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Section 10 Exemptions:-
Exemptions Proofs to be submitted Guidelines as per income tax act and rules
Exemption Criteria as
per income tax act and
ouse !ent
1. Original Rent Receipts for all
the months.
2. PAN of Landlord if rent amount
exceeds Rs 100000/- in a ear.
!. "n case the landlord does not
ha#e a PAN$ a declaration to this
effect from the landlord along
%ith the name and address of
the landlord should &e filed &
the emploee.
Forma -
R!" -D!#$ara %o" &' La"($or( - R!" Pa%( )*%#* !+#!!(, R,- 100.000 PA-(o#
'. Optional (ocuments depends
on compan polic.
Registered Rent Agreement
)an* +tatement
Forma - R!"
D!#$ara%o" A/r!!m!" "o a0a%$a&$!-(o#
1. Re#enue stamp is mandator of rental amount is
more than Rs ,000/- in a month.
2. Rent receipt should contain the details li*e Licensor
and Licensee name$ date of pament$ month$
address of rented house$ signature of landlord.
!. No need to produce Rent Receipts ha#ing rental
expenditure up to Rs !$000/- per month. -o%e#er
in the regular assessment$ the Assessing Officer
%ill &e free to ma*e such en.uir as he fits for the
purpose of satisfing himself that the emploee
has incurred actual expenditure on pament of
'. Landlord PAN is mandator if annual rental amount
exceeds Rs 100000/-.
,. "n case the landlord does not ha#e a PAN$ a
declaration to this effect from the landlord along
%ith the name and address of the landlord should
&e filed & the emploee.
/. -RA )enefit and "nterest on +elf Occupied -ouse
Propert cannot &e claim if &oth are in same cit$
pro#ided if possession of the propert is in current
financial ear then he can claim -RA up to the date
of possession.
Exemption Criteria
1. Actual -RA earned for
the ear.
2. Rent paid minus 100 of
earned )asic
!. '00 of )asic or ,00 of
)asic 1in case of 2etro
#east of t$e abo%e is
Exempt for &ax
Exemptions Proofs to be submitted Guidelines as per income tax act and rules
Exemption Criteria as
per income tax act and
Sec 1'(()
1. Original &ills are re.uired.
2. +ummar containing famil
mem&er6s details$ expenses
details re.uire.
1. Optional (ocuments depends
on compan polic.
(octors Prescription is
1. 2edical 7xpenses upto Rs 1,000/- is exempted.
2. 8he tpes of expenses %hich %ould &e considered
(octors &ills
2edicine &ills
-ospitali:ation &ills
!. 8he tpes of expenses %hich %ould not &e
considered are9
An toiletr &ills.
An cosmetic &ills.
4redit card slips in lieu of &ills
'. 8he medical &ills for self and dependents li*e
father$ mother$ spouse and children are
,. Purchase of medicines form an%here in "ndia is
eligi&le for pament under this component.
Exemption Criteria
1. Rs 1,000/- per annum
against &ills.
/. )ills should &e of the current financial ear onl.
C$apter *+A deductions:-
,eductions Proofs to be submitted Guidelines as per income tax act and rules
,eductions Criteria as
per income tax act and
1. Photocop of receipt issued &
the "nsurance 4ompan.
1. Receipts should &e of the current financial ear
2. Polic should &e in the name of indi#idual$ spouse$
!. 8he pament of aforesaid premium re.uired to &e
paid & an mode other than cash.
'. Rs 1,000/- is allo% as deduction in case of
self/spouse and children.
,. "ncludes an pament made on account of
pre#enti#e health chec*-up of the assessee or his
famil or parents up to Rs.,000/- in cash or an
,eduction Criteria
1. +elf/+pouse/4hildren9 -
Rs 1,000/- in case
+enior 4iti:en is .o/
Rs 20000/- "n case
+enior 4iti:en is 0es/
2. Parents9 - Rs 1,000/- in
case +enior 4iti:en is .o/
Rs 20000/- "n case
+enior 4iti:en is 0es/
Actual Premium
/. Additional &enefit of Rs 1,000/- in case parents is
co#ered. And Rs 20000/- in case parents co#ered
is senior citi:en.
