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Amanda E.

James Madison University Harrisonburg, VA Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN

!u"e University !urham, N# Anticipated Master of Science in Nursing (MSN
Ma$or in Nurse Anesthesia (expected graduation May 2015)
Duke University
School of Nursing
Student Nurse Anesthetist
January %&'()*resent
Attend class and complete academic work for didactic courses
Participate in and attend weekly Journal lu!s
Attend clinicals four days a week at "arious local and away
sites wit# specialty rotations in ardiac$ Pediatric
and %!stetric specialties
Act as a &enior 'uddy to a Junior lass Mem!er
Participate in "olunteer acti"ities during (ational (urse
Anest#esia )eek
&er"e as &ecretary on t#e &tudent ouncil for t#e *uke (urse
Anest#esia Program
Participate in "arious acti"ities associated wit# t#e program$
including assisting wit# graduation for t#e lass of 201+
MedStar Washington
Hospital Center
+egistered Nurse)Main *A#U
,ashington, !-#-
July %&'' to !ecember %&'%
Managed !asic to complex surgical inpatients in
post,anest#esia p#ase
Performed a wide range of post,operati"e disc#arge teac#ing to
Managed "entilator settings for compromised patient
Performed slow and fast "entilatory weaning for safe
extu!ation of intu!ated patients
Managed and titrated #ig# alert medications
&uper"ised patients using in"asi"e monitoring tec#ni-ues$
including arterial lines$ central "enous pressures and
intracranial pressures
.xposed to "arious complementary pain management
tec#ni-ues$ including management of epidural and perineural
20+1 opper /eaf Pkwy$ Apt0 201$ *ur#am$ ($ 2110+ (10+) +20,+305 amanda0ri"era254gmail0com
Amanda E. Rivera
eorge Washington University
Participated in multidisciplinary rounds to determine
indi"iduali5ed and optimal daily patient plans of care
Managed and titrated critical care medications
Managed critical medical and surgical patients under a general
67 setting
Assisted nursing staff to complete daily tasks w#en re-uested
and pro"ide knowledge on specialty areas w#en needed
as 8esource (urse on duty
Attended ode 'lues on nursing units initiating A/&
&er"ed as a mem!er on t#e Medication ommittee and &er"ice
.xcellence ommittee
+egistered Nurse).#U
,ashington, !-#-
June %&'')!ecemeber %&'% (*er diem
/eb- %&&0 to June %&'' (/ull)time
Sentara !oto"a# Hospital
+egistered Nurse)*A#U, ,oodbridge, VA, July %&'& to !ecember %&''
8eco"ered inpatients and outpatients in post,anest#esia period$ managing a!normal "ital
signs to facilitate transfer to lower le"els of care
$NO%& 'air(a) Hospital
Nursing Student)Ambulatory *A#U$ /alls #hurch, VA, 1ctober %&&2 to !ecember %&&2
ompleted senior capstone assisting in preoperati"e to postoperati"e p#ases of nursing
care in a large and dynamic outpatient setting
$NO%& 'air(a) Hospital
Nurse 34tern)5rauma .#U, /alls #hurch, VA, June %&&2 to August %&&2
Participated in o!ser"ational and learning experiences under direction of a preceptor in a
le"el one trauma center
Sentara !oto"a# Hospital
*atient #are 5echnician)Surgical floor, ,oodbridge, VA, May %&&6 to !ecember %&&6
Assisted up to t#irty patients wit# acti"ities of daily li"ing$ w#ile collecting routine "ital
signs and pertinent fingersticks$ reporting critical results to managing registered nurse
PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS: American Association of (urse Anest#etists (AA(A)$
(ort# arolina Association of (urse Anest#etists ((A(A)
LICENSURES: 8egistered (urse in 9irginia and t#e *istrict of olum!ia
CERTIFICATIONS: Ad"anced ardiac /ife &upport$ Pediatric Ad"anced /ife &upport$
'asic /ife &upport

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