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Digital generations bring knowledge to life
Volume 1
Issue 7 Six part
SM KM primer

Smart Travel
Self-representation in a connected world

Unqualified dreamers
Ignore reality at your own risk

Decisions at moment of truth

Innovators got to innovate

Include everyone
in the process

Five simple ways
to increase your energy output
Wouldn’t you just love to tap these phones?
Transfer the passion
Your organization recognizes the value of knowledge. A great deal of money
has been spent on process and systems. But too many of your people aren’t
enthusiastic adopters.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could transfer their energy from those outside
social networks they love and get the same kind of knowledge-sharing and
collaboration going at work? You can.
Smart People bridges the gap
Smart People magazine taps into the social networking craze and connects
the energy to the work place. It’s a cool tool to help people realize the
benefits of both networking and knowledge working.
Now you can co-brand the magazine with special features specific to the
organization. Then you make it available to all your knowledge workers, even
clients and suppliers. They’ll love it, and it will change the culture and the
way things get done around your place.
Smart People and Smart Organizations
Contact Smart People publisher, Jerry Ash
for details. Or call him: 813.335.1355

Volume 1
Issue 7

Cover story
LIVING 4 Mojo boosters
Five ways to increase
your energy output.
6 Smart travel
Self-representation in a connected world.

7 Spiderman
A virtual example of personal branding.

8 Challenges
Empower yourself through any setback.

Also in this issue LEARNING

Eight norms of readers3
The Knowledge Factor 30
KM Six Pack
10 Unqualified dreamers
Ignore reality at your own risk.
Part 6 of a series of six
articles introduces newly
engaged employees and
managers to the basics 12 Ghost story
of knowledge-based Outdated
enterprise. attitudes,
behaviors scary.

13 Learning while black

Creating educational excellence for
African American children.



14 Decisions at the moment of truth

Split-second timing means doing what’s right at
the moment.
16 Congressional Twitter
Falling short of improving transparency.

17 Marketing shift 18 Do you suffer from

Engaging online
with empowered maybe-itis?
consumers. Regardless of our various official
roles we are all sales people. And oh
how we hate the rejection! Take it
from a pro: “No” is a good thing.

20 Innovators got to 22 Destination
innovate statement
Real innovators are likely to have Getting from here
taught themselves in the school of to where you
hard knocks. want to go.

21 Time search 24 Part 2: Free

Naming 21st century innovators. intraprise
Converting bureacracies to
entrepreneurial organizations.

26 Thinking 29 Reader
strategicallly review
Include everyone in the Unmanaging
process. knowledge.

28 Managing up
Steps to lead (but not
damage) your boss.


About Smart People

Following the eight norms of our readers
The editorial policy of Smart People magazine follows the “Eight
Norms of Net Geners” as described by Don Tapscott in his book
Grown Up Digital. We include Digital Pioneers and Catching Up
Jerry Ash Digitals. This is a new media publication in every sense of the word. It
Managing editor is published online using the interactive channels of Web 2.0 to
Michele Ash enable ‘prosumers’ – people who want to have a hand in shaping the magazine – to collaborate on content and direction.
Technology by The Eight Norms we use as our guidelines are:
Boris Jaeger Freedom: Net Geners demand the freedom to choose. The more the
Graphic design by
better. The Internet has enabled that right and we eagerly compete in
Associated Professional Services that environment.
Customization: The magazine will continue to evolve as Smart
Social network hosts People representatives host discussion groups in the social networks
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John Veitch Integrity: To earn your trust, Smart People must deliver quality,
Boris Jaeger mixxt
Boris Jaeger relevancy and truth by sharing the best of knowledge and
information from the most reliable of sources.
Collaboration: Smart People magazine has been developed in
collaboration with social networkers in an open, online worksite.
Entire contents copyrighted, 2009, by Associated
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or electronically) without permission of the publisher.
fun. Smart People magazine is deliberately quick and lively and full
Opinions expressed are those of the writers and may of meaning, all at once.
not represent the opinion of Associated Professional
Services or Smart People magazine. Speed: No one ever said magazines were speedy. But they’ll say it
Smart People magazine about this one. The magazine may be a periodical, but the flow of
Associated Professional Services conversation is now.
1811 Atrium Drive
Sun City Center, Florida 33573 Innovation: There’s never been anything like Smart People magazine.
Phone: 813.634.4397 We dare to be different because we think differently and we urge
our readers to think differently too. We heed the Eight Norms because we believe in them.

Tom Davenport Jane Dysart David Gurteen Alice MacGillivray Robert Wendover The Smart People Magazine Board of Directors is being
Information Library and Knowledge Smart People Generational
Technology Information Science Management Networkers Studies carefully and methodically constructed to assure broad
representation of the personal and professional interests
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people. We invite suggestions and assistance. Contact
Jerry Ash:



Mojo Boosters
Five simple ways to increase your energy output
By Theresa Rose sucked away from us by body so it will take care of
others.  However, we can fill you.
Is your mojo running in our tanks whenever we wish. 
“slow mo?”  Are you finding All it takes is some intention, 2) Be playful. 
yourself dragging through conscious awareness and When is the last time
each day, seemingly unable choice. you’ve seen a child without
to move out of neutral?  Are So how can we boost our energy?  It rarely happens! 
you fighting a bad case of the mojo? We
“grumpies?” Chances are, you acquire more Mojo is our internal energy,
need a mojo boost. mojo when inspiration and power that propels
Like most of us, your we choose
energy levels are being activities that us joyfully forward in life, allowing
adversely affected by are healthy, us to fulfill our goals and act upon
the negativity we balanced
are absorbing in and blissful.
that which we desire.  In short,
the midst of At work mojo is our fuel for a happy and
the widespread especially, productive life. 
challenges, both this means
on Wall Street and finding the
Most children have one
on Main Street. silver lining, even when times
agenda item on their list:
Going to work are tough. But don’t despair! 
have fun.  They revel in the
when you’re Below are five simple yet
act of creating, exploring
constantly effective mojo boosters to help
and playing.  We can learn
hearing you out of the recession rut:
something from these smaller
layoffs or 1) Be good to yourself.  teachers by incorporating a
reading One of the most important little more play into our lives. 
steps you can take to boost At work, think about the
about the
your mojo is to adopt a ways you can bring more play
latest company
rigorous plan for self-care.  into your cubicle. Display
shutting its
Choose healthy foods to eat your favorite bobble-head or
doors is difficult.
and snack on, avoid eating figurine on your desk.  Use
And trying to
on-the-go, and especially your lunch break to play a
remain creative,
avoid too many empty (albeit board game with co-workers
upbeat and
productive can be comforting) sugary foods and while you eat. Sign up for a 
simple carbohydrates.  joke-of-the-day email. 
twice as hard.
Get outside at least once Outside of the office, pick
Before we begin
a day to breathe in one of shells on the beach, play with
to boost our mojo, we
need to understand nature’s biggest mojo boosters: your family outside or even
what mojo is.  Mojo oxygen!  All it takes is a simple run on the Slip’nSlide in the
is reflected differently walk around the parking lot or back yard.  Let your inner kid
in each person, yet its office plaza to get your energy play again!
essence is the same for boost.  3) Be mindful. 
all of us.  Also, don’t be shy when it Our mojo gets sapped
Our tanks get comes to getting those forty when our minds endlessly
low on mojo when winks over the weekend, jump from task to task, or
we allow it to become soaking in a tub, or getting a more precisely, obsess over
stagnant, depleted or massage.  Take care of your problem after problem. 


Theresa Rose is
an inspirational
Before you get out of and award-
Our computers winning author
need to be turned off bed and drive to work,
or before you shut off of the new
every once in a while
in order to function the light to get back into book, Opening
bed, mentally rattle off the Kimono. 
optimally, and our
minds are no all of the fabulous things As founder of
in your life.  Take note Serious Mojo
different.  Take some Publications,
time to mentally of the gifts contained
“defrag” through the within the challenges of Theresa
act of meditation.  If the day.  What was specializes
the blessing in the in fresh
you are new to approaches
meditation, simply postponed meeting
carve out a or client call?  Did it to energy
  allow you to spend management,
few productivity
minutes more
every mojo to try to control it.  time on a and creative
The best way to remain firmly project development. 
day Her experience
to planted in the present is to that
increase your awareness had a includes
comfortably sit in silence.  Do owning a
nothing.  Simply be. of yourself and your deadline, or did it make it so
surroundings.  Our lives are that you were able to drive healing center,
Once you have
incorporated periods of rich beyond measure when home a few minutes earlier to senior manager
we take the time to be fully see your family? of a Fortune
silence into your life, you can 100 firm, and
begin to add other mindful present.  If you operate from a
perspective of gratitude, then vice president
activities such as creative 5) Be grateful. of a consulting
visualization or clearing you will never have that
Expressing gratitude familiar feeling of running on firm. For more
your office space through de- is like receiving a shot of information,
cluttering and other simple empty.
adrenaline.  When we are Even though it sometimes visit www.
Feng Shui techniques. grateful for what we already
seems like our energy is
4) Be present.  have – a home, a family, love, dependent on our job status,
A major obstacle to health, food, and shelter – we the messages from the media,
maximizing one’s mojo is instantly get a boost of mojo or the balance in our bank
the all-too-common practice that can help us through accounts, we can break that
of regretting the past or the tough times. The key is pattern by making these
fretting over the future.  We to make the expression of simple mojo-boosting choices
spend so much of our energy gratitude a daily habit.  Think over and over again, day after
wallowing in previous so- about starting and ending day, minute by minute. 
called failures or fearing the each day with a “gratitude Choose to have a life
absolute worst of what may rant.”  of abundance, balance and
happen instead of living creativity, and then go about
joyfully in the moment.  embodying those ideas, beliefs
We don’t know what the and actions that support it. 
future holds, and it is simply
a waste of valuable time and