!eceipt or Abo%e
#imits "$ic$e%er is
less is t$e deduction
1. Photocop of certificate in ;orm
101"A5 issued & the competent
medical authorit in a
<o#ernment -ospital.
Form 10IA - 10DD 2
1. =here condition of disa&ilit re.uires
reassessment$ fresh certificate to &e o&tained after
its expir to continue claiming the deduction
2. (ependent means +pouse$ 4hildren$ Parents$
&rothers and sisters of the indi#idual.
,eduction Criteria
1- 5a"(%#a33!( D!3!"(!" )%*
(%,a&%$%' 6$!,, *a" 40 7-8 9
then Nil exemption
2- 5a"(%#a33!( D!3!"(!" )%*
(%,a&%$%' 6mor! *a" 407 &:
$!,, *a" 1078 9 *!" 50000/-
3- 5a"(%#a33!( D!3!"(!" )%*
S!0!r! (%,a&%$%' 6mor! *a"
1078 9 *!" 100000/-
,eductions Proofs to be submitted Guidelines as per income tax act and rules
,eductions Criteria as
per income tax act and
of andicap
1. 4op of necessar certificate
No. 101"5 issued & the <o#t.
2edical Authorit.
2. )ills/Receipt stating the actual
expenditure made for the
treatment of the specified
disease or the certificate should
include the same/
Form 10I -
1. 2edical treatment of self/dependent specified
2. 8he certificate in respect of the diseases or
ailments specified in su&-rule 115 shall &e issued
& the follo%ing specialists %or*ing in a
<o#ernment hospital.
!. 4op of necessar certificate No. 101"5 issued &
the <o#t. 2edical Authorit and the &ills/receipt
stating the actual expenditure made for the
treatment of the specified disease or the certificate
should include the same.
'. 7ligi&le for +elf$ +pouse$ 4hildren > Parents.
,. Amount of deduction is Rs. '0000/- or amount
actuall paid %hiche#er is lo%er.
/. "n case of +enior 4iti:en 1A&o#e /0rs of age5 >
,eduction Criteria
1. Amount of deduction is
Rs. '0000/- or 1amount
actuall paid less amount
recei#ed from insurance
compan5 %hiche#er is
lo%er is eligi&le for
2. "n case of +enior 4iti:en
> (ependent +r. 4iti:en
? then Rs. /0000/- or
1amount actuall paid
less amount recei#ed
from insurance
compan5 %hiche#er is
(ependent +r. 4iti:en ? then Rs. /0000/- or actual
7xpenditure incurred %hiche#er is lo%er. "s eligi&le
for exemption.
@. )ills should &e of the current financial ear onl.
lo%er is eligi&le for
1. Photocop of certificate in ;orm
101"A5 issued & the competent
medical authorit in a
<o#ernment -ospital.
Form 10IA - 10DD 2
1. =here condition of disa&ilit re.uires
reassessment$ fresh certificate to &e o&tained after
its expir to continue claiming the deduction.
,eduction Criteria
1- P*',%#a$$' 5a"(%#a33!( )%*
(%,a&%$%' 6$!,, *a" 40 7-8 9
T*!" Nil exemption.
2- P*',%#a$$' 5a"(%#a33!( )%*
(%,a&%$%' 6mor! *a" 407 &:
$!,, *a" 1078 9 *!" 50000/-
3- P*',%#a$$' 5a"(%#a33!( )%*
S!0!r! (%,a&%$%' 6mor! *a"
1078 9 *!" 100000/-
,eductions Proofs to be submitted Guidelines as per income tax act and rules
,eductions Criteria as
per income tax act and
1. Letter / certificate from the
)an* / ;inancial "nstitution
specifing the follo%ing9
+aid loan is an
7ducational Loan.
Amount of interest paid
on the loan in the
current ear.
1. "nterest paid on Loan ta*en for -igher 7ducation
such as 7ngineering / 2edical/ etc. are allo%ed.
