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Effective de Rham Cohomology - The Hypersurface Case

Peter Scheiblechner
Hausdorff Center for Mathematics
Endenicher Allee 62
53115 Bonn, Germany

ABSTRACT their degrees in the case of a hypersurface. In a forthcoming

We prove an effective bound for the degrees of generators of paper, we will consider the general case [23].
the algebraic de Rham cohomology of smooth affine hyper-
surfaces. In particular, we show that the de Rham cohomol-
ogy HdRp
(X) of a smooth hypersurface X of degree d in Cn 1.1 Motivation
can be generated by differential forms of degree dO(pn) . This It is a long standing open question in algorithmic real alge-
result is relevant for the algorithmic computation of the co- braic geometry to find a single exponential time algorithm
homology, but is also motivated by questions in the theory for computing the Betti numbers of a semialgebraic set. Sin-
of ordinary differential equations related to the infinitesimal gle exponential time algorithms are known, e.g., for counting
Hilbert 16th problem. the connected components and computing the Euler charac-
teristic of a semialgebraic set (for an overview see [2], for
details and exhaustive bibliography see [3]). The best result
Categories and Subject Descriptors in this direction states that for fixed ℓ one can compute the
F.2.2 [Analysis of Algorithms and Problem Complex- first ℓ Betti numbers of a semialgebraic set in single expo-
ity]: Nonnumerical Algorithms and Problems—Geometrical nential time [1].
Problems and Computations
Over the complex numbers, one approach for computing
General Terms Betti numbers is to compute the algebraic de Rham coho-
Theory mology. In [19, 24] the de Rham cohomology of the comple-
ment of a complex affine variety is computed using Gröbner
Keywords bases for D-modules. This algorithm is extended in [25] to
compute the cohomology of a projective variety. However,
de Rham Cohomology, effective bounds, differential forms
the complexity of these algorithms is not analyzed, and due
to their use of Gröbner bases a good worst-case complexity is
1. INTRODUCTION not to be expected. In [7] a single exponential time (in fact,
Let X be a smooth variety in Cn . A fundamental result parallel polynomial time) algorithm is given for counting the
of Grothendieck says that the cohomology of X can be de- connected components, i.e., computing the zeroth de Rham
scribed in terms of algebraic differential forms on X [13]. cohomology, of a (possibly singular) complex variety. This
More precisely, he proved that the singular cohomology of X algorithm is extended in [22] to one with the same complex-

is isomorphic to the algebraic de Rham cohomology HdR (X), ity for computing equations for the components. The first
which is defined as the cohomology of the complex of alge- single exponential time algorithm for computing all Betti
braic differential forms on X. Hence, each cohomology class numbers of an interesting class of varieties is given in [21].
in HdR (X) can be represented by a p-form Namely, this paper shows how to compute the de Rham
X cohomology of a smooth projective variety in parallel poly-
ω= ωi1 ···ip dXi1 ∧ · · · ∧ dXip , (1) nomial time. In terms of structural complexity, these results
i1 <···<ip
are the best one can hope for, since the problem of comput-
where the ωi1 ···ip are polynomial functions on X. However, ing a fixed Betti number (e.g., deciding connectedness) of a
Grothendieck’s proof gives no information on the degrees of complex affine or projective variety defined over the integers
the polynomials ωi1 ···ip . In this paper we prove a bound on is PSPACE-hard [20].

Besides being relevant for algorithms, our question also has

connections to the theory of ordinary differential equations.
The long standing infinitesimal Hilbert 16th problem has
been solved in [5]. The authors derive a bound on the num-
ber of limit cycles generated from nonsingular energy level
ovals (isolated periodic trajectories) in a non-conservative
perturbation of a Hamiltonian polynomial vector field in the
plane. It seems that their proof can be considerably general-
ized to solutions of certain linear systems of Pfaffian differ-
ential equations. Examples of such systems are provided by limit of the factor rings A/I ν , ν ≥ 0. There is a canonical
period matrices of polynomial maps, once the corresponding map A → A, b whose kernel is T I ν , so it is injective in our
Gauss-Manin connexion can be explicitly constructed. For case. Alternatively, if I = (f1 , . . . , fr ), one can define A b
this construction one needs degree bounds for generators of as A[[T1 , . . . , Tr ]]/(T1 − f1 , . . . , Tr − fr ), so its elements are
the cohomology of the generic fibers of the polynomial map. power series in f1 , . . . , fr [11, Exercise 7.11]. For instance,
if A = B[T ] and I = (T ), then A b = B[[T ]] is the ring of
1.2 Known Cases formal power series in T with coefficients in B.
It follows from the results of [21] that if X has no singu-
larities at infinity, i.e., the projective closure of X in Pn is Let A be a C-algebra (commutative, with 1). The mod-