Smart travel in a connected world

LIVING By John and JoAnn Girard many times in history when
large groups congregated
judgment. They knew that she
had incredible knowledge of
The advent of social media has to spark change. However, many destinations and she
changed the travel industry the logistics with massing had access to information,
forever. Gone are the days large groups can be very like wholesale prices, only
where a select group of travel cumbersome, expensive, and available to industry insiders.
professionals has access to difficult to communicate. Today that has changed as
the best travel knowledge Enter Web 2.0 – a most mere mortals now have
on a given destination. Gone World Wide Web based on more access to higher fidelity
are the days where average collaboration rather than information, usually at no
travels must rely on travel content – and suddenly all of cost, than the professionals
professionals for high-quality these obstacles evaporate, at of just a couple of years
advice. least for virtual groups. ago. Through sites such as
If the old cliché knowledge, SeatGuru.
is power is true, then today Weapons of mass com,, and
we are witnessing the collaboration, to name just a few,
shift of power from travel In their book Wikinomics: we are now able to gain the
professionals to everyday How Mass Collaboration valuable knowledge we need
people, everyday people who Changes Everything, authors to make travel decisions.
are forming communities to Don Tapscott and Anthony
share freely what they know. Williams describe how i.e., an African villa
But what has changed to a low-cost collaborative Consider the following
empower these communities infrastructure is empowering example from our recent trip
with such power? Surely, the many – they term these to speak at a conference in
groups of passionate people “the weapons of mass Cape Town, South Africa.
have long yearned for collaboration.” They warn Whenever we travel to a new
the opportunity to share, these weapons support a destination for business, we
influence, or perhaps even new level of collaboration try to build in a little time to
hijack issues. Of course, there that will turn the economy learn about the host country.
have been upside down and may well We decided to arrive in Cape
facilitate the destruction of Town a few days early to tour
organizations that fail to the city and surrounding area.
adjust. Our first real question was
To understand the where to stay. A quick search
power of these new on revealed
collaborative tools, consider one particular guesthouse,
the transformation of the An African Villa, received rave
travel industry. For many reviews from many people. In
years, JoAnn worked in the fact, virtually everyone who
travel business. JoAnn’s had stayed there rated the
business was all hotel as five stars, resulting in
about knowledge An African Villa being rated as
and access to the best hotel in Cape Town.
information, much In addition to the high
of which she paid to quantitative scores, the
access. qualitative comments were
Over time, glowing – most reviewers took
JoAnn developed a the time to describe in detail
clientele who knew just how happy they were
her and trusted her with the property and the


staff. Finally, we reviewed the to contact An African Villa and contributors, none of whom
photos provided by the many ask their advice. Suddenly is paid for their services, we
happy visitors. We thought we were treating An African gained invaluable insight to
this would be a great place to Villa as a trusted authority make our decision.
stay and decided to book. We as we assumed they would Frankly, it would be
made this decision because we not recommend anyone who virtually impossible for a
trusted the 100 or so people might negatively influence professional travel consultant
who had provided feedback to our experience and ultimately in our home city to be able to our rating of the hotel. Within provide this service.
a day, we had an email
i.e., an African guide recommending a couple who Adapted from John and JoAnn
Our next challenge was were certified guides. One Girard’s book, The Leader’s
to decide what to do before more email and we were set. Guide to Knowledge
the conference. We only had As it turns out, we could Management: Drawing on
a couple of days to see the not have been happier with the Past to Enhance Future
sights so we decided it would either the property or our Performance published by
be best to hire a guide for our guide. This is an example of Business Expert Press (http://
visit. We searched several the power of collaboration and
travel sites but did not find knowledge sharing. Through node/56. John and JoAnn are
any guides who seemed to the collective knowledge avid travelers and co-founders of
meet our needs. We decided of many Sagology (

An example of personal branding
If you don’t get ‘personal branding,’ consider this: there really is a
At least, that’s what pop-culture guru and associate humanities
librarian for Texas Tech University Libraries Rob Weiner set out to
prove in an article published in the International Journal of Comic Art.
Turns out Spiderman has found life outside of comic-book pages.
In much the same way that editor Francis Pharcellus Church proved the existence of Santa Claus in
his famous 1897 New York Sun editorial, Weiner contends that Spiderman and his costumed peers have
entered mankind’s collective consciousness, filling a shared need for heroes.
“When I started reading graphic novels,” Weiner says, “I was struck by the fact that stories about
Spiderman or Batman and Superman could have as many plot twists and turns as any story by
Shakespeare, Stephen King or Leo Tolstoy,” he said.
“I was struck by how good some of the writing was for these so-called “kiddie” books, and that
somehow these archetypical characters like Spiderman were replacing Odysseus and Zeus as part of
modern mythology.”
Spiderman boasts a resume that would make many celebrities salivate: blockbuster movies, a TV
series, magazine appearances, graphic novels, video games and action figures.
He’s spawned knock-offs, spin-offs and imitators. Fans from across the world could pick his mug out
of a lineup.
Weiner’s books on comic books include Captain America and the Struggle of the Superhero: Critical
Essays. A copy of International Journal of Comic Art can be purchased at 


Empower yourself through any setback

By Tamara Vaughn For example, let’s suppose because although there’s not a
you just got fired from your lot of pleasure; there’s not a lot
Everyone faces challenges in job unexpectedly. of pain either.
business and in life. And even You honestly thought you But when you get
positive experiences such as were doing good work, you uncomfortable, you find that
getting a promotion or finding actually liked your job and you have resources, gifts and
Mr. or Ms. Right can present you had planned to stay there talents that you haven’t even
you with challenges. for a long time. tapped yet.
For example, Then one day your boss During times of
a new position taps you on the shoulder and challenge you have the ideal
brings new shows you the door. opportunity to turn the
responsibilities The natural emotions you events around and create the
– and sometimes probably feel are fear, sadness life or professional situation
new headaches – and anger. “How am I going you truly want to live.
while a new love to pay the bills?” you lament.
interest poses “What will happen to me and my Be mindful of your self-talk
the challenge family?” “How could they do this You need to watch how
of having to to me?” you speak to yourself.
compromise While these are normal For example, if you got
with another initial emotions, you have to fired from your job, you may
person when realize that you getting fired hear yourself saying, “I’m a
you’re used to from your job could be a lousy employee.” “No one will
doing things blessing in disguise, because ever want to hire me.” “I have no
your way. there is always something marketable skills.”
The key to better out there for you … you Such negative self-talk
overcoming just have to look for it. will only keep you in a
any challenge The following tips will negative state, causing you to
is to empower yourself helps you gain the confidence sabotage your own efforts.
through the event. to face life’s challenges head Therefore, focus on
In fact, life’s challenges on and turn them around into building yourself up through
and adversities can be one of opportunities for growth. affirmations. Some good
the most inspiring, creative examples of affirmations
and resourceful periods of Accept that challenges are a for our job loss example are:
your life, if you only take the learning tool “I am a committed, dedicated
steps to focus on the positive Challenges educate you employee.” “I have an excellent
and not the negative. about yourself. They define employer with benefits.” “I am
Unfortunately, your values and clarify what’s a knowledgeable person with a
most people have a pre- important to you. great deal of experience in my
programmed download of During any challenge is field.” “I am honest and have
emotions that dictate how the perfect time to re-create integrity and maintain that in
they react to challenges, your life, because challenges the workplace.”
changes and transitions. force you out of your comfort Make sure your
And the majority of zone. affirmations focus on the
times these emotions are When people get into a skills or traits that will help
not positive. Rather, they are comfort zone, they don’t like you overcome your current
based on resistance and fear, to mix it up. Most people will challenge. Soon you will
and they put people in the stay in their comfort zone believe your new self-talk
position of reacting and not and you’ll have confidence in
being able to turn around and yourself again.
direct the situation.