2. B-igher 7ducationC means full-time studies for an
graduate or post-graduate course in engineering$
medicine$ management or for post-graduate
course in applied sciences or pure sciences
including mathematics and statistics.
!. 8his is applica&le for education loan$ for education
of self$ spouse and children.
'. Loans a#ailed onl from ;inancial "nstitution / )an*
is eligi&le.
,. Onl the interest component paid during the ear
%ill &e eligi&le for deduction$ hence the certificate
su&mitted must clearl state the interest
component for the ear.
/. 8he 4ertificate should &e for the current financial
,eduction Criteria
1. No capping of maximum
limit ? Actual interest
paid & the emploee is
allo%ed as deduction.
@. 8he deduction shall &e allo%ed in computing the
total income for the ;inancial Dear in %hich the
emploee starts repaing the interest on the loan
%as ta*en and immediatel succeeding se#en
financial ears or until the financial ear the
interest is paid in full & the taxpaer$ %hiche#er is
,eductions Proofs to be submitted Guidelines as per income tax act and rules
,eductions Criteria as
per income tax act and
Sec -0CCG
1. 8he Assessee shall pro#ide a
consolidated statement of
details in the electronic format$
as specified in ;orm 4$ on all
the RaEi# <andhi 7.uit +a#ings
+cheme &eneficiaries.
1. Ne%l inserted +ection A044< pro#ides deduction
%.e.f. assessment ear 201!-1' in respect of
in#estment made under notified e.uit sa#ing
scheme. 8he deduction under this section is
a#aila&le if follo%ing conditions are satisfied9
8he assessee is a resident indi#idual 1ma
&e ordinaril resident or not ordinaril
-is gross total income does not exceed Rs.
12 lacs.
-e has ac.uired listed shares in accordance
%ith a notified scheme.
8he assessee is a ne% retail in#estor as
specified in the a&o#e notified scheme and
opened a demat account.
8he in#estment is loc*ed-in for a period of !
ears from the date of ac.uisition in
accordance %ith the a&o#e scheme.
,eduction Criteria
1. ,00 of the amount
in#ested and maximum
Rs 2,000/-.
8he assessee satisfies an other condition as
ma &e prescri&ed.
=hile ma*ing the initial in#estments up to
fift thousand rupees$ the total cost of
ac.uisition of eligi&le securities shall not
include &ro*erage charges$ +ecurities
8ransaction 8ax$ stamp dut$ ser#ice tax and
all taxes$ %hich are appearing in the contract
(/ Amount of deduction:-
8he amount of deduction is at ,00 of
amount in#ested in e.uit shares. -o%e#er$
the amount of deduction under this pro#ision
cannot exceed Rs. 2,$000.
"f an deduction is claimed & a taxpaer
under this section in an ear$ he shall not
&e entitled to an deduction under this
section for an su&se.uent ear.
3/ 7it$dra"al of deduction:-
"f the assessee$ after claiming the aforesaid
deduction$ fails to satisf the a&o#e
conditions$ the deduction originall allo%ed
shall &e deemed to &e the income of the
assessee of the ear in %hich default is
#oss on ouse Propert3
Exemptions Proofs to be submitted Guidelines as per income tax act and rules
,eductions Criteria as
per income tax act and
+ncome 8
#oss on
1. Photocop of Pro#isional
certificate from the -ousing
;inance 4ompan / )an*.
1. An Assessee can a#ail a deduction on repament of
"nterest on &orro%ed capital for construction$
ac.uisition of a house propert.
,eduction Criteria
1/ Self 9ccupied: 4apped
to a maximum of
Propert3 2. Photocop of possession
certificate from the &uilder /
7lectricit &ill / 2unicipal tax
paid receipt 1an one
document5 if propert is
ac.uired during the current
financial ear.
!. +elf-declaration & the
emploee in case he is a#ailing
&oth -RA / -ousing "nterest
&enefit without property
being let out.