smooth, then each class in HdR (X) can be represented by ule of Kähler differentials ΩA := ΩA/C is defined as the
a differential form of degree at most m(em + 1)d, where A-module generated by symbols df for all f ∈ A, modulo
m = dim X, d = deg X, and e is the maximal codimension the relations of Leibniz’ rule and C-linearity for the universal
of the irreducible components of X. However, in general X derivation d : A → ΩA . For instance, if A = C[X1 , . . . , Xn ],
does have singularities at infinity, and resolution of singu- then ΩPA is the free module with basis dX1 , . . . , dXn and
larities has a very bad worst-case complexity [4]. df = i ∂i f dXi .
Another special case with known degree bounds is the com- Now let ΩpA := p ΩA be the p-th exterior power of the
plement of a projective hypersurface, which we will actually A-module ΩA . We define the differential d : ΩpA → Ωp+1 by
use in this paper (see the proof of Theorem 10). The state- setting d(f dg1 ∧· · ·∧dgp ) := df ∧dg1 ∧· · ·∧dgp for f, gi ∈ A.
ment follows essentially from [8] and [9], the argument can It is easy to check that d satisfies the graded Leibniz’ rule
be found in [10, Corollary 6.1.32]. Let f ∈ C[X0 , . . . , Xn ] be and d ◦ d = 0. This way we obtain the (algebraic) de Rham
a homogeneous polynomial, and consider U := Pn \ Z(f ), complex
which is an affine variety. Then, each class in HdR (U ) is
d d d
represented by a (homogeneous) differential form Ω•A : A = Ω0A −→ Ω1A −→ · · · −→ Ωn
A −→ 0.
α •
with deg α = p deg f Its cohomology HdR (A) := H • (Ω•A ) is called the de Rham
fp cohomology of A. If A = C[X] is the coordinate ring of a
(see Section 2 for the definition of the degree of a differential smooth variety X ⊆ Cn , then HdR •
(X) := HdR•
(A) is called
form). the (algebraic) de Rham cohomology of X. Fundamental for
us is the result of [13] stating that the de Rham cohomology

HdR (X) of a smooth variety X is naturally isomorphic to
1.3 Main Result the singular cohomology of X.
In this paper we prove that each class in the de Rham co-
homology HdR (X) of a smooth hypersurface X ⊆ Cn of de-
The module of Kähler differentials of a complete ring may
gree d can be represented by a differential p-form of degree
not be finitely generated (see, e.g., [11, Exercise 16.14]). In
at most
these cases we use the universally finite module of differen-
(p + 1)(d + 1)(2dn + d)p+1 ≤ dO(pn) tials, which is always finitely generated (see [17, §11–12]).
Let R be an affine algebra, I an ideal in R, and R b the com-
(see Theorem 10). pletion of R with respect to I. The completion of ΩR with
bb =R
respect to I is Ω b ⊗R ΩR and is called the universally
2. PRELIMINARIES b There is a universally
finite module of differentials of R.
An (affine) variety in Cn is the common zero-set b → Ω
finite derivation d : R b b which is continuous, i.e., it
X = Z(f1 , . . . , fr ) = {x ∈ Cn | f1 (x) = · · · = fr (x) = 0} commutes with infinite sums. For instance, for an affine
algebra B we have
of a set of polynomials f1 , . . . , fr ∈ C[X1 , . . . , Xn ]. The co-
ordinate ring of a variety X is C[X] = C[X1 , . . . , Xn ]/I(X), b B[[T ]] = B[[T ]] ⊗ ΩB[T ] = B[[T ]]dT ⊕ B[[T ]] ⊗ ΩB