Visualize what you want company for their may just stumble upon a new
want in life: misery. And as much as they life path that leads to greater
The human brain does not seem to love you, they will fulfillment and success than
know the difference between sabotage you because your ever before. 
that which is real and that success intimidates them.
which is imagined. It’s easier for them to keep Shift your situation today
So visualize the perfect you down on their level. So The bottom line is Tamara Vaughn
scenario for yourself. As an focus on the positive people challenges don’t have to make is a speaker
added benefit, visualization in your life and ignore the you miserable. When your and author of
also helps you define your negative ones. Once you confidence has been shaken The PowerShift
values and beliefs. do, you’ll see a marked due to a sudden turn of Principle:
When you visualize the improvement in your current events, following these steps Empowering
new job position you want, situation. will help you make it through Yourself
for example, you can create the rough time and maintain through Life’s
a picture of the type of Open yourself to new your confidence. Challenges.
company you want to work for possibilities
After all, you can’t go She is president
and get a better idea of what’s Remember, a challenge
from surviving to thriving of SuccessNRG,
important to you. can be one of the most
if you’re stuck wallowing Inc., www.usa-
Now, if an opportunity creative times in your life.
in self-pity. Put these tips to life-coaching.
arises that puts you in a place Therefore, give yourself
work today. When you do, com, a
that’s opposite of what you permission to think beyond
you’re bound to have a more transformational
visualize, you can better the obvious.
enjoyable tomorrow … no company
decide whether it’s a right After a job loss, for
matter what the situation. designed to
move for you. example, you might think to
foster personal
start your own growth and self-
Keep a supportive business or to empowerment.
environment do something
You need to distance you’ve been
yourself from negative people, putting off for
even if it means hurting their years, like take
feelings or damaging the a year off and
relationship permanently. hike through
If the toxic person is a close Europe.
family member, this step can Look
be difficult, but it will free you beyond
to experience positive things what you’re
in life. accustomed to
After all, when you’re and let yourself
trying to come back from a dream for once.
challenge, the only resource As you do so,
you have is your mind. just ponder the
Remember that some new experiences
people love to complain and and realize that
you don’t have
to act on the first
thing you think
Use your
positive support
network as a
sounding board
for ideas. You


LEARNING Unqualified dreamers

Ignore reality and you’ll risk failure
A new study shows what it The findings are especially They can then zero in on
takes to convince a person relevant now as students more realistic possible goals
that he or she isn’t qualified prepare for an uncertain job that they actually are qualified
to achieve the career of his market and they, along with to achieve,” he said.
dreams. their teachers and guidance Carroll conducted the
Researchers found that counselors, try to find the best study with Robert Arkin,
it’s not enough to tell people career choices for them. professor of psychology
they don’t have the skills or at Ohio State, and James
“Educators are trying
the grades to make their goal Sheppard, professor of
to lead students to the most
a reality. psychology at the University of
realistic career options,”
People will cling to their Florida.
Carroll said.
dreams until they’re clearly Their results appear in the
“You want to encourage
shown not only why they’re current issue of the journal
not qualified, but also what students to pursue their
Social Cognition.
bad things can happen if they dreams, but you don’t want
The research included
pursue their goals and fail. to give them false hope about two similar studies involving
“Most people don’t give their abilities and talents. It’s a separate groups of 64 and
up easily on the dreams,” fine line. 70 upper-class business and
says Patrick Carroll, co-author “This research is important psychology students at Ohio
of the study and assistant to understanding how State.
professor of psychology at students make revisions in The students signed up
Ohio State University at Lima. their career goals and decide to meet with a career advisor
“They have to be given which career possibilities to learn about a supposedly
a graphic picture of what should be abandoned as new master’s degree program
failure will look like if they unrealistic given their current in business psychology that
don’t make it.” qualifications. would train them for “high-
paying consulting
positions as business
However, the
program didn’t actually
The goal was to get
the students interested
in the program, and
see how they reacted
when faced with
varying levels of threat
to their new dreams of
becoming a business
All the students
filled out information
sheets which included
their current grade
point averages. The
students were then

separated into four groups. paying office jobs unrelated to as they dropped their dream
Students in the control group business psychology. and accepted the fact that they
were given an information “In this case, the students would not become business
sheet indicating no GPA were given a very vivid picture psychologists.
requirement for the program. of what might happen if they Carroll said he sees the
The other three groups failed,” Carroll said. relevance of this research
were given sheets indicating In both studies, the results nearly every day, as students
the GPA requirement was were similar and striking. The seek his input about career
.10 above whatever they had students in the control group plans or the possibility of
listed as their own GPA. and those who were simply graduate school.
In one of these groups, told their GPA was too low for Sometimes these students
the “career advisor” – who the program didn’t give up the have not gotten good enough
actually worked with the dream.
grades or shown the work
researchers – simply pointed In tests given after their
ethic they would need to
out that the students’ GPA was meetings with the career
succeed at higher levels, he
lower than the requirement. advisor, these participants
In another group, the actually showed declines
Still, Carroll said he
threat was raised slightly: the in the amount of self-doubt
doesn’t often use what he
advisor told the participants they had about their abilities
and showed higher levels of knows to bring these students
that they weren’t what they back to reality.
were looking for in the commitment to pursing the
degree. “I’m very cautious about
program and that it was using what I know with
unlikely they would be “We have a brilliant ability
to spin, deflect or outright students,” he said. “You’re
admitted. dealing with people’s dreams
But the advisor dismiss undesired evidence
that we can’t do something,” and hopes, and with that
encouraged these participants awareness comes great
to apply if they were Carroll said. “We try to find
reasons to believe.” responsibility.
interested, because they might “The dreams of who you
be reviewed by a more lenient However, students given
the most vivid threat had could become are a very
admissions committee. important part of how you
higher levels of self-doubt
The last group received define yourself, yet they are
immediately after meeting
the strongest threat to their very vulnerable given that
with the advisor, lower
hopes of becoming a business they exist only in our mind’s
expectations and lower
psychologist: they were also eye as the best possible
commitment to pursuing a
told they were not qualified,
business psychology career. guesses from current evidence
but might sneak in with a
Carroll said anxiety of what we could become in
lenient admission committee.
played the key role for getting the future,” he said. “We need
But the advisor added that if
these students to drop their to learn more about how those
that happened, the student interest in becoming business career dreams are constructed
would probably struggle psychologists. and revised.”
with the high demands of the Those who received the In new research, Carroll
program and ultimately end strongest threat began with and his colleagues hope to do
up with no job prospects if he high levels of doubt about just that. The new focus is on
or she somehow managed to their abilities. But they then what happens when people
graduate. also experienced much have to reject certain goals for
To add to the threat, the higher anxiety levels as they the future, and whether this
advisor mentioned that he considered the vivid prospects process hurts them or helps
or she knew of cases at other of failure presented to them. them find new goals.
schools where unqualified This led them to lower
students couldn’t get placed expectations about getting in This research was supported by a
in jobs after graduation to the program, and finally grant from the National Institute
and often ended up in low- lower anxiety when tested later of Mental Health.


Carol Kinsey
Goman, PhD, is
an author and
Ghost story
keynote speaker
who addresses Outdated attitudes, behaviors scary
government, By Carol Kinsey Goman underused brainpower and valid reason for not sharing
and business results in billions of dollars in information.
audiences I believe in ghosts. lost ideas, in not sharing best The Martian tried to give
around the Not only do I believe in practices and lessons learned, his opinion when he first
world. Her ghosts, I’ve seen how they in a lack of innovation, and joined the organization, only
latest book and haunt individuals, teams, in employees’ not having the to be told: “That’s not the way
program topic is departments, and entire information needed to do we do things around here. It
The Nonverbal their jobs. may have worked on Mars,
organizations around the
Advantage but not here.” So, over time, he
world. Now that’s scary! 
– Secrets and
And nowhere are these To explain what I’d been stopped contributing.
Science of Body
workplace ghosts more seeing in organizations, I And we’ve all met the
Language at
Work.  insidious than in the area of wrote a book called “Ghost “techie” (and other experts
For more collaboration. Story.” And I wrote it as a like him) who thinks he’s
information, What I’m calling “ghosts” business fable – just for fun. informing us, but really just
email are those out-dated attitudes And fun I had creating confuses the issue because he
CGoman@CKG. and behaviors about some pretty weird characters: can’t translate what he knows
com, or through collaborative knowledge- A magpie who hoards into words we can understand.
her Web sites: sharing that still haunt information, a three-legged Then there is Dot, the
www.CKG. corporate halls and factory Martian who is the ultimate heroine of the story. After
com and www. outsider, a 400-pound pig in surveying 200 mid-level
Nonverbal. managers regarding the state
It’s an expensive haunting an admiral’s uniform who
that causes wasted talent and treats staff as if they were of knowledge-sharing in their
children, and the two-year- teams and departments,
old head of IT who speaks I found women to be at a
“dribble” – to name only a distinct disadvantage: They
few. are less likely to speak up in
Actually, it wasn’t that meetings, less likely to believe
hard for me to create these that their contributions are
characters. Truth is, I’ve met valuable, and more likely
all of them. Of course I’m to personalize failure while
speaking figuratively. externalizing success.
The pig, for example, is Dot symbolizes those of us
the prototypical “command who don’t share information
and control” manager who because we are unconsciously
distributes information on a competent. We simply “don’t
“need-to-know” basis. know what we know.”
His role, he believes, is to One of my favorite
protect people who are unable characters in the book is a
to absorb what’s really going talking bonsai tree. I needed
on within the organization. a living thing that Dot could
Let them know what’s use as a mentor, something
actually happening, he insists, you might find in a corporate
and they would panic, freak meeting room. I also wanted
out, and defect like rats. her mentor to have obvious
So, naturally, the pig is flaws.
hesitant to share.Everyone The bonsai offers a lot
in the story, in fact, has a of good advice, but doesn’t

have Dot’s courage and inner But after thinking it over, created leverage and power
strength. It’s a way of making I had to admit that I’ve been bases by hanging onto what
the point that mentors, while just as haunted as all my they knew.
incredibly valuable for a time, characters. Under some But today, when the shelf
are always imperfect people circumstances, I’ve let ghosts life of knowledge is much
. . . or plants. In the end, Dot lead me into any number of shorter, the new reality is
grows in her ability to value outdated behaviors. The trick, that knowledge is no longer a
her own insights and to rely I’m learning, is to examine commodity like gold, which
on herself.  those behaviors in light of new holds (or increases) its worth
I was once asked if any realities. over time. It’s more like milk
of these characters were For instance, like my – fluid, evolving, and stamped
autobiographical. I initially character “The Miser” (a with an expiration date.
denied that any of them knowledge-hoarding magpie), And by the way,
resembled me in the least, I’ve been haunted by the belief I’ve learned there is
although one, “Mr. Right” that “knowledge is power.” nothing less powerful than
– who has already found the Which may have been true in hanging on to knowledge
right answer and so refuses to an earlier, more stable time, whose time has expired.
look at alternatives – was very when knowledge obsolescence How about you? Seen any
much like my husband. took years and when hoarders ghosts lately?