Forma - D!#$ara%o"
C$a%m%"/ Bo* 5RA a"( 5,/ Loa"- (o#
'. "n case of Eointl a#ailed
propert loan$ the emploee to
declare onl the amount paid
& him/her in the declaration
%ith co-&orro%er / co-o%ner6s
Forma - D!#$ara%o"
>o%" 5o:,%"/ Loa"-(o#
:/ +n case of first $ome loan
bu3er in current ;inancial
P$otocop3 of $ome
loan sanction letter
containin6 date and
sanctioned amount/
,eclaration statin6
2. "nterest paid in the current ear is eligi&le for
!. (ocument should contain the &rea*up of interest
and principal component separatel$ Name of the
&orro%er$ date$ Loan account num&er and propert
'. 8he &enefit of deduction is applica&le onl after
occupanc of the house and Pre-72" interest 172"
paid &efore occupation of the house5 is deducti&le
in , e.ual installments starting from the ear %hen
the construction is completed or propert is
,. 7mploee has to su&mit possession letter or
municipal tax receipt or electricit &ill to a#ail the
interest &enefit if the propert is ac.uired during
current financial ear.
/. "n case the Loan ta*en is on Foint Name$ a
declaration relating to percentage-%ise &enefit to
&e claimed for "ncome 8ax purpose should &e
@. "n case of self-occupied propert$ emploee
cannot claim &oth -RA exemption as %ell as
"nterest on house propert %here the propert is in
the same cit / region. Ge.g.$ if &oth properties are
at same place/region then ou can6t claim
exemption on &oth.H
A. "n case ou are going to claim &oth the &enefits of
-RA and -ousing Loan and if &oth the properties
are situated in the same place$ then the &enefit of
-RA %ould &e passed on onl till the date of
possession of house propert.
I. Dou can claim &oth the &enefit$ if ou can pro#e
that ou are staing in the rented house onl for
the emploment purpose and our house propert
is located at other place %hich is far a%a from
our place of emploment.
10. "n case of Let out propert$ it is mandator to
fill up the computation of Loss / "ncome. ;ormat
attached for computing the net loss.
11- First home loan from a bank or housing finance
Rs.1$ ,0$000/- per annum.
Actual "nterest or Rs
1,0000/- %hiche#er is less.
Additional deduction of
!s 1 lac in case of first
$ome loan/
(/ #et out Propert3: No
limit$ "nterest to &e
calculated after
considering the let out
propert income.
t$at t$is is t$e first
$ome purc$ase/
Cop3 of +ndex ++/

corporation during the current financial year up to
Rs. 5 lacs and !alue of house property up to Rs
"0 lacs entitled to additional deduction of interest
up to Rs. 1 lac.
Section -0C deductions ()aximum ,eduction capped to !s/1 #ac)
,eductions Proofs to be submitted Guidelines as per income tax act and rules
,eductions Criteria as
per income tax act and
Sec -0CCC
1. Photocop of receipt issued &
the "nsurance 4ompan.
1. Polic from an compan appro#ed & "R(A.
2. Late pament fees and other charges %ill not &e
considered as premium paid.
!. Photocop of Receipt should &e of the current
financial ear onl.
'. Photocop should contain the Name$ (ate and
Premium amount and Receipt num&er.
,. Polic should &e in the name of indi#idual$ spouse$
> children.
,eduction Criteria
1. 2aximum (eduction
capped is Rs.1 Lac for
+ec A04.
/. Proposal (eposit /Ac*no%ledgement slips %ill not
&e considered.
Sec -0C
1. Pro#isional 4ertificate from the
;inancial "nstitution/)an*.
2. (eclaration from 4o o%ner and
4o &orro%ers in case propert
is in Eoint name and claiming
the &enefit.
1. Pro#isional 4ertificate should &e of the current
;inancial Dear.
2. Photocop should contain the Name$ (ate$ &rea*up
of "nterest and Principal Amount$ Loan account
num&er$ address of the propert$ Loan amount.
!. (eclaration from 4o o%ner and 4o &orro%ers in
case propert is in Eoint name and claiming the
,eduction Criteria
1. 2aximum (eduction
capped is Rs.1 Lac for
+ec A04.
,eductions Proofs to be submitted Guidelines as per income tax act and rules
,eductions Criteria as
per income tax act and
Sec -0C
1. Photocop of all premium
receipts issued & the
"nsurance 4ompan.