where I(X) := {f ∈ C[X1 , . . . , Xn ] | f (x) = 0 ∀x ∈ X}
is the vanishing ideal of X. Such a C-algebra is called a and df = ∂T f dT + dB f for f ∈ B[[T ]], where ∂T denotes
(reduced) affine algebra. By Hilbert’s Nullstellensatz, I(X) partial derivative with respect to T and dB denotes the
is the radical of the ideal generated by f1 , . . . , fr . In par- derivation of ΩB applied to the coefficients of f [17, Ex-
ticular, if X is a hypersurface defined by one polynomial f , ample 12.7].
then I(X) = (g), where g is the squarefree part of f , which is
also called a reduced equation of X. A variety X (and then Now let A = C[X1 , . . . , Xn ]/I be an affine algebra. We
also its coordinate ring) is called smooth, if at any point are interested in degree bounds for the de Rham cohomol-
x ∈ X we have dimx X = dim Tx X, i.e., at x the local ogy of A, so we introduce the following notation. For f ∈
dimension and the dimension of the tangent space of X co- C[X1 , . . . , Xn ] we denote by f its residue class in A. We set
incide. In particular, a hypersurface is smooth if and only if deg f := min{deg g | g ∈ C[X1 , . . . , Xn ], g = f }.
Z(f, ∂1 f, . . . , ∂1 f ) = ∅, where f is a reduced equation of X.
Furthermore, we define the degree of differential forms in ΩpA
We will also use complete rings, which we get from affine by setting
rings by the process of completion [11, Chapter 7]. Let A
deg(f dX i1 ∧ · · · ∧ X ip ) := deg f + p.
be an affine algebra and I an ideal in A. The completion
Ab = AbI of A with respect to I is defined as the inverse p
We denote by deg(HdR (A)) the infimum over all integers δ
such that each cohomology class in HdR (A) has a represen- For the proof of Theorem 3 we will need the completion
tative of degree ≤ δ. For a localization Af , we define Ab = A b(f ) of the algebra A with respect to the principal
a ideal (f ). Recall from §2 that A b = A[[T ]]/(T − f ), so its
deg s := deg α − s deg f, α ∈ ΩpA .
f elements are power series in f . Note, however, that these
power series are not unique. E.g., f ∈ A can be represented
3. EFFECTIVE GYSIN SEQUENCE as f + 0 · f + · · · or 0 + 1 · f + 0 · f 2 + · · · . The crucial
The main tool in our proof is the Gysin sequence, which is result for us is a lemma of Grothendieck stating that there
the following is a ring isomorphism B[[T ]] → A b (cf. [14, Lemma II,1.2]),
which establishes a unique power series representation for
the completion. We need to construct this isomorphism ex-
Lemma 1. Let Y be an irreducible smooth variety and
plicitly in order to bound degrees. It is easy to come up with
X ⊆ Y a smooth hypersurface. Then there is an exact se-
a vector space isomorphism, so the difficulty lies in finding
a ring isomorphism. The technical construction is in the
· · · → HdR p
(Y ) → HdR p−1
(Y \X) → HdR
Res p+1
(X) → HdR (Y ) → · · · following statement, which expresses that B is a formally
smooth C-algebra [12, Definition 19.3.1].

A proof of this Lemma is sketched in [18]. Along the same For a tuple x = (x1 , . . . , xn ) over an affine algebra R we write
lines we will prove an effective version of it for the case deg(x) := maxj deg(xj ). If ψ : R → S is a homomorphism,
Y = Cn . This means that we will describe the map Res we write ψ(x) := (ψ(x1 ), . . . , ψ(xn )). For g ∈ R we denote
explicitly on the level of differential forms, so that we can by g its image in any factor algebra of R.
control its effect on their degree. Let us first record an easy
consequence of the Gysin sequence. Since HdR (Cn ) = 0 for
p > 0, Lemma 1 implies Lemma 5. Let A = C[X1 , . . . , Xn ] and f ∈ A be square-
free such that B = A/(f ) is smooth. Furthermore, let ν ≥ 1
and ψ : B → A/(f ν ) be a ring homomorphism that lifts the
Corollary 2. For a smooth hypersurface X ⊆ Cn the identity B → B, i.e., the composition B → A/(f ν ) ։ B is
residue map the identity. Then ψ can be lifted to a ring homomorphism
Res : HdR (Cn \ X) −→ HdR
(X) ψe : B → A/(f ν+1 ), i.e., the diagram

is an isomorphism for all p > 0. A/(f ν+1 )

w π
Let A := C[X1 , . . . , Xn ] and X := Z(f ) smooth, where f ∈ w 
w ψ
A is squarefree. Then the relevant coordinate rings are B // A/(f ν )
C[C \ X] = Af and B := C[X] = A/(f ). commutes. Furthermore, we have
Furthermore, d := deg X = deg f . We assume d ≥ 3. e
deg(ψ(X)) ≤ d · deg(ψ(X)) + dn .