Learning while black

Creating educational excellence for African American children
In her book Learning While Black, Janice Hale argues that educators must look beyond the cliches
of urban poverty and teacher training to explain the failures of public education with regard to black
students. “Why,” Hale asks simply, “are black students not being educated as well as white students?”
Hale goes beyond finger pointing to search for solutions. Closing the achievement gap of African
American children, she writes, does not involve better teacher training or more parental involvement.
The solution lies in the classroom, in the nature of the interaction between the teacher and the child.
And the key, she argues, is the instructional vision and leadership provided by principals.
To meet the needs of diverse learners, the school must become the heart and soul of a broad
effort, the coordinator of tutoring and support services provided by churches, service clubs, fraternal
organizations, parents, and concerned citizens.
Calling for the creation of the “beloved community” envisioned by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Hale
outlines strategies for redefining the school as the Family, and the broader community as the Village, in
which each child is too precious to be left behind.
“In this book, I am calling for the school to improve traditional instructional practices and create
culturally salient instruction that connects African American children to academic achievement. The
instruction should be so delightful that the children love coming to school and find learning to be fun
and exciting.” ~ Janice Hale

Janice E. Hale is professor of early childhood education at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan.
She is the founder of Visions for Children, a demonstration school designed to facilitate the intellectual
development of African American preschool children. Email:


CHOOSING Decisions at the moment of truth

By Lior Arussy This would normally first hand and having the
lose the driver a significant experience and relevant
I recently attended a Formula amount of time and standing information is what matters
1 car race in Europe.  Being in the race.  However, as the the most.
close to the pit and having a result of successful teamwork, Making the right decision
special access pass allowed those delays were held to a at the moment of truth by the
me to view all the activities minimum allowing the driver people who actually face the
surrounding the cars and the to still win the race. problem is a true test for every
way they were managed.  So what is it that caught organization. 
Although I have seen car my attention?  The decisions On paper, every executive
races on TV before, the actual made in split seconds by the swears that his employees
experience was much more engineers.  are empowered to make
amazing than the TV version.  Each engineer is those decisions, but when
Many aspects of the car empowered to do what he the moment of truth arrives,
race were intriguing, but one believes is right without many employees will default
particular aspect caught my escalation to management or to the boss to actually make
attention above all the others.  requiring approval in three the decision. 
During the race, cars copies.  They simply cannot Unlike the engineers at the
pulled into the pit for afford to work under those Formula 1 race, the employees
refueling or for other critical conditions.  will not take the risk of
maintenance services.  Those Decisions are fully making a critical decision. 
services are provided by delegated, both authority and Why is that?  There are several
a team of about a dozen responsibility, to the engineers reasons employees fail to
engineers who each do their at the pit.  They are the ones make decisions at the moment
specific part under severe time of truth.
with the most information
and they see the problem with n Failure to See the
In an environment where
their own eyes.  Moment of Truth: We
every second counts, those
Because of this, they often think that the
services are often completed
are empowered to do the caller will wait for us
in under a minute and off the
right thing.  I was especially and therefore we fail to
driver goes to continue the
impressed when a number of deliver the desired result
cars, which had more severe right away.  We fail to see
No team can afford an
engineering problems, were the sense of urgency and
unnecessary delay
simply pulled out of the race the limited window of
of even a second
altogether by an engineer’s opportunity.
and everyone
decision.  n Lack of Information:
works together
The driver, who was Employees are often
to complete
earning millions of dollars, not provided with the
the tasks in the
had no say on the matter and necessary information
most efficient
the engineer decided.  Why?  to make decisions at the
way possible,
Because at the moment of moment of truth. 
something akin to
truth, that engineer has the n Lack of Authority:
most important information For many managers,
In fact during
required in order to make the empowerment is a threat. 
the race I attended,
decision.  A threat that, if employees
a Mercedes
McLaren car was pulled in Neither earning power were able to make the
three times at the beginning nor hierarchy has anything decisions, they themselves
of the race due to engineering to do with making the right would be redundant. 
problems.  decision.  Seeing the problem


n Lack of Motivation: managers to

Our experience overcome their
shows that there is a controlling
certain percentage of inclinations and
employees who simply let go of power.
seek a paycheck, not The true
greater responsibility.  test of an
They do not want the organization’s
extra pressure and resilience and
accountability that comes competitiveness
with the decision-making is the ability to
process. make decisions
n Lack of Experience: at the moment
To make split second of truth. 
decisions requires sharp These are the
intuition; a high level of moments when
intuition that comes with customers test
experience.  Without the their vendors. 
experience, employees
customers do not
will hesitate to make
have time to wait
for escalations
To build this ability to
and managers’
make decisions at the moment
of truth in the organization,
If I were to
managers need to provide
ask a Formula 1
their employees with the level
engineer, “How
of trust that guarantees that
did you make
they will be there to support
that decision?” 
them.  He would most
This practice is very likely respond, “I
common at Southwest had no choice.”
Airlines, which places the He simply
employees first and the acted on instinct
customers second.  and used his
Following years of lack of well-honed
trust in most organizations, of creating delightful customer
knowledge to do what was experiences and executing
employees once again right at the moment. He knew
need to believe that their profitable customer strategies.
that every split second of Prior to establishing Strativity
organization, and more hesitation may have cost his
specifically their mangers, Group [],
team the whole race, or even Mr. Arussy held executive
will be there to back them up.  worse, the driver his life. 
One way of doing this is positions at Hewlett-Packard
This same notion should and other companies. In his book,
by openly and freely sharing be instilled in every employee
information and experiences.  Excellence Every Day [www.
if you ever want to achieve],
This will build the confidence a level of super competitive Arussy says the “excellence
level of employees in their performance and win the race myth” holds employees and
ability to make decisions and to the heart of the customer businesses back by undermining
support them with logical (and his wallet too). individual performance, eroding
customer loyalty, and erasing any
Doing this goes far Lior Arussy is an author, competitive advantage a firm my
beyond merely information visionary, consultant and aspire to.
sharing, and requires creative catalyst in the areas


Falling short of improving transparency

A new study by University of Maryland researchers finds a growing use of Twitter among
members of Congress but the purpose and content of their messages fall short of improving
government transparency.
Jennifer Golbeck, assistant professor all of the flooding throughout the state,” or
in the College of Information Studies, Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) announcing that he
Maryland’s iSchool, a doctoral student and an “stopped for a quick bite to eat at Sting-Rays in
undergraduate assistant analyzed more than Cape Charles ...”.
5,000 tweets sent by 69 members of Congress Of the remaining tweets:
in February. n 7 percent were related to citizen
They found that House and Senate communication
members were using the social media platform n 5 percent to official business
mostly to promote themselves, rather than n 4 percent related to personal messages
engage in dialogue with constituents and the n 3 percent to requesting action
public at large. n 1 percent to internal communication.
“Members of Congress were not sharing “The results allow for a more robust debate
much new information on Twitter, and there over the issue of tweeting and Congress to
were few posts that improve transparency,” occur,” says Grimes, who anticipates using the
Golbeck says. research as part of his PhD dissertation.
The analysis of the tweets, the messages The study was not an attempt to disprove
of 140 or fewer characters sent via Twitter, was the value of Twitter, or disprove the value
conducted in the iSchool’s Human-Computer of Congress using Twitter in a glib manner,
Interaction Lab and the Center he says. It “merely tried to understand and
for Information Policy and e- document how it is currently being used with
Government, and is the first study the hopes of improving the dialogue and
on Twitter use by Congress, discussion surrounding it.”
Golbeck says. Golbeck is trained as a computer scientist
She, Justin Grimes, the and is one of the first researchers in the United
iSchool doctoral student, States to build algorithms analyzing online
and Anthony Rogers, an social networks.
undergraduate individual Her research team’s report includes
studies major, say a full 80 suggestions on how Congress could use these
percent of posts to Twitter new technologies to improve transparency,
by congressmen are either accountability and communication.
links to news articles and One example: Members of Congress could
press releases, or inform about tweet during debates and committee meetings,
activities and events like allowing the public access to information they
announcing they are in might not readily find in the media.
a meeting, describing According to comScore, an Internet
what they’re eating marketing research firm, more than 21 million
and relating their daily people now use Twitter, an almost 27-fold
workout regimen. increase within the past 12 months. The
Examples nonprofit site shows 159
include U.S. Rep. members of Congress -- 102 Republicans and
Tom Latham (R- 57 Democrats -- using Twitter.
Iowa) tweeting Goldbeck has found that Twitter use
that he “is working among members of Congress grew from the
to help Iowans as 69 legislators her team analyzed in February to
they contend with 134 in May.