2. Photocop of Premium
+tatement from the L"4
1. Polic from an compan appro#ed & "R(A.
2. Late pament fees and other charges %ill not &e
considered as premium paid.
!. Photocop of Receipt should &e of the current
financial ear onl.
'. Photocop should contain the Name$ (ate and
Premium amount and Receipt num&er.
,. Polic should &e in the name of indi#idual$ spouse$
> children.
/. Proposal (eposit /Ac*no%ledgement slips %ill not
&e considered.
@. Polic of Parents is not allo%ed as deduction.
,eduction Criteria
1. 2aximum (eduction
capped is Rs.1 Lac for
+ec A04.
Sec -0C
1. Photocop of 4ertificate or
photocop of the counterfoil
gi#en & the post office at the
time of paing the amount.
1. Photocop of Receipt should &e of the current
financial ear onl.
2. Photocop should contain the Name$ (ate and
Premium amount and Receipt num&er.
!. Polic should &e in the name of indi#idual onl.
'. Polic of famil mem&ers and Parents is not
allo%ed as deduction.
,eduction Criteria
1. 2aximum (eduction
capped is Rs.1 Lac for
+ec A04.
Sec -0C
+nterest on
1. Photocop of all the N+4
certificates for %hich interest is
&eing claimed.
1. N+4 Accrued interest %ill sho% as income and also
as deduction under +ection A0 4.
2. Photocop should contain the Name$ (ate and
Premium amount and Receipt num&er.
!. Polic should &e in the name of indi#idual onl.
'. Polic of famil mem&ers and Parents is not
allo%ed as deduction.
,eduction Criteria
1. 2aximum (eduction
capped is Rs.1 Lac for
+ec A04.
,eductions Proofs to be submitted Guidelines as per income tax act and rules
,eductions Criteria as
per income tax act and
Sec -0C
1. Photocop of the counterfoil
gi#en & the &an* at the time of
ma*ing pament.
2. Photocop of ;ront Page and
8ransaction page of the PP;
1. Pu&lic Pro#ident fund can &e in the name of
indi#idual$ spouse > children.
2. Photocop of Receipt should &e of the current
financial ear onl.
!. Photocop should contain the Name$ (ate and
Premium amount.
,eduction Criteria
1. 2aximum (eduction
capped is Rs.1 Lac for
+ec A04.
Sec -0C
2nit #in<ed
(2#+P ):-
1. Photocop of all premium
receipts/ or 4ertificates or
+tatement issued & the
"nsurance 4ompan.
1. Late pament fees and other charges %ill not &e
considered as premium paid.
2. Photocop of Receipt should &e of the current
financial ear onl.
!. Photocop should contain the Name$ (ate and
Premium amount and Receipt num&er.
'. Polic can &e in the name of indi#idual$ spouse$ >
children and parents.
,. Proposal (eposit /Ac*no%ledgement slips should
ha#e proper seal > signatures & the )an*/ Asset
2anagement 4ompan 1A245.
/. Onl "n#estments in +pecified Plans is allo%ed as
,eduction Criteria
1. 2aximum (eduction
capped is Rs.1 Lac for
+ec A04.
Sec -0C
1. Photocop of all premium
receipts/ or 4ertificates or
+tatement issued & the
"nsurance 4ompan.
1. Photocop of Receipt should &e of the current
financial ear onl.
2. Photocop should contain the Name$ (ate and
Premium amount and Receipt num&er.
!. Polic should &e in the name of indi#idual onl.
'. Polic of famil mem&ers and Parents is not
allo%ed as deduction.
,. Proposal (eposit /Ac*no%ledgement slips should
ha#e proper seal > signatures & the )an*/ Asset
2anagement 4ompan 1A245.
/. Onl "n#estments in +pecified ;unds is allo%ed as
,eduction Criteria
1. 2aximum (eduction
capped is Rs.1 Lac for
+ec A04.