Theorem 3. Let d ≥ 3, p > 0. The residue map

Proof. Since B is generated as a C-algebra by the X i , it
Res : HdR p−1
(Af ) → HdR (B) suffices to define ψe on these elements. Choose Y1 , . . . , Yn ∈
A such that ψ(X i ) = Y i in A/(f ν ) for all 1 ≤ i ≤ n. Our
is induced by a map ΩpAf → Ωp−1 B which takes a p-form aim is to define
ω = f s to a (p − 1)-form of degree at most
e i ) := Yi + ai f ν ,
ψ(X 1 ≤ i ≤ n, (2)
(2dn + d)s (deg ω + sd).
with suitably chosen ai ∈ A. Then it is clear that π ◦ ψe =
ψ. It remains to show that one can define ψe unambigously
Example 4.QIt is instructive to consider the case n = 1. by (2). This means that we have to find ai such that f is
Consider f = di (X − ζi ) ∈ C[X], and let ω = fgs dX ∈ mapped to zero in A/(f ν+1 ). Set Y := (Y1 , . . . , Yn ), a :=
ΩC[X]f . By expanding the rational function fgs into partial (a1 , . . . , an ), and look at the condition
fractions and noting that polynomials and the terms of the
form c(X − ζi )j with j < −1 can be integrated, one sees that f 7→ f (Y + af ν ) = 0 in A/(f ν+1 ). (3)
the cohomology HdR (C\Z(f )) is generated by the differential By the Taylor formula we have
forms n
dX f (Y + af ν ) ≡ f (Y ) + ∂i f (Y )ai f ν (mod (f ν+1 )).
, 1 ≤ i ≤ d.
X − ζi i=1

Since they are also linearly independent, they form a basis Since f (Y ) = ψ(f ) = 0 in A/(f ν ), there exists p ∈ A such
of this cohomology. Q We will see later that the residue Q map that f (Y ) = pf ν in A. Furthermore, since Y i = X i in B,
sends X−ζ i
to e i := j6 = i (X −ζ j )/ai , where ai := j6 = i (ζ i− condition (3) is satisfied if
ζj ). Since Z(f ) = {ζ1 , . . . , ζd } and ei (ζj ) = δij , the ei are n
the idempotents corresponding to the points ζi and thus are p+ ∂ i f ai ≡ 0 (mod (f )). (4)
a basis of the cohomology HdR (Z(f )). i=1
Since Z(f ) is smooth, we have Z(f, ∂1 f, . . . , ∂n f ) = ∅, so by Thus, it remains to bound the degree of a0 (ξ). We can as-
the effective Nullstellensatz [6, 16, 15] there exist g1 , . . . , gn ∈ sume that a0 is a monomial, and for that a straight-forward
A such that induction with respect to the degree using Corollary 6 shows
X degν a0 (ξ) ≤ dν (2dn−1 + 1) deg a0 ,
gi ∂i f ≡ 1 (mod (f )) and deg gi ≤ dn . (5)
i=1 which implies the claimed bound for the degrees.
It follows that (4) can be solved by choosing
Now we define the homomorphism
ai := −pgi for all 1 ≤ i ≤ n. X X
ψb : B[[T ]] → A,
b bν T ν 7→ ψ(bν )f ν .
Furthermore, ν ν