Marketing shift
Engaging online with empowered consumer
A new report published by Experian, the global information services company, suggests that retail and home
shopping brands need to adapt in order to connect online with “the empowered consumer.”
The report, titled “Engaging offline and online insights to dictate the last 12 months compared to just
Online with the Empowered precisely how and when a company 1 percent for traditional catalogue
Consumer,” highlights that the rise engages with today’s increasingly- companies according to Hitwise.
of Web 2.0 and social networking, savvy customers. Marie Myles, director of
price comparison sites and online For example, insight from marketing consulting for Experian’s
discount codes have all led to Hitwise, an Experian company, Integrated Marketing division,
consumers expecting greater value found that online shoppers are commented: “Our new report lifts
and service levels. evolving – with 27 percent of online the lid on why engaging online
shoppers over 55 with the empowered consumer is
While traditional marketing is facing years old in 2008 a business imperative in today’s
tough sledding, marketers who engage compared to just tough economic climate. The fact
12 percent in that online retailing has grown by
online with the empowered consumer 2005. 40 percent in the last 12 months
is a business imperative in today’s According underlines why brands must change
tough economic climate. The figures are to the report the way they communicate.
the biggest “While ‘wow’ factors will
impressive: 40 percent growth among problem is that be memorable and generate
online retailers in the past 12 months! while many conversations, innovations in
companies have marketing and brand loyalty will
According to Experian’s report, a multi-channel be lost if the basics continue to
the reality is that many retailers marketing strategy in place, be ignored. Greater
and home shopping companies are more often than not it operates in emphasis needs
failing to live up consumers’ multi- isolation of the rest of the brand to be placed on
channel expectations. portfolio. the exploitation
Using the home shopping The result for and application
sector as an example, Experian’s the consumer
analysis reveals the harsh reality of is a fragmented
customer engagement: experience with
n 45 percent of customers are inconsistent service.
single purchasers, with figures Online consumer
rising as high as 75 percent in behavior is changing
some cases. rapidly and while online
n 60 to 70 percent of ‘best’ fashion retailers
customers have not purchased have embraced online of
in the last 12 months, signifying strategies such as expanding existing
that companies are taking one email marketing and search data assets.
or two seasons to recognise strategies, and targeting lifestyle The enhanced
that high value customers have and social networking sites, insight derived
lapsed. traditional catalogue retailers have from this approach
n 30 percent of customers generate generally not been as quick to and the move to a coordinated
nearly 70 percent of revenues. adapt. customer contact strategy will
Experian’s report suggests that As a result, online fashion lead to more profitable and longer
brands need to encourage repeat retailers have seen a 31 percent relationships between brands and
purchasing and loyalty by blending increase in UK Internet traffic over consumers.”


Do you suffer from “maybe-itis”?

Regardless of our various official roles we are all sales people. And oh how we hate the
rejection! Take it from a pro: “No” is a good thing.
By Landy Chase attempt to ruin your day; it is Once you have an agreed
simply human nature, and it upon date for the decision,
Health bulletin for sales manifests itself in a number of the next step is to verify that
people: The dread disease ways. there are no other outstanding
maybe-itis continues to be a Some people will tell you issues.
major health hazard to the that they need time to "think This is critical, because it
careers of many in the sales it over,” and others will need allows you to ensure that the
profession.  to "run the proposal by a decision itself is the only thing
Symptoms of this disease partner," or want to "study it," left on the table. This is simply
are readily apparent upon or "sleep on it," or whatever. done as follows:
close inspection of an Contrary to what you You: “Do you have
individual’s selling skills might have learned at the last everything you need at this
and commonly include the "don't take no for an answer" point to make a decision?”
following: sales seminar, they have Buyer: “Yes, you’ve been
n An inability to get people every right to do this, and very helpful.”
to make a decision, attempting to push them to act
resulting in a perpetual immediately is a bad idea. How are the chances?
sense of false hope in I know some of you may Now that you have (1)
something that isn't going have been told otherwise, agreed upon a date for the
to happen but practically speaking, decision, and (2) agreed that
high-pressure gimmicks all of the buyer’s questions
n A presentations-to-sales
are not only a waste of time, have been answered, move to
percentage in the range of
they are unprofessional and the third and final step.
10 percent to 15 percent
unnecessary. Ask for a tentative
n Mindless follow-up with
At the same time, however, commitment to move forward,
people who say they are
getting up and leaving while respecting their need to
"kicking it around"
without getting closure is the
n High frustration and “think it over.”
worst thing that you can do
anxiety over the impact This should be presented
– because it often causes a
on sales performance as follows:
long-term case of maybe-itis.
n An income not You: “Recognizing that
What's a good sales person to
representative of the time you need a week to arrive
and effort being expended at your decision, what is the
Whenever you are faced
If left untreated, maybe- with a situation where the likelihood of us doing business
itis can be lethal to the career decision is not going to be together, based on what you’ve
of a sales person. How does made immediately, the first seen at this point?
one expunge oneself from this step is always to immediately Your prospective client
dread affliction? establish a firm deadline for a will answer this question in
decision. one of two ways – and this
Delayed decisions You have every right to do will tell you, with a high level
You already know that this. The best approach is to of accuracy, whether or not
most buying decisions are not ask the buyer how much time you are going to be doing
made immediately after your she needs to make a decision, business together.
presentation. and then offer a deadline yourself. Let’s look at the
Most people will not ramifications of each.
make an on-the-spot decision, The first response we’ll
period. This is not an look at is the response you

want hear, which is what  ‘No’ is permission “No” means permission to
I call a “conditional yes” to move on get over it, and get on with
– a verbal commitment that the Click! End of follow up. your life. Getting to “No” is
buyer wants to move forward Why? Because if they are a superb time-management
pending the “think it over” going to do business with you, skill.
step, whatever that step may they’ll call you, that’s why! As the great sales trainer
be. This is the type of situation And if they are not, you won’t Tom Hopkins used to say, if
where good follow-up is hear back from them. you get one ‘yes’ for every
critical and well-worth your This frees you up thirteen ‘no’s,’ then every
time. to pursue other, quality ‘no’ that you get is one less
Immediately after this opportunities. ‘no’ you have to deal with
meeting, send the person a You see, learning to until you get to the next
thank you in the mail. love the word “no” is an ‘yes.’ Sounds like a cure for
Include in your thank-you important step to good time “maybe-it is” might be within
note this statement: “I would management. “No” means your reach, after all.
also like to thank you for your “closure.”
commitment to make a prompt “No” is permission to get Landy Chase, MBA, CSP, is an
business decision. I really on with other opportunities. expert who specializes in speaking
appreciate it!” “No is a green light to refocus to corporations and associations
Now, let’s take a look at on productive tasks, while on advanced professional selling
what you don’t want to hear. discarding this unproductive and sales management topics. For
“Well, give me a call in a one.” more information, visit his Web
week, and we’ll let you know.” “No” is a step forward – a site at
Ouch! You asked for a move in the right direction.
commitment and didn’t get
one! There is something here
that is keeping your sale from
moving forward. At least you
Try asking “what concerns
you at this point?” and see
if you can get the remaining
issues on the table.
And if you can’t – get over
it! For whatever reason, you
weren’t able to convince this
person to do business with
Politely end the meeting
and gear up for another
opportunity elsewhere.
Follow-up here is brief,
as well. Give this person one
follow up phone call. (You will
almost always get voice mail).
Say, “I was following up on
my proposal to see if you had
made a decision. Please call me
when you’re ready to proceed.
Thank you!”


