f you start
making Binaural traks and sell them in :>+ format for digital download! you%ll be getting
paid for a produt whih does not ha$e any manufaturing osts. 2t%s the basis for a $ery
profitable business in a nihe market on Ebay alone. Combined with your own website!
you ould beome truly self suffiient and in harge of your own 2nternet business! where
you are the boss.
Creating Binaural Beats for self help and profit.
Download the Braingym Ebay Offers - Website
Creating your first Binaural track
Open up 8udaity and and add a new
stereo trak.
Bet 8udaity for free here
Clik on the small down-faing arrow in
the yellow highlighted area and you will
be presented with a drop down list!
selet <;plit stereo trak= from the
a$ailable options.
Cow you ha$e two separate hannels!
selet the top ,Deft/ hannel.
Creating Binaural Beats for self help and profit.
Download the Braingym Ebay Offers - Website
;elet Benerate E Tone
(ere you are presented with the option
to reate your wa$eform. 1efer to your
fre*ueny list and selet a fre*ueny
you%d like to e#periment with. 2n my
e#ample 2%m going to reate a binaural
tone for ;hamani onsiousness. 0irst 2
reate a sine wa$e with a fre*ueny of
&''(7 and set the duration to +''
seonds ,5 minutes/.
Cow selet the ,1ight/ bottom audio
trak and follow the same steps to reate
a new tone for the 1ight hannel. This
time reate a tone of 0re*ueny
&'6.5(7. What you now ha$e are two
tones! one of &''(7 and one of
&'6.5(7. When these tones are played
to the left and right ear respeti$ely. 8
separate tone of 6.5(7 will be reated.

Creating Binaural Beats for self help and profit.
Download the Braingym Ebay Offers - Website
We now ha$e two mono signals whih we
an ombine to reate a new stereo file.
We an now e#port our work to a Wa$ or
:>+ file.
The trak we ha$e reated is only 5
minutes in length though! and if we intend
to make this trak into a CD then we will
need to e#tend it somewhat. ;elet the
trak by liking on it! lik opy. Clik the
arrow highlighted in yellow ,this will mo$e
the marker to the end/ under the edit menu
selet paste.
Bo to the Edit menu and <selet all= and
Copy. Clik the arrow highlighted in yellow
again and selet paste.
"ou now ha$e a @' minute trak whih an
be sa$ed as an :>+ or turned into CD
Creating Binaural Beats for self help and profit.
Download the Braingym Ebay Offers - Website
Adding additional stereo tracks to your recording
"ou may want to add e#tra traks for ambiane! these an be anything from White noise to
musial traks. 2n the following e#ample 2 will reate a stereo trak with White noise! but
you an add whate$er :>+ you%d like Fust make sure that the musi is free from opyright.
Try searhing online for opyright free musi or if you are musiian ompose your ownG
8dding White noise to your
binaural trak.
Create a new stereo trak
and selet it.
0rom the <Benerate= menu
selet <White Coise= and
enter a duration in seonds
for your trak. "ou now
ha$e an additional stereo
hannel with White noise.
Creating Binaural Beats for self help and profit.
Download the Braingym Ebay Offers - Website
Dastly e#port the file as wa$
,To burn to CD/ or :>+ ,for
distribution and sale o$er
the 2nternet/.
Creating subliinal essages! affirations
Brab a pen and paper and list an area in your life that you%d like to hange. 8n e#ample
might be to feel more self-onfident. Think about what being self-onfident means and how
you%d feel and what you%d be able to ahie$e! Create a list of affirmations based upon your
ideas. 2t%s important to keep all of your affirmations positi$e2 am onfident and enthusiasti
and of myself and others
0or e#ample4
2 am onfident and enthusiasti
2 lo$e myself and others
Opportunities fill me with e#itement
2 feel omfortable in the ompany of others
2 an speak of my own mind
2 am strong and apable
2 am reati$e and intelligent
2 aept that hange is neessary
8nd so on.
Creating Binaural Beats for self help and profit.
Download the Braingym Ebay Offers - Website
Creating your subliinal recording
Open audaity and using your
mirophone reord the
affirmations that you%$e written
8dd a new stereo trak!split the
trak and reate two tones! for
the left &'9 () 8nd for the right
&&A () ,!"#$ is associated
%ith total &nowing and # $
with super learning and
positive thin&ing/.
2 reated one e#tra stereo trak
with White noise to help mask
the $oal trak. >ress play and
adFust the $olume slider on the
$oal trak ;o the $oals an
Fust be heard.