deg ai ≤ deg p + deg gi ≤ d deg Y − νd + dn ,

Lemma 8. The homomorphism ψb is an isomorphism, and
which implies the claimed degree bound.
we have
deg ψb−1 (a) ≤ (2dn + d)ν deg a
Corollary 6. There exists an embedding ψ : B ֒→ A b
P for all a ∈ A.
such that ψ(X i ) = ∞ν=0 a iν f ν
, where a iν ∈ A with
X Proof. The injectivity of ψ implies inductively that ψb
deg aiν ≤ dn di + dν ≤ dν (2dn−1 + 1). let a ∈ A.b Construct
P injective.
To show surjectivity,
P ν
ν b ν T ∈ B[[T ]] with ν ψ(b ν )f = a. We find the bν
successively by applying Corollary 7. Let b0 ∈ B and c0 ∈ A b
Proof. We start with ψ1 := idB and apply Lemma 5 suc- with a = ψ(b0 )+c0 f . Then, there is b1 ∈ B and c1 ∈ A b with
cessively to construct the homomorphisms ψν : B → A/(f ν ), c0 = ψ(b1 ) + c1 f , and so forth. ItP follows a = ψ(b0 ) + c0 f =
ν ∈ N. Together they define a homomorphism ψ : B → A, b 2 ν
ψ(b0 ) + ψ(b P 1 )f +ν c1 f = · · · = n−1ν ψ(bν )f , which is the
which is clearly injective. For ν = 0 we have ψ0 (X) = X, image of ν bν T . With γ := 2d + 1 we first prove
whose degree is 1. By Lemma 5 we have
degν cµ ≤ dν+µ+1 γ µ+1 deg a, ν, µ ≥ 0,
deg ai,ν+1 ≤ d deg ai,ν + dn ≤ d(dn di + dν ) + dn by induction on µ. For µ = 0 the claim follows directly from
i=0 Corollary 7. For µ ≥ 0, we have by induction hypothesis
X degν cµ+1 ≤ max dν+µ+2 γ µ+1 deg a, dν+1 γdµ+1 γ µ+1 deg a
= dn di + dν+1 .
i=0 ≤dν+µ+2 γ µ+2 deg a,
which proves the claim. Now, again by Corollary 7
For a ∈ Ab we write deg a ≤ δν , if there exists a represen- deg bµ ≤ deg0 cµ−1 ≤ (dγ)µ deg a.
P ν
tation a = ν aν f with deg aν ≤ δν for all ν ∈ N. The
degree bound from the previous corollary reads in this no- Proof of Theorem 3. Consider the short exact sequen-
tation degν (ψ(X i )) ≤ dν (2dn−1 + 1). ce of complexes
0 → Ω•A → Ω•Af → Ω•Af /Ω•A → 0.
P b there exist
Corollary 7. For all a = ν aν f ∈ A It induces a long exact sequence
b such that a = ψ(b) + cf and
unique b ∈ B and c ∈ A
· · · → H p (Ω•A ) → H p (Ω•Af ) → H p (Ω•Af /Ω•A ) →
deg b ≤ deg a0 ,
→ H p+1 (Ω•A ) → · · · .
degν c ≤ max{deg aν+1 , dν+1 (2dn−1 + 1) deg a0 }. Let p ≥ 1. We have a map λ : Ωp−1
B → ΩpAf /ΩpA which
sends ω to df
∧ ω ′ , where ω ′ ∈ ΩA is a lift of ω. The residue
b p p−1
Proof. We have the exact sequence of A-modules map Res : HdR (Af ) → HdR (B) is a cohomology inverse
of λ. It can be explicitly described as follows.
b −→ B −→ 0,
0 −→ (f ) −→ A
By Lemma 8 we have
which splits by the homomorphism ψ. Hence, A b ≃ B ⊕ (f ),
b •b /Ω
Ω•Af /Ω•A ≃ Ω b •b ≃ Ω
b• b•
and the existence and uniqueness of the claimed representa- Af A B[[T ]][T −1 ] /ΩB[[T ]] . (6)
tion follows. Note that if a = ψ(b) + cf , then b = π(a) =
π(a0 ). This implies the bound for b. Since ψ and π are bp
To construct the image Res(ω) of ω ∈ Ω , expand
B[[T ]][T −1 ]
homomorphisms and a0 is a polynomial, we have it in powers of T and extract the coefficient of dT
ψ(b) = ψ(π(a0 )) = a0 (ψ(X)) = a0 (ξ),
By linearity, it suffices to consider terms of the form
where we denote ξi := ψ(X i ) and ξ := (ξ1 , . . . , ξn ). Hence, a
cf = a − a0 (ξ) and degν c ≤ max{degν+1 a, degν+1 a0 (ξ)}. ω = s dXi1 ∧ · · · ∧ dXip , a ∈ A, i1 < · · · < ip , s ≥ 1.
To construct the image of ω in Ω b•
B[[T ]][T −1 ] /ΩB[[T ]] under the The last identity follows again from the partial fraction de-
isomorphism (6), first note that by Lemma 8 we have composition.
b :=ψb−1 (a) = bν T ν ∈ B[[T ]],
ν Now we are in the position to prove our main result.
Ξi :=ψb−1 (Xi ) = biν T ν ∈ B[[T ]],
ν Theorem 10. For each smooth hypersurface X ⊆ Cn of
where degree d ≥ 3 we have
deg bν ≤ (2dn + d)ν deg a, deg biν ≤ (2dn + d)ν . (7) deg(HdR (X)) ≤ (p + 1)(d + 1)(2dn + d)p+1