CREATING Innovators got to innovate

By Victor Newman and unexpected, to the effect Governments around
that the real innovators in the the world are attempting
Years ago, in the early ‘90s, I business world were not in to develop entrepreneurs
remember watching a video the room this day. That the through their education
of a Tom Peters’ sweat and real innovators are out there systems, yet so many
rant guru session, where he innovating, because they have successful entrepreneurs have
wandered about a floor of to do it. They cannot choose to underachieved when it comes
anxious senior managers do it, they have to do it. It’s in to education, and maybe that’s
clustered around circular their nature. the point.
tables – anxious because he The connected topics of At the same time, people
might ask them a question innovation and leadership, with ADHD display many of
that might expose their are a bit like pornography the behavioral characteristics
unfitness to manage their in the sense that those who traditionally associated with
organizations, and senior consume it the most are just the entrepreneur.
because only a senior not constitutionally equipped This is not to say that
manager could justify the cost to perform the acts described successful entrepreneurs are
of the ticket. in the literature. But they love autistic, but it is likely that
Peters’ style was to ask reading about the stuff they their attention is not drawn to
rhetorical questions in a can’t and won’t do. Which is repetitive, traditional thinking
quiet voice, answer them the point Peters was making. that is reinforced within a
himself in a loud, scornful Innovators don’t take conventional education that
voice, and then cascade his lessons, they may not even punishes or excludes heresies.
audience with information read books, they just do it, and So it could be the case
about successful companies do it again, until the timing of that real entrepreneurs will
and entrepreneurs scavenged their idea coincides with the innovate whether you like
by his army of researchers, timing of the market and their it or not. And maybe the
who happened to fit his latest customers, and they make best thing to do is to either
theme. some money, or they fail. And get out of their way, make it
His guru topic this time there is a lot of luck involved, easier for them to get on with
was innovation and he but it is a luck that is backed their job, or have a different
said something by persistence and perhaps a kind of education that fits
profound (for kind of ‘autism’. the psychology of those
a change) It is this kind autism with the potential to become
that is so valuable. A entrepreneurs as opposed
recent Royal to those who are good at
Society of Arts education.
publication The problem with
suggested educating for innovation is
that there is that it creates the illusion that
a link (if only anyone can do it, that there
by analogy) is a formula that anyone can
between consume and succeed. The
successful provision of this innovation
entrepreneurs education for entrepreneurs
and ADHD creates an illusion of success,
(Attention a kind of cargo-cult of
Deficiency and innovation reinforced by
Hyperactivity government box-ticking
Disorder). initiatives.


The cargo-cult was a These associations The innovation culture that

phenomenon that grew out between goodness and is driven by academic models
the indigenous people of New symbolic behavior can be tends toward incremental
Guinea and Micronesia who painful but remain hard to innovation, and a fear of
observed the Allies’ ability to challenge without triggering risk-taking, which dares
resupply their troops fighting extreme emotions among not challenge the prevailing
the Japanese by air. highly-educated people. The formula for success that is in
They noted the cargo-cult of innovation decay.
construction of drop-zones education also reinforces the That is why real innovators
and colored markers and idea that the highly-educated are likely to have taught
colored smoke to indicate are innovative, when the themselves in the school of
wind-drift, concluded that reverse is more likely true. hard knocks and explains why
the goods (boots, water, This explains the war the best thing you can do with
ammunition, food and against common sense, an innovator is to help them
clothing) were triggered by and helps to explain why do what they are going to do
these visual cues, and decided it is often so difficult to get anyway but help them to do it
to copy them, and they haven’t highly-educated scientists better.
stopped since. to innovate strategically,
What is ironic is this because their thinking tends Victor Newman, knowledge
human tendency to construct to be trapped within small activist, is author of the
associations between symbolic academic boxes and why Knowledge Activist’s
behavior and the provision of those scientists who are able Handbook and head of innovation
goodness in many forms. It’s a to break out of traditional box strategy and economics for the
bit like thinking that the more thinking and innovate, tend UK Technology Strategy Board.
the government spends the to be unpopular and driven Blog: http://the-knowledgeworks.
better life will get. out of the organization.

Time search
Naming 21st century innovators
Following last year’s picks of the 100 most influential people of the
20th century, Time magazine is now looking for tomorrow’s most
influential individuals – the innovators of the 21st century.
The search is not for the names we already know, but the up-
and-comers – people like Michael Vaughn, the e-commerce wiz
who is transforming Sears, or Hollywood’s Wachowski brothers, the
minds behind “The Matrix.” Or even the guy down the street who’s
been promising the next computer breakthrough or medical marvel.
Time is looking for you to be its eyes and ears across the globe.
Do you work with an innovator or, maybe, live next door to one? If so
email [] the name of your nominee, explaining
in 50 words or less why Time should choose him or her. Time has
already profiled five or six pacesetters in 18 fields from music to
politics to culinary arts.


Destination statement
Getting from here to where you want to go
By Holly G. Green runner followed in his on the right track, running
footsteps, followed shortly the right race.  
When Roger Bannister was thereafter by several more.  But organizations are
attempting to become the Clearly, the sub-four now beginning to understand
first athlete to break the four- minute mile wasn’t impossible; what world-class athletes
minute mile, all the “experts” someone just had to envision have long known – if you can
told him it was impossible.  doing it.  picture the destination and
Some even suggested he When asked how get clear on what winning
risked death by pushing his he accomplished the looks like, your chances of
body beyond human limits.  feat, Bannister replied, getting there dramatically
Of course, we now know “Physiologically impossible or increase.
that not only did Bannister not, I just saw myself doing it.” 
not die, but the week after To this day, many Olympic Painting the picture
he broke the barrier, another athletes use this One tool for painting a
type of success vivid picture of where you or
visioning to your organization needs to go
achieve their is destination modeling. 
goals.  Designed to create
The powerful visions in the mind
difference in of colleagues or employees,
skill levels at destination statements
premier levels provide cohesion, direction
is often not and behavioral guidance. 
discernible.  They tell people what you
What differs is are doing, what you are not
the mindset, doing, and what you will be
the clarity of doing when you get to where
vision on what you want to go. 
winning looks Some companies develop
like. one over-arching destination
Leaders and statement for the entire
managers don’t company. 
often employ I find it more useful
this approach to develop a number of
in strategic statements, or destination
planning, or points, for each critical area
even in simple of the organization.  In fact,
delegation I often use these statements
today.  as a starting point when
Most are working with clients.
running so Examples of destination
fast, they don’t statement categories include:
take the time • Key operating
to get clear on achievements (the big
winning; they three or four).
just run and • How the workplace
hope they are culture will be, including

attitudes, beliefs, values In today’s fast-paced you work from the end state
and operating principles. world, three years makes backwards, the likelihood of
• What skills, knowledge more sense.  Recently, all of you getting there increases
and abilities will exist in my clients are doing one-year exponentially.
the organization?  In each destination modeling and
business unit? plans.  Getting clear on the language
• What organizational The rate of change today is As you go through the
structures will be in place, so great that anything beyond process of creating your
company-wide and at each that and you are likely just destination points, keep in
business unit? wildly guessing as to what is mind that clarity of language
• What work processes and possible.  is essential for ensuring that
metrics will be used? people are looking at the same
• What tools, systems and Validating your destination picture. 
technologies will be Once you have identified People often use the
necessary, both internally your destination points, same words to describe very
and externally? measure each one against the different things, and if you’re
• What products will be following criteria: not careful you can end up
in the market?  What • Consistency.  Is it with many different pictures
products will be in consistent with the mission rather then one unifying
development? statement (the why you vision.
• Who will our customers exist)? To get the best of what
be?  How many will we • Clarity.  Is it easy to your people have to offer, your
have? understand?  Is it easy to organization’s future needs to
• Who will our competitors tell what is in and what be more compelling than the
be?  What type of is out?  Does it tell you past. 
companies will we what you need to do Picturing your destination
compete against? (directionally)? and describing it in vivid
• What will be our greatest • Specific.  Does it provide language will make it easier
competitive advantage?  enough details to initiate and much more likely your
Our biggest threat? a level of measurement?  people and your organization
• How will we be known? Does it paint a picture will achieve the goals and
• What will our brand employees can relate to and break the own four-minute
represent? a place they can envision? mile. 
Remember, your goal as a • Flexible.  Is it flexible Especially as businesses
leader or manager is to paint enough to include evolving begin to recover and reset for a
as vivid and rich a ‘picture’ business needs? different (and hopefully better)
of success or winning as you • Pride.  Does it make you economy, it is critical you are
possibly can.  feel proud to be part of the clear on where you are now
To create destination effort? going, why you will still win
points, draw a vertical line • Inspiration.  Does it compel and what it looks like when
down the middle of a sheet of you to want to go there? you get there!
paper.  Once you have clarity
On the left side, put all the on your destination points, Holly G. Green is author of More
categories listed above and repeat the process (using the Than A Minute, and the CEO
any others you come up with.  same categories) to define and Managing Director of The
On the right side, describe for your current state.  Human Factor, Inc.  She has more
each category what it will look This will identify any gaps than 20 years of executive level
like when you get to where that need to be addressed and and operations experience in
you want to go. enable you to plan appropriate FORTUNE 100, entrepreneurial,
A few short years or action steps and time and management consulting
even months ago, companies frames.  Always start with the organizations. For more
frequently looked out five and end state and then compare information, please visit her Web
even 10 years into the future.  to current reality.  When site:

Part 2: Free ‘intraprise’

