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Cur world-class faclllues ln Lhe unlLed klngdom enable us Lo conLrol whaL goes lnLo
each of our formulauon's and lL ls our assurance LhaL all our cusLomers are gemng
Lhe very hlghesL quallLy ln envlronmenLally frlendly auLo care performance producLs
Lo exceed Lhelr every expecLauon. !"#$%,
-./#01". 2%($# 3#04, !$45"))640#%, 206/"$)#% *%"#0"$ and 714 89$" :+60" are waLer
based and very easy Lo work wlLh. Cur formulauons are exLremely Lough on dlrL buL
genLle on surfaces. 1hey are also safe for Lhe envlronmenL whlle creaung a
'Maxlmum shlne ln mlnlmum ume' for Lhe premlum showroom nlsh.
uellverlng LoLal performance versaullLy, all !"#$%, waLerless auLo cleanlng & luxury deLalllng
producLs are rellably unlque and can be used wlLh amazlng eecL on weL or dry surfaces. 1hey
can be used ln or ouL of dlrecL sunllghL, ln hoL or cold cllmaLes. 1hey provlde Lhe user wlLh Lhe
compleLe freedom Lo wash, wax, pollsh and proLecL a vehlcle absoluLely anywhere and
everywhere wlLhouL Lhe need for any waLer or elecLrlclLy source.
lasL and easy Lo use. !usL slmply spray on,
wlpe o and bu Lo a brllllanL, lnsLanL
shlne. Cur unlque scraLch-
free earl waLerless cleanlng chemlsLry
dlssolves, releases and suspends dlrL from
palnLwork, glass, plasuc, fabrlcs, meLal,
rubber, leaLher, alloy and chrome
surfaces. A so mlcrober cloLh pulls Lhe
dlrL lnLo Lhe bers Lrapplng Lhem ln Lhe
cloLh and a second so, mlcrober cloLh
bus lnLo an unrlvalled and beauuful
All earl waLerless car wash producLs
are compleLely non-hazardous and
waLer-based. 1hls makes Lhem
exLremely envlronmenLally frlendly
and safe Lo LransporL. 1hey are
manufacLured Lo Lhe hlghesL lSC
9001:2008 and lSC 14001:2004
lndusLry sLandards and are fully
compllanL wlLh Lhe laLesL Lu dlrecuves
All earl producLs are supporLed by
currenL MaLerlal SafeLy uaLa SheeLs,
ensurlng safe use, sLorage and
dlsLrlbuuon Lo our nauonal and
lnLernauonal exporL cllenLs. earl ls a
reglsLered Lrademark and conunues lLs
membershlp wlLh Lhe 8rlush Chamber
of Commerce. 1he Chamber endorses
Lhe proacuve lengLhs underLaken Lo
ensure our producL quallLy and
exemplary servlce levels are
malnLalned aL all umes for Lhe securlLy
of your buslness.
All earl producLs are supporLed by
currenL MaLerlal SafeLy uaLa SheeLs,
ensurlng safe use, sLorage and
dlsLrlbuuon Lo our nauonal and
lnLernauonal exporL cllenLs. earl ls a
reglsLered Lrademark and conunues lLs
membershlp wlLh Lhe 8rlush Chamber
of Commerce. 1he Chamber endorses
Lhe proacuve lengLhs underLaken Lo
ensure our producL quallLy and
exemplary servlce levels are
malnLalned aL all umes for Lhe securlLy
of your buslness.

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