,eductions Proofs to be submitted Guidelines as per income tax act and rules
,eductions Criteria as
per income tax act and
Sec -0C
1. Photocop of the receipts
issued & the school$ college$
uni#ersit or educational
1. 8uition ;ees$ %hether at the time of admission or
thereafter$ paid to an uni#ersit$ college$ school
or other educational institution situated in "ndia$
for the purpose of full time education of an t%o
children of the emploee.
2. ;ull time education includes an educational
course offered & an uni#ersit$ college$ school
or other educational institution to a student %ho is
enrolled full time for the said course. "t is also
clarified that full time education includes pla ?
school acti#ities$ Pre Nurser and nurser classes.
!. "t is clarified that the amount allo%a&le as tuition
fees shall include an pament of fees to an
uni#ersit$ school$ college or other educational
institution in "ndia except the amount
representing pament in the nature of
de#elopment fees or donation or capitation fees or
pament of similar nature.
'. Photocop of Receipt should &e of the current
financial ear onl.
,. Photocop should contain the Name$ (ate and
Premium amount and Receipt num&er.
/. 2aximum up to t%o children6s tuition fee is
allo%ed as deduction.
,eduction Criteria
1. 2aximum (eduction
capped is Rs.1 Lac for
+ec A04.
Sec -0C
1. Photocop of 4ertificate or
photocop of the counterfoil
gi#en & the post office at the
time of paing the amount.
1. Photocop of Receipt should &e of the current
financial ear onl.
2. Photocop should contain the Name$ (ate and
Premium amount and Receipt num&er.
!. N++ can &e in the name of indi#idual$ spouse$ >
children and parents.
,eduction Criteria
2. 2aximum (eduction
capped is Rs.1 Lac for
+ec A04.
,eductions Proofs to be submitted Guidelines as per income tax act and rules
,eductions Criteria as
per income tax act and
Sec -0C
&ax Sa%in6
1. Photocop of Receipt or
4ertificate or photocop of the
counterfoil gi#en if &ond is not
1. Photocop of Receipt should &e of the current
financial ear onl.
2. Photocop should contain the Name$ (ate and
Premium amount and Receipt num&er.
!. +hares/)onds should &e in the name of indi#idual
'. +hares/)onds in the name of famil mem&ers and
Parents are not allo%ed as deduction.
,eduction Criteria
1. 2aximum (eduction
capped is Rs.1 Lac for
+ec A04.
Sec -0C
,eposit in
1an<s 8
1. Photocop of Receipt or
4ertificate or photocop of the
counterfoil gi#en & the
scheduled &an*s or Post Office.
1. Photocop of Receipt should &e of the current
financial ear onl.
2. Photocop should contain the Name$ (ate and
Premium amount and Receipt num&er.
!. ;ixed (eposit should &e in the name of indi#idual
'. ;ixed (eposit of famil mem&ers and Parents is not
allo%ed as deduction.
,. 8erm deposits for a minimum period of , ears
%ith a scheduled &an*/Post office are eligi&le in
accordance %ith the scheme framed and notified &
the 4entral <o#ernment for deduction.
/. Receipt should contained specific clause of "8
deduction u/s A0 4. 1;or the period not less than ,
,eduction Criteria
1. 2aximum (eduction
capped is Rs.1 Lac for
+ec A04.
Sec -0C
1. Photocop of "ndex "" >
Registration 4ertificate
1.+tamp (ut > Registration fees paid at the time of
purchases of ne% house propert.
2. +tamp (ut and Registration should &e of the
current ;inancial Dear.
!. Photocop should contain the Name$ (ate$
Amount$ address of the propert$ Loan amount.
'. (eclaration from 4o o%ner and 4o &orro%ers in
case propert is in Eoint name and claiming the
,eduction Criteria
1. 2aximum (eduction
capped is Rs.1 Lac for
+ec A04.
,eductions Proofs to be submitted Guidelines as per income tax act and rules
,eductions Criteria as
per income tax act and
Sec -0C
Post 9ffice
1. Photocop of ;ront Page and
8ransaction page of the
1. An in#estment as fi#e ear time deposit in an
account under the Post Office 8ime (eposit Rule
2. Post Office 8ime (eposit should &e in the name of
indi#idual$ spouse > children.