Converting bureaucracies to entrepreneurial egos
In Part 1, the authors gave several examples of organizations that implement enough creative ideas
to make a surplus of fruitful opportunities for all its people. Part 2 details how other organizations
can do the same.
By Gifford and We know what monopoly corporate Information Systems
Elizabeth Pinchot and the complacency, bloat , and group for help, but they couldn’t
stagnation brings about, and yet respond in time. Then they
To liberate an economy we privatize many believe that structures discovered a small software group
inefficient government monopolies based on monopolies of power within another part of DuPont that
and open the door to competition. will outperform systems based on could build the system fast.
Cost-effective entrepreneurs offer freedom, choice, and competition. Part of DuPont’s massive fibers
levels of service and price that force Why then do most operation called IEA had learned
the old bureaucracies to become organizations act as if monopoly is how to use a new technology called
more cost effective and customer best? Often it is because they cannot case tools to write software much
focused. see any alternative to hierarchy faster. Using this new technology
This lesson applies just as
well inside corporations and It is foolish to believe structures based on monopolies
government agencies as it does in
national economies. of power will outperform systems based on freedom,
In a bureaucratic corporation, choice and competition.
if you want something
manufactured you have to go except when there is a crisis. Then IEA produced what the New York
to the manufacturing function. we see choice and internal freedom Blood Bank needed in just 90 days.
If you want it sold you must blossom. As IEA’s reputation for quick
use the designated sales force. Early in the AIDS crisis the New practical solutions using the
Bureaucratic systems are based on York Blood Bank realized they had new technology spread, other
the assumption that establishing to keep information on each pint departments inside DuPont with
monopolies of power over of blood with far greater detail and their own crises came to them for
accuracy than help. But the Fibers Department
ever before. could not go on subsidizing the
The conse- needs of other departments. To
quences of fund the rapid growth of this
a single new technology IEA needed a
mistake system for collecting revenue from
could other divisions and bringing it
easily be to the bottom line of the Fibers
death. They Department.
needed a With corporate support, IEA
computerized was soon operating in what we
tracking call the “free intraprise mode.”
system – and Corporate finance helped the
they needed it group quickly develop an effective
right away. accounting system for billing
They customers in other departments.
functions, products and services,
asked the Medical Products Their internal and external
markets, and technologies is the
Department of DuPont for help. customers had other choices for
most efficient way to promote
Medical Products went to DuPont’s getting software, so whenever IEA
innovation and change.


was selected it was because they line even if they are subsidized – as proud to be an
offered superior cost effective a profit center rather than a cost owner-director of
service. center. their own small
By 1988, IEA was generating 5) Allow many options and business-within-a-
enough revenue to employ 120 diversity in personnel, in jobs, business. By being
people. They provided cost- in innovation efforts, alliances, part of a larger
effective software development to a exchanges. network, each
number of departments and drove 6) Provide extensive training and group can make a
the rapid spread of a new and big difference.
education, and safety nets, so
useful technology throughout the As numerous
employees can develop and take
company. social institutions
risks as their organization develops.
This technology would not are losing
have spread as fast had DuPont 7) Create an internal “bank influence – some
allowed only one source of account” for every internal of our families,
information services technology enterprise. communities and
in the company. A single source 8) Streamline systems for registering churches – it may be through the
would have defended the old way internal enterprises so they have workplace that many of us pursue
they were familiar with and asked standing in the corporation.. higher human aims, and model
people with software needs to 9) Establish a system for registering some routes to a humane and
wait their turn. Many transfusion agreements and contracts between sustainable future.
patients would have died internal enterprises, so that people By applying simple principles
unnecessarily. can give their word and trust the of democratic freedoms and market
To create entrepreneurial system. disciplines to the workplaces, we
organizations we only have may all of us together be able to
10) Establish a justice system for
to recreate the freedoms and collaborate in changing the world.
adjudicating disputes between The nations most successful in
institutions of the free enterprise
internal enterprises and between approaching the future depend on
system inside the organization.
employees and enterprises. free markets, guaranteed rights,
Ten Steps to an These are the kind of structures education, and limited social
Entrepreneurial Organization necessary for a productive and supports.
ethical marketplace, just as essential Oddly enough, in business
1) Give users of internal services a to internal markets as external organizations, the most
choice of more than one internal
national markets. controversial item in this list of
Yet markets will never be democratizing principles is free
2) Give employees the security enough. Markets have a logic markets.
of something akin to ownership of their own which does not
Gifford Pinchot is co-founder, Pinchot
Oddly enough, in business organizations, which & Company, Washington State,
owe their existence to structured free markets, US; author, speaker and consultant
on innovation management. His
the most controversial item in this list of democratizing best-selling book, Intrapreneuring:
principles is free markets. Why You Don’t Have to Leave
the Corporation to Become an
rights in the internal intraprises necessarily represent either human Entrepreneur defined the ground rules
they create, as well as the larger priorities or global priorities. for an emerging field of enterprise: the
corporation. Widespread participation in courageous pursuit of new ideas in
planning and decision-making established organizations. Elizabeth
3) Demand and engender truth and
is essential, as are guarantees of Pinchot, co-founder, is an executive
honesty, marketplace feedback and
egalitarian and ethical practices. coach, consultant and author, with 30
marketplace discipline, to support
When the stakes are high years of experience coaching hundreds
widespread decision-making.
enough, and the goals worthwhile of intrapreneurs. Web site: www.
4) Give intrapreneurial teams
responsibility for their own bottom and visionary, everyone can be


WORKING Thinking strategically

Don’t exclude anyone from the process
As they face a challenging Commitment: Achieving the top members of the
economic climate, scores of Extraordinary Results Through organization, they discourage
businesses are experiencing TOTAL Alignment and strategic thinking,” says
a downturn in profits and Engagement. Mader.
a reduction in productivity. “This places a greater Leibner agrees and adds
Struggling to overcome this demand on leaders to keep that executives and managers
situation, many companies are staff stifle strategic
seeking a strategy that will focused When strategic thinking thinking by
help them to survive and even on the not actively
thrive in the months and years prospect is limited to the top being open
ahead. of a echelon, strategic to others’
brighter, yet
What better time to
thinking is stifled from feedback,
step back and consider how pushback and
cultivating strategic thinking future. below the executive ideas.
within your corporate culture Managers ceiling to the shop floor. “When
can improve overall business can do people feel
performance? And why not this by that their
be inclusive this time, engage helping their staff learn to suggestions are not being met
everyone in the process, not think strategically about with receptiveness, they will
just senior managers and the company and their own not participate in a strategic
executives? careers,” they say. discussion, even when given
“It’s very easy for people Working with Fortune the chance,” he says.
to become paralyzed by 1000 companies around the To overcome this dynamic,
fear and uncertainty these globe, Mader and Leibner they advise getting everyone
days,” say Josh Leibner and have found that encouraging in the company involved in
Gershon Mader, co-founders strategic thinking from the strategic conversations.
of Quantum Performance, top of the organization to “If you demonstrate that
Inc., and co-authors of the new the shop floor is largely a you are committed to other
book The Power of Strategic matter of executive action and people’s ideas by incorporating
intention. Here’s their take on and promoting them, you will
how executives and mangers encourage people to think
hinder or help strategic strategically,” says Mader.
thinking: One easy process the
“When executives make authors recommend is to pick
strategy development an several areas where you want
activity to create a breakthrough in
exclusive to performance and form teams.
Gather people from
varying levels and
departments, creating a blue
team and red team for each
desired area of breakthrough.
Then have a friendly
competition for ideas on how
to achieve the desired leap
forward. “To encourage
maximum strategic thinking,

tell the groups that you are put in charge of a particular Don’t:
looking for ‘out-of-the-box, situation, department or n Make strategic
yet plausible’ ways to take organization. “Ask your staff development an exclusive
the organization to the next what they would start, stop or club limited to the higher-
level,” say Mader and Leibner. continue,” says Leibner. “Then ups
According to Leibner discuss the responses as a n Stifle strategic thinking
and Mader, another common group so people can learn to by not being open to and
contributor to hindered think strategically at a level or acting on others’ feedback
strategic thinking is when two above their current job.” n Try and maintain control
staffers are always asked to Just remember, warn by micromanaging
put forth their tactical ideas, Leibner and Mader, that you n Solely focus on and
but never their strategic ones. encourage tactical thinking
“Executives can Don’t just ask staffers in meetings
encourage strategic thinking
by making sure meetings
for tactical ideas.
are balanced out between Encourage them to Josh Leibner and Gershon
time dedicated to discussing think strategically Mader are founding partners
of Quantum Performance, Inc.
long-term, strategic issues
and short-term, tactical ones,” and then incorporate Over the past 20 years, they
advise Leibner and Mader. good ideas into the have worked with Fortune 500
“One of the biggest companies around the world. For
complaints we hear in
strategic plan. more information: http://tinyurl.
companies is that all the com/yadpr8x
meetings are about tactical will never get any company
items. Employees complain strategy perfect, rational or
that time is never spent right enough to work without
having conversations about having engagement and
commitment at all levels.
the bigger picture and longer-
term issues.” Encouraging your staff About the book
to participate in strategic The Power of Strategic Commitment comes
Finally, Mader and
planning and practice complete with diagnostic tools, assessment
Leibner warn that leaders
strategic thinking is key instruments and processes for crafting a bold
who micromanage create an and compelling strategic future. It empowers
environment of compliance to creating a strategy that
executives to bring together the total sum of their
where people won’t think does not just get talked, but
team’s knowledge, experience and creativity to
strategically and don’t act as walked.
move their organization to the next level.
partners. Using practical tools, proven methods and
“Micromanaging Cheat sheet of strategic
meaningful case studies from a broad range of
suffocates strategic thinking thinking dos and don’ts
global companies, Leibner and Mader teach
because it forces people to Do:
their clients how to:
interact at a tactical level n Actively ask for input from
• Gain buy-in from all levels of the company
only,” says Leibner. all departments and levels
• Create a commitment-inspiring rewards
“It requires people to n Promote and incorporate
system – without breaking the bank
protect their world, and a others’ ideas • Hire fully-engaged employees right from the
huge amount of their energy n Ask your staff what start
just goes into how to survive they would start, stop or • Include and involve everyone in owning their
and keep their boss off their continue in your position piece of the organization’s future
backs,” adds Mader. n Routinely balance out your
To counteract this, Leibner meetings by discussing For more information on the book:
and Mader suggest that both strategic and tactical
executives and managers ask issues
their staff to think about what
they would do if they were