When you are happy with your mi#! selet 0ileEE#port asEWa$ and sa$e the file to disk.
"#tend the duration of your track
Clik EditE;elet 8ll ,Ctrl a/
and Copy ,Ctrl /. Clik the
arrow to get to the end of the
trak and lik >aste ,Ctrl $/.
The trak will now be twie
the length. Do the same
again and repeat the proess
until your audio traks are of
the desired length. ;elet
0ileE;a$e as and sa$e your
entire omposition to disk.
Creating Binaural Beats for self help and profit.
Download the Braingym Ebay Offers - Website
$ransferring your creations to Audio C%
"ou may be *uite happy to distribute your files in :>+ format but you may also like to
transfer the files to CD. 2f you own Cero Burning 1om this an be done *uite easily! but if
you are on a limited budget you might be interested in a freeware program that will do the
same Fob. CD BurnerH> is ompletely free and an be downloaded from here
Open CDBurner H> and selet Create
8udio CD. "ou will then be presented
with this sreen.
;imply lik on the option to add
files and browse for the :>+ file
you reated earlier on in the
Ce#t! simply selet IBurnI to turn
your :>+ reording into a CD1om
suitable for playing on any CD
"ou now ha$e an original Binaual beat trak! whih you an sell onlineG
Creating Binaural Beats for self help and profit.
Download the Braingym Ebay Offers - Website
&sing ore free '(en )ource software to create your Brainwave
"ntrainent tracks*
There are some great Brainwa$e Entrainment produts on the market! but you are often
limited to reating traks for your personal use and not for sale due to liensing
8n e#ellent e#ample of some free Brain Entrainment software is ;Bagen this great
software is a little triky to use but an be used for reating your own ommerial traks.
Download ;Bagen here
Download ;B8BJ2 a simple Windows Braphial Jser 2nterfae for ;B8BEC.
"ou :ay also find Bnaural useful! this great little appliation will enable you to reate A'
:inute audio traks for on$ersion to CD8udio or :>+ format.
Download Bnaural here
Creating Binaural Beats with abient!atos(heric backgrounds*
2f you really want to gi$e your reordings some pi)a)) and added atmospheri $alue you
might be interested in 8tmosphere! this program enables you to reate ambient
soundsapes! it retails at K6-.-5 for a ommerial liense and is worth e$ery penny.
2f you are really serious about reating professional Brain Entrainment traks! 2 would
reommend that you purhase Cool edit >ro or Cool edit @'''! this powerful software has
a range of features beyond the sope of 8udaity and an be usually be found for a $ery
good prie on Ebay. Jnfortunately Cool Edit >ro and Cool Edit @''' are no longer
a$ailable as the de$eloper ;yntrillium was bought out by 8dobe. 2 did howe$er manage to
find a +' day trial $ersion of Cool edit @''' online Clik here to download a opy.
At the tie of writing I found Cool "dit +ro for ,-.*-/ on "bay*
Clik here to searh Ebay for Cool Edit >ro
Creating Binaural Beats for self help and profit.
Download the Braingym Ebay Offers - Website
Cool Edit pro and Cool Edit @''' also ha$e a built in brain synhroni)er enabling you to
generate tones and then apply binaural beats to your reations. 2t%s a $ery nie feature and
$ery easy to use.
Creating Binaural Beats with ebedded suggestions! )ubliinal
essages which can0t be heard
;ome $ery interesting researh has been arried out by the J; Bo$ernment into mind
ontrol. The J; de$eloped a >atent for ;ilent ;ound whereby $erbal suggestions are
reorded and then re-sampled to around &5'''(7. When ommands are played at this
fre*ueny the target will reei$e $erbal ommands whih are understood by the brain but
are inaudible and therefore the target has no idea that they are reei$ing subliminal
8n interesting artile about silent sound an be found here.
8 sript file for Cool Edit >ro has been de$eloped to reate ;ilent ;ound. This sript is
based on the J; >atents and an be downloaded from here ,re*uires registration/.
8s you an see it is $ery simple to reate your own professional Binaural traks and it
doesn%t ha$e to ost a fortune.
Creating Binaural Beats for self help and profit.
Download the Braingym Ebay Offers - Website
&seful links1
Web &) 2nformation about Brainwa$e Entrainment
2oonfish %esign ;oftware and audio for meditation and self impro$ement
Brainwave 3esearch Bood site with interesting information
$he 2unroe Institute >ioneers of Brainwa$e entrainment
Holosync Creators of Brainwa$e entrainment 8udio CDs

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