!. Photocop of Receipt should &e of the current
financial ear onl.
'. Photocop should contain the Name$ (ate and
Premium amount.
,eduction Criteria
1. 2aximum (eduction
capped is Rs.1 Lac for
+ec A04.
Sec -0C
1. Photocop of Receipt or
1. An in#estment in an account under the +enior
4iti:en +a#ing +cheme Rule 200'.
2. +enior 4iti:en +a#ing +cheme should &e in the
name of indi#idual$ spouse > children.
!. Photocop of Receipt should &e of the current
financial ear onl.
'. Photocop should contain the Name$ (ate and
Premium amount.
,eduction Criteria
1. 2aximum (eduction
capped is Rs.1 Lac for
+ec A04.
Pre%ious Emplo3ment +ncome 8 &ax
,eductions Proofs to be submitted Guidelines as per income tax act and rules
,eductions Criteria as
per income tax act and
t +ncome
and &ax:-
1. ;orm 1/ or
2. A signed and sealed tax
computation sheet along %ith
dul filled ;orm 12) and signed
from the pre#ious emploee.
Forma - Form
1. Pre#ious 7mploer income includes?
<ross +alar &efore Profession 8ax
Pre#ious 7mploer Profession 8ax
Pre#ious 7mploer A04 in#estment
Pre#ious 7mploer "ncome 8ax
Pre#ious 7mploer "nterest on -ousing Loan
Pre#ious 7mploer A0 (
Pre#ious 7mploer A0((
Pre#ious 7mploer A0()
Pre#ious 7mploer A0J
Pre#ious 7mploer A07
&reatment of Pre%ious Emplo3ment +ncome
7mploee %ho has Eoined on current financial ear has to su&mit ;orm 1/$ or a signed / sealed tax computation
sheet$ from the pre#ious emploer or a declaration in ;orm 12).
Pre#ious emploment income$ as per supporting$ %ill &e accounted for computing the tax lia&ilit for the ear. =hile
generating the ;orm1/$ 8here are 2 options either %e can remo#e the pre#ious emploment details. Or %e can
sho% the same in the ;orm 1/. -o%e#er there %ill &e 2 separate Part A for each emploer. Part ) of ;orm 1/ can
&e sho%n as clu&&ed income of &oth the emploer & the current emploer.
+mportant .ote:-
"n case the due date of an insurance premium is after 1/th Fanuar 1 than please attach pre#ious ear6s/ last
.uarter receipts for authentication.
Proposal (eposit receipts %ill not &e accepted in case of insurance/pension/mediclaim policies.
8ax )enefit for donations gi#en in personal capacit need to &e claimed %hile filing the tax returns.
"n the case of 2utual fund in#estment under +stematic "n#estment Plan$ the installments for the month of ;e& and
2arch 201' %ill &e considered &ased on the paments till 1/th Fan. 201' as per the documents su&mitted 1the
documents should clearl specif that scheme has &een a#ailed5.
N+4 Accrued interest %ill sho% as income and also as deduction under +ection A0 4.
(013-(01? &A@ S#A1S
After pro%idin6 necessar3 exemptions and deductions as per rules defined abo%eA &axable +ncome=
is arri%ed/ 9n t$e &axable +ncome= t$e follo"in6 tax slabs are applied to arri%e at t$e B&ax Pa3able=
for t$e 3ear/
Cate6or3 &axable +ncome &ax C
.on Senior )ale D ;emale 2p to (00A000 0
Senior Citi>en (abo%e E0 3rs) 2p to (:0A000 0
Super Senior Citi>en (abo%e -0 3rs) 2p to :00A000 0

.on Senior )ale D ;emale (00A001 &9 :00A000 10C
Senior Citi>en (abo%e E: 3rs) (:0A001 &9 :00A000 10C

All :00A001 &9 1A000A000 (0C

All Abo%e 1A000A000 30C
Education Cess ((C) and SD (1C) "ill be c$ar6ed on t$e tax amount/
&$an< 0ou

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