Managing up
Steps to lead (but not damage) your boss
By Joe Takash

The rare act of transparent communication with one’s professional superior or superiors to get
Joe Takash is needs met, thoughts heard and contribute to the success of boss, team and organization requires
author of the courageous upward leadership with the intent to establish trusting partnerships and own the
newly released results.
Results Through Interns and entry-level employees, even employees at high levels, don’t apply the tips listed
Relationships: below for effectively managing upward because they’re never provided a blueprint early on in
Building Trust, their career. Practicing these diligently can expedite career opportunities and differentiate you
Performance in an economy that is in need of high-flyers more than ever.
and Profit
through People. n Choose good timing
He is a business Discover the best times in which to approach your boss by simply asking, “when are the best
consultant and times to meet with you if I have questions?” This simple inquiry can build credibility because of
keynote speaker. the awareness and consideration of the boss’ busy schedule. An added benefit is that when you
As founder meet with him or her, you’re likely to have a more focused, less distracted listener.
of Victory
Consulting, n Prepare and plan
Joe helps Practice your approach instead of just winging it so you can succinctly explain up front why
clients such you’re there and what you need. Warning: Be solution-focused! Bosses want to know what you
as American have thought of or would suggest about the inquiries you have. This is a crucial component for
Express, demonstrating leadership and initiative.
Prudential and
General Motors, n Align understanding
build morale, If your boss does not state his or her expectations or ask about yours, don’t waste energy
results and griping to others about it. Instead, rise above the boss to be clear about what they need from you.
profits through Requesting the primary duties you should be focusing on or discovering the qualities that make
relationships. up the ideal professional in your position not only impresses the boss, but provides you with a
A syndicated roadmap for success.
columnist, Joe
has also been n Follow-up/follow-through
interviewed in One of the biggest barriers for positive change is lack of accountability. In managing upward,
Entrepreneur, you can hold yourself and the boss accountable by agreeing on times/dates to follow-up at the
Selling Power, conclusion of each meeting or communication exchange. Your boss may think, “These behaviors
Crain’s New York would be great in a client services or sales position” which may be a promotion you earn twice
and MSNBC. as fast as you may have.
com. For more of
information call n Own your results
888.918.3999. A young lady named Karen once approached me after a keynote presentation I delivered to
her company. With a pleasant, apprehensive smile, she said: “Joe, I really believe I’m equipped to
be our marketing manager. I have experience, passion and knowledge, but I don’t know what to
say to my boss. I was wondering if you have advice.”
I said, “Karen, I have for you a magic formula and it can be described with one word: ASK!”
I politely explained to her that the biggest success stopper is that cynical voice within each of us.
Owning your results doesn’t mean you won’t experience fear as you navigate your career; it’s the
commitment to courageously ask for what you want and be prepared to state why and how all
will benefit.


Reader review
Unmanaging knowledge by Charles Ehin
By Christine Prefontaine

“Unmanaging Knowledge,” an article by Charles Ehin in the May edition of

Smart People Magazine, has a few nuggets I found helpful. He’s describing
characteristics of an open organization. I don’t believe in open all the time. I
actually get along quite well with rules and structure. They’re important. (Well,
as long as they’re smart and don’t get in my way. Then it’s time to ignore them or
put up a fight.)
Knowledge workers are an investment rather than an expense. They not
only desire considerable personal autonomy but also the responsibility and
accountability for running at least some part of an organization. They need to be
treated as partners or associates and not as typical Industrial Age employees.
I have often felt this. It’s part of why I work freelance. Ehin goes on:
“… the more people are given a voice and implicit control in managing a
venture, the more the informal networks (present in every entity) will begin to
function more in the open and start making appropriate connections with other
emergent groups.”
Ehin talks about the importance of tacit knowledge – how it’s difficult to access, share
and transfer to others without extensive personal contact and trust. How it’s based on habits
and culture that we do not recognize in ourselves. And, most interestingly, how it emerges
serendipitously as individuals or small groups confront new or unanticipated situations.
“People must first be surrounded by a supportive environment,” he writes. This is what I’ve
been thinking too. This is why building connections and community within the organization
matters so much. Why getting internal communications right matters so much. Ehin’s
“organizational sweet spot” represents “the area where the formal and informal systems of an
organization have reached “a meeting of the minds” over the fundamental goals, policies and
processes of an organization. What can be managed or adjusted is the organizational context or
ecology that surrounds the sweet spot.”
Makes me think of the New Institutional Economics. Incentives matter. Institutions matter.
Especially the informal ones. Systems, culture, the framework in which we operate.
He goes on to outline two categories of organizational ecologies. I’m paraphrasing here:
n Controlled-Access System – Access to the resources of a group and its activities are
controlled by one or a few select individuals. All other members of the organization must first
get approval from these executives before any of the assets can be used. Compliance instead of
commitment is prized.
n Shared-Access System – The resources of a group and its activities are dealt with by
all members of an organization. All organizational members have considerable autonomy in
decision-making and in resource allocations. Expert power instead of position power dominates.
Emphasis is placed on situational leadership, open book management, and self-organization in
solving problems or pursuing opportunities (read: “open organization”).
This example really hit home:
“I would like to download a free Web resource which will help me perform my job better, but the
IT Department will not allow me to do that.”
Oh boy. That is me. I did it anyway. Sorry about that IT dudes ;).

From Facilitating Change blog – Christine Prefontaine


KM Six Pack #6
THE K FACTOR Networks: Power of sharing, learning, discovering together
This is the sixth and final column in a series of six articles introducing newly engaged
employees and managers to the basics of knowledge-based enterprise.
By Jerry Ash difference between interest task groups, such as project
groups and CoPs, however, is teams wanting to extend
In the early 1960s, a U.S. that CoPs are not just social. and enhance relationships
senator was making a Communities of practice and lessons learned. In other
surprise tour of the Kennedy are about practice – work cases, the company may
Space Center in Florida. He practices. sponsor the formation of a
encountered a uniformed They are the places where CoP and recruit the right
cleaning woman and asked, collaboration and generation people to get it started. But in
“What is your job, Miss?” of ideas, new knowledge all cases, effective CoPs are
“I’m part of the team that’s and innovation can improve grassroots networks of people
going to send a man to the the reach of people and the engaged in work.
moon,” she replied. effectiveness of the company. Human networks
A sense of being an They are open spaces are presented as the final
important part of the greater outside the organizational installment of this series
good of the company and a chart where specialists because networks are where
culture of conversation are converge or mix with people the five standards of KM
bedrocks of a knowledge- in other disciplines – not practice merge – purpose,
based organization. Everyone workgroups with short term technology, company, people
has a part to play and tasks to accomplish, but and networks.
everyone is a key player. The natural networks with the The missions of CoPs are
Community of Practice (CoP) long term ability to think to improve competitiveness,
has become the place where creatively, unencumbered by innovation and productivity;
that happens. preconditions. provide safe and rewarding
Early architects of While CoPs are generally places for open knowledge
CoPs were concerned part of the corporate sharing; act as effective user
the knowledge-hoarding initiative, they work best groups to improve technology
culture of the industrial past when they are voluntary, as an essential KM support
would make the formation self-governed, separate from system; and work in
of knowledge-sharing the company’s organizational partnership with companies
communities difficult. structure and a natural part that enable collaboration
However, they discovered, of the way people work. and truly see its people as
like knowledge itself, natural Nevertheless, the intellectual assets, the most
social networks already company gets involved by critical of the success factors
existed. The water cooler, endorsing, connecting and for the company.
the lunchroom, after-hours sometimes funding useful
gatherings, online groups CoP activity. Existing social This concludes the basic KM
– these are a few examples of networks can be recognized tutorial. All six columns can
natural venues for knowledge as CoPs if they engage in be accessed in Smart People
sharers. knowledge sharing important magazine issues 2-7.
Companies are now to the critical success factors
recognizing the need to of the organization.
support and gain better A CoP built around
results from network potential an existing group has the
by actively proposing advantage of an established
and endorsing explicit knowledge-sharing culture.
communities of practice. The A CoP may also grow out of

Economic crunch
affecting your people?
Is doing more with less
stressing them out?
Do something for them
and the company.
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employees, suppliers, even customers.
It’s one cool tool that reaches out
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to transfer their passions for social
networking, online learning and
research from the outside-in.
Results: Less stress.
Happier, more creative
and collaborative workers.
And higher productivity
to offset the lean years.

Contact Smart People publisher, Jerry Ash
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