Hence, ω is mapped by the isomorphism (6) to ≤ dO(pn) .

b= dΞi1 ∧ · · · ∧ dΞip . Proof. Let X = Z(f ), where f is squarefree of de-
gree d. If we denote by fe the generous homogenization
As noted in §2, we have X0d+1 f (X/X0 ), then we have U := Cn \ Z(f ) = Pn \ Z(fe).
X p+1
As stated in §1.2, each cohomology class in HdR (U ) is rep-
dΞi = (νbiν T ν−1 dT + dB biν T ν )
resented by a differential form
X α
= ((ν + 1)bi,ν+1 dT + dB biν )T ν . , deg α
e = (p + 1)(d + 1).
f p+1

The terms of ω
b involving dT are of the form Dehomogenizing yields a form ω = α/f p+1 with deg α ≤
(p + 1)(d + 1), hence deg ω ≤ p + 1. Since the residue map
± (ν1 + 1)bµ bi,ν1 +1 T µ+ν1 +···+νp −s is surjective, the bound of Theorem 3 implies the claim.
· dT ∧ dB bj1 ,ν2 ∧ · · · ∧ dB bjp−1 ,νp
with some 1 ≤ i, j1 , . . . , jp−1 ≤ n and µ, ν1 , . . . , νp ≥ 0. To Example 11 (cont.). We have seen that in the uni-
get the coefficient of dT /T , we have to consider the case variate case HdR (Z(f )) is generated by the idempotents ei ,
µ + ν1 + · · · + νp = s − 1. Using that dB is of degree 0 which are of degree d − 1. Theorem 10 gives the bound
together with the estimate (7), it follows that this coefficient 2d(d + 1) in this case.
is of degree
≤ deg bµ + deg bi,ν1 +1 + deg bj1 ,ν2 + · · · + deg bjp−1 ,νp Example 12. Consider the hypersurface
≤(2dn + d)s (deg a + p) = (2dn + d)s (deg ω + sd) V = Z(f ) ⊆ C2 , where f := XY 2 − X − 1.
which concludes the proof of the theorem. One easily checks that V is smooth, but has a singularity at
infinity, namely (u : x : y) = (0 : 1 : 0). There is one other
point at infinity (u : x : y) = (0 : 0 : 1), which is smooth.
Example 9 (cont.). We keep the notation of Exam- Topologically, the projective closure V is a sphere with two
ple 4. To confirm the proposed action of the residue map, points collapsed (to the singularity), so V is a sphere with
consider ω = fgs dX ∈ ΩC[X]f . We claim that three points deleted. It follows that the cohomology is
d 0 2 1
X g  HdR (V ) = C · 1, HdR (V ) = 0, and dim HdR (V ) = 2.
Res(ω) = Resζi ei ,
fs 1
Let us find generators of HdR (V ). Note that
where Resζi denotes the classical residue at ζi of a mero- V → U := C \ {±1}, (x, y) 7→ y (8)
morphic function. Recall that Resζi (h) is the coefficient of 1
is an isomorphism, and HdR (U ) is generated by
(X − ζi )−1 in the Laurent expansion of h around ζi .
dY dY
, .
According to the proof of Theorem 3, we have to check that Y −1 Y +1
df The isomorphism (8) identifies X with Y 21−1 and dX with
Res(ω) · ≡ω (mod d C[X]f ).
f − Y 2Y 1
2 −1 dY . Hence, HdR (V ) is generated by

This follows easily from the formulas X(Y + 1)dY, X(Y − 1)dY.
P Theorem 10 gives a bound of 3528 for the degrees of gener-
• df = i ai ei dX, ators in this case, so there seems to be room to optimize.
• ei ej ≡ δij ei (mod (f )), Finally, let us determine the action of the residue map. Its
ai ei 1 inverse image maps the generators of HdR (V ) to
• f
= X−ζi
P X(Y + 1)2 (Y − 1) X(Y + 1)(Y − 1)2
• ω≡ g 1 dX ∧ dY, dX ∧ dY,
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